My Little Pony Dark Desires

Story by Silent Soul Ken on SoFurry

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Another Pony story and no this has absolutely no relation to the other one. This one is darker and was inspired by a pic. I'll link the pic later but I'm a wee bit exhausted now so I'll just put it here for now.

My Little Pony: Dark Desires

Timing was a funny thing. Cause and effect isn't always immediate, sometimes things take a while to incubate.

That was, unknowingly, what happened to Applejack when the soon to be group of inseparable friends were marching off to the Ruined Castle in the Everfree forest.

It was an utterly forgettable event. The apple farmer had been thrown by the Manticore and landed behind a few bushes. When she went to stand up she found herself face to face with some kind of bulbed flower she'd never seen before. She only had time to cock her head to the side before it swelled up and blasted her with a cloud of spores.

She yelped and stumbled backwards, scrubbing as her eyes with a muscled foreleg, only to stop as she realized her eyes didn't burn, in fact she didn't feel anything aside from a very slight increase in body heat, and even that could be chocked up to panic.

She looked back at the plant, only to wind up convincing herself she'd imagined the whole thing (she did hit her head pretty hard, she'd need to pay the big guy back for that one!) when she saw absolutely no sign of the plant.

As she jumped back into battle she missed the wind kicking up and a small pile of completely dried plant matter float away on the breeze.


Rarity had a similar encounter while perusing the gems the Diamond Dogs had horded. It wasn't as if there was much else to do once she'd had the canine's properly cowed as she waited for rescue.

As was her way the white skinned beauty gasped in a overly elaborate display and swooned as she caught sight of a massive heart shaped gem on the top of the pile.

She just had to have it! It would look so dazzling on a dress she was already in the process of planning.

She scrambled up the pile in a very unladylike fashion and snatched the glowing jewel from the top of the pile and squealed as she hugged it to her chest. "Oh darling you are going to look just fabu-eh?"

She froze as the gem cracked loudly before just turned to dust in her grasp.


"WHYYYYYYYYYY?!" She cried to the heaven's, falling back onto a suddenly appearing plush fainting couch, tears streaming from her eyes and loud cries causing whimpers to be heard from the entire tunnel system as the Diamond Dogs covered their ears.

Loudly cursing the pony and her blasted voice box, the dogs did their best to block out the sound.


Both ponies reacted quite poorly to suddenly growing a penis, coincidentally happening at around the same time. While the spores in the mysterious plant needed several weeks to take root, the cursed gem Rarity had found and unintentionally absorbed the contents of was far faster, happening about two nights later.

Both wound up tossing and turning for the first night, their new testicles utterly aching as morning approached.

The result of them finally draining this pressure was the first warning sign their younger sisters received.

Ignorance meant the little fillies ignored the thick white puddles they found in their respective house's bathrooms and assumed their sisters were simply sick. The sweaty and pale looks on both of the Element Bearers' only made their theories more sensible, and they each prepared ways to help them.

Ignorance didn't mean consequences didn't exist though, as both girls would soon find out.


Applebloom thoughtfully stirred the pot of broth before tossing in another bowl full of carefully sliced chicken pieces, all perfectly tender and packed full of flavor.

Noticing the steam rising from the pot had built up on her hands she went to wipe her hands on her pants, only to sigh loudly as she realized she'd already discarded them. That bitch Diamond Tiara had pushed her down into a mud puddle, so she'd stripped down to just her panties before she'd started, only to almost get splashed by near boiling broth and decide to throw an apron on over that.

None of her friends had said they were coming over, and it was just family around, so it didn't matter if she was a little on the exposed side. She was covered enough her granny wouldn't yell at her about being a stereotype, unlike her older sister and her daisy dukes and flannel top.

She snickered as she poured a bowl of the hearty soup and placed it, along with one of the larger spoons on a tray. She debated also pouring a glass of apple juice, but the distinct sweetness of their family's apples might harm the flavor of the 'medicine', so she decided against it.

Shaking her little rump she happily made her way towards her sister's room, where she knew the bedridden young woman was. Part of her was doing this out of concern; another part was because she wanted to get some approval from Applejack. If she could she could stay outside longer and play with her friends more often. It was somewhat fortunate for her that her sister got sick at such a critical time. She just hoped that her sister never found out the real reason she was doing this.


The situation was reversed at the Boutique in town. Rarity was clearly sick, and Sweetie Belle had no intention of getting sick too, so instead she sped through her nightly ritual and hopped into bed, calling that she didn't need to be tucked in. Rarity moaned, twisting and turning panting hotly her body a royal mess.

She felt so hot and itchy she wanted something... anything to help and she moaned loudly hoping someone would hear and help her. But she received no aid and she would remember that fact for a long... long time. As she twisted and turned she was unaware of the tent forming out of her blankets. The tent grew as whatever it was surged upward like a pillar being erected from her groin!

This pillar brought a new sensation, one alien yet very familiar. She turned as thoughts flooded her fevered mind wetness, warmth, darkness and flesh assaulting her mind over and over as she tossed and turned.

Other than the strange feelings of dread Sweetie Belle felt when she heard her sister's moans and groans interrupted her night. It really was a good idea, hiding in her room like she did, she was sure Rarity would be fine without her anyway.


Back on the Apple farm Applejack's night was anything but quick. She could swear her sister was being a Celestia damned tease. She appreciated the meal, and the care put into it, but did she have to wear such tight and revealing clothing?

She was convinced the thing between her legs was a hallucination of whatever she had come down with, but she still had to keep it pinned underneath one of her legs as Applebloom unknowingly played the part of her incredibly sexy caretaker.


