Forest Keep 14

Story by Shimrod on SoFurry

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#16 of Forest Keep

(edited 12/10/08 for font correction and version update)

Back at the Keep, Martin looked up in surprise as two patrol teams arrived back early. Their horses lathered and panting as they trotted into the bailey yelling about a patrol missing.

They had waited the requisite two hours after the allotted meeting time and lacking information had decided to alert someone higher up.

Martin frowned as the panicky novices said that James and Joe had not turned up and they suspected foul play.

"So... they headed up the northwest trail did they?" mused Martin "Damn Joe, he's taken himself and that raw recruit chasing after those outlaws we heard about, I'll wager". He scratched his thin beard slowly as he came to a decision.

"Get some fresh horses lads and join up with us," he said, "I'll come with you and let's see if we can find our missing novice and our headstrong master-at-arms".

He climbed into the saddle and rode out the gate with the four nervous novices behind him whispering to one another about how James seemed to be bringing bad luck to the keep

Joe struggled futilely in his bonds. He had finally managed to get a grip on himself and wondered just what in hell was going on. There was a loud roar and thumping noise nearby that chilled his blood and made him freeze in place.

The poor lad, he thought. Whatever it was had surely eaten him by now. He shivered and went back to struggling and wrestling against his bonds.

Nokala's tail swished decisively through the air and ripped the top off the hut scattering the turf and sod over the startled bandits within. He roared loudly and watched them cringe at the sound. James stood beneath his chin and he looked down at the human.

"Well, now what", he murmured mentally. "They won't be scared for long and all they can see is you" James nodded and grinned up at the Dragon.

"Ok...when I point at one, can you take him out with your tail?" Nokala snorted at the enquiry. "Of course I can, why though?" he asked.

"Because all they'll see is me pointing and someone flies off," explained James. He tried to keep from grinning as the bandits slowly recovered and reached for their weapons.

They were not going to be scared of a skinny stripling with a sword. These were hard-bitten men with experience at fighting that far outstripped his limited skills.

"I don't suppose you'd all like to surrender?" James yelled at the cautiously approaching men. "Just lie down and put your hands behind your backs and I promise you won't be harmed".

The outlaws stared at one another briefly. Clearly, this youngster was insane to think he could take on six well-armed rogues by himself. They grinned at one another and broke into a run towards James.

"Well I can't say we didn't try" James sighed and with a grandiose gesture pointed at the grinning lead bandit, a swarthy man with no front teeth. There was a loud scream as the man was suddenly picked up and slammed into a tree fifty yards away. It happened to be the one Joe was tied to.

Joe froze again at the impact as the outlaw hit the trunk of the tree and fell to the ground. All he could hear were various bubbling noises coming from the stunned man.

"Next!" cried James gaily as the others paled and shrank back briefly. One enterprising outlaw reached behind his back, pulling out a longbow and swiftly nocking an arrow into position.

James quickly pointed at him and the would-be archer suddenly found himself rocketing up into the sky and coming down with a descending scream ending in a sickening thump.

"They don't learn too quickly do they? " He chuckled to Nokala.

"Something we have frequently observed in humankind' the dragon rumbled in reply. "Oh, thank you for making Cill so happy too", he murmured. James flushed and couldn't look up at where he thought the dragon's head was.

The thieves regrouped to reconsider their current strategy. This new course seemed to involve picking a direction and running away as fast as they could.

James was taken by surprise at this tactic and pointed swiftly at the largest one who suddenly found his feet torn out from under him. Nokala's tail sending him hurtling through the air into another convenient tree. The other three had their heads down and legs pumping as they took off determinedly to the horizon.

"And Don't Come Back!" James yelled as the men disappeared into the forest.

The other three men lay unconscious in various locations. Checking them for signs of life and satisfied they were all only unconscious though injured James picked them up and stuck them in a pile neatly trussing them up in the same ropes they had used on him.

"Do you want to let Joe see you?" James asked as they carried the sagging lumps over to the tree where the hapless master of arms hung limply..

