Central New Year 3 Part 5 Aftermath

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#93 of Exploration

Abigail quickly took us both to task on this. I sat with my cock right next to the slumbering foxes, and Abigail very gently began stroking both of us off. This was to make Alecto erect without him being aware of it.Alecto and I had done the same thing to Time Dancer once before.The difference was that unless the fox was a hard-core sleeper, he would wake as soon as Abigail started thrusting herself on him.

Abigail stroked patiently for a minute, bringing us both to erection, and then stood across the bed and mounted the two of us.As she thrust herself deep on the pair of us, my legs clashed against hers and Alecto's.

I'd forgotten just how light a sleeper Alecto can be. I thought he would have been in a deep sleep after the tentacle monster, but no, apparently not.

"What the, Abigail?" he opened his eyes and made to sit up in surprise. I brought my legs around and forced him down with them, my feet on his shoulders.

"This is just some gratuitous sex, Alecto." Abigail told the fox,"So stop worrying."

"Then who's the person holding me down?"

"That would be Alduin."

At the sound of my name he relaxed, and lay back down.We were slightly askew of one another, like a very flat X, one of my legs went over his and one went under, so we close enough to fuck Abby together.I felt the fox rub himself against me.

"Now what's your game, Alecto?" I felt his vagina brush between my testicles and my ass.

"He want to be stimulated there." Abigail replied, before Alecto could, and she leaned, stretching to a drawer of hers.

Three guesses what was in there. A double ended dildo, with a horizontal span in the middle to keep each person with an equal share.Abigail inserted it into Alecto, and with a gentle push made me take it too.

I have never gotten used to the strange sensation of being fucked in the ass with a surrogate penis, and furthermore it was uncomfortable for had no lubrication.This did not deter Alecto, who was thrusting himself onto it with surprising energy for someone who spent the entire night being raped repeatedly by the tentacle creature. These foxes have more stamina then I thought.

We went a couple of rounds, and then Silverine walked in, asking for the data for each Hunted's performance, and that put an iron bar across anymore sex involving me. I jumped up, and jogged towards the Great Hall.Silverine caught me up after two minutes, holding a small bag.

"I trust you want to see the videos of the Hunted again?" he asked.

"I do, that way I can learn off them, and they can learn off me." I replied.

The eight Hunted were punctually there when we arrived.

Silverine undid the loop on the top of the silken bag, and spoke.

"Right, I will call out your name, step forwards and receive your video. Alduin wishes to watch your videos with you, be it preparation or folly."

"I understand some people here wanted to know how I did what I did." I smiled.

Sunrise rolled his eyes, Ryan merely smiled, and Silverine called them up one by one. They weren't in alphabetical order, and after all eight had received their recording, the Lupogriff brought a projecting device and left.

We booted up the hologrammatic projector, and all the Hunted looked around.

"Who goes first?" Ryan asked.

"I will," Deltora replied in an iron voice,"I want to see how I got caught." the elf placed her cube in the projector, and the Hunt began all over again.

Deltora was extremely miffed about the whole thing, if I was to be honest. I am yet to see an elf get angry, but she was disappointed in herself for not getting to an hour. It was the classic ambush that took her.

The doppelganger went next, and Polymorph's trick worked exceptionally well, walking casually past people. The drome was keeping it's distance, and even I hadn't paid attention to the small hovering device.There was a chuckle among the Hunted about me walking straight past the Doppelganger without more than saying hi, but I had the last laugh.

"I ran into Val a couple of minutes after you, Polymorph, and we turned around and ran where you had been heading."

"I was wondering about that." the black shapeless shadow nodded.

Then I came running back, and jogged past him, bringing him into conversation. This was dangerous for Polymorph, talking genially with someone. Then I ran off down the passage, and the Polymorph turned and walked back. I laughed as I rushed around the corner and then poked my head back out, and Ryan Lewis laughed too.

"He knows something's about to happen."

