Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Sixteenth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#16 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Forced to endure pleasure, the Sisters of Glory are ravished by the eager tongues of their captors. Rufus and his pack enjoy the spoils of their victory, but not too much. After all, they're still using diplomacy right now.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Sixteenth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 16 (F alternative)

A - 2 (D alternative)

A - 5 (E alternative)

A - 2 (B alternative)

A - 4 (C alternative)

B - 0

C - 1

D - 1

E - 2

F - 1

* Use Praxis and the slavers as a bargaining tool with Carver - 2

* Breed Ryg - 8

* More information from the High Alpha about current events - 5

* Have Leta stay with the Blue Feather as a liason - 1

* Information on the state of the North - 5

* Get a cart - 3 - the party can take one from the slavers...if they win

* More opportunities for non-consensual sex (especially for Rufus) - 1

* Bring Rael with us - 3

* Another Warlord cutscene - 3

* Another cutscene to the girls back at camp - 2

* "Turn" Dinah, the green-haired catgirl - get her on our side.

* Species to meet and mate - sheep, sheep-dogs, bunnies, cats, horses, cows, chickens, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Humans, Felines, Hounds, Badgers, Otters, Ferrets, Hares, Mice, Moles, Shrews, satyrs, skunks, squirrels

Just so folks know, I tallied the "A" votes as a separate item (without the alternative option added), then tallied the second non-A choice for the alternative. Not that it really mattered, since A (F) won out by such a wide margin.

Author Notes

Just so folks know, I simply cannot resist doing mean-but-hot things to Spark, so there is going to be a Rufus/Spark scene thrown in there...somewhere. Hmm...maybe sooner than later, as I start to think about it. What can I say? I've got the same weakness everybody else has for cute foxboys. And occasionally girls.

Something to know, about how I randomly determine the personalities of characters. Long ago, I played the roleplaying game "Dark Conspiracy." I even wrote up some fan content for the game for a website that, like Dark Conspiracy itself, has now fallen into obscurity (it wasn't very good, so I won't share the link unless pressed). Inside of the Dark Conspiracy core book, however, are rules for randomly generating an NPCs personality, by drawing two cards from a regular deck of playing cards and picturing how the two cards will interact. Aces and face cards indicate special motivations, while the regular numbered cards indicate general personality and motivations (spades = ambition; hearts = sociability; clubs = violence; diamonds = greed) and the strength of those motivations from 1 to 10, with the stronger of the two motivations overshadowing the weaker one. The special motivations are listed below, in case you wanted to use this method for yourself (and there are plenty of random card drawing websites out there):


Jack: Pompous

Queen: Ruthless

King: Deceitful

Ace: Charismatic


Jack: Wise

Queen: Loving

King: Honorable

Ace: Just


Jack: Murderous

Queen: Stubborn

King: Brutal

Ace: War Leader


Jack: Coward

Queen: Lustful

King: Selfish

Ace: Generous

Naturally the book has a longer explanation of each of these one-word descriptors, but I think your imaginations can suffice. Just in case there are still folks out there who hold copyright to this old game turkey.

Pathfinding Sixteenth Entry

"Hold on a moment," Rufus growled over to the gnolls led by Urta, making them pause as they'd started to close in around the struggling girls in the net whose lead rope Urta held tightly. The burly wolfen casually rested on top of Hanaro as the samurai girl continued to struggle beneath him, though with far less vigor than before as the realization of her utter defeat in fair single combat gradually sank in. Rufus addressed the blue-haired elfgirl kneeling nearby, her sword hanging limply in her hand as she gaped around her at the swift and utter humiliation and capture of her party. "Okay, now let's talk things over," Rufus continued, his tone reasonable as he casually patted Hanaro's armor-clad rump, making the dark-haired Cho-Lini wince, as though expecting a far more powerful blow. "We're not enemies, I don't think. I mean, my group's out to stop the Warlord right now; it's our big quest, and everybody around here knows the Warlord's the guy to beat on the side of Evil, capital 'E.' Right now, we're on a little side mission to take out a slaver, name of Praxis Venator, if you've heard the name before. You Sisters of Glory are all about smiting Evil and all that, aren'tcha? I had a Sister of Radiance on my team a while back. She's still on the team, actually, just not here right now, and she told me how great you Sisters of Glory were, all brave and noble and stuff." Rufus spread his large paws in a disarming gesture. "So, whaddaya say? I'm thinking we could be on the same team here."

