Anniversary and Acceptance

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#1 of Story Requests

A Free Story Request done for -

All character belong to their respected owner. Enjoy

The first five years of a marriage are always full of surprises: kids, in-laws, a new home and nosey neighbors. For one couple their marriage has been one rather strange roller coaster ride. Now into their seventh year of marriage, Jeanette is slowly coming to terms with something that happened to her wonderful husband on their fifth wedding anniversary. It all started when Carl chartered a flight to China for a romantic two week-long getaway.

When he surprised her with the plane tickets it was like a dream come true. Jeanette had always wanted to take a trip to China to take in the sights, sounds and culture. After informing their bosses that they'd be taking some vacation time they could hardly wait until getting home to pack the things they'd be taking with them on the trip.

First thing Saturday morning Carl and Jeanette arrived at the international airport and boarded their plane. It was a long fifteen hour flight to China but, very much worth it when they checked into the luxurious hotel. Suffering from jet lag, and eagerly anticipating the next day's adventures, they decided to turn in early and get some rest. The couple cuddled together under the blankets and soon drifted off to sleep.

The following morning Carl was the first to wake and decided to order breakfast. While Jeanette slept soundly he quietly crept out of the bedroom and walked towards the nearest phone. Mission accomplished: one traditional breakfast on its way! Returning to the room, Carl checked the bedroom frequently to make sure his wife didn't wake up before his surprise arrived.

Luckily enough room service arrived ten minutes later, and Carl tipped the bellhop for his quick service. He closed the door behind him and removed the tray's lid before walking into the bedroom. The smell of a hot meal being placed across her lap rapidly woke Jeanette from her slumber.

"Mmmm, that smells wonderful Carl! I think this is the best alarm clock in the world." She said, slowly sitting up in bed. He chuckled, taking a seat beside her, and took the fork in hand.

"It's only going to get better. Now sit back and allow me to spoil you, my love." He replied, bringing the fork to her mouth.

Jeanette felt warm all over as her hubby fed her breakfast in bed, laughing as Carl tried to maneuver the scrambled eggs onto the tiny fork they had been given. After breakfast, the couple enjoyed an intimate hot shower together. It was an hour later by the time they exited the bathroom, got dressed and headed out. They spent the entire day wandering around the city, just taking in the foreign and exciting sights and sounds.

The next ten days the happy couple took turns choosing what they wanted to do while in the country. Finally it came to the end of their stay, and Jeanette's last pick was to visit an authentic hot spring and tea house. Carl was all for it since he was curious to experience a true hot spring before returning home. They asked around among the people they had met in their forays to find the best one and, luckily, an elderly couple who owned a restaurant nearby knew of one. It was couple hours' drive from the city, but certainly worth the trip.

Carl and Jeanette nipped into a clothing store downtown to purchase the proper attire before making the drive out to the countryside. This was an aspect of China they had not yet experienced, and Jeanette was glued to the window as the rice paddies flew by. Just as their friends had predicted, two hours later their rental car pulled in front of an old traditional style tea house. The décor was very simple, but elegant, and Carl could tell this place would be great for the relaxation they needed before the long flight home. The couple drove around for a while, trying to find a parking lot, before ending up leaving the car in the lot of a nearby park. As they walked back Jeanette couldn't seem to control her excitement at all, and was holding onto Carl's arm as if it were the only thing keeping her from floating away.

Carl began to get caught up in her mood too, as they walked up to the front door and finally entered the building. The receptionist behind the desk greeted them warmly as they approached, "Good afternoon folks, how can I help you today?"

"We'd like a private bathing area, are there any available right now?" Jeanette asked, her voice high pitched with anticipation.

Sure enough there was one left and the receptionist booked it for them. She then got up, walked around her desk and escorted them to the changing rooms down the hall.

After changing, Jeanette and Carl were brought to the private section of the hot spring where they enjoyed soaking in the warm mineral waters. A short time later a waitress brought them some fresh green tea and some snacks. They poured each other a cup of tea and shared a couple pieces of fruit while they watched the sun slowly set in the evening sky. It was a perfect way to end the day: with full tummies, peaceful minds, and pruned fingers and toes.

