Beautiful Twilight: Of Promises and Punishement

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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#2 of Beautiful Twilight

Beautiful Twilight: Of Promises and Punishment

The bar on the corner of badger avenue and Bluefox road was quiet. It was a Sunday, which meant the locals had to find another place to drink themselves silly, as Sundays were days that the owner demanded the bar to be closed. On such days, the employees of Beautiful Twilight took the time to sleep, rest wary bones and body parts, and other wise relax as the rest of the week was absolute, and total chaos when working at the bar. Relaxing, however, was a luxury the owner could not afford today.

Her name was Sparkle Shadowpaw- Spark to her friends and at the moment, she was standing in her office, after waiting three long hours for one of her employees to show up and help her unload new bottles of booze from a recent shipment. Sparkle stood with a disapproving sneer stretched across the pretty lips of her muzzle.

She was only five feet tall with a couple of inches to add to that, but she still managed to turn most heads when she walked. Her body was plump, a tad pudgy but she had perfect curves. She was currently, dressed in a pair of tight, black jeans and a bright red shirt that clung to her generous bosom. Her soft green eyes traced around the small corners of her office, until they landed on the young boy sitting on the couch, his paws in his lap, his legs together, his face holding the sheepish expression of a kid with his paw caught in the cookie jar. Marsten was a wolf that only had 14 years of age under his belt. He was actually, fairly good looking for such a young age; dressed in a pair of tight fitting jeans, and a white button down shirt that clung to his strong, firm chest. Broad shouldered and muscular, he was going to be a hunk in a few years time; if he managed to survive this encounter. It was the third time in the week that he had strolled into the bar late, his excuses pitiful as ever and this time, Sparkle had enough.

"Sooooo, Marsie..." She said slowly, letting her piercing gaze drill into the nervous youth that didn't dare look up at her. His ears lowered a bit from the sound of his own name, and his scent was rapidly changing from nervous to full blown fear.

"I hired you almost a year ago. You were thirteen. And now your fourteen. You know how many rules and laws I'm breaking by doing this? Beautiful Twilight is a bar about bondage, sex, and pain. And you, Marsie, are fourteen years old. Guess what- your NOT supposed to be in here. Not at all, not one toe, and yet, somehow, your working for me. Why is that Marsie? Why is that? Oh, I remember, you were coming home from school, and you'd gotten the tar beaten out of you by those bullies up the street, remember? Remember that pumpkin? You were running, dived into the alley of this bar, and I grabbed you and pulled you inside. You were oh, so grateful, and kept begging me to let you repay your debt to me- so I had to move crap from the truck into the basement all day. Remember that? After that, I had more to move, and since none of my other employees stopped in to help, you were my only other option, since I didn't wanna stay till three in the morning, unloading bottles and what not from the truck. After that, I thought I was done with you Marsie. I figured you'd go on your merry way, and I'd never see you again, but the next day you came back, asking for more to do, as if you were scared to stay away- so I put you to work arranging the mess that was in the basement. Then I figured I owed you some for your trouble, and I slipped you forty bucks. THEN you came back, begging for stuff to do, and me, soft hearted bitch that I am, gave you a job. I gave you a job- pay you good money, and this, this is how you repay my kindness, Marsie?" The wolf asked, in a motherly fashion, paws on her hips, glaring at the squirming boy on the couch. Spark stepped away from the door, letting her bare feet slide along the plush feeling rug that adorned the small wooden floor, until she was standing in front of the youngster. He chanced a glance upwards. She was not smiling. He whimpered.

"So what should we do Marsie? You keep showing up late, and I imagine that is not what we agreed upon. I didn't agree to let you waltz in her under your own leisure. Your taking my generosity for granted, I think. "The wolf hissed quietly, to which Marsten glanced up at her, and shook his head wildly.

"So, Marsie, what exactly were you doing today that made you show up, oh, so, late, sweetie?" She asked in a tense filled voice that made Marsten bite his lower lip. He had already come up with an excuse to tell. It hadn't been his fault. He had been riding his bike, making good time towards the bar when he hit a flat and nearly crashed into on coming traffic. The perfect excuse. He could use the accident to throw her off guard, play on her sympathy, make her pity him. Yes! Yes that was it! He could pull it off, he was almost sure of it!

