Dragon Lust: 1-Meeting and Mating

Story by Wolf_Goddess on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Lust

Garon and Lisa© their players Wolf_Goddess and Luna 2005

Garon glided down to the large rock that overlooked the valley below. The sun glinted off his blue and silver scales. He was huge for a dragon, but he possessed the magic ability to change his form to any that he wished.

Most dragons had fled from the human world, but he stayed behind to watch them grow and evolved. At only 600 he was very young compared to most of his kind. Folding his wings down he laid his head down and looked around.

It had been many years since a female or male had crossed his path looking for a father for her brood or just a lover to enjoy. His own urges began to rise more with each passing day.

Maybe he would take a human lover. Though it would be hard to find a human who didn't flee from the very sight of him. Most of the humans in the valley feared the few dragons that dwelled above and around it.

Like most dragon Garon favored males and females, pleasure was something that was not judged.

Then there were the furs. They like most of the humans seemed to fear the dragons. Maybe it was the fire breathing and the face that some tended to eat anything that crossed their path.

Lisa was down below near a large lake. She lived in a small cabin near the lake and often used the lake to bathe,for drinking water,and for food and cooking watter. The lake was feed by a small waterfall which she used as her shower some times. She yawns a bit and fills a bucket of water. She had on a skirt that went to just past her knees and a regular shirt. She, unlike most, didn't fear dragons as a matter a fact she was studying them tho she had yet to see one. She moves some of her shoulder length brown hair from her emerald green eyes. She was a young white tailed deer.

Garon stretched his wings and took off into the air. He was thirsty and there was a waterfall nearby. As he circled he was the doe filling her bucket.

He had seen a her a few times, but had never gotten really close for her to notice him. Today though he was feeling bold. Maybe it was his lust doing the thinking or maybe it was just loneliness.

The dragon dipped lower and landed atop of the waterfall. "Hello pretty one."

She jumped at the thud of him landing. She turned around when he spoke to her. "A..A..A..A dragon..." Her eyes were wide but it didn't seem like it from fear. She dropped her bucket of water and stood there in shock for a bit blinking. "Your...a real dragon...they are real..."

Garon laughed and splashed the water with his left claw. "HM seems real enough to me." He opened his wings and glided down. Standing of his back legs the water ran over his body. Realizing he towered of her greatly he shifted his form so that he stood at 6ft.

He was naked saved for a loincloth which he conjured our of modesty. If she had been another dragon he would have remained naked. "And yes dragons are real its just we tend to hide. Mt name is Garon."

She nods. "M..M.my names Lisa its nice to meet you" She was amazed he could shift so easily. "So dragons can shift...." She said to herself. She smiles and kind of looked him over a bit blushing thinking he was kinda cute. "Are there any more of your kind here? In this forest?"

"Those that have the magic can." He return her appraisal and answered, "There are a few, but they aren't nearly as nice as me." she was very cute, beautiful even.

He could feel his lust rising a again and tried to push it back. "Lisa, its a nice name. I have seen you in the forest before, just never stopped to say hello before today."

She smiles. " You should have stopped by earlier" She sits down on a rock. "Iv been studying dragons for about 3 years now but iv never gotten the change to actually meet one." She kept her legs together and her hands on her lap.

"I enjoyed watching you without being seen and I didn't want to run you way. It's not often I have company anymore." He sat down next to her. The sun glinted of his wet scales.

"I guess my lust is getting the better of me. I haven't seen a female as cut as you in," Garon closed his eyes and counted back, "30 years." That was also the last time he had mated as well.

She blushes. "Thank you" She smiles shyly. "Well dragons don't scare me so you cant scare me off unless you try to eat me." She giggles. "30 years? That's a long time to not see a female." She heard a couple of cicadas churring. She looked to the sky and seen it was getting late. "Its getting kind of late...I was going to make dinner your welcome to come"

Garon thought about eating her all right but not how she meant. At her offer of dinner he smiled and nodded, "I would be glad to join you Lisa. It would give you more of an opportunity to get to know me." Standing he wrapped his wings about him and said, "Lead the way." when she moved in front of him he could't help but look at her ass and tail.

