Behind Locked Doors: Round Two

Story by Smudge-Rat on SoFurry

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?All through the next day, Elise felt eyes on her back, watching her eat breakfast, work through her maths problems and copy notes off the board. By the time her last class finished she was starting to feel the strain from not having enough sleep last night - not to mention tired muscles from being tied up for so long. On top of that, it was almost impossible to avoid the knowing looks from the girls from her dorm - girls who had seen her naked, who had touched in ways she hadn't ever imagined and had certainly never wanted.

And throughout the entire day, as she moved from one classroom to another and tried to focus on the words of various different teachers, she kept getting flashbacks from the night before. Little things at first, like the look in Jades eyes as she contemplated what she was going to do to her, and the angle of her tail as she turned away and left Elise to the mercy of the other girls. As the day wore on and Elise's tiredness began to take over, the flashbacks became more and more graphic, conjuring up the feeling of having something hard and inanimate inside of her, of having countless hands crawling over her body, looking for places to violate.

Now that classes were over, she had nowhere to hide. The library was her well-known place of solitude; Jade would have thought to send girls there to wait for her. There was nothing for it but to walk back into the dorm with her head held high and deal with whatever Jade had planned.

She still felt the eyes on her as she entered the dormitory, finding about half of the girls scattered among the beds. Some flipped through magazines or talked in pairs, but it was obvious that they were waiting for her. Elise scanned the crowd, timidly avoiding anyone's gaze; she was looking for someone in particular.

"I didn't think you'd make it this easy," the voice she'd been dreading said from behind her. Elise held still as soft footsteps approached her from behind and a gentle paw slid around her waist, not holding her but touching possessively.

Elise tried to reply, but found her throat dry and scratchy. After swallowing a couple of times, she managed to croak out: "You thought I'd try to run away."

She was suddenly thankful that she couldn't see Jade's smirk as the cat said: "So you do have a voice. I guess you're not as much of a coward as I thought."

It was only then that Elise noticed that the other girls had all abandoned what they'd been doing and started to form a semi-circle around them, just like they had the night before. A couple of them had slipped out of the room, no doubt to find the others and bring them back.

"I'm glad you decided to come straight here and face me," Jade told her. "Now we have a lot more time to play."

Although she could feel the tears welling up in the back of her throat, this time felt different from last night. Instead of feeling scared and confused and angry at the unfairness of it all, Elise barely felt any emotion at all. It was like she'd gone dead inside the second Jade had placed a paw on her.

"Why are you doing this?" she whispered as Jade pulled off her t-shirt, tossed it aside and started to undo her belt.

"You'll find out when we're done," Jade replied coldly, and somehow Elise knew that she didn't mean after they were done tonight. She wondered just how many times Jade intended to violate her before they were 'done'.

This time, two hares were allowed to help Jade undress her and hold her in place as she was cuffed to the bed. Elise found herself face-down this time, forced to tilt her head to one side so that she wouldn't be suffocated by the pillow. Her knees were slightly bent so that her rear stuck up in the air, cheeks forced apart by the position she was in. She wasn't entirely sure what Jade had in mind for tonight, but if anything went near her tail hole she was sure that she'd scream.

"Don't worry," she heard Jade say, "Nothing's going in there yet. I have something else in mind first."

Elise wondered what she meant by this as a firm paw trailed over her side, around her hip, down her back and over her rump. One finger slipped between her cheeks and she flinched as it brushed over her tail hole. Jade laughed quietly in amusement as the finger followed the curve of flesh and travelled up her slit. She stroked it a couple of times, gathering moisture from her opening as it responded to her touch against Elise's will, and spreading it over the parted flesh, brushing over the clit more times than she needed to.

"You were disrespectful to me last night," she said conversationally as her finger stroked slowly up and down Elise's slit. "I don't suppose you remember - my girls kept you busy for so long you probably forgot your own name."

Her finger lingered on Elise's clit, building up pleasure with tiny stroked until the mouse began to feel the familiar tightening, although she knew she wouldn't be given release this early. Sure enough, Jade brought her to the point where her entire groin began to throb with apprehension, then stopped.