Rarity walked a little stiffly the last few steps and sat down gratefully at the one of the McHayseeds outdoor tables. She was truly shocked numb by the thing that had grown between her legs last night. It was so enormous she couldn't get any clothes that hit it! It was a nightmare! The clothes she was wearing now were freshly made, and weren't up to her usual quality. It was a travesty of the highest order.

She was very glad it was almost nightfall so she could head home and work on a new wardrobe all evening. She was completely free tomorrow and she intended to spend the whole day cranking out new designs that would be friendly with her new... appendage.

"Rarity, if it ain't mah favorite fashion gal!" A boisterous accented voice called.

The resident fashion expert looked up to see Applejack hop into the seat across from her in a vaguely familiar way.

That thought was wiped away quickly though as a fond smile lit up her face and she replied. "Darling, it's so good to see you. I'm afraid I've come down with a bit of something though, so don't get too close." She warned, trying to shoo her friend away subtly.

Which was foolish, because subtlety was about as useful as a water balloon trying to knock down a brick wall when it came to the farm girl.

Applejack just laughed and leaned forward with a grin. "Nah, it's fine, got somethin' too. Was tossin' an' turnin' so bad last night. Almost didn't feel like mahself neither, some pretty strange dreams. Haven't quite gotten over it yet." Her grin faded a little as the hand on her lap stroked at the barely noticeable bulge in her daisy dukes. How she'd managed to contain that monstrosity had been a mystery for the ages, but Granny Smith didn't raise no quitter.

Rarity could easily relate, and voiced this. "Oh I know! It was just terrible, I was sweating like a pig! I am glad to hear you're feeling better though, it seems like the worst of it hits on the first day, if we've got the same thing."

Applejack was about to agree when she turned at the sight of a very familiar red and yellow combination.

It turned out to indeed be Applebloom, sitting down with Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle. She was amused to find that despite the different coloring of their skin and hair, the two looked just like their older sisters, even taking the same poses; Applebloom leaning forward with a wide grin while Sweetie sat in a more demure position and smiled with a more reserved but fond look.

Her mood dropped like a rock when she heard her sister loudly proclaim, "Just a few more days of carin' fer Applejack and I'll ask for that curfew extension, easy peasy!"

Rarity's mood joined her friend's as Sweetie Belle nodded and replied, "I think it'll work. I don't want anything right now, so I'm just staying away from Rarity. I don't want to get sick too! That would really cut into our Crusader time!"

As AJ and Rarity stewed in their surprised anger for a bit Applebloom tilted her head and asked, "Hey, speaking of the Crusader plans, where's Scoots? Haven't seen her in a while."

Applejack turned to Rarity, eyes narrowed and jaw squared. "If'n you'll excuse me ah think me an' Bloom have some chores to do back on the farm..."

The owner of the town's only beautique briefly glanced at her, a similar look of anger in her narrowed gaze. "Not a problem, I think I need Sweetie's help giving Opal a bath..."

As the two got up and marched over to their younger sisters Sweetie Belle shrugged and answered Applebloom's question. "Dunno, last I was Rainbow Dash had invited her up to her cloud mansion for some flying lessons."

"Oh yeah, that's right." Applebloom nodded before hesitantly asking. "... Did Rainbow Dash look like a Coyote eyein' up a lame cow to you too when she was chattin' with Scoots?"

Sweetie never got a chance to voice her opinion as her wrist was suddenly grabbed by a silky smooth hand of a similar white to her own. She made to yell, only to turn to see her sister's angry eyes looking down at her. She shrank down, trying vainly to make herself as small as possible and escape as she realized her sister has heard what she'd said earlier.

"We're going home right now missy." Rarity said succinctly before she began to pull her away.

"Hey-" Applebloom called, only to let out a loud "Wah!" in surprised as she was picked up and thrown over a pair of feminine but muscled shoulders.

"You're in for a world'a trouble when we get home Bloom. We didn't raise the snake in the grass ah just heard." Applejack declared as she marched back towards the farm.


Applebloom gulped as her sister paced around her, in Applejacks hands was the rope that was currently restraining her. Applejack was wearing only a daisy dukes and her cock was currently resting in it. She had discarded her top cause it had made her hot and frenzied yet she was feeling hotter now though without "Applebloom tha Apple family is a proud and respectable family we are loved and trusted by our customers. Do you know why?" She asked her gaze fixed on her younger sister.

"B-B-Because we have good product?" She answered nervously.

"While that is true there's another more important reason!" She then stood in of Applebloom and the reached for her sleeve and tore it off violently exposing one of Appleblooms breasts. "We aren't snakes!" She snarled and as she stared at the small breast and nipple her organ stirred. She turned away, "We don' lie! We don' falsely advertise! We don' exaggerate and most important of all: we don' bribe our customers!" She turned to Applebloom and pointed at her accusingly with her finger.

"But you! You dare disgrace our Apple heritage with your schemin' to win me over in my sickness!" She tugged at the rope and Applebloom squealed as she fell forward then Applejack grabbed her waist line and pulled off Applebloom's shirt completely. "You don' deserve to be an Apple!" She pulled Applebloom up and gazed into her fearful teary face. "You are fortunate that you are my sister! And I..." She began to speak in a hushed tone and she reached up with her free hand and stroked Applebloom's face gently. Applebloom knew she should of felt reassured but there was something creepy about this and she could only sob. "I love... my sister..." Applejacks face neared her lips brushing each other gently her breath shuddering as she gave breathy shuddering gasps. Her daisy dukes were getting tight and uncomfortable as her cock was trying to escape from it's confines.

