Galactic Racing eXtreme, Episode 1, Part B

Story by Zero Darkside on SoFurry

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#2 of Galactic Racing eXtreme

Episode 1, Part B

"This is completely unacceptable!"

Kaje took a step back as a very green, very nude, and very angry female taur burst through the double doors that he had been about to enter, clutching his bouquet reflexively away from his boss. Like most Elori, the R-Tek team's manager, Prest Girn, shunned clothing - with their thin facial muscles, Elori's deer-like muzzles were very limited in their ability to express emotions, so color-changing cells in Prest's lips, aureolae, and vaginal lips communicated her emotional state. At the moment, said erogenous zones were flashing a nearly apoplectic purple, Prest's feathery antennae writhing atop her head.

She jabbed a finger into Kaje's chest. "You! You knew she was planning this, didn't you! Did either of you stop to think about what you were doing to me? Where in the Pit am I going to find a qualified driver in five days?!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Prest, calm down! What do you mean, 'new driver'?" A cold knot formed in Kaje's stomach. "Wait a minute, Anjie's ... I mean, everything went okay with the decanting and personality-insertion, right?"

Prest rolled her eyes, throwing up her arms in frustration. "Oh, Anjie's just slagging fine - she's just quitting on me, that's all!"

Kaje felt as though his eyeballs were about to pop out of his head. "What?!?" He tried to imagine his mate quitting the racetrack, but the idea was simply incomprehensible. Kaje and Anjie had been on the R-Tek team for nearly five years together, and had been romantically involved for most of that time. He had seen the concentration, the thrill, the sheer adrenaline-fueled joy of racing on Anjie's face too many times to believe that she would just quit out of the blue. "What do you mean, 'quitting'?"

Prest gave another exasperated huff. "Ask her yourself! Maybe you can talk some sense into her; Dios knows I've been trying!"

Still fuming, Prest passed by, her four triple-toed hooves making a racket as she stomped away from the driver recovery ward. Kaje stood still for a moment, trying to make sense of Prest's outburst, then decided that whatever their boss was shouting about, it would probably make more sense once he heard Anjie's side of the story. Pushing the doors open, he stepped through and said, "Anjie Avi" into a mic plate in the wall. An illuminated green line appeared on the floor, which he followed down the corridor until it passed under a door marked 357. Kaje tapped lightly on the metal door with his claws. "Anjie? Can I come in?"

In response, the door slid aside, and Kaje laid eyes on his mate. Anjie was sitting up, the back of the foam bed pad angled up to support her back and her beautiful, ivory-feathered wings. Her only garment was a white, sleeveless disposable gown that went down to about mid-thigh, the material pulled taut over an ample chest. The nanoengineered angel smiled warmly up at him, sapphire eyes shining with warmth and contentment, absently brushing aside a stray lock of golden hair. Then she noticed the flowers. "Kaje! Wow, those are beautiful! They must have been expensive, though; who made them?"

Kaje just smiled. "Nice to see you too, sweetheart," he said, walking over and handing Anjie the bouquet before dropping into one of the padded visitor's chairs in her small recovery room. "I picked them up from a vendor this morning. He says they're local, some kind of naturally-occurring species, not engineered at all." Kaje didn't mention that they had been dirt-cheap; really, he'd bought them just because they were the best-looking things he could find for Anjie at the produce market. The fact that non-copyrighted natural flowers were also less expensive than engineered ones was an added bonus. Besides, he knew his mate wasn't one to measure a gift's value based on price; to Anjie, it was always the love and the intent behind a gift that made it valuable. It was one of the many, many things Kaje loved about her.

Anjie stared wide-eyed at the flowers. "Incredible! I've seen designer strains that aren't half as nice."

"Yep. Pretty amazing, huh? All our technology and the best gene artists in the galaxy, and Mother Nature still has us beat."

After examining the flowers in awe for another minute or so, Anjie finally set them down on a table and focused on her mate. "Thank you, honey. They're really beautiful."

Kaje gave her a grin. "Hey, it seemed appropriate, you know? Pretty flowers for a pretty lady."

Anjie's smile seemed to light up even more, and Kaje could have sworn that her face was glowing with happiness.

"So, how're you feeling?" Kaje asked.

"Well, all right I guess, especially considering that I got carbonized yesterday afternoon." Anjie shrugged, a gesture that included her wings, which spread open a bit as she raised and lowered her shoulders. "They blank it out when they reinstall your memories, of course, but still, just imagining how that must have felt ... ugh! Thank Dios for recovery crystals!"