Three hours later they got back to their hotel and decided to make it an early nigh so they'd be rested for the flight home. Around midnight, after a couple of rounds of passionate love making, they drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Jeanette awoke feeling satisfied and very well-rested. She carefully crawled out of bed and walked silently into the bathroom for a nice shower. Carl woke from his sleep at the sound of the water hitting the shower floor.

He followed suit, hoping to surprise her once she was safely distracted inside the shower. This was where things took their strange twist for, as he stepped into the shower and the hot water hit his body, immediately his body began to change. Before her eyes he morphed from human to animal. By the time everything finished Carl was no longer a man; he had transformed into an elk. From that day on their entire lives had changed.

* * * * *

It's been two years now, and Carl still can't control his transformations, even with the best medical help money could buy. The fruit they ate, in combination with the hot spring water, spurred some sort of reaction. Sadly, whatever it was seemed only to affect Carl and not his wife. Jeanette has shown her inner strength by sticking by her love's side through this unpredictable situation, knowing that if the opposite had happened Carl would have stayed by her side.

It was this sense of loyalty and respect that had drawn her to him when they first met. Since then they'd always been together, attached at the hip and at the heart. After Jeanette had graduated college and landed her dream job, Carl had proposed to her. Ever since then she'd been riding cloud nine. Now, to have this happen to the best man she's ever had the pleasure to know, seemed like one of the world's greatest tragedies.

Initially the couple went through a very dark patch; neither knowing how to proceed, and both feeling unable to turn to each other as they had in the past. One evening, as Jeanette was wistfully looking at the pictures from their wedding day and trying to remember what it was like to be that happy, she realized that on that day she had vowed to stick by his side, for better or worse. She was always one to keep the promises she had made, especially to her loved ones. This was just one of those things that could never have been predicted, but she will hang on.

Carl, on the other hand, still feels so rotten for involving her in this unfortunate accident. Lately he's been thinking about having their marriage annulled, just so she can live happy.

He knows he loves Jeanette so much he's actually willing to let her go and live a good life. Sadly, his morbid thoughts didn't go unnoticed as he wrote everything down. Before he could even finish putting his most recent thoughts down on paper another transformation kicked in. As his body slowly began to morph he rushed franticly towards the back door. The sound of panicked footsteps, half toe and half hoof, caught Jeanette's ears and she tracked them through the kitchen and out the back door, into the dark night.

Carl slumped against the door of the barn, shaking as a tremor of change wracked his body, before he hauled in open and limped inside. He knew it was only a matter of time before his wife came to check on him. It was when the final spike of his antlers grew from his brow, a short time later, that she walked out to the barn to check on him; right on schedule. He curled his long legs under his body and turned away from her as she walked closer.

"Carl, are you okay hun?" She asked with concern. He didn't look at her, he just sighed heavily lowering his head. Jeanette walked over so she could look him in the face.

The buck opened his mouth as if the reassure her, once again, that he was fine but it was as if something inside him snapped. "No, I'm not Jeanette! This condition of mine has completely ruined our marriage. I'm starting to think you're better off divorcing me and finding someone else that can make you happy. You don't deserve to suffer any more than you already have, my love." He said mournfully. The only thing that hurt him more than the words coming from his mouth was not being able to show his emotions while in this form.

"What brought this all on Carl?" She asked, feeling very confused by his statement.

"Jeanette look at me; I'm stuck like this, and it might take years before the doctors can even find a cure! I can't ask you to hang around till that day comes around, and your happiness means so much to me. Please, Jeanette, do this for me: go find another man that'll make you happy." He replied as he did his best not to cry.

She reached out and placed a hand under his long muzzle, lifting his head up. "Look at me Carl, I understand the pain you're going through more than you know. The last thing you need right now is to face this problem alone, now get up mister." She pointed out grabbing his chin. Carl followed his wife's instructions and rose to his feet. She stood up on her toes and kissed his long soft forehead lovingly.

"Come on, there is something I want to try and now is as good a time than any." She said, coaxing him to follow her.

