Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twentieth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#20 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Due to a new job, this was a little bit late, but still in the Tuesday-Wednesday range. The battle is joined, and the moment of truth is before us...will we survive?

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Twentieth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 26

B - 20

C - 15

D - 9

E - 19

F - 12

* Breed Ryg - 9

* More information from the High Alpha about current events - 7

* Have Leta stay with the Blue Feather as a liason - 1

* More opportunities for non-consensual sex (especially for Rufus) - 4

* Bring Rael with us - 4

* Another Warlord cutscene - 4

* Another cutscene to the girls back at camp - 3

* Turn Hanaro to our side - 3

* Turn Dinah, the green-haired catgirl, to our side - 7

* Have Spark breed Kaia - 5

* Give the Sisters of Glory another chance to join us - 1

* Species to meet and mate - sheep, sheep-dogs, bunnies, cats, horses, cows, chickens, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Humans, Felines, Hounds, Badgers, Otters, Ferrets, Hares, Mice, Moles, Shrews, satyrs, skunks, squirrels

Author Notes

Since close to half of the voters wanted the slavers alive, and close to half wanted them all dead, and the remainder were torn on the subject, or too afraid because of past failures to dare to vote for something that might reduce our chances of success, I will roll a 50% chance for each slaver, and call it the vagaries of war. 1-50 lives, 51-100 dies...if Rufus and company win, that is.

Presently I am taking ideas for future encounters of the sexy kind. If you care to give me a brief description of a character or scene (a picture would be fine), complete with species and sex and perhaps class, either mentioned in a comment or in a private message, that would be quite fine. Bonus points for what you would like to see happen to your character or encounter suggestion, and if the encounter is friendly or not so friendly in nature. Bear in mind, these characters are only suggestions, and may not be used at all, so bear that in mind, and don't put too much work into them.

Pathfinding Twentieth Entry

"I...I..." Urta hesitated torn, her eyes squeezing tightly shut as she felt Rufus' strong paw on her shoulder, giving her a firm and yet still gentle squeeze. Nearby, Cassidy remained crouched in the shadows, not daring to breathe as he waited and watched, knowing his fate might very well rest in her spotty paws, as well as that of Rufus, and maybe their whole little company. Finally, Urta's eyes closed, and she simply nodded. "I've done wrong," she admitted, rising slowly to her feet and turning to face the wolf in the cage. "I can't make up for it. But I'll try." She turned away, her brow furrowing as she searched the darkness. "Let me get the key..."

[75% chance of success - rolled 66 - success!]

"No need," said Rufus with a long sigh, releasing the tension that had built inside of himself as well. "Cassidy has it. Don't you, Cass?"

"Yes," said the bunny, his ears starting upward as he was noticed - that didn't happen often! - before he made the cage door click with a deft twist of his hand.

"Smelled you," said Rufus with a grin, before he rolled smoothly from the cage, landing on his hands-and-feet on the ground, before rising to look around. "First weapons, then we see about the others...if they're there."

"They are," replied Cassidy softly, his ears turning down in embarrassment at the incredulous look this got him from Urta, and the open admiration from Rufus. "I saw them when I was coming in. Urtan, Ryg, Dinah, they're all free and somewhere close now. Spark..." Cassidy bit his lower lip, and Rufus nodded grimly.

"We'll get him free soon," he reassured the small, quiet rabbitkin, patting him on the shoulder. "Urta," he glanced at the hyenafemme, "get the other gnolls together; they strike on my signal." He curled his lip. "Take them alive if you can, but don't risk your lives doing it. Cassidy," he looked back at the rabbit, patting the smaller male on his firm bottom through his shorts, "take me to the equipment wagon: it's time to get geared up."

Hurrying through the night, Rufus stuck close by the swift little bunny, then grinned as he saw the wagon, and saw Cassidy quickly get to work picking the lock, his fingers flexing as he anticipating the feel of a sword in his hands once more.