"Yea'... and yet..." Her voice rose again and her fingers gripped Applebloom's chin and shook it violently. "And yet you tried to bribe me!" She let Applebloom fall Applebloom gasped then turned to the door which was ajar the orange light of sunset shining through. Applejack felt odd she felt so hot and lewd and yet... and yet...! She could see Applebloom wriggle for the door and a cold smile graced her lips. "Where are ya' going?" She growled and she grabbed the rope and tugged on it. "I ain' done yet!" She said playfully.


Rarity tapped her hoof lightly while she stared at Sweetie Bell who was suspended in the air by some of her string behind Rarity was a changing shade where she had spent so much time trying to make something that would fit her with her new... attachment. But she didn't care right now right now she had to deal with this poisonous filly she called a sister.

She was still wearing what she had earlier but she would change soon and with that she began to walk around her sister her hoof clacking on the ground loudly, and rhythmically. "Sweetie Bell... Do you know who I am?" She asked as she circled her sister Sweetie Bell nodded.

"Y-Y-Your my sister," She said.

"Yes I am... do you know what that means?" Sweetie Bell shook her head. "Really? What a shame then let me explain it to you." Rarity stood in front of Sweetie Bell and she leaned her head forward her eyes fixed on her sisters. "It means we're family, and do you know what family do for each other?" She asked this answer Sweetie Bell knew.

"F-Family looks out for each other r-right?" She muttered nervously. Rarity smiled yet the smile made Sweetie Bell tremble with fear.

"Yes... Family looks out for each other!" Rarity said. Rarity reached for Sweetie Bells chest her fingers closing on her younger sister and she pulled the shirt off. Sweetie Bell squeaked in surprise, Rarity would never do that normally! Rarity smiled again, and she began to walk around again. "Family looks out for each other..." She muttered wistfully gazing up into the ceiling. "Yet you abandoned me in my time of need!" She pointed an accusing finger at Sweetie Bell but kept walking not even looking at Sweetie Bell. "You're my sister you should've at least checked on me! Like I would have heedless of getting ill I would've risked sickness to make sure you were alright and you! You abandoned me! ME!" Rarity continued walking lowering her hand as she went behind the changing shade and Sweetie Bell watched as clothes flew off and then on her sister as she continued to walk Sweetie Bell looked at the window and saw the orange glow of sunset.


Applejack tugged Applebloom back and Applebloom whimpered and sobbed loudly. "I'm sorry sis!" She wailed, "I-I really am please lemme go! I won't do it again ever!" But Applejack didn't relent as her sister was now at her feet again Applebloom kicking weakly. Applejack reached down her hand on Applebloom's bottom and Applebloom froze her pupils shrinking her eyes wide.

"You're growing..." Applejack said softly. "Oh yea'... growing... into a snake!" and she squeezed and ripped off Appleblooms bottoms revealing her blank flank to her sister. "A snake that needs a spankin'!" And she took Applebloom up and shouldered her heading to a pile of hay Applebloom sobbing again. Both unaware of the tight and bulging daisy dukes that were pushing up squeezing Applejack's bottom. Applejack sat down on the hay and she set Applebloom on her knee. She raised her hand and brought it down on the orange booty with a loud slap!

"OW!" Applebloom shouted and Applejack smacked her again and again and again! Each slap was both empowering and... arousing! To hear Applebloom's cries her organ was straining even as the sun vanished and the moon rose.


Sweetie Bell gulped as Rarity stepped out. Rarity was dressed in a type silk dom outfit complete with exposed bust and slightly exposed crotch. That was where Sweetie Bell's gaze more or less glued to. The sight of the slightly pulsating, slightly erect cock on her sisters groin! "You see my sister, if you had come to my aid last night you wouldn't be in this predicament and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have this thing but you didn't... so now you must reap the seeds that you sowed Sweetie Bell was tearing up.

"S-Sis I-I'm sorry I was being selfish! I should've helped you!" Rarity chuckled at that.

"I'm afraid it's far too late for that my dear sister... you abandoned me. But don't worry." Rarity walked forward and she grabbed Sweetie Bell's head by her cheeks and buried it into her bosom. "I won't abandon you..." She pulled Sweetie Bell away smiling kindly then it faded into a dark grin, "I never will... but you must never abandon me either," Rarity said and she stepped back. "You must take care of this mess you made..." and she walked behind Sweetie Bell who gulped when she felt Rarity's balls on the back of her head.


Applejack gave a final slap while Applebloom whimpered weakly her legs jerking and twitching while her bottom was as red as an apple. Applejack sighed then she began to stroke it softly. "I think that's enough for now..." Applebloom just gave a weak sob her eyes red with tears. "You see Applebloom this here wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been trying to butter me up like toast. If you wanted to be out longer you could have jus' asked like normal fillies do." Applejack said her voice honeyed. Then Applebloom's eyes widened as she felt her sisters fingers poke her slit.

"B-B-But you would've said no!" Applebloom moaned Applejacks finger dug in deep suddenly and she jerked it up Applebloom whimpering.

"Of course I would have!" Applejack snapped then she pulled up Applebloom and hugged her burying her little sisters face into her cleavage. "Only because I love you soooooo much!" She then reached for her sisters slit again with her hand. "Do you know what comes out at night?" Applejack purred. Applebloom gasped her face reddening.

"N-No," She squirmed in her sisters grasp. There was a slight ripping sound as the sun vanished and the moon began to rise.

