Rough Days

Story by The Scaly Bard on SoFurry

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"Nurse Morris to Mental Health please, nurse Morris to Mental Health please."

The fiery python chuckled as his friend groaned. "Looks like your break is over, Terry," he said, earning a dirty look from his skunk friend sitting across from him.

"I bet it's that crazy bat, Mrs. Krenchev, she has more paranoia than a Conservative at a gay pride parade." The skunk stood up and stretched while his friend laughed. "Well, I'd better get back and see what's going on. Christ, all those people in the MHU, and you think they'd know how to handle a seventy-year-old woman with dementia, you know what I mean?"

The python smiled and shrugged his broad shoulders. "It's the name of the game friend." He grinned in amusement. "Try being the only male on the maternity floor, there's enough estrogen to turn Arnold Schnauzernegger into Martha Stewart."

Terry Morris laughed loudly as he bid farewell and headed back to his post. The stocky skunk smiled and nodded to the passing doctors and other nurses as he made his way across the hospital to the massive locked door of the mental health unit. He slid his ID card through the reader and opened the door in time to catch a bowl of hot chicken soup to the chest.


Eighty-three year-old Mrs. Krenchev, a Siberian Husky with dementia, was holding the medical staff at bay with her walker in one paw while throwing food from the table with her other paw. Terry ran up as the Code Yellow sounded over the intercom, seeing a counselor with a streak of red across her face. He was relieved to see it was spaghetti sauce.

Jesus freakin' Christ, he thought as he and a wolf tried to wrestle the walker from Mrs. Krenchev, I hope Jenny's day is going better than mine!


"Mr. Jellinsky, I should have been informed of these changes weeks ago! There is simply no logical way I can engineer these changes to the website in the time you're giving me." The coon paced the living area, irritation simmering around her in an almost visible cloud. Sunlight shot in through the window, glinting off her satin bra and panties each time she walked through the shaft of light.

"That is not my problem, Ms. Lansing." The voice was surly on the other end of the phone. "The fact is that these changes need to be done immediately. You'll recall that our contract says we can change anything within reasonable limits."

Jenny dragged her claws down her face, using the small burst of pain to concentrate her anger on the voice at the other end. "You'll also recall the clause said 'within two weeks minimum for notification', this is fucking four days from now! It's going to take working non-stop to make that kind of deadline!"

"That is not my problem. Perhaps we cancel the contract and take our business elsewhere?" There was a hint of smug condescension on that voice.

Jenny growled low in her throat. "I'll get it done, and you better damn well believe I'll bill you right down to the second for this Jellinsky." She slammed the phone down hard enough to make the cup on the table dance. She stuck her tongue out at the phone. "Pencil-dick fuckface!" The coon added as an afterthought.

Jenny stalked around the living room, muttering under her breath about corporate pinheads that rattled their balls at her just because she was an independent contractor. She kicked a wad of paper across the room and then stopped, taking a deep breath. "Okay," the coon said, exhaling slowly, "I'm not going to let that overgrown chimp ruin my day. I am going to vent some of this frustration, and then organize everything so I can get this done, if for no other reason than to laugh in Jellinsky's face once I lay the bitch-slap on him." She grinned as she walked over to the shelves of DVDs, pulling out a Tai-Bo disc and slipping it into the player.

She stripped off her underwear and stretched for a few minutes before starting the disc. As she went through the exercises, she imagined it was Jellinsky's face she was hitting with each punch and jab. Jenny felt good enough afterwards that she went through it again, afterwards falling onto the couch, sweat glistening from her fur as she panted heavily. "Okay..." she gasped, "mental note... next time, use the fucking treadmill."

The coon stood up and staggered into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and emptying half of it in a few gulps. As she set it on the counter, she noticed the photo taped to the freezer door. Her annoyance vanished like smoke as she pulled it off the fridge, smiling softly. It showed her and her skunk lover, Terry, standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon, grinning like fools.

Jenny giggled. She remembered that wonderful trip. She'd been grinning like a fool because the trip had been a surprise birthday trip that Terry had planned, and he was grinning because he was giving her 'bunny ears' just as the photo was taken.

Jenny smiled as she leaned against the counter, remembering when she'd first met the prank-pulling skunk. They'd both attended the same junior high school, where they knew of each other through the rumor mill. Terry for being a troublemaker, and Jenny for terrorizing the boys during Phys Ed-mandated soccer games. It wasn't until their sophomore years in high school they'd actually met each other.

The coon giggled as she remembered that incident. She'd been walking down the hall minding her own business, when someone had groped her ass. She'd spun around to see the skunk giving her his trademark shit-eating grin before saying, "Nice ass babe." Jenny had responded the only way she could. She bloodied his nose and knocked him on his ass. Terry in turn shoved her into the lockers, and it quickly degenerated into a brawl that dented two lockers, resulted in numerous scrapes and bruises, and two weeks of detention. It wasn't until Jenny was walking home later that day that she found the note in her jacket pocket, "You're cute, and swing a wicked left hook. Are you doing anything Saturday night?" She met him that weekend, and they'd been inseparable ever since.

Terry pulled into the driveway of the small house and killed the engine with a sigh. The smell of chicken soup had permeated the Toyota, and even with the windows left down, it refused to disperse. After getting decked by the unruly Mrs. Krenchev, his supervisor said she'd fix the schedule so it looked like he'd finished his shift, and sent him home early.

"Jesus Christ," Terry muttered as he opened the car door and stood up. "I can't believe the shit today." He slammed the car door hard enough to rock the vehicle on its springs before heading for the door. He was glad to be home. Terry desperately needed to see Jenny.

