TTA: Chapter 2

Story by Felinix on SoFurry

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#2 of The Truest Affection

The night drifted by mercilessly quickly. It was morning in only a few hours and the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon, piercing the thin silk curtains that hung in Shantee's bedroom. The pink, almost fluorescent silk drapery glided into the room with the fleeting wind then died down to quiescence, the fabric caught the sand carried by the air and brought it down as dust to the balcony.

Shantee awoke slowly, still feeling the warmth within her burn with the though still dangling strongly on her mind. Last night. It was magical, something she would treasure always, and now, she hoped, he would stay with her forever. She had fallen asleep beside his naked form last night on the sand... wait... she thought, this is not the oasis!

She sprung to attention in her bed, finely made down to the corners of the bed where the silk sheets were tucked firmly under the thick mattress.

'Where is Zinc?' she asked herself aloud, looking around almost frantically.

She jumped out of bed, her body now clothed in her finest nightgown, a long draping of thin cloth. Not silk, but a fabric made from the skin of a desert plant, she knew not which one. She poured herself to the balcony, staring over the railing with a huff as she pressed against it to lean over. There was still the evidence of them sleeping their, or rather... acquainting themselves, but there was also footprints leading to them, and around the imprint their bodies had left on the sand, as well as a number of prints that looked as if they carried something heavy. But no sign of Zinc.

Where was he? She quickly put on her clothes, a new dress, this one white, and quickly ran through the door to the hallway. She searched up and down, finding neither hide nor hair of her lover, her heart's yearning.

She came to the large dining room, places set for many people. It was likely her father was setting up another meeting with his patrons to discuss new politics, which she stayed clear of, not only for safety, but for her own lack of understanding of the concepts. A light coloured fox sat at the end of the table, the farthest seat in the room from where she had entered. Her father sat alone, always dining by himself, loving the silence. If no one else knew, he would.

She walked slowly and calmly towards his demanding figure, almost silhouetted by the white marble walls in his background. Though he was male, and nearly thrice her age, the family resemblance was uncanny. She had perfected the nonchalant walk and poise, and was now using it in its perfection as if to give the air of her innocence in any mishaps within the house.

'Good morning Papa,' she greeted, giving a slight bow for significance.

He said nothing, and stared at his plate unresponsive to her greeting.

'May I ask you something Papa?' she asked.

He grunted, his common response to a question. It usually meant no, but she asked anyway.

'Have you seen a boy in this house? A feline? He dressed in brown leath...' but she was cut off.

'Aye,' he responded harshly, in his deafening and booming masculine voice, 'He is no longer any business of yours. Not after last night.'

She gasped in audibly, sucking the air around her mouth in through a tightening hole in her lips as if in surprise and horror.

'What do you mean Papa? It is all of my business...' she didn't want to overplay her calm masking, but she felt she had no choice unless wishing to give in here and now.

'He will not be spared. Neither you, nor anyone else may go near him, ever. It is final. He is a thief,' her father stated simply.

'He has stolen nothing of value!' she barked at him, feeling the hot of tears welling into her eyes.

'Nothing. Is that right? Then what is it that he has not stolen from me? You are my daughter Shantee! My own flesh and blood! And you betray me by sleeping with him, not only outside where God knows who might be watching, but without my blessing or slightest knowledge!'

'And what business is it of yours with whom I sleep? He has stolen nothing that I have not willingly given to him!'

'It is all of my business Shantee! How do you expect to be married now that you have been broken, now that you have been... tainted?'

Her father stood, his chair sliding out from behind him with the force of his legs snapping backwards. He held onto the table with a grip of unknown strength, his fury boiling over. She could read his eyes. If she was not his only daughter he would have disowned her then and there, but he could not. Not before her real marriage was decided. Though it would be exceedingly difficult now that she was no longer a virgin, which she did not regret in the least.

'Are you prepared to suffer with him? To live with him forever? Because that is what will happen should you choose him.'

