Half-Blood Chapter XXIX

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#30 of Half-Blood

Here we are folks! Chapter XXIX is officially up! Also Today is my Birthday so yay for me. This chapter also includes my first heterosexual sex scene so sorry if it isn't great! But you guys know the deal! Read, Comment and vote ! Oh and here's ah story recommended story Mage by Atrius Bloom https://www.sofurry.com/view/700742 hope you enjoy that as well

Chapter XXIX- The Calm After the Storm.

Xander could only barely stop himself from crying as the others huddled around him in a group hug. It felt weird to him, being cared about. His Mother certainly never loved him, he figured that out when Bill first started beating him while she didn't raise a paw. Xander was pretty sure that the Doberman had tried to molest him once when it was just them in the old house to. Derrick just saw him as a plaything and not an actual person as did all the men who had molested him in that time with Derrick, having people actually be concerned about his well-being was completely foreign but also completely welcome.

"Tha-thank you, all of you, all my life I've been uncared for and you guys have been nothing but fantastic to me. I don't know if I deserve it honestly." The shy fox mumbled lightly into Lucas' shoulder. The other fox just let out a disgusted snort and held him that much tighter.

"You deserve the world Xander, what happened to you is inexcusable especially how your mom did you. But enough doubt okay? You do deserve this and so much more," he said before letting him go before turning towards Xander's grandfather, "Oh, and I'd like to talk more about the agreement if that's okay with you?" Lucas stated politely causing the Elf to chuckle lightly.

"Somehow I think you'd talk about it even if I wasn't young Mageling, so what do you want to talk about in terms of the agreement?"

Xander noticed that Lucas seemed quite nervous, and that Ian was looking at him worryingly but eventually he did manage to regain his composure and spoke, his voice surprisingly firm and almost authoritative far different from the quiet and almost meek tone he usually talked in.

"Um, yes, I think when you do summon Xander you should inform either me or Jordan of the summons first, so we can avoid something similar to this happening again, and also so we'll know where he is. Also that you limit the summons during the week, as Xander has school and he can't miss it. Is that okay with you?"

His Grandfather stayed silent and Xander was wondering what the elf was thinking. Seemingly thinking it through the elf just shrugged his slim soldiers in agreement. "Your terms seem fair and agreeable so I have no issue with them. I do not after all wish to interfere in his education, but instead further it. I will indeed inform you prior to my summons. At times I may ask a summons of you as well, as I'm sure your lover as informed you, we Fey do not accept a mere thank you as payment for a favour. You will soon do a favour for me if I see the need. Is that an understanding Mageling?"

"I accept," Lucas replied, getting a unhappy look from Ian in return before he reached his paw out to shake. Seeing that the elf didn't return his gesture he quickly explained himself. "Here we generally shake paws when sealing an agreement."

As if willing to humour the fox, Xander's grandfather agreed taking his own paw into Lucas' and giving it a firm strong shake. "Now, since our agreement has been fully sealed, you may leave. Xander I will summon you soon so we can begin your training is that understood?"

Xander just nodded his assent to his grandfather, before turning towards his friends. "So you guys ready? I'm hungry and I'd like to maybe lay down for a bit I'm still kinda groggy after the spell," he said before turning to his grandfather, "And I'll see you soon hopefully, I'm sure Jordan would be fine if you visited me at Ian's."

The elf just gave the young fox an affectionate pat on the head before gently turning him down, "That is sweet of you child, but I do not think I would be welcome in Lord Mansfield's abode. I after all abducted you, one of his wards and blood or not it is considered a grievous affront to kidnap a Mage's dependant. I do not think he would contain himself if he saw me. In fact I expect a complaint from my superiors regarding the incident as the Mansfield's have significant pull in the Seelie Courts." Xander's ears drooped briefly in disappointment before he sighed and nodded his understanding.

