Sonic The Hedgehog: The Series - Part 3

Story by diosoth on SoFurry

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One year has passed

She couldn't stop admiring the wedding ring. Thumb grazing the golden surface, catching the lights, it was a beautiful sight. Rouge was enjoying her married life and she wasn't above flaunting it. Her name was legally changed and throwing around her Adriani name seemed almost enjoyable, as if she'd cast off the simplistic, plain "Bat" like bad baggage.

"You ready?" It was her husband, Thomas, holding the popcorn. "Movie's gonna start in a few minutes."

Already she was beginning to lose interest in a film. How easy it would be to go home, get naked, have sex all night. No, that wasn't how she was going to live. They would leave the house, go on dates, socialize, not become simple sex addicts locked away all day. Or perhaps it had been her choice of the film. A spy movie seemed like fun at the time, but now, Rouge was finding excuses to nag to herself. "Better get in there before it starts... still," she lamented, "it probably won't be true to life."

That was her nagging point. It would be an explosive thrill ride but wouldn't begin to compare to real spy work. She'd lived that life already.

Kicking off the high heels, Rouge checked the clock. Almost midnight. Tired and bored, she leaned back onto the large, soft bed. Lying beside her, Tom asked, "you hated the movie?"

"I got what I expected from it, but that was it," she responded, weariness in her voice.

"Bed time?"

"Well..." The bat contemplated just a quick bit of love making, but her body was tired. She could barely concentrate, let alone exert the energy required. "I'd probably fall asleep while riding you. Though I could go for nice orgasm..."

Kissing his wife softly, Tom eased down her neck, pulling aside the black dress and gently licking her nipples. "Just lay still." Teasing both breasts until the pink nipples were stiffened, his hand slid down and eased her fancy dress upward, sliding down the bed and pulling her panties to the side, kissing soft pussy lips with a lover's touch. This would have to be quick but Thomas knew by now all her sensitive spots, her secrets and her desires.

Pulling back on the layers of skin, clitoris exposed, he licked on the large bead, gently to start but quickening pace, running his fingers along the labia. Her cunt was sticky, beginning to flow the juices.

Fondling her tits, she mumbled, "give me all you got!" It was his cue to suck his wife's clit harder. Most women would find this uncomfortable, such stimulation, but Rouge was a tough girl. Allowing the harsh feeling to rush through her, the bat grunted and moaned as Tom Adriani sucked on her vagina, taste buds running across the clit, spit dripping from her lover's mouth and mixing with her pussy fluids.

"Huh... oh yeah! YES!" Back arching sharply, orgasm hit in only seconds, toes curled as her cries echoed from the mansion walls, thighs squeezed tight on Tom's face.

Relaxing, catching breath, Rouge smiled. "That's how to end a date..." Fingers running through his hair, she complimented, "you eat pussy nice."

"Bed time?" he asked.

"Bed time..."

Snuggling in, Tom was also tired, allowing the scent of his wife's slit to relax him. "I'll just lay my head here."

"Good boy. When you wake up, we'll have some fun. Sniffing me all night, you should be nice and hard in the morning."

Kissing her goodnight, she jumped, still twitchy from the orgasm. "I love you so much... good night."

One year, one month has passed

He stirred awake in the night, midriff throbbing, gas belching up out of his mouth. Thomas Adriani had no idea what time it was. The only thing he knew right this minute was that his stomach hurt. The culprit, he assumed to be something eaten at that new restaurant the night before. Not the steak, no, that was cooked perfectly. Something else.

Pulling himself out of bed and dragging to the bathroom, his eyes burned as the light flicked on. Wincing, Tom adjusted well enough to see. Nothing. No antacid in the cabinet whatsoever.

It was a long walk through his old family mansion to the kitchen. After a brief search, the object of his need was found, two large spoonfuls to ease the violent events in his stomach.

Walking back to bed, he heard a faint sound from the living room. Taking note of anything that was out of place in his home at any time, Thomas investigated to find his wife curled up on the couch. Rouge seemed to be asleep, but she was softly mumbling. Kneeling down, Tom saw the tears running down her face, a sign she was crying.

'Hmm, wonder if her stomach's hurting, too?' he thought, gently nudging her. She didn't wake up. "Rouge!" he called out, her eyes snapping open. Staring at him as if she'd seen a ghost, Rouge barely moved. "Hey, you okay?" Tom asked.

She reached her hand out, touching is face. "A nightmare..."

"You were asleep," he explained, "I heard you crying. Why are you in here, anyway?"

Swiftly, she sprang upright, wrapping both arms around him. "You're alive! I thought..." He hugged back, one hand on the small of her back, the other behind her head.

"Not that dream again... you haven't had that dream in months! I didn't die in the hospital. Come on, we'll go back to bed."

"It wasn't that," she explained. "I... this was different. I went off to hunt for treasure. I found the biggest diamond anyone had ever found, but when I returned home, you were..." She breathed hard, the memory of the dream like a fresh wound in her soul.

He said, "it didn't happen. I had a bad dream, too. The Black Arms invasion... was your stomach hurting? That why you were up?"

"Yes," she answered. "I got up to get something for it. I sat down here, and I fell asleep."

"It was that salad we ate. I thought something about it didn't taste right. We're not going to that restaurant again!" he assured her. Rouge smiled. Tom continued, "don't feel bad. I know you miss treasure hunting. You probably miss your old job, saving the world..."

"I do," she responded, "but I wouldn't give you up to go back to it." Fondling her wedding ring gently, she was unprepared for Tom's swift motion, standing up with her in his arms.

"Back to bed, lady!"

"Tough guy!" she complimented, eyes staring him down. "Wanna get romantic first?" Before he could answer, a loud rumble was heard, the sound of Tom's stomach churning. He merely answered, "take you up on that offer later!"

Carrying her back to bed, she flipped from his arms, landing perfectly on the sheets with a twist through the air, on one knee and balanced on a hand, wings outstretched. Tom was impressed by the move. "No one's ever going to accuse you of getting lazy!"

Taking pride in her show of agility, Rouge grabbed his hand, pulling her husband down to the bed. "I have to keep in shape," she said cheerfully, "you're bigger than I am. I've go to be able to push you around!"

Throwing the covers back, Tom crawled into bed, leaving a spot for her as she undid the belt tie of her robes, taunting a playful, "in case you change your mind!" his way.

He simply gave her a look which she liked. "Now, you gonna have bad dreams anymore? I don't like it when you cry, Rouge."

"Hmm... no... I don't think I will. I'll dream about something fun."

"Really? Like what?" he asked.

She replied, "that's for me to know. Pulling the covers up, Rouge took her place, lying against Tom, nuzzling him. Settled into bed, she finished, "and for you to really go wild when you find out!"

Tom moved his head, popping his neck, still shaking off sleep. Morning sunlight filled the spacious living room. Rouge twirled the spoon in her ice cream, thinking dirty thoughts. "Wanna go out today?" Tom asked, finding himself bored.

"We went out yesterday. Had fun, got sick off restaurant food," she responded, disinterested in sharing her lover with the public.

"Check up on the casino?"

She said, rather quaintly, "it's fine."

Stretching his arms, Tom suggested, "wanna check up on your friends?"

Rouge sighed. "Shadow's on assignment. I'm not bothering Knuckles, I really don't want to push that old button unless I have to... besides," she smirked, "I think Karen's keeping him busy enough. Sonic and Tails are helping Eggman adjust to an honest life... they're all doing just fine." Taking a bite of ice cream, she seductively licked the spoon. "Tom, about last night-"

"Don't worry about it. Just a nightmare, no big deal!" he comforted. "Probably felt real enough. Just a bad dream." Rouge smiled, feeling slightly better, though the constant concern still held onto her- the thought of what she would do if something were to happen to him. It had almost happened once, the very event that forced her to give up her old ways and fall in love.

Some people said she clung to Tom a bit much, but she was determined to be with him as much as possible while they were alive, the opinions of others be damned. And she knew he liked it. The opinion held by her friends was that their lives had been perfect simply because they had been rich. This was farthest from the truth. Tom's parents had been nagging and controlling, constantly pushing their public image above all else. Her own mother was a deadbeat waitress who barely gave her own daughter the time of day.

Even when Rouge had run away and made her own good fortune, through theft, the casino, and her old GUN job, she was still lonely. Tom was the first man to ever return any feeling towards her whatsoever, and Rouge seemed to know why, from her own dealings with male bats- bats could be annoying and aggressive in their pursuits. It had been the reason she'd driven Knuckles up the wall, trying to show him attention when he was simply annoyed by her presence.

Tom Adriani had been the first to accept her as she was. And despite being human, with the stigma that it sometimes raised, Tom was her type. Rich but imperfect. When pushed, his mind could be as dirty as hers. He wasn't married to her for simple affection, or for the sex, he asked her to marry him because, when stripped down to the basic level, the two simply had fun together every second of the day.

"Your favorite movie's on later." Tom had broken her train of thought. "I know you want to watch it with me. You watch it every time it's on..." he smirked. She brushed her foot against his leg.

"Uh huh. I've seen it more times than I can count, and I've never been sick of it. What time?" she asked. It was an old romance film she'd first seen as a child, and the two had watched it together every time it aired on television. Tom had wanted to buy a copy of the film for home viewing, but Rouge suggested he didn't. She thought it would be more special if it was only watched on occasion.

Tom checked the clock, answering, "about six hours from now."

Rouge replied, "so, what do we do until then?" Setting her bowl of ice cream on the end table, she leaned back, Tom noticing the fresh lump under her robe. Her eyes followed his, spotting her nipple, hardened from the cold of the bowl held to her chest. Without a word, Rouge pulled open her robe, revealing her left breast. Tom took it between his thumb and finger, gently pinching on it.

She moaned slightly as he said, "I think we can find something to do...." Leaning down, he took it in his mouth, licking gently. Rouge untied the belt loop, pulling the tie on Tom's robe open. Parting her robe, she pushed him away to grab the ice cream, gently placing some on her other breast, wincing from the sudden cold.

"Hungry?" she taunted, her husband licking it off, gently, teasing her with his tongue. Tossing the robe open, her legs spread, a large fragment of melting ice cream on the spoon. "Tom... this might be the dumbest thing I've ever done..." she commented, dropping the freezing dessert onto her vagina, doing her best not to scream from the sudden cold. Without missing a beat, he slid down, sucking the frozen lump away, kissing deep.

Rouge the Bat had a sturdy clitoris that could take a good deal of direct stimulation, but the cold, coupled with the sudden feeling of her lover's mouth and tongue licking up and down, was simply too much. The scream filled the living room, her thighs clamping down tight around his head. This wasn't anything new to Tom, the sudden vise grip on him expected. He kept breathing through his nose as he licked and kissed, sliding a hand under her ass to fondle, the other hand tickling her foot. he had discovered months ago that, not only were Rouge's feet very ticklish, but if she was being tickled so close to orgasm, she would cum very fast.

"OH! YES! TOM! EAT! ME!" She screamed, fondling and squeezing her tits, knowing his hands couldn't very well reach. Her legs remained gripped on his head, the bat girl screaming out in pleasure as Tom's face was blasted by a stream of orgasmic squirt, her pussy letting loose. Screams cut down to pants as the orgasm dissipated, her fingers running through his hair, hands gently pushing his head downward.

Looking up, Tom smirked. "Like that?" She nodded, biting her lower lip, tongue poking out. Good," he said, standing up, undoing his robes. He was erect, Rouge taking immediate glance.

"Oh, no you don't!" she shouted, leaping from the couch and tackling him to the floor, her own robe shaking free, leaving the bat completely naked. Rouge had him pinned. "It might be your turn, Tom, but I'm taking control this time!"

She ground up and down, Tom under her, both sitting on the couch. She'd lost track of how long they'd been doing this. She'd lost track of how many orgasms she'd had. She wasn't even sure of how many times Tom had cum, either. Both of them were sweaty, and she was starting to get tired. Kissing him hard, she leaned back, saying, "it's time to finish! Ready?" Her pace changed, quickly bouncing up and down on his dick, knees bouncing her like springs.

Grabbing her hips, Tom began thrusting upward, slamming her hard. She moaned and screamed in pure bliss, Tom moaning loud now. Rouge's tits bounced up and down, her massive breasts catching the sunlight as her back arched, vaginal muscles clamping tight as she came, the force squeezing Tom's cock past its limit, his load exploding hard inside of her.

Rouge slowed down, her wings stretched out. She had to be careful to keep from flying off during these love making sessions. "Ohhh.... Tom..." she gasped, "and they said married life would be boring!" Tom, head tilted back, didn't say a word. Looking at the clock, Rouge made note that three hours had gone by. "Tom?" He finally looked up, hands pulling her close to him. A finger traced around the edge of her ear.

"No more," he exclaimed, "I'm empty."

Rising off him, she responded, "bath. Carry me?" Rouge, in her infinite arrogance, wouldn't admit to being too tired to walk, but she had merely asked, instead of ordering, assuming that her love may be too tired as well.

Tom leaned her back, rising from the couch. She draped an arm around his shoulders, closing her eyes.

The television came to life, still minutes until the movie came on. Tom placed his plate on the end table, Rouge clutching a bowl of orange slices. She edged close to him, head resting on the side of his chest. Something else she would never admit to, she liked to listen to Tom's heartbeat. Sleeping, resting, she placed her ears to listen to it. It gave her assurance that he was healthy.

Neither said a word. Tom simply ran his fingers through the fur spikes on the back of her head. It was a guarantee both would fall asleep in this position long before the movie ended. Rouge didn't care, she'd seen the movie at least a hundred times before. The romance on screen wasn't of concern to her anymore. She now lived that life.

One year, seven months have passed

The Bat strolled through the mansion's hallways, present in hand, trying not to run. Her husband, Thomas, sat in the living room reading the morning newspaper. Unusual for this time of the day, he was dressed in business clothes. More unusual, Rouge was in her best dress. She tried not to run, slowly climbing onto the couch, pushing his newspaper down. "Happy anniversary, Tom," she greeted, slowly pecking lips, tongue down his throat, taking the chance to place the box in his hand.

Breaking the kiss, Rouge wrapped an arm around his shoulders, watching as he untied the bow, smiling gently as the paper was gently undone. "Oh, wow..." he muttered as the lid was removed, revealing a very fancy gold watch. The face was black with gold lines representing the numbers, thick Roman numerals at the three, six, nine and twelve marks.

