Commission: The Green Shoes

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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#22 of Written Commissions

An absolutely fun story to write based on a hannah barbara short from back in the day. I'm always happy to do work and this one was interested, creative, and entertaining to write.

Done over Stream

Crisp (c) friskecrisps

Story written by me.

Other characters are npc's

Hope you all enjoy reading it.

The night was not a night to be traveling, not a night to be caught outside as the heavy storm raged on. A flow of heavy rain poured down from the sky to cover the land in it's heavy fluids drenching all that were unfortunate enough to venture out into the sounds of the roaring rain. If this alone wasn't enough to keep most inside the rolling thunder that burst through the air would be. Always following a distant lighting flash, close enough to light up the sky for it's few millisecond, but slow enough that one could see all within the area for that period of time. The thunder clapped loudly to all in order to inform them of it's presence, to tell them of the danger of this storm, and to warn them to remain indoors and out of it's territory as it covered the streets, fields, ponds, streams, and trees with its rage.

The only thing cutting through the sound of this storm was the stalling of an engine with a car parked to the side of the road. Even there the canine could hear the sound of the rain pounding at his hood and windshield, trying to break in if it only had the solidity to be able to manage such a thing. That didn't stop it from clawing away at the metal casing that covered the car, trying to work it's watery intentions across the container. Crisp knew that he only had one choice. If the car wouldn't start then he couldn't simply wait around in it in hopes that someone might be kind enough to not only see him, but stop and help. Those soft, near innocent eyes turning to the side of his own window only to see through the running water a dark castle in the background. Those eyes had to narrow a second, given it's color seemed to blend in well with the darkness that the sky was choosing to represent itself with, but with another flash of lightning the wolf was able to make out the full outline of this grand structure.

His hand easily wrapped around the grip to the door handle, debating for a second the odds of staying here versus going to race his way up those steps. A lick of his lips and a stillness of his nerves and Crisp would grit his teeth for a second before pulling on the door latch and pushing the door open. Finally the storm had the moment it needed to claim this canine as it's own. The down pour seemed to pick up suddenly, if that was even possible, and with a fast movement to escape he'd slam the door behind him as he tore across the street, his clothing becoming soaked right from the very start where he tried in his failed attempt to escape the storm that roared at his running. Steps padded with a bit of a splash in each step he took, forcing him further and further up towards the castle on the hill. The puddles on the stairs making the rain that hit it splash back up at him almost as if the storm itself was still trying to stop his movement, trying to capture him here and now while he pulled himself away in a frantic race towards the towering safe haven.

With panting breath he'd come to press his hands against the double doors, gripping the rings that made up the handles and looked at the towering doors, far larger than even the tallest of creatures he'd ever seen. Even as he pulled against the door to open them and allow himself inside he could hear the sound of thunder rolling through, the storm giving its dissatisfaction with the escape of its prey and trying to reclaim him with a loud thumbing from the outside where he closed and backed away from the door itself. His footsteps continuing to take him backwards slowly, easily, the darkness of this old castle making him wonder if the place was abandoned, or worse yet, haunted.

Those backpedaling footsteps would slowly bring the canine's rear to press against something, at first believing it to be some form of a drape, or a curtain, but soon as he felt something underneath those drapes he'd reach his hand back to find out what it was. He should be in the middle of the room, nothing should be here. Maybe a piece of covered furniture, or a well decorated side table. When his hand sunk into whatever it was under this draping cloth his eyes started to turn towards it, wondering what he was feeling up.

"Hello thar, pup. What we be doing for ye?" The voice of the obvious thick Irish accent that carried the words to him. This wolf wasn't just standing around at the sound of this voice, his feet immediately lifting off of the floor and his kicking at where the ground used to be while he turned from his sudden jump to see the long coat dressed goat with read hair and a long ginger beard that came down into a point at it's absolute bottom. "Notten to be worrying about, laddey. We just be da caretakers of dis here castle."

"I.. I'm sorry to have intruded..." he said trying to collect himself while watching this buck for a second. It might be the pipe in his mouth, or the light puff of smoke that came from it, but something seemed clearly off by this man. Still if he was the caretaker then it was him that the young pup needed to speak to. "It's storming outside and I was hoping to take refuge here. If that's ok."