Suddenly, Rufus heard a noise, and jerked back into the shadows, Cassidy already vanished from sight. Who in the world...? It was the big, burly panda! The once-jovial male was shaking his head, looking sick at heart at what he'd seen back at the main campfire, and for a moment, Rufus felt pity for the twentysomething mercenary. It was pretty obvious the panda hadn't done a whole lot of the "rape and pillage" part of warfare, probably just stuck to small-time jobs, guard duty and that sort of thing. Naturally, working as a guard for a slaver was a very different sort of operation. That he was still fully-clothed indicated he hadn't taken part in any of the "festivities" of the other slavers, obviously too kind-hearted for the work in which he was engaged.

Shoving his personal feelings aside, Rufus knew he couldn't let them interfere with the task at hand. This male was in the way, so he had to be removed. Stepping up behind the bigger, broader-bodied male, Rufus grit his teeth, his muscles tensing up in anticipation...and leaped onto the panda's back! The black-and-white male got out a choked cry, and jerked this way and that. Rufus winced slightly as the burly male slammed into the side of the equipment cart, making a loud clatter as bits of armor and weapons and more mundane goods tumbled out onto the ground in an unsorted heap, then bore down even harder, his grip set, determined to bring this male down by any means necessary. Then, suddenly, the big bearkin started, and immediately afterward went totally limp, and all at once Rufus' deathgrip lessened, allowing him to lower the big male slowly to the ground, still alive but now sleeping peacefully, seeing at last the dart sticking from the panda's thigh.

[Goro - rolled 5 - he lives. Chance of stealing weapons back - 50% - rolled 92 - failure! Chance of sneaking back to Urtan, Ryg, and Dinah - 65% - rolled 86 - failure!]

"Nice shot," growled Rufus to Cassidy, knowing the rabbit was nearby, even if he couldn't be seen right then, and hastily snatched up the short, heavy chopping blade in the panda's belt as he heard the slavers approaching fast, then assumed a ready stance between the two supply wagons, forcing his attackers to come to him, and making them unable to easily surround him. "As good a place as any for a last stand," he said with a wild laugh, before throwing back his head in a long howl, its silver note cleaving the night.


Urtan sadly started back toward where he'd left Ryg and Dinah, knowing there was nothing he could do in this situation. He'd only just seen the slavers position each of their fresh captives on their knees, the five Sisters of Radiance in various stages of despair or defiance...right up until Praxis slipped a smooth steel circlet over each of their brows. All their captives, that is, save for Spark, who was being positioned above the immense erection of the horny old bull, Skaeth, who simply chuckled at the poor little fox's pleas for mercy, apparently enjoying the sound of Spark's sweet, musical voice as he was slowly lowered down toward the big bull's waiting erection. The Sisters of Radiance, meanwhile, all fell still, their eyes staring out as scenes only they could see, their bodies completely immobile save for their breathing and the occasional soft gasp or reddening of their cheeks.

"Crowns of Morpheus," Praxis explained in his gloating voice, his fierce, too-sharp smile showing once more, giving a soft chuckle as, suddenly, Kaia, the blue-haired elfmaid, tumbled forward, her bottom thrust into the air as she gave a wild cry. Her voice, however, was cut off almost as soon as she cried out, her lips parting, wrapping around something thick and unseen to any but her. "Not too expensive for magic. They fill a wearer's head with preprogrammed images and sensations. In this case," Praxis chuckled, as did Mask, who'd been helping him put them on, "everything they're missing as virgins." Phan gave a high-pitched squeal through her gag, jerking forward and up as she was anally violated in her mind's eye, while Hanaro, her eyes sad and submissive in her utter defeat, began to bob her head forward and back, looking up into the eyes of her captor and master as she orally serviced him, showing none of the signs of resistance that her fellow Sisters showed. "This is more powerful, though," Praxis continued. "It's not violating their bodies, after all - it's violating their minds directly."

Suddenly, a loud crash and clatter came from out in the dark of the rest of the camp, and the slavers snapped to attention, Praxis calling out swift, certain orders as he scooped up his weapons and made ready to join battle. Moments after this, Urtan's heart leaped in his chest as he heard the clear note of a wolfen howl. It was Rufus! His friend and leader was still alive! Elated at this revelation, as well as nearly frantic with the thought of losing Rufus again, Urtan raced back to his comrades, touching Ryg on the shoulder to alert her to the changes that had taken place - she could understand him quite well, even if he didn't speak.