Garon growled softly as he felt both his cocks start to harden.

She heads to her cabin in the woods. Her little white tail was up as it normally was. She walked in and smiled. "Welcome to my home." She noticed his dragon member and blushed but pretended not to notice." I know I'm a dear but I was making rabbit meat stew you do eat meat right?" She asked heading into the kitchen.

Garon forced himself to calm down before entering behind her. "Yes, I do and it smells delicious." that wasn't the only things that smelled delicious.

Looking around he said, "You have a nice place here. Not too big, not to small."

He felt his cocks sliding back, and smirked. If he wasn't careful he'd spend the entire time hard.

She smiles. "Thank you this was a great granddads place. I kind of fixed it up a bit" She starts to set the table. "Make yourself at home dinners almost ready." She moved some hair from her face. She couldn't believe her luck she met a dragon who she had been studying and to be even better he was a really cute one.

Garon tested his weight of one chairs before waving his paw over it and making it sturdier to hold his weight. Watching her he said, "I hope your mate doesn't get upset about my being here alone with you like this."

The stew was only half the reason he came, the other was her. Lisa was lovely as deer went and he could just picture her under him, around him.

She giggles. "I don't have a mate I live here alone." She started to put the stew in 2 bowls. "Iv been living alone for...3 years now I think. Anything specific you'd like to drink? Iv got tea, water, and red wine"

"Whatever you're having." Garon watched her. When she set the stew before him he took a big whiff and murred in response. "You are a good cook."

He was glad the table was blocking her view of his lap. Both of his cock were pressing against his loincloth. Maybe when he left he would give in and paw off. Or maybe he would try and seduce his deer.

She blushes and smiles sitting down giving him tea. She didn't have the wine because she got tipsy really easily. "Thank you Garon" She blushed not noticing his cocks. "It comes from a year of cooking training"

"Well I must say it beats what I have been having of late." They started eating and he answered his questions about dragon as they came. "As I said before many of us are shy and many have fled this realm, they feel crowded out by the humans and the furs."

The stew warmed him and the tea calmed him some. When she brought up mating a smile crept upon his face. "Its an interesting subject believe me."

She listens intently to hi answers to her questions. She blushes when they got on the subject of mating. "I ready that most dragons have 2 or more....well...you know...members... Is it true?"

Garon would have dropped the spoon had he not been holding it. "Yes. On average though it's two. Male/female dragon lasts for many days sometimes and if male s were only equipped with one they would tire and would be unable to perform."

Licking his lips he asked, his lust taking over his brain functions, "Would you like to see?"

She blushes a bright red. She gulps a bit then nods. "S..S..Sure.. That is if you really don't mind me looking" She blushes some more trying not to show her excitement on seeing his members.

Garon laughed softly. "Not at all. I don't have issues with my own nudity." Standing her came around and unfurled his wings. Both his cock were hard and tenting his cloth.

Pulling it away he said, "I've been fighting my urges this entire time so they are not completely hard."

His cock were a darker blue than his scales, at that moment they were both 8 inches and still growing. Both arrow shaped heads dripping pre.

She blinks and blishes. "Wow...There already so big and this isn't fully erect yet?" She was trying to act more professional about it though it was kind of hard to hide her excitement especially from some one with strong since of smell like him. Her panties were already getting rather moist and he'd probably be able to smell her sweet scent that lofted from them. She then reached out and gently ran a single finger up and down one.

Garon let out a rumble and said, "Yes, but your scent it driving me crazy and making me harder." when she touched one of his cock they both twitched in anticipation of what was to come. And if he was sure of nothing else, he was sure his little deer wanted him as much as he wanted her.

