Simba's Legacy

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Simba is in for a surprise when Suri and Sari end up in the pride lands with a family of cubs in their care. Kiara takes up the role in showing them around and even getting into trouble with her new half siblings.

*Note: Please PM any grammatical airors << see what i did thar? XD

"But mama!" the young cub pleaded gazing up into his mothers eyes. Suri scowled down on her son.

"It is not up for discussion, Zuberi. You stay with the others until you are old enough to hunt!" She reinforced firmly. Zuberi withdrew, hanging his head as they walked on into a new and rather verdant grassland. Suri and Sari had formed quite a little entourage since they had given birth. Zuberi and Kalia were Suri's cubs, the little male sporting black strands on his head with tufts on his elbows. His body, draped in black from head to his lion like tail, giving only the slightest hints of black spots beneath. His sister showcased them more fashionably, sprouting up from soft dark brown coat. Her eyes, much like her mother's seemed to pop off her face with a warm green hue.

Sari was cuddling up with her son and daughter as well, nuzzling the two as she lead on. Her son Imari and daughter Amara were born less than a day after their half siblings. Like Zuberi, he wore black tufts, but in contrast to his half brother his body grew lighter from the chest down to his rather panther like tail. His green eyes and warm face reminiscent of his father always seemed to wear a smile. His sister was the oddest of the bunch, her coloring so very light, a tan body with a light underbelly. Her back dotted with brown spots seemed to fade away as they wrapped around to her belly. Her tail, like her brother was panther like, puffed out and flowed gracefully in the wind. She wore brown eyes, much like her father, but often hid them. She was much more shy and reserved than her siblings or mother.

"Come on, just one hunt mama, I promise I won't get hurt." Zuberi pleaded once more, leaning affectionately into his mother's side.

"Ugh." Suri sighed, folding her ears. "My cub, you cannot even bring me down, how will you bring down a buffalo, or even an antelope for that matter. The game we will see, will be bigger out here than in the jungles. I cannot be careless with you."

"He will have to learn sometime sister." Sari chimed in, tossing up her brow. "Perhaps some training would help, no?"

"Training, yeah!" Zuberi cheered.

"Hey, I want to train too!" Kalia pleaded.

"Me too!" Amara joined in.

"And me!" Imari touted, pounding his chest.

"Fine! Once we are settled in a new home, we will train." Suri submitted. Sari giggled, nuzzling her sister.

"It will be fine. We didn't have it so easy, remember? We were alone long before their age."

"I know, but still." Suri answered. Glancing ahead she caught the sight of a group approaching. The creatures were not familiar and Suri's first response was to cover her cubs. "Down! Now! Strangers approach! Sister!"

"Yes! Amara, Imari, to your brother and sister. Run if we tell you, understand!?" Sari barked.

"Yes mama." They answered one by one. The two girls took point, fur raised and tails high. Growling they stood firm against the trio approaching as they slowed down.

"Get back! We will fight to defend our young!" Suri bellowed aloud.

"And we will fight, to defend our kingdom, panthers!" The lead lioness snapped.

"Kingdom? What kingdom?" Sari barked.

"You have trespassed into the kingdom of The Pride Lands, overseen by King Simba! If you do not leave peacefully, we'll remove you, permanently." She threatened. Both of the girls shot up in amazement, they knew the name all too well.

"Simba!?" Sari exclaimed.

"No, it couldn't be. Could it?" Suri wondered.

"We did not see him with his little friends in the jungles anymore." Sari proposed.

"That is true."

"Do you know Simba?" The lioness questioned.

"If he is the one we know, yes." Suri answered. Sari took a step forward to question.

"Did he have two little friends? A pig and little thing, very loud, kind of bite sized, likes to swing at you when you dangle him?" The lionesses exchanged a few chuckles and smiles.

"That sounds like Timon and Pumbaa alright." She agreed.

"Oh wow! Please, we need to see him. It is so very important." Suri pleaded.

"Very important indeed!" Sari chimed in.

"How important?" The lead lioness asked. Suri and Sari stepped aside, revealing the little faces of their cubs. Each one staring up at her in fear, huddled together. She could see that they weren't fully bred panthers, their coloring, the fact they had budding manes. It began to dawn on her. "Oh dear."

"Simba I think would like to meet his babies." Sari proudly announced.

"Yeah." The lead lioness stammered a little. "Poor Nala, she'll be furious." She whispered.

"Hmm?" Suri leaned in.