Valmeero came flying at him (not literally) from a junction, and as Valmeero threatened the doppelganger, I disappeared again.

Val lived up to his comment, he did scratch his alter ego a bit with his claws as he roughly fucked the shifter, but the shape shifter's ability to change form meant that while it hurt it didn't hurt much.

Then Ryan Lewis volunteered to show his, and we watched as Ryan Lewis began a run through Central that equalled my level of being followed.

Fifteen minutes, ran into Grant, got away, eighteen minutes, only just avoided Silverine and Propani, twenty six minutes avoided Tufty, half an hour, had to dive for the ground as Time Dancer flew up the corridor on her motorbike. He ducked at the last second, and ran quickly away before she could turn around.

At the fortieth minute he ran into Draco, and as the dragon charged at him, he charged back. At the very last second he dived once more, and slid underneath the dragon's grasp, the dragon's legs, and ran away.Draco spotted Runo and rushed after him.

Before Gareth got to him at one hour five minutes, Ryan was pursued by two others, and the wily human got away both times.

Then Gareth chased after him, and as the drone followed about the same distance as the fox, they both watched as I came sliding from a side corridor. I looked very surprised, but stood tall, and aimed both arms down in front of me. There was the sound of something being fired, and bright light exploded through the projection. It died after a second, and we watched as Ryan crashed into me, and then Gareth crashed into both of us. Ryan got to his feet and ran blindly down the corridor, while I struggled to my feet.

The drome kept level with me to begin with, which meant as I slowly increased my lead the top of my head came into view as I chased him.Then Takori and Salbar appeared just as Ryan looked back at me.

The conversation was greeted with applause and laughter.

"Alduin's got his own personal slave?" The doppelganger asked.He was not laughing, he just didn't understand the concept.

"No, he's looking after me.Although I'm not quite sure why he was chasing me so hard if he was meant to look after me." he ruffled my hair, and I grinned.

"Because I wanted to catch you, and we could have our little moment together, rather than letting someone like Silverine have their way with you. Takori's a good sort though, I was just annoyed after chasing you."

Orion showed his video next, and what we saw was magical duel after magical duel.Sure, he met Kodey, and he met me, and a few others, but Winslo was tossing spells half the time, having locked onto his aura, Felicia, Iris, Tahir etc. et al. The albino fox found it very amusing that I shouted after him when he had barred my way with the fire wall. He burst out laughing. But I did not rue him the exchange. A couple of minutes before he got caught, during his final duel with Winslo and Felicia, the drome actually caught the sight of me as my F1 car pulling into the corridor, selecting reverse and casually leaving again.

"I certainly didn't see that." Orion looked at me in surprise.

"I certainly didn't want to be involved. My magical power is zip, and someone would have hit me with a curse."

"But you could have walked up behind me and captured me."

"With spells flying past your shoulders?"

Orion thought on this as he watched himself on the projection fighting it out.

"Fair point, well made."

Hinori showed his video next, and there was a spontaneous burst of laughter at the ten minute point. Hinori was jogging down a corridor when the junction in front of him burst into thick heavy smoke. He came to a halt, and a shadow appeared in the cloud. It stepped forwards, and sharpened into me. My grin was as wide as a canal, and Hinori took a small step backwards.

"Eeep!" the ice dragon said.

"Surprised?" my own projection replied.

The Hunted laughed as Hinori turned and ran, and then as I raced after him...

"Help me, I've got a lunatic on my heels!" the ice dragon shouted, and everyone started cheering, me included. Hinori looked slightly embarrassed in the face of all this attention, but Sunrise clapped a gentle hand on the dragon's shoulder, and I nodded.

"Short, sharp, accurate and to the point." Sunrise smiled, and there was a brief agreement.Hinori actually spent a good half an hour of not being chased, he spent a lot of time out of the limelight, like Sunrise, and when he was found his long stride and ice tricks kept people at bay.