"Of course it is, young pup. Let me show you to a room." The Irish billy turning to the side in order to allow Crisp to pass with that charming and cool smile on his lips.

With the wolf easily walking to pass by the man he'd smile at him casually. After that storm it was nice to see someone kind enough to let him wait it out and not feel the damper that came with such a raging torrent. The soft smile that reached across Crisp's face made him feel all the better about the situation of being in this creepy castle for a period of time.

With his head turned back towards them he continued to walk in his direction towards the stairs, his voice calling back to the caretaker. "I never got your name."

The goat gave off a bit of a chuckle to this sudden request, "Oh such things are rarely given so openly, young pup. You can just call me Shamus."

The wolf blinked at this as he continued to walk forward, having not noticed at all the darkness that had come to encircle him, where the stair case seemed much further away than he had remembered it being, the pup turned his head again and found that he wasn't on the stairs now, but under them. Just as the steps started to close around him he'd feel the floor starting to move. The panic set in of what was happening, his eyes turning from one spot to another while he looked for something to help himself out with only to find that he couldn't see a single thing at all. This stair case was completely void of light and it was only seconds before the moving floor had brought him backwards into the stairs that had just closed up, a bonk hitting the back of his head and forcing him forward and making the wolf tumble down to the rooms below.

With only seconds of falling his back ended up coming to impact the very soft mattress that he had been guided to. His panting breath of panic starting to calm a bit while he looked around to see that he was actually in a rather nice room. Decorative dresser, armoire, even a reading seat set right beside the window. The view outside was surprisingly delightful as the sun shown through and once damp and drenched areas began to dry. He had to be happy that the rain had stopped, it meant that he could move on from this place. Not that the hospitality wasn't nice, but the trap doors and hidden stairs kind of worked up his nerves. Not to mention the kind, but kind of off caretaker of this place.

With a jump up from his bedding the wolf moved towards the door, his face making instant contact with the floor as a shape bit of pain raced through his snout. A hard grunt flowed from him and with a lift of his foot he felt a tugging on his other. Those green eyes turned down towards his feet only to find that his shoes had somehow been tied together. With a hard grunt he'd turn himself over, fingers fumbling with the laces eagerly until they were disconnected and retied the way they should be. The wolf's hand gripping the bedding to help pull himself up and while he stood his pants did now, finding them down by his ankles leaving him to quickly jerk his body down to recover them and lift them back around his hips once again.

With the shoes taken care of and his pants back in place this canine started his journey towards the door once again, finding himself on his face instantly where his shoes had again been tied together. Crisp was speechless, his eyes blinking at the display set before him. He knew that he had fixed that and with a fast and scurried motion would untie his shoes, but completely remove them, smiling to himself that he had outsmarted whatever force was at work here. Even as he stood up he felt his ankles bound again, his pants once again down there. He had to just stare at it for a moment, remaining with his pants down and showing off the red briefs decorated in tiny hearts that caused his cheeks to blush, but also his sheath to swell a bit. With an upward step Crisp would once again outsmart these creatures in removing his pants entirely to carry them with his shoes.

From this point there was nothing to stop him from making his way towards the door. His hands easily reaching out for the knob and with an easy turn to unlatch the wooden entrance he'd pull it towards himself. Eyes widening when he witnessed that long coat wearing goat standing there and looking directly back at him. It was then that he'd realized the situation he was in. He was standing in a room of this castle, with his hands holding his pants and prancing around in his underwear. Needless to say that the cheeks of this wolf turning a bright red was all that needed to be displayed where he found himself without any words at all to explain his situation.

"By God, boy. Why ye be walk'n round with just yur heart printed undies?" The goat would call out easily with his hands lifted over his eyes, but there was no unseeing what he'd just seen. Somewhere in the period of time that this pup was in this room he'd removed his shoes and pants and was starting his way towards the exit.

"Well, I was.. um.." he tried to find the best way to explain himself looking back at that bed and really not believing himself what had happened there. A lick of his lips and a long series of blinks while he worked to figure out how to word this, but his focus was shattered when he felt the warm hand press to the back of his shoulders to help guide him from the room.