She said, "here, let me help," latching it around his wrist. "Like it?" Rather than answering, Tom kissed her again, hand reaching for her chest with a gentle squeeze. She moaned softly through her breath. Pulling back, Rouge, controlling her dirty thoughts, responded, "Tom... we have lunch reservations in two hours. Better not do that yet. Although... no." Closing her eyed, she leaned back.

"Best to do that when we can spend some time on it, right?" he replied, not at all sorry he felt her up.

"Well," Rouge clarified, "if we get into that, we won't even leave the house. I'd hate to waste a special day like this." Her eyes looked into his soul, begging to ask the question.

"You want your present..." Tom leaned forward, nose an inch from hers. "You said yourself, you're the world's greatest treasure hunter, right?"

"This sounds interesting," she muttered, curious as to his plan.

He continued, "I hid your present somewhere. You have to find it. Should take someone of your skill about five minutes."

Somehow, Rouge liked the idea. It gave her a chance to use her skills once more. "Wait here," she said, walking off. Running to the bedroom, she dug out black tights and white boots, stripping off the dress and easing into her old clothes. The pink chest plate clipped into place and her necklace set aside, Rouge grabbed her gloves. The digging claws in the end were still sharp.

Regaining her old senses took seconds. The call of treasure was faint, but she picked it up. It was outside, likely somewhere in the fruit fields. 'Sneaky of him,' she thought, opening a window and flying out. Gaining enough altitude to survey the grounds, the bat flew to the general area where it felt strongest, hovering over the ground.

The old well was her first stop. 'No... not there," she mused, checking the grating. It was still firmly in place, and Tom wouldn't be able to climb down it anyway. Senses drew her into the air again, slowly flying to the nearby river that bordered the field. Rain overnight had left the ground muddy and soft, any possible footprints washed away. Not that she even has a clue when he would have hidden her gift.

She had time to take a quick bath. Dirt and mud wouldn't stand in the way of Rouge Adriani finding the treasure.

Drawn to a spot, she dug, slinging mud and rocks aside. Only two feet down rested a sturdy metal box, padlocked. It seemed a bit old, she considered, for Tom to have buried it, but it didn't matter. Tearing it free from the muck, the heavy crate slammed into the ground, leaving an impression in the grass. The padlock was meaningless, cut in half with a quick swipe. The lid flipped open.

Rouge's eyes widened.

She thought, 'screw the lunch date! He's getting laid right now!'

Thomas Adriani had his own senses. He knew when Rouge was staring at him. He was also certain that he'd developed a keen sense to the pheromones she let off. Not that it was really a smell that he could physically sense, but he knew when his wife was horny. Lowering the morning paper, he saw her, sultry smile, eyes fixed on him. Her only order was, "unzip your pants. Bathtub. Right now. We're not going anywhere!"

Tom cocked an eyebrow. "What the hell have you been doing?" She didn't adjust her gaze.

"I found your gift.... nice hiding spot, too bad I can sense jewels," she responded.

"No, seriously, why are you covered in mud and dirt?" he asked again, very perplexed. "Your gift is in the house...." Confusion kicked in, her sex drive overridden. Pulling the crate into the open, she showed him the contents. "Oh my god..." he stuttered, the sight overwhelming. The old metal box was filled with jewelry and precious stones. "Where DID you find this?"

"In the riverbank," she said, "not far from the surface. But if this isn't your gift...."

Taking a small wooden piece off the bookshelf, he showed it to her. "I was wondering why you walked right past it. I thought maybe your senses were dead. Guess something bigger kicked in?" he explained. The small piece of furniture had four small drawers and a door with clear glass, a faint white flower painted on the front. She could see various necklaces hanging from hooks inside. He opened the door.

"Tom... I...." Rouge was stunned.

"Here, let me help," he said, pulling her gloves off. She removed the various necklaces. Fine gold and silver chains with small gemstones. She could now see the slotted pads holding several rings in place. "This one's special," he pointed out, pressing a button on the larger necklace. Out popped a small black object with golden strips on the end. "Small data chip. You can keep important files on it."

The small objects filled her with happiness. Embracing him, she shouted, "I love them! They're so beautiful! Thank you! ....oh..." Embarrassed, she drew back. Tom's shirt was dirty.

"I can clean up," he assured her.

"Right, our day out!" Rouge blurted. He swept her off her feet, literally, walking towards the bathroom.

The couple lay in bed. Rouge liked the way her dress felt, gently gripping her feminine curves, showing them off without hiding a single line. She kicked her heels off, toes stretching, freed from the evening. Tom was on his side, looking down at her. The day was done, their first anniversary over.

"Tom... why do you love me so much?" she asked. "We made it a year. We don't even fight..."

"I don't know," he replied, laying a hand on her stomach. "You have a wonderful body, but that's not it. Well, not ALL of it." Easing down, Tom looked her in the eyes. "It was that first time you came to this mansion... I saw it in your eyes. Yeah... it was your eyes I noticed."

"Really?" She was very interested in hearing his reason.

"I saw it in you... that spark of honesty and caring you tried to hide. It's why you stayed behind instead of just running off with the necklace." Laying beside her, Tom's other arm slid under her back, behind her head and began rubbing her ears. "Still... I like touching you. I like the sound of your voice and the way you- well, you know how to get what you want. I like being with you."

Rouge began to unbutton his shirt. "So, it's the full package, not just one thing... wanna know why I love you so much?" His answer was phrased by a gentle kiss. She responded, "you were the first guy who gave me any decent attention back. I had a lot of guys yell at me."

"I know," Tom said, "you never deserved it, either."

"Oh... maybe I did," Rouge lamented. "I never knew when to back down."

"If you'd backed down from me, I'd be dead, remember?" Tom assured her. She smiled at him, the idea that she'd done something good for someone in her stubborn ways. "Don't ever back down. Not if you're sure of anything, you got me?" he finished. She nodded.

"I have to admit, Tom, part of it was because I'm just a sucker for a handsome man..."

He replied with a hint of filth in his voice, "and I'm a sucker for a woman with big boobs." Sliding the shoulder straps of her dress down, he continued, "I love you, Rouge. I'll say it until the end of time if I have to."

"Tom... I love you. You don't know how good it feels to have someone to say that to..." No more words were said as the couple kissed passionately, ready to set their night on fire.

It was noon. Rouge was on the phone, trying to get through to the Central City hall of records. The mystery of the crate still bothered both of them. Not that she didn't like them, of course, but how they got there... well, that was a question she wanted answered.

"Yes... Rouge Adriani. ADRIANI!" she shouted. The person she was talking to wasn't interested, she could tell.

Tom heard the knocking at the front door. Answering it, he looked down. 'Oh, great...'

Amy Rose was looking up at him. "HI! You guys didn't have a party yesterday! Why not?" He didn't want to put up with her. He really wasn't that fond of the little girl anyway. "And where's Rouge?" Amy asked, honestly expecting an answer.

"She's on the phone," he aswered, hoping Amy would leave. He wasn't that lucky.

She kept staring at him, again asking, "why didn't you have a big party?"

"Because it was OUR day, not something we wanted to share!"

"Then why were you two in the newspaper? Your picture was in the social section!" The little girl was being unreasonably stubborn about it, and Tom knew why. Amy was jealous of Rouge. "Nevermind, she can tell me herself!" she blurted out, running past him into the mansion.

"HEY!" he shouted, knowing it would be pointless. Amy wasn't going to leave until she got her answer or someone threw her out.

"Yes, I understand. Thank you," Rouge said, hanging up the phone. Turning, she saw the pink hedgehog running towards her. "Amy?"

"ROUGE! We're your friends, and you didn't invite ANYONE to celebrate your anniversary! How selfish of you!"

"You rude little girl!" Rouge shouted back. "Barging into our home like this and chewing me out for something that's none of your business! What would you know about love? Sonic keeps running away from you! Get out of my home, you little brat!"

Amy was upset. She said, quietly, "... fine...." as she ran off.

Horrified, Rouge watched. She had yelled at Amy for no reason. Flying through the house, she caught the girl by the arm. "Let go of me!" "ANY! Please... I didn't mean it!" Rouge shouted, a sorry look on her face. "I- you didn't deserve that."

Tom found them. "She ran past me and-"

"It's okay," Rouge said, "she can stay."

Checking his watch, Tom exclaimed, "I have to get into the office and sign payroll checks. Be gone about an hour."

Hovering high enough to give him a quick kiss, she said, "we'll be fine here." As he walked away, Rouge took the floor beside the hedgehog. "We should talk. You want some ice cream?"

"WOW! He bought you all of this?" Amy was amazed by the jewelry display.

"He did... Amy, do you really understand what marriage means?" Rouge didn't wait for her answer. "It means you're willing to spend your entire life with someone you love."

"So why didn't you marry Knuckles?" Amy asked.

"Marry HIM? That-" She regained her composure. "I didn't LOVE him. Just... I liked something he had."

Amy stated, "you mean the Master Emerald, right?"

"Maybe something else, too..." she muttered, "but I didn't love him. I didn't get to know him well enough. And he didn't like me. And Shadow, he..." She sighed. "He won't let anyone get close enough to him."

Amy finished her ice cream. "They let you down, right?"

"In a way," Rouge answered, "but it worked out. I met someone else who did love me back. You understand now?"

"I think so," Amy replied. "Knuckles and Shadow weren't meant for you. That means..."

"Sonic still runs away from you, doesn't he?"

The little girl looked away. "Does that mean maybe Sonic isn't the one I'm supposed to be with?"

"NO! Not at all!" Rouge assured her. "You're only thirteen! But think about this, if you do meet someone else and things go well, then would it be so bad?" She thought about what she'd just said. "Still, don't give up just because of that! Here..."

Sifting through the books, she checked the titles. "Hmm.... heh, not that one, you're not old enough," Rouge muttered, placing the book on sex back in its place. "Ah, here it is," she pointed out, handing Amy the book.

"Romance tips for teenage girls?" Amy was a bit surprised. "Will this help me?"

"Amy, I want you to keep that book. Read it well. And do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what that book tells you to do!" Rouge ordered. It was the advice in that book that had resulted in the constant annoyance of a certain red echidna. "Especially the part where it tells you to make up a boyfriend to get a guy jealous! I tried that when I was sixteen... it REALLY doesn't work if the guy's not interested."

Amy flipped through the pages. "Okay, I'll try..."

Grabbing her purse, Rouge withdrew some money. "Take this, too. Buy some new clothes. You're still wearing that red dress you had on when I met you! And maybe some new shoes, okay?"

"Okay.... thanks!" Amy said, taking the cash. "You changed a lot, you know that?"

"I didn't really change, dear," Rouge defended, "I just... Tom just brought some of my better qualities to the surface. You still live in Central City, don't you?"

Amy responded, "uh huh!"

"Good. If you ever need to talk, you're welcome in my house. But... call before you stop by, okay?"

"You mean, to make sure you're not... umm..." Amy stuttered, embarrassed by what she'd just implied.

Rouge placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's something we'll get into when you're a little older..."

Rouge led Amy to the front door. Tom's car was just pulling up as the girl left. "I see it went well," he greeted.

"Very well," Rouge replied, pleased with how it had gone.

"I forgot to give you this yesterday," he said, handing her a card. A unicorn painting was printed on the front. Inside was the text YOU MAKE EVERYDAY SPECIAL.

She took note of the image on the front. "It's a beautiful painting." Where'd you get this card?"

"It's sold by a charity group. The paintings are done by the mentally handicapped and the cards are sold to fund the group. Thought it was worth it. So, what'd you find out from the city?"

Her train of thought left the card. "Oh, that... nothing. The city's records only go back to your grandfather's ownership of the land, back when the river was dug out."

"Right, I remember the story, the city government dug the river out because he paid for it, to help with the winery. Think maybe that box washed here in the current?" Tom asked.

"Hardly," she quipped. "I could barely pull that thing out of the ground. There's no way a river could carry that."

"Why no older records, anyway?" Tom inquired, curious.

She answered, "all the older files were destroyed in the Black Arms invasion before they could be recorded to computer data. The history went up in fire and explosions..."

Tom sat down. "Guess where they came from is gonna be a mystery. Oh well, finders keepers."

"Maybe not," she said, "I have one way to find out what we need to know..."

"Thank you for getting this for me," Rouge said, taking the envelope.

"You earned small favors such as this." The GUN Commander stood at the door, his limousine waiting.

"I did, didn't I?" she muttered, somewhat angry at herself. "I did a lot of awful things as a field agent. You know why I left..."

"We all do some awful things to keep the world safe. You will always be a GUN agent to us. Don't forget, sometimes one has to get their hands dirty to make things right. I'm glad you found a way out... I have to be going." He left as Rouge closed the door.

She handed the packet to her husband. "They find something?"

"Something, yes," she said, "not sure if it'll be worth anything, though."

Thomas opened the envelope. "Yeah... this is back when the land was purchased. My great-grandfather was the first to come to this country. He bought the land and started the wine business. As I understand, my grandfather built the mansion. Whoa..."

"Find something?" she asked eagerly.

He continued, "dad was unhappily married... my grandfather was unhappily married... looks like great-grandpa was divorced. Yeah... he kept the land and twenty percent of his money, she got the rest. But...."

"The old coot converted a lot of his money into precious stones and buried them, didn't he?" This revelation seemed right to her. It's something she would have done in such a situation.

"Looks like it," he said. "A good deal of his money went missing before she could collect. Hidden right under everyone's noses. Still, why leave it there?"

Rouge considered the facts. "They missed it when the river was dug up. How much you wanna bet your grandfather had that river dug so he could find it-"

"-and claim it was all a coincidence, to keep it for himself?" Tom finished. "So what do we do with it?"

"There's no record of the jewels existing... and any legal claim to them is likely null by now," Rouge said.

"Then they're yours," Tom said, kissing her on the cheek. "They were ordered to go to the wife of an Adriani, and that's where they're going! How much you suppose they're worth, anyway?"

"Two million." He gave her an odd look. "What? Jewel appraisal is a skill of mine."

"Looks like you got very lucky," he remarked.

She grinned, crawling over to him, hands unbuttoning her lover's shirt. "And you're about to get very lucky!"

Morning. Rouge enjoyed her vanilla coffee as Tom walked into the living room. "Morning..." Sleep was in his voice.

