The Rat Pack

Story by FriskeCrisps on SoFurry

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Just a small gift for my good friend draconicon He's done wonderful stories for me and I felt that it would be a nice change of pace to write something for him for a change. Enjoy!

Rat Pack

"Man I'm beat..." the panther groaned to himself as he kicked his sneakers off and plopped himself on the couch after a long day. The end of his senior year of high school had just finished and he couldn't have been happier. Nathan had been fed up with all the hassle going into college applications, standardized testing, and such that college couldn't come sooner. He figured getting a basketball scholarship was his easy ticket into schools all across the country but no, he had to get good grades, he had to volunteer.

'It should be enough that I'm the best on the team, but apparently the best isn't good enough for them' he thought to himself has he flipped on the tv to try and drown out all the thoughts of anything school related. He had only gotten a few moments of peace and quiet before his mother walked in.

"Well you're home awfully late," she said while stirring what he could only imagine was some gross batter.

"Of course I am. I've been busting my butt all year and have barely had any time to myself. One of my professors needed to talk with me after school."

"Oh? What about?"

"I don't know I was barely listening. Just kept going on and on about my grades and such that I just tuned the guy out."

"Must have been something good then with all of these schools clamoring for ya. Oh by the way, we're having company over tomorrow so I need you to go straighten stuff up around the house."

The young panther let out a long and frustrating groan. "Mom, I just got home from a long day and you want me to go and clean?"

"Is there a problem?" she stopped stirring to put on of her hands on her hips to intimidate the panther and it seemed to have worked. He let out a long and painful sigh.

"Fine..." He picked up his defeated self and began to drag himself past his mother to his chores when an idea popped into his head and a sly grin began to form across his muzzle.

"Well I would but coach caught up with me after I talked with my teacher and he wanted to take the team out to dinner for an end of the year celebration." He looked her straight in the eyes with the most confidence he could. He couldn't say the same for himself on the inside since he was sweating bullets, hoping she'd by the quickly thought up lie. She looked at him for what seemed like hours until she picked up her stirring again.

"Oh alright then. Hope you have fun!" She padded back into the kitchen.

'Yes!' if he could he'd be doing a celebratory victory dance like the ones he did when they won basketball games. He padded back to the door, slipping his paws into his sneakers.

"You can do the cleaning when you get back!" His tail drooped as did his ears when he finished lacing the last sneaker.

"Right...right..." He stepped outside into the evening air.

After about a 20 minute walk, he made it into the downtown area filled with restaurants, arcades, and types of places that he could use to drown out the school time depression. He walked up and down the streets, looking for anything that would be appealing to him.

"Let's see...what to do...what to do..." he said to himself as he looked over the different buildings offering various different forms of entertainment. He strolled along the sidewalk for a bit until a place by the name of "Party House" caught his eye. He took a quick glimpse in the window and was captivated. There were video games as far as the eye could see, the most delicious buffet he could have ever seen, and of course, some of the hottest waitresses serving food. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth and he was panting like a dog. He began to feel a slight discomfort in his shorts. He looked down and smiled at the half pitched tent that was beginning to push itself forward, like it were trying to grab some of that fun that was behind that glass.

'Easy there fella, all in due time' he chuckled as he adjusted his shorts to make his boner a little less obvious. This was great. What a perfect way to wind down. Gaming non stop, eating non stop, and making out non stop.

'Just think, if I had stayed home, I'd be doing nothing but chores. Screw that! I'm gonna party my ass off! Nothing is going to ruin this...'


Nathan didn't have time to finish that thought before he felt a sharp pain to the back of his head. He wobbled around trying to gain whatever composure he could, though to no avail. He fell backwards, landing on the hard concrete. He looked up and saw two hooded figures standing over him before blacking out.

" head..." the panther's head rolled all around as he was beginning to regain his bearings. He tried to move about some more but he felt some resistance around his hands and feet.

