Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-Third Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#24 of Pathfinding-CYOA

The first installment of the continuing journey to reach the Blue Feather tribe. Naturally, on a long journey like this, a lot can happen...and does.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Twenty-Third Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 9

B - 3

C - 12

D - 14

E - 8 (Urta x2, Urtan, Ryg, Hanaro x2)

F - 6

Additional Votes:

* Have Leta stay with the Blue Feather as a liason - 1

* More opportunities for non-consensual sex (especially for Rufus) - 4

* Bring Rael with us - 5

* Species to meet and mate - sheep, sheep-dogs, bunnies, cats, horses, cows, chickens, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Humans, Felines, Hounds, Badgers, Otters, Ferrets, Hares, Mice, Moles, Shrews, satyrs, skunks, squirrels

Author Notes

Due to real life issues, along with my desire to be able to pursue other works and commissions in addition to this project, I am now going to be posting once a week rather than twice. From here on, until such time as present constraints change, I will close the voting at the end of Friday, then get to work on the next entry on Saturday, and use Sunday as a buffer zone in case I need more time.

Pathfinding Twenty-Third Entry

"I hate you," said Kaia, the words slightly hard to hear through her clenched teeth.

"You say that every time," answered Spark with a cheery smile, wiping juices from his chin as he looked up from his work and/or fun. "I'm sure Ryg explained this to you, and it makes good sense: it's like a snakebite - the only way to get it out is by sucking." Then Spark shrugged, wagging his tail, obviously quite unashamed of himself. "Or blowing."

"He's not lying, South Sister," Pyama, the eldest of the three ice elf triplets, and the one who most often acted as "voice" for the blue-skinned trio. "When I and my sisters were subjected to the poison, it lasted inside of us for months." She shuddered delicately, as did her two sisters. "We feel the ache still. It never truly leaves until you have had your inner parts stimulated, and that certainly was not allowed to us - we were required to retain our maidenheads. You, though, South Sister, you have the opportunity to purge yourself now, rather than suffer as we did."

It had actually been the second day after the gangbanging of the slavers before the three ice elven girls, Pyama, Myama, and Nyama, had approached Rufus and explained their situation. Ice elves didn't have nobility, much like their wood elven relations, but their sheer rarity and the difficulty of catching them in their native environment, where they had mastery of weather and local animals, made them immensely valuable to a slaver, even more so if they were young specimens like the triplets, not even out of their first century of life. Like the Sisters of Glory and Spark, Praxis himself, sometimes aided by one of his more trusted slavers, like Crystal or Mask, had smeared the priapis poison directly on their genitals and, for good measure, had even worked it into their blue anal rings. That had been three months ago, and in that time, the triplets had gone from fearfully pulling away at the slightest touches of the slavers, to deliberately tempting them whenever they could get away with it until, finally, the poison's effects had faded enough, after a full month had passed, that they could bear it without going mad. Or perhaps they had simply gotten used to its effects, they were not sure.

Regardless, the three azure-skinned girls had come to Rufus, leaving the smaller campsite the alpha wolfen had been kind enough to provide for the freed slaves, so they didn't have to endure any further molestation, wearing the mist-filmy blue-white dresses they'd been wearing when Praxis first captured them three months back. Such clothes were more than enough for an ice elf in the frigid North, though just about any other race that didn't have thick fur would probably have frozen to death in such flimsy garb. The elven maidens had explained their lingering pain to Rufus, and asked him quite politely if he would relieve them of their suffering, before letting their filmy gowns flutter to the ground like autumn leaves. Naturally, Rufus quite eagerly accepted, and it was only a matter of time before the sounds of wet slurping filled the campground of that night (actually the remnants of an old wooden stockade) as Rufus greedily lapped each smooth, blueberry cunny until they were nearly overflowing with thick, sweet juices, then carefully applied one of Ryg's potions to remove the pain of deflowering, then gulped down another to ensure his own potency wouldn't slacken, before he took his first lusty plunge. With the former maidens on all-fours, bottoms hiked and presented to the leader of the ones who had saved them from slavery, the clearing soon after filled with their cries of pleasure, the grunts and growls of the alpha wolfen and his followers, as Urtan, Spark, and Cassidy were also allowed to join in after Rufus, like a proper alpha, had enjoyed his fill, and the wet slapping of hips against bare blue bottoms. The next day, Ryg had made a few passes over the bellies of each of the triplets, and confirmed that they were each indeed pregnant by the perpetually-potent alpha wolfen.

