Mind Control University: Chapter 1

Story by Ooraka Kutanaga on SoFurry

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#1 of MCU

This chapter is a bit of an intro into the Mind Control University. These scenes are depicted by our security cameras, and only a select few are privy to these. Should you be seeing this, you are one of the Elites, and are welcome to have any young kids, or disobediant pets, apply for the university.

This is the story of one of the more noted students who have crossed through the halls of MCU. To the public, it is known as Manning Community University, but the staff and students know the truth. Behind the closed doors, and the area for visiting, it is know as Mind Control University, where children are trained to be perfect pets.

Cornel belongs to Cornel.

"What do you mean, I've been accepted?" Joey asked his mother as she told him he got accepted to the new school. Everyone knew it was an honor to be accepted, though most of it's students would be hired right after completing only a few years. Joey is a twelve year old wolf, black fur with moon yellow eyes, and while his body was not as muscular as it should be, he didn't feel the need to go out and work on it. You see, there was something he kept away from everyone outside of his family. He was born with female parts below. A cunt boy, if you will. He felt, throughout his elementary and junior high years, that he was not going to get anywhere in life, and that his mother felt ashamed of him.

"Exactly what it says. Apparently, there was a talent scout or something, and they saw you. The pamphlet only says that they take in troubled students from other schools, and not only teach them the necessary skills to succeed, but also find them jobs." His mother was happy, as she currently had to work 2 jobs to support both him AND herself. It was hard for her to help with his attention, but the school had contacted them, and she was thrilled.

"But, what will happen? I mean, no one knows what the teachers are like, what the curriculum is like, and if I'll make any friends." Joey's tail and ears drooped some as he thought about leaving his friends. "Well, if they want me, I'll have to buck up and do it for you, momma."

His mother smiled at him, and told him they'd go to the arranged meeting on the back, to see what is set up, and what exactly will happen.

*Meanwhile, at MCU*

"You sent out the pamphlet inviting them to come, right?" The voice was soft, yet the undertones and accent were more of german descent. Cornel, the principal, sat in hir office as shi looked over the coming year's curriculum with a smile. The dracotaur's tail tip flicked idly as shi hoped the new arrivals would be willing to stay.

"Yes, Mistress." The voice came from below hir desk where the messenger was licking along hir underbelly, having been ordered to make sure shi was clean, and to take of any 'protruding' issues that developed.

As Joey and his mother drove up to the school, they were stopped at the gates by an intercom system. As they informed they were sent for, a few questions were asked before the gates opened. Neither knew what the day was to entail, but it would change their lives forever.

Once inside, they were directed to the principal's office and waited outside with the secretary. After about 15 minutes of waiting, the secretary told them to go in to see Principal Cornel. Inside, the door closed and locked, though it was a silent lock, to help keep the prospective students and their parents from leaving unexpectedly.

"Ah, Miss Pierce, thank you for coming. I know it must have come to a shock to you and your son to have been invited here, but we appreciate you coming in anyways." Extending hir hand, she smiled to them both and motioned for them to sit on one of the couches. Standing shortly after, shi walked around and curled up on the other one, a slight groaning heard. "I am Principal Cornel, and I welcome you both to MCU."

Both Joey and his mother were a bit shocked, not only to see shi was a dragon, but a taur as well. This was probably why the school was kept isolated so much, as not many trusted the dragons. Something about history being burned or something, Joey couldn't remember.

"As I'm sure you read in the pamphlet, we offer many teachings here, and the teachers themselves work in small classrooms to make sure each child is given 'special' one on one training." A smirk came to hir lips as shi spoke, and hir tail twitched some as shi caught Joey's scent. "Also, something we don't mention in the brochure, as it is something we believe is best described in private, is the fact we prefer our students live here at the school for the year."

"Excuse me? Am I hearing you right in that you want my son to live here? I can't afford any extra tuition fees, or any monthly rent-" Joey's mother looked like she'd been hit with a bus with how her fur ruffled. Cornel simply raised hir hand, the sleeve falling some to show the arm was actually mechanical.