[30% chance of persuasion - rolled 56 - failure]

"Making deals with Evil is the same as serving it directly!" declared the blue-haired elfmaid proudly, defiantly sticking out her chin and chest as she glared at the hoary-furred wolfen. "You vile beasts and monsters aren't any better than the Warlord, and many of you serve that fiend directly anyway. I'd never stoop so low as to fall into league with creatures of darkness and dishonor like yourselves!"

"Eh," Rufus shrugged, his manner still casual, even as he smoothly slid Hanaro's lower armor down her legs with one hand, exposing her curvy, firmly-toned bottom, his other hand gently lifting her helmet from her head, letting her long, dark hair flow freely down over her shoulders. "Suit yourself." Rufus grinned, then gave a short nod to Urta and her gnolls, and to Urtan as he crouched over the helpless Lysha, "Spark, Cassidy, our fresh spoils of battle don't have any of their adventuring gear with them. They're sure to have a camp over thataway somewhere: go get it."

"No!" cried Kaia, jerking herself forward in her fury, only to end up falling flat on her face, her hand clenched around her sword's hilt with all the meager strength remaining in her lithesome body, her rump hiked in the air. "You...can't..."

"Even an elfling like you knows how the rule of spoils work," Rufus countered, smiling pleasantly as his large hand stroked over Hanaro's bottom, and then made her gasp, her eyes widening in shock as he slid his fingers into the crease of her buns, and then downward, over her neatly-trimmed, virgin slit. "It's common adventuring knowledge: to the victor go the spoils. You're not our allies, so you're the spoils. You, and your gear, of course. Strip 'em," he growled to the gnolls, who grinned lustily before closing in around the two squirming spellcasters snared in the net.

Kaia and Hanaro watched in wide-eyed horror as rough, spotty-furred hands reached into the neck of the net, listening helplessly to the muffled squeals of fright as Zane and Phan's clothes were seized, unlaced, tugged, and finally peeled from their nubile bodies, exposing their smooth flesh to the open air. Phan, her skin having a slight bronze tint as was normal for a native of the Cho-Lin Empire, squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she suddenly realized that, on top, she could look straight down into Zane's red-furred muff. Zane's eyes, on the other hand, looked even larger than normal through her spectacles as she stared in shock and strange fascination straight up at Phan's smooth-shaven cunny, having never seen another girl so closely before, and certainly not in such an intimately compromising position. Suddenly a shadow fell over the two teens, and they both looked up in horror at the grinning faces of the six gnolls surrounding them, several still holding their clothes, most of them drooling in eager anticipation.

Phan cried out as she felt a powerful paw grip her hair, her eyes opening as her head was forced up. Fearful, she looked into the face of Urta, the bare-chested gnollish woman regarding the little Cho-lini with amusement.

"Cute little bite," Urta said approvingly, making Phan draw in breath sharply as the hyenawoman stroked the back of her fingers over one pinkish-tan nipple, then made her chosen victim whine, biting her lower lip, squeezing her eyes shut once more as Urta released Phan's hair to grip both the girl's breasts and start to fondle them with a skill that the young wizardess hadn't ever suspected was possible. Her eyes then popped open as she felt rough, calloused paws on her yellow-tinted bottom, two pairs of them, spreading her open, exposing her most delicate places with bestial eagerness. "I'm glad your stupid leader didn't accept our boss' offer. Now you'll make a good slave, once you've learned your place."

"N-no!" Phan got out through a choked gasp of disgust. "Never! I'll never...ah!" She cried out as brutal muzzles were suddenly thrust against her exposed holes, long, smooth tongues suddenly lashing out again and again - it was like being eaten alive! "AAAAHHHMMmmmmph!"

The writing girl's mouth was suddenly plugged with a thick tongue as Urta kissed Phan, one paw going once more to the helpless girl's hair, holding her firmly in place. There was no escape from those horrible tongues! Crying out protests into the savage kiss, Phan thrashed this way and that, but this only seemed to excite the wicked beastfolk even more, and in an instant, two more pairs of cruel hands were pawing at her breasts, before slurping muzzles closed on her dangling nipples, sucking on them loudly and messily. It was too much. But Phan wouldn't give in! She wouldn't let herself be beaten by these filthy animals! There was no way...