She handed him a cup. "You awake?" she asked.

"Enough, yeah..." he responded. "Good," she continued, "because I.... I have a confession."

"Um..." he managed, wondering what she was going to hit him with.

"You remember the card you gave me and the charity, right?" He nodded. "Well," she said, "I looked into them and called them earlier. They were about to go under from lack of funds. You know what they do? Good things. GREAT things! They give people homes and food and put money into medical research to help people! They give those people jobs! And..."

She closed her eyes. "I found two million worth of jewels in our backyard. We live a very easy life, don't we?"

Without a word, Tom took her hand and sat beside her. "You gave them two mil. I don't mind."

"You don't?" she asked.

"No," he responded, "you did something good for a lot of people. Not like two mil is a big dent for us. You... you really didn't think I was gonna get mad, did you?"

"Well... no, no I didn't," she answered cheerfully. "I want to become more involved with charity donations. I don't need to get my hands dirty to help people any more."

"Sounds good," he said. "I'm proud of you.

She laughed. "We helped each other... I broke your family curse of unhappy marriages," she commented, "and you helped me be a good person. I'm not the stuck-up greedy bitch I used to be."

"I know," Tom thought out loud, "charity night at the casino. Big yearly event, all the winnings go to the poor and needy."

Rouge smiled. She liked the idea. "Very good, Tom. I'll call Vic and start work on that later today."

One year, nine months have passed

Junk mail and bills. Tom sorted out the bills and tossed the junk away into a pile to be used as scrap paper. Without hesitation, he grabbed the checkbook, writing out payments. As he reached for the stamps, Rouge flew onto the desk, sitting with her legs crossed. "Tom... can we talk?"

"Sure, what is it?" he asked without missing a beat.

"It's- well...." She was hesitating. "You remember that dream I had?"

He replied, "you mean the one where we start doing it right in the casino in front of everyone? I'm NOT helping you-"

"Not that dream," she shouted. "The one about... our daughter..." Rouge didn't wait for him to say anything. "I want to talk about kids, Tom! It's... important to me now."

"Weren't you the one who was notorious amongst your staff for not liking kids?" he asked, remembering the rumors.

She sighed. "That was then... things changed. I'm getting older. I'll turn twenty soon and- well, I'd like to raise a child. Not be a screw-up like my own mother was."

He sat beside her, an arm around her shoulders. "You sure we even can?"

"That's what we need to talk about," she explained, "I'd like to visit the fertility clinic and have us tested. I'd hate to try for years only to find out we're not even compatible." She added, "genetically, I mean," to clarify.

Tom held her tight. "You made the appointment already, didn't you?" One thing Thomas Adriani had learned was that Rouge was very tricky. She had a way of asking permission once the deed was done.

She answered, "tomorrow morning. It'll be quick. Anyway, I have some stuff to take care of at the casino. Wanna come with?"

Without thinking, he replied, "I'm not sitting here by myself. Buuut I have to go into the office and sign the payroll checks first."

"Okay," she replied, "meet me there later?"

"You got it."

He was fidgeting. The couple sat, the clinic doctor handing them forms to fill out. "Offspring between humans and bats has been recorded, so you should be able to have a child without any outside means," the doctor explained. She was a middle-aged woman, bearing a ponytail and glasses which stood out against her white coat.

"Before we start planning TOO much," Rouge explained, "I'd like to make sure both of us are capable."

"I understand," the doctor responded.

"But please," Rouge continued, Tom filling out the form, "don't misunderstand here. We don't want an artificial conception! Tom and I have-" His eyes widened, staring over at his wife. She leaned in closer. "He's a bit shy about this with strangers, but Tom and I have great sex. And we'd prefer it if any child was the product of our love, not science..."

The doctor responded, "I understand. What we will do today is collect a sample from your husband for analysis, to determine if his sperm count is normal and that the sperm itself are healthy."

"Sample?" Tom asked. He was starting to turn red. Rouge chuckled at the idea.

"We provide a private room, of course, as well as... visual aides to help you," the doctor explained, having seen such embarrassment in men before.

"He won't need any visual aides," Rouge said, "I'll be in there with him."

The clinic doctor merely kept quiet for a minute. "I see. Not common, but I'll allow it." She took the completed forms from the couple. "Okay, great. The nurse will provide you with the necessary container and lead you to the private sample room."

Rouge locked the door. Tom was visibly nervous. "Calm down, Tom. You keep this up and we'll never get this done." She pushed him down into the chair.

He said, "but there are people out there, and they know what we're in here doing..."

"Only doctors and nurses. It's why I made the appointment so early. You didn't see anyone else here, did you? Now..." She unzipped his pants. "Just relax."

Climbing on top of him, Rouge unbuttoned her shirt, gently edging down the cups of her bra. Kissing him gently, she took his hands, placing them on her breasts. Tom's tension began to vanish, his mind focusing on his wife's behavior, pinching and fondling the nipples.

Gently biting on his lip, she eased back down, pulling her skirt down, kicking it off. Her panties lowered, slid down over her high heel shoes. Instinctively, the bat began to dance slowly, shaking her hips with legs spread for a full view. Turning around, she bent over slightly, slapping her ass, tail waving.

Gently opening the lid of the container, Rouge turned her attention back to Tom. Pulling down his shorts, his cock sprung up as the elastic band passed downward. "You're ready... I've given you handjobs before. This isn't any different."

"Except for the cup," he said, "but this means a lot to you." Crawling back up onto the chair, the two began to make out, her hand grabbing him, slowly stroking. He moaned as his hand felt her butt, fingers sneaking a feel in between her legs. Rouge was getting wet. As he touched, she began to stroke him faster.

His moans grew louder, a sign for Rouge to get ready. Back to the floor without letting go, she took the cup in her free hand, getting down closer to watch as the foreskin slid over the head and back with each tug. The tip was wet, already dirtying her hand. "Tom... admit it, you wanna do me right now. You felt me, I'm SOOOO wet! You'd like me to get up there and ride you, huh?"

Her own clit began to tingle. She was horny. But not now, they were here for a specific purpose.

"Or maybe you'd like me to bend over?" She continued, "yeah, bend me over, get me on that chair, and just take me from behind? What do you like more, Tom? How wet it is? How tight? Or just hearing me scream and moan while you're inside me?" She began moaning, playfully. He didn't say a word, she could just tell from the way his hand grabbed his forehead as he tilted his head, back arched.

She was thrilled, watching from this close as it shot out, thick white globs into the sample cup. She could even feel it as the force of the cream shot through his dick, her fingers sensing his cock widening inside to let it out with each blast. Taking care to make sure none was spilled, she stroked more, forcing a little extra out.

Her husband was reeled back, catching his breath. Looking at the cup, she said, "that should be enough." Over to the sink to wash her hands, Rouge sealed the lid tight. "Tom, get my panties, I can't go out there like this." Regaining himself, Thomas pulled his pants up and collected his wife's clothes so she could dress.

"I hope we didn't do this too quick," Rouge commented, "I wouldn't want the nurses to think you finish fast."

"Nurses?" Tom asked, looking nervously at the sample cup.

She patted his butt. "Go to the car. I'll turn that in for you."

His excitement was gone, filled with embarrassment once again. "Great, they get to see my jizz..."

Home. Tom sat on the bed. Taking off her heels, Rouge undid her jacket, hanging it up. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No," he responded, "still not my idea of... anyway, it's done."

Rouge sat beside him, laying back. "I'm still... you know..." she said, sliding her skirt off. Her lacy black panties hid the moisture well, be he could still see.

It was time for revenge. He pinned her down. "Tom... wow. I trick you into one sperm donation and you're getting forceful?"

"My turn," he said, releasing his grip and kissing, tongue down her throat. Rolling off to the side, his hand slid into her panties, a finger tracing along through the wetness, paying special attention to tease her clitoris.

"Yeah, punish me," she moaned, running a hand through his hair. His free hand cradled her head, tracing along her ears while he worked a finger inside, thumb working her clit.

He said, "your pussy is so soft." She began to pant and moan, a hand on her breast to feel, sensitive nipples only adding to her pleasure.

Ramming his fingers in her faster, thumb grazing up and down the clit, she was screaming her head off. "Yeah! Yeah! Oh... I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum for me, babe!" he shouted, his kiss quieting the moaning. Her back arched, a loud groan heard from the kissing. He could feel her internal muscles squeezing his fingers hard.

Rouge was breathing hard. Tom teased, "now who cums fast?" She smiled, laughing at their little joke. "Hungry?" he asked.

"Mmm, not really," she replied.

He said, "I'm not." Unbuttoning his shirt, he tugged down on her panties. "Got any plans?"

"I do now," the bat girl responded, wrapping a leg around her lover with eager anticipation.

Tom was in the kitchen when the phone rang. "Hello? Yeah, hold on..." Pulling the phone away, he shouted, "Rouge! Baby, phone!"

Running through the house, she snatched it from him. "Yes? I see..." Her conversation continued for a few minutes, agreeances and 'thank yous' until she hung up. "Our results," she explained.

"That fast?" Tom asked. "It's only been a day."

"Your sperm count is just fine. And they're healthy. So... you can be a daddy someday." Jumping onto the counter, she gave him a hug. "And me... I can be a mom, too."

"Wait, what?" he asked, somewhat confused.

"Tom, I- I didn't tell you because I knew you might freak out. I didn't go straight to the casino the other night. I went to the clinic first. They did x-rays and other tests on my uterus, to make sure everything was fine. And..."

"I'm listening," he said.

She continued, "there's a procedure were they use a fine needle to extract an egg from one of my ovaries. Didn't leave a scar or anything, but if I told you that, well... you know you."

"And I panic over blowing it into a cup. Damn..." He suddenly felt terrible. "So, what, they're gonna use my sample and your egg to-"

"Hell no!" she shouted. "Hardly. The egg was just a sample to ensure they were viable. No, Tom, if we have a kid, we're doing it right. Not in a lab. My little girl will be created out of love, not by some machine."

"And what if we have a boy?"

She cringed. "I'm not having some disgusting boy bat! Some ignorant womanizer who runs around treating girls like possessions. It's not happening! I'll have a girl and raise her well, not growing up being led around by her instincts..." She silenced herself. "Oh, god, I... I'm sorry, Tom. I didn't mean that. I-"

Tom pulled her close, hugging tight. "I know. The male bats who come to the casino... don't worry about it."

"Like we're any better," Rouge said sadly, "I had to fight myself every day to not be a total slut. I kept hitting on guys, I- I didn't even care if they didn't like me."

He handed her a bowl of peeled orange slices. "Something else now. Let's go relax in front of the TV." Jumping down to the floor, she followed him into the living room. "Don't knock yourself, Rouge. You've got a lot of charming qualities."

"But I annoyed some of my old friends," she explained, "and I never meant to."

"You don't annoy me." She looked up at him with a sense of confusion and happiness. "Listen, some of the socialite people my parents hung with, that stuck-up girl they tried to get me to date, they were ALL worse than you in every way possible. At least you had friends to annoy. And you still talk to them, so you didn't screw things up."

"That's the reason I love you, Tom," Rouge said, "you keep me reasonable when I start going wild."

"Maybe," Tom responded, "you add the wild side I need. Works out."

"Even if you do sometimes panic over some of the things I do?"

He said, "of course."

"Good," she remarked. "Then I won't tell you how much those tests cost."

One year, ten months have passed

The lamp illuminated the diary which held the bat's deepest secrets. Secrets that grew as she wrote dirty details on its pages. Secrets that not even her husband knew- fantasies, guys she knew before he had met her, fantasies about guys she knew before he had met her... but she'd been a good girl, after all. Never acting out, just scribbling them in the pages. She stayed pure until she'd found the right guy, after all.

Now, though, the pages were a housing of true stories. Placed they'd done it, placed she wanted to do it, positions, things said before, during, and after.

Content that her current dirty thoughts were well recorded, Rouge locked the latch. Placing the book into her nightstand drawer, she rolled onto her side. "Tom?" Her husband was in the kitchen, washing dishes, giving her some time alone to write. The couple had moved back into the upstairs penthouse apartment of Club Rouge, Night Babylon's casino of choice and Rouge's primary home. That is, until they married. Most of the time was now spent in the mansion outside of Central City.

Private and quiet.

But now, December's freeze had moved in. The mansion grounds were closed, the fruit fields dormant and the lovers relocated here, where it was warmer. Not by location, but her apartment was a more confined space and easier to heat.

"Tom! The dishes can wait! I'm lonely..." she called out, her familiar sultry tone ending the words.

He stepped into the bedroom, Rouge holding out a hand to him. "Sorry," he apologized, laying beside her. She ran a hand through his hair. "I forgot how small this place is," he said, curling in place, gently taking one of her feet by the hand, slowly massaging. His fingers traced along the toes, all four of them, each spreading out as she stretched her entire body, easing away tension and rest from lying still, working on her diary.

"Thanks, but I need you up here," she ordered, calling him back up the bed. Their eyes met as Rouge pulled him close for a deep, wet kiss. However, both wouldn't say it, but they were to tired for sex. The day had been spent moving boxes, car trips back and forth between the cities to transport anything they deemed important, not to mention the grocery store and a heavy amount of cleaning of settled dust.

"I like your perfume."

She closed her eyes and smiled. It had faded a bit, but she could still smell it, and was happy that Tom was able to smell it as well. "Thank you," she said as he lay his head on her chest.

"I like these too." She wished she wasn't so tired. Pulling her robe open so he could get a better feel, Rouge fluffed her pillow, closing her eyes as she reached for the light switch by the bed. Tom curled up, pulling the blanket over them.

Rouge closed the books, organizing them in the filing cabinet. "Nice to see Vic can run the place without me," she commented, locking the cabinets.

"Mmm hmm," Tom muttered. He had enough number crunching and fact-checking when the fruit company was in its business season. The casino was more of the same.

"What are we doing for Christmas?" he asked, trying to focus elsewhere.

"Hmm" she thought, "IF we invite people, we should throw the party at the mansion. More room. And we'll have that big kitchen." Truth be told, Rouge didn't want to simply admit that she didn't want people barging into her apartment. The mansion, as hot as they could get while alone, was large, open and friendly.

Her apartment above the casino was her private space. Shadow had stayed their briefly while injured, but otherwise, it was a place known only to her and Thomas Adriani.

