Chapter 16: Gratitude

Story by LucarioZer0 on SoFurry

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#21 of Love and Aura

Tamash? woke with a toothy yawn, blinking away the bleariness of her eyes. From what she could see through the little bedroom window, it was almost to dawn. She gently slid out of bed, shaking her head with an amused smile as Valor failed to wake. How do you sleep so soundly? She silently asked her sleeping mate.

With a little sigh of contentment, she quietly left the room then, after relieving herself in the near by bathroom, went down stairs, intending to go watch the sunrise outside. When she arrived downstairs, she was surprised to find that several lights were on. Walking into the smallish kitchen she was greeted by the sight of Quinn sitting at a small, square table. The old doctor had a small bowl of food in front of him. His breakfast, apparently.

Quinn blinked in surprise at her appearance. "Oh? Are you two up already?"

Tamash? shook her head. "No, just me. Actually...I thought I was the only one who was up. Sorry if I disturbed you."

Quinn chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I'm always up this early. Actually, I wouldn't mind having someone to talk to for once. My mornings are rather lonely, so feel free to sit for a while."

"Uh...okay." Not wanting to disappoint him, she took the seat opposite him, positioning herself so she wasn't sitting on her tail.

A moment passed in silence, then Quinn asked, "So, did the two of you make up last night? I certainly didn't hear any noises that would indicate you didn't...but I didn't hear any that would tell me you did either."

Tamash? canted her head to one side with a confused smile. "We uh...did 'make up', yes. But...what noises do you think would have come of us doing so?"

Quinn shrugged. "I don't know. Are you the type who makes a lot of noise in the bedroom?"

Tamash?'s smile vanished and she blushed profusely beneath her fur. "E-excuse me? What are you implying? That Valor and I are-"

Quinn held up a hand, stopping her. "Don't bother. I don't want to repeat that line of inquiry. Valor and I have already discussed your relationship. And no, he didn't just tell me about it, I recognised what was between you the moment I saw you two."

Tamash?'s shoulders slumped. "Seriously? You figured it out that easily? How?"

Quinn raised a grey eyebrow. "What, he didn't tell you?" He asked, gesturing up at the ceiling toward the general area of the room where Valor still slept.

"Tell me what? After we talked about my...outburst, he and I more or less went straight to sleep."

Quinn nodded. "I see. Well then, allow me to explain. First, you should know that I am the 'old Guardian' that man was after."


"Yes. Please don't interrupt me again. Well, I haven't been a Guardian in almost three decades, because I was forced to leave the order. I was forced to leave, because the Guardians discovered the relationship between myself and my Lucario, Marina. I recognised what existed between you and Valor, because I was once in a very similar relationship."

Tamash? simply stared in disbelief, not knowing how to respond. The knowledge that Quinn had once been a Guardian was...odd. But knowing that he had once been in a relationship like the one she had with Valor was...unbelievable. Then, she found herself overcome by a wave of sadness as she realised that if they had been discovered, then 'Marina' as Quinn had called her, was no longer among the living. Not knowing what else to say, she simply replied with, "I'm sorry."

Quinn shook his head, a sad look in his eyes. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault. Besides...if I know Marina, she wouldn't want anyone to mourn over her. Not that I didn't do plenty of that anyway...but still."

"Still...I'm sorry."

"Hmm...well thank you for that. So, are you always up before he is?"

Tamash? nodded. "Almost always anyway. I think he must be a heavy sleeper, 'cause he never wakes up when I slip out of bed."

Quinn chuckled. "I did always marvel at how delicately a one hundred and nineteen pound Steel-Type could move. But then...Marina was an average size Lucario. If I had to guess...I would say you, being considerably taller than average, weigh hundred and fifty, right?"

Tamash? seized up. If she had been human she might have taken offense to that, but then she had always though human women placed entirely too much sensitivity on such topics. "Uh...yeah, just about. How the hell did you figure that out?"

Quinn smiled. "An educated guess. I figured if a 3'11" Lucario weighs about one twenty, assuming a healthy weight, than an approximately...five foot tall Lucario-about 5'6" if we include your ears-would weigh about one fifty. Part of it comes from medical experience, the rest is just conjecture."

Tamash? sat there, dumbfounded. "Wow...that is...impressive."

"And just a little bit freaky."

They both looked over to the kitchen's doorway to see Valor standing there, looking more than a little tired. He entered the kitchen, gave Tamash? a quick kiss on top of her head, and sat heavily in one of the remaining two chairs at the table. Tamash? looked at her mat with concern. "Are you alright? You look exhausted."

Valor's first reply was a rather sizeable yawn. Then he said, "Well...I'm tired as hell, but otherwise I guess I'm okay. My ankle doesn't hurt as much, so I guess that's a good sign. I just-"

He was interrupted by the urge to yawn again, then continued. "I just wish I knew why I'm so damn exhausted."

Quinn scoffed. "Honestly, who was the Guardian who taught you? You're so tired because of how much energy you had to channel through your body yesterday. It wears out your body and leaves you 'tired as hell' when you put your body through that much. Combine that with being tossed around by that bruiser, and you should be feeling exhausted."

Valor blinked slowly a few times, then simply said, "Oh. Okay then."

Tamash? sighed. "Valor, what did he just tell you?"

"Uh...something about...getting tossed around...and uh..." He trailed off, not remembering the rest of it in his tired state of mind.

Quinn stood up, pushing back his chair. "Let me get you some food, and some coffee to help you wake up."

Valor shook his head lethargically. "I...uh...I don't"

"As a doctor I can tell you that, while normally that's a good thing, in this case you should make an exception." Quinn replied.


With a smirk Tamash? said, "Well...he doesn't really need coffee. I could just get his heart racing a little. Shouldn't be too difficult."

Quinn burst out laughing, and struggled not to lose his grip on the coffee pot as he filled it with water from the tap. Valor on the other hand, simply stared blankly at her. "What?"

Tamash? gave him a slightly disappointed look. " really are tired. You don't even know when I'm coming on to you."

Valor smiled weakly. " that what you were doing? Sorry sweetheart."

Quinn walked back over to the table and set a bowl in front of Valor. "Coffee will be ready in a few minutes. Until then you should eat. Help you regain your strength."

Valor looked at him in confusion. "But...I don't drink coffee."

Clearing her throat, Tamash? said, "Maybe it would be better if he just got some more sleep. It's still pretty early."

Quinn shrugged. "It's up to you."

"Then it's decided. Valor, when you're done eating, we're going back up to bed." Tamash? stated this in a way that said there was no argument to be had on the subject.

Having enough presence of mind at that exact moment to know that she was both right, and would stubbornly stand firm on the subject, Valor simply nodded in response. After several minutes he finished eating, and the two of them returned upstairs, where they snuggled back in to bed together, Valor falling asleep almost immediately. Tamash? found that sleep did not come so easily though.

She was worried. Worried about what the future may hold for them. She let out an almost inaudible sigh. It had been bad enough that they were wanted criminals. It had been bad enough that the Guardians were also trying hunt them down. But now...the idea that there was yet one more group that wanted to find them, one that they knew little to nothing only served to make her more concerned for their safety. Is she thought about the events of the previous day, and all the implications of what they had experienced, it proved to simply be too much for her, and he eyes became watery, silent tears running down her face and on to the sheets.