"It be alright, boy. I be in my undies under dis coat as well. Be understand'n yur problem." He said to the wolf with a bit of a more stern smile across his face, "You be come'n along though."

"So... you're going to throw me out then?" His ears folded back, a bit sad about how he had been caught, but more sad about not being able to explain the situation in a way that made sense at all. His ears lifted from their sad state to the voice of laughter that drew his green hued eyes back up towards the fellow.

"Don't ya be silly now. We be taken you to court!" The goat announced.

Crisp was shocked by this, his steps completely stopping and he'd find himself just standing there in complete awe and disbelief. "For being in my underwear in your house? Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"No no, We don't be care'n about yur heart printed undies, boy. We be taken ya to court for try'n to steal the leprechaun's gold."

The sudden fact that the words were spoken so easily by the caretaker made the wolf wonder about what the hell was going on. He couldn't even fathom that someone could believe in leprecauns let alone that they'd believe someone was trying to steal gold from them. How old was this castle anyway? He'd try to make his case here, but was silenced by the shoes that he carried when the laces came to wrap around his wrists tying them together tightly so that he couldn't resist or get away. The hand on his back feeling almost like a push where even if he resisted it would still force him forward. Yelling and screaming he tried to announce that he didn't know anything about such creatures, but the goat wasn't listening to his argument and in only a few seconds the wolf was brought to what looked to be a round gaping hole that shown out easily amongst grey stone flooring.

The sight of the darkness that filled this hole caused Crisp to believe well that there may actually be no bottom to it. The view down below of nothing at all while he leaned over to get a better look. It was only a second later that he felt a boot at his butt and forced down face first into the hole itself. Tumbling, twisting, turning, and soon bouncing as his rump bounces off of some kind of cushioned seat. Somewhere he had lost his pants, he couldn't tell where they had landed, and the shoes that had bound his wrists had released him as well. Just a soft sigh while he sat here in the dark before the audible thunk of a bright light shown down through the darkness where the hole had been to illuminate the seat he was sitting in. Those green eyes instantly wincing to the sudden brightness, but it did no help at all to display who was on the other side of this darkness, separated from them as if by a wall of black.

Another loud sound and another spotlight shown down while Shamus made his appearance once again. Walking with his long coat up to the now fully illuminated judge stand. Rising far above the seat so that he can view all out and near by while the court was in session. His narrowed gaze and judging look bringing his hand up to his red beard to give it a long tug and make sure it was straight. Finally as he approached his stand the goat would bounce and take his seat just in time for Crisp to see the lower half scurry off into the darkness. It only took the wolf a few seconds to realize what was happening here and quickly try to correct himself, fix this situation before things became worse.

The canine spoke up quickly, speaking in his defense, "I didn't know leprechauns even existed... I don't want to steal anyone's gold... I..." he was immediately silenced by the loud bellowing roar form the goat telling him in a single word to silence himself which the pantless Crisp did immediately, his hands tugging at his shirt to try and cover up the heart printed briefs that he had chosen to wear for this endeavor.

"Young pup, you have been suspected of trying to steal the leprechaun's gold, and more heinously have been caught wearing red undies with hearts on them on a day other than Tuesday. Due to your traitorous ways you are henceforth sentenced to the wearing of... the green shoes..."

There was no reasoning here, no purpose in trying to debate. The judge had reached a verdict before the court had even began. With no defense, with no word in otherwise, the wolfs' ears folded back slowly and forced this canine to sink down more into the seat. His hands still fumbling with the rim of his shirt while his teeth sunk until his bottom lip, only curious as to what they meant by the green shoes and knowing that trying to run would do no good at all against such powerful creatures.

Soon the bottom half of this man came walking forth, the pants sinking down to reveal a sheep hidden underneath. Her hands gripping on the shoes in question. They sparkled in a brilliant green as if they had been crafted from the very essence of luck magic itself. Her hands holding them clearly, delicately lest she suffers the magic herself. The bulbous toe area showing that these were absolutely a very unique style of shoe designed back in the old days and kept in such a magnificent condition. The view of them drawing a thicker shift from his lower body, trying to hide the poking tent starting to form.