Still, she had a point about the kitchen. True, the kitchen facilities of the casino restaurant were suitable, but not for a traditional meal. Even accounting for the casino being closed on Christmas day, no, the mansion was more suitable.

Walking to the office door, she grabbed the knob. Open or not? Licking her lips, the bat flipped the lock closed, turning around. "Work's done. Wanna play?" Stepping back to the desk, she turned the chair around, facing Tom.

"Here?" he asked. "The apartment's just upst-"

"What's wrong?" she teased. "Afraid someone will walk in on us? Afraid all those people will hear us?" Crawling up onto him, playing with his tie, "you worry too much, sometimes..."

"Okay, if you want," he replied, gently playing with her shirt buttons.

She undid his tie, sliding it off. "I have a confession," she said, "I didn't put any panties on."

He slid a hand between her legs. "So you didn't."

Pulling herself back, Rouge sat on the desk, legs spread. "Tom, you slobbered all over my tits while you slept." Pulling her shirt open, she continued gleefully, "I liked it, too." It was his permission to suck her nipples, which he did, slowly gliding his lips and tongue across them, one breast to the other. Sucking on the left, hand on the right, Tom spat a glob of spit, pushing it with his tongue, saliva dripping down.

She said through gritted teeth, "you naughty boy. What do you wanna do now?"

Kissing up her neck, he whispered, "I want to bend you over this desk. Bend you over and take you hard."

Sucking in breath, Rouge's heart raced. "Well then, I need to make sure you're ready!" Jumping down, she unzipped his pants, pulling Tom's erection free of his underwear. "Yeah, you're ready," she remarked, resisting the urge to stroke him off. God, she wanted him to cum on her tits and face.

His hands slid under her arms, hoisting the bat back up. Leaping free, Rouge lay flat on her stomach, bent over, legs parted. His hands grabbed her ass, pushing the skirt up. "Your skin is so soft," he said, gently placing the head of his penis to her opening. Both her pussy and his cock were soaking wet, enough to allow him to slide in easily.

She moaned, trying to keep her jaw clenched. If she screamed TOO loud, someone would hear. Tom placed both hands on her hips, thrusting slowly. The angle forced his dick against her g-spot directly, which only hastened Rouge's pleasure. Taking a steady pace, he slid a hand down, rubbing her clit, leaning downward now. The lovers breathed heavily, trying not to scream out. Grabbing the loose necktie, Rouge stuffed it in her mouth to muffle her groans.

Tom's hands slid underneath, pulling her upright, still slid down on his cock. Kicking off a shoe, she placed her bare foot on the desk, other leg balanced on the knee, her tail flattening between them. Back arched to let him continue, Rouge enjoyed the new position. Tom grabbed her chest, his other hand still caressing her clitoris gently while he slowly kept his pace.

Breath left his nostrils faster, his thrusts quickening. "I'm gonna cum. you ready?" She shook her head, keeping the tie in her mouth to avoid yelling out. Without hesitating, Tom pounded Rouge from behind, hard and quick, a human jackhammer. He kissed the back of his wife's head, barely keeping his grunts quiet as he let loose, squirting inside her. The force against her clit and g-spot caused Rouge to squirt, a wet stream across the desk.

Finished and tried, Tom fell back into the office chair, Rouge still on him. He flopped back, giving her room to sit without rising. She spat out the tie. "Yeah... very nice." She was panting and gasping for breath. Arms slipping around her wings, Tom hugged her tight.

The knock at the door. Their eyes widened. "Boss?" It was Victoria, the floor manager of the casino.

"Shit!" Rouge muttered. "Y-Yes Vic?" she asked aloud.

The voice asked, "just checking, didn't know if you were still in there!"

"We're almost done," Rouge answered. "Get back to the floor, okay?"

They waited. "Damn. Think she knew?" Tom asked.

"Knowing her," she replied, "most likely." Raising off him, she buttoned her shirt. "I wanna cuddle now. Maybe we should sneak upstairs first, though." Helping her husband with his pants, she gasped, noticing the desk. "OH!" Panicking, Rouge grabbed a glass of water from the filing cabinet, placing it on the desk, knocking it over with a quick backhand.

"There," she explained, "now they can clean it up and no one will be suspicious!" Taking his hand, she led him upstairs.

They curled up in bed. "Why'd you let me take charge, anyway?"

She cocked an eye at him. "What do you mean by that?"

"You let me bend you over the desk. You're usually the one in charge..." he responded, gently feeling the edge of her wing.

She said, "I'm almost always on top. I never ask what you want. Just thought... maybe... I've been too dominating."

"But I like it," Tom said, "anyway, you're a lot shorter than me. I'm always afraid I'll hurt you somehow, and-"

"You wouldn't hurt me. Not on purpose, not by accident!" She shouted. "Two feet taller, big deal, Tom!" Smiling, her forehead rested against his. "I was a secret agent, I did things no human could hope to do. I could snap you in two if I wanted." Closing her eyes, she continued, "you know I'd never do that, of course... but I'm not a twig. You don't have to worry about me."

He held Rouge tight. "We almost got busted. What would you have done if she walked in on us?"

"Vic? Maybe asked if she wanted to join in..." Rouge teased.

"Hell you would!" Tom responded, "Like you'd share."

"You're right, I wouldn't." She kissed his cheek. "You're all mine. Anyway, I doubt you'd do her."

Tom kept silent for a moment. "It's not that I don't like Vic, it's just that... all that fur..." He slid a hand across Rouge's thigh. "She's not my type." Silent now, Tom played with the spikes of fur above her neck. "Not like your fur, in all the right places..."

"I know what you mean," she said, "don't get defensive."

"Anyway, about Christmas plans..." Tom mentioned to change the subject. "We gonna have a big thing for everyone?"

"Might as well," Rouge said. "If they come."

He said, "we'd better get plans made early."

"Don't worry," Rouge replied, "we have plenty of time."

Two years have passed

Knuckles was irritated. It was simple, a little, almost inconsequential thing that was bugging him. It was painfully apparent that the source of this irritation wasn't even aware of events, the horrifying internal response that Knuckles felt every time he heard it.

"... you know?"

The echidna girl, Karen, had taken an interest in him at the very second she'd seen him two years ago. Athletic, but almost rude in her manners, Karen seemed to assume from the start that Knuckles liked her. She had been the first living female of his kind that the former guardian had ever seen, after all.

But it was that phrase, the one she ended most of her sentences with, that irritated him. And it didn't help matters any that he was now without a role in life. The Master Emerald was secured behind thick walls of reinforced metal, a special box erected over Angel Island that would prevent any access to the stone. The Chaos Emeralds had been locked away in a vault, a heavy door and hundreds of armed guards in the way of anyone who might want to obtain them.

"Knuckles!" Slightly annoyed, Karen asked, "hey, you payin' attention?"

"Yeah...." he responded, doing his best to focus on her words rather than his own thoughts.

She laughed at him. "Sometimes, I think living on that floating island messed you up and the air pressure down on land is crushing your brain, you know? Anyway, meet me here tomorrow night, okay?"

He nodded. "I'll be here."

If anything, the echidna knew he needed help. He liked Karen well enough, but certain things annoyed him, so much so that he'd questioned if this was how he wanted to live his life. After all, his supposed goals had been taken from him, his beliefs shattered by learning of living echidnas, and his days filled with working menial tasks around the island.

But how would he find any help? Talking with Karen's father was certainly not an option. His best friend, Sonic? Doubtful he would find any solid advice on women from that avenue. If Sonic ever did date anyone, it might not be for some time. He was still a free spirit, too concerned with living for the day to worry about such things.

It did beg the question, though, who did Knuckles know? At least, concerning men who could offer advice on women. Almost no one. Almost. There was one person.

The mansion was both inviting and fearful to him. He knew Rouge would likely be away, taking care of business at the casino in Night Babylon, not that he wanted an encounter with her, given their past. Punching the doorbell chime, he only hoped that Thomas Adriani was home.

The door opened and he almost ran. "Knuckles?" Rouge greeted.

"Uh... where's your husband?"

She gave him a look of suspicion. "He's sick right now. Why?"

Rolling his eyes back, trying to look anywhere but at the bat, he responded, "no reason. I gotta go!"

Turning to run, he felt a sharp tug on one of his quills. "Not so fast! What do you want with my husband?" Feeling defeated, he saw no option but to tell her everything.

"Mmm hmm..." Rouge muttered. "Well, I have to admit, there are a few things about Tom that get on my nerves. He can eat meat, there's the height difference and he'll never want to go off on some adventure. And there's the fact we might never be able to have children together. But... I wouldn't walk away from him. I actually like what we have together. And I think that's how you feel about Karen, otherwise you'd have walked off already. It's been almost two years since you met her."

"Yeah, well, it's not as if there aren't other girls on that island, but..."

Chuckling under her breath, Rouge commented, "but she was the one that won't let go. She's also a tough little girl, isn't she? Boxing champion, athlete... probably other things you'll learn soon enough if things go well."

"HEY!" The echidna boy wasn't willing to discuss such private things.

"That's another thing," she scolded, "you need to loosen up. You'll never be happy if you're too shy around women with things like that."

Knuckles brushed it off. "We're not as... we don't think about that as much as you do. Seems none of us do, it's not just me."

Rouge had always sensed that her flirtatious behavior with Knuckles had been a losing endeavor in the past. It settled her slightly to know the echidnas were simply less susceptible to seduction and it hadn't simply been something she'd been doing wrong. Not that it mattered anymore, after all, Rouge had found someone else and the days of playing such games were over. "Only think you can do now is to go talk to her about this, and either learn to like her despite the annoyances, or move on. Your call, red boy."

"Yeah," he grunted. "So, what's wrong with your husband?"

She replied, "flu. They think his near-death experience has still left his body a bit weak, but he's doing fine. At least the virus can't affect me, so I can't get sick. I don't really care for cleaning up vomit, either, but... I'll deal with it."

Walking off, Knuckles simply said, "I'll let you get back to him."

Karen sat, waiting, in the dark forest. The island was lit up in the main habitat area, as always, but tonight, she sat in solitude. The sound of grass and twigs caught her attention. "You're late, tough guy."

"Sorry. I went to the main land today." Sitting beside her, he noticed she was staring out into the sea.

"Quiet night, you know?"

"Karen?" He chose to be somewhat subtle this time. "Why do you always say that?"

She asked, "say what?"

"That... 'you know' you always end a sentence with."

Her eyes closed tight. "My mother used to say it. I started doing it too, after she died. That was twelve years ago... tonight."

Knuckles felt a sharp spike of guilt. "I... didn't know. I'd have rushed back earlier if I-"

"You didn't know," she said, cutting him off. "I should've said something, but I didn't, you know?"

Edging closer, the echidna sat down in the grass. "I never knew my parents. I think they died before I was even old enough to walk. I don't even know how I was raised on that island. Maybe Tikal watched over me, who knows?"

"Poor guy," Karen remarked.

"Yeah. Until Sonic and Eggman came to Angel Island, I'd never even seen another person. But somehow I always seemed to know why I was there. But now, well, I'm not there anymore." He looked at his new gloves, the ones he'd worn for a year. No spikes, the fingers apart, not the mittens he'd worn since he could remember his first experiences.

"You could take those off, you know!" Tugging on them, Karen tossed his gloves aside. "I can't figure out why your friends always wear gloves. Seems weird to me."

He defended, "my gloves let me climb and dig, when I still had them!"

"Yeah, climb and dig! You don't need to wear them all the time! I don't wear my boxing gloves all the time! Might make doing most things real awkward, you know?"

They laughed at the thought. "Karen, I-"

"Ssh," she silenced him, kissing his cheek. "Just sit with me, okay?"

Two years have passed

Valentine's Day.

It only meant one thing to Rouge.

Two years prior, she had lost her virginity to Thomas Adriani.

Today was Valentine's Day.

Rouge embraced her sleeping husband, kissing his neck to wake him up. His eyes opened, body waking up. He could practically see pink cartoon hearts in her eyes. "Morning, Rouge," he greeted, "you look... ready."

She smiled. "I have only one thing planned for today, Tom, and it involves neither of us leaving the house." Sliding a hand across her body and down her thigh, Tom squeezed her butt. The bat was naked under the sheets, and had no shame about it. Tom was shirtless, only a pair of sweatpants on, which she began to pull down, fondling him.

"I have something special for you. Close your eyes," she said in a seductive tone, mounting his chest with her bare bottom. She left a wet trail on him, her pussy moist merely from fantasies she'd dreamed of before he woke up. He closed his eyes, knowing damn well two things- that she wouldn't do anything that could hurt or endanger him, and that he had better do as he was told.

Pulling the thick ribbon from under the pillow, Rouge ran it through the headboard, gently tying it around his wrists. He felt this, but allowed it. "Okay, I'm done," she said. As Tom opened his eyes, he saw Rouge throwing the blankets from bed, shifting to take his pants all the way off. Once they were down, she began to fondle him, now hard as a rock.

"I'm going to do something VERY special," she said, licking the tip.

"WHOA!" he shouted, you can't do that!"

"Yes I can," she shouted back, licking again on the tiny opening. He groaned, a shooting pleasure sensation through his body.

"You know what I mean!"

"I'm not going to swallow any, Tom! Just relax and let me do this... if you complain, I'll bite it!"

It was true that she couldn't ingest semen, being a fruit bat, as the protein would no doubt make her sick. But that wasn't going to stop Rouge from giving her husband oral sex. After all, he licked her rather frequently.

Her eyes looked up the bed at him as she took the end of his penis in her mouth, tongue working over the end. "WHOA! Okay.... hey, that's sensitive, be careful!" Tom shouted, trying to keep from kicking his legs. Rising her head up, Rouge spat out onto the floor. His precum had begun to leak and the taste didn't agree with her.

Placing a fingertip under the head, Rouge rubbed the sensitive spot while her other hand slid the foreskin up and down. "Better?" she asked.

"Mmmm... yeah, much," he responded, body relaxing to enjoy this.

Pausing, Rouge slowly ran a finger across the head, over the curved bottom and along the opening, allowing the precum to spread around. "Not very romantic, is it?" she commented, reaching to untie his wrists.

"Nothing wrong with being playful," Tom replied.

She said, "wait here," rising from the bed and stepping into the bathroom.

He didn't wait, instead going to the window and peering outside. Rouge had insisted they go back to the mansion, and they had, just before the snow fell. It was already six inches deep outside.