A few minutes of silence passed, and a small wet spot had formed on the bed. Tamash? was desperately trying to keep herself quiet, as she didn't want to disturb or worry Valor. She feared for a moment that she had woken him when he shifted slightly, but breathed a sigh of relief when he remained deeply ensconced in the realm of dreams. Her relief suddenly changed to amused surprise when his new position caused something to poke into her thigh.

She then found herself struggling not to burst out laughing. "I guess you must not be nearly as worried as I am." She thought to herself.

Reaching up a paw to wipe the tears from her cheeks she smiled slightly. It was then that she chose to stop worrying about the future, at least for the moment, and try to enjoy the time she could spend with her mate. With her mind at ease, she too soon drifted off to sleep.


It wasn't until almost noon that they woke for the second time. Though he was still certainly not back to his usual self, Valor did feel noticeably less exhausted then he had just several hours before. "Guess I just needed more sleep," He commented with a smile and a stretch as he sat up in bed.

With a gentle smile of her own, Tamash? quietly said, "I'm glad you're feeling better."

Valor looked at her with a troubled expression. "Tamash?...have you...have you been crying?"

Tamash? tensed up and gulped nervously. "W-why would you think that?"

" have what look like tear tracks in your fur."

"I uh...uh..." Tamash? struggled to find an explanation, but her mind had gone blank. With a defeated sigh she telepathically whispered, "I...was just thinking about everything that's gone on...and I kinda lost control of myself. I didn't want to worry you. Sorry."

He shook his head with a smile. "Don't apologise. Things have been rough on both of us for a while now." His expression then changed, becoming more serious, and he spoke more quietly than before. "Besides, trying not to worry me is a moot point. I already am worried. Especially about you."

As opposed to answering, she simply cuddled up to him, nuzzling him in an effort to comfort them both. He wrapped his arms around her in response, holding her close. A minute passed before he spoke again. "You know what I think? I think we should both stop worrying so much. No good can come of it."

She nodded in agreement. "You're right." She gently pulled out of his embrace and slid out of the bed. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go deal with these tear tracks you claim I have in my fur. After all, I wouldn't want people to think I was as overly sensitive as some human female."

Valor snorted with laughter as she walked out, flicking her tail back and forth as though to accentuate the fact that she wasn't human. He stretched out again with a yawn, glad that he wasn't quite so tired out anymore.

By the time Tamash? returned-with a now tear mark free face-Valor was already out of bed and fully dressed. With a playful smile he said, "Well, I would say there's no risk of anyone thinking you're 'as overly sensitive as some human female'."

With a satisfied smile of her own she simply said, "Good."

"So, what do you want to do today? I mean...I don't really know what we can do around here..."

She raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you say you needed to take it easy because of your ankle?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but I'm not suggesting we go for a three mile run or anything like that. Just, finding a way to spend the rest of our day."

"Oh...well...uh...I have no ideas."

"Okay then...I guess we'll just have to figure something out." Gesturing toward the door he asked, "Shall we?"

"Oh alright, I suppose." She replied with a playful wink before turning and walking back out of the room.

He shook his head with a laugh, following her out of the room and down the stairs. Just as they reached the front door, Quinn's voice emanated from somewhere within the depths of the house. "And where is it you two are going?"

They both stopped in surprise. They exchanged a quick glance, and Tamash? jerked her head, indicating for Valor to answer. "Uh...we're just going out. We...well..."

"Just be careful. If you come back in here with a limp I'll confine you to that room until you're my age."

"Uh...alright then...I guess we'll be back later."

They both waited for a moment, and when no response came, the two of them stepped through the door and out in to the sun bathed village. Though there were no clouds blocking the bright light of the sun above, a cool ocean breeze was keeping the heat from becoming unbearable.

All around the village people were going about their usual business, whatever that happened to entail. As Valor and Tamash? walked along the simple dirt paths through they couldn't help but notice that occasionally a random villager would give them an odd glance, as though trying to figure them out. This happened a number of times, prompting Tamash? to ask, "Is it just me...or are people giving us weird looks?"

Valor shook his head slightly. "'s not just you. Of often do they run into anyone like us?"

"I suppose you're right...but even so...I feel like everyone is looking at me."

Leaning in closer to her he quietly spoke so that no one else could hear. "As beautiful as you are, why should you be worried about people looking at you?"

She giggled in response. "You're sweet, but I'm still not comfortable with people staring at me."

"Fair enough. I would just ignore them if-"

"Hey, there you two are!"

They both turned around at the sound of the voice to see Zyle walking toward them, a grin on his face. "Well, here I was worried about you and you're both up and walking around just fine by the looks of things."

Valor raised an eyebrow. "You? Worried? Why is it I doubt that?"

Zyle shrugged. "Believe what you will, but I was genuinely worried. After all, I tried to see you earlier, but that old man told me not to disturb you, so I thought there might be something seriously wrong with one of you."

Though still not entirely convinced of Zyle's sincerity, Valor simply said, "Well thanks for the concern, but we're both fine. I was just really exhausted this morning, so we went back to bed for a while."

"Oh, so I was worried for nothing."

Tamash? nodded in confirmation of that, a smile on her lips. "So it would seem."

"So, what have you been up to since yesterday?" Valor asked.

Zyle shrugged again. "Not much really. Got a room at that little inn I told you about. Spent most of today either waiting for you, or answering questions about you."

Both Valor and Tamash? looked at him in confusion. "Questions...about us?" Tamash? inquired.

Zyle nodded. "Yeah. Apparently people noticed how you two act toward each other. Something about the way you two interacted after Valor knocked that guy back on his ass. I've had people asking me all day if you two are some kind of couple."

Confusion turned to shocked disbelief. "Y-you...told them no...r-right?" Valor managed to stammer out.

"No...I told them the truth. And frankly I got really tired of explaining it. Good thing this is a small village. Information travels quickly."

Taking a deep breath in an effort to keep from loosing his temper, Valor asked, "And why the HELL did you think that you had any right or reason to tell people that?"

"Well...I mean, you two don't seem to be very good at hiding it in the first place. That, and, people don't seem to be judging you for it. Some of them are...admittedly confused by it, or so it would seem. But no one seems to be condemning you. In fact, as I understand it, they are having a bit of a...celebration tomorrow night as a way of thanking us all for protecting them."

"'s..." Valor trailed off, not really knowing how to respond.

Tamash? giggled, finding his response-or lack there of as it were-to be rather amusing. "Actually, its kind of relieving when you think about it. Though I agree that Zyle shouldn't have just told people about us, at the same time, it doesn't seem to have had any negative effects."

Valor let out a defeated sigh. "I suppose you're right. Kinda reminds me of Twinleaf actually."

"Hmm...that's just what I was thinking." She punctuated that thought by slipping her paw into his hand, and leaning against him, nuzzling his shoulder. "Which means that we can actually act like ourselves around here."

Valor smiled. "Sounds like it."

Zyle raised an eyebrow. " I forgiven then?"

Valor shrugged. "Yeah...I guess. If she's happy and we're not in any danger, then no harm done. Just...don't do anything like this again, okay?"

Zyle nodded to indicate his agreement.

Valor breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright then. So, what's this about a celebration?"

"Oh, that. Well apparently-"

Zyle was cut off by a woman's voice saying, "Forgive me for intruding, but I think I can answer that question for you."