"Thank Dios for recovery crystals!" Kaje agreed. While most people rarely gave a thought to the tiny neuro-matrix data crystals nestled inside them, ensuring practical immortality for everyone, like most athletes, Kaje and Anjie had a unique appreciation for the little gems.

Without thinking, both lovers moved closer, clasping hands. Then Anjie giggled, realizing how she and her mate were gravitating toward each other. Deciding to hasten the process, she reached around the big, broad-shouldered tiger-morph's head and pulled Kaje into a long, deep, passionate kiss. Even with his feline muzzle (or perhaps aided by it, Anjie had never really decided), Kaje was a hell of a kisser. In moments, their tongues were dancing around each other, Kaje's smooth-sandpaper organ caressing Anjie's more traditional human one. Dios, he thought, I could just stay like this forever.

Then he remembered the moment of worry he'd spoken with Prest, and remembered e brief but heated tirade. "Um, Anjie, what was Prest so upset about? She said ...." Kaje couldn't bring himself to complete the sentence.

"That I'm quitting," Anjie finished.

Somehow, the abrupt, matter-of-fact way she said it made the tiger-morph's insides clench, and the terrible thoughts that had briefly passed through his mind earlier suddenly seemed to loom larger. Anjie, the most beautiful woman he'd ever met, human-derived or otherwise, the longest and most promising relationship he'd ever had in all his twenty-eight years, leaving?


How could she just ... leave him?

"You ... you are, aren't you?" he murmured, cold certainty growing in the pit of his stomach.

Anjie was silent for a moment. Then, "Kaje ... how many times have I had to switch bodies this season?"

"Just the one at Hurwen, then at Jenmar last month, then yesterday. Why?"

"And how many times the year before that?"

Kaje thought for a moment. "Um, I think just twice, the one time we both got creamed on Tyl and that lava flow on Pleg," he answered, not sure where Anjie was going with this.

"And how much time between those two?"

"Ah, Tyl was the third race of last year , and Pleg was just a week before the championship. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I'm trying to get you to see a pattern. Remember the year we met? You went through bodies like there was no tomorrow, but I didn't crash once the whole season, and I won the Galaxy Cup for the seventh time. This season, it's going the opposite way. After just five years in the League, you're probably the best pilot in the GRXL, and I'm just drafting behind you."

"What? You mean you're jealous? Anjie, if that's what this is about, I'm sorry! I'll quit hogging the glory! I'll ...."

Anjie leaned over and silenced him with a gentle kiss. "Kaje, I'm not jealous of you, and I don't think you're hogging anything except the buffet table at company dinners. It's just the way things work. You're good, honey; you win because you've got serious talent, and because you've busted that cute furry ass of yours developing better skill and reflexes than the rest of us have acquired in decades."

She sighed. "And I'm tired, Kaje. I love racing; I love the rush, I love pushing myself and my racer to the limit ... I don't think that that will ever go away. But I've been doing this for twenty years, Kaje. Someday, you'll realize just how long that is to be doing the same thing. I've gone from a rookie to the Hall of Fame, and I realized a long time ago that I'm as good at it as I'm ever going to get."

For the first time, Kaje realized just how old his lover really was. In an age when maintenance nanites kept their hosts' bodies in their prime indefinitely, Anjie appeared to be roughly Kaje's own age. In reality, though, the woman in white before him could have been the same age as his great-great-great-grandmother. Kaje had never asked Anjie just how old she was, but looking into her eyes now, he could see the depth of tiredness in them. It wasn't just from the physical challenge of adapting to a new, unused body, but from the emotional exhaustion of playing a demanding, fiercely competitive sport for nearly two decades, and realizing that her glory days had come and gone.

Kaje didn't have the heart to ask her to stay. He lowered his head, and the two sat silently in the recovery room. Finally, he said, "So ... will I ever see you again?"

Anjie cocked her head. "Huh?"

"Well, I mean, since you're leaving, can we at least keep in touch? Vox each other? Meet up sometimes?"

Anjie's eyes went wide. "Whoa, wait a minute! Kaje, you actually thought I was going to leave you, too?"

The way she said that ... Kaje's heart leaped up into his throat. "You ... do you mean, you're not?"

Anjie looked pale for a moment, then grabbed her mate and gave him the best, strongest hug she could manage. "Oh, honey, of course not! Sweet Dios, I just said that I was quitting my

job, not the relationship!"

Kaje felt relief wash through him like a healing, cleansing wave. "You mean ... !"

She kissed him again, deeply. "Kaje Inaro, you are the kindest, gentlest, most moral human being I've met in ... well, in a long time. I'm not letting you get away that easily!"

Kaje laughed, returning the kiss, feeling tears rolling down through the fur his orange, white and black-striped cheeks. "So ... you'll follow me? The entire season? Your jumpgate bills are going to go through the dome ...."