The hard smack took his attention. The bat was grabbing his butt. "You didn't wait there," she said, tugging the elastic band of his pants to pull him back to bed. Fluffing pillows, Rouge tossed them against the headboard. "There. Sit down." Taking his spot, Tom pulled her onto bed, grabbing himself to guide it inside her. He enjoyed how she felt whenever his penis slid in, and today was no exception.

"What were you doing in there?"

"No offense," she replied, "but if you tasted yourself, you'd wanna wash your mouth out, too." She blew faint breath onto her lover's face, a faint trace of mint in the air. "So, how you wanna do this?"

Tom pulled her close, thrusting his pelvis up to give her some height. "Take our time. We don't have anything else to do today." She leaned in, tongue out slightly as Tom took it in his mouth, sliding his tongue into hers as they intertwined and danced back and forth, the lovers kissing slowly and passionately.

Rouge gently nuzzled Tom's chest. She didn't even look at the clock, it didn't matter to her how long they'd been at it. "Tom... before we first made love...." She looked up at his face. "Just wondering, what did you think it'd feel like? Physically..."

"I never gave it much thought," he said, never recalling once imagining what intercourse was like before engaging in it. "You?"

She let her memories roll. "You mean, what it'd feel like inside me. Uh... honestly, I was always a bit scared of it. It's one of the reasons I was a virgin. Just... you don't know what it's like for a woman. You couldn't know. Men don't have the same bodies and- well, it can be beautiful. Or it can be violating. But... when I gave myself to you, I was just so- so out of control that I... I don't regret it at all, either." Curling her wings tight around them, she went silent.

"I didn't get you a present. All I could find were plush pink bears and little heart pillows. I know you aren't too big into little plush toys."

She kissed his chest gently. "I just need you with me," was her only response.

"I did," he continued, "make us reservations for dinner."

"Great," she sighed, "no doubt someone will be there to take our picture for the newspapers. Wealthy socialites on the town for the romance. Oh well." Rouge wouldn't admit it, but she liked the media attention. Her love life on display, if only a small part of it. She got to show off.

"I..." he hesitated. "I did get you one thing, but... anyway, I had Shadow look into something for you."

"For me?" she asked, interested.

He explained, "your mother is doing okay. Working still. Look, maybe you should go see her. I'm sure she can't be all that bad."

Under her breath, Rouge muttered, "she's a bitch."

"What?" Tom asked, even though he'd heard it.

"I wish," she said clearly. "As much as I'd like to... I'm not going to. Mom messed up. So... anyway, thanks for that, really, I'm happy you thought of her, but she hasn't once called me. Didn't call when our wedding was announced, so I doubt she cares... I don't want to talk about her anymore."

"Okay," he relented. "Why don't we get lunch? Come on. Anyway, you squirted a lot, you need some liquids." Rolling off to let him up, Rouge grabbed her robe and slipped it on. "You gonna call any of the old gang and check up?"

"Nah," she answered. "I know Amy is trying to win Sonic over, it's why she called me yesterday. Knuckles and Karen are probably doing fine, I don't need to bug them."

It was her way of saying that she didn't really care about how Knuckles was doing. That was long behind her. Any potential she had with him was no longer relevant or important, shoved off in the corner where any feelings for her mother resided.

Neither of them mentioned Shadow. It was already clear he was as romantic as a rubber tire. Shadow dating someone might signal the end of the world. "We have any of those soy burgers left?"

"I think so," Tom said.

"Good, I'll cook those." Soy meat substitutes were the closest she could get to real meat. And if Tom could have meat, she wasn't going to let something like her species get in the way of sharing that.

Two years, one month have passed

Thomas Adriani peeked upward to see his wife sitting on the mansion roof, looking down with binoculars. He would have called to her, but even with her hearing, he still wouldn't be audible. Waiting, he sat on the old stone bench. Finally, Rouge flew back down to earth, humming gently as she checked notes she'd scribbled out. "Hi, cutie! You saw me up there?" she asked, resting beside him.

"Yeah, what were you doing?"

She replied, "I was thinking we should have a swimming pool dug up in the back yard. Nothing big, just a nice summer resting spot."

"Let me guess," he responded, "you want an excuse to lay around in a bikini without going to a crowded beach?"

"I have the bikini, Tom," Rouge replied, "but... it'd be nice to go for a swim. Without someone watching." He caught on fast that she meant without the bikini on. Tucking the notes away neatly, she took to her feet. "Come on, we've got to go to the casino."

Tom signed papers and placed envelopes into the 'out' pile on the desk. Casino business. A knock at the office door took his attention. "Come in."

The door opened, one of the floor employees stepping foot inside. A human woman, blonde ponytail, perhaps taller than he was greeted him. "Um, hi. Listen, can I ask about a... well, a raise?" she asked, very shy.

"Okay... what's your name?"

"Veronica Lance," she responded, giving Tom info to pull her employee file.

"Hmm... been here six months. Okay, so, any idea how much you want more per hour?" he asked without taking his eyes off the file.

"Oh, I was thinking... an extra thousand per week!"

"Absolutely not!" he shouted. "Get out of here before my wife finds out! She'd fire you for this!"

"Oh? Look, buddy, either you give me what I want or I go tell that ugly little bat that you've been banging me behind her back!" the woman offered, teeth gritted in anger.

He said, "go ahead. And just for calling her that, you ARE fired!" Veronica huffed, spinning and walking off. Angry, Tom followed.

On the floor, Rouge watched the customer flow. The tap on her shoulder spun her around, a young blonde woman stooping down. "Umm, boss? Yeah... listen, your husband and I have been... well... he loves me more than he loves you. Said so several times, in fact! While we were doing it! Have been for months! You're history, lady!"

Tom stood nearby. Rouge turned a sour expression. "Really... figures, he'd probably desire a woman of his own species eventually... so you know all his intimate thoughts...."

"Yes, I do!" Veronica replied.

"And his secrets?" Rouge asked.

"You bet, bat girlie!"

Finally, Rouge asked, "and... you saw his special tattoo... the one he got for me..."

The woman nodded. "Damn right!"

"Lady..." Rouge smiled, a very evil grin as her eyes closed to small slits. " husband doesn't have a tattoo!" Rouge's fist cocked back and sprang forward in a blur, sending its target spiraling back in a horrendous crack, the impact alone heard across the room. Pulling herself up, the woman spat out, a bloody tooth hitting the carpet. Yet more blood dripped from her nose, which was crooked, likely broken. Customers and employees alike dropped their activities to stare.

Rouge walked over to the woman. "Tom?"

"She asked for money," he explained.

"Listen, honey," she spat out, "my husband wouldn't cheat on me. I wouldn't cheat on him. You tried to take away what we had because you got GREEDY? I could kill you for that!"

Tom bent down. "She called you ugly, too!"

"She WHAT?" the bat shouted, a swift kick to the woman's gut. The cry of pain echoed through the room as blood sprayed from her mouth. he struggled for breath, pain firing through her nose, jaw and kidney.

"I'll see you prosecuted for this! You... you have no right!" the woman screamed. "No right to all this money! No right to a HUMAN! Disgusting... someone find me a cop! NOW!"

"You've found one," a voice said, the dark figure stepping forward. "Vivian James... you're coming with me."

"Shadow?" Rouge was surprised.

The black hedgehog restrained his target's arms with handcuffs. "I was on my way to arrest her. Looks like you found out first."

"You mean she's done this crap before?" Tom asked, barely surprised.

"Yes," Shadow replied, "she's been wanted for identity theft, fraud, blackmail and murder."

Thinking, Tom asked, "did you say her last name was JAMES?" The hedgehog nodded. Lowering to look her in the eyes, Tom gathered a large wad of spit in his mouth, hocking it into her face. "That's for your sister!"

Rouge was somewhat surprised, but let it slide. "I'd ask you to stay, Shadow," she said, "but I want this piece of trash OUT OF MY CASINO!" The couple watched Shadow lead the woman away, a sad look of defeat on her face.

Tom sat on the roulette table. His wife jumped up beside him. "What was that for?" she asked, curious.

"That," he replied. "Leela James, that dumb greedy stuck-up cow my parents fixed me up with..."

She realized the answer. "Her sister... think she came after you on purpose? Hmph! Serves her right!"

"She's probably safer with Shadow right now than with us," Thomas commented. "You didn't..." He appeared nervous.

She laughed. "Not for a second! Please, if you were cheating on me, you wouldn't give it to me as hard and as often as you do!" Rouge smiled at him, inviting a kiss. He looked to the side, turning her attention to the crowd. "What?" she asked, "fine, Tom, the people want a show, so let's give them a show!"

With that, the two embraced, kissing long and hard as the gathered crowd cheered. Satisfied, they broke the kiss, proceeding to walk away and allow the casino to resume normal business. Before they could reach the stairway to the apartment above, Victoria, the floor manager, stopped them. "Nice job, boss! One thing though... Thomas, I've seen you with your shirt untucked around here a few times and your tie missing!" Looking over, the fox glared at Rouge. "And YOU following him, with your top button undone!"

The couple looked at each other sheepishly. Busted. "You two can't even keep it in your pants long enough to get upstairs!" Vic scolded. "Hey, it's your casino. Still, boss... I have a confession."

"Yes? What is it?" Rouge asked, interested in the secret.

"I've been dating the janitor lately and... well, with my son at home, I've... well, we sometimes go back to the janitorial closet and.... you get the idea. You don't mind, do you?"

Grinning, Rouge simply said, "no. Not one bit. Just... don't get caught, okay?"

Vic looked at Tom. "Me? NO... I don't mind. As she said, don't get caught and... well, I don't need to know the details."

"Good," Vic said, turning. "By the way, boss, you kicked ass!" Suddenly proud of herself again, the bat led her husband up to the apartment.

The freezer door shut, two bowls of strawberry ice cream carried into the living room. Taking his, Tom let his wife cuddle up. "That was unusual, even for you," he remarked.

"It had to happen eventually," she said, "someone would try to leech somehow. And no, I didn't believe her, not for a second! Don't get whiny about it!"

"I wouldn't cheat on you. Three reasons I can sum it up with," he said, catching her curiosity like a fish on a hook.

She said, "go on."

"First reason, you're incredibly beautiful, and anyone who says you're not is either blind or an idiot. Second, I doubt anyone could match you in bed. Third... you gave me my life. You didn't just help save it, you gave me a life to live." Without a word, she nuzzled him, moaning softly.

"There is a fourth reason, too, but it's not important."

"Tell me anyway," she said, not quite an order but pushing it.

"I..." He hesitated. "I like having my bones intact."

Laughing gently, Rouge kissed him. "So, about that swimming pool...."

"You've earned an amusement park in the back yard if you want it," he responded.

Licking her lips, Rouge said, "as much as I'd like a private merry-go-round, I'll stick with the pool."

"I'll make the calls in the morning. Wanna look at this?" he said, grabbing a large folder.

"Our wedding pictures! Romantic!" Rouge felt warm inside.

Tom opened the album. Memories on plastic in small frames forever. And no one would take that away from either of them.

Two years, two months have passed

It had been a fun birthday. The party held on the island, the gifts, his solid place in adulthood had been reached. Although none of that mattered to Knuckles at this very moment, hidden away in the seclusion of the jungles of the far side of the island, sitting on a smooth rock, mind wrapped up in ecstasy as his girlfriend licked up the shaft, teasing his exposed, throbbing rod, laughing at his expression of pure pleasure.

"Uh," he grumbled, "are you sure no one's gonna catch us out here?"

"Positive." Flicking the tip of her tongue along the head, Karen was enjoying herself. Her first oral sex. How to proceed, she wondered? The echidna girl could take him down her throat, sucking hard, or gently licking until sperm gushed out. Neither option seemed to offer her any relief from the tingling below.

Thrusting a hand into her shorts, Karen began to rub and fondle, pussy feeling some relaxation from the pure, unrestrained sexual tension this was causing. Enough release, unfortunately, wasn't offered. Fingering herself might make for a nice orgasm before Knuckles could cream in her mouth, but her lover's cock was begging for more than a tongue.

"How's it feel being eighteen?"

"Good... you stopped," he responded, puzzled by Karen's change in mood.

Standing upright, the girl slid down her boxing trunks, exposing everything. "I beat you to it, you know. Three months ago. No more kiddie stuff for either of us." Climbing up, she straddled the birthday boy, grinding against him, pondering the feeling. Would this be as great as she'd hoped?

"Karen, I-"

Slamming down hard, the echidna boxer winced, almost screaming as Knuckles filled her, pussy stretched inside, his length pushing up to the cervix. "Come on, birthday guy, fuck me like you know you want to!"

This wasn't the ideal spot, as Knuckles was afraid someone might see them, but the temptation, the sweet temptation that was squeezing on his hard cock killed any thoughts of reason. Pulling up on her shirt, playfully thumbing Karen's stiff little nipples, the echidna licked his lips, grinning like an idiot.

She asked, "isn't this better than sitting on that dumb island, watching some stupid rock, playing with yourself all day?"

"What? I didn't-" Wonderful. She had killed the mood with some dumb comment, a habit Knuckles was accustomed to but never able to tolerate. "That wasn't a stupid rock and I didn't jerk off all the time!"

An evil grin was plastered on the boxer's face, leaning in with eyes squinted. "Don't tell me you didn't beat the meat a few times. It had to be lonely up there and you had to find something to do. No one around, just you and your dick." Arching her back, ass rocking forward, Karen rode her boyfriend hard, pussy juices dripping out and down his legs. "Admit it, you played with yourself!"

"Fine, so I did, a few times! Big deal!" A bit pissed now, gripping her waist tight, Knuckles bounced the girl, ramming his hips faster. "This feels better!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna cum! Keep nailing me, just like that, don't stop!" Their bodies squished together, fur mixed with sex fluids, their seat wet, bodies only barely visible in the moonlight. "Knuckles...."

"Karen... marry me!"


"Marry me!" he shouted out louder.

"Uh- I- AH!" Knees tensed, fingers gripping his quills tight as she climaxed, her body shaking with uncontrolled passion as a final sharp thrust upward caused Knuckles to ejaculate, teeth gritting hard as the echidnas became one, orgasmic energy forcing them to scream.

"Wow..." she gasped, "I hope no one heard that." Leaning in for a kiss, Karen answered, "yes, I'll marry you."

