Ch.III - Revenge Is No Troubadour

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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#3 of Seers and Fears

Wow, nearly forgot all my intro jazz for this. So... I really didn't forget about Kirin, see? And don't worry, this isn't the last we'll see of him. Anyway. Obviously, anything with the tags attached to this thing does not need to be viewed by individuals exhibiting a level of maturity less than that commonly attributed to an 18-year-old human being living in the United States. I had always wondered when I'd start actually killing off characters in a series like this. I've always had trouble with actually killing my characters. It's a bad habit.

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For the second morning in a row, I woke up with Tatrix in my arms and his breath in my nose. It was a beautiful feeling, something I could have written whole poems about. But something unpleasant was tugging at the back of my thoughts. I tried to shove it away, and succeeded for a few moments.

He responded to my stirring and smiled into the crook of my neck, shifting so he could get his head on my chest and be ready to sit up when I did. "How long have you been awake?"

I murmured.

"Mmm, about half an hour, I think."

"I need to stop waking up with you like this, or I'll get jaded to it." I pulled myself up into a sitting position, and he did the same.

"And deprive me of half an hour of cuddling? Oh, how you mistreat me."

I grinned, but the word 'cuddling' had sent a jolt of searing loss through me.


I had ignored the fact that we were separated the night before, somehow. It wasn't just that we couldn't find a way to replicate that first time through the mirror. We couldn't even talk, couldn't even write to each other, and I don't know why. Though we looked, there was no way around it. I made huge efforts to get myself to Europe, somehow, to comb the Emerald Isle for more markings to explain the phenomenon and put some sens to it, but could never get there. Egypt and Japan had failed, as well, because the study-abroad trips hadn't fit into my schedule and then, I couldn't come up with a good reason to go for my family or anyone else. If I went on a trip, it had to be to Germany, to see Rachel. Rachel didn't have the time to go check for me, and besides, she and Teva weren't nearly as close as Siber and I were. The same went for Jason and Raiden, whose relationship I couldn't fully understand. It was just the two of us who were left in this sickeningly lonesome state.

I'll try to give you an example of how Teva and Rachel work together, one I heard from Rachel a few years ago that she hadn't talked about. While we were still in high school, trying to date one another, the two of them each had their own family problems. Teva's uncle had tried to rape her before, and Rachel's father was a raging alcoholic, a by-product of her Russian heritage. The two of them underwent psychological torture, especially because they both, as I found out, felt a need to live up to the stoicism Siber and I both put up as fronts, denying all emotional discontent save anger, and saving that only for when it was really needed.

In addition to that, the two of them hated each other. It wasn't the kind of brotherly, eternal, soulful experience Siber and I shared, nor the uneasy, awkward friendship between Raiden and Jason at the time, when we could all still remain in contact. Those two held such rage against one another that Rachel had broken a mirror before and come to school with gauze around her hand. She shot venemous glances at mere windows on ocassion and had almost ended up having fights with kids who thought she was after them. With Teva, it wasn't so bad because of the magic, but Rachel had to quick-step her way out of more than one confrontation.

One night, though, Rachel had taken too much abuse from her father. She told me she never called me because not only did she not want me to hear her crying, but we actually had a much harder time than Teva and Siber. They were fine, because their social circles intermingled somewhat in that world. She was actually lower on the chain than he, whereas Rachel had had boyfriends before, she was not at all expected to stoop down to me, and I was afraid of dating her and having it all go horribly wrong.

She ran out of her house, in some semi-rural neighborhood, and ran until she couldn't see houses at all anymore. Long, auburn hair streaming in the wind, tears in rivers down her cheeks, green eyes squinting against the painful wind, she sprinted like she never had before. Her feet were bare, and slapped concrete, asphalt, and grass with equal desperation, her toes propelling her ever onward. In my mind, as she told me with far less description than that, I could imagine her smooth face and angular chin, her high cheekbones and her modest breasts, her muscled arms and solid legs, tearing through the night while her eyes spoke death to anyone who dared ask her what was wrong.