Anjie just chuckled, leaning over to nibble at one of the tiger-morph's pointed ears. "Believe it or not, I have a head for money, not just for piloting. It's amazing how much you can save up over two centuries with compound interest."

Kaje leaned in and rubbed his furred cheek against her soft, flawless lily-white skin. "And you'd spend it all just to keep up with me?"

"Well, I wouldn't say 'all'. Actually, I was thinking of picking up a telepresence job once I'm off R-Tek's payroll." Anjie pulled back a bit, lying down fully on the bed. "What would you say if I became a romance novelist?"

"Hmm, sounds ... interesting ..." replied Kaje, who was now becoming increasingly distracted as he watched Anjie's hands reach behind her back, seeking the knot that held the back of her gown closed. He could feel anticipation mounting as his angel arched her back, making room for her long, delicate fingers to work. In the process, her breasts bulged against the thin fabric, and Kaje could clearly make out the shapes of Anjie's stiff nipples and puffy aureolae. "Got any story ideas?"

"Mm, yeah," Anjie said, pulling her hands back out from under her back, each holding a string. "See, I've been thinking up this story about a smart, fun, sexy rookie. He's racing for his first year in the League, and he falls in love with his teammate. It's sooo cute because, even though he acts like a tough guy, he's really just a big softy, and he has no confidence around women."

"Yeah, no kidding," Kaje purred, slowly climbing up onto the bed, straddling Anjie as she tugged playfully at her strings, daring him to grab them and pull off the flimsy barrier between them. He could feel his mating shaft sliding smoothly from its sheath, straining against the inside of his black denim jeans. The pressure only made the tiger's blood run hotter. "She intimidates him, because she's this champion pilot, so he feels like a housecat trying to court a tiger."

"Ooh, I like that analogy," Anjie sighed. "I should use it in the text. And of course his teammate knows from day one that he's attracted, but she waits to see if he'll work up the nerve to really ask her out."

"Well, see, he's trying, but whenever he gets this close to asking her, it's like his knees just give out under him and he can't take the next ... step." Kaje closed his hands around Anjie's supple wrists, moving her hands away from the strings at her waist and up past her head on the mattress. Then he released her wrists and started working on the strings that went from the top of the gown and back around her neck. Before untying the knot, he worked his thick, black-padded fingertips against her neck muscles, massaging away any iota of tension that her freshly-grown muscles might have been feeling. Anjie moaned, her feathered wings spreading jerkily, reacting to her lover's firm massage and his low, deep voice, which sent a vibration through the bed as he kept narrating the "story". "So finally, one night they're both in the maintenance bay, working on their racers, and he says --"

"--the cheesiest double-entendre in history: 'Hey, Avi, can I take a look --'" Anjie gasped as Kaje's pawlike hands slid under the loosened gown, gliding over her breasts and giving her a good squeeze.

"'--at your chassis?' Yeah, I know it was cheesy; I just couldn't think of any other way to create an opening." At last, the panting tiger-morph took hold of her gown and slowly slid it off her body, revealing Anjie in all her radiant, sculpted, voluptuous glory. Bright pink nipples protruded from her chest, and Kaje's acute sense of smell was being flooded by her arousal. He leaned down, still supporting most of his own weight, just laying himself atop her enough to press their bodies together. Both lovers gasped at the contact of satin fur on silken flesh. With Anjie's mouth open in rapture, Kaje seized the opportunity, putting his muzzle to her lips and giving her one last, deep, penetrating kiss, intertwining his tongue with hers. The angel moaned into him, her song of need reverberating through his head.

Then Kaje broke off the kiss, only to plant another one on the side of her neck, feline-style, dragging that lovely, soft yet abrasive tongue of his along her sensitive skin. His lick-kisses trailed down to the hollow of her throat, then Kaje's path veered left. He stopped kissing Anjie for just a moment, letting her expectation build. Then he began flicking the tip of his tongue across the top of her right tit, first only giving her a few small licks, then increasing in frequency. Meanwhile, his right hand reached over and began kneading her other breast.

Anjie's whole body convulsed as Kaje tickled her teat, her wings now spread wide and flapping involuntarily as she laughed. "Ahh! O-o-okay! Uncle, alre-heh-heady! " she gasped. "Enough with the tickling!"

Kaje chuckled. "No doubt about it, Anjie, you're a natural racer; always trying to hurry to the ... finish!" He punctuated his last sentence by pouncing back onto his mate's pillowy mound, but this time he engulfed her nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, occasionally using his incisors to gently bite down and stretch the sensitive pink flesh, bringing forth long, yearning moans from Anjie. After about a minute of this, he switched sides, doing the same to Anjie's left nipple, first tickling it for a few moments - no complaints from her this time - then went down on it as he had the other one.