Sunrise and Hinori met up, and after some time they met Runo.They wandered down the corridor together for a few minutes, and then in front of them suddenly arrived the figure of Draco as they got to a four way intersection. Everyone made to turn right, but as the drome circled they saw Silverine, they turned back the way they came, and saw Blake and Gareth. Then as they turned to the last, I slid around a corner with Doran on my heels, and Sunrise spoke.

"Was that intentional, all turning up at the same time?" he asked me.

"No. I was running with Doran, and we just pursued.Just luck, I suppose."

"What did you think was going on?" he asked, as the three brothers looked around in panic.Then Draco roared his challenge at Runo, and Runo took off. Hinori and Sunrise shook their heads at one another.

"Alecto told me exactly what had happened." I replied, and the drome was luckily facing me as I whispered to Doran. I raised both arms as the wolf turned away, arms over his eyes.

Sunrise heard the start of the word "Fire..." and shouted.

"Incantatem Nullifio!" they saw five little flashing comets erupt from each hand, and all ten landed in a cluster around Sunrise and Hinori.

There was a huge flash, which the drome quickly reacted to, and after a second we looked as the glare faded. Sunrise was stumbling backwards out of shot, but Hinori was standing quite still, although he had taken a step or two back in shock from the mini-grenades.

I opened my eyes, and ran forwards.Doran turned and looked, and he followed me, silently. I gently caught Hinori, and the fun began.The drome circled once or twice,looking at both brothers being fucked, and heard the conversation passing between me and Silverine, and it also caught the sounds of Draco and Runo's love making.After everything, and the two hours had finished, it turned off the sound, and followed Silverine, Sunrise, Runo and Hinori, and thus was buffeted aside by the wake of my Sukhoi. Everyone ducked as I screamed over their heads, one wing tip almost on the roof.

We watched Runo's video next, and guess who chased him every ten minutes for the entire thing? I exaggerate, but Draco arrived in the video on at least six occasions before the finale, most noticeably the one where Runo came around a corner only to see Ryan Lewis dive incredibly well underneath Draco's legs. Draco looked up, spotted Runo, and all thought of Ryan was lost to the winged Draco.

The reason why Runo was not caught any of the six times was that he was always down the length of a corridor, so by the time Draco got to where Runo had been, Runo was already a corner or two away.And like Hinori, he had a long stride , so always out distanced all the smaller creatures. Draco would still beat him in a running race, but at one point he practically bumped into Javid, and he just accelerated like that. Both were flat footed, but Javid could only watch as Runo ran around several corners, much like I had to when chasing Hinori.

Time was making a mockery of me, and I noticed Landon would be setting up for the art session, so I gently excused myself, and ran in my ballet shoes towards Landon's quarters. He was not ready, he hadn't set up yet, and he looked up with a smile. There was no one else in the room.

"I told them all to enjoy themselves else where." the fox looked at my querisome glance and answered me before I asked.

"All the Hunted are watching Sunrise's video right now."

"Then I'll set up my easel while you catch your breath.Did you run from the Hall?"

"I did, I thought you'd be waiting."

"I was, but you didn't need to run, we have all afternoon, and good art takes time." the fox said lazily, getting slowly off his comfy chair and heading into his own room. I followed.He nodded at me.

"I was thinking you could lie on the bed, and I'd paint you from opposite the room."

"Sounds fine to me." I nodded, and as Landon set up his gear, I removed the bunk bed into the main room so he had room, and then went back to lie on the single bed. His easel was five metres away from the bed, and I lay primly on it. I lay on my side, resting gently on my elbow, my head looking directly at Landon. My legs sloped away, one falling away behind the other. Landon looked up, and smiled.

"The cat at bay, very relaxed pose." he said.

"Just as long as I can hold it for an hour or so." I replied. It was a fairly comfortable position, and as Landon sat down, he spoke.

"Right, shall we begin?"

