Growing Problems

Story by Annela on SoFurry

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#1 of Spyro writings

Inspired by SADesian's ditties here

Also kinda stealing the Temple layout idea from IceFlame1019's fanfiction he has going on deviantART (recommended reading, btw)

The sun shone bright and hot on the Dragon Temple roof, perfect for the young black dragoness as she sprawled out to sun herself. Training was hard work, and the poor girl was exhausted, not only from the rigamarole of exercising her firebreath alongside Spyro, but from her own body. She and Spyro, for some odd reason, were maturing rather early for dragons. The guardians could only theorize it had something to do with them being born in the Year of the Dragon, but Cynder felt it was something more. As her gut churned with an irritating inner fire and unknown burning need she sighed and rolled onto her back, exposing herself to whoever might find her. At this point she didn't care, nor did it really matter anyway, she'd already seen Spyro's bits during their trek to destroy the Dark Master, and she'd caught glimpses of the guardians when they were relaxing or when it was a hot day like today. The sun's strength felt good on her, a pleasantly warm distraction from that strange inner turmoil. But, alas, a distraction it remained, for her body was bound and determined for...something. Her slit, usually almost invisible, was swollen and parted slightly, and very sensitive to touch.

Unable to fully distract herself even with basking in the warm light, she let her mind wander, trying to find something, anything to distract herself with. That, however, was a bigger mistake, for unbidden images of Spyro began to fill her mind. During their journey, she hadn't been able to stop thinking about him, but this was getting ridiculous. She already admitted to loving him, so why was it getting worse? Not only that, but all the memories of how caring he was towards her began to stoke that inner fire beyond the sun's ability to soothe. She groaned and writhed on the roof, unable to help herself. What was going on? Why was her body doing this? What was she supposed to do to make this confounded discomfort stop?

Cynder wasn't alone by any stretch of the imagination. Her purple boyfriend was sitting atop the archway over the balcony, watching her from a distance and struggling to contain himself. Ever since their return he'd felt...strange. Things were normal after he and Cynder had confessed to each other, but upon their return to the Temple, things had been slowly changing between them. They were still madly in love but their bodies were being strange. Ignitus had said they were maturing, but had failed to explain what that meant. Weren't they already mature? They were already half the size of the guardians, they could fly and breathe their elements, what more was there? Apparently a lot more as he stared at his hardened shaft poking out from between his hind legs. He was no stranger to his own anatomy, or Cynder's, they wore no clothes like the furs did, and as far as he knew it was natural, but it had never done this before, getting hard and sending this odd feeling through him that made his hips uneasy and his breath quick. He felt uneasy around Cynder, yet couldn't take his eyes off her, and the sight of her made his penis hard. It confused them both to no end. What was going on? They couldn't cuddle at night anymore because they both felt so awkward with these new changes pulling at them. As he gazed at the beautiful ebon girl in similar pain on the roof he sighed. There had to be an answer, why were the elders being so quiet about it?

Night offered no escape; nay, it made the situation worse tenfold. After their evening exercises and dinner they retired to their room, but found sleep to be next to impossible. How badly Cynder wanted to snuggle up under Spyro's wing, but just touching him sent a weird electric tingle through her hide and amplified that heat in her belly. Spyro's shaft was rock-hard, uncomfortably so, as if it were straining to split its own skin. They both felt restless and their minds were spinning with that alien urge, that utter need for...something. It was almost desperation. With a frustrated huff the purple dragon shuffled his way outside, waddling to try to prevent his sensitive dragonhood from rubbing against his belly. Cynder couldn't help but watch, panting a bit with a strange fixation. Even though she'd seen Spyro's maleness before, she'd never really looked at its full length, but as he turned the corner she gasped inwardly. His penis was practically up to his ribcage, almost reaching his forelegs! How could it get that long? Why was it that long? And why was she so suddenly so enticed by it?

Spyro gritted his teeth and laid down on the cold stone, yelping at the shock on his member. It did the trick though, somewhat, as it softened and began to retreat._ _ He sighed, still feeling frustrated and oddly unfulfilled.


He started and looked over his shoulder, wincing again as he erected despite the cold contact. "Hey...I couldn't sleep."

"Me neither." She sat down near him, blushing slightly as she struggled not to curl up with him. How she longed for his touch... "Pretty night."

"Yeah..." Awkward silence fell. "I wish I knew why this was happening."

"Me too..." She flexed her wings, then scratched the stone. "Damn it all...Spyro, is it because we're...y'know..." Her voice lowered to a meek whisper. " love?"

He shrugged and shook his head. "I don't think so. I think it's just how things were timed. I thought we were past the awkward stages though, y'know with the voice changes and joint pains and all that." He stood up, exposing himself to her, noticing how her eyes were instantly drawn to his dragonhood despite her obvious self-restraint. "I'm gonna go wake Ignitus and get an answer, this is ridiculous."

Something inside her grew frantic at that, though the reason was unknown to her, guiding her before she knew what was happening. "No, wait! Let them sleep! Look, we're...we're already out here...why don't know...try to figure it out for ourselves?"

"Cynder, are you embarrassed?" he asked with a smirk. "That's not like you."

"So what if I am?" she growled, averting her eyes from the sight of his shaft throbbing with seeming invitation beneath him. "We took down the Dark Master together on our own, why shouldn't we solve this puzzle ourselves too?" It felt like a lame excuse, her wings sagging.

