Mind Fuck

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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Just a short history for this piece. A meme was going around about arts and I wanted in. But since yours truly doesn't really know how to draw much more than stick figure I thought, hey lets flex that unused muscle. That didn't go down well so I decided to write a one page short story. There are three slots available! *cough www.livejournal.com/drackir cough* So if you liked this feel free to request something. The usual disclaimers apply. If you are underage, scram. If you find the idea of hot lion on wolf, or wolf on lion action doesn't appeal see a psychologist. And this story does contain ILLEGAL DRUG use so if it offends, fap elsewhere. With all that clear, enjoy the show. * * * "Man" they lion said, his words becoming stretched out and long like a slinky. "Maaaaaaaaaan. You gotta try this shit". The lion's body was stretched out, naked, on the bed. A grin so wide it could easily swallow a fist. Dark fur clashed with his light sandy fur on his elbows, above his sheath, across his chest and of course his mane. He moaned and pushes himself up off the bed, sheath bulging slightly as he collapsed back down, a paw stroking over his chest slowly. "You know I don't do that shit. Fucks you over. I won't even go down on you when you're tripping" replied the wolf, topless but still wearing dark coloured jeans. His dark fur blended against them so unless you were looking you couldn't tell where jeans ended and a slightly bulging stomach began. "It's just pot man, you've done pot before." The lion grinned and was suddenly sitting up, a paw resting on the wolfs belly, sliding down and gripping his crotch firmly "Take a hit and I'll let you do anything you want to me. I'll let you fuck me. You've been jonesing to do that for months now..." The wolf gasped softly as he felt the lions hard grip, hesitating and then pushing back into it with a growl. He continues the push, pressing the lion back onto the bed and then straightened up, kneeling between the lions legs. "Mmmm.. you know how to drive a hard bargain. Pass me that shit" "Your not going to be sorry dude" The lion said as he passed over the joint. The wolf looked at it, knowing better than to sniff it and then bought it to his muzzle and inhaled deeply. "Just hold it there sexy, listen to me count you down... 5" The wolf head the intoxicating smoke in his lungs, fighting every urge not to cough as the lion counted down. "4" He didn't felt different a all, should he? Maybe it wasn't working "3" He moaned and blushed as he felt his sheath starting to bulge in his tight pants, well that's was antural right, a sexy lion to fuck in just "2". Mmmm two lions that'd be even better, being mounted and mounting hey wait, he never took it up the tail he was always the "1" Gods he was horny, and so was the lion. Damn the lion was hard, dripping, thick... but he didn't "Ok, breath out now sexy." The wolf breathed out and looked around. The smoke moved so slowly through the air like... like... smoke.. in the air? He didn't know, but it looked good, pretty. His paws moved through it, drawing patterns until it slowly dissipated into nothing but dry electric sparks in the air. "No more pretty patterns" He meant to think but instead said, and he saw his words, dancing along the lions belly, around the throbbing cock which the lion was stroking. He needed it, wanted it. He took it. The lion cried out in surprise as the wolfs muzzle wrapped around his member, the virgin muzzle proving more than apt as his thick tongue lapped along the underside of his member, the muzzle suckling hard. "Fuck dude, don't suck it off, it'll be there all daaaaaaaaa" The lion cried out as the wolf growled and pushed himself deeper, teeth biting down on the base slightly as a wet nose ground into his dark pubic fur. "So tasty" he thought/said again, his words being disrupted by the lion cock in his muzzle and the letters scattered everywhere. He could feel the tip so deep inside him, nudging his brain. He needed more and more as he felt the lions moans ripple over him like a wave in a pool. He growled hungrily and starts bobbing up and down. Each time the cock hit a different part of his mind, now he knew french, now he knew what is was like to cum for hours without remorse, now he knew why blue. YES! HE KNEW WHY BLUE! The lion threw back his head and thrust up his hips as he couldn't hold back from the furious oral assault the wolf's muzzle was doing on his cock. He tried to blurt out a warning but instead just roared as he shot thick wads of cum into the muzzle. The wolf grunted as the spooge filled his brain. He knew everything about the lion, where he was born, who he first boned, the very first guy he let between his legs and why he wouldn't let anyone else mount him. "no no no" he murmured as he felt the spooge leave his ears all over the bed. He let the spent cock fall from his muzzle as he looked up at the panting lion. "You just fucked my mind" * * *

All character and ideas belong to Drackir Wolfycoon. Written for NCODB. All situations and characters depicted are fictional. Any resembelence to events or people is just crazy. Also, yes pot doesn't work that way but pffft, it's fiction.

A late Night Dinner

Before we begin, this is my first work of fiction that i've finished in a long time, so it's mainly me brushing up my skills after not writting since university (Nothing kills your drive for creative writting like being told you have to write). So...

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