"All kinds of horrors and nightmares some who would love to eat a young filly like you!" Applejack said in a low tone. Her finger reached for Applebloom's G-spot and the young filly squealed as she orgasmed onto her sister's knee. Applejack inhaled the scent and her cock was now starting to emerge as it ripped even more of her daisy dukes. "Timber wolves! Ursa Minors and Majors! And Cockatrice who'll turn ya' to stone!" Applejack lowered her face to Applebloom's who gulped up at her sister. "Do ya' understand my sweet?" And she pulled out her hand from sister's slit and held up her fingers in front of her face. Applebloom gulped then nodded.

There was nothing much the filly could do she was... confused. She felt pleasure from her sisters fingers in her privates. Worry for her sisters odd behavior. But most of all though she felt fear... fear for her sister her words were frightening. All of this was... frightening it was like her sister was balancing between sanity and insanity as if it was a tightrope just barely in the middle ground.

"Yes... my sister..." And she held the fingers to her lips and licked them. 'Schrrrriiip!' it emerged from her daisy dukes a massive dark brown length that extended up between Applebloom's legs, past her muzzle and curving just short of Applejack's muzzle. "But don't you worry... after tonight... you'll be a mare!" Applejack said a dark grin spreading over her face.


"Mmm yes Sweetie Bell they are lovely aren't they." Rarity said standing over Sweetie Bell her balls in front of Sweetie Bell's nostrils. Sweetie Bell couldn't breathe air all she breathed in was the scent of her balls which smelled like peaches oddly enough. "Well," Rarity moved to the side and Sweetie Bell couldn't help as she followed her sister wanting to keep smelling them. "Sweetie Bell, Sweetie... Bell..." Rarity crouched and she grabbed her sister and pulled her close Sweetie Bell tensed when she felt the fleshy length on her butt and back. "Mmmm... you truly are beautiful just like I was when I was your age." Rarity breathed in to her ear. Sweetie Bell shuddered. "Yes when I was a filly like you I was just as pretty, and cute... and bratty!" Suddenly her voice became harsh. "Yes just like you I was selfish! I was vain! I was arrogant and I was stupid!" Rarity's gripped tightened briefly then relaxed.

"So let me be perfectly clear when I say I understand what you did... that being said though..." She leaned to Sweetie Bell's cheek and blew. "I don't appreciate it..." Sweetie bell gulped and inhaled and caught the scent of bubble gum her mouth salivated slightly and she quickly slurped it up. "Yes... you want it... you want me..." Rarity stood again Sweetie Bell saw her balls and her cock again she leaned her head in her a whimper emerging from her throat as Rarity gave her a foxy grin and walked behind the changing shade.

"The moon is rising," Rarity said from behind the shade and Sweetie Bell could see the dom outfit flying off she panted slightly her tail wagging slightly. It was then that Sweetie Bell realized just what was happening and the moment she did a sick surge of fear and confusion took her. Her sister... was not acting normally. Forget her sister what was SHE Sweetie Bell doing!? This was wrong and weird she knew it was and yet... she... "Yes... the night... that night... THIS night!" Rarity began to walk and Sweetie Bell focused on her and her jaw dropped.

Rarity was now leaning against the wall with the window. She wore nothing but a purple glittering near see-through night gown. However that wasn't the center of attention. No, that belonged to the monstrous long and thick shaft that seemed to be extending from Rarity's crotch like a horn, somehow it had transformed from being no bigger than Rarity's own horn to just reaching her chin! Sweetie Bell looked lower and she gulped. The balls were bigger too nearly having doubled in size she guessed. "Yes... tonight Sweetie Bell all your games as a fillies end." Rarity turned her eyes to Sweetie Bell a sly smile gracing her lips. She walked to her sister taking long sauntering steps so that Sweetie Bell's eyes followed the hypnotic movement of her sister's length.

"After tonight you'll be responsible and caring and think of your family... not yourself..." Rarity said and she paused inches from her sister her cock head bouncing forward the tip just inches from Sweetie Bells mouth and Sweetie Bell smelt the most wonderful smell of apples and pumpernickel Rarity's fingers brushed her chin and forced her head up, "Because when tonight is done... you'll be a mare!" Rarity said.


"A-A-A-A Mare?" Applebloom stuttered and she squeaked when Applejack lifted her then she was suddenly on the floor. Applejack's cock slid between her sisters blossoming butt cheeks.

"Oh yea' Applebloom tonight yer' going to become a mare and you can do whatever you like... just as long as you got my seal of approval that is. Mm-hm-hm-hm..." Applejack slid it again then she angled down and up. Applebloom gave a loud whimpering whinny as she felt her sisters cock slide into her slit. She wriggled violently but all it did was sink the cock even deeper into her folds.

"I-It hurts!" She whined.

"Of course it hurts, it's all for becoming a mare." Applejack purred and she began to ram it hard every thrust slapping Appleblooms flank. Applebloom gasped with each thrust and the pain dulled and a sense of fulfillment and pleasure filled her mind. She even began to moan weakly.


Rarity waved her cock hypnotically as she danced her arms up her legs gently rocking her hips side to side. "S-S-Sis what do you mean, I'll be a mare?" Rarity smiled and she stepped toward Sweetie Bell. She spun and her mane and tail sent a shower of glitter into the air. Sweetie Bell stared mesmerized at her sister who looked at her seductively.

"Sweetie Bell... you are about to become a mare like I said... and I'll be your guide!" And Rarity was in front of her. Sweetie Bell could see it the massive cock and the large balls. She expected it be a giant ugly pulsating thing and yet... on her sister they looked beautiful and smooth. Not a single pulsing vein or throbbing length it was elegant like her sister was.

Sweetie Bell blinked and Rarity was gone from the front and was behind her. Sweetie Bell 'eeked' when her sisters cock thrusted between her legs and was in front of her face she stared at it long and hard. "Sweetie Bell... if you would," Rarity whispered breathily.

