Sonic The Hedgehog: The Series - Part 4

Story by diosoth on SoFurry

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Three years have passed

Rain spattered the window, distorting the view of the city. Not that she cared. The wavy picture of the outside world held little interest for Amy. All she could do was sit, sulking, in a spot that used to be her special place. The fast food restaurant had recent memories, special memories, but that seemed lost. Alone, the pink hedgehog chose to wallow in misery, her boyfriend gone.

"Well, so much for a big thunderstorm!" Knuckles huffed, laughing at the forces of nature. A short downpour was all the skies had managed. Unfortunately for the echidna, it meant being stuck with a raincoat that would just weigh him down. Tossing it over his shoulder, he pushed the doors open, his wife and baby boy only steps behind.

"Can't believe it," Karen muttered. "I can't enter because I just had a kid! That's a lot of brainless crap, you know!"

The echidna hadn't been supportive of this boxing match to begin with. "You- WE have a son now! It's a little more important than some sports title!"

"Then why'd you let me come here and apply if you didn't want me doing this?"

He shrugged. "You weren't listening to me, so I thought MAYBE the boxing committee would have better luck!"

Rolling her eyes, Karen tugged the blanket over her child's eyes, shading him from the sun, brightly peeking from behind the clouds as they dissipated in the sky. "I'm hungry."

It would be some time before they'd reach the island. Thankfully, Knuckles knew Central City well enough by now and he was certain that Sonic's favorite burger joint was only a few blocks away. Leading his family along, they found their destination without problem. It was when they looked inside that the problem became obvious.

"Amy?" Knuckles was surprised to see her sitting alone.

"Sonic stand you up or something?"

"No," she mumbled. "I wasn't stood up. I was dumped."

Annoyed, Karen handed her child off to Knuckles, taking a seat beside the girl. "You mean that idiot really left you? That's a jerk move, you know!"

He asked, "and why'd he do that?"

Looking away, she whispered, "it's because he's an adult now. He doesn't want to date some teenage girl. That's all..."

Handing their baby back to his wife, Knuckles had an idea. "I think I know where he's been hanging around lately..."

The ground was barely a blur, a solid mass of color under his feet. Wind was no longer a force, it had form against him, as if trying to slow him down but failing in its task. He would not stop.

Tumbling into a ball, smacking into a tree, Sonic did stop, the wind knocked from his lungs upon impact. "What'd I hit?"

"You idiot!" Grabbing his old friend by the quills, Knuckles dragged him to his feet. "You dumped Amy so you could go running around like a fool all day!"

"HEY! Thanks for tripping me, jerk!"

Unable to simply engage in civilized discussion, Knuckles punched his old friend in the nose. "Amy's sitting alone, crying her eyes out because you dumped her!"

Coughing for air, Sonic yelled out, "I turned eighteen! She's too young for me now! She'll just have to wait a few years..."

"You've been dating her for a year! It wasn't a problem then!"

"Yeah, well, that was then. I'm legally an adult now, and she's still a teenager! It's wrong!"

"Funny, I didn't think you cared about social rules..." Knuckles taunted. Sonic simply brushed him off, feet stepping away. "The hell you are!" Before his old friend could gain speed, he lunged, the tackle knocking both of them down a steep embankment, tumbling down the hillside, bouncing off rocks and bumps on their way down to flat ground. Feeling battered beyond tolerable reason, the echidna managed to stand, fighting horrendous pain in every joint, his muscles screaming from within.

"Beating me up isn't going to make me start dating Amy again..."

"I outta do it anyway!" Knuckles was angry. He'd found love, he'd begun a family, yet his old friend was still acting like a child. "Know what, fine. You wanna run around all your life, go ahead. Keep running in circles. No point in trying to talk to you about this." Stomping off, he left Sonic alone to take care of himself. He was in too much bodily pain to keep fighting a battle he knew he had no hope of winning.

"I'm fine!"

"You won't be saying that in a few hours when the pain kicks in..." Tails forced the pills into his hand. "Swallow them. It'll keep the pain bearable." He couldn't believe it. Oh, Miles could understand Sonic's behavior, even if he couldn't agree with it. But the fight seemed to be pushing it. "You know how Sonic used to be around Amy. I thought he might have been maturing, but... I think I see the problem."

"How's that?" Knuckles asked.

"Simple. Sonic's afraid to slow down. He's been a bit jumpy since Robotnik stopped his usual behavior."

"Speaking of which," the echidna inquired, "how's Eggman been?"

Tails answered, "he's meeting with the government today concerning some new projects. I got left behind to continue work. Guess that's my fate... when you're building airplanes and such at MY age, you don't get to have a normal childhood. Still, it's strange that Sonic didn't try to find another girlfriend."

"Strange? Nah, he's pulling the same crap he used to pull. I don't think this has anything to do with Amy's age."

Adjusting the head of his wrench, Tails resumed work on his machine, considering the subject at hand, as if his mechanical task was automatic, so simple that it didn't require his thought processes to complete. "His life has changed. His one major nemesis reformed, his two friends moved on, he got older... the worst part is, he's being selfish."

"He was running around when I found him earlier," Knuckles pointed out, "speeding along as if he didn't have anything else to worry about."

Tossing the wrench aside, Miles Prower headed for the door. "Follow me. I've got an idea."


"Yes, now," he responded. "Before Amy becomes even more depressed. Besides, I'm sure that Karen's wondering where you ran off to."

"Uh oh," he mused, screeching to a dead stop. "Not you, too, Tails!"

"I can't let you act like an idiot, Sonic!"

Staring them down, the blue blur chose to remain. 'Knowing Tails, he'll probably glue my feet to the ground if I try to run.'

"Stop being selfish and act like a man," Knuckles taunted. "Or do I need to beat it into you again?"

"Selfish?" Sonic laughed. "What makes you think I'm being selfish?"

Grinding his teeth in anger, Knuckles shouted, "for someone who says he dumped Amy because she's not an adult, you're REALLY acting like a little kid!"

"It's none of your business! Leave me alone!"

"Fine, think of yourself. Don't think about her feelings," Tails let slip.

Knuckles added, "nah, let him go. He probably meant to hurt Amy."

"What?" He was stunned at the idea. "I didn't-"

"No, it's fine," Knuckles continued, "you want to be free all your life, running around, fearing change. Eggman won't play with you anymore but hey, you used to run away from Amy, you can still do THAT!"

"SHUT UP!" Turning away, the hedgehog felt the sharp emotional pains stabbing him. "You don't know... no one looks up to me anymore. I can't be a hero without a bad guy and I don't have one. All I have is my speed. Everything else was taken away. Eggman, my friends, it's all changing."

"So?" Knuckles shook his old friend gently. "You're not afraid of change, you're afraid you'll like it. You DID date Amy for the past year."

A deep breath. "Yeah... we didn't used to get along. It was different now. I-"

Tails pointed towards the city. "I bet she's still at your date spot, pouting. I'd go find her before she gives up."

Sonic knew what he had to do. Speeding off, the city approached at full velocity.


She ignored him. The idea that Sonic was gone was so strong in her mind, that she simply regarded it as another of her mild hopes voicing itself in her mind.

"AMY!" He sat beside her.

"Leave me alone..."

He wasn't sure of what to say. "I hate myself. I was afraid things weren't going to be the way they were so I tried to pretend nothing was different. But it's too late. Things ARE different now. I can't keep pretending. I dumped you because dating you was different. It wasn't the way it was a few years ago, but nothing is anymore." Grabbing the girl tight, he held her close. "I'm supposed to be out saving the world, but it doesn't need saving anymore."

"Sonic, I-" She stuttered between tears.

He simply held on. "I think you freaked me out a bit when we first met, and then you kept following me around. But that was a long time ago. I need a new adventure and you're the one who's going to help me with that."

"Really?" She wiped her eyes. "You mean..."

"Hey, if Knuckles can get married, anything's possible!"

Her arms wrapped around, the girl cheering up quickly. "SONIC! You mean you DO love me?"

"Well... but we need some rules, okay? No adult stuff until you turn eighteen."

She responded cheerfully, "I can live with that."

"And no wedding plans. We'll take this one day at a time."

"I'm not a little kid with a crush anymore!"

Through the window, across the street, the echidnas watched. "I see you got them back together," Karen commented, smiling. "Should make that swollen lump on your jaw feel better, you know?"

Knuckles, holding his child, smirked. "Don't remind me..."

Three years, one month have passed

Tom breathed in the evening air. He sat with his wife, enjoying the sunset from the back of the mansion, comfortable seats having replaced old stone benches. Stretching her wings, Rouge stood, taking his hand. "I wanna go back inside now," she said, leading him to the back door. Tom grabbed the knob.

Quickly, Rouge shoved the door closed. "Not yet."

"What?" he begged, his curiosity taking hold.

She explained, "there's something I want to do. Right now..." Pinning her husband against the wall, she slowly unbuttoned his shirt, kissing his stomach. Thomas was starting to develop solid muscles from constant physical activity, sexual or otherwise. Sliding his belt out from the pant loops, she took the zipper down.

"A quick bit of fun outdoors? Okay, I'm game," he said, undoing the top buttons.

She replied, "not quite..." as she pulled his underwear down, fingers embracing Tom's penis slowly, feeling it getting harder. Stroking back the foreskin, the bat began to lick.

"WHOA! Oh... I thought you hated the taste?"

"It's time I stop being such a baby about it. Just relax..." she commented, gently running her tongue up and down the length of his shaft.

Small clear droplets oozed from the opening. Running a thumb over it, Rouge smeared the clear liquid out over him, using it to lubricate while her hand stroked back and forth.

Pausing, Rouge remembered the taste. Anything with natural animal protein was disagreeable with her, being a fruit bat and unable to digest it. She would have to take care not to swallow. Courage overriding both fear and good sense, the former thief wrapped her lips around the head of his dick, being careful not to bite down. Pushing spit forward, Rouge had the tip engulfed in a wet flood of saliva while her tongue vigorously worked over every curve and gently played with the opening.

"OH DAMN!" he shouted, hands back against the wall. "That feels incredible!" Looking up at him, she winked playfully. Bracing herself with her free hand, the right stroked slowly as she locked her knees, bent and posed to keep her level. Her hand slid back and forth, picking up pace. She absolutely hated the taste of his sperm and wanted this over, but his groans somehow made this worth it.

Tom's hands rubbed her ears gently. "I'm gonna cum... right now!" She took his warning, mouth popping free, spit dribbling out. He shot load after load, thick globs of white splashing her muzzle, eyes closed. Her hand continued to jerk her lover off, almost involuntarily, only making him shoot further.

As it ended, she spat out on the ground, letting go of him. "You like that?" she asked.

"Yeah," he replied, "it was... damn good." Helping her stand, Tom put himself away, zipping his fly. "You look bad, though," he commented, noting the mess on her face.

"You tasted bad," she shot back.

He inquired, "then why'd you do this?"

Looking up at him, Rouge smiled. "I had to try."

The bat had lost most of her inhibitions when she'd met Tom. The moral senses she kept in place that quieted most of her sluttier urges, the ones that caused bats to be promiscuous. Marriage was sacred to her, but she had a loving partner. No need to hold back.

"We need to get you cleaned up, lady," Tom said, opening the mansion door. "That doesn't suit you at all!"

Wiping away, Tom cleaned Rouge's face. Her makeup vanished, along with the rest of the dirt. She vigorously brushed her teeth, the taste still in her mouth. "Better," he said, grabbing a clean towel to dry her fur.

Spitting toothpaste into the sink, Rouge grabbed the glass to rinse her mouth. "Mouthwash, please."

Tom dug the bottle from the cabinet. "You don't have to do that again," he said, unscrewing the cap and handing it to her.

Rinsing and spitting, she replied, "it's not that... okay, it tasted awful. But you liked it and that... made it worth doing."

"I know." Tossing the dirty towels into the bin, he continued, "but never put yourself into a spot you don't want just because you think it'll make me feel better. I'd rather you be happy too!" Leaping into the air, she flapped her wings until she was eye level. Pulling her close, Thomas wrapped his arms around the love of his life.

"Why don't we go lay down and cuddle? Then..." He paused for the anticipation. "... we can get cozy and I can pay you back with my tongue. Sound good?" She moaned softly, nuzzling him. "That's a 'yes', then."

She asked, "you really like eating me out?"

"Big difference," Tom replied, "you actually do taste good. And it's different. Lots of kissing and gentle touches. Not that mess you did. Don't worry about getting off, babe... I want to get romantic."

Kissing his cheek, Rouge said, "very nice. Can we light some candles, too? I have some strawberry candles that would smell real good."

Kissing her back, he simply responded, "anything you want."