"No, you misunderstand, Miss Pierce. This program isn't one you pay for. It is one we pay you. We know it is hard to afford the cost of living, so what we do, is we give you a minor monthly fee to help offset the fact your child is somewhere else, but you can still visit weekly to get an update. Also, at the end of their time in the school, if they get a job, we send you a lump sum based on their wages. Most employers are out of the country, so they ask we find them specific candidates, and they usually pay very well."

Joey blinked some, his tail swaying quickly. "You mean, not only would my schooling be paid for, I would get to live here and make friends, and then even possibly get a job?" Looking to his mom, he takes her hand and smiles. "Please mom? You know how much trouble I have at home, with everyone picking on me."

Chuckling, she nods and looks to Cornel. "Well, alright. I don't see why not. We can give you a chance this year. BUT, if there are any issues, we will NOT be repeating a second year." At this, Cornel stood and went to hir desk to retrieve the paperwork. It was a bit thick, but shi smiles.

"All we require is you to sign a few places." Motioning where to sign, shi glossed over some details, such as the term 'surrendering the child' meant, at least as shi said, that if there was any medical issues, that it was a waiver so the school could take the child in and it would be legal. Smiling as the paperwork was completed, Cornel bows some and extends hir hand to Joey. "Now, Joey, if you'll come with me, I'll show you to your room." Looking up to Miss Pierce, shi chuckles. "Unfortunately, this IS a private school, so I would have to ask you to go on home. I will set up a video conference once things are settled."

After Joey went to give his mom a hug and kiss, he looks to her. "Don't worry, momma, things will be ok from here on out." Heading off to Cornel's side, his tail swished slowly, a sign of his happiness. His mom watched him go, a tear in her eyes as it had been awhile since her son's tail had moved like that. Standing and leaving the office, Miss Pierce was met by the secretary, who bows and hands her an envelope.

"Here is the first installment. It is a check, and the bank should have no problem. If anything goes wrong, please let us know." The secretary escorts Miss Pierce out and smiles as she nearly faints at the amount.

"This is a LOT of money. It is more than I make in a month. H-how long is this supposed t-to last?" Miss Pierce saw the amount was enough she could work part time at only the one job, and enjoy herself.

"Well, only about a month or two. Once things are settled here and classes begin the second stage, we start sending you a smaller amount once a month." The Secretary's tail wiggled, and she giggles as the woman leaves the school, following her on the camera's. Speaking into the intercom directly into Cornel's earpiece, she smiles. "The mother's gone, and all is well."

Meanwhile, the tour of the school had been underway, with Cornel showing Joey the basic classrooms, where he would learn his courses like math, science, etc. There were a few doors that were closed, but speaking could be heard, along with, what sounded like to Joey, moaning he'd heard his mother make once in awhile late at night. Gently tugging on Cornel's sleeve, he looks to the doors and points.

"What courses are taught in there, Miss Cornel?" Cornel stopped at the question, and looked to the room. Thinking some to hirself, shi chuckles.

"Those are some of the special classes we have here at the school. You will find out about those tomorrow. Today, we want to get you used to the locations. ANY misbehavings will be punished. And one final thing of mention before we continue, Joey, is that you are to address your teachers as Master or Mistress, as given in respect to their gender."

"Yes, Princi-Mistress Cornel." Joey seemed a quick learner, but Cornel knew there was something else different in this boy, and shi hoped shi was right.

"Now, Joey, when was your last bath?" Not hearing an answer, shi smiles. "Well, we will need you to be clean before you get to your room, so I'll show you where the showers are. Also, you are not to hide yourself once inside, as not only is it co-ed, the Shower Master will give spankings for any child, or adult, who tries to hide themselves."

