A Hundred to One

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#9 of Black Death

The match between Fenrir and Reshef kicks off.

~ ~ 3rdPerson POV ~ ~

Fenrir dived down into the mass of bodies below him, gazing through his sunglasses at each soldier before decided on his first target. He flipped around and threw his right leg out, descending upon the crossbow-wielding jackal and slamming his boot into its chest. The kick pierced through the soldier's body and splattered the black substance across the sandy field as Fenrir landed behind him.

The folf flicked his wings before folding them up behind his back and looking over his shoulder, watching as the damaged jackal-like being dropped to its knees and collapsed in a heap. It doesn't seem they are very strong. Is he really a Gamma with an army this weak? Fenrir thought to himself as he looked forward again, staring over at his opponent.

Reshef mere stared back, his body relaxed having still not moved at all. His face showed how undeterred the jackal was by Fenrir's easy dispatching of one of his soldiers. Those golden eyes remains as impartial as ever, but the folf didn't miss the momentary glint of assurance within them. Still on guard, the hybrid readied himself for anything the mass of well-armed bodies could bring.

His right ear flicked as he heard shifting from behind him, and as he turned he just barely had time to throw up his arm to guard himself. The soldier Fenrir had previously dispatched was back on its feet and, despite missing a portion of its right side, had thrown a punch at the folf. The force behind the attack surprised the canine and sent him flying backwards to his left before he knew exactly what hit him.

The folf righted himself and landed on his footpaws, gazing over towards his attacker. His eyebrow raised in surprise as he watched the damaged soldier's body shifted and reformed, the splatter from earlier slowly crawling through the sands back to the main body. "So they're stronger then they look and can repair themselves. Heh, now it makes more sense why you're a Gamma."

"That is correct hybrid." the jackal said, which caught Fenrir's attention and made him look back over to the other canine. "My soldiers currently number a hundred, but I am capable of more than three times that amount. By sacrificing quantity I can increase their quality as you have discovered, so you shouldn't judge them by their appearance. With their regenerative properties you haven't a chance to win since you can't properly destroy the _dark water_they're made of." he continued, his voice and expression never changing since he first spoke.

"Well now I know, but it doesn't change much in my eyes." Fenrir countered, also remaining calm and impartial in his remark.

The folf looked around him as the horde slowly advanced on him, smirking to himself as he reached under his haori to retrieve something. They aren't the fastest things at this level either it seems, so we'll try some aerial attacks to better judge things. Ready for some action Obelisk? the folf asked his A.I.

Always Master. And I've also taken the liberty for your inevitable request, so it's ready whenever you wish. Obelisk replied, his voice seeming proud of himself. Fenrir smirked to himself at that, he enjoyed having such a reliable partner with him.

"Here we go then." he spoke aloud, to no one in particular as he bent his legs at the knees, his wings spreading out. And then the folf launched himself into the air, his legs and flapping wings working together with practiced ease to send him high into the air above the field. He then flipped himself mid-ascent and withdrew his arms, crossing them in front of his upside-down body as he stared down over his opponent's soldiers.

" Hishi Shuriken!" (Flying Death Shuriken) Fenrir shouted, throwing out his crossed arms as he unleashes a barrage of his shuriken. The blades on each unfurled as they spun through the air, causing each one to alter their course as the continued to fly. The folf flipped himself in the air and beat his wings to stay afloat as he tracked each of his shuriken and studied the soldiers' reactions.

The ten small weapons whizzed through the air, their paths curving mid-air as their blades caught different air currents in the desert-like battleground. Each one went in a different direction, homing in on varying areas of different target. The ten unfortunate soldiers selected for the attack have little time to react as the miniature weapons closed in.

The soldiers' so-called dark water splattered across the sands as their bodies were torn in to by Fenrir's flying blades, causing eight of them to collapse as their bodies were damaged. The last two just barely dodging, receiving long scratches along their masks as a result but remaining standing. This small difference didn't escape the folf's gaze.

Did you notice that Master? Two of them dodged the Hishi Skuriken. Obelisk stated, his voice sounding genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, I did. Strange though, with their numbers and regenerative abilities, they don't have a reason to bother dodging a simple attack like that." Fenrir commented, looking at the damaged soldiers and the two scarred masks on the others. Perhaps there's a reason they protected their masks. he thought to himself as he reached back into his haori.

Correction to data complete. Sights realigned and ready for second attack. Even swifter then, Fenrir launched a second barrage with a sweep of his arm. This time he only threw four blades but as they unfurled and soared, he leaned forward and flew after them. His targets were a smaller group of three standing close together, two of them holding curved daggers while the one in the center held a large red halberd.

The sandy-filled air blew as the shuriken whizzed through it towards their targets, their courses spreading out as the soldiers grew nearer. All three took on stances, meaning to either brace for impact and block the blades and attack the folf behind them. Fenrir smirked as he looked at them, seeing their attempts as pointless.

He threw his right arm forward again, fingers stretched out before, and swept his downward to the left before flipping in mid-air. The flying shuriken then suddenly changes courses and diverted to the left, all four now aimed at only two of them now. They struck the surprised soldiers, ripping through their bodies and causing them to collapse in a pile of body parts and liquid spatter.

The third soldier turned his head to watch its comrades fall, and that was its mistake. Fenrir's right boot landed on the fake jackal's shoulder and as the masked-soldier turned back to look up at the canine, he noticed the folf was already set to attack. His body was held close to the mask, his right leg bent in while his left was extended straight up and his muzzle was spread in a winning smirk.