Three years, two months have passed

Watching the snow fall was almost calming. The outdoors glittered in the fresh layer of white powder, every bit of color hidden from view by the pure white snow. Stirring the cup of hot cocoa, the bat smiled. Smiling not because of the calm scene, but because some dirty, disgusting thought had come to mind.

Striding to the couch with grace, Rouge grabbed the newspaper from her husband. "Feeling adventurous?"

"I'm not driving to the store in this," he moaned, "I don't wanna be in a car accident that bad."

"Nothing like that," Rouge said softly, pointing outside. "Ever thought about making love outside in the snow?"

"Nope," Thomas responded. "It's gotta be fifteen degrees out there! You wouldn't get my pants off with a knife in that air."

She said, "twenty three degrees, actually. And it's not like we'd be out there too long... and you'd have your dick in my hot pussy to keep it safe... not like anyone would see us... but I guess it's a stupid idea..." Folding the paper neatly into a square, Rouge continued, "anyway, it's safer inside. Safe and the same with no challenge..."

"You saying I couldn't get you off out there?" Tom felt challenged, if anything. His wife knew how to do this to him, trick her lover into such ideas.

The bat mumbled, "not at all... might be a little tough keeping hard in the cold, but a real man could do it."

Jumping to his feet, Tom Adriani had been thoroughly baited. "Get your winter clothes out..."

Cold was certainly a tame word to describe the outdoors. Freezing may have been a far better way to put it, as the snow fell and slight winds blew. Pushing the back mansion doors open, the couple felt the chill almost instantly. Running to the large window sill, knowing better than to even attempt such a position standing up, Thomas sat as the bat jumped him, latching on. Biting her love's lower lip playfully, gloved hands rubbing his pants, Rouge ignored the chilled air and allowed her internal fires to ignite.

"Gotta try..." she mouthed, kicking off a boot and pulling down her pants, kicking a leg free. "Wow, it's cold out here!" The air hit bare skin, though she believed this would be over soon. Yanking down on the zipper, pulling Tom's dick out, she tried her best to mount but the seat offered almost no real room.

Gripping his own rod and attempting to force it in, Thomas could barely find her vaginal lips, his own gloves offering no feeling to what was being touched. "This isn't working! My dick feels like it's frozen!"

"If I could just..." Struggling to hold on, the bat girl fell backwards, landing in the piled ice, screaming as her entire naked backside found itself buried in pure, unforgiving cold.

Quickly, lifting his wife off the ground, Tom ran through the doors and slammed them shut. "You okay?"

"My ass feels like a frozen turkey! Bathtub! Hot water!" Running as quick as her own chilled muscles would allow, skin stinging from exposure, Rouge hit the water faucets of their deluxe bathtub, stripping down and jumping in, heat rippling through Rouge's body. The initial burning sting was almost as bad as the snow, but as her skin adjusted to the warmth, she suddenly felt at ease.

"I think my nuts crawled up into my body!"

"Tom..." Looking up at him with an expression begging forgiveness, "if I ever do suggest anything THAT dumb EVER again... smack the shit out of me. Let me see..." Reaching for her husband's crotch, rubbing gently over the skin, "you'll be fine." Suddenly grinning with an evil expression, stroking slowly, her examination turned into stimulation, rising from the water. "Blow it on my tits."

Tugging on the foreskin rapidly, her other hand pinching on the tip, teasing the sensitive nerve bundle and chanting, "do it," Rouge could barely wait. Tom's breathing quickened, the sign he was ready, as sperm shot out, Rouge's hand catching some of the mess on her wedding ring, the rest dripping down to her pink nipples. "You're fine."

"I'd better examine you now," her love grunted, easing into the steamy bath. "Your tail okay? Your ass? I hope your pussy wasn't injured..."

Lifting from the warm embrace, the bat woman rested on the tub's edge, legs parted for a full view of her silky bottom. "It should be okay, but take a closer look... still love me?" He responded with a gentle kiss before sinking down. "Smooth talker, aren't you?"

Fingers crawling around her supple body, Thomas inquired, "feel that?"

"Felt it," she replied, her stubby point of a tail tingling at the touch. Kissing slowly along her mound, down to the lips that seemed to call for his tongue, Rouge moaned out in delight. "My pussy seems to be just fine."

"It's not fine," he grunted, "it's perfect." Sucking hard for one last taste of his wife's juices, Tom rose up and with a quick lift, pulled the bat on top of him. "Still want to do this? Hot water isn't as risky but should be just as good."

Knees resting on the smooth tile, Rouge's hips rocked in a circle, teasing the throbbing rod, slowly inching down, filling her insides. "Slow or fast?"

Tom responded, "slow. I cum a lot more out when we do it slow."

Eyes closed, leaning close, sucking his lips as her tongue slid into her husband's mouth, Rouge Adriani began to block out her surroundings, focused only on Tom, focused on the sex. Focused on the sudden tickle in her foot. "Punishment for almost getting my nuts frozen. I'm tickling you the whole time."

Toes curling tight, the bat girl pulled back to smile. "A fun punishment. Make me sorry, big boy..." One hand gently grazing the sole of her foot, the other squeezing the soft breast, Thomas eased into the kiss. Moaning to urge him on, Rouge's only thought was, 'oh, god, this tickles...'

Three years, eleven months have passed

Rouge ran a hand over the boot. "Just take it easy, don't walk on it too much," the doctor said. Thomas held the cold pack to his forehead. Standing, Rouge took care not to put to much weight onto her injured ankle. Tossing away the now warm cold pack, Tom opened the door, helping his wife out.

In the waiting room, an old friend greeted them. "Rouge the Bat!" Herbert Westwood shouted, his wheelchair parked in the waiting room.

"It's Rouge Adriani. Has been for some time," she corrected.

Herb apologized, "right, sorry... what are you two doing here?"

She explained briefly, "Tom and I... had a little accident at home."

Hesitating, Tom slipped out, "we, uh... fell off the bed."

Leaning against Tom, Rouge noted the boot. "Sprained my ankle. Gotta be careful with it for a few days. Tom hit his head but he's fine. And what are you doing here?"

Herbert explained, "monthly checkup. They want to make sure my heart's doing fine. Clara had to go to the restroom, should be back soon if you want to..." He saw the look on their faces. "... right. I shouldn't keep you two tied up."

"One of my employees is waiting for us," Tom said. "We had to be driven here, my head hurt too bad to drive."

"Right. You two take good care of yourselves. Good to see you again!" Waving, the two walked out of the Central City Hospital.

Rouge sat on the couch, flipping through channels. In the kitchen, Sonic helped Tom put away groceries. "So... what happened?" Sonic asked, as no one had told him.

"You might be old enough to hear the details," Tom replied, "but you're not entitled to hear the details."

Rouge propped her leg as Amy slipped a pillow underneath. "You need me to stay and help?"

"No, dear," Rouge said, "Tom's going to cater to my every whim. You can run along."

"But- how could you do that to him?" Amy was stunned. "He got hurt too and..."

"Don't get angry, Amy," she replied, "Tom... he wants to help me. It'll make him feel better. You run along now, okay? I'll call you if I need anything." Without a word, Amy left the room to find Sonic and make her exit.

Tom entered the living room. "Comfy?"

"Enough," she answered.

He asked, "want to go lay in bed instead? I can move the TV."

Thinking, Rouge turned the set off. "Carry me?" she begged. Stooping down, Tom lifted his wife, taking care with her injured foot.

She was laying down, back against the headboard, pillow between the wings. Plugging the TV in, Tom turned it on, laying beside Rouge. "This is my fault," he said, apologizing.

"It's MY fault, Tom," she said back. "I'm the one who rode you to the edge of the bed."

"You're right," he said unexpectedly. "It's really both our faults."

Clicking the remote button, Rouge turned the television off. "Cuddle?"

Taking her hand, wedding rings touching, he ran his thumb over her fingers gently. "How's those painkillers working?"

"Well enough," she replied.

"Still hurt a bit?" he asked. She nodded.

"I have an idea that might take your mind off this... but it's, uh..." He paused. "It's intimate."

"Tell me more," she aid gleefully. Rolling onto his side, Tom's left hand reached for Rouge's thigh, gently feeling the skin and moving upward. The tips of his fingers gently rubbed the surface of her panties, the bat parting her legs slightly. "Hold on a minute," she said. "Brace my foot!" He bent down, grabbing her ankle as she hoisted her ass, skirt and panties slid off. "That should make things easier for you."

Smiling, Tom ran his fingers through the heart-shaped patch of fur she kept trimmed for him. His fingers began to slowly trace up and down her opening. Gentle feelings ran through her body, slowly taking her mind off the bad foot. Unbuttoning her shirt, Rouge slowly played with her nipples. Halting his play, Tom rolled over and dug through the drawer beside the bed. "What are you doing now? That was starting to get good!"

Turning back, Tom held up a small object, a tiny sphere with a string attached. "It's gonna get better!" he explained, twisting it to turn the device on. It began to hum gently, vibrating faintly. Returning his attention to her lower half, Tom gently pushed the tiny toy inside her, finger reaching in to press it to her g-spot.

"OH WOW! That does feel better!" His fingers continued moving gently up and down, taking care to play with her clit. She groaned and moaned, remnants of pain slipping away as she absorbed the pleasure. Leaning in, Tom watched as small droplets squirted out, hitting a few inches away. "TOM! Yeah... don't stop!" she screamed.

He said gently, "we did get interrupted before we could finish. Let me see you squirt!" Bunching his fingers together, Thomas smacked and rubbed Rouge's clitoris hard, urged on by her loud screams. Small droplets continued to shoot out, finally exploding into a massive spray as she ejaculated, like a hose at full force. "Holy shit!" Tom screamed, watching her clear girl gum spraying over the bed and past the mattress. The force from inside sent the small vibrating toy flying, muscle contractions enough to sent it lying straight towards the television screen.

The orgasm subsided, Rouge's fingers relaxing and letting go of the sheets. Lips drew back, teeth catching the light as she gasped for breath. "I think that's a record for you," Tom said, examining the wet stain.

Catching her breath, she responded, "I think that's a record for any woman..." Turning onto her side, she unzipped his pants. "Head still hurt? Please say 'yes'..."

Running his hand over her ears, Tom replied, "enjoy!" Pulling his dick out, she began to stroke. "I bet you want this in me, don't you?"

He answered, "not until your foot gets better."

She didn't waste time with gentle play, instead opting to stroke him vigorously, easing down along the bed to get close to it. "Mmmm. I wanna watch you cum, watch it shoot out all over my hand!"

Her fingers squeezed, hand sliding up and down, doing her best to mimic vaginal muscle contractions. Rouge's hand was already sticky with clear fluid. "Tom..." She knew he would orgasm shortly. "I love you." The magic words. The three words they used when close to climax. The three words sent him over the edge, white sperm pumping out as she watched, her hand covered in jizz which smeared as she kept pumping to prolong his pleasure. "Not quite what I can do," Rouge commented, "but good enough."

Resisting the urge to let go, Rouge continued to stroke him slowly. "I had five orgasms at once," she remarked, "think you can do it again for me?"

"Might take a while," he replied. Rubbing her fur spikes to urge her on, she rested her head on his stomach, slowly fondling her husband. She smiled as he said, "love you, Rouge."

Four years have passed

Gripping the water bottle and squirting a drink into her open mouth, Karen eyed the practice bag with the same anger she'd view an opponent. Lunging forth, a terrible war cry filling the room, fists flew, hitting the bag with all the strength the echidna's muscles could manage, dodging and weaving as if the bag might fight back at any second.

Pounding the leather practice bag with a fury, the combative anger finally ripped it free from the ceiling, flying only inches from her husband's head. "Carried away?" Knuckles inquired, smiling.

"I got outta shape, gotta get back into shape!"

"Striker comes first," he reminded, picking the mangled wad of leather and foam up from its resting spot in the corner. "He asleep?"

She answered, "yeah, got him quiet first, you know? Hope I didn't wake him." Feeling the sweat matting down her orange fur, the boxer threw off the practice gloves. "Showers. You coming?"


"Look at you," his wife grumbled, "you're not so clean yourself, you know. Working on the new houses on the east side and all. Besides, we ain't humped in a few weeks." Peeling off the purple sports top, she waved a finger towards her lover, begging him to follow.

Twisting the water knobs, hanging towels nearby, she felt the gentle pinching, both nipples playfully twisted, strong arms wrapped around. "Knew you'd be in the mood..."

Tugging on the elastic band of her boxing shorts, pulling her tail from the small hole, Knuckles kicked off both shoes as her shorts slid down. "No panties?"

"You don't even wear pants, you know," his wife mumbled, shoving him into the glass box. Slamming into the corner, the orange echidna began to fondle his crotch, rubbing slowly as testicles dropped down and a small bump peered from the thick body fur of her lover.