"Hrm...well, you're right I guess." Lame or not, he took it. "But how do we figure this out?"

"Well if you'd stop flaunting that thing and let me think!"

He gulped and instantly laid down, afraid he'd upset her. She was more upset at herself than she was at him, though. It was such a struggle to think, especially now that she'd gotten such a good look at him. Finally she sighed. "Hey Spyro...roll over."

Still thinking she was upset at him, and wanting to please her, he did as she bade and rolled onto his back, his facial scales growing a tad more crimson as he exposed himself. She hesitantly padded over and stared at her boyfriend so prone before her, finding it rather cute how he was blushing with his paws curled in the air. His amethyst scales glittered in the moonlight and the warm yellow light from the temple, which magnified the golden sheen of his scutes...and made his malehood stand out all the more. Unlike the elders, whose members were roughly the same general color as their primary scales, Spyro's massive length was almost decorated. "Wow..." she whispered as she drew closer. Spyro had to fight not to flinch when he felt her breath on his exposed flesh. Cynder stared at the impressive meat before her, studying its details. Extending the length of his belly and reaching the subtle curve of his chest, it was a deep, enticing mauve from the pointed and slightly flared tip to about halfway down, where it bore shiny gold mottling. Along the urethral bulge, a ridge of small fleshy lumps at the halfway point swiftly grew to gilded tooth-like barbs up to the small golden swell at his sheath. From that knot-like swell, the upper half of his penis was entirely gold, branching off into delicate golden swirls on the purple flesh, primarily along his veins. It looked as though an artisan had gilded his penis and, at the halfway point, had dabbed small spots like a gradient into the purple and traced his veins with gold swirls. Even more curious was how the swirls also accented the subtle ridges encircling his whole upper half. On closer inspection, the mauve part of his tool had another set of small barbs, but along each side rather than along the bottom. Not nearly as pronounced, but still noticeable in the night gloom. To Cynder's addled mind it was a stunning work of art. It actually made her proud that such a thing belonged to the dragon she loved. Before now she'd only really seen the purple lower half, floppy and rather short, so to see it at such a length was shocking.

Spyro anxiously shifted, feeling really weird with her staring so intently. He moved to get up, but froze when he felt her paw on his chest. "I didn't say you could get up."

"You haven't said anything at all."

Her curiosity beginning to overwhelm her, her next move took them both by surprise; she leaned in close, enticed by his heavy, spicy scent, then slowly licked him from tip to sheath. Spyro groaned and had to fight himself from arching his back at the sudden weird electric sensation shooting from her tongue all through his lower body. Enslaved by his unique and oddly pleasant flavor she licked him again, and again, eyes half-closed as she started to lose herself. She let her tongue catch on his fleshy barbs, feeling them give under the pressure, his shaft throbbing in return. Another loud moan from him snapped her back to reality, head jerking back with a furious blush and a gasp. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry did I hurt you I didn't mean-"

He quickly sat up and held a paw to her mouth as he caught his breath, coming down from that alien high. "No no Cynder it's fine...I'm fine...I just..." He laid back down and panted, staring at the sky, trying to process this.

"Whaddaya mean?"

"It felt really good...weird but good. I can't describe it. I just...can't believe you did that."

Neither could she, now that she was sitting there rolling her tongue in her mouth and sampling the dwindling flavor. She watched hazily as he sat up. "I wasn't...expecting that either. Your penis tastes really good..." she whispered, feeling very awkward now.

Tilting his head at her reaction, he glanced down at himself, then back up at her. "Do you...want more?"

She stared at him in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"We were both enjoying it...why not?" He laid back down, giving her a shy smile. Cynder smiled back and leaned in again, giving his tip a gentle lick, wrapping her tongue around it. "Ooohh...Cynder..." he moaned, squirming a bit.

"What's wrong?"

" feels really good..." Looking up at her, his eyes roved along her side, taking in her slim, streamlined form and gracious curves. Curiosity consuming him now he gazed at her tailbase; from where he was he could see her swollen netherlips glistening with moisture. On the slight evening breeze he could smell a strange, spicy scent from her that made his shaft throb even more. "Hey Cynder..."

"Hm?" she hummed, pausing with her tongue pressed against his ridges.

"Keep doing that...but bring your legs over here..."