She blushes bright red. "I'm...sorry" She seen his cocks twitch then blushes again and smiles. She stands up and runs a finger over his chest this time. "Normally I don't do this but...Would you like to spend the night here? In my room?"

To answer her he picked her up and started for the hallway, "Which way?" He wanted to bury himself inside her and let go of all his pent up lust.

"Wow" She said when he picked her up and giggled softly. She put her hands around his neck smiling. "There" She pointed to a room in the hallway. Inside was a large room with a king sized bed. The 4 posts on it held up white drape around it something like a princess might have. The room was panted red with pink cherry blossoms floating around like sunset in a Japanese cherry tree grove. It had many paintings and some other things in it. "Welcome dear traveler to my humble room" She said with a giggle.

Garon laid her down on the bed and pulled her skirt away, "I believe you mentioned something earlier about 'eating' you." Spreading herlegs he leaned down and gave the soaking wet crotch of her panties a firm lick.

"Good but i think we need to move this." Pushing them to the slide he ran his long tongue over every inch of her cant, teasing her clit for a few minutes before diving into it and licking every inch.

She blushed and moaned. She closed her eyes as she left his long tongue flow over her sensitive folds. "Ohhh" She smiles and rubs his head as he licks her. As his tongue runs over her clit again her pussy started to get more and more wet her juices coming out quickly. She had been alone for 3 or 4 years now so she definitely needed this as well.

Garon tried not to rush thing, but both his cock were now full hard. They were both 15 inches long and 3 1/2 thick. Pulling his tongues

out with a slow pull he removed her shirt and then kneeled between her legs and stroked his cocks.

"This is gonna be a long night, are you sure?" Drops of pre fell onto her cunt, making her writhe. Dragon cum and like all body fluids were warmer than normal, but not to the point of pain.

The veins stood out on each of his throbbing members. He made sure they were both slick with pre. Unlike female dragon who could take all their mates cocks inside them, Garon would have to be gentle with her.

She grins when she felt him rubbing his cocks on her and blushed when she seen there size. She nods and looks up at him. "Imp sure i have nothing to do tomorrow so we can have a long long night" She grins and leans up and licks him with her long slender tongue over his cheek. She opened her legs a bit wider for him. She knew he'd be big inside of her but she was more than willing to accept it as much as she could maybe even all of it before the night was through.

Garon laid her back down and lifted her hips up as he slid his lower cock into her. She was tight and he told her so as his head popped in with some effort.

Lisa pussy clutched at him so well as he pushed deeper into her. "Gods I haven't had anything this tight in years." He reached between them and rubbed her slit making her wetter.

"When we've played more, I'll give you both at once. Would you like that?" He pushed another 3 inches into her.

She closed her eyes and moaned softly as he pressed into her tight wet folds. She grips the bed sheets smiling. "Ohh its soo big...I love it.." She moaned as more went in and he played with her clit. "Yes...Id love both in me...ohh this one feels sooo good"

Garon leaned down and kissed her and he got over half of his cock inside her before he hit her cervix, pulling back he started to pump in and out of her.

Her folds rippled along him making him growl, "So good." His top cock was drooling pre cum all over her chest and stomach soaking the soft fur. Taking her firm tits in his claws he pushed them together and tit fucked her as he pushed deeper with every thrust.

Her clit was rubbed with each movement and loved watching her ached under him.

She moans and smiles panting heavily. Her pussy started to tighten even more than normal. "Ohh its to good I'm gonna..." She moaned again her orgasm rising fast. His cock was so massive it was hitting all of her most pleasurable spots all at once her enjoyment was overtaking her whole body as a shiver ran through her. "More...keep going Ohhh"

Garon growled and nipped at her neck, "Cum for me my little deer. Cum for me." He started to thrust harder into her. her juices were running out where they could around his cock and he collected them on his tail tip.

Pressing against her tail hole he grinned when it slid into her. Seeing her eyes darker he started to fuck her harder and faster both his cock started to throb powerfully, "Gonna cover you Lisa."