I dreaded and dreamt of ever seeing her like that.

She found herself at three in the morning, lost and alone on a dewy knoll surrounded by a meadow, far away from civilization, or at least on a farm, and crying her eyes out onto folded knees and crossed arms. She never understood why her father drank like he did, not even when given all the reasons. It was stupid. It made him angrier, and it made him hit her mom, and her sister, and her, and when he hit her, she hit him, and when she hit him, he hit her harder, and her mom harder, and passed out on the bed and her mother would still get in that bed with him to sleep, even after she had wept and kept her children awake, and then the next day, not a word was spoken of it and the family acted as though they were normal. He said he wanted a son, when she was born. She was the hell as much of a son as she could be for him, joining the swim team, drinking with her friends, wearing blue jeans and tee shirts, and yet he still didn't want her. And she had to watch him treat her sister the same way. And she had to watch their mother not react to it like she should. She screamed as quietly as she could, not wanting to draw attention.

A few moments later, she felt a presence by her side and something tickling her foot. She opened her eyes, and saw a fur-covered paw, gray and vaguely feline in the human shape, planted next to hers. Looking over, she saw Teva with her chin rested on her crossed arms, looking out into the starry night. Teva shifted her gaze over to the human for just a moment, and their eyes met. It was the only eye contact they made that night. Rachel turned her head back to her arms, and Teva hers to the horizon, and Rachel sobbed quietly for a while more.

Eventually, Teva raised her head and put her hand down by the other girl's side. Rachel hesitated for a while, but eventually put her own next to it, and Teva covered hers, and Rachel's tears stopped. Some time later, once she was sure she had control of her voice, Rachel asked, "What, you didn't just magic it all away?"

Teva answered quietly, her legs stretched out by now and leaning back as she watched dawn light the sky to a morning gray. "It would have been cruel."

"I know you have problems like I do. I was you, you know."

"I know."

"But you obviously don't react like this."

"When I cry myself to sleep, I don't get broken glass stuck in my foot."

Rachel looked down and finally felt the wound a shard of glass had wrought in her toe. It was bleeding, and she hadn't noticed she was holding her toes up in a reflex while she cried, so the starlight could hit it. She picked it out and threw it on the grass. "I don't suppose you know what'll happen to either one of us when... you know, whatever this is, stops working."

"There's a link I have to close. You might remember feeling things like that, from my world. So nothing weird."

"Oh, yeah." They were silent for some time as dawn began to actually break. "I'm sorry you came all the way out here, and didn't get to sleep tonight."

"Things happen."

"Shit happens," Rachel corrected bitterly.

"All the fucking time," Teva confirmed with a bleak smile. She got up and stretched, her tail flicking behind her and her claws out.

Rachel eyed them. "God, I wish I still had those."

"If we ever get the chance to actually beat the living shit out of each other, I'll let you use a knife." She walked away without looking back and snapped out of existence, closing the link.

Slowly, Rachel recovered and began walking. Teva had left a thin string of swiftly fading light to guide her safely back, but it got shorter, rather than diminishing in luminescence. That bitch, Rachel thought, smiling grimly as she went running back home.

So they were not exactly distraught over not being able to see each other again, although Rachel had let me know more than once that they never had actually had it out with one another. I didn't know the reason for their animosity in the first place, and when I once asked Siber, he was as bewildered as I. I'd share an experience I learned that Raiden and Jason had, but I think you can fill in the rest if I just give you the first few words.

"So I hear you're a faggot." From Jason.

"Your face is a faggot." From Raiden.

"Your mom's a faggot."

"You're a faggot."

"So..." *awkward pause* "Wanna go play Halo?"

And that about sums it up. The relationship progressed, mainly as a rivalry because most of their games were won by a point or two, regardless of the video game at hand. So for them, it was unfortunate not to be at war again, but neither was it exactly murderous to their respective psyches. I, on the other hand...

" something wrong?" Tatrix asked, concerned.