Catching on quickly she slowly walked her hind legs over and straddled him, keeping her tongue against his penis as she explored it. Spyro stared at her slit just above his muzzle, feeling heat emanating from her against his nose along with that wonderfully enticing new smell. As her tongue wound around his intimate details he leaned up to nuzzle at her slit, covering his nose with her wetness. She gasped and froze as a jolt of pleasure rippled through her being. Undeterred, Spyro eased his broader tongue along her slit, sampling her nectar and finding it instantly addicting. He held her hips and lapped at her repeatedly, exploring her as she was him. Overcome with the new sensation, Cynder simply stood still above him, gasping for breath with each pass over her nethers. Losing herself in the moment she leaned in again and began to bathe his penis with her tongue, licking at his sheath and knot, even teasing her tongue slightly into his sheath. Moaning against her from the increased pleasure, he started to poke his tongue into her, fighting against her tight virgin muscles in his pursuit of her ambrosia. Cynder squealed and moaned as he got maybe half an inch inside her, her nerves suddenly on fire at the first contact. The sudden blissful feeling caused her to tense up, squeezing his tongue back out. A bit frustrated at the denial he pushed back, wriggling his tongue against her. She shivered and moaned long and loud as that inner fire began to boil up, magnifying the pleasure of his oral assault. His long shaft twitched and throbbed, softly smacking her chest and grabbing her attention again. She practically threw herself onto his cock, lavishing him with her tongue, high on the pleasure and his scent. Several minutes went by between them noisily licking each other, until suddenly Cynder cried out and humped madly against his muzzle as her body seemed to explode. Pure ecstasy crashed over her in small waves, her young virgin passage drenching her lover's face with her nectar as her muscles spasmed. Panting heavily, she just barely registered Spyro's tongue slowly, tenderly lapping at her slit again, cleaning her off. He was purring loudly, obviously enjoying himself. Her legs wobbled and she flopped on him, rolling to the side and basking in her first afterglow. For the first time in days, that annoying internal fire was gone.

Spyro wiped his face as best he could with his paw, licking her juices off his scales. She tasted so good; a bit earthy and bitter but also sweet and a tad spicy, and her fluids were smooth and light, not at all what he'd been expecting. Tongue still tingling from the sensation of her tight silken pink walls he shakily stood up, panting heavily and gazing fondly at the prone black female. She had a silly grin plastered on her face, eyes closed, tongue hanging out of the corner of her mouth as she panted. However, as he watched, he felt a bit left out. Something had happened to her, but why not to him? Had she not licked him enough? Laying down on top of her, his penis sandwiched between their bellies, he licked her cheek softly, waking her up from her reverie. "You okay?" he asked.

She surprised him as she quickly wrapped her limbs around him, hugging him tightly and nuzzling into his neck. "Oh Spyro...that was...absolutely amazing..." As she came more into reality she realized he was throbbing against her. Pushing him up a bit, she looked between them, seeing his pulsing cockhead pointed right at her and just as hard as it had been before. "Oh...I think I left you hanging...I'm sorry."

He chuckled, though more to cheer himself up. "I'm fine...are you feeling any better?"

"Mhm...but I'd be feeling even better if I knew you were taken care of too." She reached down, softly stroking her pawpads along what she could reach of his length. He moaned and involuntarily bucked against her. Spyro pulled away, a familiar light in his eyes as he stood tall and studied her. "What are you thinking of this time?" she asked, still gently stroking what she could reach of that marvelous tool.

"I wonder..." He backed up over her, dragging his maleness along her soft red belly. She shivered as the barbs on the underside rubbed against her sensitive lips, until the tip was resting between them. Spyro was panting nervously. "I don't know why but...I think this is how it you wanna?"

She nodded eagerly. If his tongue had felt so good inside her, this was sure to feel even better! Her breath grew short and heavy again with anticipation, that weird fire welling up, but this time it was pleasant need rather than an itching urge. She smiled at him and spread her legs a little wider, hooking them loosely around him. He smiled back and dipped his hips slightly, pressing his tip to her nethers more forcibly. He thrust a few times, sliding around her tailbase and making her shiver, then they both cried out in surprise as he hit his mark and sank a few inches into her tunnel, her silken walls clinging tightly to him at the sudden intrusion. Cynder clung to him tightly and shivered, making him look down at her. She was gritting her teeth, her face clenched. "You okay??"

" hurts a bit..." Truth be told it hurt a lot, but she wanted this badly.

"I-I'll stop if you need-"

In response she tightened her legs and gasped as she pulled herself another inch or two onto him. Spyro leaned in to nuzzle and nibble her neck to soothe her, holding still and letting her adjust. The tightness and warmth of her insides squeezing him was almost unbearable with the stillness, he had to fight the sudden intense urge to ram himself into her and surround the rest of his member with that wonderful tight heat. Cynder looked down between their bodies, marveling at the sight of her passage stretched around that deep-purple spire. She still had a ways to go though before she hit his ridges. Somehow, the sight of being so close made her hot inside, hot with need. She needed to feel those ridges and barbs inside her now.

Likewise Spyro needed to feel her stretched around his entire dragonhood. As she adjusted she would wiggle her hips and he would oblige, slowly easing himself into her until she tensed herself. The pain began to give way to a dull ache and pleasantly full sensation, until he pressed against something inside her. She urged him deeper, but that frustrating barrier wouldn't relinquish. The purple dragon growled and bucked his hips rather hard. Cynder shrieked and clung to him again, feeling something tear and her insides clench as he suddenly slid all the way up to the entrance of her womb, the first few rows of ridges and barbs now resting inside her. She shivered and bit her lip as the pain raced through her loins. Spyro, quick to read, held as still as he could, feeling warmth surrounding his member within her. Unseen to either of them a small trickle of blood slowly escaped her tight seal around his girth.

"I-I-I'm...f-fine...just...just gimme a bit..."

Spyro carefully laid atop her and hugged her, kissing her softly and rubbing her shoulders. "Shh...relax...just relax. You're gonna squeeze me out."