Sweetie Bell gulped and she looked at it and her nostrils inhaled the scent of sweet roses and peach and her tongue slid out she paused breathing hard then licked.


Applebloom didn't want it to stop, she didn't want her sister to stop ramming it into her again and again. She wanted to keep feeling her sisters huge balls slapping her legs and plot. She wanted to feel her sister's weight pressing her down rendering her helpless. She wanted to be her sister's object... and yet a small proud her defiantly screamed 'This is wrong Applebloom! Stop taking this like some lame mule and get up!' But she couldn't stop, no she had to get it all inside of her, she had to! Only 12 more inches to go!

Unfortunately, and fortunately, for her 6 inches was all she could manage with her young and inexperienced body. Not that Applejack minded, her heavy basketball sized balls had more than enough sperm in them to fill all 3 holes. Also her sister's tightness was just glorious. She wanted to stick it all in but if she did she would end up with a bigger mess than she wanted, like a dead filly stuck to her cock and that was the last thing she wanted. Especially since said Filly was her little sister. She leaned forward and opening her mouth took in her sisters ear and bit down gently. "Hm hm..." She purred while Applebloom squeaked as her sister gently tugged her ear one hand reaching down to her bulging belly and rubbing it.

Applebloom moaned and she twisted slightly gasping. Applejack gave a guttural groan. "Oh by Celestia Applebloom! Mmmm here it is the first one!" Applejack groaned and she gave a strong thrust and her cock bulged as cum flowed down it's length straight into her sisters pussy and womb. Applebloom cried out as she felt it flood her womb bloating it with thick heavy seed. She felt her belly start to expand as it did a fear emerged. What if her belly kept swelling? Would it explode? Her joy faded as the fear took hold.

"S-Sis s-stop! I-I'll explode!" She bleated Applejack groaned then she leaned back and pulled Applebloom up. Applebloom squealed as she was lifted and as she was Applejack's cock popped out and gave a weak spurt onto Applebloom's swollen belly. However it didn't lose any of it's stiffness if anything it was even harder than ever!

"And that is the first dose... next ya' betta crack open that snake mouth of yours!" Applejack said. "I still have enough for your other two holes!" Applebloom gulped but her labia pulsed with anticipation. "Ya' better hope you can dislocate that jaw yourself! Otherwise mah 'python' will do the job for ya!"


Sweetie Bell licked and sucked as much of her sister's length as she could. Rarity huffed silently as her sister attempted to tame her hot length. She reached down to her sister's flank and caressed it gently. Sweetie Bell paused "Oh don't mind me my young mare-to-be" Rarity purred and she pinched Sweetie' bum making her squeak in alarm Sweetie Bell though caught the scent of flowers again and her worries melted away yet again. She went back to licking and stroking. Rarity felt her sisters body with delicate but probing fingers. Rarity sighed as she rubbed her sister's bum, tickling her breasts and nipples, and even running her fingers through her mane. Rarity smiled, there was no doubt when Sweetie Bell got older she would be very beautiful... Rarity's face shifted.

"Sweetie Bell dear..." She began to rub Sweetie Bells ears making the filly moan with pleasure and pleasantness. "There is no doubt... you'll become beautiful... yes like your sister... A shame it is... that you're such a selfish wretch!" And she squeezed the ear. "Beauty is a gift my dear!" Sweetie Bell whimpered, "One that is wasted on you!" She hissed then she stopped squeezing and her hands came to Sweetie Bell's chest gently rubbing it delicately. "Hmmm... yes, a waste it would be." She purred and Sweetie Bell swallowed nervously and her gaze shifted out to the window. The moon was out shining through.

"Tell me Sweetie Bell who would love a wretch like you? A selfish, and vain wretch like you?" Sweetie Bell could feel her breath in her ear, it was as cold as ice. She was gasping now, and her eyes stung with tears.

"N-No pony..." She gasped.

"That is exactly right! NO! PONY!" Rarity screeched so loud that Sweetie Bell cowered forward. Her hands clasping over her ears however she only met her sisters cock length and she sobbed loudly.

"I-I'm sorry!" She sobbed. "I-I-I... I'm sorry for being so selfish! I swear I didn't mean to be so selfish!" She sobbed and hiccupped. Rarity leaned forward clicking her tongue gently.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... look at you so desperate and pitiful... but you know something? I love you." Rarity said and her hands went to Sweetie Bells and lowered them Sweetie Bell didn't resist only sniffed and gasped. Rarity's arms closed around Sweetie Bell's chest.

"Y-You?" Sweetie Bell gasped weakly. Rarity kissed her cheek gently.

"Yes..." A dark gleam shone for the briefest of moments in her eyes. "Me... I shall always love you," And she reached for Sweetie Bell's face turning it gently so they stared into each other's eyes. "And I shall forever...and ever..." And she kissed her as she did a symbol appeared on the back of Sweetie Bell's neck. It was Rarity's Cutie Mark but it was black and there was a chain shaped like a heart around it and a lock set in the center. "Regardless of whatever filthy, or dark and diabolical deed you commit in future... I will always love you..." Rarity said and with that Sweetie Bell was now hers... till the end of time.


Applebloom had always been told she was a loud mouth which generally meant she had a big one. Today she found out just how big it was. She was currently breathing through her nostrils as she tried to swallow her sister's massive length her mouth stretched wide. Her throat bulged as her sister sunk in 5 agonizing inches into her. Applejack finally sighed and pulled her cock out and Applebloom fell forward coughing her throat stinging her nose still.