Spinning the young woman around, Knuckles grabbed her hips tight. "Can't wait for it, can you?"

"I hope you got some energy left in you, big man!"

Thrusting into her deep pussy, hot water rushing over their bodies, his feet braced against the edges of the tub, Karen's leg perched up onto the edge as he began the ride, pacing himself steadily. Head bent down to watch, eyes glued to the sight of balls slapping her clit, Karen felt a sudden jolt of excitement, almost losing her grip on the wall. Despite the water's rush, a dripping of clear sticky fluids was visible, her own pussy gushing the hot juices, faster and faster as Knuckles moved quicker, watching the sight, keeping her head tilted to keep the water out of her nose.

Wrenching up, neck stiff, the athlete couldn't watch anymore, only feel. Her nipples burned for attention, swollen and peering from the surrounding hair, but her own hands were occupied, keeping her body steady. "Knuckles, baby... grab my tits!"

"But I-" Ankles locked, one hand freed from her waist and moved forward, grabbing and squeezing on the fleshy mound. "I can't hold on!"

"It's okay, I'm almost there!" she screamed, water rushing down her body, the heat teasing the clitoris harder than she could take. "Blow it in me, dammit!"

Falling back, holding on tight, Knuckles' ass hit the wall, his wife drawn with him as he ejaculated, crying out as Karen's vagina clenched down, her own screams drowned out by the shower's crescendo of falling rain.

Pulling free, cunt buzzing, she grabbed the sponges. "Time to clean up..." Pouring liquid soap from plastic bottles, she scrubbed her love's chest, smiling with a cute look in her eyes.

Towels went flying, Karen's head shaking off the excess dampness as she grabbed clean clothes. "By the way, I signed up for next week's boxing match."

"You did what?" he asked in disbelief. "But-"

"But nothing," the boxer shouted. "I haven't had a match in almost two years! Striker's old enough now that he doesn't need supervision every second. I think I can do this!"

Knuckles knew it was an argument that was already lost. "I'll be there, cheering you on."

Four years, one month have passed


Not quite, but perhaps close. Lying flat, pillow between both wings, pushing her soft breasts together, Rouge groaned and moaned as her husband stood at the foot of the bed, pounding away. Licking her lips, she screamed, "I'm gonna cum!"

"Just about... YEAH!" Tom shouted out, pressing his pelvis tight, buried in as far as possible, creaming deep within the cavity as his wife let out a powerful moan. His ears hurt, the piercing cry of his lover's pleasure hitting like a bullet. A quick look back at the mirror and windows to ensure they hadn't shattered, finally relaxing and letting go of the bat girl's legs.

Pulling out, Thomas joined her on the bed. "I need a break..."

This wasn't pleasure sex, it was work. Rouge was still determined to have a child. She knew their genes were compatible, it was only a question of time. Closing her thighs, keeping the sperm inside, Rouge Adriani relaxed and turned her head, looking into his brown eyes. "I had a thought," he grumbled, "you said your body temperature is a bit higher than a human's, right?"

"It is, why?" she asked, puzzled by the sudden inquiry.

He explained, "I read up that sperm are temperature sensitive. It's why our balls hang out. At least, humans are."

Her lip bitten gently, she slapped both hands to her face, eyes pinched shut. "SHIT! That's probably not helping... why didn't I think of that?"

"We can try artificial-"

"NO! We can do this on our own..." Disappointment filled her voice like a pitcher of water, weighing down her very soul. "If I'm not pregnant by the time I'm twenty-five, then we will. I don't want to raise a child too late."


She asked, "what?"

"Do you genuinely want this? Or is it... never mind."

Rolling over, taking her partner's hand, "I do want this. It's not... maybe I want to take this the next step, I don't know... I fell in love, got married... maybe I want a chance to see my child raised better than I was. What about you?"

"I-" Tom was hesitant. "It scares me a bit."

Smiling back at him, Rouge remarked, "it scares me, too. Carrying a new life inside of me, the birth, taking care of a baby... wow. sometimes I think I might be getting in over my head with this." Letting a quick sigh slip out, she continued, "but I'm not going to ignore this. Maybe I have some instinct pushing me on. But I have to know if you're with me..."

Rolling onto his side, closing in, Tom kissed her, arms wrapping tight, bodies pressing together as sweat smeared, spit dropping from their faces. "I'll take that as a 'yes', then..." she smirked, looking her love in the eyes, into his soul.

"You love me?"

"You know it! You love ME?"

He answered softly, "I wouldn't even be here if you hadn't come into my life. I owe you everything I have, everything I am right now... I-"

Pressing a finger to his mouth to silence the sweet words, Rouge said, "I didn't expect the long answer."

Pushing her hand away, Thomas finished, "I love you." Moving close, his tongue into her mouth, the lovers pressed on, embracing as their hands wandered, Tom's gripping onto one of the large breasts and fondling, Rouge's hands easing down and gently touching the dangling testes, rubbing the soft flesh, feeling it stiffen. "Whoa!"

"Someone's ready again? Doesn't that thing stay still, you naughty boy?" the bat girl teased.

"I stick it in and I'll probably push out half the cum in you right now."

Grinning, Rouge replied, "don't stick it in, then. Not until you're ready."

"You want me to jack off?"

Repositioning on the bed's soft edge, ass resting on a plush pillow, she suggested, "Ill do the work. Just stand there."

Jumping to the floor, taking his spot near his wife's pussy, Rouge raised her legs, feet playing around. "Oh... I think I understand..." Kissing her foot, ticking all four toes, Tom stepped back and helped guide her legs down, the soles of both feet placed around his dick, her ankles turned in and knees bent, slowly stroking along with the flexing of her leg muscles.

"Tell me when you're close," the bat ordered. "As much as I'd like a mess on my feet, it won't help me if it's splattered all over!"

Staring down at the tan flesh, breasts jiggling, it was her evil smile that seemed to turn Thomas Adriani on the most. "You should give me footjobs more often. It feels nice!"

"Foot freak!" she teased, watching as the tip peeked out from between her feet, each quick jerk only bringing Tom closer to climax. "Admit it, you liked kissing my foot!"

"And you like it when I tickle them," he teased back, knowing damn well she did.

Responding, "I have to admit, when I'm about to get off, it does feel pretty good if my foot starts itching. Almost like it enhances the orgasm."

"We can play with that later, okay? I tickle you, you tickle me... okay, stop!" Releasing her grip, Rouge's legs spread wide, hands pulling back on her labia. Gripping his cock, jerking wildly, "another second," he gasped, beating the foreskin with long, hard stroked, finally jamming inside his love's wet hole, face twisting as cum pumped out, gushing from his balls in as deep as he could manage before releasing a hot load of sperm.

"That felt nice," Rouge complimented, closing her legs again as he withdrew, climbing back onto the mattress. "Every bit helps."

"I might have one or two more in me but that'll be it." Gripping a loose sheet, pulling it around them. Tom curled up against her bosom, listening to her heart rhythm. "You always listen to mine. I want to hear yours this time."

Stroking his short hair, Rouge only said, "I hope it's relaxing to hear it. I know your heartbeat relaxes me." Closing his eyes, Tom Adriani, feeling naughty, suckled on her nipple, tongue playing around. "I thought you wanted to listen to my heart?"

"I do," he said, "it's getting quicker."

"I wonder why..." the bat scolded.

"Think of it this way- it's practice."

Puzzled, Rouge asked, "practice? For what?"

"If you have a baby, you'll have someone sucking on these a lot. Better get used to it now."

"It's little things like that, Tom, that really make me happy."

Five years, two months have passed

The home gym was busy with the sounds of huffing breath and metal clanging as Rouge Adriani pulled down on the metal bar, the heavy steel wire pulling and lifting a preset weight with each thrust of the bar. Gazing into the mirror briefly, she smiled. Her abs showed more than a hint of muscle and her arms the shape of strength. But the bat kept her feminine curves intact. Don't overdo anything. Strong but feminine.

The mirror betrayed her intentions. She saw the dark patch of her workout shorts. Rouge was horny. It had become unspoken between her and her lover, but the couple had been unable to bear a child, despite trying repeatedly. It was as if they had started to lose hope, but they would keep trying, even if the enthusiasm was vanishing. Right now, she was fertile. She would make love to her husband as soon as he entered the room, even if she had to physically tear his clothes off.

The door opened. The sun didn't peek through the curtains as she had already closed them in anticipation. But she could see. Thomas Adriani, naked, erect. "I didn't think you'd want to waste any time," he greeted. The weights made a crash as she released the bar. Without a word, Rouge grabbed her sports bra and ripped it with a quick tear, the loose cloth falling away. Standing, she grabbed at the side seam of her shorts, ripping it free. The other side torn, her bare bottom revealed as they fell to the floor.

Striding forward, Rouge playfully ran a hand down her stomach, through her pubic hair. The tension cut quickly. The couple hadn't had sex in three days, saving Tom's sperm in volume and Rouge was about to lose her mind. Controlling such urges had been easy before she met Tom, before she lost her virginity. Now, she found herself addicted and in the past year, the two had practically given up a social life for constant sex.

Tom's hand reached back as he bent to the carpet. Rouge leaned towards him. "I want to lick you," he said.

"Tom... I'm covered in sweat! You don't want to taste that!" she scolded.

He responded, "I don't care." Stepping forward, Rouge thrust out to let him taste her pussy, sweat mixed with the stain of sex all over her. She shrieked as his tongue hit her clitoris, hands fondling her breasts. "Enough! Time for the real deal!" she shouted, pinning him to the wall and kneeling. Grabbing his cock, she placed it at her eager opening.

Tom teased, "I don't think I'll last more than two minutes."

She responded simply, "I don't care." Slamming down onto him, both winced from the force. Rocking back and forth, Rouge leaned in for a deep kiss. As their tongues twisted together, Rouge felt Tom cumming, hot wet shots pumping into her. "Told you so," he said.

She replied, "like I care!" Standing up, she lay flat on a bench, legs parted, wings up. "Like what you see?"

"Uh... not really," he replied.

She shot back, "and what's that supposed to mean?"

"You're... dripping. It's kinda nasty, actually..."

Rolling over, Rouge sat up and saw the puddle of sperm. "Euch! Heh..." She sighed, grabbing her torn shorts to wipe it up. 'Not gonna do me any good if it drips out,' she thought.

Standing, Tom walked towards her and picked her up in a swift motion, saying, "better place to do this!"

Opening the gym door, he ran with her to the bedroom. Setting her down, she eased back, pillow between her wings, butt on the edge of the bed. Spotting his penis, she saw it had gone a bit soft. "Tom? Remember when I gave you that blowjob? Remember?"

"Yeah..." he muttered.

"Remember how it was in my mouth, all that spit and my tongue? Think about that..." It was enough to get him stiff once more. Waggling a finger to draw him close, she continued, "now think about my pussy. How tight it is, how warm it is..."

On his knees, Tom slid into her, back flexing. He was face to face with her. "What happened to you not liking sex? I thought you only made love..."

She replied, "guess things changed over the years. But... we've become sex addicts. Damn! Tom?" Her eyes looked into his. She looked ike she might start crying from the realization. "I miss how it used to be for us. We keep doing it and it's getting less romantic. It's not too late to fix that. Please tell me it's not too late..."

He responded, "I won't let the romance die," kissing her gently. "We've been slipping. No, it's not too late, baby!"

Rouge lamented, "you used to kiss me gently, now you just lick me and get me off. And I- I only worry about orgasms. I betrayed myself."

"It's my fault, too. So, we make it right. No more 'sex'. Just passionate love-making from now on..." Their lips locked, passionate kisses between the lovers as they let time slip away.

They were sweaty. Tom's knee drove into the edge of the bed, thrusting harder, the couple still kissing, breathing hard through their noses amidst muffled grunts of pleasure. Rouge's legs were locked around Tom's ass, their fingers locked together, weddings rings touching. They felt it, the nearing climax, Rouge and Tom both keeping their tongues twisted together as they reached simultaneous orgasm.

Lips tore free, gasping for breath. Their eyes opened, looking into each other's souls. "Better?" he asked, panting.

Licking her lips, Rouge nodded with approval. They looked at the clock. Four solid hours had passed. "That's more like it," she commented. "Took us four hours to get off and we loved every second of it! Yeah... passion isn't dead."

"We need to stop doing it every day," Tom noted, "maybe cut down to every two or three days. Make it more special when he make love, okay?"

She nodded in agreement once again. "I'm glad I married you. I love you so much, Thomas Adriani..."

He kissed her forehead, ignoring layers of sweat. "I won't let our marriage fall apart, Count on it!"

It was morning. Rouge had missed her period and was wondering. The test stick sat in her hand, trembling with anticipation. She waited for the dot to change color. Waited. Every second a moment of agony.


It was positive.

