Make Way for Jay! Ch 7

Story by The Jay Chronicles on SoFurry

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Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey guys I'm back with Chapter 7! This one will conclude the little escapade that Scott and Jay are on. Also Chapter 8 will probably be out late tonight hopefully, and If not I will be out early next morning. But enough of me explaining myself, let's get back to the story, shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

"Alright," I thought to myself as Scott and I were showered, dressed properly and ready to go. "Here we go." "Hey Scott," I said and he turned his head. "Are you sure you're ready for this plan? I mean you don't have to go through with it." I said. He laughed and said,

"Jay are you nervous? I mean I am but I never thought you would be though." He said with a chuckle. My face turned red and I said,

"A little but I don't know why I am." I said confused. "Why am I nervous?" I thought to myself. Then all the sudden there was a knock at the door. "Oh Shit, I don't think I'm ready for this plan." I looked through the peep hole in the door and saw Kathrine. "Hey Scott its Kathrine!" I shouted to him. "A look of panic on his face appeared and he froze up. "Dude come on she's waiting for you to answer the door."

"I don't think I can open that door man, I'm so nervous." He said.

"You know what man, you need to grow a pair and get with it. Okay, now there is a beautiful girl outside that door that wants you. So I suggest that you be a man and open that damn door."

"You're right man. Let's do this." And he opened the door to see such a beautiful creature in a black dress which went down past her knees and had the most beautiful fur any man would kill for. "Just imagine," I thought to myself, "She could have been yours, but you got someone even better." And I smiled to myself. "Well man," I whispered in his ear, "She's all yours." He smiled, and said,

"I think I am ready" he said looking over at me.

"Well aren't you going to invite me in Scotty?" she said with a seductive smile.

"Wow, Scott has been busy. She's already calling him Scotty. He has learned a lot." I thought to myself and chuckled. "Well I wonder where Ginger is?" I thought. Then I heard a knock on the door. "Well Scott," I said, "Now it's my turn." I said with a smug look on my face. I swung open the door and said, "Hey Gin..." but as I was finishing my sentence I felt soft lips on mine and I pulled back. I looked up to see ginger in a dark green dress and she looked as gorgeous as ever. "Y-you look stunning!" I said with a shocked look on my face.

She blushed and said, "You really think so," she said with a wink. I nearly fainted at the sight of her.

"I absolutely think so!" I said. I leaned back over to Scott who was holding Kathrine and I whispered to him saying, "Pinch me man, I gotta be dreaming." I said as he really did pinch me....and really hard too. "OW!" I screamed, "What was that for!?"

"Well, you did tell me to pinch you." He said as Kathrine giggled. I rolled my eyes and said,

"Dude come on I was kidding." I looked back over at Ginger and again I nearly fainted. "Well shall we go ladies?" I said

"Where are we going?" they both said simultaneously.

"Oh you'll see." Scott said grabbing Kathrine's chin. She blushed and said,

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

***10 minutes later in a walk downtown***

After both Scott and I walked downtown with our girls in arm. We stopped at the fanciest restaurant in the area.

"Oh My Arceus!" Ginger exclaimed, "Is this the restaurant I think it is?" she said looking at me

"Yes it is," Scott answered her, "This is the well-renowned restaurant Chef Cherubi's." He said looking very smug. I chuckled and said,

"Well it really wasn't my idea." And I pointed at Scott.

"Oh Scott, this is wonderful!" exclaimed Kathrine.

"Well, I did pull a few strings and that fact that my Dad went to the academy with the owner gives me some perks here as well." He said with a nervous grin.

"Well," said Kathrine, "I think it's wonderful."

"Well, shall we head in?" I said, "Or are we going to stand out here in the cold?"

"Yes let's go in," Ginger said, and winked at me.

"Hey you girls go ahead we will catch up." I said

"Okay!" they both said and walked in.

"Dude why are we still out here?" he said

"You have got some explaining to do." I said, "Who are your parents really? And why haven't you told me that your parents knew the owner. I just gave you the job of making the reservations. I didn't think you would go all out like this! We really are going to have a serious talk when this is all over tomorrow at school."

"Alright," he said, "But you can't tell anyone what I will tell you okay?"

