Sleeping with the Predator

Story by Ooraka Kutanaga on SoFurry

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Commission that was stopped. IF someone would like it to continue, please let me know.

Sleeping with the Predator

By: Ooraka Kutanaga

Well, to give you all an idea as to what this part of my story is, you need some background on me. Yes, I am a demonic tigress, but not the type you think. I am not built like a succubus, making the males fawn over me, I am more built like a warrior. I enjoy the sounds of children screaming when they see me, running in terror. It just makes my blood boil in a good way, causing my predatory instincts to kick in.

Anyways, as I said before, this story is after I was condemned to the body of a damn plush tigress. They thought I'd never be able to get free.... Oh how stupid the shamans were. As they cast the containment spell, I cursed them all, that on the 13th year of the 13th daughter of the 13th generation from the chieftain's family tree would be the undoing of them all, and my way back into the realm of the living.

Anyways, I digress. On with the story of my resurrection. We start in on the little girl, Amelia, and the night of her 13th birthday. Throughout the years, I've watched her grow from a chubby little morsel into a thing of beauty that I would gobble in an instant. However, throughout her years, I have been putting in the subtle hint of desire, turning her slowly from the social butterfly she was into the moody teen who sat in her room all the time. Also, I kept the boys from her, as I wanted her innocence for myself.

As midnight came and went, I felt the magic coming back to me. All my years of waiting, building, and earning experience on these so called humans, it was finally time to exact my revenge. Casting a quick containment spell as she slept, I followed up with a bubble spell, so that no one would know what was going on until it was too late. Maybe I'll leave her head till last and kill her parents right in front of her, making her fall further into despair.

Now, fun as it is to just let things go on their own and let the magic just infuse into me, I just LOVE to see the look of terror in the eyes of children when they know what death and pain are. So, smacking her in the face, and using my magic to add force, as a plushie doesn't have much power physically, I wake her up. Looking around, she tries to find out who or what just hit her. I take the opportunity to stand and walk up and down the bed, speaking like one would to a meal, or prisoner.

"Well, good to see you are now awake. I know you've many questions, and they will be answered in time. Let me start off by the obvious ones. Yes, I am real. Yes, I can understand you. No, this is not a dream. No, you won't live to see the sun rise. No, no one will know what happened to you until I let them. And maybe you will die a virgin." As I spoke, I could see her eyes shift from curiosity to confusion, and finally, my favourite, to fear. Oh, how I love to see the tears well up in their eyes as they begin to put it together.

However, now is the time for me to get started. Pulling the blankets down to uncover her, I grin as she was just as I had molded her in her mind: Sleeping nude and even a bit of muscle. Not enough to be chewy, but more like a nice, medium rare steak, firm enough for texture, but soft enough to feel the blood running down my throat.

Now, this is where it gets interesting, as how often does one see a plush... well, anything, with the force to move objects? I love having magic. Now, as I approached her feet, she wanted to move away, but one glare from me, as cute as it was, made her stop. Taking the big toe of her left foot in my soft mouth, I grin up and her and bite down, teeth (and a bit of magic) cutting through the tendons, blood vessels, flesh and bone, and feeding me as I swallow slowly.

She SCREAMS out in pain, my ears flicking and perking as a shudder passes through me at the sound. Oh, how long has it been since I heard such music? Too long, as I savor the sounds. Licking up the blood that flows, I slowly help the flow to stop, as I don't want her dying just yet, as there is more to eat and torture.

Once she quiets, I move up to sit on her chest, blood staining around my mouth, before I look into her eyes.

"Now, little Amelia, it is time to let you know this is your family's fault this is happening. They banished me into this body, and instead of hiding me away, they gave it to every girl born of the family, until you came along. Don't you wonder why you didn't get much for your birthdays? Why your family all but disowned you when they found out you still kept me in arms reach?"

Letting this sink in, I walk back down, thankful that my words were having an effect on her heart, as well as my containment spell stopping her from doing anything besides screaming. Now, that foot had an even number of toes, and that meant an odd number in total. So, reaching her foot, I gave a gentle rub before breaking the next toe in line, snapping the bones and causing internal bleeding.