They talked for a few more minutes before Ian decided it was probably best for them to head back. After bidding their goodbyes (Jonah's being the frostiest of them) they quickly left the field and eventually found themselves outside the anti-magic ward.

Almost as soon as they exited it Ian's phone started to loudly blare a cheery sounding ringtone. "That's dad!" he said before immediately answering it and winding as a loud angry voice blared from the other side. Jordan did not seem very happy, Xander mused lightly.

After waiting for his Father to stop shouting Ian began to talk, "I'm fine Dad, we found Xander. Turns out he was taken by his Elvin Grandfather, but we managed to convenience him to let Xander go." Another sound came from the phone and Ian answered once more. "No, I didn't enter a bargain, Lucas did... no it wasn't my idea! He did it without my say... no I don't know what the favour is, the Elf only said he'd summon Lucas when he decided to collect on the debt." After a few more minutes Ian was finally able to hang up with a quick "I love you" he turned his phone off and turned towards the rest of them. "Dad's not happy about you owing Lysander, but he says he understands your reasons. He also said he wants us how pronto, so let's head out."

"Actually Ian, I promised Erin I'd take Xander home with me when we found him, but we should be back in an hour or so." Ian just nodded, obviously disappointed that Lucas wasn't coming home with him but the young fox just gently laid a hand on his chest before whispering something that made Ian's ears perk up and his mouth to drool.

"Well *ahem* that'd be great... very well, I'll see you then! Do you want me send Greg with you? Just to be safe? It's a good bit away from your home and I'm not sure I like you doing that teleporting thing, not without a gate at least." Both the tiger and the snowy furred fox gave him looks of protest. Lucas' looked like terror and discomfort while Greg's was irritation, obviously not happy with being volunteered without his consent, and the way he refused to meet the tiger's eyes made Xander wonder what occurred between the two teenagers.

"Tha-that won't be nec-necessary Ia-Ian... I doubt Greg will be willing to let you out of his sight anyway, and I actually want to try som-something." Lucas stammered in a timid fashion just as everyone turned their focus to him.

'Um, maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all...' Lucas thought, suddenly uncomfortable from the attention he was now getting, but managed to settle himself with resolve. 'But no time like the present!' he thought to himself before he let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. Almost immediately he was surrounded by a swirl of colour as countless tiny symbols whirled around him shining in every colour and hue imaginable. 'Ar-are the runes?' he mused to himself lightly. 'They're beautiful...'

Quickly he shook himself and focused on the task at hand. He didn't know exactly why he was doing this. Ian had told him just how dangerous it was to mess with runes and yet... the feeling in his gut told him he was on the right track. Mentally he moved the runes several centimetres around, each brush of his thoughts made them change shape and colour until they became to take a vaguely recognizable shape. 'Gate, Ian's bedroom.' he thought.

At first, nothing happened but then...

"Bloody hell!" Came Ian's shocked voice. Immediately Lucas opened his afraid he might've blown somebody up, though he hadn't felt anyone's life fade away. Instead, he was shocked to see a swirling mass of darkness a bit in front of him. Inside the mass he saw Ian's bedroom in clear relief, "Tha-that shouldn't be possible... our house is warded... you shouldn't be able to open a portal to the yard, let alone my bedroom... what did you do?" Ian asked as he eyed Lucas inquisitively.

"I honestly don't know really," Lucas admitted, "I just had a gut feeling so I closed my eyes and saw runes... or I *think* they were runes... anyway. I started moving them with my mind and Bam! There's this thing... whatever it is... is this the kind of gate you were talking about?" Ian merely nodded in mute shock and Lucas was seriously beginning to wonder if he did something wrong. "You alright Ian? You look pale... You aren't mad are you?"

Ian swiftly brushed those concerns with a share wave of his right paw. "No, I'm not mad Lucas, just amazed... I mean our house is warded you shouldn't be able to open a portal inside...And rune magic? You say you _saw a_ctual runes?"