"Ya' know sis... you can grow up strong, proud and beautiful... but instead ya'll grow into a deceitful, untrustworthy snake!" Applejack turned and her cock slapped Applebloom's cheek! Applebloom squeaked and she placed a hand on her cheek it was wet and it stung, "You have no idea how upset that makes me!" She turned again her cock slapping Applebloom's other cheek! "None at all ya' conniving snake ya' betta be ready cause ah'm gonna pound every last bit of this deceitful attitude out of you till you learn what it means to be an Apple!" Applejack said harshly.

She grabbed Applebloom's mane with one hand the other pumping her cock hard. "We're gonna start with some protein!" She pulled and Applebloom opened her mouth to say 'Ow' when Applejack stuck her cock head in and gave a guttural moan as she began blasting her second load into Applebloom's mouth. Applebloom could only give muffled squeals as thick dick batter flooded her mouth and she swallowed unwillingly. More and more flooded her mouth ever thicker with each blast out. Applebloom swallowed all she could her body becoming limp as she lost her oxygen. Applejack pulled her cock up and Applebloom grunted and nearly retched out the thick cum in her mouth. However she spat it out a large sticky blob of cum that landed on the floor with a wet 'splat' that jiggled briefly before collapsing on the ground.

"Look at this ya filthy little viper! Can't even hold in some baby juice! Such a loose and open mouth! I bet if somepony offered ya'd spill out all of our apple farming secrets wouldn't ya!?" Applejack growled. But Applebloom was gasping and groaning rolling on the ground her hands on her chest shuddering with pain.

"S-Sis s-s-something's wrong with me!" Applebloom moaned and she was on her back. It arched up and she gasped and grunted. Then she was on her side, her back to Applejack and she whimpered. Then she gasped and was on her back again and Applejack blinked first in confusion then in satisfaction as he saw Applebloom's chest begin to swell! Her small nubs swelling into large jiggling titflesh stopping just short of D-cups... but on her tiny body they may as well be H cups.

Applejack was enraged, "Look at this, this another trick up yer scaly sleeves!? Ya having tits bigger than mine!?" Applejack roared. What Applejack didn't realize was that Applebloom's new breasts were in fact a byproduct of her curse. She wouldn't know this till sometime later. "Well I think I should use these naughty snake tits of yers! Ya betta' get ready cause it's time for this bronco to buck!" Applejack said and she grabbed her dick which seemed even bigger than before.


Sweetie Bell gave breathy gasps as she licked and sucked the head. The more she did the more she wanted. Rarity watched lazily resting her head on her bedpost occasionally twitching as Sweetie Bell engulfed her length every now and then... or at least tried to. She would get the head and a good 4 inches in before needing to come up for air. Rarity's eye twitched in annoyance but it didn't matter Sweetie Bell was in her hands. She would do whatever she wanted... however she was getting tired of this... her hunger was growing and she could feel her scrotum stretch tight in anticipation. Her horn glowed and her cock began to undulate in a wave like fashion. Sweetie Bell, who had come up for air, hadn't noticed immediately but she saw when she went to dive again.

Sweetie Bell squeaked in surprise. "Don't be afraid my sister..." She turned to Rarity and saw that her horn was glowing. "Just put your mouth over the tip and swallow it all... it's my hot love for you," Rarity purred and she gave Sweetie Bell's bum a squeeze. Sweetie Bell did as told and she closed her mouth on Rarity's tip her tongue scraping against Rarity's tip briefly. Rarity bucked at that and she gave a stifled groan as her balls squeezed and her cock bulged. Sweetie Bell was in for a shock as a stream of hot, creamy cum filled her mouth. She expected a nasty taste but instead got something akin to peaches and cream.

She swallowed it and eagerly awaited the next blast. It shot into her mouth and before she could swallow another did bloating her cheeks and she felt herself gag slightly and she pulled off spitting out the cum like a fountain while Rarity's cock jerked as it shot hot goo into the overhang and back down on the bed. Rarity was silent waiting for her cock to stop shooting. When it did she sat up straighter and glared coldly at Sweetie Bell.

"How... dare you..." She whispered her voice quivering with rage while Sweetie Bell coughed and moaned weakly. "Did I not tell you to swallow it all?" Rarity hissed. "You reject my love for you!? Is that it!" Sweetie Bell squeaked and she turned to her sister.

"N-No sis! I-I didn't meant it, i-it's just t-there was so much!" She reached for Rartiy's arm but Rarity jerked it away.

"You lie!" She hissed.

"N-No! Please Sis I..." She was sobbing again. "I-I..." she sniffed, "I can't be alone! I'll do everything you want me to do just... just don't leave me please! I'll be good!" She sobbed. Rarity put a finger to her chin and tapped it haughtily.

"Sweetie Bell... I'll reconsider your failure... but to do that I must make you a mare... now!" Rarity said coolly. Sweetie Bell sniffled, and she nodded she winced slightly as her flank suddenly began to tingle. "Is something the matter?" Sweetie Bell blushed.

"M-My flank feels funny." She said demurely.

"Oh really, let me see." Rarity ordered Sweetie Bell turned, Rarity 'tsked' in annoyance. "Hold your plot up!" She demanded and Sweetie Bell did as told her face utterly crimson. Rarity leaned in and even put her hands on Sweetie Bell's bum and looked closely. She blinked and then she looked at her hands in disbelief as Sweetie Bell's flank was expanding in her very hands! She pulled them off to see Sweetie Bell's bottom grow bigger and bigger!

After a few more seconds it stopped. Rarity stared in amazement then she couldn't help herself and she leaned in and licked Sweetie Bell's butt. Sweetie Bell promptly fainted at that. Rarity sat up and looked at Sweetie Bell then she grabbed her cock and scooted back just enough that she got a good view of Sweetie Bell's bum then she pressed the head against her entrance, grabbed Sweetie Bells legs, and pulled.