All the while, Kaje's hands were tending to the areas where his mouth was too occupied to go. His strong, rough-padded fingers explored Anjie's perfect form, squeezing her breasts, massaging the powerful muscles of her wings, kneading her firm shoulders, caressing her sides.

At last, when Kaje sensed that his mate's reactions to the mammary stimulation were starting to get less intense, he pulled his mouth from her chest, giving those glorious white spheres one last round of sensual massage, then dove down lower, leaving a trail of tiger-kisses that began in her cleavage, then continued down her flat, well-toned abdomen, pausing at her navel.

Though tube-grown bodies didn't need umbilical cords, being bathed in nutrient fluid as they developed, Anjie had once explained to Kaje that her belly-button had always been quite sensitive, so she always made sure her replacement bodies included a cosmetically-pleasing little innie there, with sensitive skin nearly as responsive as that of her other erogenous zones. Now, Kaje made good use of that convenient feature, running his claws gently over, around and into it, then leaning in to let his rough pink tongue swirl around inside it. Anjie gave a muted cry, her back arched, pressing her little dark hole up to Kaje's attentive mouth, her hands reaching down to the sides of his head, her nails running gently across his scalp beneath his black hair, cut short, but longer and coarser than the fine, satiny fur that covered the rest of his body.

Anjie's spasms lasted for a minute or two, and then Kaje pulled back once again. Running his paws over her tummy one last time, he resumed his course, leaving long, scratchy licks down the trail from her navel to his final destination: Anjie's fresh, clean-shaven sex. As he laid eyes on it, Kaje saw what his nose had been telling him all along. Anjie's nether lips were a deep pink, almost a pale red, puffy and partially open. The familiar scent of her pheromones, and the promise of her rich nectar, wafted up to him, turning his already hard into a rock-hard shaft.

By now, his cock's confinement was becoming downright painful. As he inhaled Anjie's heavenly scent, Kaje let one hand go down to his own crotch, unclasping his belt and unbuttoning the pants that had restrained him until that moment, the fly unzipping loudly as he finally released his rod, its black flesh pulsing in time to his racing heartbeat. He noticed Anjie's lusty gaze as he revealed the enormous fifteen-inch tool, but quickly leaned back down, putting his face just inches from her sex, letting his ebony member hang free for now.

Now better able to concentrate on his mate's enjoyment, Kaje gave a sigh of relief, letting his hot breath stimulate Anjie's increasingly sensitive flesh. Then he laid a gentle, human-style kiss on her clit, putting his black lips to her pink, near-human flesh. Anjie let out a loud gasp, her fingers gripping the mattress hard as Kaje intensified his ministrations, now suckling on the erect nub, giving it the same treatment he'd given Anjie's tits just minutes before, sucking, licking, nipping, turning his head from side to side to twist and play with Anjie's love button. This time, Anjie practically screamed, her hips bucking up to meet his talented mouth.

Still proceeding with deliberate slowness, Kaje gradually decreased the amount of stimulation he was giving Anjie's clit, then left off entirely. He just breathed slowly, savoring his angel's musky female odor, allowing his hot and humid breath to wash over, around and into her now hypersensitive vulva. This sent his lover into a fit, her flawless, curvaceous frame writhing in sexual frustration as Kaje simply breathed through his mouth, not touching her, only stroking her toned thighs with those rough, tantalizing padded hands. Finally, Anjie couldn't take it anymore and released a keening, whine. Wordlessly, she begged him with her eyes and with her body to finish it, to allow her release.

Kaje was only too happy to comply.

At long last, Kaje ran his tongue along Anjie's outer lips. She bucked and cried out with mingled relief and longing. Her pussy opened even wider, and Kaje took advantage of it by slowly, gently sliding his tongue into her, feeling her inner muscles clench in response to the familiar penetration.

Anjie brought her hands quickly to Kaje's head, pressing him into her, demanding in no uncertain terms that he quit teasing her and skip ahead to the finish. Kaje got the message loud and clear, and made full use of his skilled tongue, twirling it inside her tunnel, lapping up the sweet precum that was already starting to flow. Anjie's scent was now an intoxicating aroma, filling Kaje's nostrils and making his breath come in rapid gasps. Still he kept on, at last locating that most sensitive spot within Anjie's slick, contracting passage and focusing his attentions there, sliding his rough pink organ over it, pushing, pressing.