I sighed wistufully. "Nope." Taking him off my lap, I got up, blinking and adjusting to the new weight swinging from my nether regions, and went to get breakfast and clothes.

Work was fun for me that day, despite my morning mopery. I managed to indicate to Shira that she needed to flatten herself out so she wasn't bulging out of my jeans, and after a moment of coaxing, an electric chill washed through my loins and my balls shrank to their normal size while Shira vacated them. I shuddered in pleasure for a bit while she took it upon herself to give me a soothing internal massage that made my hair stand on end.

The entire day, I could feel her, and it was making me incredibly horny every time I thought about her, to the point that the inside of my briefs felt sticky from pre by the time I got to lunch. Somehow, no one noticed my distraction, passing it off as normal daydreaminess, which they had learned to live with, given my skill when I wasn't "off in la-la land." I knew that she was enjoying it, taking the seed that normally would have given me blue balls for her nourishment. It felt so good, to feel her inside me.

When I got home, Tatrix leaped on me from the top of the stairs. "Glen!" he squealed, and I cuddled with him and tickled him mercilessly while he giggled like a little kid. Sibra rolled his eyes and wandered off. Surprisingly, he had taken a liking to piano, and was trying to teach himself. He wouldn't accept a word of help from me.

Some time later, I was alone in my room. The other two were downstairs playing video games, and I was updating my lab notebook, something done far too infrequently, despite the fact that it was illegal to take it out of the laboratory. I thought about Sheera and immediately remembered I hadn't put her back where she belonged. I tapped at my chest to wake her up, and she swarmed down into my balls, stuffing my pants and making me wince a bit at the suddenness of it. I took off my belt and unzipped my fly, able to breathe easier.

Despite the fact that my troubadours' job was to get me off whenever I wanted it, I decided I'd rather do it myself, this time. After being horny and craving release all day, I was surprised I had put it off this long. Slowly, stealthily, I walked to the door and closed and locked it, making not a sound, then took the rest of my clothes off, closing my eyes and swirling my body around like I was stirring it in a cup. I had always enjoyed the act of being sexy. I was not a strong person, but I had learned muscle control and had a slim, sinewy body, able to bend like a willow in a breeze. It was fun to slide my shirt off, slowly exposing my pale belly to a mirror I had. I watched the growing bulge in the underwear I had on under my unzipped pants, and that made it grow all the faster.

Sensation coursed through me as I slid my pants down a few inches and used the action of my swaying hips to get them down, bit by bit, every movement exposing more of the massive sillhouette of my balls, barely covered by the hot cotton over them. I gasped happily as I thrust my hips forward in my silken dance and the pants fell the rest of the way off. I grasped my groin with a moan, pressing hard against the weight there and humping tenderly against my hand a few times, flexing the muscles in my crotch while my member strained for the proper friction and I grinned, teasing myself.

I pushed my hands down the sides of my waist so that as the elastic band started coming down, it made my rock-hard length poke against the straining fabric and point straight out, until it escaped its confines and smacked against my chest. In one smooth motion, I bent down and had the underpants off, and was standing there nude in front of the mirror, looking at the purple head of my cock. Smiling devilishly, I wrapped Siber's form slowly around me, and the coloring of my hard-on began to change. I stroked light as a feather along the tip and then, as my sheath formed, I slid my hand down and squeezed at the base, remembering from my experience in Siber's world what it had been like to have a knot there, the hard, sensitive mound pulsing with my heartbeat...

I finally enveloped the whole width in my hand and started stroking and changing my body back and forth as I did, dry skin or fur on dry skin like silk, and the sound of my uncontrolled breathing flooded the small room as quietly, I jacked harder and faster, my body a whirlwind of blue fur and tan skin as I did. I let the pleasure engulf me, shuddering and panting with the excitement. The rodent squirming around in my balls was nothing to be ignored; her gleeful movements made the hair on the back of my neck stand with electric pleasure as I felt my climax approaching.