Eyes widened, her eyelids almost vanishing from the shock. A tiny moan squeezed from her lungs. She wanted to scream out in joy, run and wake Tom and tell him. But she couldn't, not yet. Running into the living room and snatching the phone, Rouge snuck outside and dialed. "Vic!"

"Boss? What's up?" the fox asked. It was odd for Rouge to call the casino this early.

"Victoria... I think I'm... Imgonnahaveababy!" the bat blurted out.

"Oh, Boss!" Vic shouted, "that's great news! I bet Tom is happy for you too!"

"Umm..." She paused. "I haven't..."

"You didn't tell him yet? Boss, I-"

"VIC! Listen to me... I just used a home pregnancy test! I... I should go to the doctor and get tested, right? Make sure it's real?" Rouge squeezed the phone, listening to the plastic casing creak.

Vic responded, "oh... I see your point. So why are you on the phone with me? Call the doctor dammit! Find out so he can learn the good news!"

Without saying goodbye, Rouge hung up and dialed the fertility clinic. "Hello? This is Rouge Adriani... I need to make an appointment..."

Two Weeks Later

Herb sat on the front porch. "I like this... no more research, no more paranormal garbage, just retirement... and you, Clara." The cat rubbed Herb's shoulders. "Do you ever regret divorcing your husband and marrying me this late in life?"

"No, my only regret was letting you go when I did. That, and my first husband being worthless. I know kids are out of the question for us, so..." Clara sat a kitten in his lap. "It's not the same, but it'll do."

Herb petted the tiny animal. "From anyone else, I might think it was a joke. Thank you, Clara... I'm sure we'll care for this animal as if it was our child."

Sonic sped along the ground. "Keep up, Amy!" The pink hedgehog ran after Sonic. "You're getting better at this, keep it up! Someday, you'll be as fast as me!"

"Someday? How about..." Picking up speed, Amy passed Sonic in a pink blur.

"What? Amy, you just passed-" Stopping, she tripped Sonic to the ground. Leaning down, she held her face to his. "What was that for?"

"Shut up Sonic... you like it!" she said, kissing him.

Knuckles ran outside. He felt good on this island with his own kind. The Master Emerald was of no concern anymore, being locked away on Angel Island behind layers of reinforced steel and concrete. "Son, there you are!" He found the small orange echidna playing in the dirt.

"I'm gonna dig good just like my daddy!" the child blurted out.

"Come on inside, it's getting late!"

Karen tightened around the egg. "Knuckles, if you're gonna go out, at least leave me the TV remote! You know I can't leave the egg unless it's absolutely necessary!"

"Oops, sorry..." he apologized. "At least the egg will hatch soon. Any idea what it'll be this time?"

Karen closed her eyes. "We have a boy... I'm hoping a girl to balance it out. And if it is a girl, I'll train her to be the best boxer I can!"

He sighed. "If she wants to be a boxer..."

"And why wouldn't she? I'm not giving it up, and my daughter will be as tough as I am! What about you, you gonna run for Mayor or what?" "Oh, that... I haven't really decided yet..."

Rouge opened the apartment door. "You're back!" Tom said, kissing his wife. "How'd the dentist go?"

She took his hand. "Tom, what's the happiest memory you have of me?"

"Happiest? I can't pick just one... the time you met me, when you saved my life... when you took me into your home, when you and I got married... or the first time we made love..."

She forced him onto the sofa. "I didn't go to the dentist. I went to see the doctor." "DOCTOR?" he screamed. "Are you... oh no..." She let out a small laugh.

"Not that doctor, and stop worrying! No... Tom... I'm pregnant!"

He stuttered, "preg- pregnant..."

"I'm going to have our child, yes. I didn't want to tell you until the tests came back. I wanted to make sure the child would be safe."

"Safe?" he asked, confused.

"I had a genetic test run," she explained. "To make sure the child would be safe to deliver. And it will be. Your genes will be mostly recessive, and I will give birth to a bat. I had to make sure... if your human genes were dominant, the fetus would be too big to carry, and I..."

He sighed. "You would need an abortion if that happened. I know..."

"Yes... I had to know now. If an abortion would be necessary, I would want it done now. But I won't have to! The child will be safe, the tests say it will!" she assured him.

"Let's not talk about that, it's depressing and pointless! This changes a LOT! We'll have to make some real changes and-"

"TOM! Stop babbling... we have to make changes. I know. But we'll be okay! We've worked for this day for years." She smiled at him.

"I guess this means we won't be getting intimate for a while, at least."

"No," she said, "we'll take a short break. I'll gain a little weight, the baby will come, and we'll raise our child. I'll get back in shape, and we will be as intimate as we ever were! It hasn't gotten boring in five years, and it won't from now on! And we have a little time still..."

He shook his head in disbelief. "What, NOW? But-"

She placed a finger on his lips. "Yes, now. And tomorrow, and the day after that. And even after... you get the idea."

Five years, ten months have passed

Amy handed Rouge the wrapped gift. Untying the bow very gently, Rouge lifted the lid. "OOH! This is cute!" She pulled the small pink baby clothes out. A small pocket for a tail and cut in the back for wings to poke through.

"Mine next!" Karen shouted, shoving the package in Rouge's face with an eager motion. Opening, the bat found an assortment of baby toys, all in girl colors. "We... won't be needing those," she explained. "But it's okay!" Karen rubbed her child's head, still asleep. "Slate and Striker will get a sister someday. Just not now, you know?"

Shifting in her seat, Rouge placed the gifts aside while neatly clearing the boxes out of her way. "So? When's it due?" Amy begged.

"Next month," Rouge answered. "Tom and I are moving into Vic's apartment tomorrow."

"What for?" Karen asked, curious.

Rouge clarified, "Vic's apartment is only a block from Night Babylon Memorial Hospital. Tom doesn't want us to stay out here because the city's so far away, and I don't want to stay in my casino apartment. Too crowded and noisy."

"Striker! Bad baby! You put that down!" Karen shouted, running over to the two-year-old echidna boy. "Come on, give that to mommy!" Taking the vase from her boy's hands, she gently placed it back on the table. "Sorry about that, Rouge," she apologized.

"It's okay! He's just a little kid, he probably doesn't understand yet!" Rouge smiled. It was a brief glimpse of what her own future would be like. "So, Amy, you and Sonic thought about children?"

The hedgehog girl blushed. "Umm... we're not even married yet, Rouge!"

Leaning in, Karen blurted out, "Amy's still a virgin!"


"It's true," Karen defended. "

Like that's something to be ashamed of," Rouge said, sticking up for Amy. "What about you? How many guys did YOU get it on with before meeting Knuckles?" she asked, a sly expression aimed at the echidna.

Embarrassed, Karen withdrew. "...none... so, where's Tom?"

Rouge answered, "working on Teal's room. He's painting it right now."

"He's painting it teal?" Amy inquired, suddenly curious.

"Uh... no, Amy." Pursing her lips, Rouge gave her a strange look. "That's our child's name!"

"OOH! You named her? How CUTE!" Karen screamed.

Rouge said, "she's named after my natural eye color!"

"Really? Your eyes are more of an emerald to me," Amy responded.

"No, they're teal," Karen said, giving her a strong wink.

Quickly, Amy corrected, "but it could just be the light in here. It's a nice name!"

"OOOH! Uh oh!"

Karen asked, "what is it?"

"Bathroom!" Rouge blurted out, sliding off the couch.

Taking a hand, Karen said, "come on, we'll help you! Amy!" The two led her away from the living room. "Striker! Go watch your baby brother!" The little echidna jumped up beside the sleeping child.

"I don't envy you!" Karen commented. "Sitting on an egg isn't like this! At least when I had to get up, Knuckles could sit on it for me!" Rouge kept silent, merely taking joy in the mental picture of Knuckles sitting on an egg.

"Umm, do hedgehogs lay eggs?" Amy asked, looking worried.

"No, dear, I don't think so," Rouge answered, opening the bathroom door. "I'll be fine. Go on, I need the privacy!"

Thomas painted the wall. Up and down with the brush, a layer of light pink paint. Sonic and Knuckles pried the lid off a fresh can. "Where's Shadow, anyway?" Sonic asked, picking up a brush.

"Shadow? He's been pouting lately. Don't know why!" Knuckles said.

"Yeah, well, if he wanted to date my wife he shoulda done it before she met me! He blew his chance, he can damn well live with it!" Tom went silent, the two looking at him nervously.

"I don't think Shadow's been..." Sonic stuttered, trying to think of anything to say.

Knuckles said, "cheer up, Tom! You're stressed out, got a kid on the way! I've been there twice! Everything'll be fine!"

Tom replied, "you and Karen are the same species..." Sonic and Knuckles resumed painting the walls. Tom was worried and stressed, particularly about the upcoming child.

"He'll get over it. Just stress," Knuckles said. "He needs- THEY need support, though and Shadow can't even do that!"

"Shadow's just..." Sonic tried to make a defense, but failed to think of something that made sense.

"Trust me, Sonic, it's not easy! He's worried about his kid. I've done this before. I doubt you'd really understand-"

"And why not?" Sonic shouted, becoming angry.

Knuckles responded, "look, Mister Great Guy, you didn't even go on a DATE until two years ago, and I had my first kid born then! Only reason you wised up and hooked up with Amy is 'cuz Eggman went straight and you lost your hero job!"

"Stuff comes up," Sonic defended, "not often but hey, I'm there when it does!"

"Good for you." Knuckles shook his head. "Shame you still act like a kid about it. Maybe when you actually have a family you'll wise up. IF you ever have a family..."

Sonic began to anger. "You're one to talk! we all thought you were the last of your kind!"

"Oh?" Knuckles was furious. "And I was starting to think you were gay!"

"What did you say?" Sonic demanded.

The echidna continued, "the way you kept running from Amy like she had some horrible disease! We were starting to think you weren't into girls!"

"Really? Okay, Knucklehead, how about you? Always running from Rouge? Didn't even look at girls until you met Karen!"

"That was different! Rouge and I were-"

The paintbrush flew, splatting against the wall between them, flecks of pink paint flying onto their fur. The two silenced immediately, turning their heads towards Thomas Adriani. "You and Rouge were WHAT?"

Knuckles felt six inches tall. "Huh... um..." he struggled to answer. "We had a conflict of interest at the time, that's all... I'm gonna shut up now. Either way I try to defend myself, I'm probably going to get my ass beat."

Tom slumped to the floor. "My mind's doing jumping jacks inside my head. That one percent chance something can go wrong is keeping me up nights. I'm letting her down..."

Knuckles walked over to him. "We'll paint the room. You go rest." Helping him up, Knuckles led Thomas out of the room. Rejoining Sonic, he said, "... sorry."

"Me too," the hedgehog replied.

Knuckles said, "he's got a lot to worry about. Me, I was worried when Karen had the first egg. What if it didn't hatch? What if something happened? Anyway..." Grabbing a brush, he resumed painting.

Rouge closed the front door, their guests having just left. "It was nice to see them," she commented, sitting down.

"Yeah... we got the room almost completely painted, too."

"You can finish it later, Tom. Come here and sit by me." She rested on the couch, inviting her husband to sit beside her.

"They were asking why Shadow didn't show up."

"Shadow? I talked to him on the phone last week."

"You did?" Tom asked.

"Yes. He's been working on official business. He said he'll visit when he's done," Rouge explained. "Why? Did they think he's been avoiding me?"

He answered, "well, they think he's been miserable because of..."

She knew what he meant. "Tom, I knew a long time ago," she said, "that Shadow... I knew he'd never fall in love with me. It's why I never pushed it or flirted with him. I wish he could have opened up and let his emotions out, but..." She closed her eyes. "Honestly? Tom... Shadow will do what he wants. When I met you and things worked, I knew I'd found the right man. So what if the other guys weren't interested? And you... you've been worried about Teal."

"Like I have a right to be worried," he replied. "YOU have the baby in you, not me."

Reaching out, Rouge took his hand, their wedding rings clicking together. "I don't want to hear that! This child wouldn't exist without you, Tom! Just because it's growing in me, doesn't mean it's not a part of you!"

Leaning back, the bat continued, "if I could meet myself from five years ago, I doubt she'd believe what kind of woman I'd grow into... Tom, you're worried. But honestly, you have that right. I'm worried too! But I'll be damned if I let anything bad happen to my daughter. Now or when she's born. If you weren't worried, then I'd be concerned."

"You feeling okay?" Tom asked, squeezing her hand.

She replied, "my back hurts, my feet hurt, and I'm hungry."

"Ice cream, then?" Tom asked.

"Yes, oh god, yes!" she answered. "With... can you cut up an apple? And peel an orange! Just drop them into the ice cream. And strawberries. Cherries, too!"