All three of them turned to face the source of the voice. Valor and Tamash? both immediately recognised her as the woman who had nearly been strangled the day before. Highlighting that fact was a ring of light bruises around her neck. Zyle was of the opinion that, even with the bruises, she was still quite attractive.

With Zyle doing little more than staring at this point, it was left to Valor and Tamash? to do the talking. With a smile Valor said, "Don't worry about it. I'm sure we'd all be glad to have you explain it."

Tamash? crossed her arms and looked away from him. "Jeez Valor, why don't you be nicer to her?"

Valor rolled his eyes but the woman simply laughed. "You don't have to be worried. I have no intention of taking him away from you."

Tamash? tensed up and slowly turned to look at her. "Taking him away from me? What on earth makes you think you would eve have a chance of-"

Valor held up a hand, stopping her. "Tamash? stop. She didn't mean anything by it, and I'm just being friendly. You're acting ridiculous."


Valor let out a sigh. "Sorry about that. My mate tends to find reasons to be jealous when there are none. I'm Valor, by the way."

She nodded. "I understand. If you value something, sometimes you're protective of it, even when you don't have to be. Especially when it's someone you love. didn't really need to introduce yourself...everyone around here already knows your names. But if you happen to care, my name is Gabriela."

Valor nodded. "Nice to meet you."

Tamash? reluctantly repeated the sentiment after a moment, and mumbled an apology for her behaviour. Gabriela simply replied, "You don't need to apologise. Like I said, I understand."

Looking a bit guilty now Tamash? quietly said, "I...alright then."

"Though I have to seem a little too insecure for someone so beautiful."

Valor watched with great amusement as Tamash? suddenly found herself torn between suspicion and vanity. "I're right."

Valor struggled to fight back laughter as vanity won out. "Well, I'm glad that's resolved. So, Gabriela, you were going to explain this...uh...celebration to us?"

She nodded. "Simply put...we really don't have many ways to show our gratitude for what you did for us-for what you risked for us. So, it's our little way of saying thank you. Also...I personally wanted to thank you. If you hadn't shown up when you did..." She trailed off, absentmindedly reaching up a hand to gently touch the bruises around her neck.

Valor shook his head. "You don't need to thank us. We just...did what was right."

Tamash? nodded in agreement, now acting far less hostile toward the other female. Gabriela smiled. "Well...even so, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it."

Clearing his throat and speaking for the first time in several minutes Zyle, with his best charming smile, said, "Well, if you really want to show some appreciation, you could-"

Gabriela quickly shot him a fierce look and said, "Back off. Now."

Zyle stopped cold. "Uh...what?"

She crossed her arms, an icy look in her eyes. "I haven't always lived in this village. I know your type. You're the kind who uses his charm to get women to spend enough time with you that you can get them into bed, and once you're done with them you move on to the next one in line, right?"

Both Valor and Tamash? found it oddly amusing to see someone so easily see through him. Zyle on the other hand was not so amused. " way off!"

"Am I? Cause I'm pretty sure I've got you figured out."

"You haven't figured out a damn thing you bitch!"

Tamash? let out a growl, as she had never been fond of the word 'bitch' being used in an insulting manner, but it was lost on the others as the argument continued.

"Okay then, if I'm so wrong, then when was the last time you had a serious relationship?"

Gabriela smiled triumphantly when Zyle failed to answer, but merely became more angry. Turning to Valor and Tamash? she said, "I have to be going now. Thank you again for everything, and I hope to see you two tomorrow night." Turning back to Zyle she added, "And I hope you get a venereal disease."

She then turned and walked away, leaving two amused smiles and an enraged scowl in her wake. Shaking with anger, Zyle turned and stalked off in the opposite direction from Gabriela, prompting Valor to ask, "Where are you going?"

"To find someplace in this town that sells alcohol!"

Once he was gone, an awkward silence set in. Tamash? broke that silence after a few moments by asking, "Should we go after him?"

Valor shook his head. "No...I don't think that would do any good. I think we should just focus on finding a way to spend the rest of our day."

"Does that mean you've come up with some idea of how to do that?"

" I don't really...well, actually, it wouldn't exactly be a fun way to spend our time...but I do have one idea."

Tamash? canted her head. "And that idea would be?"

"Last night I asked Quinn if he knew why that man had been after him. He said he had an idea of why...but he didn't explain at the time."

Tamash? nodded. "So you want to go talk to him about it, right?"

"Exactly. Like I said...not exactly fun, but should be interesting. What do you think?" Valor asked.

"I think we should get going. Come on then!" She set off back the way they had come through the village Valor following a few steps behind her.


In the back of his home, Quinn had a small study of sorts. It was where he kept the records of all the things, both injury and illness, that he had treated for the villagers over the years. Among those he also kept a few medical encyclopaedias, as he had learned over the years that, while experience taught you a lot, it didn't teach you everything. But these records and reference books were not the most valuable things in that room, at least not to him.

What instead he valued most, where the remnants of his beloved Marina. Nothing more than a pair of photo albums and a simple blue and white scarf that she had always worn, but to him these things were worth more than anything. It was one of the albums he had in front of him now, open on the smallish desk that occupied the center of the equally small room.

The events of the previous day, as well as that morning had filled him with a sense of nostalgia, so he had spent much of his day already looking through the memories held within the pages of photos. He smiled, and even laughed slightly as he turned a page and came to a picture of the two of them, Marina giving him the dirtiest look he could ever remember receiving from her. He could remember the day that had been taken quite well.

It had been taken almost forty years before, in Blackthorn City in Johto. It had been the town he and Marina were assigned to watch over by the Guardian Council. The two of them had run into a photographer who was passing through the town, and had-for no reason other than whimsy-decided to have their picture taken. In the picture they were seated on the shores of the little lake that took up a good section of the Northern half of the town.

The reason for the expression upon Marina's face was quite simple. Like all Lucarios, she had been quite proud, and didn't take kindly to any thing that made her seem less important or powerful than she was. It was for this reason that she had easily become irritated when Quinn had-albeit jokingly-told her to stop fidgeting by saying something along the lines of 'sit still you little fur ball'. Naturally she was unhappy, and the picture showed it.

It had only taken a day of silent treatment for him to apologise, but after a while it almost became a joke between them, and eventually even a term of endearment. He smiled at the memories that he almost didn't even need the picture to see clearly. " know...I really do miss you a little fur ball."

He was drawn away from his memories by the sound of the front door to the house opening. With a sigh he shut the book and gently slid it into the drawer where he kept the other book and Marina's scarf, sliding the drawer closed just as gently. Picking up his cane from where it was leaning against the desk, Quinn pushed himself to his feet and made his way out to the front part of the house to see what had interrupted his reminiscing.

He was mildly surprised and just a little irritated when he was greeted by the sight of Valor and Tamash?. "What is it the two of you are doing back here? Please tell me one of you didn't do something stupid and wind up getting hurt."

Tamash? shook her head with a slight smile. "No nothing like that. You don't have to worry about that."

"Well I suppose that's good." Quinn turned and made his way into the kitchen, indicating for them to follow. Sitting down at the kitchen table he asked, "So why are you back then?"

Valor and Tamash? exchanged a quick glance, then both sat and Valor answered the question. "You said yesterday thought you had some idea as to why that man was looking for you. We were wondering what that might be."