Once at the door to the showers, shi opens the door and calls out for the Shower Master to come get the new student. From around the corner toward the lockers, a lion steps out, mane somewhat matted down due to the humidity in the room. He wore nothing upon his body, the tip of his lionhood showing from his sheath as he noticed Cornel, then the grin on his face grew some more as he noticed the young male. After the basic introductions were given, simply for formalities, Cornel bid hir farewell for now, and said to be called when the showering was done.

"Grrreetings, Joey." His voice was soft, and the r's rolled off his tongue in a purr. "I did not expect a new student so late in the year. There is quite a bit of time to make up for. Follow me, and put your clothes in a locker. It does not matter which one, as we do not use street clothes here at MCU, only our uniform." Soft chuckles followed the lion as he waited for Joey to strip.

At first, Joey simply stood there, rubbing the back of his neck and didn't strip down. The Shower Master growls softly and walks over to give Joey a quick swat on the ass.

"When I said strip, it was not at your leisure!" Joey sniffled some at the pain, as the swat had been stronger than his mother used, but he slowly began to strip. At first, all was fine as he kept his back to the male, being a bit intimidated by him, but he paused at the underwear. After getting a second swat, in the same place, he cried out and actively whined as he pulled his undies off. The front was obviously padded to look like he had a sheath and sac, but as he bent down, the Shower Master let out a soft purr as he realised the little boy was actually a cunt-boi. Making a note for later, he smiles and approaches Joey.

"Alright. Now, into the locker, and follow me. Also, there will be some things in there you may not be used to. You WILL be expected to do what you are told by ANYONE of seniority to you, as in teachers and teacher's aides." Heading into the main area after him, Joey was surprised to see it was more like a pool. However, the first sight that greeted him as he looked towards the 'showers', was a equine girl bent over with her hands on the wall, and a larger male wolf was thrusting his hips against her, soft cries and groans heard. The Shower Master saw this and chuckles. "This is her first year as well. The wolf over there is Lionel, one of my Aides. Note the collar around his neck matches my skin color? That is how you know who is which teacher's Aide. Also, you will be expected to do what she, or he, is doing, when ordered. Normally, I'd go for you first, but Cornel wants the first run."

Joey stopped in his tracks and looked towards the lion. Cornel, the nice principal woman, wanted to be his first? His mind was causing him to play over what the reasoning would be, but he came up blank as he never got the sex-ed classes yet.

As he was day dreaming, the lion gave a swat, gently this time, and growls, turning Joey towards the showers. During the showering, Joey was felt up, soft gasps coming from him as he was stimulated with soft caresses. At the end, before the final wash, the Lion sat on a bench and told Joey to come kneel before him. Joey moved away, getting bad feelings about this, and was stopped as he accidentally bumped into the wolf, causing him to shove his knot into the girl below him. The Shower Master stood up and grabbed Joey roughly by the arm, and bent him over his knee, giving him a few spanks to the butt. Joey was crying by the end of it, as he didn't know what he'd done wrong.

"They weren't supposed to knot. He was ordered to cum over her back and front, getting her used to being covered in a male's seed, as she had an aversion to it. Now, for your other punishment..." As he spoke, Joey noticed the lion's cock was hard, and a bed of what he thought was water, was on the tip. "You are going to learn how to suck a cock before Cornel gets hir turn. It is all I'm allowed to take from you, this time."

Joey wasn't sure what he meant by that, but he pushes against the paw on the back of his head. He wasn't going to do this, as it isn't how adults show interact with kids. The tip was forced into his mouth and against his tongue some, the kid shaking some.

"If I feel any teeth biting down on me, there WILL be consequences." Forcing the young wolf to bob his head, he growls softly. "Better learn now. Only Cornel will take it easy on you, and only for a while." While his head was being bobbed, Joey took gentle licks, the barbs tingling against his tongue, almost like a massage would make one feel weird. The pre was dripping into his mouth, and he was forced to swallow, getting a pleasured shudder from the lion.