"Just...don't you dare pull out..." She kissed him back and hugged him tight, trying to distract herself from the stinging pain with each beat of her racing heart. After what felt like hours of passionate cuddling the pain dwindled to an achy throb, unveiling an unusual, pleasantly full feeling deep in her belly. She could just barely feel his tip pulsing against her cervix. She curled her tail around his and licked his cheek. "Y'know...if anyone had said that one day I'd have your penis inside me, I'd have torn their eyes out..."

He chuckled again and licked her nose. "I know you would."

She wiggled her hips again, feeling she could take the entire thing. Spyro pushed in again, but found he couldn't go any deeper just yet. He was pushing against something that felt somewhat like the entrance to her pussy, yet was much more unyielding. "Spyro...I want your whole penis inside me...please..."

With a little more than half of himself inside her, he was all too eager to grant her wish. But maybe she needed to relax a little more first. "Maybe you should relax some more...I can't seem to get any more in."

She grunted. "Fine..."

He began to feel a bit awkward as they lingered there, just simply cuddling. He still had that restlessness in his hind legs. Moving to stretch them, he accidentally pulled out of her a bit. They both gasped at the rush of pleasure, Cynder's walls clinging to him and feeling empty without him to spread them open. He pushed back in again, rewarded with another rush. Curious, he braced his hind legs and started to push in and out with short, shallow thrusts. Cynder's limbs shivered around him and she moaned, but this time there was no pain in her voice; rather, she sounded like she had before when he was licking her. Taking that as a good sign he sped up and moaned as her tight grip on his sent electric thrills up his spire and into his body. Her gasping, moaning, and the spicy scent rising up from her again were music to his senses, and her passage massaging his length was heavenly. He leaned in again to nibble and lick at her chest and neck, her paws holding his neck, encouraging him. His wings flared out and flapped with each thrust, cooling them off a bit as he thrust harder and faster.

" feels so good..."

"M-more...don't ever stop..." she whimpered, her paws roaming his neck and shoulders. Without warning, the battering against her cervix finally had effect and they both squealed with bliss as he suddenly sank all the way into her. Her entrance fluttered around him as those ridges and barbs were forced in up to her womb's entrance, the smooth lower half of his penis now firmly embedded within her deepest sanctuary. Her swollen lips clung snugly to that odd bulge at the base, pressed up against his sheath.

"'s...all the way in!" he breathed in surprise and arousal at the idea of that massive length completely buried in her. They both looked down, spying a bulge in her belly where his penis pressed out against her womb. She could feel herself stretched around him, and it brought her such ecstasy, to have her love so close and now so deep inside her. She felt fulfilled, as he did as he ground gently against her, letting her adjust one more time. Following his instinct he pulled his hips back, shuddering as her tight grip massaged his ridges and barbs as they popped out of her, until just the flared tip was caught inside the snug grip of her cervix. As he pushed back in, the waves of fire rushing over him with each pop of his ridges into her felt so right, so wonderful, and her musical moaning only spurred him on. Hilted back inside her, only to pull out again, they felt made for each other. The smooth lower half of his shaft seemed perfect for teasing and stretching her womb, while the barbs and ridges were built just right to constantly tease and stroke her passage. Spyro groaned as Cynder wrapped her legs around him, suspending herself under him just an inch off the floor.

"Oh Spyro!" she called out, burying her face against his neck and bucking back against him. Bearing her weight under himself he started to thrust fast and hard into her, the two of them moaning in bliss. Her tight passage fluttered around his shaft, his fleshy barbs and hard ridges teasing her every needy nerve, her tightness fitting around every contour almost enough to send him overboard. Her head fell back in a long passionate moan; Spyro leaned down and tilted his head to kiss her deeply, feeling a powerful surge of pride and warmth in his chest, pride that he was able to make her feel good like this and warmth that such a wonderful dragoness wanted to be his mate like this. Back and forth his hips sawed into her, Cynder finally reciprocating his kiss, the two tossing fire back and forth in their mouths as their inner fires were stoked ever hotter, the pleasure rising up on that heat. It being their first time, they didn't have much stamina, nor did they understand what was happening; to them, this was the single best moment of their lives and they were going to keep at it! Cynder shuddered and moaned against his breath as she felt something larger and larger pounding against her slit, his penis not quite going as deep into her now. Spyro grunted and struggled to get himself back inside her, his pleasure running so wonderfully high! If only he could get entirely back inside her it might feel even better! Cynder twined her tail around his even tighter, trying to pull him back inside.

"C-Cynder...nnngh!" he grunted, kissing her passionately once more as he thrust his hips and arched his back, finally slamming home into her. Her eyes shot open and she screamed in mixed pain and intense pleasure as his knot almost split her open and was locked inside her tight grip. It sent her soaring, blissful ecstasy crashing over her entire body, her muscles clenching around him and milking his length with a vice-grip as she experienced her second, much more intense orgasm, her juices spurting out in small gushes over his sheath. Spyro's head flung back and he roared out as her relentless squeezing around his penis and knot finally triggered his release, thick ropes of his first seed gushing straight into her womb, his whole body tensing long and hard with each pulse of pleasure racing through him. He stood there with Cynder clinging to him, gasping for breath with each throb of his massive meat filling her, claiming her as his mate. As he finally reached the end of his climax his legs gave out and he collapsed on Cynder, just barely mentally present enough to shakily catch himself so as not to jar her too much.