At that moment, Zane, who was watching the show above her with wide eyes and mouth, feeling a strange warmth spreading through her belly, suddenly felt a strong hand on the back of her head, gripping her pageboy-cut red hair. She glanced upward and back, seeing the final gnoll, an older male with fur that was rapidly going to grey, smirking down at her, before bending and licking her cheek.

"Do what I do," he growled softly in the young cleric's ear, before pushing her head gently forward and up, toward Phan's exposed vagina.

"Oh no," gasped Zane as she realized in a flash of insight what she was about to be made to do. "No, that's wrong - it's a sin against..."

Zane's words trailed off as she saw the older hyenaman bend his muzzle forward, his long, smooth tongue lashing out, curling around the tiny, erect bud of Phan's clitoris. Of course, in her studies of anatomy, so as to be a better combat healer, Zane knew the names of all the parts of the body, including the intimate ones. But to see them so close, on a living girl, and her friend no less, it was a very different experience than seeing drawings in books. Phan squealed loudly as the greymuzzled male flicked his tongue with light strokes, making the poor girl's bottom and legs tense as she struggled to escape the torment of the pleasure he was inflicting upon her. The young redhead realized with a horrible flush of shame to her face (though it was more than shame that made her flush so) that her own precious places were as moist as Phan's, but unlike poor Phan, she hadn't even been touched yet.

"No..." Zane whimpered softly, trying to shake her head feebly against the insistent nudge of the older male's powerful hand. Despite what she told herself, though, and despite her meager struggles, Zane didn't truly resist. After all, a quiet voice within her said, it wasn't her fault. These barbaric animals were forcing her to do this. They were just too strong, too overpowering. Naturally, there was nothing she could do, except to submit and hope for an opportunity to escape later.

Comforted by these thoughts, her guilt quieted by her rationale, Zane let her eyes grow heavy-lidded as she pressed her mouth against Phan's dripping, smooth labia. Was she perhaps too eager? Too greedy? Too lustful? Mmm, but what did it matter? Her friend tasted so good...

Unprepared for the assault of her friend's mouth on her tender places, Phan's head snapped back, Urta's tongue popping from her mouth, her eyes wide as she screamed aloud. This couldn't be happening! She'd fight it...they'd taken the gag out of her mouth when they'd stripped her of her clothes...she could use her magic...draw on her power, if only...mmmph!

"Lick it good," taunted Urta as she thrust Phan's own face into Zane's juicy, red-haired pubis, forcing the helpless girl to work her mouth or be unable to breathe. Zane's legs kicked on either side of Phan's head, her toes curling upward as Phan felt her friend's juices dripping copiously down her chin. Giving a final sob as she felt her own pleasure suddenly hitting its peak, Phan lowered her head, her eyes closing as she surrendered to the sensations overwhelming her.


In the rest of the camp, the others of Rufus' party were hardly idle. Not far off, Cassidy and Spark had returned bearing the rest of the Sisters of Glory's gear, and they soon rushed to rejoin their comrades, dropping their load with the rest of their own camp's gear. Her leathers peeled from her smooth, chocolate-skinned body, Lysha cried out as she lay across Urtan's lap. The black girl's breasts heaved, her body glistening with a sheen of sweat as the heavily-muscled male smiled down at her almost pleasantly. His casual expression, however, belied the actions of his hand, as he worked his fingers so skillfully against Lysha's smooth-shaved cunny, getting her nice and slick and wet. It was at that time that Cassidy joined Urtan, and the much-larger gnoll suddenly seized Lysha's legs, gripping her ankles together in one massive paw, before pulling them back, leaving her even more exposed than before. Weakened by the paralyzing poison on the darts, Lysha didn't waste her time with words, knowing they'd have no effect on these brutal beasts. But she'd resist them! She'd...

"Oooh!" moaned the poor girl as the rabbit's small, skillful mouth covered her folds, his fingers spreading her apart. "OOOOH!"