"What the..." His eyes began to focus at the area around him. He looked down and saw his legs and feet tied and, though he couldn't see them, assumed his hands were tied behind them.

"What kind of sick thing is...Blegh...what is that smell?!" He began coughing and wheezing as a powerful stench hit his nose. It smelled like a wet dog that had bathed in garlic.

"Thats the smell of fun times coming," a deep voice came from somewhere around him. It echoed around him causing the panther to get shivers up his spine.

"Who's there!? What's going on!?" Nathan began to squirm about to get himself free from his tied up predicament.

"Take a chill pill boy. We're not gonna hurt you. Just have some fun..." As this was said, several figures began to appear from the darkness. As they moved more into the damp light, he began to make out their figures. They were rats. Rats of all sizes dressed up in punk and biker outfits. Leather jackets, boots, high tops sneakers, chains, spiked hair-dos, they were like something out of a gangster movie.

"What do ya thugs want with me!?" he yelled as he continued struggling to break free of his bondage but all he got in return were lots of giggles and snorts.

"What we want boy is to have some fun and you're just the panther to provide us with such fun." Nathan looked up as this was said and was met with a large, grey furred rat. Dressed in almost the same attire as everyone else except has some gold shades resting on top of his head. This gave him the idea that he was probably the gang leader or whatever they're called.

"Why the fuck did you guys kidnap me!?"

"As I said before boy, to have some fun and I'm sure you won't think of it so much as kidnapping by the time we are through with you." A feeling of unsettlingness began to set in the pit of the panther's stomach as he began to make out a large bulge being outlined by the rat's leather pants.

"Fuck off! I ain't into dudes!" More giggling and laughter arose from the pack.

"Oh but you will be. Now then..." The leader snapped his fingers and two smaller rats scurried over to him.

"Let the fun begin..." The smaller rats bent down and began unlacing the leader's boots. Nathan's struggling became slower as he looked on in some curiosity as to what these rats were planning. Soon enough the laces were undone and fell like limp snakes hanging off to the sides. This allowed him to easily lift his feet from the boots. He took his right foot out first and then, using his free toes, freed his other foot from the leather prison. He kicked his boots towards the panther almost hitting him right in the face. They tumbled about and landed with their mouths open towards Nathan. As soon as they stopped, a strong odor began to flow out of the boots. It was so strong that he could some what make out the form of the muskiness. At first, he didn't know what to make out of what he was seeing but his struggling picked up as he noticed the odor making its way towards him. With him bound as he was all he could do was squirm and wiggle and that helped him very little. Within seconds, the odor hit his nose. His eyes bulged and he began coughing and wheezing again. He had just gotten used to the horrible smell of his surroundings and now the musky boot odor just made it feel like his nose was gonna melt off.

"YUCK!! Blegh..ugh...what was that smell!?" his breathing began to steady as if his nose was slowly becoming familiar and strangely, liking the smell...

"What that was is just a whiff of something you'll come to love when this is all over," the leader grinned as he wiggled his musky toes. Nathan glanced over and noticed that odor was just fuming from the lead rat's feet.

"Are you fucking nuts!? That was the rankest thing that I've ever smelled in my left! I don't know what you're guys' weird ass deal is but I know one thing and that is I'd never EVER love something like that!"

"Oh you think so huh? You might want to check yourself boy." He gave a snicker before pointing down at the panther's loins.

Nathan followed the rat's finger towards his groin and was shocked at what he was met with. Protruding from in between his legs was a fully hard boner that made an easily noticeable tent in his shorts. His ears pinned back in embarrassment as his boner stood out and proud, mocking him. Why was this happening? Why in the world would he be getting hard from smelling some smelly boot musk.

"Well, well just a whiff of my boots and you're already sporting quite a tent there. You really are gonna be fun time." lots of snickering and giggling came out from the surrounding area again. He snapped his fingers again and the rats that had helped him out of his boots rushed over to Nathan and cut the ropes off his hands and feet. As soon as he felt his joints freed, he got up and bolted towards the nearest possible exit.