Panting heavily, the two laid there catching their breath and basking in the bone-deep warmth of afterglow, Cynder also enjoying the full sensation in her belly. She felt so heavy now, shivering with delight. Spyro was the first to make conscious movement, slowly pulling up to nuzzle at her neck and groom her scales with his tongue and teeth. She smiled and let him dote on her, finding it rather adorable. As they recovered she could feel his knot slowly deflating, the pressure now replaced with that pleasant fullness of his penis stretching her tunnel. Finally she moved her legs up and hugged him again, licking the top of his head and then his nose when he looked up at her. Their eyes locked and noses pressed together, until Cynder whispered "Thank you". He smiled back and nuzzled her nose, his eyelids drooping.

"I love you Cynder."

"I love you too much..." She hugged him tightly, then let go as he pulled to move off her. She looked down between their bodies and watched as what felt like meters of dragon cock slid out of her, her cervix involuntarily tensing up behind him and trapping as much of his cream as possible. Finally he popped free with a lewd squelch, a stream of their mixed fluids gushing out of her. The sight and scent of his mate full of his cum sent a strange thrill of pride and excitement through the purple male, his penis throbbing and beginning to erect again. Cynder murred and licked her lips, rolling over and leaning in to lap at his tool as he stood there. Purring and smiling at her, he laid down on his side and let her explore him again.

"You taste...different," she mused, rolling their mixed juices around on her tongue. It was an odd flavor, but not enough to deter her from suckling on his tip again.

"Mmmm...that feels really good..." he groaned with a deep purr. With a playful smirk he reached over and grabbed her slender hind legs, pulling her closer. She meeped and giggled, swatting his thigh in retaliation, then leaned in and moaned as his tongue lapped at her nethers. He held her steady when she tried to buck against his muzzle, easing his tongue into her silky slit and wriggling it against her walls. Cynder cooed in bliss, taking his penis into her mouth again and using her tongue to trace all his fine details. Feeling a little adventurous she started to slowly push herself further down, wincing and moaning around him as his tongue flicked against a strange spot inside her that shot pleasure spikes through her. Repressing her gag reflex, a rather easy feat after dealing with the sickening flavor of her own acid breath power, she swallowed around him, Spyro moaning loudly into her passage as her throat massaged his length. After a few minutes of nursing on his member, her nose bumped against his sheath, his entire shaft in her mouth. His flavor and scent screamed of male to her, and she found herself greatly enjoying this new form of playtime with Spyro. Later that night she would look back and wonder just why she was feeling so forward, but in the heat of the moment right now, all she felt was that this was...right. Gulping around his penis and sucking on him, teasing him with her tongue, finding just how to make him twitch and felt more natural even than cuddling with him.

Spyro was purring and moaning in utter bliss as she serviced him, his tongue on autopilot as he drank her ample nectar from her soft flower. Before tonight, all he knew about the difference between male and female was that he had a penis and Cynder didn't. The thought of licking that slit between her legs would have grossed him out before, but now he couldn't see how they'd gone so long without this. It felt so right and natural, giving her such pleasure and enjoyment and receiving the same in return. Tongue hilted inside her, almost painfully stretched at its anchor in his jaw, he delved into the love of his life, loving her sweet-salty flavor and half-mindedly studying her reactions. There was a small rough patch inside her silken walls that seemed to make her wail in pleasure and press back against him for more every time he touched it.

Inner fires welling up again, they kept at each other, moaning louder and louder until Cynder coughed and pulled quickly off his member. She flung her head back and squealed "SPYROOOO!!!", bucking back fiercely against his face as she came hard. He too sputtered and coughed as her juices and a bit of his cum literally gushed all over his face. He watched in wonder with one squinted eye as she shivered with each pulse, her sweet fluids splashing against him with decreasing arcs until she laid there panting and purring again with that same silly grin. Dizzy with pleasure, she continued to lap at his shaft, her panting naturally moving her tongue along him. High on euphoria she didn't really even think about her actions as she once more took the tapered tip of his penis and nursed on him. Heavily aroused from the sight of her orgasm, and her scent smeared all over his nose, it didn't take him long to join her, roaring out and bucking his hips. Something hot, thick but runny, and very salty flooded her mouth with surprising force. She gulped it down quickly and gasped for breath, breaking free only to get splashed in the face with rope after thick, powerful rope of his pearly cream. Staring in wonder she too watched with one squinted eye as his penis sprayed her neck, belly and side, halfway bathing her with his essence. After several long, throbbing strains of cum he finally petered off, the purple dragon flopping on his side and purring in afterglow. They laid there in a puddle of their own making, basking in heavy, hazy, bone-deep warmth of afterglow for a while, until Cynder leaned in and smiled as she licked his penis clean. She scooped a huge glob of his cream into her mouth and slowly rolled it around on her tongue, sampling his new flavor. It was bitter and salty, at first making her wince, but as she continued, the taste quickly grew on her. Despite tasting a bit bad, it was also strangely delicious and she found herself wanting more.

As she was reviewing his work, Spyro was pawing at his face and licking his paw clean, enjoying her sweet juices like a bear with honey. Of the two of them, she was the most saturated, having not only wet herself with her nectar in her explosive climax but also halfway painted white with his generous load. On an unspoken agreement they both set to cleaning her off as best they could, Cynder murring as she licked his cum off her body, Spyro purring as he serviced her tailbase and thighs, getting every last drop of her juices.