In a few moments, it was there, and I lowered eyes that had been leering in wonder as my body changed and tensed and writhed to watch as I shot my load at the surface of the mirror. It exploded out of me, plastering the lower half of the glass with white. Gasp after gasp, pulse after pulse, I continued to cum, much longer than I ever had without this new toy. When it was finally done, I sank to my knees in wonder, looking at the sheer volume I had produced. It was unreal.

And then I realized - though I had changed back to my human form, the figure in the mirror was still a wolf. He noticed it the same time I did. "Siber? Siber! Can you hear me?" I said, desperate. His mouth was moving, too, though, and I could hear nothing.

I heard a short, frantic knock at my door and refused to turn, but it didn't matter. The image, as it had for the past decade, just rippled and faded back to my picture. Sighing dejectedly, I was glad I had decided not to climax all over myself. Although I would have to try that later...

"Glen?" It was Tatrix's voice. He sounded worried.

"Just a second." I didn't know why I wanted to be decent in his presence, but I put my clothes on all the same. I didn't take the time to clean off the mirror before opening the door and looking down. "What's up?"

"Sibra's... oh." His eyes had caught the rather conspicuous mess. "Sorry, I didn't..."

"No, it's fine. What's wrong with Sibra?"

Tatrix fidgeted, and it was an odd fidget. Like he didn't really want to tell me. They must have had an argument. "He's gone. I tried to make him stay, but he wouldn't have it."

I narrowed my eyes. "Did you see which way?"

He shook his head, but said, "No, but I put a tracer on him."

I looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"A tracer. You know, a magical tag." He met my stare. "I thought you would know. You seem to know the Anthro world pretty well - can't you do magic?"

"No, I... troubadours can do magic?"

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely, his eyes calm, as they always were. "Here, though; this will help you find him."

"You should come with me," I said as he climbed up my leg and put his fingers on my eyelids. I suddenly could feel the direction Sibra had gone. "You know how much he hates me."

"He hates me more. I won't come; it will make things weird."

He was still sitting on my shoulder. I squoze him quickly in a hug and set him down. "Thanks. I'll hopefully be back soon."

With that, I ran out the door, not needing light in the darkness to find my way. I knew I was faster than he, but if realized I was chasing him, he'd start using his smaller stature to evade me. His path led me far out of the residential area. He was clearly seeking nature and open spaces. It made sense.

He ran for almost half an hour before he thought he had lost me, and he was sprinting the whole way. He hadn't crossed a single road, I didn't think, sticking instead to backyards and wooded areas as he went. When I finally found him, he was kneeling on a grassy knoll, panting and casting furtive glances around to see if he had been followed.

When he saw me, he jerked at first in the opposite direction, getting me to put on an extra burst of speed. "You cost me too much to get away that easily!" I whispered fiercely at him.

His eyes widened as I came closer, but to my surprise, he didn't run. "You left Tatrix alone?" he asked, bewildered.

I stopped, perplexed again. "Yeah, he said he had put a magic tracer on you." I pointed at my head. "That's how I found you."

"Christ..." he moaned, sitting down.

"What?" I asked, worried by this point.

"Someone came in while you were in your room. Something evil, called himself Thanati." My heart seemed to stop for a moment. "I hit him with everything I had and ran like hell. I think I stunned him. I thought Tatrix would be able to get out on his own, but... I guess Thanati got to him. I figured I'd retreat until he had left and come back and warn you then."

"Why would he have sent me away, though?" My heart had started beating again and was racing as my eyes widened and sweat broke out on my skin. How was Thanati back? It was impossible. We had killed him. Castrated, dismembered, and killed him.

"He was probably afraid Tatrix would break out of the spell before he could suck him dry and warn you. It's a fellow magical creature; it's not after you."

"Yeah it is, though. Thanati tried to kill me while I was in the Anthro world. That explains why I could see Siber in the mirror just now... the magical disruption would have allowed it. Damn it, I thought that guy was dead!"

Sibra just looked at me, cool but incredulous. "You thought you had killed a kitsune?"

"I was practically in love with a kitsune at the time. Thanati killed him," I whispered, not meeting his eyes.

