Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Thirteen.

Story by Andalite on SoFurry

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Here's thirteen, though at this point I have to actually look and see which number I'm on, as the story is all I truly pay attention to. More character development and little tidbits if you pay attention, and also a little something else as well if you can connect the dots; I'll leave it to you to find what it is. As usual, please do vote and favorite if you like it, and leave me a comment with what you though. I do appreciate it. Also, make sure to start from chapter one if you're new ;)


Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRIfULpG0ok (Sevendust - Rain)

P.S: No one saw that little grammar mistake >.>

Chapter thirteen

"Falren." A voice mumbled quietly, nudging his shoulder.

He blinked his eyes open with a hum, looking up to find Velanis' amber eyes leaning over him against a black background.

"Time to swap I take it?" Falren muttered up at her in reply.

"Yes." She agreed as he pulled himself to a sitting position.

"Alright." He grunted, replacing his sword to its place on his belt.

"You were dreaming again, weren't you?" Velanis asked, quirking her head at him.

"Yeah." He said, passing a hand over his face.

"About the same thing... or person?" She questioned with interest.

"More or less." He shrugged.

"Ah, well... don't worry about it too much." Vel stated, pressing her snout into his neck before she shifted over to her own bedroll. "I'm going to sleep now."

"Aye, sleep easy." He concluded to her, as she curled up next to the fire.

"I will." She replied with a smile, shutting her eyes to him.

Falren let out a breath, climbing to his feet and stretching before padding off lightly a ways to obey nature's basic call. It was a clear night away from the fire, the moon casting a silver light and the stars shining in the inky sky. When he'd finished he crept back into their camp, stopping by his horse to get a drink from his water skin and to pat the animal lightly. He returned to his spot by the fire, lowering himself down with a sigh as he tossed a few more pieces of wood onto the flames.

He had dreamed again, although... it had been different; the memories oddly dull and colorless for some reason. He didn't know why, but he decided dreams weren't supposed to make complete sense. Either way it had been the same setting, though it was about a specific training session he'd had with his master. They'd been using staffs and it had been going well enough, all things considered. Dueling with his master had never been an easy task, and it was commonplace for him to end it with a few extra bruises. That was a lesson in itself though: If you didn't want to feel the pain, don't get hit. Simple, but very motivating.

For what it was worth his master hadn't tried to purposefully inflict pain upon him, but he wasn't soft about teaching his lessons. It had worked in the end really, he supposed, and he wouldn't have wished it differently if he could. They'd been getting a bit more involved in this bout of training however, both of them becoming determined enough to not quite remember that it was only training. As such his master had been pushing hard, not holding back like he usually would. There was a reason he did that, as Falren found out since he was on the receiving end.

He'd been getting better from their lessons, but he hadn't been good enough to stand up to his master's assault. He slipped up of course, the effort of the fight having worn him down eventually. As such, he couldn't avoid one of his master' swings before it hit, the hard wood connecting with his arm. In hindsight he was lucky his arm hadn't been broken from the force of the swing, but it had still managed to split the flesh fairly deep.

That was the first, and only, time his master had ever inflicted true harm upon him, and he could still remember the look on his face. He was never one to be emotional, at least in the open, but he could tell the scarred Sergal had regretted what he'd done. It had been painful, that he could remember, a very sharp throbbing. Master had quickly brought him back to his tent, fetching that familiar servant to help mend the wound. The Sergal had then set about dutifully washing the blood away and cleaning it, which was the oddest part of his dream.

The blood, though it had never bothered him, stood out in the dream, the red contrasting against the otherwise dull colors. The Sergal had gotten its hands stained with some of it as it washed and bandaged the wound, looking like it had splattered its fur with dye. It had been a fairly normal recollection, but he couldn't place why his mind was changing the colors like that. He got the feeling it meant something, but he couldn't place why. Funny that he couldn't understand the workings of his own mind, although it was betting than having it dredge up some less... pleasant memories.

It made him think about that Sergal though. In a way he could have almost considered it to have been a friend, given how kind and seemingly content it had been with its duty to help him.

'It' He thought to himself.

That seemed such a demeaning thing to call it by, but he'd never known its name or whether it was even a male or female. It was sometimes difficult to determine that last part with Sergals, unless you heard their voices or... other ways. He didn't understand why it kept itself so secretive, but it had seemed close to his master, so there was most likely a reason behind it. Now it made him want to know more about the Sergal; hell, he didn't think he'd ever even thanked it for all it had done.

