That Old Style Blues Part 1

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#1 of That Old Style Blues

Hello everyone! This is part 1 of a two-parter. The second part should be out next Thursday. I hope you enjoy this!


Seattle, June 1959

Victor growled and panted as he thrust into the yellow-furred Labrador retriever beneath him. The Labrador cried out in pleasure and gripped the fox's red-furred back in ecstasy, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he came over both of their stomachs. Victor chuckled and planted a kiss on the canine's lips and began to grind his knot into the canine's taint. Emil returned the kiss, panting heavily as his orgasm tapered down.

"You think you can take my knot today Emil?" Victor asked the canine underneath him, "You got time right?"

Emil blushed and pulled the fox closer to him with his legs.

"I don't care," Emil replied, kissing the fox back passionately, "You know I want it all, love."

Victor bit his lip as he thrust his knot into the much younger male beneath him. The fox's tail lifted as he flooded the Labrador's inside with hot fox cum. The pair moaned and breathed heavily together for a few moments before rolling over on to their sides, their noses almost touching. Emil smiled and began to kiss over Victor's lips.

"You really shouldn't call me that," Victor began in between kisses, "We've been over this."

"But it's how I feel," Emil said with a whine, his fingers tracing along one of the numerous scars on the fox's chest, "I can't help the fact that I fell in love with you."

Victor growled.

"You can't fall in love with me," Victor said with a frown, "I'm almost 40 and you're graduating from high school today. There is absolutely no way anything between us would work."

"That didn't stop you when we met Victor," Emil sighed, "So what, you just think I'm some hole with legs that you can throw away?"

Victor shook his head.

"What then?" Emil continued, "I love you. Don't you feel the same about me?"

Victor growled. Damn this kid for making him feel this way. A year and a half of bedding and caring for this teenager made Emil the longest "relationship" the fox had been involved in since he ran off from his two-faced bitch of a wife.

"I- I do," Victor admitted, his ears drooping, "Which makes this just as hard for me as it will be for you."

"What?" Emil asked with a whine, "What are you talking about?"

"We're through kid," Victor said with a sigh, "I can't follow you to San Francisco."

Emil sniffled.

"I can go someplace closer," Emil replied, "I've got a lot of scholarships."

Victor shook his head.

"There's no other way Emil," Victor began, "You gotta go to school, meet a girl, get some house in the suburbs, and have a bunch of kids."

"I don't want some girl," Emil said indignantly.

"Then find some boy your own age," Victor snapped, "You don't want to settle down with some drug dealing thug like me. How much longer you think I'll be around before I get arrested or shot to death?"

Emil sniffled.

"You had to do this right now," Emil replied, clearly defeated, "On the happiest day of my life."

Victor scoffed.

"I don't even remember my high school graduation," The fox began, "It really doesn't hold that much stock over your life kid."

"Well it's really important to me right now," Emil said with a frown, "I wish you would go."

"What's the point of me going?" Victor asked, "It's not like I'm going to be able to talk to you or anything. Besides, that dumb-ass wolf friend of yours I beat the shit out of will be there."

Emil sighed.

"I just wanted you to watch," Emil said with a sigh, "I guess you really want to be done don't you."

"Why else would I say I wanted to be done?" Victor snarled, "What part of that are you not getting? God I can't decide if you're a hopeless romantic or if you're just some stupid kid."

Emil growled and tried to pull himself off of the fox's knot. Victor whimpered and growled in pain as the Labrador yanked himself off of his cock.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Victor growled, "You trying to hurt yourself?"

"Can't hurt any worse what you've done to me already," Emil replied, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I thought you were smart enough to figure it out," Victor began, "I mean, what, did you think that we actually had a future together?"

Emil limped out of the fox's small bedroom, tears welling up in his eyes as he went. Victor sat up with a sigh and growled, his scarred paws clenching into fists. He punched the wall with a yell, leaving a large, fist-shaped hole into the plaster. The fox sighed and put his head in his paws, a few sobs escaping his maw before the fox was able to regain his composure.

He knew this had to happen, ever since that first night the boy had spent in his bed. He didn't think it would have hurt this much though. Victor always thought that the teenager with replace him with someone his own age, and that he would be the one who was hurt in the end. Victor sighed as his ears picked up the sound of soft sobbing in the bathroom. He hated the sound of tears, and he hated them even more when they were his fault.