"Dinah, it's time to attack," said Ryg with a smile as she rose to her feet. "Keep me safe while I work my spells. I suppose we stick to the former plan," she added with a dry chuckle. "Keeping these slavers alive will be difficult, though - I'll have to hold myself back."

Then, with a wide sweep of her hands, suddenly the great central fire went out in a rush, bathing the camp in darkness. This, naturally, was no deterrent at all for Ryg, who lived her life in darkness anyway, and little more for Dinah or Urtan as they hurried into the camp as fast as they dared. A great shape loomed suddenly as they entered the central area where the fire had been lit, but Urtan's bow, the one he'd taken from Lysha, snapped up, and he fired again and again, hearing grunts of pain, followed suddenly by a choked death rattle, before the hulking figure collapsed bodily on his back. It was then that Urtan noticed the much smaller figure pressed tightly against the groin area of the bigger male - surely Skaeth, the grey-haired minotaur. The smaller figure whined softly, and held out his hands, one of them clutching a large dagger snatched from the belt of the male who'd been raping him as he walked, and whose penis was still buried to the hilt inside of him. It was Spark!

"Help me up," whimpered the poor, overstuffed foxboy. "Please."

[Skaeth - rolled 63 - slain]


It was the raccoon who leapt at Rufus first from the darkness, screaming like a mad thing. The wolfen was desperate then, his jaws snapping out just as the lights went out almost completely, catching hold of something furry and pulsing with life beneath his jaws. Clenching down, Rufus thrust his sword upward, feeling hot blood gush out onto his hands and chest, before jerking his head to the side, sending the limp figure tumbling nearby. He didn't have time to take prisoners, not yet, not here, in the dark, alone and unable to get help beyond the Hand of the Gods in the form of Cassidy's silent archery. He'd let Cassidy use the stun drug. As for him...argh!

[Mask - rolled 58 - slain]

"You cannot be allowed to disrupt my master's plans," said a tinkling voice, devoid of emotion, its owner clearly visible by the soft glow emanating from her transparent crystal body. Transparent, that is, except for the blood dripping from her hands where she'd raked Rufus' chest and face with her fingertips - they were as sharp as glass! That wasn't the only hit Rufus had taken, for an arrow stuck in his stomach, snapped off by the lean, green wingless dragon behind the crystal construct. If Rufus' stomach muscles weren't so hardened, and hadn't been tight in preparation for battle, he might have taken the shot to something more vital on the inside.

"RRRRAAAH!" roared Rufus, going into a rage, tearing an iron bar right off the equipment wagon and swinging it around, knocking the crystal woman's head right off with a single mighty blow. He rounded on the tall, slender dragonman, but stayed his hand as he saw him tumbling forward, three darts sticking from his lower back and taut bare rump.

[Rolled 70 for Crystal - slain, and 40 for Kyte - spared]

Instead, Rufus plowed forward, slamming hard into two towering figures, their bodies like solid rock, they were so well-muscled. One of them had sensitive skin, though, beneath his soft black fur, and cried out as Rufus' blade slashed along his white-furred forearms. The two pressed forward, though, and Rufus was forced to a halt, berserker rage notwithstanding, until, suddenly, he gave a yell as something lean and lithe and astonishingly strong wrapped around his head, leathery wings enfolding his face.

It was at that moment that Urta and her gnolls came running to the rescue. They still had their weapons tainted with the stun venom, and suddenly Rufus felt the presence of the two other males falling back, moaning softly as the young, ruddy-furred minotaur and black-furred stallion with white "horsefeathers" fell back, overwhelmed by the swarming hyenafolk. An instant after that, the one gripping Rufus' head, a lithe, red-furred bat, gave a high-pitched shriek of surprise and fear as he was jerked off by the mighty Urtan, then swung around with vicious force, smashing the bat into the side of the equipment wagon. In the moment the slender bat lay there, stunned, rather than smashing his skull, Urtan instead pulled out one of the poison-tipped darts, and jabbed it into the bat's chest. For a moment Lisk started, jerking and flapping in the powerful male's grip, and then went still.