Since then, Pyama, Myama, and Nyama had spent their time going back and forth between the smaller camp of the former slaves, the main camp, and the wagons where the prisoners were kept. These shifts of position were an effort on their part, now that they felt such exquisite relief, to share what they had discovered: the indescribable pleasures of the flesh. Of course, some of the Sisters of Glory were more recalcitrant than others, Kaia, their leader, the most stubborn of all. For that reason, both to work at bringing her around, and to help work her through the worst pains of the priapis poison, she had been given over into the tender care of Spark, assisted quite regularly by the triplets, who had been slightly hesitant about sex with another female right up until the point when Urta and Ryg had tied up Shara, as a way of establishing the foxtaur's place in the pecking order around camp, and then invited the three ice elves to have some poetic justice with one of their former captors, made all the more sweet since the sweaty, panting sex that ensued was redemptive in nature, giving Shara a chance to make up for her past misdeeds by eating out her former prisoners, and even allowing them without resistance to use a strap-on she'd had stowed in her gear to claim her from behind, and then, later, anally while she was pinned on her back by the much-stronger gnollish female. This had opened up whole new horizons to the three elfkin, and they proved more than eager to aid Spark in sharing this new world of pleasure with one who they saw as a relative who was obviously in great need.

"Not with an animal," Kaia groaned, gyrating against the leather thongs holding her wrists bound to a thick stake driven into the ground above her head. "Not...not with...with a beast!"

At this last, her hips jerked upward sharply, her breasts heaving, as Spark expertly teased a finger into her well-lubricated anus, his tongue flickering against her clitoris hard and fast, forcing Kaia to stop talking or else start screaming. Even with all her will devoted to enduring her torment in silence, the blue-haired elf couldn't stifle the doglike whine that her orgasm forced from between her clenched teeth.

"You don't have to suffer like this," explained Pyama kindly, stroking the smooth pink skin of Kaia's cheek, while her sisters nodded their agreement, saying nothing since their mouths were full of Kaia's darker pink nipples, on which they were quite greedily suckling, the sounds of their efforts mingling with the much-louder sounds of Spark as he closed his slender muzzle on Kaia's entire cunny and began to suckle on the tiny opening to her womanhood. "It doesn't hurt at all, not like how we heard it would when you lose your virginity. And it just feels so very, very good..."

"No!" cried out the high elven paladin in defiance. "I'll never give in! I'll never let myself fall to the vile lusts of some filthy animaaaaaaaiiiiiiiIIIIIEEEEEEEE!"

Spark's tail just continued to wag happily above his cute little foxbutt as he kept his liplock on Kaia's orgasm, holding on even as her whole body jerked upward, almost bending in half with the raw, potent intensity of her orgasm until, finally, she collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, her body bathed in a sheen of sweat...and still hungry for more; the priapis poison was still coursing through her veins, making her body burn insatiably.

"Poor thing," cooed Spark as he lifted his head, then gave the exhausted Kaia a tender kiss on the cheek. "Believe me, I know what it's like, at least as much as I can. Ryg says that priapis poison is torture for males, but for females," he shook his head, clucking his tongue in sympathy. "Come on, girls, let's get Kaia here tucked in."

Spark did, in fact, know a good deal about what Kaia was going through. Even after the orgy, he'd still had a raging erection for almost the whole rest of the next day. This, however, was dealt with by the ever-helpful Dinah. Finding her cute foxfriend suffering on the night of the first day's journey, after everyone had settled down to sleep, Dinah had very kindly stripped off her already scant clothing, and slid into the sleeping bag alongside Spark. Exactly what happened during the night wasn't really known to the rest of the party, except that if they hadn't already been used to the noises of sex, it might have kept everyone awake. What they did know from the aftermath, however, was that, when Urta awoke and went about scouting around the camp to ensure the perimeter was clear, he found Dinah sitting at the bank of a nearby lake, quite naked and calmly licking her smooth brown skin and green hair and ear- and tail-fur clean of a great many cum splatters. At the edge of camp not far off, Spark was found lying flat on his back, his seemingly permanent erection now quite limp. Whatever Dinah had done to Spark during the night, it had worked: the undying erection was slain.

Not far off, her naked breasts dangling through the bars of the caged cart as she stared out at her leader's ravishment, Lysha gripped the bars tightly with her hands, squeezing her thighs together just as tightly. After their own recent introductions to sex, and after being shown that girls could have sex with each other, Phan and Zane were making quite a bit of noise behind the dark-skinned ranger, head-to-tail, tail-to-head as the smooth young teens did their best to satisfy their needs, to somehow take the edge off the suffering of the priapis poison. As for herself, Lysha was riding the ache in her loins as best as she could, her senses taking in the beautiful wails of her leader, Kaia, and the sweet moans of Hanaro's sister and the redheaded cleric as they licked at each other's cunnies, showing vastly less skill than Spark did with Kaia, but certainly no less enthusiasm. She could even hear the drip of her juices and the sweat of her aching body as they struck the boards on which she was kneeling, and remembered with perfect clarity the overwhelmingly passionate rutting Dinah had put Spark through the night before, and couldn't help but wonder if perhaps it would be better to take the way out that was being offered.

