Friend's Farther's Play Thing Part 2

Story by FangLightwind on SoFurry

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Part 2 of the great story kayllik from FA did for me of the story Friends Father's plaything

It had been nearly a full day since Fang had arrived. If you took one look at the blob in the corner bloated to the point of bursting, unable to move under his own power, you would not believe that he had entered the house under his own power the day before. With a body that most males would kill for. His fall from jockhood to blobhood because Fang had been looking for Carter and became traped in the web that was Carter's father Leo.

The former tiger and now bloated blob filled with lion juices eagerly awaited his next use. His mind still rife with Leopromisw from the night before where he had mentioned that his team was coming over and he was to be the entertainment.

Fang had last track of time as he was forced to look straight ahead and nothing more. He could move his eyes but he was looking towards a wall and had nothing else to preoccupy his time that was within his field of vision, All that he could do is wait patiently. Twice Leo had entered his line of sight, both times Fang hoped that he would be used and abused. Leo however didn't ever register that he was there. He was nothing more then a object in Leo's eyes and that turned him on even more.

When his boredom threatened to drive him insane Fang began to hear the sound of voices in the distance. They were getting closer and he began to quiver in anticipation. Eventually he felt a thick familiar paw resting on his top,his view was filled by the sight of Leo at the head of number of other furs.

"Well boys here is our toy for the evening," he said as he then leaned down and dragged the Fang into the middle of the floor.

Fangs eyes threatened to pop out of his head as he found himself surrounded by a number of different species all male and naked. Each one with there members out at sowly becoming stiff in anticipation of what was to come.

"Well boys watch a real man in action," Leo said as he stepped towards Fang. The lions big black bulbous member swaying with each step.

Fang found his mouth watering for cock, Leo's black length only inches from his muzzle. He could make out a bead of pre right on the tip. Fang extended his tongue hoping deperatly to taste it. His tongue just managing to wick it away, reveling as it slid along his tongue.

That was all the encouragement that Leo needed as he plunged his cock all the way. Fang could feel as the lions massive testicles slap against his chin.

Leo was clearly enjoying showing off in front of his team and it was clear that many of his players were enjoying the show. His thrusts caused the tiger's body to compress as he pushed his cock deeper and deeper. The lion grunting as his thrusts grew stronger and more animalistic. Leo nodded to Kovu one of his favorite players. The younger lion taking the hint from his coach quickly scrambled up behind the toy.

Fang then felt someone step behind him grabbing his tail and moving it from where it hung. Who ever it was wasted no time in thrust his own cock deep into Fang.

Leo eyed Kovu as he began to eagerly fuck Fangs ass. Apparently his parent named him after a lion in an animated movie or something. Kovu was the team captain and Leo's favorite as he saw the younger lion as the son he wished carter was.

Kovu came up behind the Fang. Wasting no time plunged his cock deep into blobs ass. However secretly jealous that whoever this was sucking Leo's cock Kovu longed to be nothing but a toy sucking on Leo's cock.

Fang was in heaven as he felt himself getting taken from behind. The new comers cock was nice and big but still nothing compared to size of Leo's behemoth member filling his mouth. After a few thrust the lions began to match thrusts. Soon Fang felt the two cocks touch inside his bely as he was squished between them.

Suddenly the two lions roared in unison as there cocks touched once more and exploded. Fang could feel the twin cocks as they pumped him with more lion seed. He could feel his flesh become even more taunt as the cum was added to that which already filled much of his body. Eventually the pair of cocks stopped and Fang could feel as the whoever was behind him pull out.

Leo seemed almost hesitant probably considering another round. However he to pulled out leaving both of fangs holes aching to be filled with cock.

As Leo turned and left the room heading to the kitchen to get the beer. Max grinned as he took up pposition at the front of the line to use the toy.

Reaching down he stuck a finger into Fangs mouth. "Oh this slut looks like he needs even more filling andI am Just the digimon to do it."

While Max was taking up position in front Simba took up position behind the toy. Simba bore a strong resemblance to Simba from Lion king if Simba had been a anthro.

The pair nodded to each other before thrusting into Fang two open orofices. Fang found himself marveling at the different textures of the pair of cocks that were going to town on him. He could feel the cool scales of the cock as it was thrust into his mouth. It was a stark contrast to the bumpy feline cock that was thrusting into his ass.

Both of virile males getting off as they showed off in front of their teammates. Eventually their thrusting reached its climax as with equally powerful thrusts the pairs cocks unloaded the pay loads they had been saving all day inside of Fang.

Fang eagerly wiggled as he felt himself absorb the two loads. Feeling as there contribution mixed with the cum already inside of him.

That was how Fangs night, used in tandem by every member of Leo's team. By the time that everyone had passed from booze and sex the only one still up was Fang who now took up a full corner, his bloated back up against roof. There was only one one thing in his mind as he sat there waiting, 'I hope the team uses me tomorrow.'

Friend's Farther's Play Thing

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