"It's nothing." She brushed off. "Come with me, but do exactly as I say, understand?" Suri and Sari glanced to one another before nodding their approval. Following the girls, they started out toward Pride Rock, to deliver Simba the good news about his new family.

Arriving at Pride Rock, Suri and Sari planted themselves near the base and awaited further instruction from the girls. Glancing around they could see the many confused faces of the lionesses surrounding them. Soft whispers of questions about who they were, why they had come, and the strange offspring they were protecting. Nala exited the den and turned toward the end of the ramp. Her eyes grew bewildered at the sight and cautiously approached Suri and Sari. Set side by side, the girls watched as Nala sat herself across and cleared her throat.

"So, I understand you know Simba?" She began, her tone uneasy and unsure.

"Yes, we were both very close with him a good while ago." Suri stated, stroking her son's cheek. Nala gazed into the young cubs eyes, seeing within them such familiarity.

"Mated?" Nala rasped, shooting toward the ground.

"Yes?" Suri drew out hesitantly, leaning in a little. "Is something wrong?"

"Well." Nala sighed, picking herself up. "I just find it odd that my husband never told me about his "Other" family."

"Husband?" Sari questioned, shifting to her sister. "What is that?"

"I don't know." Suri shook off. "You say Simba is your husband, what does this mean?"

"It means I'm his one and only mate. Or so I thought at least." Nala emphasized.

"One and only?" Suri pondered.

"Simba never asked us to do this." Sari countered.

"No." She agreed.

"When did you meet with him?" Nala continued to question.

"Long ago, in the jungles. We met when we were cubs. He was kind and so very lonely." Sari answered solemnly.

"He said there were no other cubs around like him. We became friends." Suri carried on.

"And we played many games."

"But when I was hurt and lost."

"Simba came and rescued her." Sari moaned, nuzzling her sister. "He was so very brave and strong. He helped care for my sister."

"He protected me until I healed."

"And when we had our heat, well." Sari snickered a little. "He was little overwhelmed."

"I see." Nala hung her head. "Why did he hide this from me? Does he know about them?" Nala wondered, nodding off toward the cubs. Both Suri and Sari shook their heads in unison.

"No, he knows nothing about them." Nala picked her head back up and could see behind the girls Simba closing in. Shaking her head she waited for the arrival of her dumbfounded husband.

"Nala!?" He questioned eagerly. Suri and Sari swung around, the smiles blooming across their faces.

"Simba!!" They cheered in unison.

"My goodness! The hair!" Sari exclaimed.

"He's absolutely covered." Suri chuckled as well.

"But still, those eyes. It is him, I know it!" Sari cheered once more. Simba swapped from excitement and fear rapidly, so much so it made his heart pound through his chest. He could see the little cubs they were protecting and the resemblance right away, all the more sealed by Nala's sorrowful expression.

"Girls, it's wonderful to see you again, but please. Let me speak with my wife for a while." Simba pleaded.

"Hah." Nala scoffed, turning up toward the ramp. Shooting from Nala to Suri and Sari he tried his best to manage the situation.

"Look, you have my blessing to stay the night in the very least. I'll tell my girls to even bring you some food if needed." He insisted.

"Simba, the young would like to meet you though!" Suri protested.

"I know." Simba chastised himself a little, leaning down to the cubs. "I promise, I'll meet with all of you. I'm so glad you're mothers have taken such good care of you." He said, swapping to Suri and Sari. "Please understand. Since I've come back home, Nala and I have fallen in love. We have a family of our own now. My daughter Kiara is asleep in Pride Rock. Or at least she should be. Just give me some time with Nala to calm things down."

"You, love her?" Sari questioned, tipping her head.

"With all my heart. She and I were friends since we were little." Simba answered surely.

"Then, if she is that important to you Simba, go. We will be here." Suri affirmed, draping a paw around her sister.

"Thank you so much." Simba bowed. Swinging for the ramp he rushed up to meet with Nala while Suri and Sari lead their family slowly up Pride Rock.

"So, he does not love us then." Sari sighed.

"Sister, he has already given us so much." Suri countered.


"Our cubs, saving me, playing with us when we were little. He cares about us for certain. But perhaps Nala has a special hold on his heart." Suri explained

"A hold we should not break."

"Right. He has given us his seed, and bred us a family. Thanks to him, our feelings on males is better than mother's was. We have a happy life now." Suri continued. Sari shot a quick smile to her sister and softly laughed.

"You're right. I am happy. The memories he's given us makes me happy, and I love my little ones."