"That's up to you son" the dragon said and grinned broadly, "Cill told us ALL about your little seduction and that makes you clan now"

James flushed and cringed as he thought of what Cill's mother must think of him now.

"We do need to have a discussion soon to decide what you are going to do next and how we are going to deal with the council" Nokala added solemnly

James swallowed hard and nodded before walking up to Joe. "Joe... are you alright?" he asked reaching up to pull the bag off his head. Nokala was still invisible and sat quietly while waiting for James to make his decision.

The Keep's arms-master was pale, sweaty and trembling as he looked around frantically.

"Didja see it lad? Didja see it?" he stammered, "Where is it? ...What was it?" James untied him from the tree and staggered back as Joe clasped his shoulders looking him over intently.

He then looked at the three unconscious men on the ground "How..." he broke off. "No, don' tell me... I don' want to know how ya did that". He raised a trembling hand and wiped his brow slowly.

"Are you sure Joe?" James asked quietly "You've earned the right to know now if you want"

Joe blinked at him "Not yet lad, give me a coupl'a days to recover from this shock first" James led the shaken man over towards the remains of the hut and the bandit's water supply.

"Clean yourself up, I think Martin and the others will be looking for us by now and you don't want to greet them like that" he said gently and walked back to Nokala.

"I fear Joe would be overwhelmed if he saw you now" he murmured to the hidden dragon. "Though I think he may have enough clues to piece it all together. I just don't want him getting the wrong impression and alerting Lord Duncan with wild stories"

He looked at the bound outlaws twitching fitfully upon the ground. "Its going to be bad enough when they recover enough to talk though I doubt anyone will believe them too much"

Joe stripped his soiled clothing off and washed himself clean. After dunking his head in the barrel several times, he began to feel better. Telling himself firmly that obviously he had let his imagination run away with him and it had probably been a wolf or large dog that had sniffed at him while his still addled brain had magnified its size a hundredfold.

Denial was scant comfort in the face of the evidence though.

He looked at the hut. The devastated roof was spread widely across the field and he could see large flattened areas of grass. Then there was the question of the sounds he had heard during the fight and how James had stunned three men by himself...

'If he had been by himself' the unbidden thought came as he remembered the odd conversation he had had with the lad several days previously. There was no denying it.

"I am impressed young James" said Nokala. "You did not ask me to kill those men or pursue them once they had given up the fight"

James bent over to retrieve the precious whistle from the base of the tree where it had been thrown in disgust by the bandit.

"Thank you Nokala" replied James as he carefully restrung the silent whistle and replaced it round his neck.

"These ones will likely be tried and sentenced to hang anyway for robbery and kidnapping". He indicated the outlaws as they lay nearby groaning quietly. "But I don't think those others will return to cause problems as they will be telling their tales in every tavern from here to London and it may give others pause before considering setting themselves up here as highwaymen in the future"

Nokala nodded to himself. The lad had a sense of justice that was obvious. Things were looking good for the plans he and Marre had devised but there was still the problem of other humans finding out.

Sighing to himself, he resigned himself to the fact that certain humans would inevitably find out about the dragon clans but hopefully if the lad kept up the discretion he had already shown, it would only be trustworthy folk.

He suddenly took a long, hard look at the lad. There was something different about him but it was not anything he could put his talon on.

"Very good James", he said and letting an element of pride enter his mental voice. "I shall return to the keep three days hence and talk with your lord Duncan about giving you... extra training and your desire to mate with my daughter also"

James flushed again "Marry... joining another's family through mating is called Marriage in human society".

"Is there a ceremony for this in the human world?" asked Nokala.

"Yes" grinned James "But I can't see Cill in a wedding dress at a Christian church as the bishop would surely die from apoplexy," He thought of the fat bishop keeling over as Cill walked down the aisle dressed in wedding gown and train.

"We also have a ceremony that must be performed now you are mated to her and you will need a stout heart and strong nerves to go through with it" James thought he could catch a slight note of concern in the dragon's voice as if he wasn't quite sure.