Ooh, how nice it looks. Sort of like a small tomato, except this one is filled with the prepubescent blood of a virgin. And this was calling to me like cake to a fat kid. Taking the swollen toe into my mouth, I nip a small incision, letting the blood flow down my throat, and it is at this point I feel myself shifting some, becoming more like my old self. Ah, so that is where my full rebirth is. I must finish the child, mind and body, to regain my power? Ah, life is just full of surprises.

There is nothing quite like innocent blood. The taste alone is euphoric, and just makes me feel all warm inside. Now, after draining the toe of blood, I snap it off with my teeth, as they were now solid and sharp. Smiling up to her, I just sat there, toying with her remaining toes on the foot.

"Now now, little one, things aren't all that bad. After all, you are serving someone who will remember this for years to come, and will actually be thankful for it." Finish up my words, I snap the middle toe at the first knuckle, letting her screams and sobs fill the air. Damn, this was getting me going. What can I say? Pain and suffering is like porn to me. Granted, nothing substitutes a nice male now and then, but torture is a very close second.

Snapping and breaking each toes' knuckles, I tease and toy with them, each movement causing more screams to utter from her mouth, including a few swears. Some creative, some not so much. However, I do not let any words of 'stop' or 'don't do this, please' or any such things come out, only profanities, dragging her deeper into the 'pleasures' and off her moral high horse.

Now, after a few minutes of this, I use my claws to tear the skin along her toes, popping the bones like candy into my mouth and crunching down, making sure she can hear each crunch. Growling softly, I then slice the toes off and slurp them like spaghetti, the blood the sauce. Oh, how delicious this is. I almost forgot how good a virgin tasted. Much as I would love to have my fun, I know she must stay as a virgin to regain my full power. Her family, however, is another matter.

Nibbling on her foot, I continued conversing with her, though more of me lamenting about my life before being a plushie. Each bit, her flesh tore easily, sound like the ripping of fabric. Every bite brought more screaming, so much that I thought her throat might be getting sore and dry. After all, no liquid to go down, and all the vibrations of screaming would add to a highly irritated throat.

Soon, her foot was gone, and I sat back to let it digest. My body grew some, making me look now like a toddler, though scary and not so plush-like anymore. Growling softly, I look to her and smile, letting some skin hang from my mouth in a predatory grin. The fear in her eyes is wonderful, and fills me with pride, knowing I still can strike terror no matter the form.

Switching to her other foot, I repeat the process, conversing about how I would destroy the wall of an orphanage, only to chase down those who run, and coming back for the stragglers. The more they suffer, the better, and when I tell them of how I eviscerated their parents, their cries are sweet, sweet melodies to my ears.

Each bite fills me with more power, causing my body to shift more, slowly losing the plushie looks, bright reds darkening and becoming blood-like, teeth sharpening to make the puncturing of her muscles and nerves easier. the flowing blood is rubbed along my fur so it can absorb her power and make my skin tougher. Who needs to look soft and cuddly when terror is much more evident and fun.

Taking a different approach with her legs, I drag my claws down from the knee, tearing strips off like one would those silly cheese snacks, though these snacks come with their own sauce, but thanks to my magics, I am keeping her alive so she can feel each strip pulled and torn, until only muscle and bone remain.

Next, I slice the tendons holding the muscles onto the bones, and slowly, bite by bite, eat the nice, tender morsels. A couple years of running, followed by seclusion, has made them big and strong, yet soft and chewy. The hamstrings are my favorite, as they can be stringy if overworked, but this girl followed the rules and did as I showed her in her mind.

Now, stopping at the knees, letting the bones hang by the kneecaps, I move my attention to her fingers. Picking up one hand, I go to bite the middle finger, and pull it away at the last second, as I knew she would have, and made her think my magic was weakening. However, I simply bit the tip off at the first knuckle, suckling on the blood that shot out like that of a jelly filled doughnut.

Each finger followed suit, though each bite was savored along with the screams and wails. Ah, it never gets boring to hear the same sounds of pain over and over again. Reaching up, I cut her tongue during one such scream, letting her taste her own blood, and also to let some of my magic flow into her, adding a bite of internal fire to the blood. I do enjoy a semi-cooked meal now and then.

Her body begins to shake with pain, sobs broken up by the swallowing of blood, which helps keep the throat somewhat moist, though not in the way she wanted. Finishing her fingers, I leave the thumb intact, though I do break it and play with it some. Now and then, I catch a glimpse of her passing out, only to set and break the thumb again, warning her not to pass out, as each time she does, I break something bigger.