How could he have been so stupid? The fox knew what had to happen, so how could he have let himself fall in love with Emil? Victor sighed, of course he knew. It was his smile, his happy personality, the way he moaned and blushed every time they made love. Every time the fox thought about the kid his heart jumped out of his chest. A tear rolled down the fox's cheek.

His thoughts turned to the rainy December night he met the Labrador. It seemed that it was just yesterday that the fox had walked up to the teenager's car in hopes for a night of fun. Victor chuckled in spite of himself as he thought of the wild night that he fell in love for the first time.


Seattle, December 1957

The music was good and loud, that was all Victor cared about. He was sitting in the back corner at his favorite bar, The Den, a half drunk glass of bourbon clutched in his scarred left paw. The heavyset lion and his much thinner compatriots on stage finished off another song to the drunken applause of the masses. Victor smirked, his scarred lip lifting to show a mouthful of shining, white teeth. The lion bowed, his beer gut sending his guitar cannoning into his microphone stand. Quick as lighting, the back-up guitarist steadied the stand before the leader of the band even knew what happened.

The group played the blues, good blues, not that poppy "Blueberry Hill" bullshit. They played the kind of music the fox grew up listening to. It brought back memories, memories of sitting around the record player on the family farm. Victor chuckled, he hadn't heard from any member of his family in years. He really didn't mind though, he hated his family's rampant Catholicism. They never forgave him for knocking up three of the girls in his graduating class. Victor was still amazed that his family didn't disown him then and there. The fox's train of thought was derailed as sounds of conversation returned to the bar. Victor sighed, he hated it when the music stopped playing. The fox liked how it covered up the sounds of people being stupid.

The fox grumbled and drained his drink as he looked around the bar. He hated the dumb ass teenagers that were able to sneak in here. A group of six, three boys and three girls, sat at the large table between the fox and the stage. Victor could hear them, the way the males prattled and boasted while their virgin bitches giggled and played at being bad. Victor's smirk only intensified at the thought of teaching those girls the meaning of bad. His eyes turned to a slender vixen sitting beside a male wolf. The fox chuckled and absentmindedly licked his lips, as he thought of how that girl would look staggering out of his apartment after a night of fucking. Victor shook his head and turned his attention to the other patrons, the ones his age. This bar didn't attract the patronage of the suburban father or the stuffy businessman. It attracted the harder men, the men who knew trouble.

Victor was a good guy once, before the war, before a faulty shell blew his friends to bits. Fortunately, a man twice as wide as him took the brunt of the impact, and saved the fox's life. Damned Korea, Victor was always bitter when he thought about that war. He fought in the wrong one, World War 2 was the one to fight in, the one that mattered. He would have been in that war too, if not for a torn tendon in his knee that dashed his hopes of finding glory in battle. The fox sighed, at least he got to raise a family and get another shot at glory seven years later. Victor was lucky enough to make it back to his hometown in Illinois, a world away from the hell he had fought through. His wife no longer liked his scarred face and his three children shied away at the sight of him. He could have stayed and tried to make his family love him again, but that fucking kid had to get in his way and ruin any chance of that.

Frankenstein the badger had called him, as his clique of shithead little rich jocks laughed behind him. Victor didn't like that name too much and beat the badger to death with his bare hands. The fox had scared the rest of those little pricks into secrecy, but a dead local celebrity quickly gets the brunt of the town out for blood. They figured it out, and Victor had to flee. His oldest child would be 12 now, and would be the only child who knew what Victor was like before the war. It had been three years since he had been home, and those three years had been some of the best of his life.

In Seattle, the fox quickly found a new calling, drug dealing. He sold whatever people wanted, heroin, weed, even the rare shit. Victor was liked enough, he sold to everyone, was mindful of existing turf, and could find work with any crime operation on this side of the Rocky Mountains. He could have been the boss, the head honcho, but who wanted that kind of responsibility. Victor was more than content with his current life, the money was flowing and he was, for the most part, free. He waved down a serving girl and got himself another glass of bourbon.