Lucas just nodded, not understanding the significance of that fact. Surely other Mages could see runes, right? "Yeah, I'm pretty sure... but I thought most Mages would be able to see them, how else would they be able to work rune magic... right?" he asked, now feeling incredibly nervous... 'Please tell me this isn't another weird thing... don't I have enough freakish traits already?' Sadly Ian answered him and the answer was not the one he wanted.

"Actually... no. I've never heard of a Mage who could actually see runes... it's another reason runic magic is so dangerous... you're pretty much working blind," he said in a pondering tone before sighing, "But we'd better get back before Dad blows a gasket. I'll see you in a bit and I'm making sure I get that promise!" he continued huskily before gently kissing Lucas. "I love you, be safe," he said before stepping towards the portal. "You coming with us Jonah?" he asked. The dingo didn't even reply as he stepped through followed by Greg and then Richard, before Ian was alone and with a wink he to stepped inside causing the portal to close leaving the two alone.

"So... um, should we go?" Xander asked.

Lucas just nodded before redoing what he did before and eventually they found themselves in his yard which startled both Erin and Agent Wallace who Erin who were sitting on the covered area of the porch.

"Lucas! Xander you're both okay!" Erin yelled as she quickly grabbed them both in a tight hug. "I was so worried! What happened?" she asked, eyes going between them.

"It's... a long story, but where's Dad and the other two?" Lucas asked, noticing his dad as well as Agent Parker and Sgt. Kendrick were nowhere to be seen.

Erin just pointed towards the living-room. Just as he was about to open the door he began to hear slightly muffled voices coming from it. "How is it either of your business how I raise my kids?" They have clean clothes, they have a clean home and warm beds and food, I think I'm providing quite dell for them thank you very much." His dad's voice rang out coolly.

Lucas felt his fur bristle at hearing that, but thankfully Agent Parker quickly rebuked him. "You provide for them physically maybe Éimhìn, but not so emotionality if your son is being truthful. I'm a father myself of course, though mine are grown and have kids of their own, and I miss when they were young. I believe you're wasting so much precious time, Lucas is nearly grown, he'll be seventeen in December correct?" Lucas heard a faint nod as the agent spoke. "But yes, your son is a good boy, my nephew speaks quite highly of him."

"Don't you dare call me that name Alonso! I left that name in Ireland twenty years ago!" His father snarled. Lucas was confused at his reaction, why did he have such a bad reaction to being called what was presumably his birth-name? Agent Parker also caught on to that.

"Calm yourself Evan, if I had known you would react so negatively to that comment I wouldn't have called you that, but my point remains. Lucas will be graduating next year, much like my youngest, Maximo did last year. If you do not patch things up now you might never get the chance, for all you know he might attend University in Britain with Master Mansfield." The Agent stated calmly. Lucas remembered his Santiago's cousin well enough, he was a jock, but was always cordial during their brief interactions.

"I know he's a good kid Alonso, I just have no idea what to do with him. He's always been very sensitive to things and my attempts to toughen him up only made that worse I fear, and that bastard Thomas turned on him... good god Alonso! My son actually attempted *suicide* how do you deal with that? What do you say? I was so much a coward I couldn't face him knowing I failed him that horribly. Marie was completely angry at me for months after that and I doubt he's ever forgiven me either."

"Have you ever talked about it with him Evan? You might be wrong." Sgt, Kendrick's gentle voice rang after having stayed silent the rest of the time.

Evan just let out a humorous sniff at that. "I believe the boy made his feelings for me clear when he started throwing me around like a ragdoll... my own Son hates me enough to want me gone, and I have no idea what Erin thinks about me..." Evan lamented sadly. "You saw him, he called me Evan to my face! If I ever did that to Francis let alone my actual father I would've been punished. But then again I can't blame him, I've been so focused on work I've practically neglected him..."