"So now, to meet his little one. This Kiara." Suri nodded.

"Mmhmm. Perhaps our cubs may grow new memories with her." Sari smiled.

Simba followed Nala up to the peak of Pride Rock. Her tail and ears were down as each step seemed to slam the ground the whole way to the top. Simba could easily understand her frustration, with all the chaos surrounding his return, he had all but forgotten about his little adventures in the oasis. Settling in at the top, he tried to reach out to hold her paw but was quickly swatted away. Simba hung his head in shame, awaiting the lecture to come.

"Simba. What have you done?" She started off, her voice trembling.

"Nala please, you have to understand." Simba tried to explain.

"What is there to understand!? You bred a family, with two other girls. They're not even lions, they're panthers!" Nala scolded firmly.

"I know what they are."

"Why would you be so careless?!" She demanded.

"Nala I didn't know, ok?" Simba pleaded, still struggling to meet her eyes.

"Didn't know, well there's a great excuse. You mean all that time out there and Timon and Pumbaa never bothered telling you about courtship?" Nala carried on, turning away from him.

"No, they didn't." Simba replied, finding a little more courage in his voice. Nala eventually met his gaze as he spoke once again. "Don't you remember? Scar led me to believe I killed my father. As much as I wanted to come back to you, I didn't think you would ever forgive me for what I had done. It took a while, but I had to accept that this was how my life was going to be."

"Simba." Nala sighed more sympathetically.

"When I first started growing, Timon and Pumbaa didn't know how to tell me what was happening to me. I had to figure it out by myself. I started dreaming of you, and it almost made it worse. It was bad enough I wasn't going to see you again, but to know I was going to be alone for the rest of my life was brutal." He explained, turning his gaze to the stars. "So when Suri and Sari showed up, it was like a gift from the heavens. I had friends again. Even though they couldn't stay, I knew I wasn't alone anymore. When I was adolescent, I rescued Suri and helped her recover from a really bad fall. While caring for them, they came into heat. I didn't understand what it was, or why. I just, followed my instincts."

"I see." Nala breathed, lowering her head. Simba rushed in and picked it up with his own.

"I never wanted to hurt you, ever. I love you so much Nala. You're the one I want to spend my life with." Simba assured her. Letting a quick laugh escape she asked.

"And the panthers?"

"I'm glad they are here to visit. I'll be polite and let them stay; get to know the cubs a little. But you and Kiara are my family. I love you Nala." Simba whispered.

"I love you too. I'm sorry I got so upset." Nala cooed.

"You had every right to be. I should have told you about this before."

"Guess we should go play host and hostess for our new guests." Nala advised her husband.

"Yeah, we'll let Kiara and the cubs play too. She could use some real friends to keep her away from the outsiders." He suggested.

"Good idea." Nala agreed. Taking the lead toward the ramp down she smiled back at her husband. "Coming?" Simba agreed and followed his wife back down, happy that they had settled this before it blew up into something more.

Simba had his lionesses bring in lots of food to help accommodate the girls and the extra cubs that had been added. Kiara met her new-found siblings and was completely delighted to have them visit. They stood a bit taller than her, Kiara's head barely reaching the top of their shoulders, but fawned over their stories of growing up in the jungles and out in the wilds. Nala got to know Suri and Sari a little better, even taking a few jabs at Simba's more unusual habits, but the night went over well and the kingdom generally accepted the two new visitors.

The following morning, Kiara awoke to having her side lightly jabbed by Imari. Kiara released a soft little moan, slowly raising one eyelid open.

"Hey, come on. Up on your feet." He insisted, pressing her side.

"What, what is it?" She rasped, giving way to a yawn.

"Hehe, come on. We saw the pig and meerket leaving. We're gonna pull a little prank." He suggested with a wink. Kiara's eyes bloomed wide, eager to join in on the fun. She loved the idea enough to neglect breakfast and catch up with Imari and the others. Zuberi had already tracked the two down, his sisters prowling and slowly catching up. Imari smiled as he looked back to find Kiara joining them in the fun. Timon and Pumbaa seemed to be on the hunt for grubs near a tree and hallowed out log. Gathering together, the five cubs watch the two bicker over the meal.

"Got it, Zuberi?" Kalia interrogated softly. He pulled up a large grass skirt with a quick snicker.

"Got it. You two?" He asked back. The girls nodded, though Amara more hesitantly.

"Should we really do this?" She pleaded lightly. "Father might get mad."

"Please." Imari dismissed, waving it off. "Father won't care."