Sibra smirked and mimicked my voice. "'Prejudice and stereotyping, and you can't prove a thing, mehmehmeh.'"

"You shut up," I said, a dangerous tone that rarely enetered my voice making itself known. "You never knew Kirin. He was brilliant. He sacrificed himself to save Teva and me, and we thought that after he had, we had taken care of Thanati, but... I guess he just went into remission."

"Well, if a kitsune wants you dead... I'll help you out." We were sitting side by side, but we couldn't meet gazes, it seemed. He was looking away when I turned my eyes to him in wonder. He kept talking. "You're too much of me to allow you to die. It's like you're an evolved form of what I am, psychologically. I see what you do, and I need to understand it."

I swapped my mindset out for another, my voice suddenly calm and dark, my eyelids half closed. "Interesting." We sat there for a few seconds. "We have to go get Tatrix."

"Wait for it," he said suddenly as I started to get up. "We can't save him from whatever Thanati wanted to do, which was probably to eat him. For a kitsune, he was pretty weak. Which means he could wipe out an office building, but it would take everything he had."

I nodded with knowledge that came from experience. The kitsune are a fearsome race. "It will have taken energy to consume Tatrix, but by now he has that energy for himself. He has a tracer on both of us now, I'm certain." Tatrix had been just as tender as usual when he applied the magic. It was so strange to know he had been under someone else's control. "How do you know about all of this?" I was talking as a reflex. I had no idea what to do. We should have been running.

"It's innate knowledge. I'm sure you've heard the stories of troubadours randomly disappearing. They all get called runaways, but that's not true. They've been eaten by the more powerful creatures created from the Cross-Over Act, and those ones are usually not interested in humans."

"Kitsune have been around longer than that. Kirin was two hundred years old when I met him."

"Really?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "That's surprising. I guess it explains why that one wants you dead, though." He continued staring into the empty space before us. I wondered if this was the same place Teva and Rachel had first met in person.

"I have no magic, and yours would be tremendously insufficient. He's tracking us as we sit here," I had concluded, but I just hadn't been able to come up with an escape plan or a way to get Tatrix back. Thanati had had a thing for cock vore, so it was unfortunately possible that Tatrix was no longer salvageable. But he had also enjoyed psychological torment and never really known how I reacted to it very well. So he would probably want to show me Tatrix's dead body, or some such, so at least the troubadour would be intact.

"Glen, you're too smart," came a deadly voice from behind us. Like a cheesegrater on rusted steel. I didn't even turn my head, leaping up from where I was and sprinting like mad. That was my plan, at least. Instead, my head was wrenched around by magic that felt like oil on my skin, and I turned to see, shimmering faintly in the light of the starts, Thanati. I wanted to vomit. On him.

He was nine feet tall, enjoying using his magic to intimidate. He was wearing no clothes at all, instead letting his flaccid, impossibly thick sheath show proudly in the night. With a muffled yelp, Sibra threw what magic power he had at the creature, who flinched, but let nothing go. Instead, something like a tentacle whipped out from where his tail should have been and snatched the troubadour, hoisting him high above the ground next to Tatrix's still form. It was then that I realized the odd thing about the tentacles. There were seven, and while one pumped mercilessly into Tatrix's ass, a second was choking him, a third now penetrated Sibra, and a fourth shoved itself down his throat. Though I didn't see at first, Tatrix was practically soaked in black semen where the tentacles held him.

He was raping my troubadours.

I didn't say a word except to grunt, not even when the remaining three stretched their way to my paralyzed body, stripped my clothes off, and one rammed its way up my ass, thick, hard, and pulsating. They drew me to him, putting my face at that tremendous sheath. His hand came down hard and slammed my head against it, rubbing my face against his greasy fur. "Fuck you, Thanati," I growled.