"Yes, you have neglected your son, but now you have the chance to redeem yourself in that regard. You're a single parent now...both him and Erin will need you now more than ever. The press have gone into a frenzy about Marie's death, it's a wonder they haven't tried to track the two down. Though I have a feeling that a large reason Lord Mansfield asked for Agents to guard is to keep the press away from the children while they grieve," Agent Parker said, "But you need to talk to him Evan, you're a good man and I've known you for years, but you might never get a second chance of reconciling with your only son and you'll regret that fact for ages to come."

"I'm not sure if he wants to talk to me Alonso..." the elder fox sighed, "And I've never been good at those conversations."

"We can find out now, Lucas you can come in, it's rude to eavesdrop on people... and bring your friend in as well," Agent Parker said catching everyone, especially Lucas by surprise. Giving a helpless look to Xander (who just shrugged) he sighed and entered the living-room. His dad must've cleaned it up since it wasn't near as messy as it was when Erin ransacked everything searching for the codex which rested inside Jordan's safe back at Ian's place. "Good to see you Lucas, and you must be Xander if San's description was accurate."

Xander just gave a small nod confirming his identity while Lucas focused on his father.

"How long have you been spying Lucas?" His father asked him, his voice disapproving. "And you must be the changeling my daughter found in Seattle." Xander nodded once again while Lucas stayed silent annoying. "Answer me boy! How long have you been listening on us!"

"For about twenty minutes, I was going to enter the room but I heard you talking and didn't want to interrupt," the younger fox said stiffly, "But dad... I do want to talk about things... I really do, but I'm scared that I'll grow attached and you'll leave me again..." he said looking away. "I don't think I'll ever forgive you for lying to me and Erin, but at the same time I don't want to have that baggage for the rest of my life."

He was caught by surprise however when his father embraced him though this time he didn't resist and actually started to cry into his chest.

"Shh, it's okay Lucas, I know I've been a terrible Father to both of you. I've let my own issues take hold of everything and blind me to what's important..." he said solemnly, "I've been nothing but a bastard to you, and I probably don't deserve it so please give me a second-chance."

Lucas just sniffled a bit, but nodded before getting his wits to speak again. Once he did so he gently pulled away and turned away from his dad. "I do want to talk Dad, I want to leave things in the past, but I'm not leaving Ian. I know you aren't fond of the British, but that doesn't matter to me. He makes me happy and genuinely seems to love me, and that means a lot, so I'll be willing to talk about things if it your willing to tolerate Ian, he's a great guy. I'm sure you'll like him... he's everything Thomas wasn't." Lucas stated, but ended it on a sour note.

Evan seemed a bit conflicted about things Lucas noticed as he turned around. At first he actually refused the offered, before the elder let put a defeated sigh and shook his son's offered paw into a firm paw-shake.

"I will do my best to tolerate the boy... I won't give any promises but I will try if you feel so strongly. But mark my words Lucas, if he hurts you, his ass is mine, I don't care who his father is, as I'll make him pay." He stated firmly. "But I'm going to be staying in a nearby hotel, James said he'd tell me when we can move in as he and Alonso wish to ward the building which will take a few days. Are you and Erin coming with me, or are you going to continue staying with Mansfield until it's fully warded?"

"No, we'll continue to stay with Ian. Have you had any luck with the funeral?"

Evan just sighed and just frowned obviously not in the mood to talk about it, "Yes, I've got a location. A church naturally. Yvonne... your Grandmother insisted that her child be buried in a 'Christian' ceremony and not some 'godless' one. It wasn't my first choice, but she wouldn't negotiate. Of course her and her bastard husband blame me despite the fact I wasn't even on the continent at the time, but they've always disliked me though the feeling has been quite mutual."

"Why didn't they like you?" Lucas asked, "And why have they never even sent us a Christmas card? Surely they know about me and Erin."