"What's the plan?" Kiara pleaded urgently, her tail end high seemingly ready to pounce.

"Don't worry, Kiara. We have this covered. Just sit back and enjoy the show." Zuberi insisted, pressing her backside down. The girls reached for something hidden in the bush while Zuberi and Imari went on ahead. In a flash they sprang into action. Imari darting for Timon who was caught sucking in a grub, was snatched in his mouth and carried off.

"Hey!" Pumbaa tried to shout, but the distraction did its job. Zuberi snuck in from behind and let loose with the best roar he could muster. The shriek was enough to send Pumbaa onto his hind legs and Zuberi slammed the grass skirt down to Pumbaa's waist. Throwing his paws around in an attempt to keep him up, the girls charged in, half a melon in their mouths and slapped them to Pumbaa's chest. Imari swung back; a slobber covered Timon in his mouth and planted the meerkat on Pumbaa's head.

"Perfect! I think it's a great look!" Imari bellowed with laughter. Pumbaa fell on his backside, the melons slowly drooping from his chest along with the slobber on his head. Kiara was in hysterics, rolling on the ground laughing at the sight.

"Yeah sure, real funny." Timon huffed, shaking the spit from his arms. Pumbaa shook himself free of the melons and gave a solid snort.

"That wasn't very nice." Imari wiped away a tear and settled his laughter.

"Please, it was so funny. That look on your face was priceless!" Imari carried on.

"Guys, let's leave them alone. We had our fun, let's go play something else." Amara suggested, gesturing off to open savannah.

"Yeah, I wanna do some exploring. Maybe play a few games with our little sissy here." Kalia agreed, giving Kiara a quick lick.

"Oook." Imari sighed, the last of his laughter escaping. "Kiara, why don't you show us around. We want to see some of your favorite places."

"Yeah, little sissy must have somewhere cool we can go." Zuberi chimed in.

"I might know a few." Kiara coolly stated, casually taking the lead. "Come on, I'll show ya."

"Alright!" Zuberi cheered as the entourage of cubs headed out into the savannah.

Kiara took the four to every sight in The Pride Lands she could think of. The watering hole, the northern border, she even ventured close to the outlands. The sightseeing was alright, but the games of tag and abrupt wrestling matches between Imari and Zuberi were the highlights for sure. After rushing home for a quick bite of lunch, the group found themselves quite bored as the afternoon rolled on.

"Tag?" Kalia suggested.

"Played it." Zuberi refuted.

"Freeze tag?" Amara threw in.

"That's still tag." Zuberi retorted.

"Hide and seek?" Kiara offered.

"Played it."

"Play fight?"

"Played it."

"Burping contest?" Imari chuckled.

"I'd win." Zuberi snickered back.

"And we wouldn't play." Kalia brushed off.

"So gross." Kiara agreed rolling her eyes.

"Well come on!" Zuberi exclaimed, slamming his backside on the ground. "Gotta be something else we can do."

"Well I could use a drink." Imari stated, passing his brother. He aimed for a small pond up ahead that seemed bathed in the shade of a trio of sprouting acacia trees.

"What else is there to play?" Kiara pleaded following behind Imari.

"We'll think of something." He answered, arriving at the lip of the pond. Leaning down he flicked up his tail and started to drink. The movement caught Kiara's eye as she followed the tail down between his legs. She caught herself, leering at the black dangling sack between them. Almost scolding herself she shot her gaze to the ground and started to revert her attention back to thinking of a new game to play. Zuberi caught the little show; his left eye raised with a devious little smile and picked up Kiara's chin.

"See something you like?" He questioned, slowly turning her back toward Imari. Kiara's head swung back and forth between Zuberi's sack and Imari's eyes.

"No, I mean, well. Nothing I just." She rambled through in an attempt to come up with a good excuse. "I just, saw him throw up his tail and then-"

"Saw something you haven't seen much before?" Zuberi concluded.

"Huh?" Imari pondered, looking back with a trickle of water dripping from his chin. "What's up?" He asked, wiping his lips.

"I think Kiara has a few questions about you." Imari snickered. Kalia and Amara caught on to what was happening and joined in. Kalia was pleased with this little turn of events and was the first to jump in.

"Was wondering if she would notice." Kalia chuckled. Amara shook her head and came to her half sister's aid.

"You aren't going to bully her, are you?" She insisted.

"Not at all!" Kalia swore off, crossing her heart.

"Calm down sissy, it's always fun when we play these games, isn't it?" Zuberi insisted, rubbing a paw along her back.