Quinn let out a sigh. "Mm...that. Well, first off, you should know this is only a theory, and I'm not sure it is in fact the reason."

They both nodded to indicate their understanding. Satisfied with that, Quinn continued. "Now...this goes back to when I was still actually a Guardian. After a while, I left my station in the Johto Region and was given the job of looking after and ensuring the continuation of the records of the Guardians. Not a glamorous job, but important none the less. This position also comes with the rare honour of acquiring one of the six spots on the Council. I held that job right up until the end when Marina and I were discovered. Now, one of the perks of that job is that you have more or less unlimited access to the records. I found over time that it was actually rather enjoyable at times to take looks into the past through the information held within them."

"So what does this have to do with recent events?" Tamash? asked, slightly irritated with the lack of progress the conversation seemed to be making.

"I'm getting there! And don't interrupt me!" Quinn snapped, causing Tamash? to look away from him, crossing her arms with a 'humph' and a slightly hurt expression on her face.

"Now, where was I?" Quinn paused for a brief moment, then continued. "So, while exploring these records, I came across a few pieces of information that I thought were a bit...odd, and seemed to conflict with the laws of the Guardians. I brought this to the Council's attention...which I now believe to have been a mistake. It wasn't long after this that Marina and I...well, you know what became of us. Once my leg was healed up enough, I remained with the Guardians just long enough to remove several of the records and take them with me."

Valor's brow furrowed, showing the confusion he was feeling. "But...why take them with you?"

Quinn hesitated, then said, "Because I didn't like what the Guardians had become. What they still are. I knew there were pieces of information that would be destroyed that should not be destroyed. So, I took them with me to protect them. I believe that-in one capacity or another-that man may have been more interested in those records than in me."

Once again they both nodded to indicate understanding. Tamash? then asked, "So...what was the information...and where is it now?"

Quinn didn't answer, but merely returned their questioning stares. He looked back and forth between them, considering his options. He had kept the secrets for decades, and was reluctant to share them. But something else occurred to him. At his age, he couldn't do much to change the future. But these two he thought,just maybe they can bring a change...

"Very well, I will tell you. As far as where they are, I keep them in a locked steel box in a hidden compartment under the floorboards in my office. As for what they contain...they hold information that shows that relationships like yours and the one I once had, were not always outlawed by the Guardians. Much as society once allowed such things, so did the Guardians. In fact, several of the First Guardian's children wound up mated to Lucarios...which in no small part may be why the First Guardian's genetic lines have almost all become extinct or untraceable."

They simply looked at him in quiet disbelief. It was Valor who spoke after a moment, breaking the silence that had fallen. "Wow...that's...amazing. I had already heard that society used to look at these things differently...but I had no idea that the Guardians did. But...why would that-for lack of a better name-Dark Guardian have been after that information?"

Quinn shook his head. "I don't know. Like I said before, it's just a theory."

"So in other have no idea." Tamash? commented with a slightly smug smile that caused Valor to let out a slightly exhausted sigh and give her a look that with out a word asked "Really?"

Quinn gave her a scathing look in response, but then reluctantly said, "Basically."

With the same slightly smug expression Tamash? said, "Well, I guess-"

She was stopped mid-sentence by Valor. "Tamash?, stop. He snapped at you. It hurt your pride a bit. Please let it go now."

Tamash? sat up straight, eyes slightly wide with surprise. "But I'm not-"

"That's exactly what you're doing. Please let it go."

Quinn watched with mild interest as he saw a rather familiar conversation taking place before him, having had such exchanges with Marina once upon a time. It was then that it occurred to him for the first time that it wasn't just their relationship that mirrored the one he had lost, they also acted quite similarly to the way he and his mate had.

"I'm telling you, it's not a matter of pride!"

"Then why are you acting like this toward him?" Valor countered.


Valor smirked. "Oh, so I'm an ass for pointing out that you're not being nice?"


Their attention was drawn away from the familiar back and forth by Quinn starting to laugh quietly. Both looked at him with slight confusion, neither understanding the reason for his amusement. Feeling just a little more irritated, Tamash? asked, "What exactly is so funny?"

Quinn shook his head, wiping away a tear from under one eye. "The two of you are. Or rather...what you remind me of. Marina and I were quite like you two. Always bickering over little things...rarely meaning a word of what we said...I miss those days."

Quinn went quiet then, lost in memories. Valor and Tamash? exchanged looks, then both smiled. It was odd, but suddenly both felt as though they had no reason to argue about...anything. After a moment Quinn cleared his throat, bringing them all back to the moment at hand. " either of you have...any other questions?"

Valor almost immediately shook his head. "I don't think so. Tamash??"

Tamash? hesitated for a brief moment, wondering if there might be anything Quinn might know that could be of help to them. Then the sad-and somewhat guilty-thought occurred to her that if Quinn did know anything that could help them, Marina might still be alive.

Her eyes then shifted to her mate, sitting there expectantly-though patiently-waiting for a response. As she looked upon him, a thought came to her that made her smirk. "I wouldn't call this a matter of life and death...but Valor could use a haircut. Anywhere around here we could have that taken care of?"

Quinn snorted with amusement at he chosen query, and Valor wore an amused smile of his own. Running a hand through the untidy shoulder length mess that his hair had become in the last two months, Valor, almost a little defensively said, "I don't know about that. I kinda like my hair longer. I don't think I really need a haircut."

Tamash? nodded. "You do look better with your hair longer than you used to keep it...but now it's getting a bit out of hand...don't you think?"

The corner of Valor's lip twitched slightly. "I suppose. But what about your fur?"

Her eyes flashed with mild irritation at that. "What about my fur? It doesn't grow as fast as your hair does. I only need it trimmed every few months. You know that."

Valor raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips turned upward in an amused smile. " long has it been since your last 'trim'?"

Tamash? blushed under her fur. "About four months."

Upon seeing the not so well hidden smirk on her mate's lips Tamash? gave a quiet sigh of defeat. "Fine. You've made your point."

Turning back to Quinn she asked, " there a place for him to get a haircut...that could also deal with trimming my fur?"

Quinn-having leant forward to rest his arms on the table-pushed himself back into a sitting position with a slight groan. "Well...if you want some professionally trained hair stylist, you would have to go to Aqua Resort. But, those kinds of things are over rated anyway. There's a little family run shop on the other side of the village. They should be able to take care of both of you."

Tamash? pushed back her chair, standing and stretching out her body. "Excellent. Come on Valor!"

Without waiting for a response she turned with a swish of her tail and walked out of the room. Valor shook his head wit a smile, amused as always by her actions. "Guess I should go after her. Arceus knows she gets into trouble when she goes off on her own."

Valor too stood, but before he could make it very far Quinn said, "Valor, don't be too hard on her when it comes to her pride. All Lucarios have that issue. It's just how they are."

Valor looked back, a smile on his face. "I know. I kinda wish she wouldn't let it get the better of her all the time though. But then...she wouldn't be her without it."

Valor then turned and followed after her, leaving Quinn by himself. The old doctor let out a sad sigh, but with a smile on his face. "How like us they are."

Standing up he gave a small laugh as he began to hobble his way back to his study, not only remembering the past, but also hoping that the past wouldn't repeat itself.


After a short walk across Cocona they found the shop Quinn had directed them toward and-after confirming that said shop could in fact deal with Tamash?'s more labour intensive grooming needs-spent the next hour having themselves trimmed back to less wild and unkempt looking versions of themselves.