But... that was a pointless wish now, as he doubted it would ever happen. After that little... he clenched his hand, insurrection, he had not the faintest idea of what had happened to the Sergal. If it still breathed or lived, he couldn't begin to tell. It still made him so very, very angry to think back to that, to when his master had told him to run and never look back. Not a part of him then had wanted to run with how enraged he'd been, but he'd obeyed his master, even at the end. Looking back he knew that staying would have just been the end of him as well, and his master no doubt had known it too. But, it still burned. It left so many things unanswered and unfinished, things that he'd wanted to know.

And... it hurt too, abandoning the old Sergal to a fate he thought so unfair. He would never be able to say why his master had done it, raising him, but he had been like a father. And as such it was painful to watch his presence go, someone he'd grown up with and in turn grown so used to seeing. He never considered what it would be like to not have him around, which may have been foolish of him. But... he'd never thought it would be taken from him like it was, without a just reason that he could see.

A pain in his hand reminded him that he'd still been clenching his fist together, causing him to release the pressure and blink his eyes. A dampness followed around them, making him wipe at them with a hand. Yes, still painful to think back on. He cast a look over at Velanis as she slept, slumbering peacefully. He wouldn't let it happen again, that much he could promise. With a growl he started poking at the fire with a stray stick, trying to calm his nerves. After all these years he was disobeying what his master had told him, but... the circumstance was different he thought.

He wasn't sure what to expect from Nel'Vrak now, but honestly, he wasn't trying to think that far ahead, so many variables between now and then. It didn't serve much purpose to try and predict what would happen. He tossed the half-burnt stick onto the fire, letting the flames consume it. Now was probably the worst time for him to go mulling around in his thoughts, when there was naught to do but sit and wait. But there wasn't much choice in it, and he wasn't going to wake one of the others. So, he'd just have to wait it out until his part was done.


Eventually he figured his watch was likely over, but he didn't feel like going back to sleep. His thoughts still hadn't calmed, and he didn't see much point in waking Naleen if he wouldn't be able to sleep. Unfortunately, it wasn't really up to him whether she stayed asleep or not...

"I think it is time to switch, no?" The female's familiar voice stated; breaking the quietness of night he'd gotten used to.

He glanced over at her as she sat up, rolling her neck and giving her ears a flick.

"Don't feel like sleeping." He stated matter of factly.

"Why is that?" Naleen questioned, digging through her pack for her skin of water.

"Just... thinking." He said with a tight-mouthed expression at the fire.

"Thinking?" She mused after taking a swallow of water, quirking her head at him. "About what? You seem tense, yes?"

"Growing up with my clan, mostly." He finally said grudgingly. "About my master and his... servant, I suppose."

"Oh?" She aired curiously. "And why is this bothering you?"

"That isn't the part that's bothering me." He told her. "But it got me thinking about what happened to him, my master."

"Ah, I see." Naleen mumbled, ear twitching.

"And it has me wondering why I'm having these memories about that Sergal that was with him in the first place." He continued with a frown. "I didn't even know much about it in the first place, or what even happened to it... after."

"You never figured out if, ah, 'it' was a male or female?" She asked.

"No." He stated. "It never said a word, and it always wore robes, so I couldn't even describe what it looked like."

"That seems odd, yes?" Naleen said, amusement in her eyes as she looked over the fire. "But surely you must have glimpsed it at some point?"

"I don't really remember it that clearly. At the time I just... didn't pay it that much attention." He muttered in response. "The only reason I'm thinking about it now even is because I've been having these dreams, or recollections you could say, about it."

"Dreams?" She asked, resting her head in her hands. "Like what?"

"Well..." He started, unsure why she was asking, or he even telling. "There was this one time training with my master, and we'd gotten a bit more... aggressive than usual. Basically I ended up getting a gash on one of my arms, and he took me to that Sergal to get it mended. The only odd part about it was that the dream didn't have much color, until I started bleeding, and then it... stained the sergal's hands in a way."

Naleen stared at him curiously as he finished his retelling, tail flicking behind her.

"But... they're only dreams." He concluded with a shrug.

"Perhaps they are trying to tell you something, yes?" She posed. "Surely there must be a reason for your mind to show you these things, I think."

"I stopped trying to make sense of my dreams awhile ago, when they were... less than enjoyable things." He grunted. "I suppose I just wish that I had thanked it, for all the help it had given me. But... it could very well just be dead now, or at least beyond my reach."