The new-found noise of conversation was cut off by the wail of the lion's guitar and a slow, rolling snare drum. The fox chuckled quietly, he liked these guys. Victor hated the way some of the acts rambled and played to get favors from the crowd. These men were true musicians, not immature little pricks like most of the guys who pranced around on stage. Victor chuckled as he remembered the last band to come in here, those preppy pop singers got booed off stage after the first song. The song the band was playing, was a classic blues ballad, the best kind. The fox quickly found himself tapping his foot along to the beat, his eyes closing as he remembered days long past.

As quickly as it began, the song was over, and the bar was on its feet clapping and cheering. Victor got up from his seat and clapped too. The band bowed for the last time, their set-list finished for the night. He had to get the name of the lead guitarist. As much as the fox hated to admit, he would kill to get a record from this group. They were on stage for now, collecting their money and some lusty kisses from the ladies in the crowd.

People here knew Victor well, and always made an effort to greet the fox. He walked past the group of teenagers on his way to the stage, and stopped in his tracks as an empty pitcher of beer rolled to a stop in front of him. The fox followed the wet trail of spilled beer up to the teenager's table. A grey and white wolf chuckled at the fox and put an arm around his girlfriend, a vixen.

"It's a shame to waste a pitcher of beer," Victor began tiredly, "I'm still surprised at how damn wasteful you kids are."

The wolf snorted.

"Why do you care?" The wolf snapped, "You live through the Great Depression or something."

"Just be more careful," Victor said with a roll of his eyes, "God what is wrong with this generation."

"If it steamed you so bad it wasn't a waste," The teen began, stretching out and puffing the varsity letters on his chest out, "Get lost old man."

The fox looked over the wolf dismissively. He wasn't much to look at as far as muscles were concerned. He was definitely not a football player, or a hockey star, or anything like that. The fox had muscles, ones he had worked for, but was still lean. This wolf looked as though most of his weight was in his fur. With a belch the wolf straightened back up and wiped his lips.

"Thanks for the show kid," Victor said with a smile, "What kind of pussy sport did you do to get those letters? Volleyball?"

The group of teenagers chuckled among themselves.

"Also," The fox continued, "If I wanted to see one of you puff out your tits. I'd ask your lady friend."

The laugh quickly left the wolf's lips. One of his friends, a portlier wolf nudged him and whispered.

"I think this is that creepy guy who was looking at us from the corner," The chubby canine began, "He was staring at your girl."

The not-football star growled, his arm wrapping protectively around his woman. The vixen pulled her coat tighter around her chest, covering up the modest cleavage that her pastel pink dress showed. The not-football star stood up, standing level with the fox's eyes.

"That true?" The wolf asked, "You been leering at my girl?"

The fox downed his bourbon with a growl of satisfaction. He smirked and looked over the teenager in front of him.

"How old are you boy?" Victor asked.

"I'm no boy," The wolf spat, narrowly missing the fox's worn brown shoes, "I'm a man."

"Bullshit," Victor said with a smirk, "You've got to be what, seventeen?"

The wolf stayed silent and looked away from the older man. Victor snorted. When he was his age he had way more spine than this little puke had. Victor looked over the wolf's girl again, her gaze quickly averting from the fox's gaze.

"You should come home with me tonight vixen," Victor said with a smile, "I'll do things to you Pipsqueak here wouldn't ever dream of."

The girl whimpered and scooted as far away from the male fox as she could. Pipsqueak growled and pulled a switchblade out of his pocket. He ejected the blade, five inches of shining, pointed steel. The fox's eyes followed it as the weapon came to a rest beside the wolf's right hip. The gaggle of teenagers stopped talking, their eyes wide as they watched the scene in front of them.

"Apologize," The wolf stated, his shoulders shaking with rage, "You insulted my girlfriend, I won't hesitate to gut you."

Victor smirked, it had been too long since he had a good fight.

"She wouldn't be so scared once she got into bed with me," Victor chuckled, "Better stand down Pipsqueak, I'd never forgive myself if you broke your cheese-knife."

The canine lunged forward with a growl, the point of his knife aimed for the fox's face. Victor ducked under it and moved aside, anticipating the wolf's next slash. The fox danced around Pipsqueak's clumsy slashes and stabs, his eyes never leaving the point of the knife. The wolf's chubby friend jumped into the fray, his arms wrapping around the fox's torso.