"You... will?" The answer seemed a bit of a surprise. In all honesty, he'd only asked because he was close to climax and wasn't thinking clearly. 'Looks like I got myself deep into her in more than one way...' he thought. His life was definitely going to change.

Two years, two months have passed

The smile hinted at dreams. Nice dreams, perhaps dirty dreams, who could say? Curled up, lying gently in her lover's arms, Rouge slept in peaceful comfort. Wings tight to her body, head lying on his bicep, the bat was at peace.

Until the gentle motions stirred her from rest.

Consciousness took hold as sound became clear, the haze of sleep giving way to perceptual sharpness. The sound was close, the vibrations near her back. The final clue was the breathing sounds, very close to her ears. No questions in her mind now. Her husband was lying behind her, fondling himself. Rouge, keeping calm, keeping still, the illusion of sleep to prevent disturbing her love, listened as Tom's soft moans became quick, the shaking near her ass harder, until it stopped with a quick, loud gasp.

Her only thought before going back to sleep was, 'fucking time of the month...'

Grinning like an idiot as the magazine let slip the secrets of men, Amy may as well have found some secret text of the world's mysteries. Though such a find wasn't hers, but the women's tips magazine was close enough. Sipping from the moist glass, her soda already growing warm, the hedgehog grinned with glee.

"Amy?" It was perhaps a bit strange to see Amy Rose in Club Rouge, though she was lounging in the restaurant, not gambling. The law didn't allow her to play the games anyway. "Found something?"

"Uh huh... this might come in useful!"

"I'll bet..." Snatching the book away, the bat smirked. "In a few years, maybe!"

Amy shouted, "give that back!"

"Uh uh, let me see it- whoa!" Eyelids stretched wide as Rouge scanned the article. "Use your teeth on his... bite his...? Amy, is this some guide telling how to injure a man?"


Shaking her head, Rouge explained dismally, "listen, I know you want to learn this stuff, but whoever wrote this is an idiot. Doing any of this stuff will- it'll mean never doing it again, okay?"

"Oh..." The girl was disappointed, her secret source nothing but garbage. Leaving the casino, defeated, Amy Rose would have to wait to discover the secrets of adulthood.

"Poor girl," Victoria commented. The casino's floor manager had been watching. "Poor you, you don't look so happy today either."

An eye cocked to the fox. "Really..."

"Please, you might be my boss but I'm still older than you," Vic scolded. "What's going on? It's not business, must be personal."

A mild grimaced expression was Rouge's answer. "I'm on my period again."

"Oh." Victoria knew that meant her boss wasn't pregnant. "But that's not it, is it?"

"Damn! Honestly, do you mind read?"

A little laugh. "You've never been terribly subtle, boss."

Arms folded across the table, head down, she whispered, "Tom was playing with himself in bed last night."

Leaning in close, Vic remarked, "that's it?"

"I know," the bat responded, "it's dumb but-"

"He probably didn't want to wake you. Guess he did anyway?"

In a way, Rouge felt like a whiny brat for feeling this way. She knew her own sex drive was shot when she was on her period and if it wasn't for the pills, her mood would also be destroyed. "Am I being selfish? I- god dammit, big deal, right? Not like he was looking at porn. Just touching himself... while laying beside me..."

"Right... seeing the bigger picture?" Vic asked, knowing quite well her employer was doing so.

"He could have run to the bathroom, but..." The thought of Tom holding onto her, masturbating, enjoying her touch and smell, the idea was a calming tingle up her spine. "Still... what do I do?"

Vic advised, "friendly advice, don't just talk to him about it. You're still on your period tonight?" Rouge nodded. "Okay, if he does it and you wake up, just roll over and help him out."

"Help him- oh, I see." Smiling, the bat simply said, "thanks."

The upstairs apartment was dark, quiet, except for the breathing and gentle vibrations that awoke the bat once more. Lips stretched into a wicked smile, reaching back, Rouge gently felt her lover's crotch. "Can I help?"

"Huh? I didn't-"

"Ssshhh..." Rolling over, turning on the lamp to look Thomas in the eyes, her hand slid into his sweatpants, gripping the sticky foreskin. "You didn't want to wake me. But then I'd miss the fun." Stroking slowly, licking her lips, kissing the man softly, she whispered, "cum for me."

"Uh... Rouge, I love you." Eyes slammed shut as hot sperm erupted, filling his underwear and making a mess over her hand.

"Ooh, wow, you were almost there when I started. Oh well..." Wiping her sticky fingers on the sheets, nuzzling in close, she commented, "I don't mind you jerking off but I'd really like it if you let me help."

"How're you feeling?"

"Better. I'll be off this tomorrow. Then," rubbing her clean hand across his face, "we'll go back to the mansion and you'll fuck me so hard, my screams echo through the place. Sound like fun?"

Kissing her, Tom gleefully replied, "I look forward to tomorrow. And maybe we'll have better luck next month, okay?"

Flicking off the lamp, the bat mumbled, "I don't care if it takes thirty years, we're going to have a baby."

Two years, two months have passed

She cracked the curtains. The hole was dug and all that remained was for the pool to be built. The workers had already left for the day. Yawning, Rouge sat on the bed, waiting for Tom to join her. They'd just taken a bath and the fur around her neck was still damp. She felt him sit by her, the two cuddling like teenagers sneaking their affections before someone got home, even though they were the only ones at the mansion.

Without a word, Rouge undid her towel, lying back as she let her body display. Tom's hands couldn't wait, touching her skin, enjoying how soft it was. "You're proud of your body," he commented, hands sliding down to her thighs. As he passed the knees, Tom saw her toes curl. As he tried to touch her feet, she dug them into the bed. "Something wrong?"

"What? No," she replied, smiling, but he knew something was strange.

He asked, "then why won't you let me rub your feet?"

Hesitating, she uncurled her toes and let him continue. "Tom? Do my feet... freak you out?"

"Huh?" he inquired, genuinely confused. "Why would they?" Her feet were almost like a human's, down to the toenails, but she only had four toes per foot. "When I first saw your boots, I thought you had big feet... then I saw you take them off." He continued his massage.

She said, "I need the plating on my boots to dig and kick. Comes in very useful."

"Come on, what's wrong?" Tom asked, hoping she'd actually answer. "I've rubbed your feet before. Painted your toenails... what gives?"

"Just something stupid, really," Rouge replied, "I've never been too proud of my feet. Not as one of my better assets... it's stupid, I know..." Sitting up, he held her foot gently, lifting his towel and easing it under. Her eyes widened, realizing what she was touching.

"Be careful," he ordered, rubbing her leg as she gently felt him up with her toes.

"Kinky boy!" Rouge playfully scolded, enjoying what he had let her do.

Sitting back and parting the towel, Tom displayed an erection, hard and ready, for her to see. "Give me your other foot." She placed both feet around his cock, gently beginning to stroke up and down. "Wait. Try it this way. Relax your legs and turn them flat." She did so, her husband holding onto her feet, clasping them around himself with the bottoms facing inward. "Try that," he said. The arches of her feet made for a better grip around the shaft.

Leaning back and adjusting her legs, Rouge found a steady pace, movig her legs up and down, smiling with an evil grin. "This is gonna get messy, you know," he said, hand rubbing her calf.

She responded with a lazy "I don't care." Working faster, she felt her pussy tingling. This was making her wet. Not only was Rouge jerking the love of her life off with her feet, but she could see his member, head poking out, foreskin sliding up and down over it to let it peek out. Precum had already leaked out and her feet were sticky. "Ready, boy? Let me see you jizz!"

He came, hot sperm firing out onto her toes and ankles. Her strokes came in hard, quick motions to increase his pleasure during the last few bursts. Tom opened his eyes, breathing heavily. "Feel better?"

"I do," she said.

"Still hate your feet?"

Giggling, she said, "not at all." Grabbing her loose towel and wiping the mess off, the bat commented, "hope the bath water is still hot..."

"It'll wait," Tom remarked, crawling up the bed, head perched over her hips. Her legs spread without pause, his tongue poking out and gently licking. "You gonna squirt?" She fondled her breasts, the nipples hard and sensitive. "You got good at squirting. I came on your toes, you cum on my face, sound good?"

"You got it," she replied, a loud, sharp moan echoing in the room as Tom dragged his tongue hard over her clit.

"I saw you getting horny, Rouge... good girl! But you won't last much longer!" He licked, fingers prodding inside at the spongy g-spot. She knew he was right. When in the proper mood, Rouge could orgasm very fast. It was a quick motion, her thighs clamping down, hands grabbing his head and pushing down, her pussy juice squirting out, screams filling the room.

Letting go, the bat bit her lower lip, smiling and panting. Raising his head, Tom was gasping for breath, face soaking wet. "You trying to drown me?" Shaking his head like a puppy to rinse off, he grabbed the towel, only to toss it away, remembering it had been used to clean Rouge's feet.

"Poor guy," she commented, "all wet and dirty again... and look at that!"

"You know I always get hard when I eat you out," Tom said, making no apologies for becoming erect once more.

"Tom, how did my feet compare?" she asked.

He said, "it felt good, but it's not even the same."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread, Rouge asked, "wanna nail me?"

"I'm not gonna last too long," he commented, wanting to bang her but knowing he'd finish in a hurry.

"I don't care," she said with a grin, "I just like it when you cum deep in me!"

"You asked for it then!" On his feet, Tom stood by the bed, shoving it inside as the bat lay back. He began to thrust, watching her tits shake back and forth with each push. Thumb on her clit, he fondled it furiously. Damned if he would cream in her and not let her get off too! "Hay, babe? Can I titty bang you sometime? We haven't done that, have we?" he asked, still keeping pace.

She answered between moans, "yeah! Later tonight! DAAAMN!" Rouge felt him cumming, thick globs her pussy walls could feel filling her. She came, the thrusting, clit grinding and semen impact sending her over the edge.

Waiting to regain his bearings, Tom caught his breath, holding out until Rouges vaginal muscles relaxed enough to let him withdraw. She could be almost unreasonably tight during climax. Not to the point of making it uncomfortable, but certainly enough to be felt. Picking her up, Tom carried Rouge to the bathroom, flipping on the heater and turning the hot water spout on.

Easing into the water, Rouge straddled him. They were both spent, but that wasn't going to stop her from showing off in a display of feminine superiority. She liked being in charge and he liked how she carried herself. "I had fun," she said. "We should keep doing new things." Washing his face off gently with a wet cloth, she leaned in for a kiss. "We don't kiss enough during sex..."

"Don't start this again... your body is fine. Big deal if you're shorter than me," Tom scolded.

"I know," she said, "anyway... kiss me now?" Without a word, his lips took hers. Her wings stretched out as the two passionately made out.

No doubt they would end up going at it again very shortly.

Two years, three months have passed

Rouge leaned back against the home gym, proud to show off the workout room of the mansion. The bat was sweaty, her workout clothes drenched, towel around her neck as Karen, the echidna girl, looked in awe. The home gym was the centerpiece, but the room was filled with everything- weights, treadmills, stationary bikes, enough for two people to work out. "The grounds aren't suitable for jogging, and who wants to travel all the way into the city when you can have it right here?"

The echidna looked at the punching bag. "Nice, like the one I practice on for my boxing matches!"

Rouge took pride in this room, every piece selected from only the top quality brands. "I don't get to do the secret agent or thief stuff anymore," she said, "but I don't want to sit around and get fat and lazy! And..." She paused. Karen didn't need to know every dirty secret. ".... well, let's just say Tom likes muscle girls."

"Your husband has good taste," Karen complimented, "shame Knuckles seems a bit too thick."

"Not going too well for you two?" Rouge asked, only slightly interested.

"Umm, well.... okay, Knuckles grew up on his own, you know! So... well, women are still a bit strange to him. And he's got that cultural pride thing going. It distances him a bit from the rest of us, you know." Lifting one of the lighter weights, she felt it, became pleased, and set it back down. "Pachacamac almost wiped his people out completely, not that the old tribe isn't to blame. Knuckles seems a bit too proud of his roots."

Rouge toweled off. "Probably why he ignored me so much. He's too fixated on his kind."

"Even when he thought he was the only one?" Karen huffed, continuing, "he's a nice guy, strong, but he- yeah, he's a bit too proud of what he came from. Don't blame yourself, Rouge, it's not your fault you weren't born an echidna, you know!"

"I wasn't ever THAT hung up on him, honey... besides..." Rouge thought back to both Knuckles and Shadow. "...having a crush on a guy who isn't interested just causes disappointment. Anyway, I'm happy now. It's all I care about."

"Good for you," Karen commented, "there's always more than one choice. Me, if Knuckles doesn't work- and I WILL try- there's always more than one option open for me on the island... so, your husband work out with you?"

"He does," the bat responded, "but he hurt himself yesterday. Nothing bad, just..."

"I saw," Karen said, "his arm, he held it to the side!"

Rouge explained, "pulled a muscle in his shoulder. Nothing bad. He's not used to the heavy stuff like I am..." Under her breath, she added, "at least outside of bed."

Outside in the fruit fields, Thomas Adriani spoke with the echidna business representative Mayor Periwinkle had sent. "Sounds equitable for both of us. You can't grow oranges or lemons in your climate, both of which WE have in abundance," the orange echidna outlined, "and you grow fruits that we can't support. It's an even trade by the pound. You ship us fruits for our island's consumption and you gain excess oranges and lemons to sell."

"That sounds suitable," Tom replied, "I'll have the legal documents drawn up this week in the office and have them delivered to your mayor when they're ready."

"I will deliver the news, then. We'll all be pleased, of course. Our island once had a small grove where we grew apple trees, until a rock slide buried it. This gives us a chance to regain something." The echidna male tucked his left hand out, only to pause. "I apologize. I did not realize your arm was injured."

"It's nothing. Just a minor workout thing." Taking the echidna's right hand, he shook it to solidify the deal.

Back inside, Tom found Rouge in the small gym. "How'd it go?" she asked, wiping her fur off in a fresh towel.

"Good. We get oranges and lemons, they get fruits they can't grow." He didn't ask about Karen's visit, but he'd only met the echidna girl in passing and didn't know a thing about her.

"Shoulder?" Rouge waited for an answer. "Tom? Your shoulder?"

"It's okay," he responded. "I took something for it."

Tossing the dirty towel away, Rouge kicked her workout shoes off. "Bath time. YOU are coming with me! The hot water will help with that shoulder!"