"Ey! The pup be gett'n a shiner." Came the call from the audience, from the crowd that was here. The sound of uproarious laughter filled the room while the churning sound of voices and crowd sunk into one.

His cheeks reddened from the display that he'd made of himself and his feet lifted despite his attempt to try and prevent it only to find the softness of the leather, the delicate cushion of the soles and the firm tightness that drew him to enjoy the shoes that had been provided. Here he'd thought that such a thing would be a curse, but it had turned out that these shoes were simply perfect for his feet. Easily he'd slide from the throne like chair and step down onto the floor. His body shifting from one side to the next to further test them and with a nice deep blush of his cheeks he'd smile to the judge again.

"These... these shoes are very nice. They're amazing, thank you." He felt himself continue to shift from one side to the next. The bright smile on his face soon fading when he realized that while he did like the feel of them, he was unable to stop himself from his sway.

A few blinks and the shoes would lift his feet, making him step out and then in, kicking, and stomping. The balls of his feet shifting side to side only to do the same on the heels. He was being forced to dance, unable to stop for even a second as he his arms worked to try and keep himself balanced, out to the side, waving, and doing everything he could not to fall down here. With great tactic and force the wolf was made to dance for these people, to display the steps and tap dancing movements that made them all clap in harmony in order to give the shoes a beat to go on. It wasn't even long before he could start hearing music coming from the audience, the sound of a great little jig starting to be played and other people joining in on the dancing, but theirs was more controlled than the forced dance that this wolf was being put through.

Without his hands being able to hold his outfit down the thick member that poked into his underwear shined easily through, arching to lift the band away from his belly and show the force of the hardness that was being coursed through him. Words called out, "slut" "whore" "shameless" and he blushed at all of them while dancing through it all. He could feel their laughter pushing past his ears, the embarrassment of their treatment making his already darkened face redden more while his legs were forced out again and again until finally the tired and abused canine cried out to stop.

Finally the feeling of his legs calming down, his muscles finally able to relax and his feet coming to a stand still allowed him a period of relief. Working to catch his breath this panting canine came to sit back down in that throne that had remained behind him this entire time. The sweat dripping from his chin and forcing him his hand to wipe it away just before the two loud clunks sounded where the shoes simply fell off of his feet. Finished with his sentence and the judgmental gaze of the goat continued to look over him. Finally, that gaze folded into a happy grin with an arm reaching down to pat the wolf on the back.

"Ye did good boy! Ye've gotten through yur sentencing. Ye may leave, and take them shoes wicha!" With the words spoken the lights all around in this dark room would shut off all at once.

Lost in the darkness once again Crisp steps down feeling his feet almost step right back into those cursed shoes once again. His hands reaching down to pick them up in his hand and with an easy pace just started to walk forward through the darkness. In only a few seconds of walking he'd find a sharp pain in his face when he felt what could only be described as a wall impact him. His hand moving to rub his nose for a second before standing up and reaching out in front of him. What he found was that this was no wall, it was a door. His hand gripping the ring on it and pulling to find that it wouldn't budge, but pushing on it allowed it to crack and open easily out into the world. Seeing the steps he'd had to climb to get up here.

A smile touched his face to see the outdoors again. The rain had passed and the air smelled of a clean electrical charge of oxidized particles that happens when lightning strikes. The soft lung filling feeling of fresh air coming over him and easily he'd step out only to hear the door slam behind him. A turn of his head and he'd continue to walk down the steps, once again looking at the shoes that had been acquired from this venture. Out on the street one could see a man walking easily along the road that his car was parked at. His herd that he was leading all coming to a stop when they looked up at the castle to see this boy descending.

"Well I'll be!" The herder called up to him, "Boy, where be your pants?"

Crisp gasped suddenly seeing his exposed stiff member hanging through the red briefs and just as he turned to pull on the castle door he would find that it wouldn't open at all now, the only evidence that he could tell that this door ever opened was the sound of the soft laughter calling forth from the outside of this door. If he went back in there then he knew what his sentencing would be, he knew what they would do to him again just the same as they did last time. No, he could suffer the embarrassment of walking out into the street with no pants far more than he could wearing those green shoes again. Blushing deeply he only swallowed his shame trying to sneak past the herder and his stock in order to try and get back to his car once again.

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