"I guess." Amara conceded. Imari took a seat before Kiara, his legs strewn aside gave her a good view of his sheath and balls.

"Go ahead, you can look." Imari openly invited. Kiara looked to her sibling with hesitation; her ears folding back as she started to cower.

"I.. I don't know guys." She nervously stammered. Kalia was quick to rush in.

"Kiara, we won't make you do anything you don't want to. But I will say, this game is a lot of fun." She elaborated with an alluring glance to her brother. "Zuberi and I play it a lot. It's good practice for when we get older."

"Really?" Kiara breathed, finding her courage once again.

"Mmhmm." She agreed. "Go ahead, try touching and smelling Imari." Kalia offered. "Sister, why don't you show Kiara some of your tricks." Amara could feel herself blushing.

"Well. I only got good because you let me practice with you." Kiara cautiously weaved her muzzle passed Imari's forepaws and onward to his sheath. The dark grey fur that seemed to plume around his budding sack looked soft and well groomed. Kiara closed her eyes for a moment, drawing a deep breath she took in the scent, reminiscent of damp grass with just a hint of wet fur. She let her tongue flash along the base of the shaft, lifting it as it glided to the tip before falling back on his balls. There was hardly any taste, but it was enough to force Imari to let off a soft moan, giving his approval as Kiara glanced up.

"Like that?" She asked shyly.

"You can do anything you like, Kiara. Enjoy it." Imari invited once more. Kiara grew a little smile and went right back down. Taking in his scent once more, she started to bath his sack and sheath eagerly.

Suddenly she felt herself being propped up a little by her back end. Amara had laid down and before Kiara could protest she felt the hot flash of her tongue roll along her slit. Amara loved the taste; going right to work she began to bath the soft folds, before pressing her tongue into her virgin entrance. Kiara could feel it start to burn between her legs, spreading herself wider for Amara to work. It only served to entice her further; Kiara started really working over Imari's sheath. Nearly soaking it he started to let his member fill its length.

As the tip broke through the peak of his sheath, his flesh had become exposed to Kiara who seemed hardly aware of its arrival. She continued to work over his sheath and balls, the pink cock brushing her cheek while Kalia and Zuberi were shuffling around nearby. Imari could no longer take the teasing.

"Suck on it." He softly whispered, guiding her head toward it. "Please Kiara, it'll feel so good." Kiara was not about to protest. Amara had begun to spread her pussy wide while she worked, the pink flesh within starting to blush with arousal. With no hesitation she engulfed his meat and enclosed her mouth around it tightly. The salty taste was a little strong at first, even giving the hint of gagging; but cradled upon her tongue she began to suck on Imari's hard cock. Imari threw up his head, overcome by the warmth in his little sister's mouth. Thanks to their close age, he wasn't too big to overwhelm her. Kiara boldly took more of him in, bit by bit her muzzle was finding its rest on his sack. Amara had lost no vigor in working over Kiara's now leaking pussy, throwing her into a trance of pleasure, rolling the meat in her mouth and suckling with audible spurts.

"Hey Kiara, watch!" Kalia called out. With a soft moan she let the cock fall from her mouth with a trail of spit to the ground as she turned to meet Kalia. Zuberi had her mounted and began frantically seeking out her pussy.

"Hold still sis, I gotta get it in." Zuberi pleaded, trying to get himself lined up. Kalia closed her eyes and smiled as at last he sunk in. Zuberi stammered, his sack finding rest against her body as his cock fell victim to her near vice like pussy. Kiara reeled at the sight; her eyes bloomed wide as she watched him begin to slowly mate her. Kalia had clearly been excited, her slit leaking and spurting with fluids with each press from her brother's cock. Another good long flash of Amara's tongue rolled along her pussy, Kiara gasped and started to understand why Kalia was finding it so pleasurable. Looking up to Imari she tried to speak but ended up just swallowing the words.

"Kiara?" Imari spoke up much to Kiara's delight. "Want to try it?"

"Please." Kiara shuddered, her slit was all but drooling to the ground with anticipation as Amara took her muzzle away. Swinging around, she threw her tail high as Imari mounted her body. Amara began smiling, spreading her legs wide for Kiara, much to her brother's amusement.