"Is this something to do with Cill's moth- Carlina?" he remembered the angry dragon's name as well as the way she had looked at him while holding him up to her snout. Like a bug that she was just about to step on.

Nokala hesitated "Not just Carlina, no" He wanted to tell the truth and say that it was a very fragile peace he had created within the clan to allow this to happen and any one of the other clan members could easily disrupt the ceremony with disastrous consequences for them both.

A loud horn suddenly rang out in the forest. Joe finished his washing and running back towards James shouted jubilantly "That's Martin's signal lad!"

James climbed back onto his horse and threw the thought back at the dragon "I shall see you in three days then Nokala, I hope I can repay you someday for the help you gave us today"

Grinning down at him Nokala chuckled, "Oh I think you have done enough for me today"

There was a brief swirling of dust as the great dragon returned home and the two men rode off to meet with the arriving patrols with the stunned bandits lying across the rumps of their horses.

Carlina was entertaining. Since this whole debacle had began only her closest friend Mella had kept in contact with her and comforted her. "It wasn't your fault Carli", she murmured, resting a paw on her friends arm. "You couldn't foresee it would happen and Nokala seems to be going out of his way to positively encourage them"

Nodding at her friends words, Carlina could not help but agree.

"The odd thing is that they are both happy and ... well...there have been some interesting benefits" She flushed and wondered if she should pass on the stimulating things she had learnt about human mating practices.

Mella raised an eye ridge in disbelief, "She is happy with a human as a mate?"

Carlina nodded eagerly" He has provided food for her and gold as well so he obviously cares for her greatly...and..."

She twiddled her talons in embarrassment and unable to hold it back blurted out some of the other interesting tidbits she had learnt while Mella's eyes grew wider and wider.

"He licked her vent? ... and let her mount him while he was on his back?" A claw went to her jaw and a speculative gaze arose in her eyes as she considered the possibilities.

Carlina went on, oblivious to the fact she was about to shake dragon society to its heart. "I asked Noka to do it too... and it was ....incredible".

Mella gasped, "You didn't!" she exclaimed, leaning forward in amazement.

"I did...and he did it and I licked him too!" Mella was impressed; she had never heard of such things and wondering if her own mate Iridol would do it for her if she asked him to, flushing at the naughty thoughts suddenly swirling in her mind.

Carlina could see Mella thinking and gave a giggle "I bet Iridol would do it for you too" she teased leaning closer.

"Really?" asked Mella as her eyes flicked back and forth from the floor to her friend. "You won't know if you don't ask him and besides, you have him wrapped round your smallest talon"

"I do, don't I" laughed Mella and the two dragonesses laughed at the foolishness of males and how they somehow managed to cope with them.

The three outlaws were thrown into the Keep's cells and a healer allowed in to treat them. Despite their experience, they had only been badly stunned and showed minimal scratching and the odd broken rib that was swiftly set and bound tightly.

The healer was concerned that the men all raved about black sorcery and being tossed around like children's toys by something unseen, but put it down to the fact they were confused and had simply been outclassed by the excellent master-at-arms and a trainee novice.

James and Joe were summoned to Lord Duncan's study to give their accounts of the encounter as well as to provide evidence to be used in the outlaw's trials. Joe spoke first and hesitantly explained how they had come to be captured and trussed like a pair of turkeys but unwilling to continue, as he knew it would sound as if he was insane.

"Joe" Duncan said as he sat in his chair and looked at the pair. "I thought I knew you better than to drag a barely trained novice into a dangerous situation like that". He shook his head "It's bad enough they got the drop on you and tied you up but how did you get free?"

James spoke up enthusiastically before Joe could answer, "I had a dagger they didn't find Sir, and cut myself and Joe free" Duncan's gaze moved between the two. The look on Joe's face spoke volumes.

James continued, his voice adopting a tone of hero-worship "Then Joe went after them in their hut Sir. He wounded those three and scared the others so badly they knocked down their own walls and ran off into the forest without stopping"

He did not dare stop and look at Joe as he kept up the enthusiastic flow of praise of how the valiant master-at-arms heroically and single-handedly put the miscreants to rout.