There was a way out, of course. Hanaro had chosen to take it even before she'd known it was the way out. That was where the young samurai maiden was at that moment, as evening turned into night: she'd been led to the main campground by the broad-shouldered gnoll, the quiet one with the kind eyes when Spark had shown up to give Kaia her nightly orgasms. The way out was submission, total and complete, to offer yourself up to Rufus and to the rest of his companions like some...some bitch in heat. Hanaro hadn't chosen that path, though, because she was weak. No, she'd chosen it because she was strong. She truly felt that following Rufus would allow her to do the greatest good, and had decided, even before she had been captured by the slavers and subjected to the priapis poison smeared on her tender openings, that she would do whatever it took to become one of Rufus' followers. Even when Rufus told all the Sisters of Glory the price they would have to pay for their freedom, before he would trust them enough to dare to let them go, knowing they would almost certainly try to hunt him down otherwise, Hanaro had accepted it willingly.

Rufus had actually made Hanaro wait until three days of travel had passed before he accepted her oath. Lysha hadn't been able to turn her eyes away as the tall, beautiful samurai girl had walked from the cage and into the middle of the camp. Even naked, she carried herself with all the dignity of a true warrior, until even the eager hoots and jeers of the unsavory gnolls that followed Rufus' camp grew still. When all was quiet, Rufus commanded Hanaro to kneel, and she obeyed without hesitation. Taking the curved sword from the she-gnoll, the ancestral weapon of Hanaro's family, Rufus had drawn it easily, then held it out to Hanaro, resting it lengthwise on her outstretched hands.

"Spark tells me this sword glows with the strength of its bearer's honor," said Rufus with a challenging smile. "He'd know, being a bard and all. All right, let's see what it thinks about your honor, Hanaro: swear to serve me."

Hanaro turned the sword point downward, resting its tip lightly on the earth. She then lowered her head, closing her eyes in meek submission.

"I swear to serve my master, Rufus Redeye, for so long as I shall live, or until he judges my service complete," Hanaro said softly yet clearly, so that her words carried through the clearing. Though she surely couldn't see it, her sword immediately began to shine brightly, making Rufus' eyes widen in surprise: even though he'd heard it from his expert on legendary items, he obviously hadn't really expected such visible truth until he saw it with his own eyes. Still, he recovered quickly, and then stepped forward, resting a large hand on Hanaro's shoulder.

"Do you swear to give your body to me," he continued, "and to whoever I judge worthy of sharing that pleasure? And do you swear to bear the offspring of such unions with the joy of a true mother?"

"I swear this as well," said Hanaro, her voice catching only momentarily, which in turn made the glow of her blade waver, but only for a moment, before it resumed its soft shine, equaling her resolve. She opened her eyes and looked up at Rufus, before raising the sword, resting it on her uplifted palms, offering it to him. "What does my master wish of me first?"

Taking the sword, Rufus slid it back into its sheath, then handed it to Urla, who handled the sheathed weapon with far more reverence than she'd done before. Then, grinning down at the kneeling Cho-Lini girl, he untied his loincloth, and let it flutter to the ground.

"Prove your devotion by bringing me pleasure, Hanaro," he commanded, though his voice was gentle. "Do this, and I promise to give as much pleasure to you as you have given to me. More, in fact, if I can."

Without hesitation, Hanaro engulfed Rufus' member in her mouth, revealing to Lysha what Hanaro must surely have experienced while she was wearing the Morpheus crown: no wonder she hadn't resisted. And no wonder she showed such obvious skill now, unpolished, certainly, but skill all the same as she seized Rufus' rump beneath his tail, and forced herself forward, exerting her immense willpower to stifle her gag reflex as she took him to the roots, until his balls were pressed against her chin. Soon, getting into the rhythm of it, the young Cho-Lini was bobbing her head quite swiftly, looking up at Rufus often with her wide, almond-shaped eyes to ensure she was doing it correctly, by judging his reaction. That reaction was more than favorable, and soon not only was Hanaro sucking on Rufus' penis, she was stroking the shafts of both Skaeth and Urtan in each of her hands.