"Think you can return the favor sissy?" Amara begged. Kiara smiled and nodded her approval as Imari's cock flashed along her rump. She could feel his weight bearing down, his cock poking away, frantically trying to find it's way. He grazed her slit and ended up soaking his cock with her juices, another pass over her lips missed with a subtle squish. Kiara repositioned herself, hoping to give him a better angle and spread her legs a little wider. She leaned down to Amara's pussy and just before her lips could make contact, Imari found his mark and started to push. Kiara gasped, the attempt to invade her body stung quite a bit.

"She is hard to enter." Imari panted.

"Don't hurt her." Amara pleaded to her brother. Imari pushed one more time and at last, he penetrated Kiara. The push shoved her muzzle into Amara's pussy, cringing she could feel a brief but sharp pain with his entry. Imari took his time delving in further, her walls were well lubricated but it was though he was trying to pry apart a stone with just his cock. Kiara could feel it so deep inside, each twitch in time with his heartbeat, Imari could only moan with pleasure as he settled his balls against her body.

Kiara stared down at the pussy before her, Amara's body so like her own she opened it up with her paw and threw her tongue inside. Amara was pleased to finally have some pleasure of her own while Imari slowly began mating Kiara.

Kalia and Zuberi brought themselves parallel to their siblings and went to work, Zuberi pumping his sister hard with each thrust. Kiara let her mouth engulf Amara's pussy, each push from Imari pressing her tongue inside. Imari had trouble keeping his breath, overcome by the new, tight sister he was trying to mate. Zuberi saw him struggling and gave his shoulder a tap.

"You ok?" He asked quickly between pants.

"She's...Ah! So.. So good brother! Oh, so tight." Imari struggled to answer.

"Wow, that good. Maybe she can teach Kalia a few tricks." Zuberi chuckled. Kalia threw an eyebrow up as she glanced back to her brother. Clenching up, she forced him to stop, his cock buried deep inside unable to move. She was flexing, her grip so tight it bordered on painful.

"Teach me what?" She chuckled. Zuberi gasped and groaned, unable to move, slave to the relentless grip inside.

"You... You know what will happen. ... If you." He moaned. Kalia knew what he meant, but hardly cared. Smiling she kept her grip for a few seconds more before coaxing him back into his stride. It was too much though, Zuberi managed a few more thrusts before feeling the warmth rush through his body, down to his legs. Leaning in he shot hard, thick jets of adolescent sperm were flooding Kalia to her vault. Should could feel each spurt, knowing her brothers climax well, and clenched up again to milk every last drop.

Kiara didn't notice the show going on beside her, lost in the ecstasy of her sister's pussy and brother's hard cock inside. Imari had found a comfortable pace, but the pushes kept inching Kiara forward. Breaking only to readjust herself, she dug her claws into the ground leaving only the one paw free to keep Amara's pussy spread open. Kiara couldn't truly understand what was happening; her mind lost to the motions, scents, warmth and euphoria of the moment everything had a natural feeling to it, even instinctive.

Another feeling was making itself known. A warm swell that seemed to fall from her chest, washing down to her legs forcing them to quiver with tension. She didn't know what to do, giving a few more licks into Amara's pussy she began to breathe loudly. Her ears fell back, a mix of fear and pleasure welling up within. It released into her vaginal walls, convulsing on Imari's cock into a massive climax. Kiara wailed and cried with pleasure, spastically tearing on Imari who was already struggling to mate with her.

The orgasm was too much, he could not hold out anymore. His pace became frantic as the strength in his legs began to wane. With one final press he released, cumming into his once virgin sister, filling her with his young and potent seed. Her tight quarters were too much for his release, spilling it over Imari's balls and onto the ground in a steady drip. Both were left panting, lost to the warmth of the moment. Amara sighed as she picked herself up, looking to both her brothers.

"You lost, didn't you Zuberi." She questioned right away. Kalia chuckled at her sister as she released her grip on his softened cock. Zuberi stammered as he nearly fell to the ground, but as Imari's was freed with a gush of white seed, both he and Kiara fell to the ground. Kiara was in a daze, her pussy leaking with Imari's seed. They took a few moments to gather their strength once again. Imari brought himself to Kiara's face once more, his cock half exposed, covered in a thin layer of seed.

"Enjoyed it?" He asked, stroking her head. Kiara smiled, nodding her head in the dirt.

"It was good." She moaned. "What happened to me?"

"Well." Imari trailed off, bringing the tip of his shaft to her mouth. Kiara chuckled a little and rolled back onto her belly. Taking the meat into her mouth again she listened to his lecture. "That, is a climax. In males it releases our seed, in girls; it just gives them good feelings."