Pipsqueak growled and slashed at Victor's torso. The fox ducked down and wormed his way out from the fat wolf's grasp. The fat wolf fell back with a cry, clutching the fresh, shallow gash across his chest. At this point the other patrons began to crowd around the fight, the majority of them offering cheers and encouragement to the older fox. The chubby wolf jumped to his feet and ran to a corner of the bar, shaking in fear. Pipsqueak whimpered frightfully and backed away from the fox.

"H-hey," Pipsqueak began meekly, "I'm sorry, truly, can we just go."

The crowd surrounding the fight began to laugh.

"No," Victor growled, "You said you were a man. Prove it. Finish this."

Pipsqueak shook his head. Before the war, Victor would have almost felt bad for the poor kid. The new Victor knew he had to teach this kid a lesson, one that would stick for his entire life.

"You finish this," Victor continued, his paw grabbing a half-empty pitcher of beer, "Or I will."

Victor growled and lunged forward, the pitcher of beer cannoning and breaking against the wolf's chin. Pipsqueak whimpered and fell to the ground, his knife falling to the ground beside him. Beer sloshed over the wolf's face, a small amount pooling on the shard of glass sticking out of the left side of his muzzle. Pipsqueak started to cry, but stopped as Victor brought the jagged hunk of glass down twice on top of the kid's head before stepping back and licking the blood and beer from his paw. Pipsqueak sat on the ground dazed, the top of his head and most of his face coated with blood. The fox snorted and left a dollar on the teenagers' table.

"That's for a cab," Victor growled, glaring over the group of kids, "Don't come back here. This is no place for shits like you."

The remaining four nodded, their eyes wide with fear.

"Good," Victor continued, "Call an ambulance for your friend."

Victor walked away, the gathered crowd parting as the fox walked by. The crowd understood, they knew this had to happen. No one faulted the fox for being the one to see it through, in fact, that was why he was so well liked. Any man who did what had to be done had the respect of the regulars at The Den. One of the kinder souls in the bar went to the kid and checked him over, but the rest went back to their drinks. The fox sighed and exited the bar. The bar was under an apartment building and connected to the street above by a set of dirty, stone stairs.

The fox stood on the street and shivered. It was December and rain was pouring. Victor looked up at the dark grey sky with a frown, he never would have come to Seattle if he knew it rained so much. Victor sighed and began to walk down the side walk, his worn shoes squelching in the layer of slush underfoot. He looked to his right to see a young yellow Labrador fretting behind the wheel of a dark red Hudson. Victor chuckled and looked over, what he assumed to be, the pretty young girl sitting in the driver's seat.

The fox crossed the street and rapped on the window of the car. The canine rolled the window down a little bit.

"What?" The male Labrador asked with a sigh, "Do you want something?"

Victor chuckled. Bedding a male didn't faze him in the least.

"I don't know," Victor began with a smile, "Do you?"

The Labrador sighed.

"My friends are late," The canine began, "My Dad's gonna beat me again if I bring the car home too late."

"They athletes?" The fox asked, "With bitches?"

The Lab nodded.

"Your father is going to be more pissed about the blood and beer in the back seat," Victor began with a chuckle, "Your friend bit off more than he could chew when he tried to mess with me."

The Lab rolled the window down a bit more. Victor could now see the male's face. The fox was surprised, this male had a gentle face, it looked almost... womanly. The fox's tail twitched behind him as his thoughts got the better of him. He imagined what that shapes that beautiful face would take as the fox fucked the other male into oblivion.

"He hurt bad?" The Lab asked, snapping the fox out of his lustful daze.

"There's a lot of blood, and he'll probably have a scar," Victor said with a smirk, "He cried like a little pup though."

After a quick pause, the Labrador began to laugh. Victor's ears perked up at the sweet sound and a smile crept across his face. The male tried to keep himself under control and succeeded after a few moments of laughter.

"I'm Emil," The Labrador began, "Would you like to come in?"

Victor chuckled and nodded as he made his way around to the other side of the car. He dodged a puddle and opened the door to the passenger side of the car. The car was very nice and looked as if it just had fresh upholstery put in.

"I'm Victor by the way," The fox began, wiping the grime on the bottom of his shoes off on the bottom of the door before getting into the vehicle.

"You have really nice teeth," Emil said with a blush, "How do you keep them so white?"