Sweetie Bell was brought out of her daze as the most intense pain flooded her. She cried out and she whimpered as blood dripped from her once virgin hole and onto Rarity's length. "Shhhhh..." Rarity's hand stroked her cheek gently, affectionately. "Take a minute to relax, feel it..." She trailed off there and Sweetie Bell gasped, and moaned gently. Her sister stroked then began to play with her mane. Sweetie Bell relaxed... drifting almost then she felt the hands leave her hair and rest on her bum. "Be strong my sister... my love is powerful... and at the moment a bit... unrestrained but I promise that it will be easier as it goes along." Rarity clenched her bottom and pushed her up.


Applebloom wouldn't have believed what was happening now as not but a few minutes ago it was impossible what was happening now. Somehow she was now fitting in a good foot of her sisters length into her vaginal passage and womb, her skin stretching before her eyes so far it was a wonder it hadn't just snapped. As a result she was confused, horrified, curious and elated. Confused as to why what couldn't fit her before fit her now, horrified that her skin was stretching so far, curious as to how much more she could fit inside of her, and elated that she was able to get it inside of her.

Her bulge receded as Applejack pulled out, "So now the viper shows she can stretch! Let's see how far!" And she grabbed Applebloom's head with one hand, the other wrapping around her waist and she pulled and thrust her hips forward. Applebloom gave a small 'squee' her eyes rolling up as the cock punched her womb up stretching her belly. She gurgled, saliva pooling in her mouth and rolling down her chin, the thrust pushing out all the cum in her womb.

"Look at that ya got almost all of it in!" Applejack said ruffling Applebloom's mane, "But this is more than enough now..." She was panting now her breath coming in hot huffs. "The time for experimenting is over...!" She tightened her grip, "I can't stop it... I want... no... I need to ravage ya!" And she began to thrust her huge cock sliding out then in, she repeated this over and over. Each thrust becoming quicker and harder till she was almost a blur thrusting so rapidly it was almost impossible to see it clearly only the rapid bulging and receding of Applebloom's stomach was the only indication of the events. Something was fueling her, driving her to this lusting madness.

Part of Applejack was worried, another part was enjoying it. She was... free. Free of mannerisms, morals, friends, public opinion and family ties. All that mattered to her now was satisfying her own desires. Like she had said, she didn't want to ravage her sister, she had to. She kept pumping her cock rapidly her legs slapping against' her sisters bum.

Applebloom was nothing but senses and pleasure, everything else was just pointless thoughts and noise. Her pussy was being wrecked, and she didn't care either. All that mattered was her sisters cock pounding her insides into putty.

Applejack couldn't hold it in much longer. Her balls were overflowing again, and this one would be her last, if she did this Applebloom would be hers. "I hope you're ready Applebloom, because now you gotta take all that's in me!" Applejack grunted and she gave a powerful final thrust and groaned as her balls clenched and began depositing her large and thick cum into her sister. Applebloom couldn't speak, she could only squeal and moan as she felt her womb expand and her belly distend. Applejack kept it in, every blast making her cock throb and each blast swelled her sister more and more.

After 20 seconds she pulled her still shooting cock out and sprayed a huge arc of white over Applebloom's head and into the middle of the barn. Applebloom gave a squeak of disappointment as she felt some of the massive load inside of her spill out, however the rest was so thick it hung inside her like jelly. Applejack kept shooting large spurts and it was another minute before her flow finally slowed. Before it stopped completely though she wrapped a meaty hand around her length stopping it briefly she then aimed and released her cock shooting a large spray of cum onto Applebloom's back the little filly whinnying in gratitude. Her cock twitched, swollen, just like her somewhat overworked balls. She sighed though and leaned into the hay, her sister in her clutches, just where she belonged, and she rested her head on Applebloom's.

"I think everything will be okay, don't you..." Applejack said, "My... love...?" She purred.

Applebloom could only give a little squeak of happiness, still nowhere near capable of words.


Rarity panted hotly as she thrust down on her semi-prone sister. Sweetie Bell keened and moaned with every thrust. Rarity was covered in hot stinky sweat as she worked her body harder than she ever had in her entire life and it didn't hurt to say she enjoyed it.

Indeed it felt good to pound her new attachment into her sister, and to think that she had hated this thing this morning. She could get used to this.

Sweetie Bell gripped the sheet's tightly, panting with every thrust, her eyes rolling wildly in her sockets with her tongue out, drool dripping onto the sheets. Pleasure, pain, pleasure, pain those two words kept echoing in her head. Over and over, she wanted it to stop, this was wrong, no this couldn't happen. She had to stop this. It almost didn't matter if the other's hated her she just couldn't keep doing this.

"Sweetie Bell... my... devious filly you can't keep doing this, I can sense you struggling wanting to fight me... so... selfish!" And she pulled back grabbing Sweetie's mane and pulled it up. Sweetie Bell cried out in pain. "Still thinking only about yourself!" She then sighed and relaxed her grip. "You don't understand how the world works... and that's fine you are young and foolish... But when you get older it'll be impossible for you to be successful." Rarity crooned.

Sweetie Bell teared up and she swallowed, Rarity felt the adam's apple bob up then down. "Oh Sweetie Bell imagine it you grow up, no job, no friends, no money... no home... You'll be alone, rotting in the streets like a bum!" Rarity's cheeks met Sweetie Bell's and she nuzzled her affectionately. "I don't want that, oh no, no no," She spoke with a honeyed voice now like a mother would a child. "No, I want my cute baby sister grow up successful, with companions, wealth, a good job and good home." She nuzzled even harder than she pulled away. "So... let's resume the pounding!" Rarity said her voice becoming high at the final part.