Naleen stared at him quietly, ears twitching. "Perhaps not dead." She replied. "Fate has an odd way of guiding one's path, as our group is proof, I think. You may get a chance to thank... it yet, yes?"

"Aye... maybe." He said, glancing up at the female as her green eyes stared.

"But why don't you try and get some sleep?" She stated finally with a grin. "I am awake now, and I'm sure your mate wouldn't mind the company, no?"

He gave an exhale, looking over to where Vel was still sleeping soundly.

"Go on, I will wake you before the sun rises." Naleen urged with a chuckle.

"Alright." He conceded, standing and stepping lightly to where she slept.

He took his scabbard from his belt, placing it down beside him as he lowered himself next to her, wrapping an arm gingerly around her front. She murmured slightly as he settled in, resting his head into the mane of hair that ran down her head and neck. He supposed it was a bit calming to have her next to him like that, breathing a sigh into her hair as he closed his eyes.

He wasn't sure why Naleen would want to hear about his dreams, but then, there were a lot of things he wasn't sure about with her. It wasn't something to dwell on though, and with morning not far away he might as well sleep while he could.

As promised Naleen woke them before dawn, in the early morning when their fire had burned itself down to glowing cinders. They went about their routine then, as simple as it was, before packing up and getting ready to set off again. Naleen didn't speak further into their conversation last night, nor did he expect her to, and he'd slept peacefully so it wasn't something that crossed his mind to discuss. She'd seemed curious for some reason though, and he couldn't understand why.

He gave a grunt as he led his party back through the trees, brushing past the dewy leaves and out into the greyly lit road. It looked to be another simple day for them, but they were making progress.

"I think we'll reach the end of Mirror Lake today, if all goes well." He stated to his companions. "Though there will still be rivers to follow."

They'd already passed a few in the past days, but those were nothing like some of the main flows that fed into the lake.

"And then from there we travel to that 'garrison'?" Velanis asked as she walked beside him.

"That would be the next marker, yes." He agreed. "That will take a bit longer than this first part to reach though, as that more or less represents the edge of the kingdom's influence at least."

"Ah." She mumbled, tailing waving behind her. "Will we be following the way we came before?"

"Not quite." He said with a shake of his head. "We'll actually be following the roads a bit farther up than that point, and then be entering Rain Wood from there. It's one of a few spots that usually go well for me."

"Alright." She replied, ear perking at the sound of morning birds.

Velanis looked as though she had more to ask, but whatever it was she kept it to herself for now. He cast a lingering glance at her, one that she returned with that tooth-filled smile. She seemed to have stopped wanting to constantly ask about his past, though he didn't doubt she still had her questions. Maybe becoming her mate had lessened her urge to figure everything out about him; it had certainly lessened her impatience with him. All for the better he supposed, as much as he may not have believed that not so long ago.


Their day proved to be another simple trudging one to her, as it brought them that much further along on their journey. As much as it may have seemed dull to her, she was still seeing new things and places to sate her adventurous side. And besides, having it dull and boring was better than some other possibilities.

They passed another town before midday, though this one was set up closer to the lake's shore rather than to surround the road. As such they only walked passed it, leaving her to glance at its average walls and the people moving about. She could tell that they were nearing the edge of the lake, as the villages and towns began to seem smaller. "Smaller" perhaps, though still large enough in their own respects. They still passed a fair amount of people on the road as well, and she could see various boats on the water when she was offered an un-obscured view.

But it seemed they'd be putting the lake behind them quite soon, if Falren were to be believed; though she hardly doubted his judgment. He may have been a bit stubborn, but he was usually right in what he said. She supposed his name did mean "defiance" though, but then, he wasn't really stubborn, just... careful. From the little she knew about him, she couldn't blame him for that.

That did make her mind wander do another subject though, that being why her mother had never taught her what, apparently, seemed to be her kinds native tongue. She could sort of understand her mother keeping knowledge of Nel'Vrak from her, to "protect her", but why their language as well?

_So many new questions._She thought to herself with a snort.

She'd first set out from her home to see and experience things for herself, rather than relying on what others chose to tell her. Although... she supposed that seeing new things previously unknown to her went hand in hand with having new questions sprout up. A bit irritating, but then again, if she never had questions she wouldn't have left in the first place. Oh well; she had Falren to help distract her now, and Naleen to call a friend. Her irritating questions had worked out well enough, she figured.