"By all means."

"Got a DVD handy?" he asked innocently.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Your glasses can play dvd's, provided they have been downloaded, did you not know that?"

"I knew it could play music and access internet, but I didn't know about video."

"Oh yeah, it can hold, maybe, two or three dvds at a time." the fox replied.

I went to Youtube and began watching Top Gear episodes, being carefully not to move my position. Occasionally I heard the fox humming a song as he worked. He alternated between me and his easel every few seconds, and his brush strokes were gentle and well thought out.My silence was complete, I would not disturb Landon right now, not for all the gold on Central. So occupied by my clips, and him by the picture, we went about our respective tasks for maybe an hour before Landon stopped, standing up.

I immediately closed everything on my glasses, and looked up at him. He caught the glance.

"I'm just stretching, Alduin. Are you stiff?"

I moved, and felt my arms respond with slight reluctance, they had gone to sleep. I got up, doing neck stretches, and surreptitiously tried to catch a glance of the portrait. But Landon had opinions, and he took a step sideways, blocking my view.

"Not until it's finished." I didn't press him, and stepped backwards.Landon took a dive at me, and I landed on the bed with the fox on top of me.I grabbed both shoulders and forced a foot upwards until it was against his lower chest, and then pushed.

He was trying to grapple me, and he must have got a surprise when he felt himself rise into the air. My arms had plenty of leverage,and he threw himself sideways to break my hold. I let go and as he fell face down onto the bed, tried desperately to mount on his back. With a frenzied half leap, I flung myself over the fox as he tried to roll. The result was he rolled onto his back, with me underneath him. I had his legs pinned by wrapping mine around his, and my arms around his waist, but he was on top. Through a mouthful of Landon's fur, I spoke.

"O.K., everything's fine, my arms aren't asleep any more."

"Good, now how to resolve this." he laughed, as I tried gamely to roll him onto his back and pin him. His arms fended himself off from that.

"Easy, I roll until you are face down on the bed and I on top, and then I fuck your pretty little ass." I suggested.

"But I wanted to do that to you. That's why I leapt at you."

"You tried to make me submit!" I laughed, and the fox did too," I don't submit to anyone, except Draco."

"It was worth a try, Alduin.And that's rubbish about submitting to no one."

"I will let people fuck me, there's a difference." I tried to roll Landon again, and again he stopped himself from going over with his arm against the bed stead.

"Can I please fuck you?" he asked politely.

"Certainly." I unravelled myself from the fox, and he turned around. He sat up on the bed and removed his clothes, while I lay on the bed. Landon was not aware of my special fabric, so as he began to lie down, he stopped.

"How am I supposed to?" the fox asked. In return I pulled him down on to me.

"Stroke where my ass is with a finger, and then thrust your cock in. The material parts."

"Who designed that?" Landon asked.

"Abby.Just be careful, if it reconnects, it resets after about half a minute, so don't withdraw for too long."

Landon did as I told, and the material folded out to the touch. He thrust his cock into my ass harshly, and I pulled him closer to me, hissing in surprise.

The fox was in the mood for a 'quick' sex session, quick being the rate he was thrusting into my ass. I moaned, and let myself go limp spread for Landon.The fox smiled at me as I relaxed, and he half lay down on top of me.His hands held my shoulders, and his arms were holding him up, but his lower chest was brushing back and forth with every stroke. Landon growled in pleasure, his teeth bared, which did look slightly scary.

I closed my eyes, feeling him thrust back and forth. The fox thrust harder, and as he did I felt my own cock hardened underneath the special fabric. Landon noticed this, feeling the fabric rise, and quickly guessed what he should do. With a claw, he opened the fabric, and pulled my cock from it's fabric tomb. The material rejoined, leaving my balls and member visible to the world.

"Abigail likes that suit." Landon said, between panting and thrusts.He was grinning, I just knew it, and I replied sarcastically.

"Now what could have possibly given you that idea?"