As he went, Joey's mind was trying to process what it was he had been signed up for. Was he to simply be used for another's pleasure, or was there something more. As his head was bobbing, he paid attention to the lion's voice, sometimes growling, and sometimes purring, depending on what he was doing. The taste was not anything he liked, and when the tip pushed against the back of his throat, he gagged some, like he was going to throw up. Thankfully, the lion, true to his species, didn't last much longer, and held Joey's head to stop him from pulling away as the first few blasts of lion-seed were shot into his mouth. The taste was salty and slimy, almost like curdled milk.

"Now, swallow it all, or I'll make sure your next shower will not end with such little pain." Soft moans came from the lion as he watched the boi swallow, though some dribbled from his cheeks. Once finished, he motioned for Joey to quickly wipe himself off and head back to the lockers.

As he approached his locker, he received a quick swat on the hand from the lion, who handed him a uniform. Putting it on, he noticed it left his backside and crotch exposed, his tail curling to hide his 'secret' from anyone whom he might meet. Being ushered outside, Joey was surprised to see the secretary waiting for him, and smiled. She seemed nice to him, and lead him to the cafeteria for lunch.

The food wasn't spectacular, as he expected there was a budget, and all the food had a bit of an odd aftertaste, though he couldn't figure out why. Shrugging it off after his meal, he was lead to a room and motioned inside. Cornel had been waiting there, as shi had been told they were just eating and then were going to head to Joey's room.

"Come in, Joey. Miss Socrates, you are dismissed for the day, go into the 'ball room' and enjoy yourself." At the mention of the 'ball room', the secretary's ears perked and her tail swayed.

"Thank you, Mistress Cornel." She turned and headed off, the vixen's tail lifting some to give a teasing view on her way.

Bidding Joy in and to close, and lock, the door, Cornel smiles as shi saw he was adjusting some to the 'uniform'. Licking hir lips, shi instructs him of where everything was, the small fridge for snacks and juice, bathroom for cleaning EVERY morning, a little television set, though no channels were available quite yet, and the bedroom, which had a king-size bed, big enough for a few people, easily.

"Now, Joey, come here. Kneel before me on the bed, as there are a few things to discuss." Once seated, shi grins and almost purrs. "Firstly, anything that happens here, aside from normal classes, such as math and science, is to NOT be discussed outside of that classroom. Second, any time you are told to do something, you will do it, or you will be forced, and also punished." Hir voice, while soft, had a slight growl to it, where shi knew there would be some fear in Joey. "And finally, yes, sex does happen here, and you will not be hiding anything. Now turn around and get on all fours, I need to inspect you."

Joey's eyes went wide as he heard the three rules, but for some reason, he couldn't think of why they didn't make sense. He knew it was wrong for such things to be happening, but he had never been taught why. After a growl, he turned slowly and bent forward, lifting his tail and placing his hands on the bed. Behind, he could hear Cornel chuckle some before he felt hir hands on his butt. Surprisingly, the metallic hand wasn't cold as he thought it would be, although he figured since it was part of hir, it should be warm to the touch.

His thoughts were interrupted as he felt hir hands sliding lower along his legs, instinct bidding him spread, but he didn't want to be spanked for moving, so he stayed still. As hir hands moved, he could feel his naughty bits tingling some, although he didn't know why. He never touched himself there, so the feelings of pleasure were both welcome and confusing to him.

Slowly, hir hands traveled along his thighs and back up, before a finger ran along his slit, getting a squeak-like moan from him. Shi giggled as shi continued rubbing, feeling him getting wet the more shi toyed with him. If shi wasn't 100% certain he was a virgin before, shi was now. Joey felt wetness down between his legs, as he had felt hir exploring, and began to sniffle, thinking he had peed on hir. He had woken up with wet sheets before, sometimes stained with yellow, and sometimes a whitish fluid. He didn't know the other fluid was lubrication telling him his body needed something, but Cornel knew the fluid all too well.

Smirking to hirself, Cornel pushed a finger slowly into Joey's sex, feeling he was quite tight, and it would be a slow ordeal to introduce hir own raging erection, which was slowly sliding out during hir teasing of the cub. She felt his hymen, and was glad nothing had broken it yet.