She cast a glance at Falren as they walked on, seeing that look in his eyes that he got when he was thinking. She guessed he was probably thinking about that other Sergal from his dreams, though she wasn't sure why he was having dreams about someone he didn't remember in the first place. It seemed odd to be dreaming about someone you didn't really know. But... now that she thought about it, maybe not so odd after all.

When she herself was younger she'd had dreams about her father, someone she didn't even have a waking memory of. No face or voice to put to him, just a dream of someone she didn't know, but... one that she had wanted to know. She didn't even know the reason he was never there, only that he would have "been proud" of her.

Her ears drooped down at that thought; still being saddened by it despite how familiar a thing it was to her. She had her mother at least, and she'd always been kind to her, despite how much she had made her worry. In that sense she already had more than Falren did, since he'd been raised by that Sergal "master" of his. She wondered if he ever thought of his true parents, or what happened to them. If there was nothing there to remember she supposed not, as his master had become a father in a way.

She could see that memory affected him though, more than he showed. He always appeared calm and focused, but there were times when she could see it in his eyes. When she held him, and her in kind, or when they mated, she could see that he kept a lot of emotions behind those eyes. From what she'd gleaned, he'd been alone for a long time, keeping away from people and distracting himself with whatever work he did. She knew it helped him being around her, but she also knew that it meant opening himself up to her when he was otherwise withdrawn.

She reached a hand down as she walked beside him, gently squeezing his hand. She smiled at him when he looked to her, to which he gave an awkward sort of half smile back. She'd help him feel better, as she knew he would do the same for her. It was almost strange how being mated to him changed how she felt, and she wondered if that was always the same. It was funny in a way, how she really didn't know that much about him yet she felt so attached. But he'd quite possibly saved her, and then done so much else for her, it was hard to not be inclined towards some emotion for him. She'd find out the details later.

For now though, there was the rest of the day ahead of her. She'd brightened her mood at least, so the tedium wouldn't be so bad at all.

Before she knew it, the hours had gone by until yet another day drew near its end. Her mood had persisted, and as they made camp under the indifferent trees she still felt... happy. The sounds of crickets and other residents of the night were beginning to wake around them as they sat at their fire, the night looking to be a clear and cool one. She noticed that the temperature of the days wasn't quite as close to the heat it had been, though they were still warm. It made her wonder if her clan's valley would be growing cooler now as well; if she was keeping track correctly she imagined it was.

She preferred the cooler air rather than the hot, it was less tiring and with her fur it didn't really bother her. She wondered how Falren would react to the cold, being he was Human and from what she'd seen they had to cover themselves in layers of protection. He'd been around a lot before meeting her though, so it most likely didn't bother him either. She grinned to herself slightly; even if he did get cold, she could always help keep him warm.

"Vel." Falren stated, bringing her out of her thoughts. "I'm going to wash a bit at the lake before it gets dark."

"Oh, alright." She replied, blinking up at him.

"I'll be back soon." He said as he stood. "...Unless you want to come, of course."

"Ah... not right now." She declined with a twitch of her ears. "I'll let you have some privacy."

"It doesn't bother me so much anymore, but that's fine." He said, rubbing at one of her ears as he walked by. "I'll be back."

She grinned from his touch, turning her head to watch him stride off into the trees towards the water. He soon disappeared from her view amongst the trunks, leaving her to turn her gaze back to the fire.

"It is good that he found a partner in you, youngling." Naleen stated, head resting in her hands.

"Ah, yes." She said in reply with a small grin.

"He likes you quite a lot, you know." The female told her with a smile. "Even if perhaps he doesn't show as much, yes?"

"I... know he does." She replied, fiddling with her sashes. "Naleen?"

"Yes?" She prompted.

"Humans... don't show they want you as a mate the same as us, do they?" She asked.

"No, they don't." Naleen responded, her green eyes showing that she understood the question. "But, Falren is not like other humans, yes? Being raised with us has given him some of our habits, I think. Still... what you want is not something he will do on impulse, regardless of whom he was raised with."

"Oh..." She mumbled.

"But you could always ask him, yes youngling?" Naleen added with a chuckle. "He would understand what you want."

"Ask him?" She questioned, ears twitching. "I'm not sure he would want to do that."

"You may be surprised." She said. "I think I understand him enough to say you should at least tell him what you want."

"Maybe..." She muttered in reply. "Have you had a mate before, Naleen?"