Anjie screamed her release. Hot cum flooded out from her depths, pouring around Kaje's still-embedded tongue, soaking the fur of his chin and face. Like everything about Anjie's body, her fluids were mostly identical to those of a natural-bodied human female, but with a few genetic and chemical tweaks. The flavor of her nectar had the familiar, rich, hormone-laced quality of natural cum, but also had a sugary component; rather than the common salty taste, Anjie tasted of honey produced in the hidden recesses of her own womb. The first time Kaje had sampled her unique flavor, he had jokingly commented that his lover was "sweet" in

more ways than one!

As her hips slowly sank back down onto the bed, Anjie's breathing gradually began returning to normal. "Oh ... oh ... oh, Dios!" she gasped. Meanwhile, her mate was slowly cleaning her sopping crotch. Still too short of breath to speak, she made a beckoning motion with her hand, and Kaje sat up, straddling her once again. She took his feline muzzle lovingly by the chin, drawing his lips to hers. As they kissed, she tasted her nectar that still coated his face. "Thanks, honey," she said with a wry grin. "I think this new body is working just fine."

Kaje leaned down and nuzzled his mate's cheek. "Mm, yeah. Of course, there is one test we haven't given it yet ...."

"Go for it, baby."

Giving her one more kiss, Kaje leaned back into a sitting position. Anjie glanced down as Kaje moved her thighs further apart, her dripping sex glistening after her orgasm. Kaje's shaft was now at full length, engorged and ready for action. As he slowly brought his tip against Anjie's vaginal lips, the tiger-morph felt a shudder run up his body as Anjie's outer lips clenched around the head of his penis. Slowly, he began to push himself in all the way. Anjie gasped as his thick ebon shaft pushed into her, sliding with almost no friction thanks to her natural lubrication, but stretching her vaginal walls. She could feel her lover's pulse as Kaje's member throbbed inside her, filling her, stuffing her womb with fifteen inches of hot tiger cock.

Kaje, for his part, was enjoying the experience. His breath came in heavy pants as Anjie's body began to milk him. Once he had pushed himself in her all the way to the hilt, he began slowly drawing his length back out. Anjie whimpered, not wanting to lose that heavenly sensation of being filled, but allowed Kaje to pull out until only his head was still inside her.

Then he pushed all the way in - suddenly, much faster than before, causing his mate to cry out in surprise. Kaje smiled at her reaction, pulled out slowly once again, then rammed the full length of his rod into her. With each thrust, Anjie bucked her hips, helping him to plunge deeper into her, hungry for him, needing that beautiful black cock inside her. Even after her intense orgasm just minutes before, she could feel that familiar warm glow spreading from her loins through her belly.

By now, Kaje's mind was little more than a raging inferno of pure lust. He plunged into his angel with abandon, the speed and power of his thrusts increasing with each stroke. As Anjie writhed and screamed on the bed before him, Kaje threw his head back, eyes shut, a throaty purr rumbling through him which soon became a growl, then a full-throated roar. At the very moment that Anjie's tunnel contracted totally around his shaft, Kaje released his seed, white-hot fluid filling whatever tiny nook in Anjie's womb that hadn't already been stuffed with his cock alone, then leaking out around it, overflowing, mingled with even more of Anjie's sweet juices, the smell of their mating filling the recovery room.

Totally spent, the lovers collapsed onto the bed, lying on their sides, facing one another as they both basked in the blissful haze of their afterglow, Kaje's shaft still mostly buried in Anjie's heavenly tunnel.

No words were spoken for long minutes. As consciousness and energy returned, the lovers reached out to another, Kaje stroking Anjie's cheeks, her long golden hair, gazing deeply into her loving cerulean eyes. Anjie ran her fingers along Kaje's muzzle, scratching under his strong chin and gently behind his pointed ears, which caused her mate to close his eyes and purr in rapture. Dios, he's so cute like this, she thought. My big, strong, loving tiger man. As one, they both shifted on the pad and locked themselves into one final, endless kiss, holding each other close as their bodies slowly descended the peak of ecstasy they'd climbed together.

At last, Kaje spoke. "You know, the next race is next weekend. With you quitting, that means I'll be going it alone. Without you watching my tail, I may be the one in the recovery room next time."

"Mmmm," Anjie murred, leaning over to nibble those deliciously chewable earlobes of his. "Well, then I promise to give you just as much attention as you've given me today. How's that for a deal?"

Kaje sighed as he felt Anjie's hands rubbing circles through his striped fur. "Not too bad. Still, I'll miss you out there."

"You won't have to; I'll be in the stands, cheering for you all the way." Then she gave him a sly smile.

"Besides, you won't be going it alone. I think you'll like who I picked as my replacement ...."