Duncan grinned to himself, as he knew when he was being fed half-truths.

"Well Joe, perhaps it's time for a pay rise if you can inspire such praise from your novices"

Joe started in place as he had enough shocks for one day "Thank ya Sir", he saluted, taking refuge in habit and simple responses.

Duncan rose from his chair and clapped them both on the shoulders "well done to the pair of you and I want you both to rest for a few days to recover your strength " The two men nodded and slowly walked out and down the stairs towards their rooms.

"Why'd ya do that lad?" he asked James as they walked into the mess, "Ya earned the credit for that capture and even though ya had ya...," He hesitated and looked James in the eye "...friend along...I was no use at all"

James grinned back at him "I like you Joe, but who would believe a simple single novice could catch three desperate men and put the others to flight. My friend was glad to be able to help though and sorry to make you fill your breeches"

Joe nodded "Ya right and I can scarcely believe it myself, ya being friends with a ...dragon".

There it was out he thought to himself and be damned if he was wrong.

James grinned, "I knew you'd figure it out sooner or later but keep it to yourself or you might end up in a bedlam loudly protesting your innocence"

Joe silently agreed with the lad's assessment. After all no one had seen a dragon for centuries and he would be proclaimed insane and bundled into an asylum or monastery somewhere with no hesitation should he try to claim that they were real.

"I'll let you meet them if you want" James said quietly. Joe jerked and slumped down again, the day really had too many shocks in it.

"There's more than one?" he hissed. James propelled Joe into his room and murmured, "Sleep well" then closed the door behind him.

Joe tottered to his bed and fell into it with a groan. What the hell was he going to do now? He couldn't even tell Jane and he sorely doubted he'd be able to get it up for her tonight.

James went to his own room and stripped off his jerkin before lying back on his bed with a relieved sigh. It certainly had been a fun day despite being hit on the head and he chuckled as he replayed the day's events in his mind. He sent some affectionate thoughts to Cill and heard the instant reply from her demanding to know where he had been all day.

Getting up he walked over and locked the door then made sure he had cleared the floor. "Why don't you come over and give me a kiss and I can tell you all about it", he invited cheekily before moving back to his bed again. He heard a mental 'humph' then there was the yellow flash of the portal spell and she was in his room licking him on the face warmly.

He felt much better when she was with him and wrapping his arms around her neck in a tight hug, gave her a deep kiss in return.

She purred deeply and slid onto the bed properly with him. It creaked a bit but seemed to hold together. Her tail gave him a little concern since there was little room for it to move but she had not complained yet.

"I think your father and I are going to get on well, love." He murmured caressing her slowly.

"Oh?" she purred back at him, "and why is that?"

He gave a quick explanation of the day's events and though she was a little distressed at her mate being hurt and captured she soon saw the funny side of it and laughed as he described how Nokala had set the bandits to flight without risking discovery as a dragon.

Moving his hands down her neck to her breasts, he cupped them in his palms and moved his hands in slow circles. "And as we are mates now he said I have to go through a ceremony to make it official just like it is in the human world". Her eyes half lidded in pleasure as she felt his caress, her nipples stiffening and pressing into his hands.

"Oooh, yes... that's right" she murred softly. "You have to be presented to the other clan members to proclaim your right and then you are bonded with me to become part of the Dracalar clan" she slowly stroked a hand over his stomach and marveled not only at the fragility of his skin but also the way the muscles rippled beneath it at her touch.

The talon moved down a fraction more to tease his shaft through the breeches he wore and she was gratified at the quick response she felt.

"Am I going to have to ruin another pair of your breeches mmmm?" she whispered huskily in his ear.

"Oh no love... This is my last pair" chuckling and with a little help from her he managed to slide the offending clothing off and onto the floor.

"That's better," she purred, lowering her head so her tongue could gently tease him making his hips arch upwards off the bed.

"It's a little cramped don't you think?" he asked her as he enjoyed her attentions. She looked up at him and let him watch her tongue slither from the base of his shaft to the tip and linger there.