"Me?" Naleen questioned with a laugh. "Yes... I did once. But that was before, when I still had a clan."

"Ah." She mouthed. "What happened to them?"

The female looked over at her, head propped in her hands. "Themselves." She stated. "Just because they bare the same clan name, does not mean they share the same way of thinking."

"I... see." She replied, letting that statement sink in. "You don't know anything about that Sergal from, ah, Falren's dreams, do you? I... heard you talking last night."

"What makes you think I would, young one?" Naleen asked with a smile.

"Well, you just seem to know a lot about his clan." She said with a frown. "I thought maybe you knew who it may have been."

"Many in Nel'Vrak knew his clan, for varying reasons." She said with a chuckle, looking down at her hands. "But that person he speaks of seems to have been very secretive about its identity, yes?"

"I suppose." She responded, ears flicking.

"I am sorry to disappoint, I know you simply want to help him." Naleen said, giving a smile. "But do not worry, it will come to him soon I think. And... sometimes you just need time to decide on the right path, no?"

Velanis hummed, looking down at the fire. She figured it had been a stretch to ask Naleen about that, but the female seemed familiar with a lot of things so it couldn't have hurt.

"Do you know anything about his master?" She asked curiously, changing the subject.

"Ah, that depends yes?" Naleen responded with a grin.

"Well... did he have a name, besides 'master'?" She began.

"He did, yes." She nodded. "Although, mostly all besides him and a... close few simply referred to him by title. Or in Falren's case, master."

"What was this title?" She prodded, quirking her head.

"Ah." Naleen aired, giving a chuckle. "His title youngling, or perhaps his most well known one, was 'War Master'"

"War Master?" She repeated, giving a frown. "What made him known as that?"

"It is perhaps a bit strange and difficult to understand, but as Falren told you before, his clan valued strength and prowess in battle." Naleen informed her. "The most capable and accomplished amongst the clan could possibly become such, and, within that clan, they held respect and influence. Even outside of it as well, but not as fondly at times, yes?"

"Oh." She muttered, mulling that over. "So they... fought often to be called that? Other clans?"

"At times, yes." She agreed. "Though the War Master had other duties as a leader of sorts, and the many responsibilities that came from such. But, I will speak no more into that. It is a... personal matter, I think."

"Alright." She said, looking over at the female as a thought crossed her mind. "Naleen? Did... your clan ever have to fight them?"

"Not exactly..." She mused, looking up as a sad look flashed across her eyes. "That is a different story altogether."

"Sorry." She offered, ears drooping.

"Do not be child." Naleen dismissed. "What happened was not your doing. That falls on different shoulders, I think."

Velanis remained quiet after that, gazing at the dancing flames as she mulled on her thoughts. There was much she didn't understand about Nel'Vrak, and the rest of her kind there. It was... very draining on her patience to try and put all the pieces together too, what few pieces she had anyway. Naleen was relatively forthcoming when talking about Nel'Vrak, but she seemed very... vague when she was asked about her clan. Falren was reluctant to talk about the clan he came from as well, but for his own reasons. Naleen... just seemed like she wasn't saying something.

By no means did she hold her in suspicion though, just curiosity. She quite liked the female, and she rather doubted anything she chose not to tell them was because she had ill intent. Velanis snorted.

That, or everyone from Nel'Vrak learns to evade questions. She thought to herself dryly.

Which, considering the only two people she knew to be from that place both danced around questions, didn't seem unlikely. At least, that's how it struck her. They could just be being careful of course, almost like how her mother was careful in what she told her. She brought a hand up to rub between her eyes. It was still annoying.

Her ear twitched as the sound of rustling leaves reached them, making her turn her head to face the darkening trees around their camp. Falren appeared through the trunks as he entered the firelight, walking over to them.

"Welcome back, yes?" Naleen greeted as he sat down next to the fire, his hair still looking a bit damp.

"Hello." He said in reply, running a hand through said hair.

She shifted over to him with a grin, wrapping her arms and tail around him as she pressed her snout into his neck. He coughed as she held him in place, before running a hand over her tail.

"Vel." He greeted her. "I wasn't gone that long..."

She chuckled, snaking her tongue out to lick at him as she pulled him tighter.

"I know." She mumbled.

After a few more moments she let him go, though she still sat close and kept her tail around him. The day had grown dark now, with only their fire to give them any real light. She supposed that meant they would be getting to sleep soon, to get their rest for the next day. She was quite tired, and for once she simply did feel like sleeping. With a suppressed yawn she reached over, grabbing her familiar bedroll and making to spread it out.