Evan snorted again at that, "Oh they know about you and your Sister, though they pretend they don't. They don't like me because according to them I'm just a 'filthy godless heathen' who just seduced their precious daughter and knocked her up on purpose." He growled icily, "They weren't happy when the found out she was pregnant with you... you see I was just an intern at the time, and she was doing a gig here in town for a few months. We met and started sleeping together, nothing serious and I was prepared to move on before she told me she missed her period..."

"You mean you guys weren't together when you guys had me...? Why didn't you tell me that?" Lucas asked, not knowing what to feel about technically being a bastard... did they really just get married because she got pregnant with him? Would she still be alive if she never had him? Evan seemed to sense where his son's mind was going because he just sighed and placed his paws on his shoulder.

"We never told you because it never mattered, we both loved you. Your grandparents urged her to either get an abortion and return home, or get cut off from the family. She chose you and I married her to help her. I loved your mother, maybe not as a husband should, but we did care for each other. And her death isn't your fault, trust me boy. She certainly would never hold it against you, and neither do I."

"Tha-thanks Dad, but we better head off though... Ian is probably getting worried and I'd like to get some things from my room.... will that be alright?" he asked, the last question aimed at the Sergeant.

"That'll be okay, I'll go up with you, is that alright Evan?" As soon as he got the nod he gave a small 'thank you' before gently clasping both boys on the back and led them upstairs. "Let us go boys, so young Lucas can return to his love!"

Lucas was surprised at how jovial the badger was despite everything. He was a chubby man, but his suit was well-fitted and ironed and Lucas even saw a shiny wedding-band on his ring-finger.

"Are you married sergeant?" he asked.

The Badger just smiled and nodded with cheer. "Indeed I am! For twenty-three years this December, got two lovely daughters, they're a few years younger than you, in Grade 9 to be in fact. But they go to another school, I can't afford Greenhart like Evan or Alonso." He said as he led them up the stairs into the living area... they'd cleaned up the blood and the bodies had been taken care of by the Agents, but being there still made his heart hurt as he entered his room. It'd been a week since he'd been here but it felt like years. Everything was surprisingly tidy, but he figured Ian must've cleaned up a bit. He was just grabbing clothes before he heard Xander speak up.

"Hey...is this yours?" he asked.

Turning around he saw Xander fiddling around with a plain brown spiral-bound notebook... He hadn't seen that thing in years, it was his sketchbook from before Thomas turned on him... It was actually a birthday gift from the Dobie, seeing it made his heart hurt.

"It's nothing Xander; just put it back where you found it okay?" But Xander ignored him and continued looking more and more impressed with each page.

"These are incredible! Did you draw them yourself?" He asked excitingly. Lucas just nodded reluctantly which made him even more excited. "That's so cool! I always wanted to learn how to draw, but Bill said I was above that 'faggoty ass artsy smartsy shit' so I never got the chance to learn, since Derrick never saw me except when he sold me out," he continued, surprisingly frank about his torrid past. "Who gave you the notebook?"

Lucas just winced, not wanting to talk about it, however Xander seemed to catch the memo. "Oh, 'he' got it for you? That Doberman?" Lucas just nodded causing Xander's excited to falter and his ears to droop. "Oh, I had no idea..."

"It's nothing Xander, I would've thrown it out, but it's got a lot of my drawings. I haven't touched in years honestly, so I'm sure I'm pretty rusty," Lucas said while continuing gathering some more clothes. "Kinda lost interest after the suicide thing, reminded me to much of Thomas, which really turned art into a stinker," he continued, "Must sound pathetic huh? Letting that bastard ruining the one thing that I was genuinely good at."

Xander just shook his head and placed a gentle paw on his friends shoulder, "No, it's understandable that he tainted it for you but maybe you should start back up? Maybe show these to Ian? He might buy you a new sketchbook to replace this old thing? I'm sure he'd be happy to! But let's get everything packed so we can go, I'm sure Ian's getting impatient," he said, grinning at Lucas' bright blush.