"You ignored a direct question," the cat explained, "And you didn't appreciate what I gave you. It was rude of you."

Elise flinched in surprise and stinging pain as a paw suddenly came down on her rump. Jade left it there for a second, then began to roughly squeeze and knead the tender flesh. It was suddenly clear what Jade planned to do to her tonight, and the thought of being at her mercy while she inflicted Elise with pain almost made the mouse wish for a repeat of the night before. At least then she had only been tortured with pleasure and didn't have to endure this pain.

"Don't like the sound of that?" Jade asked, taking her hand away from Elise's backside and putting the mouse in an even worse situation than before. Now the hand was up in the air, and Elise would not be able to see it descend; it could come down at any time and she could do nothing to avoid it.

There was a sharp sound of flesh hitting flesh, and the pain flared up again, worse than before as Jade put a little more effort into the slap. Blunt fingers dug into both of Elise's cheeks and she realised that the cat was deliberately holding back her claws, threatening her with pain of a more permanent kind if she didn't do exactly what Jade wanted.

"I'm not just doing this to be cruel," Jade said as she ran both hands over Elise's rump, gentle now in contrast to her roughness before. "I'm trying to teach you some manners." The paws returned to Elise's slit, two fingers taking turns rubbing over her clit as both thumbs worked their way inside her.

"Once you learn to be obedient, I won't need to punish you any more," Jade explained as Elise squeezed her eyes shut in shame at the pleasure she felt building up in her groin. Those thumbs inside her were massaging her vaginal walls, brushing up against sensitive places that twitched at the attention, while three fingers rubbed circles around her clit. Elise could feel herself dripping with wetness as she neared orgasm and wondered whether Jade knew how close she was... maybe she'd be able to come before the cat stopped teasing her... but as a moan tore itself from her throat and she felt herself teeter on the edge of release, the paws suddenly left her and she felt herself open to the cold air once more.

"I know you love it when I touch you like that," Jade said, amusement plain in her voice, "But we haven't got to that yet. First, I have to punish you for your ungratefulness last night."

Elise whimpered slightly as slap after slap began to rain down on her backside, each one harder than the last until she could no longer feel the difference between one blow and the next. The pain spread until her entire rump was stinging with it; she tried to arch her body away from Jade's paw but she was bound too tightly. The throbbing pleasure in her groin subsided and her eyes prickled with tears as Jade moved down towards her thighs, spreading the blows evenly over every inch of fur available.

Despite her best efforts, Elise couldn't stop herself from beginning to whimper as the pain became too much to bear. Jade paused in her punishment to dig her fingers into the flesh once more and, recognising the threat, Elise bit her lip as she forced herself to be quiet. The slaps to her backside started up again and she tried to count them in an effort to focus on anything other than the pain, but at some point she lost count. Tears flowed freely down her face, soaking the pillow as she waited for her punishment to end.

When Jade finally relented, Elise had no idea how much time had passed. The stinging pain gave way to a deep ache and feeling of heat that spread out across the entire area that had been spanked. If she hadn't been cuffed to the bed, Elise would have run to the bathroom and taken a cold shower to soothe the damaged skin, but she knew that Jade wasn't finished with her and she had to endure it.

"Now doesn't that look pretty?" Jade said, obviously not expecting an answer. "If only you could see it... the skin's all lit up beneath that soft white fur of yours." There was a pause as she admired Elise's backside and the mouse squirmed uncomfortably at the thought of being stared at

"Hey, I know!" Jade exclaimed as if the thought had only just occurred to her. "I'll take a picture and you'll be able to see it tomorrow."

Elise's stomach lurched as she guessed what Jade was planning - her heart raced as she heard a shutter click and evidence of her shame and embarrassment was digitally captured for Jade to print out however many times she wanted and put up wherever she liked in the school.

"There we go," Jade said with satisfaction. "Now that that's taken care of, we have plenty of time for your next stage of training."