"Mmmm.. I don't know what all this white stuff is, but it's delicious," she admitted with a grin, licking her cummy lips.

He blushed and nuzzled her slightly gaping entrance, making her shiver and coo. "You taste amazing too. We'll have to be careful though, we both made a pretty big mess already. You squirted everywhere."

"So did you! If I hadn't been lying here you would've painted the whole floor!" They both stood up and glanced at the balcony floor, their sides still dripping from the puddle of their mixed production. "Still though...I'm glad we figured this out...together," she whispered, nuzzling him. He smiled and nuzzled back, ignoring the streaks of cum she was smearing on him.

"I am too...I love you Cynder. Actually, I kinda wish now that we'd found out about this earlier."

"Same here." She grinned and stepped away, teasingly running her tail along his neck and up under his jaw, the purple dragon growling playfully. She glanced over her shoulder with an equally playful grin. "Bath in the river? First one there gets to pick how we play?"

His grin turned from playful to devious. She instantly regretted her decision when he tackled her and flashed with power. In a blink of an eye he had used his Time power to carry her to the river, landing on his back with her on top. "I touched the ground first," he boasted, sticking his tongue out at her.

"You ass," she huffed, jumping off him and purposely shoving off his gut. He rolled over and coughed, then stood up and shook himself off. Cynder strutted away, her tail hiked, her pussy on full display as she headed for the water. Transfixed by the sexy sight he followed her without question, then yelped when a splash of cold snapped him back to reality. She laughed and slunk into the water, waiting for him. Unlike her, he simply dived in, making her squeal and try to flee as he came for her. A swift tickle fight ensued, both of them yelping and laughing until finally Cynder uprighted him in the shallows and pinned him. They paused there, panting for breath and grinning like idiots, eyeing each other. "So what're you gonna do to me, mister cheater?" she whispered, playfully grinding herself against his sheath.

"Seems you've already got an idea of what to do," he taunted, bucking up against her.

"Mmf!" She pulled off him in her struggle not to grind back against him. "Well, to be honest, there's so much I want to try, but you still won. Cheater." She walked off him with a sarcastic huff, Spyro rolling over and standing up to shake himself off. She shook herself off too, but in a more graceful fashion that had him staring in awe as her head flicked back and forth, the shiver running visibly down her lithe body to the tip of her tail.

"You're such a tease."

She only purred in response and hiked her tail again to continue teasing him. His dragonhood, already poking free from her display, quickly grew out under him and slapped his belly, so turned on was he at the sight of his wonderful mate presenting herself. He'd had few ideas before, but now as she stood there he felt a deep urge to mount her as she was.

Which was exactly what he did. Masking his presence with a bit of wind power, he crept up on her, then swiftly stood up and grabbed her hips in one motion, pressing his penis into her entrance a few inches. She gasped in pleasured surprise and whipped her head around.

"Wait, shouldn't I be on my baAAAAaaaahhhh-" she cried out as he pushed himself deeper. The surge in pleasure from stretching around his penis made her weak in her forelegs, her front reflexively dropping to the ground and hind legs bowing as her body tried to tell her to spread 'em for him. His next move gave her no choice on that though, her legs quickly spreading to support his weight as he leaned over her and hooked his paws around her thighs, pulling himself even deeper until he reached her cervix. They both shuddered and cried out in bliss, pausing and reveling in the feeling of this intimate embrace of their most sacred parts.

" ready?" he groaned, his voice unusually deep and husky. The sound sent chills of need down her spine.

"Do it please! I need it!" she whimpered, pressing back against him. They both gasped and moaned as this action forced him through her cervix and into her cum-laden womb. He hilted himself inside her, Cynder shifting uneasily as his penis pressed her belly out just enough for the grass below her to tickle her hide there. The tickling fell to the wayside as he pulled back out until just the head was trapped in her tight grip. This time though, instead of ramming himself into her or starting fast, he paced himself, exploring her and reveling in the tightness and warmth of his mate. He'd slowly pull out, then quickly thrust in again and hold for a short pause before repeating. Expecting a fast frenzy of pleasure like before, Cynder was a bit frustrated at first but after the first three or four thrusts she started to enjoy the slowness. Leaning over the black dragoness beneath him, Spyro nibbled along her spine, grazing her scales with his teeth and making her shiver; it felt really good, the light scratching a sensual tickle, his hot breath over her neck a reminder of how close they were together. Moving into a slow and steady rhythm rather than quick thrusts and slow pulls he started to mate her again, paws holding her thighs tightly and pulling her into his thrusts. Her constant moaning and purring, and her hips bucking to receive him, it was perfect for the purple dragon. Her tight silky passage wrapped around every contour, her cervix kissing around the head with every deep thrust...nothing had ever felt more right in his life. Stretching beneath him she splayed her forelegs out before her, curling her claws into the ground for better leverage as she bucked back against his thrusts. Her head lolled back against his muzzle, tongue hanging out as she panted and gasped for breath with every rush of ecstasy.



"It feels so good..."

She curled her tail around his. "Go faster...please...gimme it all!"