"Enough," growled Rufus softly, pulling back from Hanaro's surprisingly talented mouth, his member popping free, bobbing before her. "Turn around and present yourself to me, Hanaro," he commanded, making a circular motion with his finger to demonstrate what he meant. "To us, rather," he added, glancing around at the ones he had chosen for the occasion: Urtan, Cassidy, Skaeth, Spark, and Goro, with Urta, Ryg, Shara, and little Dinah joining in as well.

Skaeth was among the slavers who had readily changed allegiance to Rufus' side, true mercenary that he was. The bull minotaur stood nearby, his uncircumcised brown-skinned cock, the largest of any of the companions, standing at full erection with his eagerness. Since his former employer had died without paying him the rest of his money, Skaeth hadn't balked for a moment when Rufus had paid him the rest of that fee from what had been plundered from the slaver caravan, and swiftly signed onto Rufus' crew with all the loyalty one might expect from a good merc: he would stay bought, so long as he was paid either in coin or benefits. Goro had similarly been allowed to join Rufus' band, after he'd been made to march naked each day, his thick black stiffy throbbing between his legs, then tied with his back to a wagon wheel every night until this one, and forced to watch each erotic act that took place in the camp without any opportunity to find relief, or even to give voice to his suffering, as a gag was always forced into his mouth. Now, at long last, he was going to be allowed to orgasm, and after the nearly constant suffering of the past few days, the chubby-yet-muscular panda warrior felt himself eternally indebted to Rufus for the wolf's mercy, and had spent the better part of the afternoon bowing and telling his new so.

As soon as Hanaro had positioned herself, she gasped loudly as Rufus seized her presented, muscular bottom, stroking and then squeezing the firm fleshy globes, then spreading them apart. Hanaro couldn't stop herself from moaning loudly, then, as Rufus thrust his muzzle forward, his tongue outstretched to begin lapping at her smooth, bare cunny. Ryg and Spark and Urtan were quick to join in, all their tongues so very smooth and skilled, pleasing Hanaro everywhere, until she couldn't hold back her orgasm, her scream of pleasure as mighty as any warcry. That scream crew more high-pitched as Goro thrust his tongue between her rearcheeks, stimulating her anally, while Skaeth seized her breasts, squeezing and palpating them almost as though he were milking the full, heavy globes, while Dinah, unable to hold back any longer, crawled forward to gently suckle on Hanaro's broad nipples, alternating between them.

That scream was cut off quite suddenly by Urta's thick, veiny girlcock, with which she plugged the pretty samurai's mouth. This was the start of a chain reaction, as Rufus rose to his knees, and smoothly plunged his own penis into Hanaro's quim, Ryg and Urtan swiftly lapping up the blood of her broken hymen, while Spark flickered his slender tongue over her clitoris until Hanaro shuddered with another orgasm. Watching from their barred cart nearby, Lysha made her face a stoic mask, forcing her legs tightly together, while Kaia turned away and faced the rear of the cart. Phan, however, watched her sister at the center of the orgy as Rufus grabbed her long black hair, using it like reins while he rode the beautiful young warrior girl like a spirited filly, and could not resist the temptation to touch herself, her cheeks flushing deeply as Rufus howled in pleasure, his tail hiking upward, baring his muscular rump, and before too long his cum began to leak out around the cock still stretching open Hanaro's freshly-deflowered cunny.

Urtan was next, while Cassidy replaced Urta at Hanaro's mouth, both of them choosing to take their time, thrusting slow and steady, just fast enough to drive Hanaro through several orgasms, wet and messy, without quite reaching their own. At least, this continued until Skaeth got impatient, and decided to trade off his turn with Hanaro for some tight bunny butt, making Cassidy squeal as the tan-furred rabbit was slowly violated from behind, cumming into Hanaro's mouth before the hulking minotaur pulled him back and settled onto the ground nearby, slowly bouncing little Cassidy on his broad lap, driving the rabbit through several more orgasms.

Hanaro was visibly showing signs of fatigue by the time Goro got his turn. Despite his obvious eagerness, however, the young warrior panda was still a gentleman, waiting until Hanaro gave him a slight nod of assent before he gently slid himself into her cunny. For all his efforts to be a good lover, however, it was obvious first, that Goro wasn't really that experienced in such matters, and second, he'd been pent up for over three full days, waiting in constant arousal during that entire time. Though he reached three orgasms in rapid succession, he lasted hardly long enough to make Hanaro shudder in a lesser orgasm of her own before he fell back, his legs twitching, a happy smile on his sleep-deprived face as the big pandaman fell right to sleep. Naturally Spark was more than happy to make up where Goro had left off, sharing Hanaro with Rufus, who was ready for a second round at that point, rocking her between them, Rufus underneath and Spark behind, first vaginally, and then anally, after Spark had gotten himself quite slick with Hanaro's juices.