"Sleep already?" Falren asked her as she did so.

"Yes." She muttered in reply. "I am tired."

"Well, alright-" He started, but didn't have the chance to finish.

She pulled him down onto the bedding with her, wrapping her arms and tail around him once more as she nestled his head into her chest. He gave a grunt as she immobilized him there, and she heard Naleen give a genuine laugh at the scene.

"I will take first watch, yes?" She stated through her laugh. "Although, it seems she is leaving little argument in the matter, I think."

"Ah, yeah..." Falren said from her embrace. "Wake me when it's time to switch..."

"I will." Naleen agreed with another chuckle, leaving her to hold her mate.

"You're quite... touchy tonight, Vel." Falren muttered into her hold.

"Do you want me to stop?" She asked meekly.

"No, no, it's alright." He dismissed, starting to stroke her side through her attire.

"Good." She retorted, resting her head down and closing her eyes.

She was content to sleep now, with her mate next to her. And, as she curled up, she did just that.


Falren fell asleep peacefully, perhaps a side effect of his sleeping... arrangements, he supposed. Not that he'd been given a say in the matter, although, if he'd told her to stop she probably would have. He'd let her have her way though; she wasn't doing any harm, simply being open with her affections. It was a bit awkward, yes, but so be it. He hadn't really thought at first for her to be the type to, well... _cuddle_like that; or any Sergal really. But he figured that in close company that demeanor changed, at least in this case it did.

Regardless though, his peaceful rest didn't last forever. The feeling of a weight nudging and shifting over him brought him back to consciousness; blinking his eyes open to the fire lit dark. Velanis was kneeling over him, giving him an amber stare as he brought things into focus. She seemed to have taken her mail off at some point, only wearing her typical sashes now. That made him a bit suspicious of what she was doing, but he didn't question it.

"Time to switch then?" He asked, a bit unsure of why she was awake. It couldn't have been that long, and he said he'd take the next watch anyway...

"No." She stated. "I took over for Naleen."

"Oh." He said with a frown. "Alright. Is something wrong?"

"Ah, no." She replied, lowering her upper body down to prop her forearms besides his head. "You... want to be my mate, right?"

He blinked up at her, taken aback by that question.

"I'm not sure why you would want a Human as a mate," He started as she watched him intently, "But yes, Vel."

"Good." She said, cracking a smile as she bent down to lick at his jaw. "Can I ask you something else?"

"You might as well." He replied, stroking the back of her head slowly.

"Well, if you really want me to be your mate, there's something I'd... like." She began with a sheepish look, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Could you... bite me, like I did to you when we first mated?"

"Ah..." He mumbled, Velanis looking down at him apprehensively.

He understood why she wanted that, and it wasn't that much of a surprise that she asked him. She'd actually probably wanted it before now, but that just wasn't something he'd do naturally like she did. He didn't particularly want to bite her, but that was because it was something he'd have to consciously do. Whereas for her, she did it naturally on impulse because she wanted him as a mate. Still, he knew it would mean a lot to her, and since they were mates, she probably wouldn't be content until he did.

He became aware that she was watching him with a more worried expression at his silence, like she was afraid she'd upset him with her question.

"Alright Vel." He stated finally. Since they were mates now, and he had no intention of changing that, he decided that he'd set his inhibitions aside and give her what she wanted.

She smiled widely at his agreement, bending her head down to lick even more insistently at him. He continued to stroke the back of her neck, though... he was sensing a familiarity in her ministrations and the way she was pressing up against him. It became obvious when her hands drifted down, starting to wrestle with his buckles.

"Ah, Vel..." He said, reaching down to stop her hands. "Are you sure you want to do this now?"

"What?" She questioned in a half-growl, snapping her gaze up to his. "Yes, why?"

"I'm not sure this is the best place." He pointed out, turning to look where a certain member of their party was sleeping.

Velanis turned her head to look over at Naleen. "She's asleep. We can be quiet, and besides..." She stated, returning her gaze to his. "She knows we're mates."

She gave a huff when he didn't respond, nuzzling her snout into his face. "Please Falren?"

"Yeah... alright." He conceded with an exhale, letting go of her hands.

"Unless you don't want to." She added quietly, ears drooping. "I... can wait until another time."