She moaned as she cam. Her cum seeped from her almost plugged pussy. "Ohh yess...Cum in me my big dragon cum all over and in me." She moaned again and licked her lips as some of his pre from the cock in her tits drips onto her face. She moaned even more when she felt the tail go into her. "Ohh yes...that's it go in my tail hole" She seemed to like that quite a bit.

Garon let out a roar as she tightened around him he held her tight as he fucked her harder and faster. Both is cock started to aching in unison. Letting out a roar both his cocks fired, he filled her pussy to brim as his cum splashed her face and chin.

Her kept fucking her as he leaned down and worked his tongue around his cock to her clit setting her off again.

She moaned loudly as she warm cum filled her pussy. She licked her lips and let his come go into her mouth which she hungrily swallowed. She smiles as his tongue goes around her clit again. "Ohh I've never had it this good...I've missed this so much" She came again her cum mixing with his own. She rubbed her cum covered tits.

Garon moaned and he filled and covered her with 30 years of pent up cum. It took a few minutes for the flow to stop. Garon licked licker her face clean and murred, "You were great. Pulling tail and cocks free, his cocks were half hard and a few drops of cum dripped.

Laying beside her he started to lick her breasts and pussy clean. He was gentle knowing if he kept it up he'd make her cum over and over.

She smiles and licks her lips. "Hmm you were amazing" She licked his cheek then giggles when he licks her breasts. She grins getting an idea She started to turn around. "Maybe i should...return the favor..." She started to lick on his upper cock while rubbing the lower one. She was cleaning them as well as having some more fun while she was at it.

Garon growled and gripped the bed as he trusted up, his cocks starting to re-harden again. Running his claws through her hair he moaned. "You sure it's been three years?" Her paws and mouth were driving him mad.

"Lisa...." he moaned out feeling his cock pulse against her.

She nods. "Yes its been that long." She grins and licks on the lower one now rubbing on the top one. She felt them staring to pulse. "Yes Garon?" She said in between licks.

"keep going." He could smell her scent full and thick. Tugging at her he, positioned her over his muzzle and began to lick and nibbled at her cum filled and covered cunt.

He loved the taste of her and snaked his tongue into her he found her G-spot and pressed his tongue against it licking and teasing.

She moaned and took a deep breath when he slide his tongue into her pussy. She smiles. "Ok..But only if you keep going to" She said with abit of a moan. She then started to suck on his top cock sliding about 4 inches into her lips. The bottom one she rubbed with her hands gently.

Garon couldn't help but thrust up into her muzzle. He pulled his tongue out and licked her clit as he sank two fingers into her cunt and started to fuck her.

Her moans vibrated his cock, both reaching their full length. Garon wanted to fuck her again but he so wanted to make her cum. His efforts increased as he pleased her, she was like honey.

She moaned around his cock as he thrusts his fingers in her pussy. She opened her legs a bit more loving the feeling. She kept suck on his the top cock using her slender tongue to lick on it while it was in her mouth. Her own orgasm was coming closer and closer.

He could feel her tightening and flicked her clit fast and hard. He now had three fingers inside her cunt and was driving them as deep and hard as he could into her. Garon held his own orgasm back wanting to say that for her insides.

She lifts her head from his cock and moans loudly as she came over his fingers. Some of it dripped onto his chest.

Garon Licked up every drop that he could. Taking his coated fingers then used her cum to lube her tail hole more. He also spoke a soft charm and her tailhole filled with sweet oil.

Lifting her up in his arms he put her on all fours and got behind her. The dragon kneeled behind and over her and kissed his way up her back rubbing her tits. "I'm gonna make you mine."

Positioning himself just right he started to press both of his cocks into her holes. Garon went slow so as not to hurt her. The site of her holes spreading for his cocks made him growl loudly. She was still so tight even after taking him before.

Laying his chest on her back one claw teased her clit the other a nipple. "That's it baby, open up for you dragon."

