Riley's Change

Story by JazzFan on SoFurry

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I've taken inspiration from a few stories by other artists. Tristan being one of them. ...

I've taken inspiration from a few stories by other artists. Tristan being one of them. Credit goes to him for his part and the others for their parts.

Riley sat on a park bench as he awaited his girlfriend, Ellina. He glanced at his watch again. 2:37. "She was supposed to meet me here at 1:00," he thought as he looked back up and searched the park for the nineteenth time. The young ocelot began to drum on the park bench subconsciously. A slight breeze from the south-east made the fur on this certain anthropomorph's head dance slightly. This caused him to absent-mindedly scratch his head. "Damn! What'd she do, fall in the toilet??"

"No, but I'll push you in the toilet." Riley just about jumped out of his fur.

"Ellina, where've you been? You're over an hour late," he said worriedly as he looked over his shoulder at his desert hare girlfriend.

"I've been getting us supplies for our picnic." She bent over him and looked at him upside-down purposely exposing her cleavage through her low-cut tee to tease him. He stared, dazedly at her perfectly formed 34 D's for a few moments before she kissed his nose to snap him out of it.

"Huh? Oh...right, the picnic." He sat there for a while staring at her breasts again.

She got a bit impatient. "Are you going to help me set up the damn picnic or what?" He smirked, then placed his hand on the back of her head and pressed her head forward so he could kiss her. And boy, was that kiss ever deep. It was so good that she circled around and sat on his lap to enjoy it more comfortably. She insistently slipped her tongue into his mouth and ran it over his tongue before teasing the tip of his tongue with hers to coax it into her mouth. She succeeded and did what he loved most: suck on his tongue. That's the one thing that turns him on majorly. Hell, if she did it long enough, she could make him cum in his pants. She decided not to. This time. Ellina pulled away slowly. Both of them were in a sort of flushed state. "Wow...That was so hot."

She wiped her mouth and smiled mischievously. "I know. After the picnic, we'll see about finishing it." Riley eagerly sat up just as Ellina stood back up. He barely missed grazing her nose with the top of his head. Grabbing the blanket and half of the supplies, he headed out into the grassy green-ness of the park and picked a nice, shady spot beneath a large tree. The supplies were placed beside the tree as the blanket was unfolded and spread out across the large shadow of the oak.

"And now, for the food to be set out." He picked up a large Tupperware bowl and turned to see Ellina coming up the hill with the rest of the supplies. He smiled brightly at her and set the bowl in the center of the red plaid blanket. Upon opening it, he discovered it contained egg salad; one of his favorite dishes.

"Mmm...egg salad. Thanks babe."

She smiled. "That's not all I brought. Put the lid down and start putting the rest of the stuff onto the blanket." Riley stuck out his tongue and resumed placing the miscellaneous items about the picnic blanket. After they were finished, they sat down and enjoyed a pleasant meal outdoors. In finishing the meal, they placed the trash and recyclables in their proper disposal bins. "So," Ellina asked with slight curiosity. "How was it? Did you enjoy it?"

Riley smiled over at her as they walked back to their car. "Oh yes, it was truly amazing. I've never tasted anything that good. Well, any food at least."

She glared at him. "Riley. You know how much that makes me blush." Riley just smirked and kept walking. Once at the car, they packed the rest of the supplies into the back and headed home. Now home, they brought the stuff into the house and put it away.

"Now, about that promise you made earlier." Riley was ever so slightly horny and he didn't care if it showed or not. He moved toward the bedroom and guided her with him.

"Oh, alright." She let herself be led into the bedroom. Once there, Riley sat himself on their bed and beckoned her to sit next to him. She sat down and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed her deeply like as before except this time, they were in the privacy of their home so there'd be little interruption. Getting wrapped up in the ecstasy of the kiss, she pulls off her top and runs her hands her hands up under Riley's shirt. He pulls his off as well and smiles lustfully at her. Resuming the kiss led to the eventual disrobing of the other clothes. Riley slid back and sat up against the headboard. Ellina crawled seductively toward him and kneeled beside him. Her breasts brushing up against his arm before he reached up and grabbed one. He kneaded it softly and gently, making her moan and grind against his leg.

"You know you want to." She lifted a hand and gripped his member. It was eight and a quarter inches long. She loved him for that. She gently stroked his long, thick cock as he kneaded her breast. Soon, she straddled him with her back toward him and was working on his prick with both hands. Behind her, he was making moaning and whimpering sounds. As she stroked him, he humped and arched slightly. She kissed the tip and tasted sweet pre on her lips.

"Mmm," she thought. "This tastes wonderful." She bent over and soon was sucking on his head as well as stroking him off. As he moaned and humped faster, she knew he was about to climax.

"Oh, Ellina...I-I'm cumming." She stopped stroking him and suckled on his head like a baby suckling at its mother's breast. He arched up and thrust his cock deep into her mouth before his penis coughed sticky, white threads of cum down her throat. She sucked every bit of it down with great pleasure. She pulled away and licked the rest off like milk off a Popsicle.