[Rolled 8, 16, and 34 for Lisk, Lightfoot Thunderhoof, and Longhorn, respectively - they all live]

Shara, the foxtaur vixen, had been cantering forward, her gem-topped wand at the ready, just as she saw the ruin of her companions, the gnolls that had been her former allies now using leather thongs to bind the ones still alive, all while stripping them of clothes and weapons and armor from dead and alive alike. The she-gnoll, Urta, glanced up and grinned at the startled, red-furred mage, and barked at her gnolls, who swiftly blocked off her path of retreat. Urta was soon backed by the towering male wolfen they'd taken prisoner earlier, and an equally tall and powerfully-built male gnoll.

"S-stay back," threatened Shara, holding up her wand, turning this way and that as the gathered warriors started to close in, holding them at bay with the threat of magic. "I'm a powerful flesh caster! I'll turn you into toads, or seal up your bottoms so you can't defecate, or..."

"No," snarled Rufus shortly, flinging the metal bar in one of his hands, sending Shara's wand clattering to the ground as she gave a short shriek of pain as it was wrenched from her hands. "You won't."

"No," Shara gasped in horror as she looked around at the grinning faces of the brutes all around her. "Nooooo!"

Poor Shara's wail was muffled as her attackers crowded in, and the lithe quadruped was pulled down into their midst. Black-furred feet kicked ineffectually in the air as Shara begged for mercy, only for her voice to rise in pitch as she succumbed to terror, coupled with the sounds of ripping cloth, before scraps of her clothes were tossed unceremoniously out of the circle, and then even her feet disappeared into the mass, pulled down as leather thongs were pulled out. Soon, Shara was hoisted upward by the triumphant gnolls, her wrists and four ankles dangling from long, sturdy spear, her tail dangling downward, just like her long, blonde hair, exposing the pink treasures beneath.

[Rolled 12 for Shara - she lives]

"These," declared Rufus as he cupped Shara's tender parts, caressing them slowly, his thumb teasing against her tailhole, "are Cassidy's first, for his bravery and skill." Then his muzzle broke into a toothy grin, while Shara shook her head, whimpering fearfully. "Then Urtan and I will have the singular pleasure of splitting this foxling between us."


Not far off, Praxis was running. Nearly naked, save for the leather straps across his chest and around his waist, he didn't feel the need for anything else. His pouches held his most important bits of magic, after all, including the mask his fallen raccoon compatriot had used, and beyond those precious things, he hardly had need for anything else. Truth be told, he could do without anything at all if it came to that. No, Praxis was a survivor, and he would come out of this with more treasures than before. After all, what was the worth of a few mercenaries and some longer-term associates when compared with his own life? And after he sold the knowledge of what that upstart wolfen was trying to do in the Far North - to say nothing of Urta's betrayal, for which Praxis intended full and total revenge - he would have quite a pleasant starting fund to continue his operations...


Standing there, on the edge of the woods, and right in his path, was a light-furred she-wolfen, her fur almost white, and a dark-skinned catgirl with green hair. Praxis' gleaming green eyes could see perfectly in even total darkness, and he could immediately see that the she-wolfen's eyes were frosted over with blindness. The catgirl didn't look terribly experienced with a frontal assault, either, obviously more the sort to strike from ambush, and she looked like she knew it, crouched before him with a knife in her hand, at once wary and afraid, ready to fight if she had to, but obviously hoping it wouldn't come to that, because she knew she wouldn't win.

"Come to help me start my slave trading early?" asked Praxis with a chuckle as he drew a slender length of chain out of one of his small pouches, one enchanted for strength beyond its small size. "You're both fine specimens, it's true, and you'll fetch high prices to the right market."

The little catgirl cowered at these words, whimpering pitifully, but the light-furred she-wolfen only smiled.

"I am here to stop you, Praxis Venator," she said in a voice that was clear and calm. "Dinah is here to make sure I don't get lost."

His too-sharp teeth gleaming in the night, his green eyes blazing with terror from beyond mortal realms, the shadowy panthercat stalked forward. At the same moment, however, the she-wolfen raised her hands, and in an instant, Praxis felt his feet entangled. Looking down, he saw that the earth itself had risen up and grabbed tight hold of his ankles. In an instant, he was slashing at the tentacles of dirt and stone with his metal-tipped claws, shearing through his bindings...only to have more of them reach up, seizing his wrists!

"HSSSSS!" Praxis spat, baring his too-sharp teeth in a feral snarl as he jerked this way and that, fighting against the grip of the earth with all his might.