Now, Carl had been well-endowed before this mess had occurred and, with these recent turn of events, Jeanette was been curious but at the same time highly unsure. Two months ago, while surfing the internet, she stumbled across something that caught her attention. It was a young woman pleasuring a horse and the girl seemed to be enjoying herself most thoroughly.

At first Jeanette thought it was a doctored video, but then she found others just like it. After a little digging she discovered it had a name: bestiality. When that little piece of information was fully processed she swiftly and immediately closed the window. She decided never to look at porn again after seeing that stuff. But late at night, when Carl was suffering in the barn, those videos played through her mind`s eye on a continuous loop.

By this point she was feeling so pent up and in need of a good release and, since Carl was feeling depressed, this might be just the spark both lovers need to rekindle their sex life and rescue their marriage. When they had first returned home they had crafted a stand so she could help groom and bathe Carl when he was in his feral form. While her husband took his time following her Jeanette grabbed a few blankets from a nearby shelf. She laid them down on the platform and made it as comfy as possible.

As his footsteps got closer she set to work, stripping off all her clothes before he got there. When he turned the corner and saw her posing seductively for him, he froze in his tracks while his brain ground to a halt at the sight of her naked body. "Well, come over here my big strong stag. You need some loving." She cooed. Carl quickly shook himself to make sure this wasn't a dream.

After blinking a few times the buck looked again, and sure enough, what he saw lying there on the platform wasn't a figment of his imagination.

"So, are you coming over here or do I have to lasso you?"

She moved onto her hands and knees and, like a well behaved puppy, he walked over to the platform. The platform was long but just wide enough to be stable to stand over. When in this form he stood a good foot above it which allowed her full access to his underside.

He could tell she was going to use the stand for pleasuring him somehow, but he couldn't understand what drove her to do so. "Well, are you going to bring me that big rod of yours?" She asked, smiling playfully. He turned his head away again in shame and started to walk away - until she grabbed an antler. "Carl, I'm serious about this and besides you need some cheering up." She replied soothingly.

"I don't know, this seems a bit extreme. Jeanette are you really sure?" He wondered hesitatingly.

"Yes. If we take this slow I'm sure we'll both enjoy it." She stated confidently. Carl took a strong, deep breath before moving into position above her on the stand. Jeanette shifted her position so she was lying on her back as he stood completely above her. As she looked up at his male animal anatomy a small wave of doubt washed across her mind, but she pushed it away. This was a small step towards restoring their marriage and nothing was off-limits when it came to showing her love for Carl.

Shaking herself, she reached up and cupped his balls into her hands then fondled them softly. They felt firm and heavy as she supported them with her palms. Jeanette could see the soft waves of pleasure relaxing her husband as she ran a hand along his sheath. His long, pink, and tapered cock emerged from the sheath inch by inch. When she added her warm tongue to the mix she could feel his entire body shivering with the ecstasy only she could give him. Jeanette made sure to take her time, making sure her husband enjoyed every little touch, tickle and tease.

It took her about three minutes to get him fully erect and by that time he was extremely turned on. Pre-cum began to drip from his tip, falling directly onto her bare chest in warm spatters that soon turned cool in the crisp air of the barn. The changing temperatures caused her nipples to harden in response, and Jeanette sucked in a small gasp. This was certainly turning her on! Soon she took one hand away from his balls and massaged her pre-cum covered breasts, and using the lubrication slide her fingers tantalizingly over the sensitive skin there. While doing so she also began running her tongue up and down his long, hard member. It tasted sharp and musky, like smoke and sweat, and she found the flavor intriguing and not altogether disagreeable.

Carl groaned as the pleasure worked its way up along his spine and into his brain, setting off a round of fireworks in his skull. "Ooooh, Jeanette!" He moaned, bending his head. As he did so he noticed her legs were wide open and her sex was soaked. He was a little shocked to see his wife so turned on by all this. Not wanting her to feel left out, he took his long tongue and licked firmly across her entrance. From the first touch Jeanette went wide eyed as his long and foreign-textured tongue teased her sex.

Carl brought his tongue back between his lips and savored the taste of his wife's honey. He noticed that she tasted a lot sweeter than he remembered so, returning to her hot passage, he explored her sex even deeper. As the stag's tongue pressed right up against her cervix, Jeanette's inner walls clamped down hard and she howled at the top of her lungs as the waves of pleasure wracked her body.