"Stop right there boy," he said in a calm manner and just like that, Nathan stopped dead in his tracks. He wanted to move, he wanted to get the hell out of there so bad but for whatever reason, his body wasn't listening to him.

"Wh...what the fuck!? I can't move!" He tried desperately to move his lower body but he could barely budge them.

"Now then why don't you come back to me like a good kitty cat," the rat called. Something was wrong. Nathan turned around and began walking back towards the leader. Try as he might, he couldn't move away. What made the walk back worse was his bouncing erection in front of them. There was no way he could have been making more of a fool of himself. He soon found himself an arm's length away from the rat, giving him a deathly glare.

"Although I love seeing someone fight against their body, I don't want ya making too much of a fuss. It'll ruin our good time. So with that being said...kneel down and get up close to my feet." Without being able to fight his body, Nathan lowered himself to the dirty ground and pushed his face right up close to the rat's musky feet. It took only seconds for the musky odor to move from the rat's feet and into the Nathan's nostrils. As soon as it went in his nose, his head began to feel hazy. Where was he? What was he doing here? And what was that heavenly smell? The rat motioned him to stand up and so he did. He was feeling wobbly, like his body were made of jello. What was happening to him. His vision was beginning to blur as he looked around in panic. Though his vision was blurred, his hearing was spot on and he could make out the other rat's begin to cackle and laugh at his poor misfortune.

"Ha! The boy looks like he's as dumb as nails right now!"

"Where are you looking? If anything that boner of his is the thing making him look like a total loser!"

"Looks like its about to split his shorts open! This freak is hung!"

More and more rats begin laughing and pointing at the panther's wobbly and weary self. If he weren't so out of it, he'd give them all a good punch in the face. After some time of mockery, things really begin to turn for the worse for the poor panther.

"Now, lets see that body of yours. Take off your shirt." Without hesitation, Nathan began to remove his blue t shirt. He wasn't sure if it was that odor or what but he seemed to be doing the motion in an almost teasing fashion. Slowly pulling it over his furry head, revealing his well toned and athletic, black furred chest. He simply let his shirt fall to the ground as he let the pack take in his well built upper body.

"Mmm...that's a good body you've got there" the leader said as he began to grope his slowly growing bulge in his leather pants.

"We don't score many athletes like you these days. Why don't you show us those legs of yours now. Take off your shorts." Again without hesitation, Nathan went onto to removing his next article of clothing. He gripped the waistband of his shorts and slowly slid them down his legs, wiggling his rump about to make sure the pack got a good view of his ass. He pulled them down to his knees before letting gravity bring the shorts down to the ground. So there he was, at the command of these rats with his shorts around his feet and wearing nothing but his white tighty whitey briefs and blue sneakers. Not to mention the throbbing boner between his legs that was making a pretty noticeable white tent. More laughter erupted from the pack.

"Hahaha! I can't believe people still wear that kind of underwear! Man what a loser!"

"Only thing they're good for is making that boner all the more visible. You could probably see it from space!" Nathan wished this were all just a dream and that he'd wake up soon, though something was telling him this was just the beginning.

"Oh...I didn't think you could look any sexier boy yet there you are." He continued to grope at the bulge in his leather pants that looked like it was going to rip them open itself if someone wasn't going to soon.

"Now why don't you come over and help me out." The rat motioned Nathan to come over to him. He lifted his legs out of his shorts and made his way back to the lead rat, his boner bouncing and throbbing in his white briefs. He came back over to the rat and knelt down on the ground, putting himself at eye level with the prominent leather bulge.