"Okay... but it still hurts and-" She waved a finger to silence him.

"I know. I'm hot and tired, too. I just want to relax with the man I married. So... we'll get romantic later tonight. For now, I need to clean up."

"Almost forgot," Tom said, "they're gonna have the plumbing to the pool hooked up Friday." Three days. The bat peeked out the window at the heavy plastic shell that sat over the swimming pool. She couldn't wait to try it out. She already had her bikini ready, as well as a few dirty ideas.

Hoisting his wife, Tom carried her out of the gym room. She rubbed a good deal of sweat off onto his nice clothes, but he didn't care. Shortly down the hallway, he winced, setting her down. "Dumb idea, Tom?" she asked.

"VERY dumb," he said, rubbing his shoulder.

"Heh... my fault. I should have stopped you!" she said, feeling a bit guilty.

"Bad habit I have of just picking you up like that!"

"No, Tom," Rouge said sheepishly, "if you have ANY bad habits, I probably gave them to you! Now, come with me. I'll give you a nice soothing shoulder massage once we're in the water."

Tom asked, "you know how to give therapeutic massages?"

She paused in mid-step. "Huh... I- that is..." Grinning like an innocent child, she stated, "We'll find out!"

Two years, four months have passed

The summer sun was hot, only ten in the morning and already blazing. The bat was working on her tan. Sunglasses in place, she undid the thin string keeping the bikini top in place, gently tossing it away. Tugging on the side-tie of the bottom, she flipped it away as well, lying down on the sturdy suntanning bench beside the pool.

Grabbing the tanning lotion bottle, Rouge waited for Thomas to exit the mansion. Her human husband carried towels outside, stopping abruptly when he saw his naked wife. "Rub this on me?" she asked, holding the bottle out.


"What's wrong?" she asked, again, waiting for him to start.

"Aren't you..." he muttered.

"What?" She smiled, tilting the sunglasses up. "Afraid someone will see? WHO will see me? Besides yourself, anyway..."

Dropping the towels, Tom gave in, opening the cap. "You do know," he stated, "we're just going to end up doing it when I start touching you..."

She said, "promises, promises..." as if she'd set it up. "Anyway, we've never done it outside before. Be fun? Right?" Placing the bottle on the tile, he hooked the elastic band of his swim trunks by the thumbs. "Okay, fine. You're out here naked, well lady, you're not the ONLY one in this family who'll do something risky!"

Tom pulled them off, kicking them aside. Rouge stared on hungrily. "Don't ever let anyone say MY husband doesn't have any balls..." Laughing to herself as Tom lie beside her, she turned onto her side, wings pointing back, an arm up around her love.

"You're fertile, aren't you?"

"Tom... I want a child. You want one. And... how else do we get one? Doesn't mean it has to be a boring chore, does it?"

His hand slid down, gently ticking Rouge's tail. "I love you, babe!" She closed her eyes, licking her lips. "God... some guys would talk dirty, you go straight for the heart..." Kissing him softly, she said, "let me show YOU how much I love you, Tom... The couple began to grope, kissing wildly. Tom grabbed her ass, squeezing, taking a feel of her wet slit. She said, "let me taste," inviting Tom to slide a finger through and bring it to her mouth.

The bat girl sucked his finger, enjoying her own pussy liquids. "Tom? If I could eat my own pussy... would you jerk off while you watched?" Tom shoved his tongue into her mouth, grabbing her tit with a gentle squeeze. Rouge's hands slid down, feeling the tip of his cock, hard and wet. "Enough grab-ass, boy!" Pushing Thomas flat on his back, she rose, easing down onto him. Rouge rocked back and forth, Tom thrusting upward, the lovers groaning out. They no longer cared if some unannounced visitor showed up, catching them in the act.

He shouted "I love you" over and over between groans. Rouge was driven wild by this. They could make passionate love for hours later.

Her cunt was ready to go. "TOM! I love you more than I ever thought I could love a man! Let me tell you- OH FUCK! You know what it feel like when you cum inside me?"

He began to thrust faster, a hand up to hold her own, their wedding rings touching. "You couldn't know... but... TOM! When you cream inside me... I LOVE IT! It gets me off!" She met his rhythm, bouncing up and down steadily. "GET ME OFF!" It was his temptation, his finish, body shaking as he came, her pussy enjoying every bit pumping inside her. She screamed loud, so loud it hurt her sensitive ears, pulses of orgasm so intense she feared she might pass out. Her brain caught up, Rouge realizing that she was squirting hard, a steady spray over his stomach and chest.

Gasping for air, she collapsed down on him. Laying in her own ejaculate didn't bother her, she was already sweating profusely. "Think anyone heard us?" Tom asked, controlling his breathing.

"If they did, they'll know we're a happy couple!" She removed her sunglasses, picking a towel up and wiping her face.

He traced a finger over her nose. "You look hot in sunglasses."

Rolling down, she invited him into the pool. "We need to rinse off," Rouge explained, "before we can put that lotion on us." Standing, Tom followed, easing in the water. It was warm, the cooling system keeping the temperature below the sun, but still above the point of being cold.

Poking her head under, Rouge erupted forth, head shaking off. Holding his breath, Tom did the same. "You ever going to learn how to swim?"

He cocked an eye at his wife. "What? I thought the pool was your excuse to do it outside? KIDDING!" he shouted, playfully teasing. "You ever gonna teach me?"

"In due time," she responded, pulling herself up the ladder. She didn't even have to tell him to follow.

Tossing him the lotion bottle, she lie flat on her stomach. "Be sure you get everywhere but my fur! INCLUDING my wings!" Squirting some out, Tom started at her calves, working over the bottoms of her feet and upward, gently coating her ass and tail. "This might take a while..." he muttered, rubbing more over her wings. "We even got enough?"

"More bottles under the bench," she pointed out.

"Tell me when you're done so I can do you!"

"If you can control yourself..." he remarked, slathering it on her arms.

"Trust me, I'd love to lube your dick up and stroke it, but... we're trying to have a baby! I don't want to waste any of it!"

"Done!" he said, Rouge turning over to do the same. She wasted no time, Tom on his stomach as she worked up, pausing to grab his butt. He felt his cock tingle, asking, "you wanna do it again when I'm ready?"

"Mmm hmm!"

He asked, "you like being naked out here?"

"Mmm hmm!"

Done, Rouge laid back on her half of the bench, head turned to face him. Taking her hand, Tom said, "even if we never had sex again, I'd still love you forever."

"Tom..." she cooed, "... all the guys I ever met, had crushes on..." She closed her eyes to savor the moment. "Thank you for being the one who loved me back."

Two years, six months have passed

Rouge closed her eyes, holding her husband's hands as he held her tight. "Tom?"

"Yes?" he asked, only mildly paying attention.

She asked, "why haven't you ever asked to read my diary?"

"Probably because whatever's in it is none of my business," he answered, a thumb moving to caress her wrist.

"Not even a little curious?"

"I think there are things in there you wouldn't want me to see," he said, "besides, you've never been shy with me."

"Well, there is... ONE secret I'd like to share, but..." Turning over to face him, she continued, "... I don't know if I... forget it. It's dumb."

"No, tell me," Tom said, very curious now. Rouge bit her lip, a bit nervous. Drawing his face towards hers, Thomas stuck his tongue out, gently licking her lips by the bare tip. Instinctively, she responded by extending her tongue, the couple intertwining them as lips met.

A quick push of his leg flipped them over, Rouge on her back. This kicked in the fires of passion, their kisses becoming intense. She moaned as spit dripped down her cheek. Forcing herself away to breathe, she licked spittle from the corner of her mouth, smiling with a glee that couldn't be forced. "Okay.... you win...."

Rolling onto his side, Tom straightened his tie, waiting to hear. "I've been writing a book," she said.

"A book? You mean like the one that Westwood guy wrote about-"

"No," she said, cutting him off. "Not anything like that. No, most of what I did as a GUN agent is classified, and..." She didn't want to bring up the worst parts. "It's a... romance novel."

"Oh. Uh... about anything or... anyone...?" he asked, both piqued and frightened.

"Not about us!" she assured, "at least not REALLY."

He inquired teasingly, "so, what's the thief girl's name?"

She bit her lip. "I haven't really named anyone yet. BUT I can tell you I changed enough so that people won't know I'm writing it! The thief is human, you're taller and... I really messed with some of the details."

He paused. "Graphic?"

"Very. At least, if I can get the descriptions better."

"I see," he said. "Nothing from the guy's point of view?"

"Like you know what sex feels like for a woman?" she scolded, although playfully.

"Can I read it?"

She closed her eyes, thinking of excuses. "Well... it's not done and- I don't know how you'd react if you read some of the dirty stuff I put in or-" Tom traced a finger down the edge of her ear and neck, to her shoulders. "Okay!" she shouted, jumping off the bed to get her laptop. Turning it on, she pulled off her necklace, pressing the button to pop out the small data port. Plugging it in and typing the password, she handed it to him.

And waited.

An hour passed as Thomas read her work. Reaching the end, he handed the computer back to her. "Well?" she asked eagerly.

"It's good. I mean that."

"Good? Come on, what didn't you like about it?" she pleaded, believing their had to be something wrong with her work.

"You need to... how serious are you about finishing this?"

"A little. I haven't shown it to any publishers or anything..." Rouge explained.

Pulling her tight, he let her nuzzle him. "You should work on it. I'll help."

"No offense," she muttered, "but romance novels are a woman's interest. Guys prefer pictures..."

"You spent three paragraph on my- I mean 'Adrian' and his naked body. I think you gave two sentences to how your counterpart looked."

"That's on purpose," she explained, "it allows the reader to project. To fantasize that she's the character." She clenched her fists. "But I think you're right. Screw them. I'm the one sleeping with you, not lonely girls and fat, unsatisfied housewives. They can damn well live with me being hot! Keep going..."

"You replaced Shadow's part with a robot. I thought you had a lot of respect for him?" She sulked.

"I do. But hey, if Shadow couldn't once notice me, well, why should he get a part?"

He continued, "the bull-headed tough guy former-love interest..." She knew what he meant, the character based on Knuckles. "... know what, leave that one alone. Makes the reader more sympathetic to the relationship, knowing what she could have ended up with. Still, I'd throw in a subplot where he finds love."

She agreed. "Knuckles DID redeem himself with Karen, so he deserves that."

"The rest... the bit where Adrian is sick from an old radioactive device buried on his property, that works well enough. But that's where you ended it. Your dialog is fine but you need to work on some of the descriptions between them," he offered, thinking back to books he'd read. "Use similar-meaning words. And the dirty stuff..."

Rouge waited for him to speak. "Go on..."

He said, "tell you what. I'll write in some things into the existing material, and you can work on it after to make sure it blends in."

"To sound like I wrote it? That could work."

"And for any plot after... I'd avoid more factual stuff. Otherwise people will piece things together from Westwood's stories."

"So help me come up with ideas," she begged, "and help me... well..." Unbuttoning his shirt, the bat smiled. "Why not write about what I know instead of making stuff up?"

"The fun way, okay!" Pulling her shirt off, he grabbed the hooks of her bra. "If you're not fantasizing about me being a six-foot hunk, at least."

"Five-foot-two, six foot, it's all the same to me. Some human women might think you're too small, maybe in more ways than one, but I know... I know, Tom. You're more than enough for me."

He stopped kissing. "Too small? What's that mean?"

"Oh," she said, "I've heard some women say you might be small because you're so short. And I find that offensive! So, I correct them. I just smile and tell them four simple words." He waited for her to repeat them.

"I don't think so." Tugging down the bra cups, Rouge stated, "they always get mad at me, like I found something they only wish they had. Besides..." Tugging his zipper down, Rouge explained, "what's considered normal for human men, that's what girls of my kind call well-endowed!"

"Wish I could say the same for you," Tom commented, "but your tits are big no matter what. You get some more chapters written and I'll get in touch with a few book publishers, okay?"

"Deal," the bat said, smooching her lover's bare chest. "Thomas Adriani, love of my life..."

"Yes?" he asked, stopping his kissing long enough to let out the one word.

"Help me write a love scene for my book!" With that, she turned off the lamp as clothes flew off and skin touched skin.

Two years, seven months have passed

Tom sat with his back to the headboard, wife in his arms. Rouge grinned slightly. "You don't mind publishing under another name?"

"Not at all," she said.

"I'm proud of you," Tom said, kissing the back of her head.

She added, "you deserve as much credit as I do! You helped write a lot and... got me in touch with a publisher."

"You gonna write another book?" he asked.

"If this one does well," Rouge promised, "WE will write a sequel. You're quite talented, you know that? The nuances of a romance novel aren't easy to understand but you had no problems writing the style!"

Curious, Tom inquired, "do those books always have sex in them?"

She smiled. "Only the good ones."

"Tomorrow... tomorrow I have a great day planned for us." Tom waited for her response.

"But you already gave me the best anniversary gift imaginable!"

"No no," he said, "our anniversary is tomorrow."

Turning to face him, she ran a finger under her love's chin. "Doesn't mean we can't celebrate a bit early!"

Slowly kissing him, Rouge ran her hands down his chest, unbuttoning his shirt. Instinctively, Tom undid her blouse, a hand under her skirt. Before they could get into it, she stopped him. "Wait, Tom. Can you indulge my interests? I have something I wanna try..." He said nothing, merely allowing her to lead him to the floor, where he sat against the bed.

Stepping to the vanity where Rouge kept all her makeup, she grabbed a small framed mirror. Placing it on the floor in front of him, she checked the positioning. "Should be perfect... now. Tom..." Unfolding her husband's shirt, Rouge allowed him to pull off the blouse, tugging her bra down to let the nipples out. Leaning down to unzip his pants, she stuck a hand in. "Almost there," the bat noted, feeling his cock getting harder.

Rouge's skirt fell to the floor, kicked away. Tom grabbed her panties by the crotch, finger hooked in to brush against the wetness, tugging them to the floor. His finger felt through the small patch of pubic hair, a neat spot of white fuzz she kept cut into a heart shape. Something secret for her lover. Tom hoisted up, allowing her to pull his pants and underwear down.

"What's the mirror for?" he asked.

She turned back to him, flattening her wings out, and said, "let me show you." Dropping to her knees, Rouge pressed against Tom, guiding him inside with both hands, using the mirror to watch. She was curious what it looked like, his penis in her during sex. She began to groan as he started rocking, slowly thrusting only slightly to get her in the mood.