He brought his hands up, cupping the sides of her head and rubbing at the bases of her ears lightly. Velanis smiled down at him, and, after a little urging, he rolled her over onto the place he'd been. When it was clear he wasn't stopping her, she returned her hands to working on the buckles of his garments, amber eyes looking up at him as he rubbed the sides of her head. No, he did want to, it was just the place in question was a bit... uncomfortable. Still, Velanis didn't seem unsure in the slightest, so he'd just have to borrow some of her enthusiasm.

She finally got his pants loose after a time; the offending buckles holding them closed now undone. She gave him a tooth-filled smile as she wrapped a hand around him and tugged him free of the garment. The fur on her hands was soft, and her grip gentle as she worked on rousing him. He could tell she still wasn't entirely sure in her movements, but she made up for it by letting her instincts help her. It worked, to say the least, and she soon was waiting for him to play his part.

But... he'd keep her waiting just a little bit longer, though he had every intention of giving her what she wanted. For the moment he wanted to... do something, taking a hand from her head and beginning to trail it down her form. She gave him a confused, and slightly impatient, look as he stroked down the fur on her front. Although, he imagined she realized what he was doing when his hand came to rest on her lower belly, and started to shift its way down through the fur.

Velanis quirked her ears at him as his hand found the junction of her legs, amber eyes watching him curiously as he traced it between them. She blinked up at him, maw parting slightly as he played his hand over the sensitive area. She was being very... submissive and restrained to him as she let his hand wander. He figured it was because she didn't want to be too domineering like she'd been the first time, and let him go at his own pace with her. He didn't doubt she'd assert a bit more of her will if he took things too far however. He wasn't going to shy away from her though, he was merely... experimenting, and she seemed to like it.

After a moment she reached a hand down to grab his, but she didn't stop him, rather she started guiding his motions. She murmured quietly as she stared at him, lifting her head up to lick at his neck again. She let him continue on like that for a short time, guiding his touch to places that must have felt better. All the while she grew obviously more aroused, the lithe muscle she possessed constantly trying to wring around both their fingers. Eventually she stopped though, pulling both his and her hand away as she rested her head back down.

"That's enough." She said in a growl, nuzzling into his hand. "Time for you to mate me for real now."

"I suppose it is." He replied quietly, stroking the side of her face. Her statement left little questioning, but he didn't have a reason to question it anyway.

With that he lowered his hips to hers, working to align himself momentarily until he felt her familiar warmth meet him. She cracked a smile up at him as he pushed, gaining entry and sliding forwards slowly into her embrace. Her amber eyes flickered between hues in the firelight, holding a stare with her as he set about falling into that steady rhythm. He slid in and out of her in steady, smooth motions, feeling the constricting sensation of her tail wrapping around his leg.

He still held one hand stroking around the base of her ear, the other arm propping him up as he moved against her. She eventually moved her arms around his back, claws pressing in as she silently urged him faster. The sharpness of her claws wasn't able to find purchase this time thanks to his still mostly dressed state, and he distantly noted that wasn't a bad thing. Velanis had her jaws parted up at him, panting slightly as he thrust into her.

She... was still beautiful to him, and truthfully, her presence was a much-welcomed thing. It had been a long time since he'd felt an attachment to someone, as few as they'd been before. Although this... this was different, and a bit more than those had been. He was beginning- no, he did feel very deeply for her, and he supposed she must have felt the same in her own way. He'd never felt it quite as much for anyone else as he did her, and he wanted to keep her, for her to be his. That thought wasn't one that would change, regardless of his state of mind.

A soft growling next to his ear served to shake him from his thinking, still having maintained his movements unconsciously. Velanis had her head pressed into his shoulder, nuzzling into it as she growled softly. He picked up his pace, to her apparent satisfaction, as he wrapped an arm around her upper back, his face pressed into her own shoulder. He felt that there wasn't much more to their session, but, he also got the feeling she didn't want him to hold back. As much as he wanted to delay the part that would be coming next, he pushed on regardless, his pace reaching an apex.

Velanis murmured quietly into his ear, his hips continuously retreating and connecting with hers. They were both close now, and he had to will himself to do what was coming up. It wasn't that he didn't want to do it; he did want to show her he cared and wanted her. It was just... difficult to do to her. Nevertheless he wouldn't be waiting, as he felt her squeeze her arms tighter around him as she pressed into his neck harder. He only lasted a few more thrusts before he felt the telltale feeling, giving one final plunge into her.