And once again she was thrusting into her sister, her cock bouncing up and down and om and out as Sweetie Bell was now in a cowgirl position. Sweetie Bell gasped and moaned. 'Stop... I... I...' but she was losing the war, subjugation was the only release and comfort for her now but... one day she would... but Rarity's thrusts broke her out of her reverie. Her movements were getting slower more deliberate and she could feel the cock throbbing, swelling even, inside of her.

"Oh sister I'm ready, I'm ready to cum!" Rarity groaned her cock throbbing her balls aching.

"N-No, no don't-!" But it was too late as Rarity tightened her grip, pulled Sweetie Bell down and unloaded her entire contents into her.

Rarity sighed with bliss, leaning back onto her pillows, it felt good unloading all that build up. Every jerk of her turgid length shot cum into her sister womb, filling it. Her balls squeezed and then suddenly stopped. Rarity blinked then sat up and she released Sweetie Bell - where could the bloated filly go? - and she reached for her nuts. She grabbed them and hefted them, they were still rather heavy, she needed one more go. But her sisters womb was filled, that was evident as Sweetie Bell now rested heavily on her back her belly distended and gurgling with cum.

Rarity thought, wondering what to do she felt Sweetie Bell's enlarged bum rubbing her legs and she smirked. Using magic she lifted her sister off her body. Pulled her cock out and repositioned it then dropped her sister down. Sweetie Bell squeaked her facing scrunched up and she began to cry silently. "Ohhh I apologize my sister. I didn't mean for it to hurt..." Rarity stroked her neck gently, "But I need to finish unloading so I'll be using your butt for now," and with that Rarity began using magic to raise and lower her sister it didn't take long for her to move into the rhythm thrusting in time of the motions. It wasn't long till she was now going a near jack hammer pace her hips slapping loudly against the keening Sweetie Bell's plot.

Rarity could feel it coming again, the almost uncomfortable stiffening sensation of orgasm. She wasn't surprised her cock was so sensitive, it was a wonder she didn't just erupt into her sister at the first thrust. She continued thrusting but her thrusts lost power, as she felt her body tighten, her balls swell, her cock bulge, and her fingers clenched into fists. "It's coming... IT'S COMING SISTER!" She roared and she slammed it in and her balls finally began unloading their remaining reserves.

Sweetie Bell keened weakly as cum flooded her ass then she felt her body jerk as the cum went up her intestines into her stomach, up her... She felt her cheeks puff up as something flooded her mouth! She held it hoping that she could stop herself from... she couldn't and her mouth opened as she began expelling cum out of her mouth. It flew to the floor where it landed forming a small pool of stomach fluids and cum though the stomach fluids were quickly drowned as Rarity's cock pumped through her sister entire digestive track. Rarity's balls kept pumping and pumping a full minute passing before she finally felt her balls clench weakly utterly empty. She sighed and she rubbed Sweetie Bell's flank soothingly.

"I'm sorry my love... but I warned you," And she used her magic to bring Sweetie Bell so that the filly was now laying next to her. Rarity then grabbed a handkerchief and began dabbing Sweetie Bell's lips. "My love... is powerful." She purred and when her sister's lips were clear she gave her a deep passionate kiss to which Sweetie Bell barely returned.



Rarity hummed gently as she walked to the café by her side was Sweetie Bell who was wearing a white dress and gown blushing, her face glued to the floor while Ponies stared at her plot in particular the males. She was heading the same restaurant she had been in yesterday. She smiled as she walked to a table and sat down while Sweetie Bell stood next to her silently. "Oh come sister," And Rarity used her magic to place a chair next to her. Sweetie Bell sat in it silently Rarity stroked her mane affectionately. "Now then what would you like to eat?" She asked.

Applejack walked to the café behind her was Applebloom who was bouncing around happily her breasts jiggling up and down with each bounce. Ponies and Fillie's stared agog at the display. Applejack put a commanding hand on Applebloom's head. "Cut it out ya hear, we don' need no pony thinkin' somethin' funnies up." Applejack commanded and Applebloom stopped bouncing and walked normally.

"Yes big sis," Applebloom said demurely Applejack rubbed her head.

"That's my girl," And she looked up to see Rarity with Sweetie Bell! "Hey Rarity how's our favorite fashion gal?" Applejack called.

Rarity looked up and smiled, "Applejack! Come sit with me!" Rarity called back, "Sweetie Bell go play with Applebloom," Sweetie Bell nodded but she smiled gently happy to be with her friend. She slid off and ran to Applebloom who also ran to Sweetie Bell.

As Sweetie Bell passed her Applejack caught her rump and she paused looking at it fondly then she turned and sat down. "I see you're looking well." Applejack said.

"Same to you," Rarity replied, they sat there silently.

"Your sister... she looking a bit uh... heavy on the bottom," Applejack said casually.

"I could say the same about your sister," Rarity replied coolly, another silence.

"It seems Rarity that we have... a similar situation." Applejack finally theorized.

"Maybe... but that seems to be the case." And she looked at the two fillies, "I wouldn't mind my Sweetie Bell with a bit more... up top." Rarity said reaching out a hand on the table. Applejack took it and as she did she smiled darkly.

"And I wouldn't mind Applebloom having a bit of a keister either." Applejack said.

"So my place at 11:00?" Rarity said also smiling darkly.

"Yes I think that'd be best," Applejack said.

Under the table both their crotch areas bulged just slightly as their endowments made their enthusiasm known.

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