"I promise man, alright, now let's go have some fun, shall we?"

"Yes, lets." He said and we walked right in chasing down the girls. We found them waiting for us by the elevator in the towering restaurant.

"What are you girls doing standing here?" I asked them.

"Well," Ginger said, "We were told that our dinner was being served up at the top floor in the penthouse."

"With the finest service the restaurant has to offer," Said Kathrine. I looked over at Scott and gave him a look that said, "We are talking later for sure." He blushed and said,

"Like I said I pulled a few strings." He said.

We took the elevator up to the penthouse and we were served the finest dishes that Cherubi had to offer. In the end we had a lovely moonlight dinner and I took notice to Ginger's dress and how beautiful the green sparkled in the moonlight and how it just brought out her eyes. I sighed and stared at her for what seemed like hours. She saw me staring, giggled and said, "Can I help you?" she said.

"Oh, no your fine." I said in a dreamy tone. "Just stay where you are, that's all I need." She giggled and kissed my cheek. I blushed and continued to eat my food. The same thing happened to Scott by instead she softly kissed his lips. Then they couldn't stop from kissing. I called over the waiter and said, "Check please."

***A 2 minute ride down an elevator and a 5 minute walk to the park later***

"Why are we stopping here boys?" both girls asked us. Both Scott and I ignored them and sat down in the grass in the field.

"Come over here!" we both called. The girls both came running up to us in their high heels as fast as they could. "Look up." I said. Both girls looked up to see such a wondrous sky. The night sky was light up by the moons exuberating light and revealed thousands of stars in the sky.

"Oh My Arceus Jay it's beautiful!" Ginger said as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Oh Scott, thank you so much for this night." Said Kathrine dreamily, "You really are an amazing guy, and I've never been treated better, than I am now." She kissed his cheek and he turned away embarrassed. We sat out there for what seemed like an hour. But after 10 minutes we got up and walked back to the academy. When we got to the dorm building they looked at each other for a second and said, "Take us back to your dorm boys," as they both purred, "And you can have some dessert." Scott and I both looked at each other and both fought to get into the elevator first, and the girls giggled and high fived each other.

When we got into the dorm both girls, instead of sitting us on our beds and being quiet about it, they brought us over to the couch and purred, "Since both of you boys were so nice about tonight, we've decided to show our appreciation to you." And they both slid off their dresses to reveal their skimpy undergarments. They both undid their tops to reveal the two biggest pairs of breasts Scott and I have ever seen. We sat there with our mouths agape in the biggest shock in our lives. They both slid onto our laps and started to passionately kiss us both. We reached into their panties and slipped two fingers into their slits. They both started to moan loudly and screamed in ecstasy.

"OH SCOTT PLEASE MORE!!!" I heard Kathrine scream.

"JAY DEEPER PLEASE DEEPER!!!" Ginger moaned loudly into my ear. Scott and I both looked at each other and picked them both up wedding style and brought them both to our separate beds. We pulled out are massive members and penetrated both of them. "AHHHH!!" they both screamed in ecstasy as we both thrusted harder and deeper into them. "I'm cumming Jay, I'm cumming!" Ginger screamed.

"Scott I'm cumming too!" I heard Kathrine scream.

"AHHHH!!" both girls screamed as they hit their breaking point.

"UGGGGHH!" Scott and I grunted as we shot our loads into them. As both girls collapsed onto of us Ginger said to me,

"Let's do this again Jay baby." And winked at me

"Oh Arceus Kathrine you were so good." I heard Scott say.

"Scotty, for now on call me Kathy okay?"

"Okay babe."

As both girls fell asleep on top of us Scott and I both looked over at each other and gave each other a thumbs up before we both passed out. "OH SHIT!! TOMORROW IS SCHOOL!" I thought. To myself as I passed out from exhaustion.

Well that's the end of Chapter 7 Guys I hope you loved it and I hope you guys will continue the positive feedback I have been getting. Thank you so much for all the support you guys have been giving me and I hope that this series will be a start of something great. I am working on Chapter 8 as we speak and expect it tonight. PM me or comment in the reviews anything you want. Till then guys PEACE!