"I'm going to make you pay me back for not letting me join in the fun you had with Papa" she murmured down at him. She slowly straddled him on the bed letting her hind paws rest on the floor on either side.

"Next time I'll make sure you know what's going on so you can have some fun too" he apologized.

She growled lustily and he looked hastily at the door "Shhhh lover... if you get too loud we'll have an army up here". Looking abashed, she nodded and slowly moved up the bed until her moist sex was lightly sliding over his stiff erection.

"I'm sure you would be able to explain any strange noises coming from your room" she chuckled slowly rocking herself back and forth, teasing the head of his cock with the fat lips at the base of her tail.

"Uhn... not ones that make the building shake," he panted and reaching down with a free hand lightly teased her clit knowing how she liked it. Muffling a squeal, she suddenly sat on his shaft and felt it slide within her. He felt the bed creak alarmingly as she sat on him and he thrust upwards to spread some of the weight.

Cill's paws gripped the head of the bed as she started to move on his shaft. The dragonesses' eye's glazing as she moved in time with him, feeling him stroke in and out of her tight, slick vent.

James reached up and pulled her head down so he could kiss her deeply as they mated slowly and quietly as possible. He felt his loins growing damp as her warm juices ran slowly down the length of his erection and over his balls.

Cill's gaze locked on his as she suddenly quaked and moaned quietly. The room filling with the spicy scent of sex and her release as she shivered over him and murmured his name. He thrust up as hard as he could and came with her, his seed hungrily massaged from his spurting cock by her powerful muscles as she ground down upon it.

James shuddered as he savored the delicious eruption inside his ladydragon and kissing her gently on her snout and tongue tried to draw out the pleasure for her by moving gently against her clit in time with her inner clenching muscles.

Unable to contain her pleasure Cill let out a soft rumble of pleasure that reverberated around the room. James quickly strained to hear any shouts of alarm or comments from outside or down below in the mess - so far they seemed to be getting away with it.

Cill slowly relaxed as her climax passed and she slumped softly onto James, her tongue lolling from her snout as she slipped into the warm haze of afterglow.

"Ohhhh yessss", she hissed as his arms went around her neck and stroked her flight muscles gently.

"Mmmm so do you forgive me for not inviting you to beat up on bandits?" he chuckled to her as he realized he was pinned under her with his shaft still soaking within.

"It's a start", she sleepily murmured back to him as she enjoyed the massage as well. "I have a few days off so I can come and see you at the lair" his fingers pinched and pulled at the taut muscles of her shoulders.

"I'll try and bring you something nice too," he added. Cill had never felt happier in her life as her chosen mate caressed and stroked her, though she remained all unaware of the slowly growing result of their first union deep in her womb.

"That would be lovely", she purred and ran her tongue along his neck. "Did father say when the ceremony would be?" she asked.

"He said he'd come and talk to Lord Duncan about me in three days time, though I don't know what he will tell him to allow me to finish my studies here and yet see you"

Cill thought a little and grinned, "I should sleep on you all night like this... but your bed is too small for me and I'd get cramp"

James smiled and rubbed her neck gently. "Go and get some proper sleep love and I'll come out and see you in the morning"

Cill nodded and gave him a long and deep last kiss before flashing back to her lair. James smiled the smile of a well-satisfied male and rolled over slowly in his bed before letting out a yelp at the sudden sensation of cold on his side "damn...Now I've got to sleep in the wet spot" he groaned

Mella lay atop her mate Iridol following a marathon session of mating that she had never experienced the likes of before. He had passed out after the third time and she still tingled from the rare and pleasant feeling of post-orgasmic bliss.

It had taken a lot of talking and persuasion for her to convince him to try something different from just mounting her and thrusting wildly but she had threatened him with no mating for a month unless he tried it.

It had come as a revelation to him that dragoness could climax as well and after several attempts, he had finally managed to learn how to pleasure her with his tongue and in various other positions as well, ending with her straddling him and roaring her pleasure until the lair shook and dust fell from the ceiling.

Mella licked a talon slowly and decided this was just too good to keep to herself. She had to tell the others and soon.