After the job was finished and Valor was given the pleasant surprise of being told that it was free of charge, they walked out once more into the village, which was now bathed in the soft orange glow of the afternoon sun.

For his part, Valor was rather satisfied with the new length of his hair. Tamash? on the other hand could not say the same of herself. "I feel weird. I think they cut my fur too short. Does it look too short?"

Valor snickered. "I think you're being too picky. You look as beautiful as always."

A satisfied smile took its place on her canine lips. "Well...alright then. I suppose as long as it looks good, I won't worry about it."

With a smile of his own Valor draped one arm over her shoulder, pulling her in close. "Good. And I do have to certainly feels good. Nice and soft."

Tamash? let out an amused snort. "You perv!"

"And yet you love me anyway."

"Yes, I suppose I do." As she said this she gave him an affectionate nuzzling, deciding that to be the best way to confirm what he had said.

The rest of that day passed at a comfortably slow pace, the two of them spending their time doing what was essentially nothing. Watching the sunset on the beach, staring up at the stars in the clear, cloudless night sky above; these were the ways they occupied themselves, spending a rare day acting as though they hadn't a care in the world. The night came to an end when they chose to return to Quinn's home and turn in early for the night, Valor still being quite tired from the previous day's events.

When they woke shortly after sun rise the next morning, Valor happily noted that he actually felt well rested. His contentment was not lost on Tamash?, who commented on it by saying, "Well, you seem happy."

Valor nodded. "Yeah. Guess I'm glad to be feeling more like my usual self."

Tamash? licked her lips, which had formed into a mischievous smile. " much like your usual self are you feeling like?"

Valor laughed in response. "I...think I would rather wait for about another day. Okay?"

Tamash? heaved a heavy mock sigh. "Oh alright." Taking on a slightly more serious demeanour she added, "But you now as well as I do that I'll be coming into heat any day now. No saying no when that happens."

Valor smiled. "Yeah, I know."

"Good. As long as you're aware of it."

Valor shook his head with another laugh. He then slid out of the bed, stretching as he got to his feet. "Well, since I haven't done so since we were on the St. Anne, I'm going to go take a shower."

Valor made to leave the room, but stopped after only a few feet and turned back to look at Tamash? with a raised eye brow. He could have sworn he just heard a sad whimper from his mate. Her head was down and was painted with a somewhat forlorn expression. "Tamash??"

Her head snapped up to look at him, her eyes suddenly hopeful. "Yes?"

"Would to join me?"

"But what about waiting for another day?"

" long as it doesn't go farther than say...oral...then I don't think it would be an issue..."

Barely containing her happiness at that concession, Tamash? hopped out of bed, saying, "Well...I suppose that's better than nothing."

Valor laughed. "Do you think your sex drive will ever slow down?"

She gave him a look as though she didn't understand, and flicked her tail in his face as she walked by him. With a coquettish smile she looked back over her shoulder and asked, "What is this 'slowing down' of which you speak? I fear I don't quite understand what you are asking."

He laughed again with a shake of his head as he followed after her, stepping into the bathroom across the hall from the bedroom they were using. "Of course you don't."

Once the shower was running it didn't take long for the water to reach a comfortably warm temperature. Tamash? was under the flowing liquid first, as she only had to remove her bell. Valor, having to first peel several articles of clothing from his body joined her a moment later. By unspoken consent, they chose to deal with the actual cleaning before any play.

Valor's showering needs were rather quickly handled. A quick scrubbing with a bar of soap and a single shampoo and rinse of his hair was enough to wash away the accumulated dirt if the last few days. Tamash?, naturally, required a bit more work.

Using special fur shampoo that Valor kept with him specifically for her use, they began working together on the task of cleaning every inch of her. Flexible a she was, Tamash? was unable to reach her back, so that was the area Valor concentrated on while she dealt with everything that was in her reach. It was a rather intimate and stimulating experience for both of them, and after several minutes of scrubbing and half a dozen rinses not only was she clean as could be, but both were quite ready for the next part of their shower.

Turning around to face her mate for the first time since her cleaning had begun, Tamash? gave him a salacious smile. She stepped in close and wrapped her arms around his waist. She then proceeded to give him a quick, affectionate lick on the nose before pressing her lips to his. As she did he tightened his own hold on her, pulling her in as close as he could, pressing his very erect manhood between their bodies.

Enjoying the moment quite thoroughly, Tamash? slipped her tongue into her mate's mouth and began moaning quietly, prompting Valor to slide his own oral muscle around her own and past her ever so slightly open lips.

Without a word, she pulled away a moment later, panting lightly. Valor shuddered with pleasure as she began running her tongue over his neck and shoulders, the soft pink flesh easily gliding over his skin. She started to slowly work her way down his body, running her tongue along every inch of him along the way. So much was he enjoying it that he leaned back against the wall of the shower and closed his eyes, mentally willing himself to not cum right then and there.

When she reached his shaft she began swirling her tongue around the base of the throbbing flesh, causing him to whimper quietly at the sensation. Each stroke of her tongue was causing flash of pleasure across his eyelids and every time her tongue would lightly brush against his balls he would let out a slightly sharper breath as both she and the pleasure threatened to engulf him.

Kneeling in front of him now, Tamash? placed her paws on his hips to maintain her balance as she ran her tongue up along his length, every second getting ever so slightly close to the tip. He nearly lost control of himself when she first lightly flicked her tongue against the swollen and sensitive tip of his manhood, it taking all the mental control he had to hold back from releasing, and even then a few drops of pre came from just that contact alone.

She pressed the end of him to her lips, smearing the pre into her fur before opening her mouth just enough to start sliding his eagerly throbbing member into her waiting maw. She ran her lips straight down to the base, the last inch of his manhood now pressing against the back of her throat.

Though he didn't see it as his eyes were still closed, she flashed a mischievous smile, and began softly growling around the invading organ. Valor's eyes snapped open in surprise as the soft rumbling in her throat was being transmitted directly to him through his shaft, sending ripples of pleasure through him. Still growling she started sliding him out of her at a painfully slow pace, the fur around her lips brushing ever so delicately against his skin.

She only managed to slide him half way out of her mouth when the combination of sensations finally forced him to lose control, rewarding her with the pleasantly familiar warm and wet sensation of his cum spilling onto her tongue.

Keeping him firmly held within her mouth she swallowed every drop that splashed into her mouth until the spasming of his orgasm came to an end. When she finally allowed him to slip free, Valor smiled weakly down at her. "Always trying new things, huh?"

"Uh huh. Did you like it?"

He simply nodded, not really feeling up to saying more at the moment. Tamash? flashed a satisfied smile of her own. "Good! I thought you would. about you return the favour...?"

Sitting down on the floor of the shower she laid back against the wall, spreading her legs to expose her nethers to her view. He nodded, and lowered himself until he was essentially lying on his stomach, his nose only a few inches away from her lips, which were wet with more than just water. As he edged closer he couldn't help but notice the faintly lingering scent of strawberries, the result of her earlier shampooing. Mixed in with that scent was the scent of her own arousal, the two mixing to create quite the pleasant aroma.