"Not happening today, Glen. Looks like you've surrounded yourself with reminders, you sad little man." He swung Tatrix down by me. The fox opened an eye, and I caught my breath in my throat. He was so fatigued, but his eyes spoke volumes of apology. He knew what he had done. "We may as well just call him Kirin. And you brought Siber with you and oh!" I screamed as one of his tentacles jammed itself into my flaccid penis, somehow, and sucked up Sheera before she could scramble away. Though I felt her form move up in a bulge from my balls and to wherever the cocks led, he left it in there, beginning to thrust with it. It seared my insides, nothing like when Sheera had entered, but painful as he pulled it out to slam it against my balls, over and over as I moaned. "Is that Niche? Oh, this feels good. I think I'll just do this for a while. But wait." I was watching the muscles in his sweating thighs and abs thicken slowly as he sucked energy from my troubadours. They pulsed with his heart, bulging thicker, thicker... He suddenly had the sheath in my mouth, and even though I tried to bite down, he had put up a shield already.

While one cock raped my ass, another my own member, and his sheath my mouth, I could almost watch his muscles release, and my eyes widened in horror. No, no, no, no...

All of a sudden, despite my frantic efforts to get away, he got his sheath into my throat and began filling my stomach with his urine, the hot liquid burning as it poured down a throat that tried to throw it up but couldn't, and he kept going, laughing as he did while he marked me. I struggled with everything I had. I couldn't live with that memory. No, no, no, it couldn't have happened! Never, never had I dreamed I could be shamed like this. And I couldn't even call Todd to get him; human magic had never worked. I tried, desperately. I shouted in my mind out to my Thought, to Siber, to anything and anyone, for help, but nothing came. My eyes were shut against the mortification I felt.

"Oh, Glen, you're mine now! All mine! You smell like me!" he bellowed. He sealed my stomach so I couldn't throw it back up, even though my stomach was bloated. I felt the tentacle in my ass climax, and could still hear Sibra grunting and squirming around his enemy to no avail. He was brought down, and I could see his belly poking out from the volume inside him already. Burning flashed through my loins as the other one climaxed, filling my balls near to bursting with his evil seed, most of it leaking back out and painting my groin black as he finally released my mouth. He didn't even let me spit. His musk was starting to get to me, invading my senses. I was hard.

"Where are your balls, Thanati?" I choked, as vilely as I could. "Where's your cock? You lose 'em? You lose 'em when you lost to Kirin?"

"I have never lost to Kirin!" he screamed, and slammed a hand into the side of my head. "Certainly not now. I'll get you, and I'll get your girl, and then I'll go get Siber."

"Because you're afraid of him! You know he'd kill you!"

"There's nothing wrong with tactics, Glen. You asked where my balls are? I've got two new ones right here, and lucky you gets to replace my cock. Yes, you all made sure to take out my sexual potency, indeed, because you knew how important that was, but you forgot how many places I spread my seed to. I just had to wait, and let it all cum back together." He was still thrusting into me happily, and the pain was almost becoming peripheral. It wasn't the first time I had been raped. It was just the first time I had been truly afraid for my life. It hurt, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Eventually, he sighed happily again. "Oh, you've been humiliated almost enough." I felt another rumble as he climaxed again into me, making my stomach bulge still more as I groaned. The sounds of us being violated, the squishing and moaning, the breathing and wet, sexual noises, went out into the night air, but no one heard. "Now watch as I become complete again." He lowered one of his other captives, Tatrix, to the sheath, which had begun to widen. I caught the fennec's eye. It was dark, and horrible. I didn't know Tatrix could even do that. Just before his head was shoved into the wrinkly flesh of the giant cock, it melted back to his customary, calming, liquid gaze. I watched as the sheath worked over his small, defiled body, the tentacles moving it inexorably downward as the fleshy tube stretched for him, his outline clearly defined in it. It wasn't long before his blackened, wet tail slipped with a wet shluck into the opening and his body dropped into one side of Thanati's empty sack. The kitsune groaned in ecstasy as he drew the two tentacles that had been holding Tatrix slickly out of his sheath and his muscles tightened and grew in a burst.