That tongue! It wasn't long and thick and smooth like the gnoll, Urtan's, but was instead small and short and quick, more like a rapier than a broadsword, but no less effective for its lack of mass. Lysha dared to look down at the tan-furred bunny's intense expression, his eyes watching her closely, his mouth pressed tightly against her spread wide cunny, his small, skilled hands resting on her inner thighs, his fluffy bunny tail wiggling behind him as he worked his mouth in time with his flexing buns. He looked...he looked cute. Try as she might, Lysha couldn't bring herself to hate this rabbit-man, the one called Cassidy. Her eyes swept upward to the gnoll, Urtan, who was holding her firmly spread on her back on his lap, one hand stroking her belly and the undersides of her breasts, the other caressing her hair. He didn't have an expression of malice either, and for a hyena...he wasn't bad-looking. Nothing like the vile picture she'd always had painted for her of beastfolk, certainly nothing like the beastfolk she'd battled on her own adventures, or back in the steaming jungles of Hydra.

It was that moment of weakness, of letting the germ of an idea into her head, that spelled Lysha's doom. Just as she was starting to still her drug-enfeebled struggles against the males holding her, ravishing her with their hands and their tongue, suddenly Urtan bent his head, and kissed her full on the lips. Lysha's whole body tensed at this sudden contact, before she felt the gnoll's tongue caressing her own, a display of intimacy the Mankatan warrior had never experienced before. In her surprise, her final defenses lowered, just as Cassidy bucked his head, his tongue flickering against her clitty as though his life depended on it. Urtan's powerful hands engulfed Lysha's breasts, dark nipples poking through the spaces between his fingers, perked and erect, as she cried out into the hyenaman's mouth, her eyes rolling back into her head as her legs kicked in desperate, unexpected pleasure that crashed over her like a tidal wave.


As the gnolls closed in around Phan and Zane as the girls dangled in the net, making it hard for Kaia and Hanaro to see what was going on, though their ears certainly gave them a good idea, Rufus reached over and roughly hauled Kaia forward onto all-fours next to her ebon-haired comrade, rolling off of the fallen samurai girl to kneel behind them both. Grinning toothily, Rufus almost casually flicked Kaia's white skirt up over her lower back, exposing her trim elven tushie, still covered by her gold-plated bottoms. Nuzzling the smooth metal, which flexed like Kaia's own muscles beneath thanks to its enchantment, Rufus slowly licked upward, right over Kaia's crotch, leaving a slick wet mark on the gold.

"You animal!" Kaia cried out, gritting her teeth, her cheeks flushing deeply. "Don't you dare...ah!"

Smoothly, Rufus slid the blue-haired girl's armored panties downward, along with the soft silk panties beneath them, and then nodded in approval as he admired Kaia's bare bottom, one hug paw caressing and then squeezing her firm buns, making the elven paladin give a pained sound as she winced against his touch.

"Aw hush," growled Rufus, rolling his eyes. "It's not like I'm hurting you. Not planning on it, either, even if it's what you were gonna do to me'n my little pack." He chuckled, his paw soon engulfing Kaia's perfectly smooth elven cunny, making her give a grunt of tension, her eyes squeezing tightly shut as she fought to blot out the feeling of that touch. "I'm just planning on softening you up a bit, is all, with some good feelings."

"Don't touch me, you monster!" snapped Kaia, her words rising in pitch near the end as Rufus teased around her clitoris, making her whole body tense up. Next to her, Hanaro only barely bit back a moan as Rufus' other paw continued what he'd started before, fingers digging mercilessly into her tender slit. "You don't dare to touch a warrior of the gods of Light! They'll surely smite y-you-ngh."

Kaia's words trailed off as she lowered her head, her face a mask of tension as she fought the strange sensations running through her as Rufus continued his wicked work with his devilish fingers. Glancing to the side, Kaia saw Hanaro's cheeks were deeply flushed, and the young samurai was doing her best to simply face forward, whispering softly under her breath the words of a meditative mantra. But Kaia could tell that Hanaro kept missing words in the mantra, her concentration as sorely taxed as her own. This couldn't continue - however much she might resist, however pure and holy she knew her calling to be, Kaia didn't know if she could resist the corruption of this vile beast's touch for much longer.

"Please!" Hanaro finally gasped out, just as she and Kaia could feel their juices starting to run down their inner thighs, turning her head to look pleadingly back at the grey-furred wolfen. "Please, let me regain my honor. Please, let me end my life, so that I can redeem myself from the stain that defeat has left on me." Hanaro turned her head once more to face forward, her eyes closing to try and hide herself from the shame she felt. "You may have beaten my comrades by strategy, but you defeated me in single combat. You have stolen my honor by sparing my life. Please, you owe me that much, at least."