"Keep going," she cried, "and fill me up with that tongue of yours!"

As he began to really explore her inner walls Jeanette began to suck on the tip of her husband's cock. She took her time to make sure she could actually handle sucking on this monster cock. When Carl's long tongue grazed against Jeanette's G-spot she nearly came again, despite having just finished doing so, but by sheer force of will she held herself back. She wanted to share her next climax with the one who was giving her so much pleasure. Sadly, Carl had a slight advantage over her with that long thick tongue of his.

"E-E-Ease up, baby!" She moaned, trying to hold back the rising tide of her orgasm. Carl heard her request but, in a moment of devilish glee, decided to do the exact opposite and teased her G-spot even more. That was all it took, as Jeanette exploded with orgasmic pleasure from his tongue lashing. Carl took his time drinking up her sweet and tangy nectar from her hot passage while his bucking wife slowly wound down from such a wonderful high of ecstasy.

Jeanette was still seeing stars of the edge of her vision from the power of her last climax when she moved onto her knees and began to caress her lover's balls gingerly. Her fingers traced the tender orbs lightly as she returned her soft lips to the tip of his shaft. Carl couldn't hold back a strong groan of pleasure and Jeanette knew from its sound that what she was doing was driving him crazy. She didn't need a ruler to know she wouldn't be able to take his entire length into her mouth but, though it would be tricky, she was going to take as much of his cock as she could.

Carl was experiencing a tidal wave of emotions his woman built up a rhythm of rubbing and sucking. Not only did the stimulation from her wet mouth and tender fingers feel amazing, but there was also the private thrill of knowing that what his wife was doing was probably illegal. A large jolt of pleasure redirected his attention back to what she was doing to him, wringing a heavy groan from his throat as she took his very thick member even deeper into her mouth. The horny stag was having a hard time resisting the urge to thrust further into the hot mouth around his girth.

Even with her tongue pressed down Jeanette was only able to take six of the fourteen inches of Carl's member safely into her mouth. She slowly moved back up to the tip before swallowing it back down with a loud slurp. She picked up the pace after a while, causing a dense fog of pleasure to cloud Carl's senses. The sweet combination his wife's sucking and her soothing massage of his balls were pushing him very close to the edge of an inevitable orgasm.

When the body above her began to tremble, Jeanette knew it was a clear sign that he was real close to losing control. She doubled her efforts, and gave his balls a slight comforting squeeze. She wasn't going to stop now, not without giving him the same sweet release she had found at his tongue. That extra stimulation was all it took for Carl to explode into his wife's mouth then all over her body as she pulled away, her mouth overflowing with his spunk.

As she did everything she could to keep herself from choking on his heavy load, Carl continued to cum all over his wife, including the blankets and platform underneath him.

"Oh wow! Jeanette..." he said panting heavily.

She took a moment to swallow the last of his spunk before responding. "Well now, and here I thought you were productive before, but this is amazing. But we're not done just yet my big strong stag, that is, if you've got some energy left for me." She smiled.

"Babe, if it's all the same to you I'd rather not. What you've just done was more than enough to satisfy me. To be perfectly honest, I don't think I could even fit this monster inside you. I'm pretty sure this might cause you some serious pain if I were to even attempt it." He pointed out while slowly moving away from the platform. Jeanette sat there and though about his words. She decided not to argue with him on the subject, after all this was to make him feel better.

Considering she already had a large mess to clean up after just giving him oral. "Alright. If you feel that strongly about it then I won't force you into doing it, baby. Promise that when you shift back we'll pick up where we left off?" She replied, climbing off the platform.

Jeanette stood beside Carl's shoulder as the strange couple walked toward the open barn door. They looked up into the night sky at the millions of stars overhead. Before either of them could speak, they saw the flash of a meteor entering the atmosphere and that flash of light was echoed by a flash of understanding in their hearts. They would be all right, because even though some loves take a little more work than others, it just makes them stronger in the end.

When it all is said and done, no matter his form, Jeanette knows Carl's the greatest man to ever enter her life. And she'll do anything to make sure that's where he stays.

The End.