Victor chuckled.

"I take care of them," Victor replied, "After all, they took care of me."

"How so?" Emil asked.

Victor hesitated. He didn't want to scare the kid away with a gory war story. He had taken the life of a communist soldier with them, and the taste of the young buck's blood still haunted his nightmares. The fox shook his head and chuckled.

"I'll tell you later," The fox replied, "I'm sure yours are just as nice as mine."

Emil blushed and shook his head. Victor had to fight the urge to jump for joy, the shy ones were always the most fun. The fox softly took Emil's jaw in his paw and moved the canine's face back to look at his. Victor's thumb traced over the soft and clean fur on the canine's neck.

"Smile for me," Victor said, "I'm sure they're beautiful."

The Labrador blushed harder, his cheeks and the inside of his ears turning red. Victor smiled, now it was only a matter of bringing the Labrador home.

"Aren't you older than me?" Emil asked with a blush, "I'm seventeen and you're... fifty?"

"I'm 37," Victor replied with a frown.

"Sorry," Emil said, shivering as the fox's other paw moved to his thigh, "You're still old enough to be my father though."

"But I'm not your father," Victor said with a smile, "Besides seventeen is more than old enough to fool around. Even with a guy like me."

Emil smiled back and Victor's eyes lit up. This kid was gorgeous, his perfectly white teeth only brought out his tawny brown eyes even more. Victor leaned in for a kiss, but was stopped by the Labrador's soft furred paw.

"Are you crazy?" Emil asked, "What if someone sees us?"

"Then take us somewhere where they won't," Victor said lustfully, his paw rubbing insistently up the canine's thigh.

Emil blushed and shuddered, his eyes closing. Victor was glad the boy hadn't said no. He didn't know what he would have done if he had been rejected. He needed sexual release sure, but more than anything he wanted to have it with someone beautiful, someone angelic. Emil definitely fit the bill in Victor's eyes.

"I-I want to," Emil said with a blush, "But I have to go home."

Victor chuckled.

"You don't have to do anything," Victor said with a grin, "But where do you live?"

"Up in North Seattle," Emil replied, "I'm sure you'd be nowhere close to us though."

"Tell you what," Victor began, "You drive me to my house, we see if you're close enough to walk to my place, and if not I'll hire you a cab."

Emil blushed.

"Gosh, you must really think I'm worth something then," The Labrador said with a smile, "Well ok I guess, but I want to see them drag Norman's ass out of the bar first."

Victor laughed.

"Is that the kid I bludgeoned with a mug of beer?" Victor asked with a grin.

Emil snorted and started laughing again.

"That's amazing," The canine said breathlessly, "If anyone deserved to be hit with a beer mug it would be that guy."

"What's his problem?" Victor asked, "I mean why do you pal around with him if you don't like him."

Emil growled and moved away from the fox's paws.

"He is not my pal," Emil said angrily, "H-He likes keeping me close, in case he wants to do stuff he can't with his girl."

Victor growled. He couldn't believe anyone could use this kid like that. Sure he had been guilty of taking advantage of furs like Emil in the past, but never any as young and innocent as this kid was.

"I should have hit him a few more times," Victor muttered darkly as the wail of an ambulance and squad cars became audible.

The emergency vehicles parked in front of the bar and quickly filed down the stairs. Emil started the car with a sigh and began to warm the engine up.

"Looks like you hit him enough," Emil said grimly, "Maybe he'll get infected and die."

"Hear, hear," Victor replied, his paw going back to the Labrador's thigh, "We should get out of here though. I don't want to get you into trouble with the law."

"I'll take you home then," Emil said, "Where do you live?"

"I'll give you directions as we go," Victor began, "Just pull out and go the way you're facing."

Emil did as he was told, even as the fox's deft finger's traced across his crotch and began to play with the waistband of his jeans. Victor chuckled as he began to smell Emil's arousal, and began to smell his own invading the air around the pair of them. Emil shuddered and continued to drive, merging onto the interstate and driving north.

"Stay on this highway for a bit," Victor said, his fingers snaking his way into Emil's underwear, "Yeah just like that."

Emil shuddered and blushed as the fox's fingers began to stroke and rub over the growing bulge in the Labrador's pants. Victor murred and chuckled, watching as the boy squirmed in his seat. The fox knew that tonight was going to be fun.