"You stopped off at the arcade and lost track of time. Playing that new DDR game they put in." Spark said slowly, her arms crossed her eyes closed, tail giving an irritated swish behind her. Marsten's muzzle dropped open at the accuracy of that statement. Every single syllable filled with truth. He had no idea how Sparkle managed to say that with such unwavering certainty, but it was in such a way that he instantly knew lying to her would do him no good. He bit his lip, whimpering softly, wondering what was to become of him, his job, his future. A spike of fear shot down his spine. He'd seen Sparkle angry before. It was a very, very unpleasant sight, a memory that forced his stomach to do several back flips in a row. He looked up at her sheepishly, and nearly jumped when she sat down onto the couch next to him. She glared. He cringed.

"My knee." She say sharply, which forced a look of confusion to slide over his face. My knee? What did that mean? He tilted his head slightly and she pointed at her lap.

"Over my knee." She said again, her voice cool like steel. He blinked. Surely she didn't mean...he moved as slowly as he dared, slowly, twisting himself until her found his body had been placed across the elder wolves' knees. As if he were about to be punished the way a small boy would. He felt his ears pinken and perk sharply. There was no way she was even considering that- but he felt a jolt of panic race though him when she grasped his long, fluffy tail in one paw, and lift it up, showing off the twin, jutting cheeks of his behind. His bottom, was one of the most perky, rounded, squeezable set of male cheeks Sparkle had ever seen, and when she felt the youth squirm uncomfortably when she lifted his tail, she could tell he was rather shy about it too.

"You, Marsie, are going to be punished for your tardiness." She exclaimed quietly, stroking a choice set of fingers over the rounded curves of Marsten's backside. He squirmed in her lap, feeling his ears and face burn as she talked.

"And I think a spanking will be quite fitting...get comfortable Marsie, because this might take a while. You have quite a large bottom. "She said with a fiendish grin. The result was instant, and just as she had predicted- he flushed a deeper shade of pink.

Oh dear, embarrassed about your backside? It is rather plump, isn't it? Quite girlish in that sense, and strangely chubby. Like your cheeks jut out on their own, raising from your body to display as targets. "She explained, forcing Marsten's face to change to a shade of red that resembled a boiling lobster. She grinned, stroking along the seam covered crevice of his backside, forcing nervous squirms and gasps to squeak out of his other end. He jumped when the first slap it. It struck that rounded blue ball of Marsten's buttocks, a blow that resulted in a surprised squeal and Sparkle snickered.

"I don't think I can do this big bottom justice with your jeans on." She said slowly, and to Marsten's absolute and ultimate horror, he felt her paw slip down and skillfully undo the button of his pants, followed by the zipper- and soon with a firm tug, his jeans were lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. Marsie felt his face burn with embarrassment, his hips twisting nervously, sheepishly under Sparkle's gaze. He was instantly, and suddenly quite glad he choose to wear a pair of boxers today, instead of his normal method of going commando. His boss grinned, rolling her fingers gently along the single, thin covering fabric that was Marsie's last defense against her touch. Regardless, the sensation of her fingers tickling gently down the well rounded curves of his bottom was electric. He twitched and jerked in her lap, his face rapidly tinting a deeper and deeper shade of red with every teasing touch. Her paw raised up, fingers straight and spread out, palm stiff...and she bought it down with a satisfying SLAP across the poor wolves' behind. Marsten's squealed, his hips arching while he wriggled his rump, trying to pull himself away from the painful blows of his boss, but she was relentless. Her paw raised up again, dainty and small as it was, and came down hard, slapping his right cheek which resulted in a yeowl from Marsie's other end.

"You'd find it in your interest, my dear pup, to stop squirming right now." Sparkle warned in a subdued, but cool voice. Marsten either didn't hear, or didn't care, his hips bobbing, his legs twisting, he wanted to get free! He whimpered and gripped the side of the couch as tightly as he could in a vain attempt to pull himself away from the other wolf's harsh lesson, but it was to no avail. Her paws were strong for being so small; wrapping around his middle and holding him to her seemed to come easy, and she tsked and shook a finger at him.

"Marsie, Marsie, Marsie. I told you to stop squirming!" She growled and before he could protest, he felt fingers teasing underneath the fabric of his boxers, and suddenly, they were yanked down to his ankles, leaving his chubby, bare butt pointing directly upwards and in the gaze of the cruel wolf whom had him held down.