"Let me get this straight son, instead of doing the 'sensible' thing of waiting for Samuel and I to return, you and the others just trot along, without any adults or backup into a Fey's own backyard and *then* allow Lucas, who has no clue what making a deal with a Fey means make a pact with the Elf that kidnapped Xander... WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELLS WERE YOU BOYS THINKING!?" Jordan's voice shouted out. He had been yelling at them for nearly half an hour. Ian had barely been able to finish things for when Lucas arrived, before Jordan had ordered them down to his office.

Ian was just about to speak up before he was swiftly silenced by his father. "Oh no, you stay silent! In all my years I didn't expect you three to do something so STUPID! You're lucky Lysander is an amicable man, he could have killed you all on the spot if he so wished! And you allowed this to happen Gregory? You should KNOW BETTER to pull this shit! Wait until your mother hears about this she'll have a coronary!" He continued shouting before calming down. "Can you find a reason for their actions Monet? Because I cannot." Ian hadn't been too surprised to see that his father had brought Monet along, though he was none too pleased.

"I agree that that was an idiotic idea what they did, but I am far more curious about the fact Mason created a portal right into your son's room, despite the entire building being warded correct? And I bet those wards are top of the line correct?"

"Of course, best money could buy, we did not waste any expense to make sure our home was warded from any threat. They are from the same group of enchanters that upgraded the ancient wards of the Mansfield compound after the massacre of House Moore. Their reputation has always been spotless."

"Yet a mere child with barely the most meagre of magical training was able to circumvent them with apparent ease," Monet stated with a shake of her head. "I am not sure if that reflects highly on Mason or poorly on the Enchanters... but by all accounts it seems Mason is phenomenally powerful even without full training... far beyond what a Dark Mage his age should be capable of. I could only shudder to think what he could do with full magical training," she said a hint of fascination in her normally toneless voice, which Ian found mildly creepy.

This conversation continued for another twenty minutes and Ian was only half paying attention to it by then, the conversation had long since moved from him to Lucas' improbable magical abilities. He found that incredibly interesting as well, but at that moment he just wanted the boy in his arms, ideally tied to him. He quickly stopped that thought. 'Wouldn't want to show everyone I have a woody.' he reasoned as he absentmindedly adjusted his trousers. He really wanted Lucas now... which was why he was the first to hear the front door open and heard Lucas' soft voice talk to someone.

"They're here!" He shouted catching everybody's attention. Perhaps sensing he'd probably lost his son's attention for now he dismissed everybody and let the boy see his mate.

With the eagerness of a child Ian literally tore up the steps on his way up. His penis had since gotten to full hardness and the first thing he did when he saw the fox was grab him and gave him a forceful and toe-curling kiss that made him go weak in the knees. Seeing the kit was about to say something after he finished, Ian just silenced him with another kiss before growling. "Sex now, talk later."

Lucas just shuddered, eyes quickly becoming glazed other with lust and quickly submitted to the wolf who picked him up and carried him upstairs while ignoring the stares of everyone else.

Ian just kept covering his fox's face with tiny little kisses as he made it up the stairs, into the common room and then into a bathroom that Lucas was shocked was full of candles and rose-petals, the sweet aroma relaxing Lucas even more than his arousal did. "Th-this is bea-beautiful Ian... I mean wow..." was all the fox could say, taken aback by the romantic gesture.

"This is nothing. I would've done much more if I had been given the time... you have no idea how hard it is conjuring rose-petals... and Dad's grounded us all for another month, well, me, Greg and Rich at least. He wasn't happy... but enough talk, I need you Lucas..." sensing the lust pouring from the wolf's body made Lucas shudder as he stepped back and gracefully stripped until he bright pink erection was exposed to the air the chill making him shiver. Ian swiftly followed suit and stripped naked before grabbing Lucas and gently placed them both in the tub. Ian had enchanted the water to retain its heat so it was just as sweltering as it had been the moment he poured it.