"Yes! Yes, Glen, you've given me the most wonderful opportunity! All three of you, and that little ferret as a bonus! She'll work well for me, I think. I might just drown Rachel in my seed, when I take her! Wouldn't that be horrible, for you to be the thing that kills her?" He moved Sibra, now unconscious, through it, the fox's belly gurgling as it was squished into the small opening and Thanati shuddered with pleasure. Damp sucking and slurping noises smacked out of the thing in front of me, and the smell was making me dizzy while I watched the outline of my other troubadour make its way down that tube. Veins in his legs and arms surged out as the muscles beneath expanded again, the solid meat rolling as he moved his hips around, trying them out, flexing as he held me there, exhibiting what he knew I hated to see.

I came suddenly despite myself, my seed flowing into and around the cock in my penis, and Thanati sighed and swallowed. "Oh, you taste wonderful! More, more of you!" Sibra dropped down, his body falling into the fetal position, and suddenly, Thanati's ballsack was full and tremendous, hanging stretched and already churning as it began digesting its meal and converting them into testicles to make real seed as opposed to the sick ichor that was poisoning the three of us.

Far from worn out, I fought angrily as he guided my head into the gaping maw of his sheath. It dripped in there with the ichor, and he used all seven of his tentacles to align me and jam my face into it. Suddenly, I switched to Siber and began buzzing my wings, praying that I could at least do something, anything to hurt him. Thanati broke them, and groaned to relish the torture.

I screamed into the sheath, the pain shooting through my body like hell's fires as the organ began rippling over me, pulling me farther with each beat of the creature's heart. I felt the hot, sticky, black seed spray me from all of his tentacle cocks. It was absurd, it was disgusting, but he had been right to choose it - I was humiliated and scarred. The warmth enveloped me in the close space, and he made it so I could breathe, but it was painful.

The wet, warm opening of his sheath dilated around my shoulders as I squirmed. I knew he was enjoying my fear, but I had to fight. I couldn't fail to fight; I had spent my life preparing to fight. In a last move, I tried the separation of soul from mind that had saved me from Kirin so long ago. It started to work, and I ripped my head out violently, my flimsy ghost of magical power battering hopelessly against his spell, but wihout magic, even perfect usage of my body couldn't save me. He just laughed and shoved me back in, groaning in hunger.

"I need you, Glen! I'm so hungry... so hungry, I want to eat, to eat and grow, GROW until nothing can stop me! I'l flood the world, Glen, and you'll be the cock that does it for me!" I couldn't see. My last-ditch effort had failed. I was going to die, and no one could save me. All I had done, all I had needed to do... nothing. Now I could only pray that when my soul was released from my body, I could somehow get it to stay on this plane. But I could feel that substance, the ointment that Kirin had told me Thanati had drunk, trapping my soul to his.

"Every part of them, Glen!" he gloated, intoxicated by his power as my waist was sucked noisily in. "I can feel the souls of thousands in me! I can feel Kirin, feeding me! Making me stronger, always stronger, until there will be nothing left, and when nothing is left here, I'll have everything! It will all be mine! You're nothing! GLEN!!" he screamed, and I felt the sick wetness of his sheath gulp down to my calves as my head was pressed against the bottom of his ballsack. His body was throbbing as his stature pumped harder, stronger, muscles sliding like marble under his skin. "YOU'RE MINE, GLEN!!" With that, he thrust forward, swallowing my feet with a single, gargantuan motion, and I felt his magics begin transforming me.

My hair fell off and dissolved. My arms began sinking into my sides, and I was flipped back right-side-up. My thighs began to melt together, and my facial features to flatten as my mouth moved to the top of my head. Nothing could be worse. Nothing at all. I only hoped he would let me die. I only hoped for that, but it wasn't coming. Instead, I felt patches of erogenous zones develop where my chest had been and the creases where my limbs had been joinging with one another fill in. My body almost started going limp, but then the hard pulses of his heartbeat began flowing through me and I felt myself harden. My head poked into the open air, making the kitsune shudder. I would have cried if I had had eyes. It was done, and I wasn't dead. I had to suffer through this.