"Well, Joey, there is some good news, and some bad news. The good news is you are just right for the next step in your lessons today, which normally takes most students a few days. The bad news is, unfortunately, I am going to hurt you, but only for a little while. Then, it will start to feel good." As shi spoke, shi moved over him, growling when he tried to move anything but his legs apart some. "Now, this will be an odd feeling, but so you know, this isn't the first time I've done this, but it will be yours."

Giving a soft growl, hir shaft was soon pushing against his slit. Unlike most dragons, there was no knot, or ridges, though it was semi-pointed at the tip for easier penetration, and had no other special looks. Pushing the tip into Joey, both let out a soft moan, as it was an interesting feeling to Joey, and Cornel had been holding back most of the day. Slowly, shi continued pushing in until shi reached the hymen, hir tip gently pushing against it. Reach down to rub his back with hir regular arm, shi smiles and bends so he could see hir face.

"This IS going to hurt at first. Are you alright with it?" At first he was going to shake his head, but he nodded. He felt weird, being stretched like this, but if it was to feel good, he would accept a bit of pain to do so. After all, he was taught suffering built character.

Cornel pulled back so the tip was just inside him, then gave a strong thrust, popping his 'cherry' and hilting hirself, hir cock twitching as pre began to leak into him. Joey gave a yelp out and began to cry some, the pain had been more than he expected, but thanks to Cornel just sitting there, he was able to relax and calm down. Shi asked if shi could move, and he nods, beginning to feel better.

Cornel was also thankful for the time to wind down, as shi knew hir peak had been close, but now, as shi pulled out to the tip and slowly slid back in, there were two sets of voices moaning out as shi began thrusting into the child. Normally shi would wait a couple days, but shi had a great feeling with this one. He would be welcome to come along with hir, and, once his training was done, shi'd get a good profit from him. Now, shi just had to last, and with the way the pup's vaginal cavity was clenching and rippling about hir, shi wasn't sure how long shi'd last. A few more thrusts and shi paused as shi felt Joey's body going into climax, and while shi was glad he was enjoying himself, shi was here for hir pleasure only.

Growling as she felt his orgasm die down, shi reached down to rub his stomach, feeling hir shaft slide in and out as shi began building hir pace. It wasn't often shi got such a nice, tight hole to fuck, and shi was going to enjoy hirself until shi was spent. Growling and panting above the child, hir hand slid down a bit further to tease along his clit, although it was slightly bigger than normal due to the fact of him being at least semi-masculine. Pre continued leaking from hir tip, lubricating as shi built speed.

"Going to cum inside you, and give you your first dose of cum, after all, you may end up being bred by one of your Masters." Shi felt the pup's walls clench some, hitting some deep-down instinct he had, his tail wagging and tapping hir stomach. Though, as his mind processed hir words, his eyes shot open and he tried to wiggle free.

"This is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this. W-w-we should stop-p-p-p..." His voice was cut off with a moan as he felt his body climaxing again. This time, however, Cornel's thrusts built in speed until, with a mighty roar, he felt hir shaft within him pulse, and he felt something filling his newly deflowered sex, and also something a bit deeper, as most of hir seed was fired into his womb, his orgasm sucking it in, even though he was too young to produce eggs at this time.

Panting softly, Cornel almost purred softly as shi stayed standing somewhat over Joey. Reaching down to rub his side, shi felt his body shift and pull away, and it was then shi realized what had happened. Pulling out slowly, shi could feel the twitches his body went through as shi finally pulled free with a pop. Rubbing his hips and helping him roll onto his back, shi inspected him to make sure he was alright.

"I'm so sorry, Joey. Normally I have better control over myself. It has been so long since there has been a new student, I guess I got carried away." Shi knew it was to hurt, but as shi wasn't sure how much control the drugs in his food had over him, shi had to at least try to make it seem like shi didn't mean for it to go as far as it had.Noticing he was falling asleep, shi chuckles and gently smacks his ass. "Hey! No sleeping like this. You need to clean yourself, me, and the bed before you sleep."