When the males had sated themselves, then it was time for the females to have their turn, their lovemaking softer, more gentle, and more beautiful than that of the males. Lysha hadn't felt the same charge of erotic energy as she had from watching before, but the tingles she felt through her body as she watched Hanaro shudder while grinding against Shara's white-furred cunny while Ryg's loving hands stimulated them both and Dinah's eager little tongue cleaned up Hanaro's sweaty breasts and cum-coated cunny was potent all the same. It got right past Lysha's defenses for a moment, almost breaking her will to resist right then and there.

Of course, that had been several nights ago, and they were more than halfway to their destination now. Lysha knew for a fact that Phan had every intention of joining her sister very soon, and if Phan went, Zane was all-too-likely to join her, for the redheaded priestess was so very impressionable, especially under the influence of the young sorceress who was her friend. Not far off, the dark-skinned girl could see the automaton, Crystal, slowly riding Rufus' cock near the fire, his shaft clearly visible through her transparent body, while nearby Hanaro and Dinah were doing their best to teach Goro how to properly please a woman, with Shara overseeing the whole procedure with a matronly air of worldly experience. In the places where the firelight didn't touch, except in brief flashes, Lysha knew the gnolls and Skaeth were busily violating the slavers once more, as they had almost every night since the orgy, keeping the four remaining males far too worn-out to even think about resistance or escape. Perhaps one or two more of them would be allowed to join Rufus' band. More likely, they would be handed over to the Blue Feather tribe, and made to serve as slaves themselves until such time as the wolfen decided they trusted the former slavers enough to let them earn their freedom. Lysha had even heard some talk between Rufus and Ryg about how the slavers, Lightfoot and Longhorn and Lisk and Kyte, might benefit from some time "seeing things from a female perspective," whatever that meant.

She couldn't take it anymore. The realization hit Lysha so very hard when she saw Spark heading back toward the camp, his tail wagging over that sexy butt of his. Giving a half-sob, the black girl reached out toward the fox's back.

"Spark," she said, wishing her voice didn't sound so very desperate. The fox stopped immediately, and then trotted back over to her, taking Lysha's hand.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his earnest, cute face looking so very concerned for her, like some friendly dog trying to understand the pains of his owner.

"I...I want to submit to Rufus," said Lysha, letting her head hang down in shame. "I don't want to fight any more. I don't want to suffer any more. Please..."

Spark was kind enough to press a gentle finger to Lysha's lips, letting her not have to humiliate herself any more. He could tell how much of an effort it was for Lysha to say what she had, and she felt a surge of gratitude toward him for it.

"Come on, I'll let you out," said Spark as he opened up the cage, and helped Lysha step down before he shut it once more, Phan and Zane watching wide-eyed as he began to lead the young Matrakali ranger girl toward the main camp. "Let's go see what Rufus has to say." Then he smiled up at Lysha (for she was half-a-head taller than the fox). "You've made the right choice, Lysha."

Path Choices

Since there was some division on what folks wanted to see, I'll let folks have another round of votes on what to do or see while the party finishes the journey to the Blue Feather tribe. I've rolled against the 60% chance for a random encounter twice, and no random encounters break things up (I rolled 80 and 83, actually).

Bear in mind, any changes of sex among the captive slavers will take place once the party reaches the Blue Feather clan. This will take place after the events of the next entry.

Pick your favorite one of the following choices. The top two will then be featured next entry.

A) Adel, Marlene, Rael, Leta, Regina, Morgan, and Deriny all giving birth back at the Blue Feather tribe, with some additional adventures of theirs as they get more information from the Blue Feather High Alpha.

B) A scene of the Warlord's camp, and what (and who) the herm dragoness is presently doing. Suggestions for what you would like to see over there are appreciated, such the Warlord amusing herself by touring the breeding pens where the best stock of the female captives are held captive and ravished until impregnated by her strongest soldiers, or taking part in the gang-rape of handsome and muscular captive male warriors until they are thoroughly broken...or perhaps battered and cum-splattered, but still unbowed. Or...something else, as your fancy takes you.

C) Campfire scene, where we learn more about a character. Pick a character in our present party that you want to know about. Also include sex scenes you want to see happen between willing characters in this intimate setting.

D) Test out that weird orb we got from Praxis.

E) Bring in the freed slaves for more fun in camp.

F) Any scene from before that you wanted to see, but haven't yet.