"You've never been touched like this have you?" Victor asked, his voice dripping with lust as he traced the outline of the canine's sheath with his fingers, "I can tell you like it."

Emil whimpered and nearly jerked the car into the concrete divide. Victor chuckled and removed his paw from the teenager's jeans.

"Turn right up here," Victor began, "We're almost there."

Emil whined.

"C-can you put your paw back there?" The Labrador asked, "Please?"

"What fun would it be if you were all tuckered out before we started playing?" Victor replied, "Besides I plan on putting my paws all over you tonight."

Emil sighed and looked up at the street sign.

"Hey this is really close to where I live," Emil said with a smile, "Maybe I can come over tonight."

Victor chuckled.

"And I certainly hope you do," Victor said with a smile, "Just turn left up ahead and make another left."

Emil did so and parked the Hudson in front of the apartment complex. It was a wide brick building that looked like an enlarged shoe-box. It was one of the few proper apartment buildings in this upper-class neighborhood and as such was very well hidden. A grove of ancient oak and maple trees surrounded the building, and blocked the view of all the floors except the top one.

Victor chuckled and ran his paws over the Labrador one more time before getting out of the car. Emil whined and looked over the handsome fox as he closed the door behind him.

"What floor do you live on?" Emil asked, "And what if my dad won't let me leave?"

"The top one," Victor replied, "So what if he won't let you leave? Just sneak out if you can."

Emil nodded and drove away as quick as he could. Victor chuckled and walked up four floors to get to his room. Being a drug dealer was a very lucrative business, which gave Victor the funds to buy one of the four large apartments on the top floor. The names of the owners were embossed in gold lettering on the doors. Victor turned to his door, the first on the right, and entered.

His apartment was very clean but cold. The fox had not been up here in a week, and cleaned the whole place before he left. Victor walked across his white faux-fur rug and dark hardwood floor to his thermostat. He cranked the heat up, rubbing his arms as his apartment steadily warmed. The fox turned to look over his living room, which had a television, a coffee table, and a couch for furniture. Victor wasn't too worried about his sparse furnishings, after all, most of the night's activities would be taking place on the couch or the bed.

Victor walked through his apartment, checking all the things he could possibly need. The bathroom was clean and had well stocked toiletries. The shower and bathtub were clean as well, good thing too, because both of them had seen some kinky stuff in the short time Victor had lived in the apartment. Victor growled at the remaining flecks of dried blood and scrubbed his paw clean in the sink. Victor wiped his paws off on his jeans and walked out of the bathroom. He went into the kitchen and smiled, the fridge had been refilled by the owner of the apartment complex. Victor chuckled, the old beagle had even stocked a case of the fox's favorite beer. The fox closed the fridge and checked the bedroom.

The king size bed was a mess, no doubt a result of the long night Victor gave his neighbor's daughter last week. Victor removed the sheets, blankets, and pillowcases, which were sure to be stained and stashed them in the closet. He pulled out his set of silk sheets and got to work remaking his bed. The fox smirked, he only broke out the fancy sheets when a mate he wanted to impress came over. Once Victor finished with the bed, he did another check over his apartment and relaxed on the couch.

He turned on the television and watched a game of football. He didn't know who was playing and frankly, didn't care. It was just nice to fill the apartment with noise. The game had reached its end by the time a timid knock sounded at the fox's door. Victor smiled widely and jumped up to turn down the television. With a skip in his step, the fox moved to the door and answered it.

That Old Style Blues Part 2

"Hey," Emil blushed, standing in front of the door in a raincoat, "I'm sorry it took so long. The good news is that I can spend the night." Victor smiled widely and stood aside, holding the door open for the Labrador. Emil came in and smiled, looking...

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The Guardian Chapter 6

Tane One week later "Alright again," I began, sitting on the bed of the small cottage we were staying in. James sighed. "Why do I have to practice this so much?" He asked, "I mean all I have to do is stab him right?" I rolled my eyes and stood up....

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The Guardian Chapter 5

James When I opened my eyes Tane and I were surrounded by a group of armored mounted soldiers. The leader stepped down and removed his helmet. She was a white and slender wolf and had a frigid air about her. She frowned, looking over the freshly...

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