"I-I'm sorry, Miss.... er, Mistress Cornel." Joey got up and went into the bathroom to grab a towel, wiping his slit, though he felt some of hir seed leaking from him every few steps. When he came back, shi was sitting on the back legs, hir shaft hard and throbbing, as shi beckoned him closer.

"I'm sorry Joey, but we don't use towels for this kind of clean up. You need to get used to the taste, as you will learn why in the coming days." Motioning to hir shaft, shi growls softly as Joey seems to stand where he was, dumbfounded. Hir voice had lost some of it's softness as shi nearly yelled at him. "Get over here and suck my cock clean, NOW!" Hir tail swayed impatiently behind hir, almost coming close to knocking things over, but seeming to always JUST miss them.

Joey shook some as he didn't expect hir to yell at him on his first day, but he moved quick enough, knowing fully well how a tail betrays emotion, something all children are taught when they are young. Moving up, he sits on the bed, reminded he needs to change the sheets before bed as he sat in the wet spot, and began to lower his head. He tried remembering the time in the locker room, and suckled on the tip, then proceeded to lick along hir length. The taste was not pleasant, and while he knew he should not want to continue, the fear of disobeying was something he didn't want to come true, especially from someone who seemed easily able to turn his nightmares into a reality.

Once completed, he looked up to Cornel, expecting hir to stop. Shi just motioned back down to hir cock and gave a soft growl, and he took hir tip into his mouth and began to suckle again, this time with intent to get hir to fill his stomach, though he hoped shi wouldn't. Bobbing his head slowly, he felt hir hand on his ear, rubbing it gently. At first, he winced, fearing he was going to be hurt or forced to move quicker, but shi just let him go at his own pace. Slowly taking more into his mouth, he gagged some as shi neared the back of his throat, and he pulled off to cough.

Cornel chuckles and extends hir hand, clenching it in a fist. "If you hold your left hand like mine, and squeeze your thumb in the fist, there will be no gag reflex. The training will get it so you don't need to worry about it, but for now..." With that, shi points back to hir cock, and Joey nods.

This time, as he squeezes his thumb in the fist, as he was shown, he finds there is no gag reflex, so he bobs a bit more, but coughs as he takes hir too deep. Pulling back, he sighs and shakes his head. "I can't do it any further. I'm sorry, Mistress Cornel."

"It's ok, Joey. You've been through a good chunk on your first day, so we will continue your lessons tomorrow." Standing, shi calls back. "And don't forget to change your bedding, it's in the closet just outside your bathroom, as is the laundry chute." Exiting the door, shi chuckles to hirself. "The boy is pretty good breeding stock. Maybe we should set his mother into the breeding program." Hir shaft gave a slight throb at that thought, but shi would save it for another day.

A few weeks later, as Joey continued to show improvement and skills befitting more than a traditional sex slave, Cornel began to set something up for the wolf. He was quite intelligent, and able to handle more complex tasks, such as cleaning only the red desks in a room with similar coloured desks and tables. Of course, he also knew, by instinct, to clean up any sexual fluids with his tongue, unless there was blood or some other substance he didn't know in it. Better safe than sorry, after all.

Little did he know that Cornel was watching him, along with the buyer whom shi set up with the proper intent to see how he was progressing. Shi knew hir friend's tastes were every bit like hir own, and the two could not keep themselves still while watching him move about.

Just as Joey finished the room, he was paged to Cornel's office. He knew better than to show up dirty, so he took a quick detour to the showers for a quick clean up and a fresh uniform. He still had to adjust here, but after the first few days, he seemed not to notice anything was amiss, and that every school worked like this, with it's own secrets. Once he got to the principal's office, he opened the door and sat down. Miss Socrates was just sitting there, squirming some before she noticed Joey was there.

"Just go inside, shi's waiting for you, hon." The Vixen gave a slight moan and a soft buzzing could be heard, leading Joey to wonder what was going on on the other side of the door.