" Goukyaku Kazaguruma." (Strong Leg Windmill) he stated, as calm as ever, as he brought his footpaw down hard on the soldier's head. The impacted sent the unfortunate target crashing down to the sand below, the impact cracking his mask heavily as the folf landed next to him, his left boot still atop the jackal's head. Fenrir looked down as the soldier's body started to liquefy under his own footpaw. He looked back at his opponent and smirked a little as he speaks.

"Now chance of winning huh? Seems to me there is still a chance in the-" he started, but stopped as he felt a wet grip on his leg. He swiveled his head back down at looked as the melting soldier tried to pull himself up and hold onto the folf. Fenrir however wouldn't allow it, and pushed down harder with his leg, smashing clean through the jackal's mask.

"That's better." he said, watching the victim's entire body melt completely.

"So you've figured it out, not that it'll change much." the folf heard Reshef say, turning to face him as he continued. "Despite that, I will commend you, no Omega or Delta has ever crushed even one of my soldier's masks unarmed like that. So, it is obvious there is more to you than a typical Omega, but it still won't be enough." he stated, pausing to spread out his arms and gesture to the all the soldiers surrounding them.

"There are still ninety-nine more soldiers, each as powerful as the one you just destroyed. And what's more, I told you that sacrificing quantity begets better quality. The same effect occurs as you destroy more and more of them, the remainder will only grow stronger." he still retained his collected looked and calm voice, but the arrogance he felt was palpable to Fenrir as he listened, his face matching his fellow canine's as he remained quiet.

"So you're saying the more I destroy the harder things become huh? Not very frightening you know." Fenrir replies, obviously undeterred and just trying to rattle his opponent.

"Not frightening? Are you serious? Please, even if you're obviously very strong for an Omega, you're still just that, an Omega. The lowest class of Super, no better than normal people. You don't have a right to be here and I'll show it through this fight. You should just go back home and live out a normal life while staying out of a real Super's way." he said, returning to his relaxed position and slamming his staff back down.

It must have been a signal for a command, because almost instantly afterwards two more soldiers converged onto Fenrir. Interestingly they were both equipped with melee weaponry, brass knuckled and a long b? staff that they held ready as each one neared their target. The folf's head was lowered as after he heard what the jackal just said, and he wasn't even moving while he was about to be attacked.

The two combatants closed in, right arm drawn back with the fist clenched and hands firming holding onto the b?'s shaft as they prepared to strike. Both of the left footpaws dug into the sand as they settled their footing, and threw their attacks, brass and wood weapons drawing closer to their canine between them.


Reshef's ear twitched as he heard that sound and he looked over to see his two soldiers standing there, also perplexed as to why their attacks both only hit the air between them. They both looked at one another before looking to their sides in an attempt to find the folf their master had ordered them to attack. However, they didn't get the chance to complete their task.

Suddenly, both of their masks were grasped from above and they barely had time to look up before they were attacked themselves. " Soaku." (Rough Grip) Fenrir said, his body held upside-down as he held onto the two soldier's below him.

The muscles on his arms tensed up as his paws tightened around his victims, the incredible force of his grip breaking into the masks and causing cracks to spider-web across their surfaces. Then with almost a casual shrug, he pushed the two away and twisted himself back around. The soldiers collapsed backwards onto the ground, their masks shattering and bodies melting as Fenrir landed again where he was before.

The Reshef looked on in bemused interest as he saw two more of his soldiers drop down before his fellow canine. "Two at once, again impressive but yo-"

"Don't even bother finishing that sentence jackal." Fenrir said, his voice still calm, but it carried an underlying tone of annoyance and venom that made even the proud jackal fall silent for a moment. That, and he noticed an odd glow emanating from the folf's boots, a blue-colored aura coating the footwear that perplex him.

"You know, I didn't much care about this. I didn't sign up for something as mundane as this." the folf said, turning his muzzle to the side to spit out some sand onto the ground before he continued. "Heck, I didn't even care whether I won or lost in this fight. But you're high and mighty attitude towards this whole affair is annoying to say the least, and then you go and try to write me off as some fake? That's where I draw the line."

The folf stopped there, turning his head up to stare directly back at the jackal, his two-colored eyes almost piercing in their intensity. "And now, now you'll see just why I made that statement back in the auditorium." he stated, his tone growing thicker with defiance to what his opponent had said throughout the match.

He rolled his shoulders, letting the joints pop almost audibly as he shifted his stance, sliding his footpaws further apart as he braced himself with a paw on his right thigh. "Obelisk, finalize the seizing operation. I think it's time we showed the audience how we really do things." he said aloud, a soft smirk curling at the edge of his lips.

"Hehe, I told you before Master, the preparations were almost done. Just waiting on your command to commence with the final phase of the fun." Obelisk said, his voice coming out of the speakers throughout the entire colosseum. Reshef's ears twitched and he looked up as he heard the sudden announcement, his puzzled expression showing on his muzzle. Fenrir could only imagine that most of the audience were similarly puzzled, which made his smirk spread out a bit more.

"Well fine then, we'll get the final phase started right now." the folf spoke, sliding each leg out in turn as he limbered up some more. "Let's continue with the Unlimited playlist, and keep the shuffle on. There's no reason to have them in any order." he continued.

"As you wish Master. Commencing second countdown to continuation then. Three... Two... One..." Obelisk's voice rang out as Fenrir readied himself for the second phase of the fight. He could feel the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, his blood pumping in excitement of a challenging contest. It drew a smirk that curled at the edge of his lips, and the second he heard the first beat, he was off.

"Let's get this fight really going!"