"My my my, I thought it was your clothing that was making your furry butt look so big, but it really is just a fat bottom, isn't it?" She teased, rubbing her paws along the sensitive, bared cheeks of Marsten's tush. Marsten's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red- a color that matched his ears and would soon match his exposed backside and he uselessly tried to reach around and cover up his bottom, only to find his paws batted away by Spark.

"Now now! Just because you've got a girlishly, fat behind doesn't mean I'm not going to teach you a lesson. "She said, pushing Marsten's humiliation even further. He opened his mouth, but all that escaped his lips was a yelp of anguish as Sparkle's paw descent in a sharp arc across his bared backside. Again and again, SMACK, SLAP WHAK, the blows came down, slapping across the cute, bared bottom firmly, efficiently, and quickly, covering one cheek, then the other, distributing the strikes and pain evenly among the juicy bottom that wobbled and bounced with every smack of paw. If anyone had happened into the room, or walked by the office, they would have heard the squeals and screams of pain that erupted from Marsten shortly after the spanking began. Tears flooded his eyes as the punishment continued, and before long his feet began to kick out, like a small boy's would, a temper tantrum washing over him as he was delivered his deserved blows. By now his soft, furry buns had been well toasted. They were bright red and sensitive to the touch, which Sparkle discovered when she drew her fingertips over the blazing cheeks and noticed the winces that accompanied her paw.

"Well now, Marsie have we learned our....Marsten?! What on earth is this?" The wolf asked in mock shock, a vicious grin ceasing her lips as she wriggled her knee. She could feel it, as he could: something very, very stiff was pressing against her thigh and even though his eyes and cheeks were stained with tears, he couldn't help a very violent blush.

" you have an erection?" Sparkle asked, reaching a paw around under his legs, rubbing at the thick wolf meat she found beneath his hips. He squirmed, noticeably thrusting his hips forward, but was obviously too embarrassed to say anything. Sparkle took advantage of this, reaching over with her other paw, resting it on the rounded globes of Marsten's aching, furry rear and gave his privates another firm squeeze. The boy yelped, eyes wide, and glanced over his shoulder nervously while Sparkle lifted her paw. He tensed. The blow came.

"You Naughty little boy! Getting a stiffy while being punished! Shame on you!" Sparkle announced, slapping the boy's poor sensitive bottom again and again, giving no mercy to the twin protruding red globes, and all the while, her fingers were firmly wrapped around his penis.

"Bad puppy! BAD!" She shouted, firmly slapping the freshly spanked buns with a frightening intensity that had the poor canine bawling in her lap. He kicked his feet, he screamed, and he pounded on the side of the couch, and all the while, his erection got harder and harder, and harder, leaking a small cascade of pre down the side of Sparkle's hips. Her fingers grasped and massaged, squeezing the erection in hip lap, working it until she could feel the warning twitches of a coming orgasm. Suddenly- very suddenly, everything stopped. The blows to that plump, upturned, furry butt stopped, the welcoming massage stopped, the punishment all together stopped, and Marsten found himself crying silently over Sparkle's knees.

"Up." She snapped and he did so without a moments hesitation, nervously sliding his fingers in front of his privates, trying to take hold of his last few scraps of modesty.

"Paws by your sides, shoulders back, stand up straight!" She barked. He did so with a deep blush, trying to ignore the way his thick penis stood straight up, bobbing gently in the air with a slow trickle of pre. He had been so, so so close to an orgasm, one more touch, one more stroke and he would have gone over the edge. He was aching more then his own bottom, to reach down and give just one tiny squeeze, but the look Sparkle was giving him told him that would be a grave mistake indeed. Stand facing the corner. Paws at your sides, you are not the touch yourself. "She hissed, and with a whimper, the other wolf- naked from the waist down, shuffled sheepishly towards a smaller corner of her office and remained that way, his big, bare bottom quite red, sticking out like a sore thumb and Sparkled laughed quietly, cruelly. The tiny drops of pity she did feel for him, were quickly over run with the memory of her having to unload that shipment by herself when he told her he'd be there on time. No, he deserved his punishment, and she wasn't going to back down at all. This is what happened to furs who didn't obey her rules, and this would be a memory Marsten wouldn't forget. But to Sparkle Shadowpaw, who was reveling in sitting down, watching the poor lad trying to keep himself from that pleasure that was only inches away-

This was just another night, in Beautiful Twilight.