"Accept the judgment of the land itself, Praxis," said the she-wolfen calmly, before Praxis felt another tentacle encircle his throat, squeezing down. "Your time of justice is nigh."

Jerking, thrashing, fighting with all his might, Praxis couldn't even cry out in defiance, the earthen tentacle around his neck too tight. His eyes told the tale of his endless fury well, so well that little Dinah started back with a mew of terror. But Ryg could see none of this, only hear the steady grinding of the earth as the tentacles she'd called up tightened, tensing like the muscles and bone of the Earth itself.


With that final, fatal sound, Praxis' body suddenly went limp. At this moment, the tentacles of earth also went limp, flowing back into the sod from whence they had come.

"So justice is done," said Ryg with a final, satisfied nod, a hand reaching down to gently rub poor, frightened Dinah behind the ears and down her back until the little catgirl had calmed a bit. "Why don't you take me to where the others are now, Dinah?" Ryg asked, her face and voice kindly as, with her other hand, she carefully relieved Praxis of his belts with their attendant pouches. "I'm sure they'll be wondering where we are."

"Yes Miss Ryg," Dinah said cheerily, pushing the terrible images of that night from her mind with a grateful heart, not wanting to dwell on them any longer.

It was not until quite a while after the tree-shrouded hillock was left, silent and alone, that the limp figure of the wicked panthercat began to slowly stir once more. But this time, when Praxis rose to unsteady feet, it was in a shape far more lithe and curvaceous than the one he'd possessed before. In fact, Praxis was no longer a he at all.

"Cursed reincarnations," snarled the she-cat softly as she stared down at her sleek, naked black body, squeezing her even darker nipples until dark drops of red blood ran down them in her fury. "Once again in this shape." Green eyes glared at the camp that had once been her own, the fire that had been snuffed out in the attack now being rekindled. Then those eyes clouded with confusion, and Praxis shook her head. "I hate the ones around that fire," she said softly to herself. "They killed me, I know...but there was something else about them. Something...worth money..." She finally shook her head, unable to piece together all the details of her former life. "I'll follow," she decided finally. "And when I get the chance, I'll strike. And I'll take them all alive, as my slaves - forever!"

[Path E won - 70% total chance of success - rolled 42 - success!]

Path Choices

These choices are less cut-and-dry and more open-ended. Be sure to read them carefully to properly make your decisions...or to vote completely against a particular option if you so desire.

A - Let's take some time to enjoy our victory - and victory is sweet! Please indicate scenes and pairings you'd like to see. Anyone who gets 5 or more votes will be included in the orgy scene. Possible characters for inclusion are as follows: Rufus; Spark; Cassidy; Urtan; Ryg; Dinah; Urta; One-Eye; Horse; Rish and Rack; Greymuzzle; Hanaro; Kaia; Lysha; Phan; Zane; Kyte; Shara; Goro; Lisk; Lightfoot Thunderhoof; Longhorn.

B - We've got healers. If desired, it is possible to save the lives of those who have fallen, though by no means guaranteed. If you want someone restored from the brink of death, or brought back from actual death (Crystal, Mask, and Skaeth are the three who died), please indicate your choices. If any of these three fallen ones gets 5 votes, they will be brought back. If brought back, these three may also be considered in the options for choice A.

C - Where to next? The possible immediately-obvious destinations are as follows:

1) Return to the Blue Feather. It's almost certain that the girls have given birth by now, so they can probably join us again. We might pick up Rael, too.

2) Off to the mountains. There are powerful folk in the Underdark that might help us. Some of the captive slavers, like the dragonman Kyte, or the bat, Lisk, or Skaeth (if he's brought back), might even know their way down there, if they can be convinced to join our side.

3) To the defense of the amazons. Those valkyrie women are still in peril, if things haven't changed too much. Actually, they might be in even more peril right now, as their battle against the warped barbarian men of the North has progressed.

4) To the bearfolk leader, Carver. We've got more than enough possible presents now to pique his interest.

5) Stop the giants. The giant migration to the south and the Warlord's camp is actually on our way to just about anywhere back into the northern regions, and it's not that hard to find or follow the trail of a single giant, let alone several of them.