He slipped his arms under her legs and reached up to place them on her waist, pulling himself in slightly close, before delivering the first soft, slow lick to her dripping lower lips. She let out a pleasured and contented moan as he ran his tongue through the soft pink folds, quite warm to the touch as they were flushed with blood.

He first worked his tongue around the edges of her flesh, slowly working his way inward with long slow motions of his oral muscle, determined to give attention to every inch of her. Finally, upon reaching her entrance he began pushing his tongue into her as deeply as he could, sliding it along her inner walls, already so slick with her juices.

She closed her eyes, continuing to moan softly as he continued to so wonderfully apply his tongue to her. She let out a surprised gasp as he switched from her insides, and began applying his attention to her very swollen clit. At first he just gave it little flicks and licks, occasionally wrapping the tip of his tongue around the blood engorged nubbin. She took in a sharp breath as he began to deviate from the norm though, and lowered his lips over the already sensitive bit of flesh, starting suck upon it lightly.

Just when she had become used to-and even started to really enjoy-that sensation, he surprised her yet again as he gave her clit a gentle, but persistent bite. Holding it between his teeth he gave the tip of it little flicks with his tongue, until finally the sensation of her most sensitive part being manipulated so brought her to her own orgasm, flooding the floor of the shower with her own fluids, which mixed into the warm water as it drained away.

Valor sat back against the wall beside her with a smile on his face. "So, how'd I do?"

She opened one eye to look at him, and flashed a wry smile. "Always trying new things, huh?" She echoed.

Valor stifled a laugh. "Well, I have to keep things interesting for you somehow. Besides, you started it."

She snuggled up to him with a slight laugh. "Yes, I suppose I did."


Once both had made sure they were clean of any residual fluids, the two left the shower behind to head downstairs for breakfast. Not unexpectedly, Quinn was present in the kitchen, awaiting them with a knowing, sly smile on his lips. "So...what happened to me telling you to take it easy for a few days Valor?"

Both blushed, and Valor, avoiding the doctor's gaze, ran a hand nervously through his hair. "Well it was...uh...not very...strenuous."

Quinn snorted with laughter. "Yes, I would imagine not. Though you two do make a fair amount of noise, don't you?"

Tamash? blushed harder, knowing without him saying it that he was referring primarily to her. Standing to her full height in a somewhat dignified fashion, she said, "Blame Valor. It's his fault I'm so noisy."

Valor stared at her, completely mortified, while Quinn burst out in hysterical laughter. His chest heaving he wheezed out, "Well...better he gives you reason to be noisy...than not."

Valor sighed. "I'm not sure which one of you is worse."

Tamash? flicked her tail in his face before sitting down at the kitchen table. "Lighten up you! You take this kinda thing way too seriously."

Valor sighed again, this time with a slight smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "I suppose I do."

Valor sat down beside her, and they filled their stomachs in a semi-contented silence. A short while later they walked out the front door of Quinn's home, intent on looking for a way to spend their day until night fell. The day passed slowly, and by the middle of the day they had decided to pass their time by exploring more of the island than they had on their first day there.

There was no real plan; they just wandered along whatever path caught their interest, investigating whatever seemed worth while. When the sun was hanging low in the sky they two returned to Cocona village, and were somewhat surprised by the sight that greeted them.

The whole center of town was decorated with bright ribbon and brighter strings of light. Several picnic tables had materialised, apparently having been brought out for the occasion, and there was the smell of baked goods and roasting meat wafting through the air. It was an impressive sight to say the least, especially considering it had all been done in the space of a few hours. There were already a number of people milling about and the number was rising steadily, until, by the time the sun had set, it appeared as though everyone in the village was in the center of town.

There was a brief moment that was embarrassing for Valor and rather enjoyed by Tamash? when some of the most respected members of the village-Quinn included- announced the beginning of the 'celebration' placing particular emphasis on how grateful everyone was for what Valor, Tamash? and Zyle had done for the village.

After the moment had passed and the celebrating had begun, both of them felt an unshakable sense of déjà vu, as they were both heavily reminded of the final night of the Twinleaf Festival. This village, and this celebrating, it had a similar feel. At least at first.

The mood quickly changed for Valor and Tamash? when they found themselves faced with an unending stream of people who wanted to personally express their gratitude for what they had done. First they found it flattering, then it began to feel a bit monotonous, and finally became downright exhausting.

About two hours later, when it seemed as though they had met the village's entire population, both felt as though they had been running for the last fifteen minutes straight, thus leading them to wind up seated at and slumped over one of the many picnic tables. Valor let out a tired sigh. "I can appreciate wanting to thank us, but that was a bit ridiculous."

Tamash? nodded in agreement, then stood up. "I'll be back in a minute. I'm hungry and the smell of all this food is driving me nuts."

Valor laughed. "Alright. Just stay out of trouble."

"Don't I always?" With a wink and a swish of her tail she was gone, off to find something to fill her stomach with.

Valor sat up and stretched, yawning in the process. Odd, he thought, to feel so tired so early in the night. "At least I'm not tired from fighting some psychopath this time." He mused to himself.

Tamash? returned a few minutes later, carrying a plate heaped with all the food it looked like it could hold. Valor raised an eyebrow accompanied by a bemused smile. "Think you got enough?"

She returned his smile as she set down the plate. "Well, I figured you would probably want something as well...or was I wrong?"

He chuckled in response. "I suppose I should thank you then."

" you two always have to be so cute with each other?"

Both looked over in surprise to see Zyle walking toward them, a mug in his hand. Valor shrugged. "It's not our fault we get along the way we do."

Zyle dropped on to the bench on the opposite side of the table. "Yeah, I guess. So, is it just me, or are these people a little too grateful?"

Tamash? gave a short nod. "Yeah, even I found the never ending stream of...thanking to be tiresome. Did you have to deal with that as well?"

"Yeah. Probably not to the extent you two did, but I've certainly had a tonne of people come up to me." Zyle punctuated that by taking a swig from his mug.

Valor sighed. "So, how much drinking have you done to deal with your discomfort?"

Zyle scowled. "This only my first mug. Calm down."

Tamash? lifted her nose into the air, sniffing slightly. "Your first mug of what exactly? It smell kinda...sweet."

He shrugged in response. "I don't know. Some local concoction made from some kind of berries."

"It certainly smells good, whatever it is."

Zyle raised an eyebrow. "Care to try a taste?"

Valor cleared his throat. "I would appreciate it if you didn't go trying to get my mate drunk."

"I just offered her one drink. Unless she's a real light weight, that probably wouldn't do much. Besides, last time I checked, there isn't any kind of law pertaining to alcohol when it comes to pokémon."

"That's not the point!"

Tamash? cleared her throat. "Excuse me, but I think I can put an end to this argument."

Before either of them could respond, almost too fast for the eye to see she swiped the mug from Zyle's hand and proceeded to down the contents in two gulps.

Valor stared in shock while Zyle simply looked amuse. "Uh...Tamash?, that was a mug, not a shot glass."

Tamash? licked her lips with a smile. "Well whatever it was, it tasted as good as it smelled. I feel kinda...warm now. Is that normal?"

Zyle nodded. "Yep."

"And what about this faint buzzing feeling in my skull?"

Zyle snickered. "Yeah, that's normal as well."

Valor scoffed. "Great, you've gone and gotten her drunk."

"Nah, only buzzed. She'll probably just be a bit-"

Zyle was interrupted by Tamash? slumping forward on the table, a lopsided grin on her face. "Okay, so she's a bit of a light weight."