"Don't by shy boy. Fish out your prize." Nathan reached out for the pants zipper and began to pull it down. Due to the large bulge, he was met with some resistance, but once he managed to get it halfway down, the zipper just fell with ease. Once it was all the way down, a large and pink dick flopped out, almost hitting the panther in the face. However some pre did manage to land on his nose though he wasn't at all phased. There stood what seemed to be an almost 8 inch cock, throbbing hard and already dripping pre. Nathan's own cock seemed to betray him as it throbbed about in his cloth prison, almost as if it were ecstatic to see such a meaty looking cock, making a wet spot form at the tip of his tent.

"Well now why don't you give this lolipop a lick." And so he did. Nathan took a firm grasp of the cock in front of him and slowly eased it into his mouth. Right away he began to taste the pre that was there before. It was quite salty though that hardly seemed to matter to him as he began to stroke the rat cock and lap his tongue all up and down the 8 inch monster. The musky odor seemed to have made him a pro at giving blowjobs cause this was the first one he had ever given. He was lapping all over that cock and stroking in time with his tongue as well.

"Oh man...didn't expect ya to pick up on this so fast boy...I...I'm not gonna last much longer here." His tongue and hand stroking picked up the pace and, as the rat had said, he didn't last much longer. Within moments, he unleashed his load in Nathan's mouth. Although under the rat control, he could feel the warm cum shoot into his mouth. Due to it being such a big cock, he wasn't able to swallow it all down. Some dribbled out of the corners of his mouth and dripped on the floor, though most of it managed to make it down his throat.

"Damn boy. You sure managed to lick this lolipop good." Nathan pushed the slowly softening monster out of his mouth, though still kept a hand around the cock. He licked all around his muzzle to clean up the cum around his face before it hardened on his fur.

"Now then...hope you didn't forget you've got the rest of my pack here as well boy." Nathan's ears flickered as he began to hear the sound of zippers, belts, and pants falling down. The rat pack made their way closer towards the kneeling panther, cocks standing at attention and ready to be serviced by their new play thing. The muskiness of the cocks surrounding him was just about to send him over the edge. Though before he was about to unleash his load, a hand quickly reached down and held a firm grip around the throbbing tent.

"Not so fast. Pack cums first. Toys cum last. Don't worry. I'll be right here to make sure you remember that. Now get to licking!" With that said, Nathan went to work at the mass of cocks surrounding him. He felt like he was working out with how busy he was kept. Both of his hands and his mouth were dealing with cocks left and right. His hands were sticky with pre as he stroked with timing of his tongue. These rats didn't have has much stamina as their boss and they were cumming quite faster. After the first few blowjobs, the panther's face was a mix of black and white and his throat was as salty and dry as a desert. By the time he had finished up the last rat, he was exhausted and blacked out

"Uhh...wh...what?" Nathan slowly began to open his eyes. He looked up and saw the night sky above him. He slowly began to pick himself off the ground and winced as he felt a soreness run through his arms. As he stood up, he looked down and saw that he was still in his underwear and sneakers and there was still quite a boner sticking out in between his legs. He slowly reached down to adjust his problem so no one else would see and, as if on a hair trigger, came in his briefs. It took less than a second for his briefs to soak up the cum while the rest shot against the brick wall ahead of him.

"D...damnet...fuck...this is gonna be a long walk home..." cum slowly dripped from his briefs and ran down the sides of his legs. As he made his way to the night streets, he saw on the ground his shirt and shorts on the ground.

"Those fuckers...they make me their bitch and then rob me. If I find them I'm gonna beat them all to a bloody pulp!" He picked up his clothing and dressed himself up again. When he slipped his shorts on over his cummy underwear, he noticed that he still had his wallet and phone with him. He quickly took out his wallet and opened it up. He still had all his money and cards. Thank god! When he took a glance at the cash again, he saw a white card in there. He pulled it out and saw something written on it."

"We'll need to have some more fun with you again boy." Shivers went up his spine as faint recollections went through his head of what he had did.

'If only I had done my chores...' He thought to himself as he slowly dragged his tired, crusty, and musky body back home.