He laughed. Rouge didn't have the odd flavor cravings that human women were prone to, but she could certainly down a hefty meal. "You're going to be fat when the baby comes, lady!"

"I don't think so, mister!" she teased back. "When I'm sure Teal is safe, I'm going to start exercising again."

"Won't raising her BE exercise?" Tom smugly shot back.

"You have no idea... she'll probably learn how to fly before she can walk! Anyway... get my ice cream? And hurry back. I need you here. I don't want to be without my cuddle boy too long!"

Bending down to kiss her, he said, "I'll hurry."

"I know you will... and Tom, don't worry, okay? We're going to be just fine."

Six years have passed

Amy's mind was running wild. Her room was a mess, the contents of her vanity brushed to the floor, the young woman lying back with one leg in the air, groaning and moaning as her pussy twitched. "Sonic..." she called out, although no one was around to hear her as she pressed the vibrating toy down harder, forcing herself to take even harder clitoral stimulation than she was able to stand. The dampness dripped down the edge of the desk, the hedgehog aware her own tail was soaked in sex fluids.

This wasn't enough. Rolling to her feet, bright red high heel boots her only clothing, the soles planted firm in the carpet as she bent over, cranking the knob to full setting, listening to the mild hum turn into a loud buzz. Stomach pinning her arm down, she slid the toy in, grunting upon feeling the force inside of her, allowing her own vaginal muscles to push it out. Shoving it back in even harder, the girl repeated the process, finally thrusting herself as fats as she could, fantasizing about her boyfriend fucking her. Her mind was on Sonic.

Teeth ground together, fingers gripping the wood as she climaxed, furiously resisting the urge to yell out. Letting go of her substitute lover, the toy fell out, sticky, picking up dirt as soon as it hit the rug.

Satisfied with her fun, and feeling a bit worn out, Amy jumped onto her bed, rolling over and picking up the small locked book. Unlatching the cover, she flipped through scribbled pages of secrets, stopping at the first blank page, swiping a pen from nearby in the mess that passed for her bedroom. Jotting her thoughts, the paragraph simply read-

'Another typical day. A nice little date with Sonic then back home for some action with myself. Dammit, when is that man going to screw me? I'm getting sick of this. Oh well. Looks like the usual, I guess. Pick up the mess I knocked off the shelves then go take a nice, hot bath.'

As with many people, Amy wasn't sure if it was really night yet. Oh, according to the clock, it was only lunch time, but the local darkness of the city meant it was always night. Why Amy had traveled to Night Babylon was anyone's guess, though her frustrations with dating her crush was no doubt forcing her to seek advice from someone more experienced in such matters.

So long as she didn't have to come right out and admit it, anyway.

The small restaurant of Club Rouge was really just a customer courtesy dining area to feed the gamblers. The city certainly featured more upper-class establishments as far as dining was concerned. "You stand out from the crowd," the woman greeted, setting down a menu.

"What crowd?" Amy asked. Indeed, the room was nearly empty, save for a small handful of nightly leftovers and those taking short breaks.

"Good point." The waitress sat down. "You're not a regular here and I don't think you're the gambling type. And pink isn't a color I've seen before in fur... I think you're that one girl the boss knows. She's not here today if you wanted to see her. They took their little girl to the doctor."


She said, "don't worry, it's just routine. Still, those two do seem to be a bit worried all the time about the kid."

"Uh huh..." Amy nodded.

"I'm Victoria. I'm the daytime floor manager here. So, not here to gamble, and we're not known for the food, and the boss isn't here... so maybe I can help."

Stunned by the suggestion, Amy responded, "what makes you think I need help?"

"Please, I have a son that's almost your age, I can tell. And I recall the boss talking about you a few times before. Still, if you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."

"No..." Biting her lower lip, she explained, "Rouge is... I don't want to talk about this with my mother and she's the only one I know who might..."

Victoria sensed the girl's hesitations. "It's about sex."

"Or lack of sex," she slipped out. "Uh..."

"Right, you're dating that blue hedgehog. The one who used to be the big hero."

Shying away from the problem, she almost ran off, but chose to face it. After all, she was eighteen now and she should start acting like an adult. This wasn't some little girl's idea of romance anymore. "It's just that- I want it. Bad. And he hasn't made the move yet. Every time we go on a date, it goes so good, then we go home... and I- well..." Her face turned red, but she knew it must be said. "I masturbate. I just wanna ask him to come back to my place and let it happen, but I had so much trouble with that man before. He's shy about this stuff and I don't want to scare him off!"

"Mmm hmm... there's two types of people I've never been able to understand," Vic muttered, "men who are afraid of sex and women who hate sex. It's a beautiful thing but some people just don't understand it. Still, it isn't everything in a relationship. If you want my advice, don't force it. Just let it happen... though you'll want to be careful."

"How?" Amy asked.

Vic continued, "if your relationship goes bad after the first time, it can really hurt. Much worse than if you hadn't. And there's always pregnancy. You don't want to end up with an unwanted baby on the way because you lost control."

"I should make sure it's what I want."

"Exactly." Rising from her seat, Victoria checked the clock. "I need to get back to the floor. I hope things between you and your boyfriend work out for you. And remember to invite me to your wedding someday."

"Huh? OH! Sure!"

It had been a long, lonely week as Amy Rose waited for her next date, and the night had come. It had gone exactly as she'd planned. A night at the movies, as Sonic had wanted, but instead of going out to eat, she had offered to cook a private meal at her apartment.

But first, she wanted to get romantic. After all, a little kissing wouldn't be too much to ask and Amy had been devising a plan to make this special. All she had to do was make him lose track of time, and allow Sonic's baser instincts to take over. Her tongue twisted inside of his mouth as the girl moaned, her own pussy beginning to tingle. She had to keep control, though. Much more of this and she might start touching herself, freaking him out and ruining everything.

"What...?" She pulled back, feeling something poking her tail.

Sonic felt it sticking out. "AH!" He was erect, their make out session a little too stimulating. Covering himself with both hands, the hero looked around. "Uh... maybe I should've worn pants..."

"It's okay," she assured, taking his hands and pulling away. "You don't have to be shy." She looked upon his manhood, becoming enthralled by the sight of it poking forth from the fur. Normally, it was withdrawn, hidden inside the body and masked by fur, but not now. Now, it was begging for attention.

"Amy, I didn't mean to-"

"Ssshh..." she whispered, gently squeezing his rod, stroking down slowly. He let out a short breath. "Feels good, right?"

"Yeah, but..." He felt uncomfortable.

She sensed her lover's hesitation. "I can stop if you want."

Sitting, thinking, Sonic was tempted to run. Run away from this, after all, this wasn't an adventure somewhere. But that was over. "Amy..." Pressing her fingers tight, gliding her hands up his shaft, he allowed the sensation to control him.

Giggling, Amy unbuttoned her shirt, tugging down her bra. Pulling the hedgehog's gloves off, she said, "feel them." Moaning softly as her nipples were pinched, she unzipped her skirt, allowing it to fall free. "Ready?"

"For what?" he asked.

"You've never been that good at seeing the future, have you, Sonic?" Dropping the panties around her ankles, Amy smiled as his eyes were glued to her slit. "You like it?"

Rather than answer, Sonic seemed to be mumbling parts of words. Crawling back onto the couch, Amy's pussy made gentle contact, pushing her love's cock back and gliding along. "Are you ready for this?"

"I-I-" He was mumbling still.

"Sonic, please... after our dates I keep coming home and touching myself. It's almost annoying. But I won't do this unless you want me to."

Leaning forward, Sonic looked into her eyes, seeing her desires as if they were objects within. "Amy... I- I love you..."

It was all the pink hedgehog needed. Locking lips, she could feel his penis, lowering down, taking him inside. Sonic cried out, the first time overloading his senses. He wasn't prepared for the feeling of her tight hole, gripping down on him with a lover's fury almost unimaginable. Amy was also stunned. It felt little like the plastic toys she was accustomed to.

Rocking slowly, allowing the kissing to bond them, she eased gently, the feeling of her own wet pussy dripping down only making her happier. She was turned on beyond reason. Even the thought of sex with her long-time crush had helped her get off in a hurry, but she wanted to take her time.


"Yes, Sonic?"

He grunted in between breaths. "I don't think I'm gonna last!"

"Oh..." She laughed. "First time... I don't mind."

"You don't?" he responded, rather surprised by her attitude.

Licking her lips, the girl slid his hands down. "Grab my hips. I think you can figure out the rest."

Taking his orders well, Sonic began to thrust, sharp, upward jabs of his hips that made Amy's body shake, breasts jiggling with each pump. Grinding is teeth, Sonic tossed his head back, letting out a wild howl. She felt it, a warm sensation deep in her.

"Oh, wow..." she remarked.

"I- that was GREAT!" he shouted. "But you didn't-"

"Don't worry," she assured, rubbing herself. "We're not done yet."

The morning sun peeked through the curtains. Stirring in bed, Sonic woke up, groggy, to the sight if pink walls. "Morning," Amy greeted, handing him a glass of juice.

"I don't remember falling asleep," he said, swallowing his breakfast.

She replied, "can't blame you. We were up past two AM. You got a lot better after a few times." Grabbing his gloves off the nightstand, he began to slip them on as Amy swiped them away. "You don't need to wear those all the time. Besides, it's not like you have to be anywhere."

"But you have work," he said.

"Not today." Smiling, taking his hand, she slid it up under her shirt. "I took the day off. Now, you really want to put those gloves back on?"

Sonic smiles, squeezing her tits. "No... Amy?"


He simply said, "I'm glad it happened."

Her only reply was to jump forth, kissing him.

Six years, nine months have passed

"TEAL!" Thomas huffed as he ran, chasing the baby girl. The child fluttered on wings, laughing, as he father followed. "Teal, sweetie, please come to daddy!" Tom watched as his daughter flew up and sat on top of a tall bookcase. "NO! Teal... that's dangerous! Like you can even understand me..." The little girl sat down, playing with a book, giggling.

Grabbing one of the small chairs, he sat down, waiting. "Why did my ancestors buy so many books anyway?" he asked the air itself, hoping it might actually answer him.

Rouge entered the mansion. "Tom? I'm home!" Stepping into the study, she found her husband, sitting patiently, looking upward. Cocking her head up, Rouge saw the baby on top of the shelves. "Teal!" Flying upward, Rouge picked up her daughter and gently descended to the floor. "Teal, you are going to drive your father crazy one day!"

Standing, Tom commented, "she can't even walk yet and she already flies like an airplane."

"How long were you sitting there?" she asked.

He replied, "about fifteen minutes. I didn't want to-" He glanced at her. "She can fly but she's only ten months old. You think she'd know what to do if she fell off there? I'm getting rid of these book shelves."

"Yeah... until then, I'll put some things on the top shelves so she can't perch up there anymore. Here, Teal, give your daddy a hug!" Handing the child over, Tom felt the girl wrap onto his neck, holding on.

The baby girl blinked. "I tired," she said gently.

Placing an arm under for support, Tom began walking. "Okay, baby, we'll put you to bed." Rouge opened the door to her room as Tom placed the baby girl into the crib. Teal grabbed her favorite plush toy, a doll in the likeness of her mother, as Rouge placed the blanket over her.

"Get some sleep, Teal," she said, rubbing the child's ear. They watched as Teal fell asleep. Picking up the baby monitor, Rouge made sure it was turned on. The couple quietly left the room, taking care not to make a sound as the door shut.

Taking her husband's hand, Rouge led him into their bedroom. "We're going to have to put a lid on her crib one of these days," Tom joked. "And you see why I didn't want her wearing those little knitted booties? You can think what would happen if she tried to walk up there in those things!"

Jumping onto bed, Rouge removed her black jacket. "You worry too much, Tom!"

"And you wouldn't have it any other way. I put latches on all the top cabinets today, in case. Made sure all the outlets had those plastic caps in them, even the ones in places that are hard to reach. Made sure the lid on the pool is still secure..."

Pulling him towards her, she ran fingers through Tom's hair. "I mean it, you worry too much sometimes. Teal's asleep and the baby monitor is on." She tugged his shirt out of his pants. "We have some time alone now..."

"Sounds good," he responded, slowly unbuttoning his wife's blouse. Rouge turned the lamp off.

Morning was a time of renewal. Teal was awake, drinking from her bottle as Rouge cradled the child. "You think shes ready for crayons?" Tom asked.

Thinking, Rouge replied, "maybe. We have a few boxes somewhere from the baby shower. I'll dig them up."

"Good," he said, "maybe if we can get her into a nice, creative hobby she won't fly around so much."

"We do need to work on her education. I think she's old enough. She IS speaking." Taking the empty bottle away, Rouge grabbed a fresh one to keep the child fed. The child's metabolism was high and it often took up to three bottles to satiate her when she was hungry. "Robotnik wanted you to see him today. Something about an invention."