As he sat down with Lucas in his lap, he slowly slipped himself into Lucas' tight hole and sighed as he found himself knot deep within that glorious ass. He felt Lucas give pleasured spasms as he was entered and kissed him deeply as he began to move shifting his hips until he found the perfect rhythm to bring them both the most pleasure with the buoyancy from the water increasing that pleasure even more.

The splashing got louder and louder the quicker Ian thrust his hips as did the moans and gasps the two made during their intense love-making. Ian continued to bombard Lucas' face and neck with many licks and kisses, as the fox shivered and moaned above him, his stunning blue eyes closed with sheer ecstasy as Ian gradually hammered his prostate. Ian felt a strong sense of pride at the fact he was giving his love so much pleasure and the feeling of Lucas loosening and constricting on his shaft was absolutely divine and he made sure to remember giving an offering to Aphrodite for giving him the fox.

"Ia-Ian I-I'm go-gonna... Ah! I'm gonna-!" Lucas started before his orgasm overtook him, the fox let out an ear-splitting howl as he sprayed his pearly white seed into the air. Some landed on Ian's face and chest and the rest landed inside the tub and melded with the water. Ian could only grit his teeth as he gripped Lucas hips hard enough to bruise as he shoved his knot inside the quivering hole sending Lucas careening into another orgasm as Ian grabbed Lucas' throat in a mating bite as he gleefully howled his own orgasm spitting his seed deep into Lucas' bowels.

The young lovers eventually just collapsed into each other as they basked in the glorious afterglow of the intense love-making they just shared. Lucas just snuggled into Ian's warm, wet chest while giving a happy sigh. The wolf smelled so good to him that moment and all he wanted to do was drink in that scent while Ian lazily watched, eyes half-lidded and with a dopey smile on his face. "Enjoy yourself?" He lovingly asked as he licked the specks of cum that had landed on Lucas muzzle. Lucas just nodded and stretched a bit before he spoke.

"That was amazing Ian... I mean... wow. I-I've never had anyone do something so nice for me... I don't deserve it... I don't deserve you... if I believed in God I'd be singing his praises but I don't, and the fact you still love me after everything still astounds me." Lucas replied softly. "I've gotten you into fights with Angels, with the Cabal and nearly with an Elf. I just can't believe how lucky I am... but I've been nothing but trouble for you... what if your grandfather hates me? What if he banishes you because of me? I would never forgive myself." He stated sadly, before Ian grabbed his face and made him look in those blazing green eyes.

"Don't start this! I've already told you that you deserve so much more than I can give you. But I'm selfish enough not to give a damn and refuse to let you go. I love you Lucas, more than words can even begin to describe. You make me happy and I would do anything for you. Grandfather won't hate you silly, he's a stern man but he loves his family. Trust me on that... but enough talk, I think we're ready for round two...what about you?" He asked with a devilish gleam in his eye.


Richard just lay on his bed wearing only his knickers. He was absentmindedly fondling his swelling erection. His was smaller than Ian's at a healthy 18cm, though he knew he would probably catch up soon. He had no real idea 'why' he was playing with himself, he wasn't particularly horny enough to need to wank-off... he just choked him up to the splashing in the guest bathroom upstairs.

He certainly understood that they both needed this after the stresses of the day, but seriously how long were they going shag? They'd been at it nearly an hour, and did they have to do it in a tub? This caused him to let out a groan of frustrated arousal as he gripped his penis even more as he slowly started wanking himself once more. He felt a bit sick, getting off on them but he couldn't help it... his senses were magnified by water and the tub was within his sensory range... he could sense 'everything'! He was just about to finish himself off when he a very familiar voice ring from the door.