"So, when did she do it?"

"Directly after the Hunt, as long as I fucked her this morning."

"You look so smooth and sleek, I'm not surprised. Have you considered fighting in that?"

"No, I hadn't given that any thought." I said, honestly.

"You can see every muscle bulge.If it weren't for the feel of the material, and your face, I would have thought it was your skin."

"Although my tail has no bones, I have no claws on my feet, and the endless sexual stuff has to be retrieved from inside." I reminded.

"Last one isn't a problem. Short claws on the feet are easy for Abigail, it's the same principle as the ones on your hands, and I'm sure you could waste some time and effort on making your tail come to life." Landon grinned.

I felt myself slid up the bed, as Landon sat on his knees. My fake tail dangled down, and Landon saw an interesting use for it.

"Right, hands behind back, Alduin."

I allowed him to tie my hands together. The tail was really like a very thin pillowcase, the same sort of stuff pillows are made out of, but because of the tail's length, still reasonably easy to tie, and tie tightly.

Once Landon had done this, he pulled me up until we were face to face.

"Enjoying it yet?" I asked with a smile, and Landon laughed.

"I've just tied you up, and you still think you're in charge?" the fox asked innocently.

"Shall I demonstrate just how well I use my legs?" I suggested, and Landon laughed again.

"O.K., you're better than me, granted." he admitted, and sighed as I thrust down on his cock, sitting astride his own legs.

"At fighting, yes.At art, not likely." I retaliated.

"Do you mind me being forceful?" he asked, seriously.

"Not at all."

"Then why can't I abuse you?" he looked set upon, like a dog who is unfairly kicked.

"I don't mind being abused a little, I do mind submitting, save with Draco and Silverine."

"So, fuck you as much as I want, just no bondage."

"That sounds fair to me." I acknowledged.

Immediately, he began thrusting hard and fast into me. He was not Draco, but he worked as hard as he could, and it hurt a bit. I moaned, and Landon took the opportunity to start kissing me. One hand pulled me in closer for the making out, and the other stroked my cock in time with the thrusts, very quickly. I immediately stopped any attempt at struggling.

He fucked me hard for a good ten minutes before letting go with a climax of semen which filled my ass uncomfortably full. I, in the meantime, had unknotted my tail around my hands, and as he relaxed, I dived upon him, and pinned him in return. I fucked him in his ass until I let go, and we left it at that.He returned to the painting, I to my video, and silence descended once more on the little room.

Not for long though.

"Alduin, what are you doing?" Draco asked in my headset,"You haven't been seen for hours."

I kept my interlink firmly closed, and continued watching my video.

"Alduin?Are you alright?"

Silence greeted him, I didn't want to ruin Landon's concentration.

"Alduin, talk to me. Whisper if you can, or even breathe loudly."

I breathed loudly, but not loudly enough to disturb Landon.

"Are you alright? Once for yes, twice for no."

I coughed, once,and Draco sighed.

"Good, now what's going on? Why aren't you talking to me?" he sounded concerned.

With a very quiet whisper, I spoke.

"I'm modelling for Landon, he's painting right now.DND."

Draco paused, and then spoke.

"Oh, now I remember, right.Sorry to bother you. When will you be finished?"

I blew gently into the mike six times.

"Six o'clock?Right, see you then."

For an hour, we remained in silence. Landon's brush strokes were very delicate, he must have been into the subtly stages, and as video after video finished, I chose another with gentle whispers.

It was as we got to four in the afternoon that there was a knock at the door.Both of us started, Landon hadn't been painting at that moment, miraculously, and Landon looked put upon.

"How impolite." he said to himself, except my audio amplification picked it up," Come in!"

Ryan Lewis cracked the door open.

"Is this Ald...oh," he realised very quickly what was going on, and blushed. Landon rolled his eyes.

"You've found him, not his quarters."

Ryan went red, and looked away. I smiled in pity.