"Me?" Tom asked, eyebrows raised. "What for?"

She explained, "he said he needed your opinion."

"Probably wants funding. Forget it. He tried to blow us all up, remember?"

"TOM!" Her shout actually hurt his ears. She soothed the child, Teal almost crying from the loud noise. "I was up there with him then. Please..." Tom rubbed Teal's ears gently, along the base and through the tuft of fur around her neck. The child calmed quickly. "Wow... that was fast," Rouge remarked, genuinely impressed.

He quipped, "it works on you."

"He's changed, Tom. Just like I did. And he helped me save your life. Please, give him a chance? You know he's been depressed since Herbert Westwood died last year."

Stooping down to kiss his wife, Tom said, "okay. I'll go see him after I make my stop by the office. Anyway, it's your day to stay home and watch Teal while I do errands. At least if she flies off on you, you'll be able to deal with it."

"Sounds good. Be back soon?"

He replied, "count on it."

"Huh... yeah.... what is it?" Tom looked at the device. "Is it made to carve a turkey or something?"

"What? Of course not. It's a device I created to change a baby's diaper." The scientist walked on his cane. He'd lost weight over the years, partially due to skipping meals while he worked on inventions.

"That-" Tom paused. "That's horrifying."

Robotnik lowered his head. "... I know."

Continuing, Tom clarified, "that would scare any child. It scares me! I wouldn't let that thing near my kid!"

"I used to make death machines. Now, I try to make inventions to help people and improve the world," Robotnik said, "but I just don't have what it takes. I tried to get help but Knuckles and Karen aren't speaking to me. Sonic doesn't have children. You're the only other couple I know."

"Babies want to be reassured and feel safe," Tom offered, "and I don't think a machine can do that. Rouge invited that Omega robot over a month ago, guess she still feel some compassion for it. I made it stay outside. Not something my kid needs to see."

"Yes, I built Omega," Eggman explained.

Tom said, "and the security robots we have at the casino. They're made to intimidate. But..." Tom considered options. "You're looking at the wrong field. I think what you need to work on is the field of medicine. Maybe... surgery." Robotnik looked up. "Surgery?" "Yes," he said," think about it. Machines can work with a precision that human doctors can't. They won't get tired or make mistakes because their mind wandered. And you're already used to making destructive robots, so things that cut people open shouldn't be too much of a stretch."

"Medicine... a wonderful idea!"

"Good, doc," Tom said. "I need to go home. You work on that. And if you need any funding... get in touch."

Tom walked into the living room. Teal was standing. The child took a step, falling on her butt. "Shes standing up, Tom!"

"Here, that's not the way to teach her." Taking his daughter's hand, he bent his knees to stay level with her. "Take her other hand." Rouge did so, helping the child stand.

"This is cheating, Tom!" Rouge commented.

"Cheating?" He shook his head. "We get her used to walking first, then she can learn to balance."

They walked along as the baby took steps. "Fair enough," she said. "Guess I'm still not a perfect mother."

"Never say that, Rouge. Never say that." He looked her in the eyes. "You're a great mother. And I told the office they can bring the payroll checks here for me to sign. I won't be going by the office anymore. My family comes before the business. And you don't need to go by the casino anymore. Vic can run it just fine. She always has."

"I'll call her and let her know," Rouge replied. "Tom... look!" In the middle of the conversation, they'd both let go of Teal's hands. The child was stepping forward on her own. After a few steps, the little girl fell down. She looked ready to cry.

"Baby Teal, it's okay. Try it again!" Tom said, helping his daughter off the floor. They grabbed her hands, leading her along as she walked steadily.

"How'd it go with Robotnik?" Rouge asked.

He responded, "went well. No big deal."

"That's good." Rouge let it go from there. Her only concern was raising her child, and she was happy that Tom was there for her.

Six years, eleven months have passed

As far as weddings went, it had been small. Just friends. Almost. Sonic was annoyed that Shadow couldn't show his face for this, but silently, everyone in the room had expected such a turn of events. It was a topic that remained quiet. No one wanted that one little fact to ruin the day.

If Shadow wasn't going to show up to Sonic's wedding, then too bad.

Rouge felt out of place, if solely for the fact she didn't know many of Amy's friends. At least she didn't feel totally alone, as Karen was there, doing the same as her, holding onto a small child. "Maybe Amy can pop out a few kids so we won't be the only ones, you know?"

"Give them time," Rouge remarked. "It's not a secret club they should be in a rush to join. So... where's YOUR husband?"

"Huh... sneaky little..." Tossing her head around in a frenzy, the echidna girl was at a genuine loss. "He musta snuck off to taunt Sonic or something. Yours?"

She pointed towards Thomas, wandering the room with a camera. "He's the photographer," she explained.

Knuckles was indeed taunting Sonic. "Keep that up and you won't have a finger left to wear your ring on!"

"Just feels different," the hedgehog grumbled, tugging at his suit. "I'm not used to wearing clothes like this either..."

Grinning, Knuckles could only enjoy the show. "You'll have to throw the gloves away. But you knew when you agreed to this, there would have to be changes."

"Right... hey, you wear yours on the left hand."

"Yeah, so?" Knuckles responded.

Sonic pointed him out, taking pictures amongst the crowd. "Why does he wear his on the right hand?"

"I don't know," he said, "and I don't really care."

Some people might have thought Knuckles should show more restraint than to mess with the newlywed, but the girls displayed the same lack of manners, pulling Amy aside to offer some good natured, but no doubt unwanted marital advice.

"So," Rouge begged, her ears tingling, awaiting the answer, "what's the big plans for the honeymoon?"

"Yeah," Karen said, "big vacation? sight seeing? Or just hide away and get it on all week?"

Amy knew what they were up to, and she'd been prepared. "I don't know... we have plans to make a few stops around the world. As for any of THAT, well... Rouge, have you thought about your own daughter's wedding yet? If she might go on a trip or hide away and get it on all week?"

The sound was almost disturbing, a gentle, sudden sucking of air through the nose. Not only was it sudden, but triggered eyelids popping wide. Rouge was stunned, Amy's plan working too well. "Uh... Teal is..."

"What's wrong?" Karen asked, mildly concerned for the bat's well being.

The hedgehog giggled. "Oh, she's just realized that her little girl might grow up to be like her someday!"

"I don't think so!" she shouted, running and grabbing Teal by the hand. "Teal, you are going to be a good little girl all your life, understand?"

"Yes, mommy," the little bat mumbled, running off to the punch bowl.

"Wow, Amy..." Karen applauded the comeback.

"Yeah... funny, really. We don't want our own kids doing the same things we indulge in, even when they grow up to be our age..."

"SONIC!" Tails was amazed. The big group picture, and Sonic was off somewhere, holding everyone up.

"He wasn't late to his own wedding, but he's late to the photo shoot. Big surprise..." Knuckles grunted. He wasn't too shocked, but he was a bit annoyed.

"Sorry!" The blue streak ran forth, halting on a dime. "I had to go to the restroom. These pants... I didn't think I'd ever get them back up."

In front of the crowd, punching at buttons, Tom Adriani was ready to toss the camera at the wall. The manual had been no help in setting the timer, but a quick glance at the cover explained the difficulties. "... this book doesn't even go to this model of camera..." Tossing the instructions away, he opted to fiddle with the settings anyway, finally setting the timer and sprinting to take place in the crowd before the flash went off, freezing the moment in time.

The crowd broke, as everyone knew it was time to let the new couple off on their own. "I noticed your parents aren't here," Rouge remarked.

"Yeah, well..."

"Problems with them. Yeah, I've been there... well, you two have fun."

"Listen to her," Karen interjected, "you'll want all the fun you can get now before the kids come along..."

Ignoring the two women, Amy grabbed Sonic's hand. "Come on... I know you've been wanting to get out of that suit all day..."

Seven years, one month has passed

The frigid air was gnawing on his last strand of patience. It wasn't that the cold air bothered him, but it had been seeping into their apartment for days as winter's fury covered Central City in snow and ice. Perhaps it was the disturbance in electrical service that seemed to enrage Sonic the most. Three days without power. Three days with no means to cook, candles and flashlights for light, and a city that sat still.

Screwing the bulb back on, fresh batteries installed, Sonic placed the light in the table within easy reach.

"... well, at least you have electricity," Amy remarked, phone to her ear. "Still, shame you can't even get the doors open."

"It wouldn't be so bad but the windows are frozen shut, too," Rouge grunted. "I'd invite you over if we could let you in."

"We'd have gone to stay with Knuckles and Karen but both their boys are sick right now and the planes that go to their island aren't flying now thanks to the weather." Peering outside, Amy only wished this would end soon. It was only now that she regretted buying a portable music player that ran on a rechargeable battery.

"Okay, well, call me later if you need anything. If it's an emergency, I can always break a window. Bye, Amy!" She heard the click as the line went dead.

"Nice to know they at least have electricity," the blue hedgehog grumbled, sour at Rouge's luck.

Unwilling to tolerate his attitude, Amy fired back, "leave them alone. They live outside of the city but they got more snow. At least WE can leave the apartment."

"And go where?" Staring out the window offered no real comfort. Plow trucks carefully drove the streets but the snow still fell. "Those idiots are just piling it up on the sidewalks. Nice going!" he shouted outside, hoping someone might have heard."

Grabbing the top pane and pulling down, she clasped the latch. "Stop letting cold air in!"

Entering the kitchen only offered more headache. The stove and oven both ran on electricity as did all of the building's services. "We're moving into a new apartment," the speedster grunted, "one with gas heating." Digging through numerous canned goods, their food stocks were down to fruit and a few meat products. "Hope you don't mind tuna and peaches for dinner tonight!"

Nightfall had only increased the annoyance. Candle light illuminated their small home well enough to see but their resources were used sparingly. Blankets were piled on the bed so thick, Sonic considered tossing a few of them off the bed. Despite the freezing weather, he honestly thought he'd start to sweat under these sheets.

Cuddling close, Amy's arms wrapped tight, as she always did since they'd been married only months before. "I'm on paid vacation from work while the city's shut down."

"That's good," he said, "at least we won't go broke- HEY!" Spine tingling, he jumped as Amy's hand squeezed his butt.

"Wanna get warm under the sheets?" the girl teased, smiling gently in faint candle light.

"uh, Amy, maybe we-"

Kissing her boy toy, the pink hedgehog responded, "we've both been edgy since the power went off. Come on, it'll be fun." Her hands sliding playfully between Sonic's legs, pulling her panties to the side, the couple began to kiss, pulling the sheets tighter around their bodies.

Tugging up on Amy's gown, hands squeezed and played, his wife's nipples stiff from the cold, a delightful howl creeping from her lungs with each pinch. Fondling the stiffened cock, Amy carefully helped glide it inside, Sonic moaning as the warmth enveloped his throbbing member.

Rolling over and pinning her to the bed, Sonic allowed pure animal instinct to take hold, grunting like a pig with each mad thrust of his hips, encouraged further by Amy's legs wrapping around, pushing him deeper.

Braced with an elbow pressed into the mattress, his mouth moved down the pink hedgehog's neck, breath hot against her skin as she screamed out in pure delight, body writhing from sensual pleasure, her pussy throbbing harder as her lover's dick probed inside, firing off every sensitive nerve deep within her.

Gripping the bed sheet so tight his hand hurt, Sonic the Hedgehog cried out with no shame, feeling every last drop squeeze from the tip as Amy's body violently stuttered from sudden orgasm, bed springs squeaking loud from the sudden force of lovers reaching climax.

Pulling the covers close, Amy begged, "hot enough?"

Two days. Two long, miserable days but the power had been restored. Kicking open the front door, sonic shouted out a triumphant, "food!" as grocery bags slammed down on the table. His priority had been meat. Fresh, raw meat that was going to be cooked today. He'd cook it until it burned if necessary but Sonic was determined to have a hot meal.

Carefully, perched in the kitchen doorway frame, Amy's smile was only half. "Uh... Sonic... about the other night..."

"I got food! Beef! Pork! Get the oven on so we can-"

"I'm pregnant!" she screamed, his interest in food an unimportant concern to her.

Sonic was stunned. "You-" Frozen in place far beyond what any cold weather could have accomplished, it was as if his mind was shattered. "Huh..."

"Stop being a baby and say something," his wife demanded, a harsh tone cutting through the air.

"... I need to sit down."

Eight years, two months have passed

"That girl is going to be the death of me," Tom Adriani lamented, more than tired from a solid day spent chasing his own daughter around the house.

"She just wants to stretch her wings and fly, that's all..." Smiling in the bright light of the full moon, Rouge let her boots dangle into the water, the river's steady flow reflecting the night sky. The very edge of the property, quiet and peaceful, offered a little rest for the parents. Their daughter, Teal, had been bouncing around all day, her day playing outside turning into an adventure as the child decided to play in the air, flying high above, sending her father into a panic.

