Prelude to new story "Kindra's Heat"

Story by Dharious on SoFurry

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#1 of Kindra's Heat

Kindra is a young female wolf who begins her journey within the stages of adulthood. Without the guidance of an adult female wolf, she begins to try and understand her new feelings of lust, love, wanting to mate, be mated, and the indulgence of self pleasure.

Yet another day passes, and as the sun falls, slowly fading in the background, Kindra raises her hand to the sky feeling the last touch of the warmth that the sun had to offer. Almost immediately, the cool air of the nights embrace began to surround her as new life began to shine. Flower rose from their slumber throughout the day, budding and emitting a radiant glow that would mesmerize even the most fiercest of predators. The luminescent glow separated from the budding flowers, dancing in the wind, circling her in rhythm with the voices of the night. She was meant to be here. Her instincts lead her here, but as to why, she did not know right away. She was to entranced by the music of the night. Almost in a transfixed fashion, Kindra stood on her hind legs and began to dance to the music of the night, feeling the heat within her beginning to radiate, her breath beginning to quicken. Her trance arousing even the most timid of creatures casting their gaze upon her next to the oasis. Her hands caress her bust slowly tracing her curves, feeling every slender muscle within her K-9 frame. Her southern most heat begins to moisten with an anticipated pleasure. In her mind, she was just going along with the music of the night. Unknown to her about her newly advancement within her adulthood, that her act of self pleasure was caused by her beginning stages of being in heat and the need to mate.

Meeting the Pack Chapter 2

As I recall the dark envelopment I felt during that time frame, my recollection of my past came to a sudden still when I heard an all too familiar howl. As my ears perked up and stood tall on the top of my head, I smiled knowing all too well who was...

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Meeting the Pack Chapter 1

When you think about how certain things take place in your life, you cant help but wonder if it has a purpose. Was it meant to be? As I sit here on the rocky mountains over looking the Alpine plateau of Southern Alaska, feeling the wind hold me, giving...

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