It was true that the parents had the choice of whom to marry their child to. But only if both families were in full and absolute agreement. If there was even a shred of doubt in the marriage, the children had free choice over their own hearts, and could choose whomever they desired. She had won this round, and he was defeated, on the political scale, which he had come to not only trust, but to practice in daily life. He could no longer return on those promises. His pride would not allow it. And he had much pride.

'It is my wish,' she said, her fists balled at her sides, crinkling the fabric of her blouse until the bends in the cloth seemed permanent.

Her father sighed deeply, looking down disappointedly at his plate, half finished because of his preoccupation. His grip on the table loosened and he released, sinking to his chair, cradling his head in his hands.

'Then you are free to go, my daughter. He is in the third basement. You carry my orders to them.' Her father seemed now ashamed in her, and it made her feel equally and double ashamed in herself for disappointing this loving and caring man, whom had been both parents too her since her mother died in childbirth. She walked past him at the table and caught him speaking to her in low grumbles.

'Take him, and leave this house. I will not have you here.'

She left the room, tears now streaming from her eyes freely as her new reality came to her, filling her head with its pain. She was no longer her father's daughter, but a bastard, homeless and parentless. Her father would have nothing to do with her anymore. And her mother was probably looking down at her harshly from her place in the sky. It hurt all the more.

She walked down the long steps to the third basement, known to her as the most torturous and deserted of all the jails in this house. She waved to the guard and he waved back quizzically, knowing not why she of all people was down here.

It was cold, and her fur stood on end as the almost airless cavern of a room stirred with her movements, each step she took, even one on the her bare feet seemed to produce echo.

'Release the prisoner. By my father's orders,' she stated.

The guard did as he was told and she stood before her Zinc, clothed in his now tattered rags of fabrics, the tears staining her face leaving when she saw the glint in his eyes. She walked forward, pausing slightly with each step. She turned and told the guard: 'Leave us,' and the guard did so.

She knelt before her beloved and stared at him, his eyes sending questioning glares through her body and into her mind.

'You are free my Zinc. And I am disowned, to be with you... forgive me,' her tears burst out of her eyes and she wept on the floor in front of him. The only response she received from his, a silent touch on the shoulder with a strong palm.

'Come with me," he said.

She followed. Out of the prison, the home, the front gardens, the gates and into the streets of the city. Her white robes her only possession now. He led her through the dusty streets of the desert city quickly, slinking through shadows like a... feline actually. Their travels ended on the opposite side of town, where a rustic shack of a home rested on the sand outside the cobblestone streets of the sandy city. He opened the door for her and she humbly bowed to him and politely entered at his bid.

It was his home and storehouse, full or rarities, or rather, oddities of every shape and form. Fine golden eggs, worth probably millions to their respective owners, and priceless jewellery hanging on mannequins in the corner. Though the jewellery was more of an oddity in itself, as it looked to be made not of any precious stone but of mere metal with paint over it. Is he a mediocre thief? she thought. She paced round the room, keeping her hands to herself, not wishing to upset him now that she had imposed on his private life against his will.

'You may stay here,' he began, 'It is safe, no one ever comes here, and if they do, do not answer, for they will leave eventually." It was the most she had ever heard him speak. She loved his voice. Hard and toneless and yet gentle, as if it flowed on music.

She came to him and kissed him. It was not the home, or the life, or her existence she cared for. It was he, and as long as she could have him, there was nothing else.

Her tongue this time breached the barrier of his lips and pressed forward to taste his saliva. She wandered for a moment. He did not respond immediately, and only performed the same actions he did the night before. If it were what she wanted, he would not argue. But he would not show her his soul either, for he was but a thief, a lowly peasant, unworthy to return love to another.

He brought an expert hand to her breast and caressed it, forcing her to gasp in excitement and break the kiss. He took the opportunity to lower her to the floor, resting her back slightly and delicately. The way one lays fine china on the table before a meal.