"yeah, and ever since she learned HOW to fly I've been worried she'll get hurt," he responded. "She was flying before she could walk."

Looking towards the mansion resting in the distance, Rouge said, "she's asleep, at least. We finally have some time to ourselves..."

"I'd like to but I don't want to wake her up making all that noise."

Crawling through the grass, the bat perched on her love, her face inches away from his, and said, "who says we have to go back in?"

Giving her a solid stare, Tom asked, "you DO know we're outdoors, don't you?" Keeping silent, Rouge merely edged closer. "Sometimes I wonder if you're a bit crazy..."

"Crazy or not, you love it!" Unclasping the hardened pink chest piece, it tossed aside in the soft grass. "Well? Not like anyone will see us, it's dark and it's late. The nearest people are a mile away. Be adventurous, you might have some fun!"

Accepting her playful offer, Tom wiggled a finger into the edge of the black bodysuit, tugging down to expose both breasts in their full glory. Never one to be submissive, Rouge grabbed the bottom edge of her husband's shirt, tugging up and off, throwing the garment aside with a grin plastered from cheek to cheek. Hands rubbing her human lover's chest, playfully grazing over his small nipples and faint muscles, the bat girl leaned back, inviting him to remove her boots.

Pulling each one off with care, resting on the ground by the metal soles, Thomas eased his fingers across her feet, tickling them, urged on by slight laughter. Springing forth, grasping at the zipper, Rouge undid his pants, slowly pulling them off as he raised up, now naked, bathed in moonlight. Gently, back arched to show off her curves, Rouge eased down her suit, the black stretchy stocking folded neatly and set flat.

Gripping the hardening lump with playful glee, she let fingers play, sneaking along the rim of foreskin, teasing the head, feeling his dick stiffen as Tom's breathing hastened with the anticipation. "Take me," he shouted, slapping her rear and squeezing tight.

Knees braced in the soft earth, leaning back, Rouge Adriani pressed close to her lover and with gentle care, her body slinked downward, pussy sucking the waiting penis within until it was buried deep, body resting against Tom's thighs. Slowly, with determined passion, pelvis wiggling back to front, arms wrapped tight as wings stretched, Rouge felt as if she could lift off, taking her partner along to make love in the air. Tongue sticking out, in between the young man's lips, the lovers kissed deep, his hips slowly but steadily beginning to bounce as his knees locked stiff.

"Want me to talk dirty?" she begged, breathing quick into his ear.

"We should probably get back inside soon, so yeah..."

Whispering passionate, dirty ideas, Rouge asked, "which position you like more? This? Me on my back? Bending me over?"

"This," he responded, "you know how to work me!"

Biting on his ear lobe, she grunted in pleasure, soft moans filling the night air. "You like me in charge?" Nodding in agreement, Tom allowed his will to submit. "You like the way my pussy feels, taking you in all the way? You like it when I ride you so hard you can't stand it?"

"Ride me hard!" he screamed out, breathing harder.

The bat's body jumped furiously, her entire weight thrown into the action, slamming down as a wet slapping noise filled her ears, the sounds of her own wetness leaking between them. "I like it when you fill me with your cum! Cum for me, boy!"

"I- I'm almost there! Not without you!"

Tongue licking her lips harder, her groans loud, so loud they no doubt echoed trough the region, she grunted out, "I'm ready! I'll cum with you! When you fill me up, I'll know!" One card to play, one she knew would be the winner. "I love you, Tom!"

Hands backward to keep balance, he felt his cock firing, balls exploding within her deep slit, Rouge's head thrown back, crying out like a wolf to the full moon. Body slamming down one final time, exhausted but more than pleased, the bat girl grinned. "Well?"

"We should do this out here more often. I thought I was gonna squirt a double load!" Kissing her harder than she'd done, Tom said, "better get back. Huh..." Looking around, he asked, "you DID set our clothes down close by?"

"We don't need them..."

Tom responded dryly, "what if Teal woke up and is running around the house?"

Her face twisting, the sharp truth messing with her dirty desires, Rouge eased up, cunt contracting as her lover's penis withdrew, sperm dripping out, grabbing his shirt. "Good point..."

"You did scream your head off," he taunted, pulling his pants back up and standing up, collecting her stocking and boots. "Think she heard? She has your ears..."

"Don't remind me..." Eyes rolling back, Rouge felt as if her nature was a betrayal to her motherhood. "If I'm not careful she might start getting the wrong ideas."

"Wrong ideas? From you?" Looking her in the emerald eyes, he said, "well... just keep thinking positive and I'm sure she'll learn some restraint when the time's ready."

Nine years, three month have passed

"Daddy says I can't go out by myself until I'm old enough to vote," the bat child mumbled. "When will that be?"

Cream somehow knew it would be a wasted effort trying to tell about her adventures. It wasn't anyone that was out saving the world at six years old, and Teal especially wouldn't understand, living under the watch of two parents who bordered on overprotective at times.

But even Cream's life had slowed considerably. No longer simply running off and doing such things, life's demons known as responsibilities had crept up. She needed money and babysitting was one way to get some cash, and the Adriani family paid rather well.

However, this may have been due solely to the fact that Teal was energetic. This, of course, did not take into account the fact the child had wings, and Rouge insisted on a babysitter that could fly. Not that Thomas has even a remote clue how a rabbit could fly, but it was one of those mysteries he felt didn't need to be explained. It worked, and that was good enough for him.

"Where'd mommy and daddy go?"

"They went to the casino. Like they do every year at this time." Looking through the usual list of notes, Cream sighed. 'It's a wonder those two ever leave the house,' she thought, amazed at the instructions.

"Can I have a cookie?" Teal begged.

"No, not now," Cream responded. "Your father said you can only have one cookie while they're gone and you've had one already."

The little girl looked ready to pout. "But I want a cookie..."

She checked the written notes. 'Teal can have some snacks, but not many. I don't want my daughter to get diabetes.' "It's time to start your dinner. You want chicken nuggets or a cheeseburger?"

"Chicken nuggets!"

"Okay... Cheese!"

The small Chao ran into the living room. "Play with Teal. I have to cook her dinner." The small creature cooed, jumping into the bat's arms. "Teal, be careful with him, okay?"

"I will," she replied.

The kitchen was a short walk, though operating the oven wasn't a skill Cream was versed in, thanks to the complicated contraption the family owned. It wasn't a matter to simply turn on the gas and wait for it to heat up- no, turn on the gas flow, enter a temperature, enter a cooking time, enter the estimated weight of the meal, all without the benefit of instructions. Why such an expensive kitchen fixture was so poorly made was beyond the rabbit's comprehension.

The weight... Cream guessed at a pound, scattering the frozen lumps onto the flat pan and slamming the oven door. It would have to do. All that was left now was to occupy the child until dinner was cooked, but the sudden screams alerted her, drawing her back into the living room to find her pet Chao dancing in fear below an open window. "Teal? Cheese, where's Teal?"

The Chao simply mumbled. "Like you can actually talk," Cream reminded herself, peeking outside to spot an object flying high. Straining her ears, Cream only hoped she could stay airborne long enough to catch the little girl. The fact Cream had grown over the years didn't help, even with stronger muscles powering her flight. It had simply been a random fluke of nature that gave her flight. Bats, however, were born for such behavior.

Ignoring the mechanics of it, she flew into the air, making a straight line for the girl she'd been tasked to watch. Teal saw her and flew away, managing to stay ahead of the rabbit with a skill that was almost beyond that of a small child. 'Mother taught her good', Cream thought to herself, wind rough on her face. Muscles began to ache, it was now or never. A sudden, quick show of speed sent her forward, catching Teal as she rocketed to the ground, using what little remained to slowly land before muscle fatigue took over.

"NO! I don't wanna be punished!" Frantic, the girl tried to break free but Cream held tight.

"I'm not going to punish you."

"I wanted to play with the birds but they flew away." No longer struggling, she said, "do you have to tell mommy?"

"That you learned how to open the locks on the window?" She sighed. "I will... but I won't tell her you flew into the air, okay?"

"Okay!" Teal shouted, smiling and happy once more.

Carrying her back to the mansion, Cream realized why Teal's parents were so paranoid. It was an unusual chore watching over a child that can fly. She had to wonder how her own mother had managed.

Ten years have passed

She stretched, sleep leaving her body. Arms, legs, fingers, toes, and wings all extended as muscles stretched.

Reaching out, Rouge grabbed a pair of panties off the nightstand and slipped them on, picking the robe up off the floor by the bed and slipping it on, the slit in the back sliding under her wings. Sliding across the bed, she kissed her husband. Thomas Adriani awoke. "Morning..."

"Mmmm... now? What time is it?" he asked.

She answered, "time to get up... come on, Tom, you can't pay attention to me if you're asleep!"

He gave her an odd stare. "I was joking, Tom! But seriously, Teal will be up any minute, and you know how she has to hug us in the mornings. Get some pants on, okay? Besides, tonight's charity night at the casino, we can't stay in bed all day!"

Tom dressed, the two heading towards the manor kitchen. The little bat girl was already awake, waiting for the microwave to finish. "Mommy! I'm having sausage!" Teal took after Rouge mainly, with almost no indication her father was human. However, she had inherited Tom's digestive system, and unlike her mother, could eat meat.

"Working the microwave already, I'm proud of you, Teal," Rouge commented, her daughter smiling at the praise.

"DADDY!" The girl flew through the air, hugging her father tightly. Teal unlatched as the microwave bell sounded, removing her plate and collecting a fork from the counter. The three entered the living room, Tom turning the television on to a kid's program for his daughter.

"And you wanted to send her to school," Rouge teased. "She probably learns more from these puppet shows than she would in a school anyway!"

His hands under her armpits, Tom hoisted Rouge in the air to eye level and sat them both on the couch. "Have I told you how much I love you lately?"

She answered, "only more times than I can keep track of... doesn't mean you shouldn't tell me anyway, though!"

Rouge kissed him, a comment of "EWW!" from their daughter.

"She'll understand when she's older," Rouge said.

"Older, huh? She's not dating until she turns 18!" An evil stare from Rouge put an end to Tom's joke. "Er, okay, 15 then."

Victoria inspected the kitchen. Her son, Theodore, scrubbed the grill. "Hey, take your time, we don't need that cleaned now, we have time, son!" Even now she ran Club Rouge as a tight ship, but knew not to push any of the employees. Rouge wouldn't like that. Keeping the employees happy was the goal. And tonight was charity night, the casino's big yearly event.

So far, the morning crowd had been light. It was the main reason the stranger seemed to stand out, a tall human in a long brown coat and stocking cap wandering through the doors with a slightly confused look on his face. Approaching the stranger, she asked, "can I help you sir? You look lost!"

Replying, "yes, actually, I- YAH!" the stranger seemed to jump back as he saw her. Victoria has encountered this before, humans who expect the voice to be some tall human woman, only to find her when they turned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, sir!" she apologized.

The stranger muttered, "Uh, no, just a bit startled, actually... can you point me to a phone, please?" he asked, trying to hide his unease at seeing her.

With a wave of her hand, the gentleman followed her to the wall phones. "will you need anything else?"

Asking, "Actually, yes, do you have the time?"

She checked her watch. "Eight A.M., nineteen minutes."

She heard him utter a "thank you" as she walked away.

She'd seen this before, people coming off hangovers and confused by the city's eternal night, usually tourists who stumbled out of their hotel rooms and didn't know what was going on.

A typical day on the job.

Clara ran through old newspaper clippings and photos of Herbert Westwood's career. Despite any belief that he'd thrown his life away, he had saved their world through his own persistence at digging for hidden truths in the darkness.

She missed him.

A knock on the door pulled her from the memories. Arising, she answered the door to find a large human man, dressed in a long brown coat and cheap stocking cap. She greeted, "yes?"

"Eh... hi. I'm looking for a Herbert Westwood, I was told this was his last known address..." the stranger explained, an odd look on his face.

"May I ask who you are?" she asked, puzzled that anyone would be looking for Herbert. His death wasn't a secret, and no one had asked about him since.

The stranger said, "Bill. Bill... Kesh. Do I have the right house?"

The name 'Bill' was one that Herb had mentioned a few times before.

"Come in," she said, leading him inside. "I haven't had many visitors lately, I'm afraid, so I apologize for the mess," she explained, pointing out the dust.

He responded, "that's okay, I knew I'd be stopping by unannounced. So, is he home? I haven't seen him in 15 years-"

"He died four years ago." Clara wasn't sure how the stranger would take the news, but she had said it.

"I didn't know... I'm sorry I- did you know him?" His voice showed some sadness.