She smiles. She always dreamed of being taking like this since it looked kind of fun. "Mmmm yes please make me your little deer." She moaned softly and lifted her head as he slide into both holes at once. "Ohh thats amazing..." She smiled and panted as they went deeper and deeper into her.

"See who needs a third when you're gifted like me." He bit her neck a bit roughly as he started to fuck her. He knew they made a brazen site. The little doe being filled with both his massive dragon cocks. He pulled the skin that normally covered her clit, back so that his balls bounced off it sending little jolt of pleasure through her.

"You're such a good lover. It's good that I came down the mountain then." He pulled out slowly until his heads remained inside her quivering channels and then slammed them home. The room filling with the sound of fur on scale.

She smiles and panted as he went into her. "Ohh its soo good your soo good." She moans when he bit her neck. She lifted her head and put a hand on his cheek while he was attacked to her neck. She had always wanted to be taken like this since it always looked fun and it was. She moaned as he thrust into her and his balls hit on her clit. "Ohh i don't want you to ever leave me...Ohh your soo good." She smiled and moaned. She loved being dominated like this it felt so good and somewhat right.

Garon moaned, do female dragon ever made him feel like this. His cocks had never been so hard. He could feel his cum boiling in his balls. Lisa was his, his mate, his doe. Letting go of her neck he whispered into her ear, "I'm gonna give you every inch of me. Gonna feel you up so much with my cum."

Wrapping his arms around her he pushed deep and hard against her cervix till the head of his cock popped in. Her womb squeezed his cock head hard making him growl.

A warmth spread through her as he fire load after load of cum into her. The cock in her ass throbbed but did not release its load. His hot cum marking her form the inside as his. He rubbed her clit hard and fast as Garon flexed his hips.

She moaned as he thrust into her. She didn't want to him to ever leave her. As weird as it may be the sound of a dragon for a mate in her mind was great. She then grins. "Please...be my mate stay with me..." She panted and smiled. "Yes...put it all in me every inch..." She moaned and gave a pleasure fueled whimper as he pushed it all into her tail hole and pussy. It was so warm and big. She let her tongue hang from her mouth as she moaned. She smiled a she felt the hot cum fill her insides and drip down her legs. She couldn't wait for the rest of it.

Garon could hold back any longer and began to fuck her hard and deep. She was wrapped so tight around him, "Gonna cum!!" HE roared and the cock in her ass exploded filling her up with him cum. The pair kept moving, cum running down the thighs covering both scale and fur.

Rearing back so that he stood on his knees, he pulled Lisa with him. His claws ran over every inch of her as they kneeled their shivering. Gripping her breast he thrust into her hard and deep his tongue moving down to lick at her slit and then slithered inside to caress her g-spot.

She let out a loud moan and pleasurable scream. She rubbed his head as he picked her up. She grins as they lay down and he licks over her pussy. She rubbed the top of his head egging him on. "Ohh Garon...Your soo good to me." She smiles. "Stay with me...Or let me travel with you"

"I will stay with you. I haven't traveled in yea, but I will you show the world in time." Eventually their movements slowed and Garon just held her, still buried inside her.

Rubbing her form he asked, "I wasn't too rough?" He knew he could get a little wild and wanted to make sure he hadn't hurt Lisa. Even outside of his full form he was still huge.

She smiles and relaxes with him. She rubbed his head softly. "Not at all sweetie it was amazing I loved it." She really loved the roughness of it all. She wouldn't admit to it but when he was rough with her it turned her on. She closed her eyes and listened to his strong heart.

Garon covered them with his wing and said, "Rest, we can clean up later and then I can take you flying." That had two meanings, but he would surprise her later.

Pulling his mate close he closed his eyes and nuzzled her. His tail curled around her as well.

She smiles and cuddles with him. She turns letting the cocks inside of her do the same. She now faced him and laid her head on his chest and listened to his heart which lulled her to sleep.

More to come as me and Luna post. ^_^