"Something we were both deprived of, I might add." Kalia threw in, hovering her rump over Amara. The girls decided to please themselves, Kalia gorging herself on her sister's pussy while she drizzled Amara's muzzle in her brother's seed. Zuberi started to eye Kiara's pussy as it seeped with Imari's bubbling cum. With a wicked grin, he propped up Kiara and mounted her backside. Kiara was still absorbed into sucking Imari clean, embracing the salty taste of seed and vaginal fluid.

"I'm warning you brother, she's very tight." Imari advised while Zuberi frantically sought out her pussy.

"Good, I like them tight." He answered. Zuberi's cock was only just finding its strength again and had a good deal of trouble landing its mark. Eventually he had to stop trying, as Kiara's legs flopped over, her body falling to the side. Imari withdrew from her muzzle and turned around, repositioning his tail end overtop of Kiara. She whimpered a little, turning onto her back seemingly craving the dangling cock above her. Imari was not one to disappoint and lowered it down for her to nurse off of. She drew him in to the hilt, his balls pressed on her chin as she suckled away, taking in every inch he would offer.

Zuberi tried his luck once more; with Kiara's legs strewn apart he mounted her once again and began his search. His luck won out; in one good swish he flashed along her slit and sunk himself inside. Kiara let a sharp cry escape but found itself buried by the meat in her mouth. Zuberi could feel the squish of his brother's seed with each thrust, seeming to push it in deeper each time. Kiara could feel the muscles in her pussy come alive, gaining enough control to clench up, squeezing her brother each time he pressed inside. Zuberi's face contorted, stammering from the combination of her warmth and tightness.

"Good job, Kiara." Imari complimented, removing his cock from her mouth. Kiara whimpered a little, begging to have him back.

"Wait, I wanna-"

"Don't be greedy now. The girls want to have their fun too." Imari reminded her. Amara and Kalia were still working away at each other. Kiara submitted to his decision and let him wander over to the girls, turning her attention to Zuberi.

"Having fun?" He smiled down to her, still pumping away at her pussy. Kiara watched for a moment, seeing the black body slamming against her, the cock inside pressing its way to her womb with each push. Giggling she returned her gaze to his and smiled.

"My turn!" She cried out, excreting his cock and winding up a good kick. She knocked Zuberi onto his back with a huff, winding him a little in the process.

"What'dja do that for!?" He protested, flat on his back. Kiara kept herself straddled and settled her pussy on his wet shaft, stroking the length with her slit. "Oh." Zuberi answered himself softly. Kiara caught him and took his length inside once more, pressing her tail end down hard upon his balls. Clenching up, she rocked herself back and forth, left and right, seemingly gloating over her new conquest. Zuberi closed his eyes, enjoying her domination of his body. Even Kalia, the most bold of the girls had never ridden him in such a way. Kiara took up the role of humping her brother, turning her gaze off toward Imari.

He had already begun mating with Amara, keeping his sister flat on her back while the two indulged themselves on Kalia's pussy. Taking turns licking and suckling away, even flashing a few warm passes over her back door. Kalia loved the pressure coming in as Amara buried her tongue inside while Imari began rimming her ass. Her tail rising higher and higher, inviting a further intrusion from them both, he eventually broke though the back door and began lapping inside.

Kalia gripped the ground with her claws, her eyes shut tight she could not take much more. Her hind legs were trembling and struggled to hold up her sore tail end. Gasping she felt it rush through her body, her cheeks filling with a rush of blood as Amara spread her sister wide and withdrew her tongue. Kalia's climax released a rushing jet of fluid, splashing on her sister's neck and leaking into Amara's mouth. The climax hit her hard, slamming the ground with her paw and even letting a soft roar escape. Imari relieved her ass and let her sister flop over on her side. Now he could focus his attention on Amara who was already growing close herself.

Reassuring his footing, he starting pounding on his sister's pussy, wrapping his muzzle around hers. Amara moaned and groaned with pleasure, feeling her own climax begin. Imari became relentless, humping faster and faster while his sister let a few tears escape. She came hard, spurting fluid through the rampant pounding of her pussy, lost to the overwhelming pleasure of her brothers incessant mating.

Zuberi found himself struggling to hold back his own seed as Kiara continued to ride him. She had found a pace she was comfortable with, bouncing herself up to near the tip of his cock before slamming down onto his balls. Zuberi's legs were slowly kicking out, desperate to contain his seed for just a few moments longer.