Rouge's eyes remained fixed on the mirror. She watched him slide in and out, pace quickening, as she leaked sexual fluids down into his balls. Those impressed her, gently bouncing in rhythm. Her pussy was stretched to take him, clit poking out. She was on display and served as her own voyeur to the action. Tom didn't peek out, instead kissing the back of her head as he fondled and pinched the nipples.

Rouge couldn't help herself. Making love like this, watching the action on the mirror, it was too much. Her clit was on fire. The bat reached orgasm, small squirts firing out, some hitting the mirror. She screamed in pleasure as Tom continued working her, still unfinished.

"Ready?" he asked. That was his word that he was about to explode. Rouge could feel it, a second orgasm near, but it was too soon. He'd cum before she got close enough. Without question, Tom's hand shot down, fingers flat and rubbing on her open clit furiously. She was soaking wet, her pubes moist and matted, clitoris burning as he rubbed, direct pressure that was barely too much.

Tom came, small globs of his jizz leaking out as she rocked to the second orgasm, squirting so hard the mirror was soaked, obscuring a clear view. Not that Rouge could see it, her eyes clamped shut as she cried out in pleasure. Thomas' hand was clamped on her left breast, fingers straining to move. It was an involuntary grab, but Rouge didn't mind. No doubt the muscles inside her own vagina were squeezing on his dick even harder.

The couple caught their breath. Tom, running his clean hand through her fur spikes, commented, "you usually don't get off before me. That mirror turn you on?" Rising up enough to turn around, she faced him, taking care to mount him proper. She took his right hand, their wedding rings making contact. The same rings that hadn't left their fingers since their wedding day. The bat was ambidextrous, but Tom being right-handed, she wore it on the left. It let them hold hands proper when facing one another.

Briefly, Rouge considered explaining how the combination of what she saw, plus the angle of entry grindind her g-spot acted to bring her off faster. Instead she merely said, "I love you, Tom."

Kissing her, the young man simply responded, "always and forever." They began making out slowly. Sex play was over. It was time to do this right. Be romantic and slow.

Tom gathered the plates from the table. Rouge collected the dinner cups and wiped the table off. Shiny and clean. The couple carried their dinner leftovers into the kitchen. Turning on the faucets, Thomas grabbed the dish soap. "I can do that," she offered, grabbing a clean dish cloth.

"YOU doing the dishes?"

She grew pouty. "I can do dishes... fine, so I've never done them since we met. Big deal. Please, let me?" She looked up at him with a false sad look.

"Okay. I'm gonna go do some other things then. Living room, five minutes?"

"I'm not missing cuddle time, Tom!" Rouge said, grabbing the rubber cleaning gloves.

In the study, Tom grabbed the phone and dialed. "Knuckles... is it ready?"

"Yes. Sonic, Amy, Tails, me and Karen, Herbert and Clara will definitely be there. I told Shadow to be there or else!" the echidna answered.

Tom asked, "and the robot?" E-123 Omega didn't understand any of this, but Rouge had a sympathetic spot for the machine.

Knuckles explained, "GUN said they gave Omega orders. He should show up."

Eggman was right out. The scientist didn't attend their wedding. Not the social type with his old foes. "Think you can behave yourself around her?"

"Yeah," Knuckles said, "Karen said if I got into a fight with your wife, she'd make sure I died lonely." Knuckles took care not to use Rouge's name. The past was over.

"This had better go smoothly," Tom made clear, "it took a lot of work to get that restaurant closed off for a private party. It's costing me a fortune. I want her anniversary party to go well! I'm putting a LOT of trust into you, so don't mess this up!"

Knuckles knew that if this was a screw-up, he'd be the one taking the blame. "I told everyone to dress well and be on their best behavior! I.. I won't let you down." Tom placed the receiver down. The phone had to be far enough away from the kitchen for Rouge not to hear the call. Entering the living room, he sat on the couch, waiting.

The bat snuck up from behind, leaping over the couch. He lost wind as she landed. "Hey, come on..."

"Sorry! Got carried away!" she apologized, curling up tight against him.

He asked, "wanna watch TV?"

"Not really," she replied, eyes closed.

He simply said, "me neither."

Two years, eight months have passed

Halloween was coming up. Not one of Thomas Adriani's favorite holidays, but his wife seemed to get into it. She showed him her costume, hung from a plastic hanger and clipped together. Very black and very revealing. A 'sex witch' she called it, complete with gothic jewelry. "Wanna see me in it now?" she teased, dangling the hanger from eye level.

"Why ruin the fun on Halloween?" he replied, though he wanted to say 'yes'. She placed the costume back in the closet.

"I think I picked a very good costume, don't you?" Being a bat, her options were almost always limited.

He asked, "you plan on practicing any magic in that thing?"

"Sex witch, sex magic..."

Rouge untied the belt of her robe, crawling onto bed. Hands went under her husband's shirt, feeling upward as she tugged it over his head, tossing it onto the floor. Flattening against him, Rouge began to kiss his chest, moving in a circle, licking one of his nipples.

"Remember our first time?" he asked, pausing her affections.

"I do," she said, "peeling each other's clothes off without a thought to what we were doing..."

"Touching and groping," he added. "Like we'd never done it before. But we hadn't, either of us... not like now."

She resumed her slow kisses. "We've refined the act, with each other, with ourselves. No shyness between us."

"Then you won't mind when I say that I wanna lick you out?" He looked in her eyes, waiting for an answer.

Tossing her robe free, Rouge sat against the headboard. "Your tongue wants to play? Then I'm happy to help!" The bat parted her legs, allowing him room. Tom's face met her pussy, kissing the inner thighs to get her going. He could see her swelling up from the excitement.

She lurched forward on her butt, tail poking flat with the sheets. Feeling dirty, Tom licked along her tail, tongue rubbing the ticklish area. She laughed, turning to moans as he started licking between the lips, wasting no time with foreplay. She was ready. Sucking hard, kissing her vagina, Tom stuck his tongue inside.

She tasted good.

Tom pulled back the flap of skin over her clitoris. "You ready?" he asked.

She replied, "you know it! Don't hold back!" His tongue began to dance. She felt his taste buds grind over her bump. Most women would probably scream from such direct pressure, but Rouge loved the sensation. He licked furiously, her juices leaking out. He wanted to taste every bit. She screamed in pleasure, hands gripping his head to push it in closer to her.

Grabbing one of her feet, he began to gently tickle. She wasn't sure if she should keep moaning or if she should giggle. Rouge seemed to do both at once. The bat was not sure why she liked her feet tickled, but it seemed to get her off when she was close to orgasm. It didn't matter. Her legs drew up as she squirted, wetting his face as she let out a howl of delight.

Her lungs sucked in air as Tom wiped his face off on the blankets. "You're ticklish!" he teased, holding onto her foot.

"So what?" she smirked.

He continued, "and it makes you cum!" Running a finger gently up and down the bottom of her foot, he brushed across her toes. She smiled, trying not to laugh. Licking her foot now, she barely held in. His spit only made things worse, getting dirtier. Rouge's toes curled as he placed a hand on her, rubbing away on his wife's clit. Rouge was chuckling loudly, moans breaking in as she neared a second orgasm.

Legs clamped down tight as she let out, cumming in almost record time. Her knees bent, taking the foot away, but she didn't care. She was already past the point of climax. Regaining her composure, Rouge sprang forward as he rose, grabbing his pants. She pulled his dick out. It was already hard.

"Wanna do it slow or fast?" he asked.

She didn't answer, instead choosing to stroke him furiously. "You don't look like you can hold it in, Tom!" His back arched as he came, globs of sperm shooting out onto his wife's chest and stomach. She grinned, looking down at the mess. "Bath time!"

"You are a messy girl," he scolded, lifting her in his arms.

She responded, "even baths can get dirty! Just WAIT until my cunt stops buzzing, I'm gonna screw you til we pass out, Tom!"

Hosting her for a kiss, he said, "I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Two years, eleven months have passed

Rouge leaned in, arms wrapped around her lover's body. Groaning as they kissed, she eased up and down, legs flexing for leverage. Tom felt her vaginal walls contracting, tighter and tighter with each minute. Leaning back, Rouge smiled. "Wanna hear something interesting?" she asked, arms stretching behind her head, crossed to pull up on her breasts. They glistened with sweat in the faint glow of the dim lights.

"Heh... I read that the vaginal muscles of us bats are TWICE as powerful as those of a human woman!" She cocked her head, grinning madly.

"You're pulling my leg!" he shouted.

She replied, "no, I'm fairly sure I'm fucking your cock! And I DID read it, just today! It's in one of my books." His hands ran up her sides. "Don't you dare tickle me, Tom!"

"But you get off when I tickle you!"

She squinted both eyes at him. "My feet. THOSE are not my feet! Behave, okay?"Relenting, he simply wrapped an arm around her, his free hand fondling her breasts slowly. "That's more like it," she commented, arms lowering. Tracing her left hand along his right arm, their wedding rings touched gently as fingers intertwined. She asked, "you wanna talk?"

"About what?" he inquired, a bit curious.

"Oh, just things... like..." She let the dirty parts of her brain run wild. "Why don't you look at porn?"

"Don't need to anymore," Tom answered.

"I mean it," she continued, "you think I'll get mad or something? Think it's cheating?"

"I get it," he said, "interrogating me while I'm pinned down!" Her devil grin answered his question, Rouge slowly licking her lips. "I don't need to look anymore. Happy?"

"I'm all you need, then? Well..." She paused for a moment of suspense. "Good enough. Second question... that woman you were hooked up with before you met me. I know you didn't like her much but..." Her back arched playfully. "You ever wanna do her?"

He scolded, "come on, don't make me- okay, fine. Since you had ALL those crushes and fantasies, fine, I did think about it... once or twice..."

"Aww, don't get mad, Tom!" Her hand ran across his face. "I didn't mean it that way! I was just being playful."

He responded with a gentle, "I know. I shouldn't have made a big deal of it. But... tit for tat?"

"Fair enough," the bat agreed. "I asked two questions, you can ask two. But dirty stuff only!"

He thought for a moment, finally asking, "did YOU ever look at porn?"

"OOH! Hitting below the belt, are we?"

Reaching his free hand down, Thomas fondled his wife's clitoris with his thumb. "Hitting? Not really...."

She groaned, the pressure on her clit and his dick inside getting to her. "DAMN! You win! I... sometimes I'd see a dirty scene in a movie late at night while I was home and... my imagination being what it is I... you get the picture. But I never WATCHED while I was... fingering myself."

"Next question, you ready?"

Her face took a sour expression. "This is gonna be embarrassing, isn't it?"

"Well, you did ask me about... ready?"

She took in a deep breath. "Ask me!"

He asked, "have you ever watched lesbian porn?"

Rouge's face turned as red as her nail polish. "Hh... wow..." She paused for time. "Well, I- not on purpose..."

Tom's free hand took hers. Both their hands were held tight. "It's okay, go on," he calmed her.

She explained, "I turned it on accidentally one night. And... well, I got a bit curious so I watched it for a bit. I didn't masturbate to it! I-"

Pulling his left hand free, he touched a finger to her lips. "Fair enough. You can keep the rest a secret, okay?"

Smiling, Rouge leaned in. "I don't mind sharing my secrets with you, Tom. But sometimes they can be a bit touchy. Same with you, I bet."

He spoke, "I know. Now... you want a baby, so maybe we should get back to it?"

"You knew I'm fertile?"

He responded, "I know your cycle by now."

She was impressed. "Wow, Tom, I... some guys might not be that attentive. I don't now what to say."

"Tell me you love me, that'll do!"

"I love you, Tom!"

Pulling her in tight, he whispered into her ear, "I love you and I'll never hate you. Never. I'll love you no matter what. Don't forget that." Rouge closed her eyes, a faint, gentle vibration traveling up her spine. Not a chill, it was a warm feeling she couldn't explain. A small gust of wind blew from her mouth. "I know some guys probably found your behavior annoying," Tom remarked.

She begged, "and you don't?"

"No, it can be annoying at times," he replied, "but it's cute. Never change who you are, okay?"

She let a small laugh out. "Okay, one more question. Nothing bad, but I want to know... which do you like more? This..." Slowly, Rouge began pumping her knees again, slowly sliding up and down on his shaft until she gained a steady pace. Slowing, she shifted her weight to her stomach, gently grinding against him, thrusing her pelvis back and forth. "...or this?"

"Oh... keep that up!" he shouted, amazed at how it felt. Rouge picked up speed, left hand holding his, right grabbing the headboard for stability. Tom's free hand gently smacked her ass, squeezing down tight on her butt cheek as he rocked gently underneath his wife. "Baby..."

"You gonna cum?" she asked between breaths. He shook his head.

She was ready to end this. Her pussy was on fire, ready to explode. Grinding fast enough to shake the bed, Rouge hit orgasm, back arching as she screamed out in delight. Tom began ejaculating, warm shots of cum pumping into his lover one by one. Rouge, however, was still grinding, unable to stop even through intense spasms.

"Baby! You gotta slow down!" Tom shouted, his penis incredibly sensitive and her bouncing wasn't helping.

Regaining her senses, the bat slowed down. "OH DAMN my cunt's burning! WOW!" Gasping for air, she went limp, body falling against his. She was tired.

"I thought we were going to break the bed!" he muttered, holding his right hand up. Their fingers were still locked together. Pulling his hand free, he cracked the knuckles as she wiggled her own fingers. Tom commented, "it's time like this I'm glad we didn't get those fancy wedding rings with all the fine detail and bits that could catch on other rings..."

Slinking back, she eased off allowing her love to move away from the wall and lie down. Wiping the sweat off his face, Tom asked, "should I turn the heat down in here?"

"Nah, we'll be turning it up once we've rested and- um, you meant the thermostat..." Chuckling, she said, "no, it's fine. Stay here with me and cuddle." Rising up slightly, Rouge wrapped an arm around Tom, gently lying flat against him. Tom flipped a sheet over them.

"You're still serious about having a baby?"

"DAMN SERIOUS!" she answered.

He replied, "then we'll rest a bit and go again. Still, we..."

"We what?" she quizzed. "Haven't conceived? Even same species couples have trouble. Don't give up."

"I'm not giving up. Not on you. I'm with you on this."

Gently kissing him, she said, "I know you're with me, and no matter what, I'm with you."