He had to consciously think through the blissful feeling of coupling with her then, giving an exhale as he focused on doing it. He wasn't stalling, and deciding he might as well get it done with, he opened his own comparably weaker jaws and bit down on the meat of her shoulder. Velanis gave a surprised intake of breath, letting out a low groan as she squeezed him even harder. He put a lot of force and feeling into it, and he knew it had at least partially done something for he could taste the tang of blood in his mouth.

He rode out the feeling with her for the next few moments, jaws still locked on her shoulder as they pressed into each other. It soon ebbed away disappointingly quickly though, leaving Velanis to loosen her hold on him and settle back to the ground. He removed his mouth from her shoulder; jaw creaking as he worked the cramp out he'd gotten from biting so hard. She smiled widely up at him, reaching her head up to lick around his face; if what he'd done caused her any pain, it didn't seem to phase her.

He looked down at her shoulder as she licked him, spotting two crescent arcs of punctures against her fur. The wound bled slightly, but it was a relatively clean bite. Considering the layer of fur and the dense muscles of her form his teeth hadn't gone terribly deep, nothing like if he'd possessed her armaments and strength for example. Still, it left a fresh red mark, and would most likely always present one as it healed; how noticeable it was would depend.

"Thank you." Velanis said to him, lowering her head.

"Yeah..." He muttered in reply, rubbing the base of one of her ears again. "Do you want me to take care of that for you?"

"No, it's fine." She shook her head. "I can clean it myself later."

"Alright." He said, slipping free of her as he lifted himself. "I didn't hurt you too badly, I hope."

"You didn't." She chuckled up at him, grabbing his wrist. "Thank you, Falren. It... means a lot."

"I know." He nodded. "Why don't you get some sleep? I'm too awake now to try myself."

"Okay." Velanis replied; bending her head up to lick his face one more time before she curled up on the bedding.

"Sleep well... mate." He mumbled down to her.

She smiled happily up at him, before closing her eyes and settling in to sleep. He drifted his hand down the length of her ear as he stood, stepping lightly over to his horse and leaving her to rest. He pulled his water skin from the saddlebags, taking a swallow to in parts sate a thirst, and to wash the taste of blood from his mouth. That had been an unexpected turn for his night to take. He supposed that he and Velanis were "officially" mates now, and it was... a mix of feelings. He didn't regret anything, but it was still strange to look at her and think she was his mate.

Still, it was relieving in a way. For better or worse he had someone to care about, and he knew it made her happy. He made his way back to the fireside, sitting down near where Vel slept. It made him happy too, which was different after so many years of going through life in a detached kind of way. It had been easier that way though, to be on his own. It kept things simple, with no worry of having to go through repeats of prior events.

But now... he couldn't turn his back on Vel, she meant too much to him. He wouldn't know how or why it had happened, but it did, and he supposed it was for the better. It was... healing, in a way. It helped him set aside the memories of his life prior, at least for a time. He just hoped they wouldn't come back to bite him, so to speak. There was still the matter of that Sergal from his dreams after all, whatever that meant. He decided not to dwell on it though, as that would only ruin the pleasant feeling he had from being with Vel.

He cast a look across the fire at where their comrade was asleep with her back turned, undisturbed by their... activity. A bit precarious choice of time and places to engage in what they had, but Naleen didn't seem to have been woken. Even if she had though... he doubted she would have made much move otherwise. If he understood one thing about her so far, it was that she probably wouldn't have cared. She had an odd demeanor to her, as if things didn't affect her.

Be that as it may, he'd noticed her attitude wasn't completely un-phased. She had past memories that still seemed to give her pause, sad or somber looks in her otherwise smiling visage. She was a puzzle whose pieces she kept hidden, and he knew well enough that they wouldn't be unveiled simply by looking. There was more there, but it would take time to figure out.

She'd seemed interested in the Sergal from his dreams of the past though, which struck him a bit odd. Falren took a breath of the cool night air, glancing upwards at the stars just visible in the night sky. There were many things that seemed odd about her, but that was simply who she was. Maybe he would figure her out, and then maybe he wouldn't, that was a question for the future to answer.

At the moment he had his watch to see through, and then the next small part of their journey. They had another handful of days on the road until they came close to Rain Wood, and then that was when the journey truly began in earnest. Right now... their trek was an easy one through fairly hospitable lands.

But that was to come; so long as they were aware and focused it wouldn't be too much of a problem. He brought his gaze back down to the fire, listening to his surroundings as the flames danced away...