The wolfen arched an eyebrow, then glanced over toward where Kaia's and Hanaro's swords lay, thrust side-by-side into the earth where he'd left them, one straight, the other curved. He then turned his attention back to Hanaro...but more especially Hanaro's shapely bottom, which he squeezed firmly in one huge hand, spreading her cheeks apart with a wicked grin.

"That looks pretty tasty," he admitted with an eager nod, making Hanaro gasp as she suddenly felt the wolfen's hot breath on her most intimate places. Kaia _gasped_a moment later as Rufus turned his head, taking the scent of each girl, that delicious, virgin scent that was so very rare and fleeting, and even sweeter when one of the virgins was also an elf. "Mmm," Rufus murmured, even as Hanaro bit her lower lip until it started to bleed, desperate to use the pain to somehow blot out the pleasure that came as he slowly, so agonizingly slowly, drew his tongue up through the narrow channel of her sex, stopping just below her tense anus. "Delicious," he growled, the word hardly more than a deep-throated breath, but more than enough to shatter Hanaro with shame. "Much too tasty to waste, actually - request denied."

Hanaro felt her body relax slightly as Rufus pulled away, before Kaia suddenly cried out loudly beside her, her whole body flexing and jerking despite the weakening effects of the poison in her veins. Cheeks flushed even deeper than before as Hanaro realized, with even more shame, that the thick, wet, luscious sounds of the barbarian wolfen feasting on her friend's delicate pink parts was...arousing her.

"Hey!" said a bright, cheerful voice from behind at that moment, and both Hanaro and Kaia turned to look, as did Rufus, wiping his sopping wet muzzle and chin on his arm. There, standing a short distance away, was a cute, red-furred foxboy, about the same age as Hanaro by the look of him, though his green eyes and the wag of his tail made him seem somehow younger. "Do you think, if I got the elfgirl pregnant, that we'd have purple-furred babies?"

Hanaro blinked at the question in surprise, while Kaia's eyes widened in horror at the thought. Rufus, though, laughed, and moved over, both his powerful hands gripping Hanaro's upraised rump, even as he motioned for Spark to kneel beside him, taking Kaia's more petite bottom in his long-fingered, black-furred hands.

"We won't find out right now," Rufus said, reaching over to pat his younger friend on the butt. "Maybe later, though. Right now, I'm trying, uh, 'diplomacy.'"

"Oh, that's what you call it," said Spark teasingly. "Okay. Mmm," he eyed Kaia's cunny as his thumbs spread her flushed, juice-leaking labia apart, "I think I _like_your kind of diplomacy, Rufus!"

"Stick with me, kid," growled Rufus, both males brushing the whiskers of their muzzles over the tender skins of the girls' bottoms, making them both shiver in fearful as well as unwillingly aroused anticipation of what came next. "We'll go places you'd never thought existed."

As though at an invisible signal, suddenly both canid males plunged their eager muzzles forward, tongues plunging into the slick cunnies of their chosen victim, Spark greedily gnawing on Kaia's tender parts, while Rufus slurped and sucked with cruel skill on Hanaro's own vulnerable places. The helpless girls shared a look, despair in both their eyes as they realized they wouldn't be able to resist, and couldn't even draw on the other for support in this, their time of direst need. Then, with an almost simultaneous cry, orgasm washed over the doomed girls. It would be only the first of a great many.


At the start of the ravishment, poor little Dinah had mewed softly, piteously to herself as she'd been set in the middle of the enemy camp by the fox who'd captured her, then left there, limp and helpless and alone to watch the violation of her mistresses. And if they were doing such terrible things to her mistresses, what would these horrible monsters do to her once they'd finished? Her imagination running wild, the poor, brown-skinned little catgirl cowered on the ground of the clearing, hoping against hope that she might be overlooked and forgotten, putting her small hands over her ears to try and block out the sounds of wet slurping and girlish moaning and cries of what must surely be agony - for they were so very loud!

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, little Dinah gave a mewling squeak and tried to jerk away, but the poison that had rendered her mistresses helpless had worked just as well on her, and she was unable to resist as she was picked up by a pair of strong-yet-gentle arms. It was the gentleness that made Dinah's body start to relax a little, though she could still feel her heart pounding desperately in her chest, her petite breasts heaving in fright beneath her black halter tube top.