"I was his wife for the last few years of his life, actually." she replied. "An old colleague. After what happened, he retired and we gave up our professional interests..."

He was looking over the artifacts on the shelves. "You were into old things, like he was, I take it... relics, leftovers of the past- GAH!" Bill jumped back in horror, the small state of Cthulhu disturbing him.

"Most people comment that they find that particular piece either ugly or weird... I've never seen anyone frightened by it," she remarked. "Herbert had mentioned a man named Bill to me, the only Bill he knew."

"Cthulhu," Bill explained. "The very thing I fear, the very thing I witnessed... the very thing he came to me to learn about if he ever needed to stop it," he explained, still a hint of fear in his voice. "It was 15 years ago, I met him in a library... he was scaring the librarians with his research, and I was called in to deal with him. He showed me a photo and I knew I had to help him."

"I'm glad you did," she said, "our world owes you. My name is Clara. I take it you are from another dimension..."

"That's right," he answered. "I'm sorry I acted odd around you, in my world, we don't-"

"You don't have animals like me," she finished. "Herbert told me. It must have been odd to see me at first. Or any animal when you came here."

"How bad was it?" She raised an eyebrow. "Cthulhu, I mean," Bill clarified.

"Oh. Not too bad. Herbert and his friends stopped the cult before they could summon the god. They were lucky."

"We were even luckier. Cthulhu rose from the sea. We were fortunate to have had a weapon to stop him. We came real close on that one..."

"I'm honestly surprised you even came. That you had the technology, that you knew how to get to his specific dimension..." she commented, wiping her glasses.

"We were working on our own dimensional technology at the time. I even recorded the event when he left so I could follow. But you know how it goes, you get busy with your own affairs, things come up... and stuff is missed. Now I wish I'd showed up a lot sooner..." he apologized.

"The Shadow Over Innsmouth." He looked at her. "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," she said again. "It must have been what you thought when you saw me. I'm familiar with the story. Herbert had a small back book of stories. One you gave him, I believe."

"No, not really... although the city you call Night Babylon sits where Innsmouth once stood in my world," he explained. "It was rebuilt after the bombings. Nice place now, especially after the reconstruction. Cthulhu made a mess when he walked all over the place. Even our best warriors couldn't keep him-"

"Your best warriors? I wouldn't think any human would challenge Cthulhu directly," Clara remarked.

Explaining, "Okay... I'm probably gonna catch it anyway when I get back, unauthorized travel with these devices isn't exactly allowed... but I think you deserve to know the truth..." Crossing his arms, the visitor began, "I'm not human. This is... it's a form I can take. I'm also not from Earth but it's become like a home to me."

"I see," the cat muttered. "So, if you are not human then what are you?"

"That's a long story."

"I have time," Clara responded. "Time is all I have."

Flipping through the scrapbook, Clara displayed a photograph. "This was taken shortly after the incident. Herbert with the President... and there's Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Shadow. Heroes who helped him realize his dream."

Bill took the photo. "Tails, huh? Guess I can see why... the black one Shadow? He looks depressed, angry..."

"Shadow's always like that. He was created, an artificial life form... a lot of tragedy involved." Taking the photo back, she slid it under the plastic cover.

A cat rubbed against her legs. "Oh, Zadok, I forgot to feed you... this is our child, the last I have of Herbert." Bill gave her an odd look. She clarified, "not literally, of course! Herbert couldn't- his spine was severely injured, he couldn't even... you get the idea."

"I'm familiar with the effects of such tissue damage to the nervous system, yes," Bill replied.

Pulling a scrap of paper and a pencil, she began to write. "You should visit him..."

Shadow approached the grave. "You were right, Westwood... I remember you as I did Maria. Neither of you will ever go away so long as I live."

"You must be Shadow..." Hearing a voice, he looked back. A human was behind him, a man in a long brown coat.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I met with Westwood's wife earlier, looking for him. I just found out... she told me about his last days, about his friends. You were mentioned. Bill Kesh. I met him 15 years ago. He came to me to learn about things, dark things..." the stranger explained.

"Hmph... 15 years ago. He told me he went to another dimension to study things," Shadow commented. "That's right," Bill replied. "I wish I'd had the chance to come here before he died, but what he did saved your world. As obsessed as he was, he knew what he had to do. I'm just glad he didn't kill himself in the process."

Shadow remarked, "we all have our assigned task in life. His was researching the unknown. Mine is as the ultimate life form and a weapon."

"No," Bill said. "No one assigns our tasks but us. No one can make you do something, you always have a choice to follow an order. I learned that a long time ago, that I didn't have to do as I was expected. Don't let your past dictate your future. The choice is always yours. I make my choices as I see fit."

"I see." Shadow kept this eyes fixed on the grave. "Will you be returning to your dimension now?"

"Not yet," he answered. "I think I'll take time and explore your Earth some before I leave. I'm in no hurry."

Shadow remained in place as Bill Kesh walked away. 'Poor mortals... they live such short lives. But who was that, anyway? I don't think he was human. He did have a point, however...'

Sonic met Eggman at the cemetery. The grave called to them like a morbid reminder of the past. HERBERT KOLCHAK WESTWOOD. "It's been... four years now." Ivo sighed, his friend gone.

"Yeah, who knew... the pain pills damaged his liver. How's Clara holding up these days?"

"I check in on her on occasion. She seems to be happy with the cat those two had."

Eggman paced on the cane- Herbert's old cane. He didn't need it, but it was a reminder of an old friend. "He was right about me, you know," Sonic spoke. "When Amy and I had our son... marrying Amy didn't slow me down at all. It made me faster than I would have thought."

Eggman looked down at the hedgehog. "Sonic... speaking of threats... I am getting old. I know the last ten years I have spent making amends for my ways, but... what do you say? Wanna give it a go?" Sonic gave him an odd stare. "I mean it! I'll find an empty island somewhere, and really give it my all to take it over! And you will stop me!"

"You WANT me to WIN?" Sonic asked, now more puzzled than before. Ivo replied, "it is fate, yes... but I miss our battles."

"Fine," Sonic agreed, "set it up and I'll be there!"

Knuckles lined his two sons up outside. "What's wrong with you two? I'd expect you to not know any better, Slate, but Striker? You're seven! You should know better! You NEVER hit a girl, ever!"

"But she took our ball!" Striker blurted out.

Knuckles shook his head, "that little girl is only three years old! She doesn't know any better! If your mother finds out... you have a lot to learn..."

Rouge adjusted her evening gown. "You look fine!" Tom said.

The 28 year old bat admired herself in the mirror. "Yeah, I still got it!"

Tom agreed, "you're still as hot as the day I met you!"

"You aren't so bad either, my stud! That's what happens when you take care of your body!" Grabbing her purse, she led him to the front door.

"Shadow, thanks for watching her," Rouge said as they left. Shadow looked down at the young bat.

"Uncle Shadow, wanna watch cartoons with me?"

He patted her on the head. "Yes, I think I will..."

He sat the child in front of the television. "Now... what cartoons do you want to watch?"

"You pick uncle Shadow!" she shouted.

Digging through the stack of discs, he found one labeled ROAD RUNNER. 'Is this...' Shadow thought, popping the disc into the player. A melody trumpeted from the television as a blue road runner and brown coyote appeared on the screen. 'I heard about these. Westwood brought them from the other Earth...'

Rouge's daughter was laughing at the antics on screen. 'I'm not sure of those two will like her watching this cartoon,' he pondered, watching it himself. 'It seems rather violent... the coyote falls off the cliff, is hit by a rock, run over by a bus...'

Shadow began laughing, as if he had no control. 'Repeatedly. The coyote can't win! And the Road Runner... he actually goes out of his way to irritate the coyote! The bird seems to enjoy being sadistic!'

Shadow was laughing at the violence. The child was entertained by the bright colors of the cartoon world. Shadow found entertainment in the repeated beatings the coyote received at the hands of fate.

Outside, Tom started the car. "Charity night... busy as hell, loud, lots of people..."

"So, how's that different from any night at the casino?" Rouge taunted.

Rouge looked over the crowd. "A better turnout than I'd hoped. The poor kids should be happy, as long as we don't have too many winners who keep their cash."

"I wouldn't worry about that, honey," Tom said, "no one's gonna let themselves be known that way, not tonight."

"Boss?" It was Victoria. "That man... the big winner."

"Really?" Rouge looked his way. The tall human in the brown coat was raking in the cash at the craps table.

"He was in this morning, asked for the phone... I had security keep an eye on him, no cheating. Guy's good... 20 million," the fox explained.

"Maybe we should check this guy out, see what he's about," Tom suggested. Rouge nodded, leading the way as the crowd parted. Everyone knew the owners of Club Rouge. Rouge had made it her business to tell people, after all.

"Mister Lucky, I see... I own this casino, and I have never seen anyone win over 20 million this fast as long as I've owned Club Rouge." she greeted.

"I would assume you've been watching carefully to make sure I wasn't cheating, right?" he asked, barely looking her way.

"Yes, very. I'm Rouge Adriani. Can I get you something to drink? Eat? On the house..."

"Sorry, shouldn't. Gotta watch my diet..." the stranger replied, brushing off the offer.

She watched his next throw end in a bust, the stranger commenting, "oh, well... looks like the kids get a lot of money."

She was honestly disappointed that someone with such a winning streak could lose it all so fast. "Try your luck again, on the house... your luck can't have run out so soon," Rouge said, handing him another chip.

"Look, lady, I appreciate the gesture, but you're not my kind, honestly!" he responded, seemingly horrified.

She laughed. "I'm not hitting on you, dummy! My husband is right here!"

Tom waved at him. "Thomas Adriani. Go on, my wife gave you the chip, I'd use it. Don't wanna make her mad..."

Placing the chip, the stranger gave a toss, another perfect seven. "See? Mr. Lucky still has it!" she complimented.

"Actually, I don't," he replied. "You do. Take this as my kind donation to charity. I'd have donated the rest anyway, but you already have that. I really must be going..."

Cameras took his picture. "Twenty million and two hundred... who do we owe this kind sum to, anyway?" she inquired.

"Bill Kesh. That's K-E-S-H! Enjoy the rest of your event. See ya!" he shouted, bolting for the door, pushing through the crowd cheering his name.

Rouge looked up at her husband. "He was an odd one..."

"Yes, real odd," Tom agreed.

They looked in on their daughter. "Asleep," Rouge said, checking the covers.

"Shadow just left," Tom explained. "I paid him for watching her."

"You didn't have to do that," Rouge scolded.

He replied, "I know... I told him he should take it. I know he's spending good time doing this for us."

"Shadow's been a good friend to both of us," Rouge sighed. "Even helping us with Teal. He's never given us argument, either..."

"I think Shadow's different from most people," Tom commented. "He doesn't wish either of us ill for being together. But he still watches over us. I think he does better when he has focus in life."

"He lost Maria a long time ago... helping us gives him something to hold onto. It calms him down," Rouge said. "Lets go before we wake her up."

Slumping on the bed, Tom stretched. "We haven't been out on a date in a long time!"

"Raising a child does take time," Rouge commented, "not that I would give her up to free our time. We made her, our love. I'd never let her go."

He asked, "you ever think about another kid?"

"Sometimes... I could stop taking birth control pills, if you want..." she answered.

"I don't know... I wouldn't object, but... even so, it took a LONG time for you to get pregnant, IF it'll happen again."

"I know," she mused, "the species difference... we were VERY lucky."

Rifling through her drawers looking for a gown, she found something that brought a wicked smile to her lips. Carrying the goods into the bathroom, she changed. "Tom..."

He asked, "Yes? what is- oh boy!"

She stood before him in her vinyl dominatrix suit. "I haven't worn this in a long time... and you're right, I am still as hot as I was. Fits perfectly!" Holding the handcuffs up by her middle finger, she explained, "you remember how this goes! Scared? No, don't answer... I can hear your heart rate going up already! Sensitive ears, after all..."

"Uh... where's the whip?" he asked nervously.

She replied, I don't want to make a lot of noise. Teal might get freaked out if she hears us. So... I guess we'll have to be quiet."

"If that's even possible," he remarked.

Morning, if it could be called that in Night Babylon. Shadow was assisting the local police. Five known criminals, tied up in the warehouse behind Club Rouge. A robbery attempt that had been ruined by an unknown hero.

The five were ranting about a tall human in a brown coat and stocking cap. Shadow kept this mouth shut about Bill Kesh. He knew it had to be him, but didn't want to explain how he knew.

Walking through the warehouse, he found a torn piece of rubber. Picking it up, Shadow recognized the eye. Looking the fragment over carefully, he saw it was a translucent eye facade, made to move in its socket in the rubber shard.

Shadow had his proof that Bill Kesh had not been human. But the mystery of what exactly Bill Kesh was would likely never be solved in his life.