Not one to disappoint, he curled his toes into the ground, gripped her waist more firmly, and started to pound into her hard and fast. The black femme's jaw went slack as she alternately gasped for breath and cried out with each pull and thrust, jolts of pure pleasure wracking her whole frame. The way her passage squeezed his penis with each hilting was almost too much for the heroic male atop her, his breath heavy and labored as he struggled not to finish too quickly. He suddenly hissed and arched up, slamming himself into her hard enough to nearly drive her face into the grass. His leg was pulled up tight and shivering in a vicious cramp. Cynder glanced back in confusion as he pulled out and rolled onto his back, his gilded purple mast sticking straight up in the air as he struggled to stretch his leg. "Owww!"

Panting and frustrated, it took her a bit to realize what was wrong. Padding up to him quickly she leaned close and breathed fire over his scales to warm the muscles, then started to rub his leg firmly. Within only a minute she had him back to normal. "Better?" she asked as he flexed his leg.

"Yeah...I'm so sorry Cynder."

"Don't be," she whispered as she slithered onto his belly, trapping his spire between them. "Remember when we first started sparring? How we'd get cramps if we went too hard too quickly? Let's slow down a bit." As she spoke she ground herself against him, keeping them both excited as her pussy spread over the underside of his generous maleness, the small fleshy barbs along the underside tickling her clit hidden within her folds.

Purring to her he wrapped his legs around her and kissed her deeply, their tongues twining, his hips rocking beneath her and grinding his length along her belly. She twined her tail around his again and purred happily, melting against him until she could bear the teasing no more. Pulling up and smiling down at him, teasingly dragging her claws lightly along his golden scutes, she turned around on him, giving him a clear view of her undertail, her sweet flower so enticing and so close. He leaned up to lick her again, but she moved atop him and rubbed that tantalizing entrance against the tip of his cock, both of them moaning at the sensual contact. She bit her lip as she eased herself forward, slowly impaling herself on him once more. She had to stand up on her hind legs to keep from bending him too much, but as she moved his cock straightened out and slipped up deep inside her, making her cry out in surprised pleasure and fall onto him, sheathing him in her passage and leaving her shivering with aftershocks of ecstasy. Beneath her, Spyro shuddered and groaned as her tight walls clenched hard around him, sending a similar jolt of pleasure through his core. He held her hips and bucked up off the ground, bouncing her on his lap. Her tail writhed by his head as she moaned to the sky, a paw on the bulge of his penis in her ruby belly. Looking down herself as she gasped for breath she shivered again with a rush of arousal at the sight of her belly pressed out around that mast of flesh.

"You like this?" he asked, leaning his head to the side to nibble on her tail.

Catching her breath she nodded and bounced on him with a cute moan. "Spyro...this is amazing... it feels so good! Your penis feels wonderful!"

He moaned too beneath her, holding her hips tighter and thrusting off the ground. The sheer pleasure nearly knocked the breath from her lungs as she braced herself and let him fuck her. Her tail flicked and he caught it in his mouth, teasingly "chewing" on her and making her squeeze his shaft even more. With a loud wail she went stiff, her whole body shuddering with each wave of bliss smashing into her as she climaxed. Her nectar gushed all over his crotch, vaginal walls milking him in vain hope of getting another drink. He was close, but not close enough, letting her tail go and gritting his teeth as he rode out her orgasm. She was so tight it almost hurt! He could barely thrust into her, she was holding him so tight! Finally she relaxed and almost flopped back onto him, still bucking into him and wanting more. He was all too eager to oblige. Wrapping his left limbs around her he held her tight and used his right limbs to roll them both over, catching himself with the left and quickly standing so she was lying on the ground. Cynder murred and settled in the grass, keeping her tail hiked the best she could to give him access. Planting his paws firmly around her he laid down atop her and started thrusting again, keeping it slow and steady so as not to cramp again. Through her afterglow the continued pleasure left her maw gaping for breath, her whole body feeling wonderfully burned and warm, her pussy aglow around him.

"You want my white stuff in you?" he whispered, licking her neck, his knot starting to swell again.

The black dragoness pushed back against him, almost taking the growing bulge of his shaft. "All of it...don't you dare pull out..."

Purring and hugging her tight he settled into a faster pace, hips pistoning into her. With every wet smack of their cum-sodden scales they both groaned or gasped or cried out each others' names, lost in the passion and ecstasy. His knot continued to swell until it couldn't easily fit into her anymore, bumping against her entrance and teasing her clit. He sat up a bit and angled his thrusts differently, Cynder squealing as his barbs mercilessly stroked her g-spot.

"R-right there! Oh YES!!" she shrieked, pressing back into his motions. Wrapping their tails together and squeezing, they both roared out as his knot finally popped into her with a lewd squelch, tied again. With so much tight heat squeezing his rod, Spyro felt that wonderful inner fire blaze up again. With just a few more strokes he thrust hard, scooting her a few inches forward, head flung to the sky with an almighty roar of conquest as pleasure wracked his body.

Despite having already ejaculated twice, Spyro still had quite a bit left in store for her as he unloaded. Cynder gasped and moaned in ecstasy as he gushed into her with massive force. The full feeling in her belly grew greater and greater until she could literally feel her belly swelling against the grass, his new load only amplifying what was already inside her from their first time. The warmth, force and sheer volume was too much for her and she roared out under him as she climaxed, her passage milking him tightly, almost tight enough to stop his flow. Her entrance fluttered heatedly around his knot with every spasm of her muscles, keeping him firmly locked in place as they erratically bucked against each other in their climaxes. Even through her tight grip on him she still managed to thoroughly soak his thighs and sheath, another puddle of her making forming under their union.