"There there," cooed a loving, feminine voice, even as Dinah felt herself gently positioned on a soft-furred lap, as the owner of that lap settled onto a stump in the clearing. "You're safe, little dear. Don't be afraid - there's no need."

Daring to tilt her head up as much as her body's weakness would allow, Dinah looked up at the face of the one speaking. She was a wolfen, like the big male who'd defeated Hanaro, but her fur was soft-looking, and soft-feeling, and almost white. Her eyes were misted over, and Dinah suddenly realized that the wolf-woman holding her was blind.

"Your friends could be our friends," the she-wolfen continued, one hand stroking Dinah's smooth back soothingly, her tone as much as her manner gradually soothing the little catgirl's fears, making her body gradually relax despite her former alarm. "There's no need for us to fight at all, and never was. But I suppose they don't see it that way, do they?"

"N-no," admitted Dinah, looking down at the wolf-woman's furry feet, which looked so much like a wolf's, except broader, complete with jacklegs above the paws. "Mistress Kaia says that all beastfolk are wicked creatures, without any principles or morals, and they have to be dealt with harshly to keep them in line."

"What's your name, little one?" asked the she-wolfen, and for a moment Dinah hesitated to reply, before those skilled fingers found that sweet spot right at the base of her tail, making the skinny little catgirl moan softly and give up her name without further resistance. "Mine's Ryg," continued the she-wolfen. "I'm glad to meet you, Dinah. I'm sorry to hear that your mistress thinks that way about beastfolk. Does she think that about you as well?"

"Dinah thinks so," admitted Dinah, using the third person to refer to herself, as was her wont. "Dinah is always getting trouble, and getting scolded by mistresses. Dinah doesn't think she can do anything right. But," she looked up, her slitted green eyes exotic in her mostly-human face, "Dinah tries hard! Dinah wants to please mistresses!"

"Well, Dinah," continued Ryg, soothing Dinah's body into near-total relaxation with her expert touch, "I don't know if you can please your mistresses as they are. But I think you might, after we've taught them a good lesson or two."

"You won't hurt Dinah's mistresses?" Dinah asked worriedly, risking a glance over toward the moaning girls and their bestial captors. "You promise?"

"Rufus doesn't want to hurt them," answered Ryg reasonably enough. "If he did, he'd have done it already. After all, you're all helpless right now, and we could have done all sorts of terrible things to you. But have we done anything to hurt you so far?"

"Darts hurt," Dinah admitted, reaching back to rub the sore spot on her shorts-clad bottom where she'd been stuck. "But...that's all, Dinah guesses. What those spotty-furs are doing doesn't even look like hurting. Looks it feels good." Dinah's cheeks flushed, and she turned away from the sight in embarrassment. Ryg chuckled at this, and rubbed the insides of Dinah's ears, making the catgirl's eyes roll back into her head, her eyes growing heavy-lidded, a soft purr forced from her modest chest.

"Honey catches more flies than vinegar, I believe is the saying," Ryg said, making Dinah perk an ear at the word 'flies,' her feline heritage still quite strong despite her smooth-skinned appearance. "Or in this case, pleasure convinces much better than pain. No, I wouldn't worry about your friends - they should be all right, whatever Rufus decides to do next."

"But...what _does_Master Rufus do next?" asked Dinah, her eyes opening once more to look curiously up at Ryg. Ryg smiled down at the little catgirl, and opened her mouth to answer with the plans they'd made before.

Path Choices

And what might those plans be?

A) Well...we've got some time. Why not give our new captives a proper stuffing, now that they've been gotten all nice and slick and ready? Make them into proper pack omegas. This'll take a while, sure, but it's night - surely our quarry isn't going to go anywhere at night?

B) Time is of the essence! Toss the captives over our shoulders, or hang 'em from poles, and get going. We want to catch Praxis before he gets too far away, or does something really bad. Right now, we haven't really lost any significant time, but we still could do better.

C) Rest up tonight, then get an early start. We've had fun, but we could use some food and a good night's sleep. Let the prisoners sleep as best they can, then hustle buns come the morning. This will take the same time as A, but we'll be better-rested.

D) What were our other options again? We could give up on our path after Praxis, and instead hunt down the giants, or the barbarians facing the valkyries, or something else. If you pick this option, indicate what you'd like us to do instead.