She smiled at him, staring lovingly into his eyes. His deep orbs taking so much in, but returning nothing. Voids in themselves. He kissed her neck, moistening her skin with his tongue as he began to slowly lower himself to her collarbone, where he rested a moment as his hands travelled down her sleek form and fitted themselves under the fabric of her shirt. He lifted, raising the shirt over her head and pulling it off, revealing her pert breasts and luscious nipples, erect with anticipation.

Reflexively he took one into his mouth and began lightly rolling his tongue over the sensitive nub of flesh, suckling on it every so often, just to hear her moan again in pleasure. She did not dare ask him to stop, it was too wonderful. With her shirt removed he kissed down her stomach again, trailing his wet kisses so that the air, while warm, still left cool spots on her fur and skin. She giggled as she felt his tongue tickle her sensitive belly and continue farther.

As he reached the region of her warmth he stopped, hovering over her pant buckle only momentarily as it came undone with the slightest pull of his fingers. He slid it away from her legs. Sleek, barely moving, yet boisterous for what they wished.

He positioned himself so that he stared right up from over her hot pussy, the lips seeming to beg for attention. He gently slipped his hands over her inner thighs, just out of reach of her cunt. She gasped and groaned in anticipation, but never openly begged, feeling that he would leave her unattended should she do so, and she would not obstruct him. It was pleasurable as it was.

Her legs parted wide, openly wishing for him to continue. He left her thighs and leaned forward, abandoning all reason as he gently kissed her pussy lips, eliciting a moan from her mouth. She had raised her hands to her breasts and was now rubbing them against her palms hard, pinching the nipples as he began his new tactic for hoisting pleasure from her depths.

His tongue escaped his mouth and he licked upwards from the base of her pussy to her clit, and then released and retreated, placing his tongue back at the base and rasping it back up her skin. This process repeated for several minutes, until she no longer gasped at the exciting feeling. Without the motivation he devised a new and slightly bolder plan. He placed his tongue at her opening and forced it open, beginning the journey up into her depths with the soft flesh of his tongue. When he could go no farther he stopped and began to slowly roll his tongue around inside her, raking the rough surface against her walls, suspecting that he rubbed against her g-spot, as he received a wave of pre orgasmic fluids racing at his mouth. The sweet tangy flavour of her juices egged him on, and the scent was becoming overwhelming. He began to slowly fuck her with his tongue, taking it out and pressing it back into her warm, moist pussy.

She moaned loudly.

'Oh yes! Zinc!' she gasped again, 'Zinc!'

He moved faster now, raking his tongue in and swirling it around, feeling the surfaces of her insides and exploring every facet of her being through his merciless pleasuring. He tasted her fluids now flowing as freely as her tears had flowed that morning from her eyes. He lapped at the liquids hungrily, taking them down in gulps and swallowing every drop. Not only was she soaring towards orgasm now, but this was also turning him on, though he thought nothing of his oncoming erection, forcing itself against the barrier his pants placed on him.

The torturing continued, and she moaned constantly, the only muffling the sound of her gasp received was the fact that the door was closed. Inside the home the air became moist and sticky and with each movement she felt herself building towards the inevitable. She wouldn't let him stop now. She removed one hand from her breast and brought it down to his head, where it raked lightly through his hair, scratching his scalp slightly and holding him down, though ineffectively, as he consistently broke free of her grasp as he pulled out again.

'Zinc! Ah! I'm..." but she couldn't finish, her climax washed over her, just as it did him, her juices coating his muzzle as he eagerly licked up whatever moisture he could from her pussy. When she stopped cumming, he released the grip he had on her legs to hold her still as he worked his magic, and then pulled himself to her side, now looking at her intently, but not pursuing any form of contact again that day.

She pulled his face towards hers and kissed him, tasting her fluids, which was awkward, but pleasantly enticing as well. She released him and he laid beside her, this time her body falling asleep as he lay beside her, watching her with an abandonment of feeling and emotion.