"Zyle, do you ever think about the results of the things you do? I mean really, do you just have no ability to think about consequences? This is just-"

Tamash? raised up a paw, interrupting him. "Valor, don't...don't be too mad at him. I uh...mmm...did this on my own...and it feels really good."

" don't even no what to say to you."

Zyle cleared his throat. "You could start by thanking me. She is probably gonna be a fair bit more fun and a bit more uh...'friendly' for the rest of the night."

Valor slowly turned to look at Zyle. "You realise that anything bad that happens tonight will be your fault, right?"

Zyle was about to reply when Tamash? sat bolt upright, drawing their attention. Her ears swivelling slightly she asked, "Valor, am I hearing music?"

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. Why?"

"Remember in Twinleaf when we danced? Let's do that again!" Without waiting for a response she grabbed him and started pulling him along behind her.

Zyle couldn't help but watch in amusement at the result of his offer to Tamash? as Valor shot him a dirty look. Zyle couldn't help but become more entertained as the night went on, watching as his prediction came true, Valor having to rather consistently pull Tamash?'s paw away from his crotch. Of course, it wasn't lost on Zyle that Valor didn't exactly seem displeased with the turn of events after a while.

Not having any real interest in participating on the goings on of the village-whether it be dancing, eating or celebrating in whatever way they chose-Zyle simple watched in silence, only leaving his spot once to refill the mug that Tamash? had so easily emptied.

It was there he sat in that same spot, when a voice from behind him asked, "Would I be correct in guessing that the tipsy Lucario molesting her mate is somehow your doing?"

Zyle looked over his shoulder and felt his lip curl in distaste as he was met with the sight of Gabriela standing there with her arms crossed and an accusatory look in her eyes. Zyle scoffed and turned away. "I offered her a taste. Not my fault she downed the whole mug. Shocking that you would assume something about me, and be wrong."

"What the hell does that mean? When else have I 'assumed something about you' and been wrong?"

"Yesterday. You asked when I had ever had a serious relationship. I didn't answer. You assumed I had never had one, right?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Yes, that would be what one would guess, considering your response. If you had had anything to say against it, wouldn't you have?"

Zyle was quite then, long enough fro her to almost consider saying something else, when he finally spoke up. "I might have chosen not to say anything...if it was a painful memory."

When he didn't continue she sat down next to him, drawing a scowl in response. "How painful could it be?"

"I don't want to talk about it painful."

Gabriela crossed her arms, leaned forward on the table, and gave him a hard look. "Come on, you're so desperate to prove me wrong, so why don't you just spill it?"

Zyle let out a heavy, exhausted sigh. "If I tell you will you leave me the hell alone?"

She smiled sweetly in response. "Yes, if that's what you want."


He went quite again, prompting Gabriela to say, "Well, go on."

Zyle sighed again. " all started about...six years ago. I was eighteen. Had never travelled as a trainer, and had instead finished school. I had decided I wanted to become a police officer. I don't even know what made me choose that, it's just what I had always wanted to do."

"And what does this have to do with a relationship?"

"Just let me get there, alright? You wanted to know, so just let me tell it."

She shrugged. "Alright then. Continue."

", I had just started the training program to join the police force in Olivine City in the Johto Region; the town I had grown up in. She and I just kinda...met by accident. Quite literally bumped into each other on the street. Her name was Ileana."

"Sounds pretty."

"She was. Beautiful, in fact. Well, after that first meeting, we really hit it off. We started going out almost immediately. I was...smitten to be honest. It wasn't long before we even went so far as living together."

"Wow, that does actually sound like a real, serious relationship."

Zyle shot her a dirty look before he continued. "Well, it was. And you know, she always encouraged me. She always drove me to be better, to strive to excel. She was so amazing. So supportive. I honestly loved her. I wish I could say it ended well...but it didn't."

Looking a fair more bit sympathetic than she had before, Gabriela asked, "I'm almost kinda don't want to know, but what happened?"

"Like I said, she always encouraged me to work hard. After...two years with the police in Olivine, my record caught the attention of the International Police. I was offered a job with them, and accepted immediately. I was, needless to say, excited. Now uh...I went home early that day...and when I got home, I found out why she never had any issue with me working late or not being home much. I came through the door, and found her with another man."

Gabriela gulped. "I see. I...find that kinda hard to believe."

"Well, it's true. I had known she wasn't a virgin after our first time...but she told me she had only ever been with one other. I rather quickly realised that had been a lie. Soon after my relationship with her ended, I decided that I didn't want to risk that outcome again, so I never pursued another actual relationship." Zyle finished, taking a long drought from his mug.

" became a man whore to avoid being hurt again? What about all the women you've probably hurt?"

Zyle scoffed. "Do you really think me so heartless? I've always made a point of having my partners know that it would be short term."

Gabriela looked away from him, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Oh. Well...I uh...suppose I was wrong...about you."

"Yep. You were." He paused, then almost as an after thought to the whole conversation he added, "Oh, and I almost forgot. Ever since then, Gracedia flowers depress the hell outta me."

"Why Gracedia flowers?" She asked.

"They were her favourites."

"I see. Well um...I'm sorry about how I treated you before."

"Well alright then." A few moments of silence passed, the Zyle spoke again. "So, I've told you something of my 'bout you tell me something about yours?"

She hesitated, then nodded. "Alright. What do you want to know?"

He thought for a moment before answering. "Alright, when we first met, you said you didn't always live here in Cocona. Where did you live before? And how'd you wind up here?"

She hesitated. "I suppose this is fair. You talked about something you didn't want to revisit. I should do the same."

Zyle raised an eyebrow. "Alright then...sounds fair to me. Do go on."

" was...ten years ago. I was thirteen. My family-me, my mother, and my father-lived in Jubilife city, in the Sinnoh Region. Like you...I had never really had any interest in being a Pokémon Trainer. Um...I one day parents had dropped me off at my school...there accident. A car crash."

Zyle blinked in surprise. "A car crash? Those are...really uncommon. So few people actually drive never hear about them."

"I'm just telling you what happened. My parents...didn't survive. So, I came live with my grandparents. They were the only family I had left. I kept wanting to leave, to find something else...but, something was always holding me back. I just...didn't have the will to leave I guess." She took in a shuddering breath, fighting back tears at the memories.

Zyle gulped, then clears his throat. "I'm uh...sorry. Sorry about what happened...and for asking about it."

Gabriela laughed, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Well look at do have a heart."

Zyle shook his head, laughing as well. "Is making jokes about me really making you feel better?"

"Just a little bit."

"I guess I'll put up with it then."

She laughed again and leaned lightly against him. "You're not so bad when you drop the whole...womanising persona."

"I think that may be the nicest thing you've said to me since we met."

"I think so too." She hesitated then, for just a moment. "But...we'll see where the night goes."

He gave her a sideways look of confusion. "What does that mean?"

Without answering she got up and started to walk away, Zyle watching her go. After a few feet she looked back over her shoulder. "You coming?"

Zyle felt his jaw drop at the question. ""

She simply nodded in response. He gulped, and took a deep breath. "Yeah, alright."

He to got up and followed after her, finding a bit odd that they were both suddenly ignoring the fact that neither had even remotely liked the other less than an hour before. He decided though, that it would probably be better not to question it.


