My Land and My Lover...

Story by RoxyWabbit on SoFurry

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#3 of Sophe

Waking in the tall grass by the lake, Glenn groaned and opened his eyes slowly. The newness of his changed form made every stretch and turn in the cool dewy grass feel as if it lasted forever. Each single blade of grass tickled, tantalized and teased every fiber of his being. He felt everything around him as if he had woken up in this new, beautiful world for the first time.

Smiling, he sat up, running his strong hands over his scaled tail. He reveled in each tiny flaky piece of his new trunk like appendage. The satin like feel of it against his well used hands sent a wave of pleasure through him and he felt his sheathed manhood quiver in reaction.

His eyes scanned the pattern of his new coloration. His well muscled body tapered seamlessly into a random, but beautifully symmetrical, tapestry of warm earthen colors - sandy taupe, deep earthy browns, warm golds and pale yellows. With every minuscule movement of his tail his scales glimmered and shimmered and seemed to change color in the early morning sun.

He pressed his tail into the soft grass and harder down into the soil. As he burrowed his way down into the fragile earth, he felt a shudder of pure elation run from the tip of his tail to the top of his head. Rolling in the cool earth, Glenn truly listened to the earth for the first time. The land he had so cultivated, cared for, nurtured and loved was singing to him. The land was loving him back.

With his tail deep in the soil, he felt as connected to the earth as he felt the connected to his lovers when he was deep inside of them. Groaning with intense pleasure, his body shuddering with desire, he removed his tail from the earth with a contented sigh.

He slithered around his domain, his eyes drinking in the sights and sounds from his new vantage point. The flowers seemed to bow as he passed, showing reverence to their loving master. He smiled peacefully, drinking in the solemnity of the quiet day.

A slight rustle behind his head caused him to pause. He breathed in deeply, his forked tongue tasting the air as he stood statue still.

"Are you following me, Sophe?"

She chuckled and sauntered into his field of vision. "No, love. I was just out for a stroll." She paused and glanced at him adoringly. "You know me, never in one place for very long."

He nodded and glanced at her lovingly. With a smile and a wink, he slid over to a clearing beneath a towering oak tree and wrapped his tail around the solid trunk, sliding his way up towards the heavens. Effortlessly, he swung from branch to branch reaching the top of the tree. Lifting his strong, muscular chest towards the sky he inhaled the sweet, exotic scent of the loving land beneath him.

As he surveyed the landscape, he could hear his love approaching him. Her slinky form dancing through the leaves below him easily and gently. Mostly he could smell her as she neared, her soft enticing scent filled his head with lust.

As Sophe pressed herself up against Glenn's body, their tails wrapped tightly together. As their bodies intertwined, Sophe held herself against Glenn's back and rested her head lightly on his shoulder. Glenn smiled and moaned gently as he felt her pert nipples pressing tight against him and her warm breath brush against his ear.

"It's your land, love." Sophe whispered into his ear, her arms encasing his broad chest, stroking his tanned flesh gently before resting on his tight abdomen.

Glenn ran his fingers over her pale flesh mindlessly as he gazed out over the sprawling landscape. A calm came over him as he drank in the beauty of the land, his land.

His eyes lowered and he focused on his love, on the tiny freckles that dotted her arms. He followed a trail of the almost unnoticeable dots up to her shoulder, chest and her angelic face. He gazed in wonder at her cute button nose and wondered how he'd never noticed the tiny freckles on it. He followed the trail of tiny pale dots as they disappeared between her mountainous breasts like a rarely traveled path to heaven. The freckles spread out over her fleshy middle and blended easily and naturally into her speckled tail.

With her pale, salmon colored tail wrapped around his the contrast between them was striking. Her coloring, light and airy, seemed just perfect to him. She reminded him of a wood nymph the way she always seemed to float over of the air. He had always felt more connected to the earth and his coloring reflected that. His scales reflected the color of autumn leaves as they float to the ground. They were a perfect pair, she of the air and he of the earth.

Turning to face his lover he smirked. "Yes, it is my land. And you, you are my love."

He stroked her face tenderly and leaned in, licking his lips with his newly forked tongue, and pressed them tightly against hers. He twisted his body and began to slowly work his nimble tongue down her neck to her softly freckled shoulders, lightly hissing deep within his throat. Sophe closed her eyes and hissed in response, a deep guttural groan of carnal passion, at the attentions of her new lover.

The tree below them swayed in the gentle breeze as Glenn scooped Sophe into his arms and ducked down into the cover of the leaves. Swinging down the branches, holding his Queen in his arms, Glenn felt a stirring in his loins, in his heart. The thumping in his chest made his head swim with wanting. He could taste his lover's sweet skin on his elongated tongue as they soared through the air.

As they reach the ground Glenn pressed his lover to the ground, holding her back against the cool grass as he kissed her passionately. Their long, slender tongues danced together gracefully as their tails wrapped together. Glenn's arousal was no longer contained and his throbbing forked penis throbbed against her entrance and, as he pulled away from the kiss, he slid into her, their bodies becoming fully intertwined and interlocked.

Rolling around in the bright midday sun, the sweat glistening off their torsos caused the soil beneath them to become moist and muddy and coated their long slender forms. As Glenn began slowly thrusting within his lover, he twisted her around, pressing her breasts into the dirt and pressing down tight against her.

She was his and he wanted her to fel his power, his strength, as they made love for the first time. He had never felt such intense pleasure, such intense elation, as the heat between their bodies grew. The duality of his sex doubled the sensations and Glenn's body shook as he held his lover close to the ground.

He wrapped his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck and turned Sophe's head to that he could look deep into her eyes. The passion in her eyes made her scarlet eyes appear as if they were on fire, burning with complete passion and wanting.

"My love... my lover..." Glenn panted as he pressed Sophe's chest deeper into the moist soil as he thrust within her. "You are mine... forever."

Sophe screamed, thrashing against Glenn's power and passion. "I was yours from the first time I laid eyes on you."

He growled and dragged his nails down the pale skin of her back and marveled at how she managed to stay so pale with her body exposed to the sun. He leaned down and began lightly kissing the red welts left by his manly hands. Her words shook him deep within and, as he kissed tenderly at the base of her back, he exploded deep within her.

Their bodies lay wrapped together, resting in the glow of the setting sun. Holding his lover close, on the soft grasses of their land, Glenn smiled happily. Sophe turned to look at him, her body streaked with mud and grass and sweat, and Glenn laughed quietly.

"My lover, covered in marks of my love and my land, you couldn't be more beautiful if you tried." He pulled her close and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep: warm, loved, and at peace.

Finally Free

The quiet farm boy rested his head in the cool grass of the clearing where he last saw Sophe, his earthen Goddess. He had dreamt of her nightly, her silken skin, her soft scales, her musical voice and rhythmic movements as she wrapped herself around...

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A Forest Tryst

A Forest Tryst Slithering through her forested domain she saw him, his long blond hair sticking to his sweaty brow as he worked. Chopping away at a fallen tree, he was utterly unaware of her scarlet eyes devouring his tanned physique from afar....

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