Elise barely had time to wonder how this bullying had turned into 'training' before she felt something cool and slick around her tail hole and her thoughts turned to panic. She tried to wriggle away from the finger that pressed against her tail hole, breaking past the ring of muscle and sliding deep inside, feeling strange and alien and wrong, but Jade's other paw held her in place. She cringed as the finger began to move in and out, rubbing and stretching as it had done to her other entrance last night, but there was no shameful feeling of pleasure in this. Elise supposed that it should be preferable not to enjoy her torture, but she couldn't help wishing that Jade was teasing her slit again instead of this.

"Relax," Jade instructed, "You'll start to enjoy it once you get over the strangeness of having something up there."

Elise highly doubted that she'd ever get used to it, but as the finger stretched her out, rubbing and twisting until her muscles were forced to relax around it, she began to feel tingles of pleasure running through places that had never been touched before. The finger retracted for a second, but was joined by another, and for a second Elise's tail hole burned in protest, but the feeling of pleasure returned, doubled by the fact that there was another finger to brush up against her walls.

She closed her eyes in shame, knowing that Jade would be able to tell that she was getting pleasure from it. The cat would probably say she was enjoying it, but Elise knew the difference between forced pleasure and enjoyment. Her shame had settled low down in her belly and in the space behind her eyes, making her feel sick and tearful at the same time, and any pleasure she received from Jade's actions only increased the feeling of sickness until her head buzzed with tears she was unable to cry and emotions she was unable to feel.

After a long while of electric tingles that aroused her but didn't make her tight and throbbing with pleasure as the vibrators had last night, Elise felt the fingers leave her. More cool slickness was spread around her tail hole (she guessed it was lubricant but her knowledge of sexual practices other than the reproductive ones was limited.)

"Sorry about the wait, but I had to get you ready for this," Jade said - the first sound that had been made in the room since in a long while. From previous experience, Elise could guess that 'this' was probably another vibrator, and her guess was confirmed when she felt something much larger than a finger press against her tail hole.

The vibrator filled her so much more completely than the fingers had. It wasn't the long, thin shape of the previous one - it felt more like a series of round bumps linked together. Each one was bigger than the one before so that the smallest one slid deep into places that hadn't been reached by Jade's fingers, and the largest settled half inside of her, keeping the ring of muscles at the entrance stretched open.

"These are called anal beads," Jade told her as the last one slid in and Elise began to feel uncomfortably full. The beads shifted against her every time she moved, so she tried to hold still, waiting for Jade to make her next move.

"They're clever little things," Jade continued, "There are five vibration settings on this remote control I have in my paw here." Elise squeaked in surprise as the beads started to vibrate. "This is the lowest setting. If I turned it up to full, I could make you come in a matter of seconds - turn you into a writhing wreck who can't remember how to speak."

This was more than just electric tingles - Elise's muscles clenched and tightened around the beads as the pressure started to build in her groin again. If this was the lowest setting, she didn't want to experience the others, but something told her that she wouldn't get a choice in the matter.

Which was why Jade surprised her when she asked, "Would you like that? I'll give you a choice - I could leave it on this setting or turn it up to five. It's up to you."

"You-you're asking me?" Elise choked out, ignoring the insistent pleasure in her groin as she tried to figure out the catch.

"You endured your punishment pretty well," Jade replied. "You've earned the choice."

Elise paused for breath and swallowed hard, knowing that she'd regret it whatever she decided. "Keep it on this setting," she said finally, knowing that Jade would make things worse for her if she didn't choose.

Jade sighed dramatically. "You're so unadventurous," she said. "But if that's what you want... I'll leave it on this setting."

Elise's heart-rate slowed as she began to let herself believe that she'd made the right choice.

"I don't expect you'll get any sleep, though," Jade's voice said from further away. There were a few giggles from around her, reminding Elise that they were not alone in the room, but her self-conscious embarrassment paled in comparison to the realisation of what choice she'd made.

Jade was going to leave the vibrator on all night.