"Alright, come in, but not a noise. Sit at the foot of the bed, Landon doesn't like anyone near him when he's working."

Ryan wordlessly snuck in and sat by the foot of the bed, by my ballet shod feet. He shut the door behind him, and sat cross legged. I resumed my stolid look at Landon, and Landon took several deep breaths, and resumed.

He finished in ten minutes, Ryan's timing was almost perfect. With a sigh, he put down the brush, and I raised my glasses in interest. Landon smiled, placed a material teleporter to the easel, and vanished it.

"It's at your house, send the easel back when you've hung the painting."

"I didn't get to see it." I said plaintively.

"You will, and I hope you like it."

"I will like it, you can be certain, providing you painted what you saw. Now Ryan, how can I help you." I got off the bed and looked at my fellow human, who stood.

"I want to go home now, Alduin. I feel tired."

"You feel tired?" I raised an eyebrow." Scouter's Ball, Hunt, with all that entails, the sex afterwards til two in the morning, then the videos, and god knows what else... are you surprised?"

"No, not really, but I would like to sleep in my own bed at home and get some rest. You should too, you've got work, remember?"

"I am hardly likely to forget." I replied, and offered an arm to him. I nodded at Landon.

"Tell the others I've gone home with Ryan, I could do with some sleep myself."

"Will do, Alduin." the fox nodded."See you next week?"

"Probably before then, but we shall see." Ryan took my hand, and we vanished.

We arrived in our living room, and directly in front of us was the easel and the painting.

"Wow."I said, beating Ryan by about half a second.

He was good. I mean astonishingly good. In classic large painting size was me, lying on a bed, in my cat suit. You'd need to take a picture with a camera to obtain a better quality picture. The paint was still drying, so we gently shifted the easel into the far corner, next to my special drawer.

Once this was done, Ryan went over to the button where his trapdoor appeared from, and clapped his hands.The ladder descended, and he stood on the first rung.

"Alduin, I am going to bed until I can change my middle name to Garfield."

"Righto, what about dinner?"

"Don't worry about that." he replied, and clapped, ascending on the ladder. I headed for my own room, and removed my cat suit.

My skin was a shade lighter as a result of spending so much time in the suit, but was otherwise fine. I detached my smoke launchers, my claws, my gloves, my audio boosters and tail. then I removed my ballet slippers, until I was starkers, and went to have a shower.

I was finished that, and was walking back to my room with a dark blue towel around my waist when Gareth and Draco appeared.

"Too late!" Gareth looked regretfully at me.

"You are too late, I am going to bed. Gareth, would you keeping quiet tonight, I feel a little exhausted, and Ryan's in bed already."

Draco looked rueful that both his favourites were having an early night, and vanished. Gareth came forwards.

"I've got my pistol, if that would help."

"I'm considering it."I replied, wearily."What were your plans for this evening?"

"I wanted to have sex with you, but that scuppers that idea." he replied.

I thought on this.

"Knock me out, and then have it off with me. I don't think I would wake." I suggested. Gareth looked surprised, and nodded meekly.

I lay naked on the bed within two minutes. The time still said it was late afternoon, but I set my alarm clock for six in the morning for work, and lay spread eagled on the duvet.

"Are you sure about this, Master?" Gareth always called me master when he was nervous.

"Has this ever been done before?" I asked.


"Just make sure it's on a two setting, and enjoy yourself.If you feel guilty, just stroke me off a couple of times,unconsciously, if you get the joke."

Gareth rolled his eyes, and after double checking it was on the recommended setting, levelled it at me. I closed my eyes, and relaxed. There was a sudden, brief pain in my chest, and then I was gone, in a murky blackness.I slept well, and I hope Gareth enjoyed himself. But I woke at six o'clock, having to get ready for work. My ass was full of cum, and my chest was covered, so I ran a quick shower. Ryan's first Scouter's ball seemed to go quite well.