Turning to close the door, Joey stood up straight and turned to face Cornel, only to be shocked to see someone else there.

"Grrreetings, Joey." Cornel spoke in a soft purr, hir arms wide as shi released what appeared to him to be another female, clothed in an extravagant dress that had zippers along her form. There was a slight bulge down about waist level, but what shocked Joey more than anything, including the size of her, er, hir, was the fact shi looked like a velociraptor . "Joey, meet Esme. Shi is a close friend of mine who had been looking for a new pet for hir own enjoyment." Motioning to Esme, Cornel smiles. "Show him why he is special to you, darling."

Nodding, Esme shed hir clothes, minding hir tail and hir claws, though it was obvious they were kept well maintained as he could not hear what he would have expected to be the clicks of her talons on the floor as shi moved. Reaching a hand out to him, shi was surprised he nuzzled against hir and then stepped back.

"He is well trained, Esme. The top of his class in learning, and VERY obedient. Watch." Looking to Joey, Cornel growls softly. "Joey, strip down and bend over my desk." As soon as shi finished, Joey was moving, but it wasn't autonomous, as he had folded his clothes and walked calmly over to the desk and bent over.

"Did I do something wrong, Mistress Cornel?" Joey now turned his head to look at the two, and now noticed the 'small' bulge he had seen in Esme's dress was quite large. Larger than anything he'd taken as of yet. Whining softly, he couldn't help his tail's movement, but he covered himself. A cough from Cornel fixed that, however.

"No, you are doing fine. Esme just asked to get you during your heat. It has not started yet, but as your soon-to-be new Mistress, she requested getting you used to hir size. Now, shi WILL be fucking both your ass and your cunt, so if shi wishes, you better make sure shi is nice and lubricated." At that, Cornel went and locked the door while Esme began to approach. Reaching down, shi drew hir claws down his back very gently, his muscles rippling under hir fingers as shi stood before him. Tapping his nose, shi smiles down to him as shi positioned the tip of hir shaft before him, JUST within licking distance.

His tongue snaked out to flick the tip, getting the taste registered to him as his new owner, and the one who he should obey over all. More licks were given before he opened his mouth to take the pointed tip of hir shaft. Soft moans were given from above, as Joey could see Esme's hands teasing hir own nipples as shi began thrusting hir large shaft in and out of Joey's mouth, the tip slowly sliding into his throat. Through his training, he lost his gag reflex easily, much to the approval of his trainers. Reaching forward, Joey found out there was nothing behind Esme's sac, no slit or anything. Shi was a perfect counter to him: Female up top, male below.

Joey began moaning softly, getting into the pleasure Esme felt, and was glad shi was enjoying hirself. Cupping hir sac gently in his paw and massaging, he knew the best ways to build a load, so shi could either force it down his stomach, cause him to be covered, or wherever shi wished to go.

One hand gripped Joey's hair, pulling slightly as Esme's thrusting began to pick up the pace, hir panting and groaning rising in pitch as shi got closer and closer to filling his stomach. More and more of hir large cock kept pushing in and out as shi pushed deeper into his throat. Hir shaft was easily large enough to pierce his cervix, and here shi was pushing it all down his gullet.

Hilting hirself down his throat, Esme could see him struggling to breathe, and while shi did enjoy nearly making hir pets pass out, shi wanted to let Joey off easy. Besides, shi had a better place to spill hir seed. Pulling from his mouth with an audible 'pop', shi pets his head and moves behind him, claws once again running along his back, adding a new feeling to him as he knew what was coming next. By the time shi got down there, Cornel could see that Joey's slit was leaking, something his mind had been registered to set up as soon as he tasted one's sexual juices.

Esme murred softly and shifted some behind him, leaning over him and pressing hir breasts into his back as shi lined hirself up.