Finally tapped, Spyro laid there atop her gasping for breath in his afterglow, feeling winded and hazy. Apparently he'd been holding his breath the entire time he was cumming in her, basking in the bliss pumping through him. Cynder was lazily purring, steeping in the sheer warmth both inside her and atop her back. Her belly felt so heavy, and his load inside her was coaxing and rubbing her nerves constantly like an internal massage. Giving her another lick along the neck he stood up, testing his knot with a few small pulls.

Again she shivered in mixed pleasure and emptiness as he slid out of her, her cervix once more tightly closing behind him to contain the wonderful fullness. His softening cock flopped out of her and hung dripping beneath him as they stood there in afterglow again, Cynder pushing herself up to look upside-down along herself. She wanted to see his penis. She could barely see it though around the generous bulge in her red belly. Lifting a paw she pressed it against her burgeoned middle, a surprised moan escaping her as his load shifted inside her and a thrill of soft pleasure shot through her core. Short of actually havng his penis inside her, the feeling of being so full from him was the best sensation she'd ever experienced. Sliding off her, Spyro lovingly nuzzled the base of her tail, nibbling along her side and making her shiver yet again and giggle. He drew up alongside her, nuzzling and licking her neck and jaw, then kissed her deeply. She purred and pressed against him, cuddling to his side as he wrapped his wing over her back. There they stood in passionate embrace for what felt like hours, neither wanting the moment to end. When Spyro finally pulled back to lick her nose she smiled sleepily.

"Spyro...thank you," was all she could say, emotions welling up within her. Now that she didn't have that annoying inner fire plaguing her, it finally began to settle in just what this meant for them. Despite her dark past, despite all the hell she'd gone through, the purple dragon loved her, enough to commit himself to mating her. He looked past all her faults...he found her beautiful where before she could not. With her inner sanctuary swollen with his essence, she suddenly felt more complete than ever. She felt truly alive. He had done this for her.

Gazing into his mate's eyes he could see the profound change taking place. Naive as he was, he still knew somehow that he had changed her life for the better, and it filled him with warm pride. For the longest time, she'd struggled with herself, ever since he'd broken her cursed form and brought her back to the Temple. Even with their relationship in the wake of the Dark Master's demise and the world's restoration, she had been struggling. But now he no longer saw that struggle in her eyes as they calmed down from their intimate union. He saw happiness, fulfillment, completion. Spyro smiled and leaned his head against hers, the black female reciprocating with a happy sigh. "I take it we'll be doing this again soon?" he whispered.

A light purr rumbled in her chest, her tail curling around his. "Oh hell yes."

The flight back to the Temple was slow and lazy, the two circling around each other and enjoying the company. Spyro had to seriously fight himself; with her sleek, streamlined body, the bulge of his semen in her belly made her look incredibly sexy. She was having some difficulty with the added weight, but he could tell she was happy to bear it. Cynder felt so proud and happy, absolutely loving being so full of cum. Landing on the balcony they pretended to not notice the drying mess, heading straight for their shared room. Instead of taking to their separate beds though, Cynder hopped up onto Spyro's bed with him. The purple hero had no objections, laying down first and holding his wing out to her. She delicately spooned up against his belly, smiling like an idiot as he wrapped his legs and wing around her and hugged her close. A pleased purr rumbled in her chest as his paws roamed down her front and stroked and toyed with her burgeoned middle, exploring the cum-belly he'd gifted her. The subtle squishing and shifting within her pressed on her nerves, sending relaxing, pleasant thrills through her. There was only one thing that could make it better, and it was not late in showing, quickly pressing against her thigh.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, nuzzling into the back of her head between her horns and gently grooming her scales.

She ground back against him, then arched her tail over his thigh and pulled her leg forward, feeling his penis slip over the inside of her thigh to grow and throb against her belly. "Mmmm...I don't mind. In fact...put it in me."

"You want to go again?" he asked incredulously. As much as he wanted to, something told him he was tapped. "I don't think I can."

"I can't either. I just...I wanna feel your penis in me. I like it." She was blushing madly, but in the gloom he couldn't see it. Curling his back and hips he gave a few small thrusts, trying to find her entrance. She reached down around her rounded middle, took hold of that wonderful spire, and gently guided it to her slit. They both moaned as he once more slid into her depths. When he reached the opening to her womb she nodded and he pressed in for the last time of the night, Cynder shuddering with a pleased grin and an adorable moan as his sheath kissed her netherlips. Sighing contently, enjoying the feeling of his penis lodged so deep between her legs, she practically melted against him and relaxed. Following her lead he snuggled her tightly again and purred.

"You're right...this does feel good." He yawned and lazily licked the top of her head. She yawned too and closed her eyes, feeling an all-body relaxation she hadn't felt before.

"Goodnight Spyro... I love you," she whispered, slurring a bit as the pleasant fullness in her womb and pussy and the hormones of their mating finally took hold and plunged her into sleep.

He tried to reply in kind but barely managed a slurred loving nothing as he too passed out for the night, his penis comfortably lodged inside the love of his life, her back meshed against his chest.