Valor sat heavily upon one of the benches at another of the picnic tables. He had been tired before, but after the past couple of hours, he felt almost as though he could fall asleep right there. A still quite tipsy Tamash? sat down beside him, smiling brightly. "That was soooo much fun! We should do that more often!"

Valor laughed. "Yeah, we'll see how you feel in the morning."

She looked at him with an entirely-too-adorable confused expression, with her head tilted to one side and her ears at right angles to each other. "In the morning?"

"Yeah, when you have to deal with the results of drinking."

"Oh." She replied, still not really understanding in her current state of mind. Adopting a seductive little smile she reached a paw down between his legs. " know what we should do now?"

Smiling gently he pulled her paw away from his crotch for what felt like the thousandth time so far. "I don't think so. Not while your thoughts all cloudy."

She started nuzzling him and delivering light licks to his cheek and neck. "Aww...that's no fun! Come on...please..."

Valor gulped. Unfortunately, he efforts were having her desired effect on him. "I uh...wouldn't...feel right about doing with you like this. I would feel like I was taking advantage of you or something."

Smiling quite sweetly, her telepathic voice ringing with that same innocent sweetness, she asked, "Is it taking advantage...when I want you to do it?"

"I...uh..." He trailed off, not knowing how to respond. Unfortunately for his argument, she made a good point. He sighed, and looked at her, sitting there with an innocent smile but lustful eyes. His lip twitched slightly as an idea came to him.

Valor let out a fake sigh of defeat. "Alright, you win. Let's go back to Quinn's house."

"Yay! Let's go!" She immediately grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him along behind her. Valor breathed a quiet sigh of relief that she hadn't tried to do anything right there in the middle of town.

After a short walk through the town and up the stairs the arrived at their temporary room within the house. Carefully closing the door behind him, Valor let out another sigh of relief. He turned to see Tamash? waiting expectantly on the bed. He cleared his throat, and-silently hoping this would work-said, "Alright, well, I guess its time to go to sleep. After all, we've had a long night."

She tilted her head to one side. "But...we haven't done...anything yet."

"Uh yeah...but you should really sleep off the alcohol."

"But we haven't done stuff yet!" Smiling coquettishly she added, "Besides, I always fall asleep quicker after we do stuff."

Valor was surprised by how well she was arguing against him, considering her inebriated condition. "Jeez...even when you're drunk I can't talk my way out of anything with you."

She gave a satisfied smile, probably understanding less than she was acting like she did. Valor how ever, was not so satisfied. "Tamash?, are you at all sober enough to understand that this makes me uncomfortable?"

She looked down in disappointment then. "Yes..."

"Then what did I just say?"

"That you're...uncomfortable with...this." She said, waving a paw vaguely.

Valor blinked in surprise. "Um...yeah. Exactly. So...I'd rather not. Ordinarily I would...but not with you like this."



"What's the difference?"

"What's the...what?"

Tamash? looked up, her eyes meeting his. "What's the difference? You love me. I love you. I would most likely have asked for this tonight anyway. I am asking for it. You're not forcing yourself onto me. So what's the difference?"

Valor didn't know how to respond to that. Once again, she had surprised him with an almost unrealistically clear minded argument. And he had to admit that she did make a very good point. Would it be wrong, he wondered? She was asking, and she probably would have anyway. With that in mind, there seemed to be no reason not to...though he still did feel some mild apprehension about it. After all, what if in the morning she felt as though she had been taken advantage of? Would she even care? What if she never trusted him again afterward? What if-

Valor's thought were cut short by Tamash? getting to her feet, quickly walking up to him, and tightly locking her lips with his, gliding her tongue into her mouth as though there were nothing out of the ordinary about the situation. Shocked for a moment or two, he quickly relaxed and closed his eyes, slightly enjoying the lingering aftertaste of her earlier drink.

She pulled away after a moment, and pressed her forehead to his, her eyes closed. "So tell me, does that changes your mind at all?"

He laughed in response. "You do make quite the argument. I think you may have swayed me."

"Well then, off with your clothes!"

"As you wish."

While she returned to waiting for him on the bed, he removed all of his garments as quickly as he could. He joined her barely a minute later, and she almost immediately pinned him to the bed by his shoulders. She pressed her hips against his, lightly grinding into him while also nuzzling his neck and chest. The feeling of her fur brushing against him quickly brought him to full readiness, causing her to stop so as to keep him from finishing before she had a chance to make use of his arousal.

They began kissing once again, but Tamash? pulled away quickly, as devilish smile on her lips. He knew that look. She had an idea. " you have any...rope...or anything like that in your bag?"

He gulped. She definitely had an idea, and he wasn't sure he liked it. "Um...maybe. Why?"

She hopped off him and made her way over to where his back pack rested against the wall. "Well, let's see." After a few moments of searching she produced a short length of relatively thin rope. She quickly re-joined him on the bed. "Okay, now turn over so you're on your stomach!"

Feeling rather nervous and still not really liking where she was going he reluctantly complied.

"Hands behind your back please!"

With a defeated sigh he complied again, and was less than surprised when he felt the length of rope tighten around his wrists, binding them together. " what?"

"This!" She flipped him back over, causing him to be less than comfortably positioned on top of his hands and arms. She then returned to her original position, straddling his hips. Smiling down at her bound mate she said, "Now you can't go anywhere, and I can play with you all I want!"

Though he wouldn't admit it, he was kind of turned on by this sudden turn, and so he laid back, content to let her do as she wished. Satisfied, she just barely lifted her body off his, and reached a paw down to guide him into her, gently parting her lower lips and slowly sliding down his length until she sheathed him completely.

She then laid herself down, and began gently biting into his shoulder. He closed his eyes, enjoying the familiar sensation of her canines sinking into his skin as she began pistoning along his length. She had opted to skip the usually more gentle grinding motions and go straight for the almost bone jarring impacts that she preferred.

Valor could feel his manhood throbbing within the hot, gripping tunnel of flesh her muscles squeezing him as she drove down to each impact of fur against skin. She could feel every twitch and throb of his engorged member as it brushed and ground against all of her most sensitive spots driving her a bit wilder with every motion.

She started biting down harder, somehow having the presence of mind to both attempt to quite the every increasing volume of her own moans while still not biting straight through him. This caused him to start thrusting up into her as his back arched, driving him further into her until he managed to do as she had hoped and passed through her cervix, trapping him within her.

Their thrust became shorter but not gentler as each could feel an impending climax. Both being driven by little more than instinct as they fought to hold themselves back if only to make it last just a bit longer.

Finally it proved too much, and Valor released within her sending bursts of his seed deep into her body. That feeling of warmth and the suddenly more violent twitching of his manhood sent Tamash? that last step over the edge, her inner muscles trying to pull him in deeper and get as much from him as she could.

When their respective orgasms finally wound down, Tamash? tilted her body so that they both came to lie on their sides. Having enough sense about him to notice that the rope binding his wrists had been loosened, Valor pulled until they came off completely. He then wrapped his arms around his already heavy eyed mate.

Though he had been reluctant, the night had wound up being entertaining to say the least. Maybe I should get her drunk more often, he joked silently to himself. Of course he wouldn't ever do so to her, but it was still an amusing thought.

With that in his mind he fell asleep just as she already had, dreams filled with replaying images of the night they were leaving behind.