"Do you need some assistance Mansfield?" The voice said, humour colouring the usually toneless speech. He quickly jerked up eyes wide as he saw a pretty coyote girl standing in front of his door. "Well?" she asked, eyebrows raised, "Are you interested? Or are you unlike the vast majority of teenage boys and refuse sex?"

"Mo-Monet! Bloody hell! How'd you get in here? I had the door locked!" he said while quickly covering himself while his face burned beneath his dark fur. She just chuckled as she got closer until she was close enough to touch. "Umm..." was all he could say as he got scent of her own arousal. Surprisingly delicate considering whom it came from, but oh so sweet in his nose. She was wearing a plain tee-shirt and pants her small breasts were tantalizingly close and he slowly began to salivate.

"I jimmied the lock, and you didn't place a locking spell so it was simple enough. Well, are you going to accept my offer or should I leave you with your paw?" Richard just gave a quick jerky nod causing her to smile. "Very well, you may undress me if you wish." Richard nodded once again before getting up and placing a shaky paw onto the hem of her shirt. Slowly he lifted and was shocked to see she wasn't wearing a bra, and her small firm breasts were in his sight. They were pretty things and he slowly grasped one of them with his right paw, stroking the bright pink nipple causing her to let out a pleased gasp.

Emboldened, he gently slipped her trousers and panties down leaving her bare to him. He was amazed at seeing her most private parts. Her wet, smooth folds beckoned him so he slowly moved his left paw down to stroke her exposed clit something she seemed to approve of very much. After a few minutes of exploring she swiftly pushed him down and was immediately on top of him, his tip a mere centimetre from her vaginal opening. However he briefly broke from his aroused state when he noticed no protection. "Wa-wait! Shouldn't we us-use..."

"Protection? How sweet, I am on the birth control pill as most girls my age are, and my next ovulation cycle is another three weeks away, so there is no risk of pregnancy. I am clean as well, as I assume you are?"

He gave a shy nod, he had only had sex a few times before with the same girl, Ronnie Alderston who he had briefly dated last year and they always used protection. With his nod she grabbed his length and slid it into herself, the heat and wetness of her pussy around his dick causing him to shiver.

Monet controlled everything about their coupling naturally, how fast he went, how deep and how hard he thrust. It was so different from Ronnie, the mundane collie had let him control the pace but now Monet, itty--bitty Monet was on top of him her slim body dictating every thrust and pull and he quite enjoyed it this way. He was broken from his sex-hazed thoughts as he felt Monet's thrusts become harder which made him realize she was trying to take his knot. Her speed increased into a bruising pace until a loud pop echoed around the room and she let out a strained gasp as she came. Her clenching pussy-walls brought out his own orgasm as Monet bit hard into his shoulder.

She eventually just collapsed into his chest a pleased look on her muzzle. Richard was beyond talking at that moment, tongue lolled out as he happily panted. Neither spoke for a while, Monet seeming way too relaxed, and Richard wasn't sure what to make of this, he should have been ecstatic! He'd finally had sex with the girl who all but consumed his thoughts for weeks, and it was fantastic! But he only felt...confused.

"Um... Monet, I have a question." The coyote didn't say anything but allowed his question. "What does this make us? I mean we just had sex... are we ya know...or what?"

Monet just sighed as she sat up. "If you are wondering if this makes a couple it does not, this is just both of us enjoying each other's company in the most carnal manner. But be happy Mansfield, I do not sleep with someone who I am not fond off. Do you have any more questions?"

"Err... yes, one... if it's okay. can we not call each other by our last names? I mean, we did just have sex...it'd be peculiar to me if we were not on at least a first name basis... but again up to you."

"Hm, you do have a good point Mans- I mean Richard. You may call me Allison, but only that. Allie is solely used by my parents. But now...I want to see if your brother's endurance is unique to him or applies to all the men in your family," she stated, a sly grin on her muzzle as she repositioned slightly, causing him to gulp audibly.

'What did you just get yourself into Richard?' he thought to himself, in a somewhat panicked manner....