"Ellina, I love you so much that I want you to become a part of me." She looked back at him and hesitated for a sec before answering.

"Really? You love me that much? Yes. I'll become a part of you." And with that she sat herself down onto his cock. The sensation sent a wave of momentary ecstasy through him.

"I-I must warn you, it's permanent." She didn't care, she was just happy that he loved her that much. He placed his hands on either side of her hips and helped her ride him. Both of them were soon moaning in pleasure. She turned her head back and gave him the look that told him she was about to cum. He nodded and she rode him faster until she came. Her orgasm made her pussy muscles spasm around his cock. He cried out in pleasure as her pussy seemingly milked his cock, wanting cum to pour into it. Instead, he had her get up and do something. He had her reach down and pull his sheath open. She did so with a skeptical look. To her surprise, it stretched like a rubber band.

"Keep going," he encouraged. By now, she had stretched it out into a pouch. "Get in with your back facing me. And, slide my cock into your pussy." She cautiously did exactly that and received a rush of pleasure as he pulled the pouch lip up over her waist and elbows. "Good. Now, it begins, sweetie." She squirmed a bit making his cock slide about in her. Ellina was so overtaken by pleasure that she didn't feel what was happening to her. Her arms felt heavier. In fact, they were merging with her body. Everything covered by the pouch was changing and merging together. Her legs fused and merged with her body as well. All that was covered by the pouch was turned into a rather large ball sac. The part of her body that was above the sac stiffened as she threw her head back in sheer pleasure. The fur on her body dissolved away revealing a reddish pink skin. A weird sensation filled her as if a grand tube was rising through her. It subsided for the moment. Riley leaned forward and French kissed his beloved for the last time. She again threw her head back in pleasure as the feeling came again. This time, it rose and felt like it filled her throat. She kept her head back and closed her eyes as her body became a giant penis shaft. Letting out one last moan that petered off, her head became that of a cock's. She's become a large penis. "Good girl, Ellina." She responded by sending a wave of lust through him. He couldn't hold off any longer and began stroking Ellina with his arms. He kissed and licked her shaft as he stroked her more and more. Feeling the bulge at the base of his grand sheath, he stroked and pumped faster as he watched the bulge ascend the shaft and cause the head to swell and the ridge to flair out. "Yes...Ellina, let out our sweet honey." With that, the giant cock belched out thick gobs of ball juice for 10 minutes which covered all of Riley. Once that was over, Ellina got soft and began to retract into her new home. Riley French kissed the cum-slit when it was within reach. "Ellina, you are the best cat cock I could ever ask for." He patted the soft Ellina. "You hungry babe?" She responded with a gurgle. "Goodie." He got up and made his way to the closet where he had four raccoons tied up. He flopped Ellina down among them. "Dinnertime, Ellina." The cock began searching about and caught one of the raccoons.

"NO!!!" he screamed as the large cock caught hold of his feet. Now, he couldn't escape. Powerful muscled pulled the struggling raccoon slowly down the large shaft. When the raccoon was up to his waist inside, he tried to work his way out. That, he found futile. He was pulled down into the ball sac and started on his way to being turned into cum. Ellina caught hold of two more and they met the same fate as the first. She spotted the last raccoon soon enough. But, instead of running and struggling, he calmly stood there and stated.

"I am honored to become cum in the belly of this magnificent cock." He rubbed Ellina's ridge affectionately. "Before I am eaten and turned into sperm, could you grant me a last request?"

Riley thought a sec. "Well, I don't see why not. What is your last request, raccoon?" The raccoon looked Riley in the eye before speaking.

"I've always wanted something to happen. Could your large cock suck me off?" Riley agreed as that would be interesting, if not arousing. Ellina parted her cum-slit to allow the raccoon to slip his cock in. Ellina closed her cum-slit around it and the raccoon felt a sucking sensation. He was experiencing the best, and last, blowjob of his life. After he came, and his hot cum flowed down the inside of the shaft, he sat down and placed his feet in front of the cum-slit. Ellina surprisingly refused. "Hmm...seems like Ellina's taken a liking to you. What's your name?"

The raccoon responded with "Gordon, sir." Riley and Gordon looked at each other for a bit.

"Gordon is your name no more. From now on, you are Hive and you will be working as a slave for Ellina and I. When company's over, you will take the role of my butler but when they leave, you are once again our slave. You have no choice. Your only other option is the fate of your companions, understood?" Hive just nodded. "Good. You will be sleeping in the guest room for now. I will be escorting you to your residence to retrieve your personal effects soon enough. For now, go to the guest room and get yourself acquainted." The raccoon happily heads off toward the room with a relieved "thank you." Riley sighed at his gain and looked down. "Was that a good feed, Ellina?" Her response was a resounding belch. "Good girl." He stroked the side of her shaft as she retreated into her sheath. Riley sat on his bed and thought about his new humongous cock. "Well," he thought. "It's a good thing I wear undies with elastics and baggy pants." Riley lied back and slowly drifted to sleep with the warmth and joy of his new penis and the gain of a new slave.