Kiara could feel him starting to twitch inside; it was out of his control. Groaning, Zuberi leapt up and pressed Kiara down hard on his balls as they released. She could feel each release of seed spraying inside, a hot, tingling sensation as it raced down along her walls, seeping passed her lips and into Zuberi's fur. Zuberi fell flat on his back while Kiara felt a warm glow through her body, rocking back and forth as the once rock hard cock was growing ever more flaccid. Still, she kept him clenched good and tight, refusing to let go until every last drop had been milked from his body.

Imari was set to give his own release, panting hard above his sister he pressed himself in deep shot off. His first few jets found their way deep inside but Imari withdrew quickly, letting his twitching cock spray her belly with the last few spurts of seed. Smiling he lowered his cock down, rubbing his mess into Amara's tits with delight. She couldn't help but giggle, enjoying the little mess her brother was making. A warm calm fell over the group as they huddled together. Imari threw his head on Amara's rump with Zuberi nearby, his leg strewn over Kiara. Kalia nestled in, making the circle of satisfied siblings complete, enjoying a quick nap to wash away the afternoon sun.

With the evening's arrival, the five cleaned themselves in the nearby pool and aimed back for Pride Rock. It was a mostly quiet walk, save for a few giggles and brief chit-chats about their afternoon. Imari of course bragging about out lasting his brother in both endeavours, while the girls filled in Kiara about the details they were privy to about breeding.

They finished off the dinner Simba and Nala generously provided and took to the peak of Pride Rock together.

"You know, I kind of want to stay here." Imari began, turning to Kiara.

"It would be really cool." She agreed.

"Hmm, I don't know." Amara stated, shaking her head. "I think there is tension between our mother's and Nala."

"So, what? We can't stay because they don't like each other?" Zuberi scoffed.

"Maybe not stay, but what about visiting?" Kalia countered with a smile.

"Ahh, visiting maybe then?" Imari agreed.

"Let's go ask." Zuberi insisted, leaping to his feet.

"Agreed, we won't know if we don't ask." Kalia joined in. Zuberi lead the group inside and glanced around the den. Much to their surprise, Simba, Nala, Suri and Sari were nowhere to be found.

"Huh? Where's mom and daddy." Kiara pondered aloud, scratching her head.

"Let's check up top." Imari suggested. Taking the lead, he led them to the top of Pride Rock one after another. Sure enough at the top, the four parents seemed in locked in a deep discussion. "Momma?" He called out.

"Oh! Babies! Come come." Sari insisted, seeing her son and daughters arrival. Huddling up with their parents and stealing quick hugs they began.

"So, Simba, Nala, Suri and I have talked it out."

"And we are in agreement." Suri concluded.

"You can stay for a few more days and come visit as often as twice a season." Simba proclaimed happily.

"I think it's only fair, since by blood you are Simba's children. Are the five of you getting along alright?" Nala inquired.

"We get along great!" Imari cheered.

"Kiara knows great games." Amara complimented.

"And you guys are soo awesome!" Kiara praised as well.

"Good, I'm glad." Nala sighed with relief.

"We will hunt outside The Pride Lands, but not too far." Sari stated.

"Exactly, close enough that if we have trouble."

"Simba can come in and save us again." Sari giggled. Simba chuckled along as well, giving her head a quick nuzzle.

"Imari, Amara, Zuberi, Kalia, Kiara?" Simba began, looking to each one. "Think your dad can get a hug before you go to bed?" Eagerly the young cubs let their father scoop them up for a good long warm hug.

"Love you daddy." They each said before rejoining their mothers.

"Babies, why don't you go down and rest. We still have to talk a few things out." Sari insisted, padding her son's bottom.

"Ok momma." Imari agreed, as the group returned down the ramp. Suri and Sari sighed happily as Nala stole away their attention by clearing her throat.

"So." She proclaimed, glancing to each one. "We doing this four-way thing or what?"

"What?!" Simba went wide eyed, while Nala simply showcased her cocky little smile.

Vitani's White Knight

It had only been two days since their encounter upon the top of Pride Rock; it was all Vitani could think of. She could vividly recall the feel of Simba's hard cock pressed deep inside, pleasing the depths that no tongue bath from Nala or Kiara could...

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The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part. 3

\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\< PART 3 \>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Saeska had finished gathering up the ingredients she needed. The acacia root and Sun-lilic filling her mouth, she did her best not...

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The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part.2

\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\< PART TWO\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Teaus had prepared a large spread for his guests, zebra, antelope, coconuts and dozens of melons for flavoring were strewn about the center of...

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