"Now, be good and don't squirm. I'm going in hot and heavy, then I'll relax a bit once I hit as deep as I can in one go." True to hir word, shi threw hir weight into the first thrust, filling his tight young boy-cunt to the limits before feeling hir kissing his cervix with the tip of hir cock. He could feel the pre spurting against it, adding a very faint numbing sensation.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Joey felt Esme pull out to the tip, squelching heard as it seemed that Joey's body did not want to let hir go. Once only the head remained inside, Esme thrust back in, tip pushing against his cervix, while a good portion of hir cock was left outside, dripping in hir pre and his sexual juices.

Joey almost howled out in pain as Esme thrust in, but he held back, only whimpering as he felt hir begin to really thrust into him, fucking him hard and rough. As much as he tried to deny it, his body was responding to the rough pounding just like he had been trained, the whimpers turning to soft moans as he formed well to Esme's invading shaft.

Again and again, Esme's tip almost bounced against Joey's cervix, but each thrust was slowly stretching it, the tip catching now and then before shi'd pull back. Reaching down to grab his hips, hir cock gave a few throbbs as shi began to push harder, hir peak almost upon hir. Lowering hir head to lick and nibble his neck, Joey could feel the urgency in hir thrusts, and tries to relax for hir, hoping it would not hurt, as he'd never had anything pushing so deep. With a particularly strong thrust from Esme, followed by an almost scary vocalization, hir cock shot through his cervix, Joey's body in an inner turmoil and extreme pleasure at the same time as he felt his womb filling with Esme's seed.

Howling out in response to Esme filling his womb with hir spunk, his walls rippled about hir, forcing hir to endure a longer ejaculate than normal, causing his belly to swell, lifting him somewhat off the table, all hir seed stuck in his womb by the plug of hir thick cock filling him.

When shi pulled out hir softening dick, a mini flood of semen and femcum followed, more left inside where it belonged. Panting heavily, Esme picked up Joey and let him relax in hir lap before looking to Cornel.

"You were right. He IS perfect breeding stock. Shall we send the usual letter, or are you wanting his mother for yourself?" Esme was fully intending to take Joey to hir home that day, and the paperwork had already been filed. At the mention of his mother, he perked his ears and smiled.

"Does that mean momma would become a pet like me? Maybe someday we can be together, pleasuring our owners at the same time. Maybe, if I'm good, I'll be able to help her do her training?" His eyes were wild with thought, and Esme lowered hir head to kiss his forehead.

"Maybe, little one. First, you need more training to keep your mouth shut unless you want it filled...." Shi pauses and chuckles. "Speaking of which, you forgot to clean me up after. your training will need to be picked up at my place so that you will learn quicker." At that, Joey apologizes and slips out of hir lap, proceeding to lick where he had dripped upon hir and hir shaft, getting all the juices he could. This, however, had the problem of turning on the raptoress again, hir shaft hardening and throbbing at it's full 22in length. Joey's eyes went wide as he saw how big shi was.

"Wow! That fit inside me?" He was slowly stroking hir, as he had not been told to stop, his tongue teasing the tip as he licked off each bead of pre that showed up. When Esme took his hands away, shi grinned. "Maybe when I am ready to breed you, your mommy will be well versed in what is to be expected in the "work" you will be doing for me. Especially that she will have many grand babies to think about... when she's not getting filled with your siblings."

Entrance Chapter 14 "The Trial"

Upon arriving back from their shopping, the girls had sent for both my and Meila. Blushing some as we were still cuddled up together, with her leaking my seed, we said we'd be right down. Once we were washed and presentable, aside from the scents,...

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Entrance Chapter 13 "Let the Games Begin!"

This is a continuation of the story Entrance, commissioned by [kchishol1970](https://kchishol1970.sofurry.com/). The rest of the story was written by [Nuku Valente](https://nuku-valente.sofurry.com/). The next morning, I woke up, though Hazel wasn't...

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Sleeping with the Predator

Sleeping with the Predator By: Ooraka Kutanaga Well, to give you all an idea as to what this part of my story is, you need some background on me. Yes, I am a demonic tigress, but not the type you think. I am not built like a succubus, making the...

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