His hand caressed me with its oily tip, and I twitched as pleasure shot through me and into him. A spasm rocked through his body as sensations he hadn't felt in ten years blasted through him. "YES!!" he bellowed. "This is it, Glen! You're mine!" I couldn't hear him, but I knew what he was saying. Again the hand came down, and I met it, beginning to drool his precum. The slickness of his hand spreading it through my body as I continued to pulse up and out from that sheath began gnawing away at what little was left of consciousness. He stroked, and stroked, fast, needing this climax, needing something real, and I started needing with him, needing release, needing to shoot his load, his massive load made from... what were their names? I was forgetting, and I knew it, and I began to stop caring as his hand stroked and sped and rubbed and pulled and tugged and he humped and thrust, and everything around me was hot and hard and heavy and moist and slick and the sounds he heard, the wet squishing as his hand sped and fed the flame of his lust.

He and I came, blowing his load, gallons, washing the grass white while he screamed in ecstasy. It gushed out of me in pulses with his heart, pumping and flooding the area. And as it did, the force of his pleasure blasted my mind away, and I was his.

Thanati lay on the ground in a pool of his own thick, white seed while his newfound cock spat out the last few drops. He licked it up, running his tongue over his face and revelling in the taste. He could feel the boy in him, attached now to his soul and feeding his strength, along with those two troubadours and the ferret, who was now working to replenish his supply of seed. He looked behind him. His tentacles were tails again, beautiful, sable tails as he rolled around, covering himself in sweet gyzym. It was delectable, and he lay on his back, feeling at the cock. It was ready again, already. Glen was a potent part of him, he knew. He was massive, too, the size of a young teenager after some of the mass had gone to hardening Thanati's gorgeous muscles. He lowered his mouth to the member, suckling at it and loving the pleasure that still coursed through his complete body. It was good, so good, to be back again, and he would go have that girl, and then go through and get Siber... it would be so wonderful.

He heard a gurgle from his balls. "Hungry... So hungry for more, so good, so good..." he moaned, and got up, not even wiping off the cum, instead licking it tenderly off his fingers. He didn't go far, though, before ravenously enveloping his cock in his lips again and sucking himself off. Revenge could wait, to feel this again. He sucked until he came again and swallowed the massive load, until his own stomach was rumbling with the bloating, but his abs just clenched down, so his chest was still as hard and perfect as any respectable kitsune's. Fatigued, but feeling revitalized, he licked the dripping seed from his lips with a contented sigh and went in search of the girl.

Siber was sitting in the movie theater with a group of friends when it happened. A shriek issued from his lips and magic flew from his body that knocked out those closest to him. The screen was shredded. Stuffing flew out of seats and was slammed against the sides of the theater. The film burst into flame. The walls vibrated visibly with the force striking them. His friends' ears started bleeding, and still he screamed. Children in the Human world woke up crying, unable to tell their mothers and fathers why. Mirrors cracked with no apparent reason. People on their deathbeds in both worlds felt their final release. Nothing could ever or would ever compare to the sound and anguish set loose with that scream.

When he finished, he had converted the energy to healing and removed the patrons, but he left the theater burning behind him when he walked out of it the final time. The flames didn't touch his fur. Seared, cracked blood ringed his eyes, traced waterfalls from his ears, and drew lines from the corners of his mouth from where even his own body could not withstand the force of his cry. Legend now has it that one of the invasions from Russia to Georgia was started because of that scream.

A police officer approached him, putting a hand on his shoulder heavily to make him turn around. "Son, what happened to you? Are you okay? Is anyone still in that building?" He fixed the man with a stare that chilled the man to the core of his being.

"My brother is dead," he grated, his voice just barely audible.

The officer didn't know how to respond. "Wh- wh- what happened? We might be able to get him. You're probably in shock, son, you should sit down."

"He is not the brother you think he is." He turned his gaze away and started walking back to his dorm, to his mirror. "My brother is dead, and I'm going to get him back, and woe to any mother-fucker who gets in my way."