Jenny put the photo back and stepped back into the living room. Her ears perked as she heard a car drive up, followed by the sound of a car door opening and closing. A look at the clock told her Terry shouldn't be home for another two hours. She walked into the foyer in time to hear the door unlock and open, revealing Terry standing in the doorframe with a tired smile.

The first thing the coon noticed was the strong smell of chicken soup coming from his still-damp scrub top, a piece of carrot clinging tenaciously to the fabric. She sighed softly as she noticed the stress and annoyance clouding his gentle green eyes. He smiled tiredly. "Hey babe," he said, "Sorry to surprise you, but I got off a little early."

"Jesus, Terry, what happened?" She pulled him inside and closed the door before stripping the scrub top off of him. "You smell like you fell in a vat of chicken soup!"

The skunk rubbed his face as he walked into the kitchen and pulled a Guiness from the fridge. "Ugh, turns out that Mrs. Krenchev's been pouching her meds." He said, referring to a practice where some patients would hide pills in their cheeks or under their tongue instead of swallowing them. "She had a psychotic episode where she thought she was back in Communist Russia. We had to call a Code Yellow, and it took three of us just to get the walker from her paws."

Jenny laid her ears back as she rubbed Terry's shoulders gently. She could feel the tension knotting his muscles. "I'm sorry love."

Terry chuckled softly as he turned and looked her up and down, a slow smile creeping across his face. She blushed and grinned as he eyed her nude form. His lovely Jenny was built, the skunk thought happily. Standing just over five three, she was a woman with curves in all the right places. His own mother had embarrassed the hell out of him when she'd told him "that girl's built, she's got some meat on her bones." Waist-length auburn hair fell like a waterfall down her back, framing the black mask around sapphire blue eyes. He could see the same tension he felt radiating from those eyes that melted his heart every day.

"Your day hasn't exactly been sunshine and chocolate," he said softly, referencing their favorite Semisonic song, "what happened?"

Jenny rolled her eyes as she ran her paws through her hair. "That asshole Jellinsky is dicking me around again, and I don't have any choice but to try and crunch this new change in the next couple of days. I can do it, but it's going to be a bitch, and I have a sneaking suspicion he's going to want it changed back right before it's due." She slipped her arm around his waist and leaned against him, head resting against his chest.

Terry smiled down at her lovingly. "I have an idea." She looked up at him questioningly. "Let's say fuck everything tonight, order a pizza, and watch some movies."

Jenny grinned and nodded eagerly. "That's a damn great idea love. I'll get the movies ready, you order the pizza... and we're not watching That Old Feeling again!"

Terry mocked-groaned as he pinched her ass. "But it's such a cute movie!"

She rolled her eyes in amusement as she sauntered into the living room. "You just have a hard-on for Bette Midler. What about one of the Harry Potter movies?"

Terry glanced out the door, phone nestled between ear and shoulder. "Nah, we saw those last week, remember? Yes, Big Jim's Pizza? I'd like to place an order."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Hrm... what about the Blade trilogy?"

"Campy vampire hunting action? Yes, that's double-ground beef... Nah, how about some Hercules: The Legendary Journey?" he called out.

"Sounds good to me." Jenny smiled as she pulled the disc out and set it in the DVD player. After getting it set up, she turned around to find Terry leaning against the wall, watching her with a smile. A quick glance at his scrubs showed he'd enjoyed watching her set up the TV.

She smiled, her tail wrapping around her leg. "Something on your mind babe?" Her breath quickened as he walked towards her, a slow warmth spreading through her stomach at the look of pure affection in his emerald eyes.

"What would I do without you, Jenny?" He whispered as he pulled her close, wrapping his tail around her waist. His fingers teased down her spine slowly, bringing a small moan from the raccoon as they stroked the base of her tail lovingly.

"Pro-probably the same... thing I'd do with... mmm... without you Terry..." She moaned softly as she leaned against him, feeling the warmth of his body seep into hers. Jenny traced a finger down his chest and over his stomach, drawing a sharp gasp as she traced over the smallest beginnings of a potbelly on the stocky skunk.

Terry felt the frustration and stress of the day melt away as he held her against him, his paws squeezing her ample ass. He leaned down and kissed her gently, tracing his tongue along her lips before dipping it into her muzzle. She moaned softly as she traced her tongue over the roof of his mouth, and then curled it around his, locking their muzzles together.

Jenny reached down and rubbed her paw against the bulge in his pants, getting a loud moan for her efforts. She could feel herself grow wetter with each passing moment, and wanted to feel her lover inside. But he had something else in mind first.

He smiled as he slowly pulled away, licking his lips. Terry didn't say anything as he knelt down before her, running his claws through her fur lovingly. His eyes almost rolled back as he leaned in and inhaled slowly. He could smell her need mixed with the sweat from earlier, and it was driving him insane. The skunk placed his hands on her ass and pulled her close, burying his face into her wet crotch.

Jenny yelped in surprise as she felt his tongue trace around her swollen outer lips. "Oh JeSUS!" She panted heavily as she gripped his shoulders, tail whipping back and forth. "Oh God, don't stop Terry... please." She whimpered as she spread her legs further apart.

Terry had no intention of stopping. He licked over her opening slowly, savoring the taste of her sex mingled with sweat. Without stopping, he started dragging his blunt claws down her rear and thighs slowly, eliciting a whimper of ecstasy from the raccoon as the pleasure raced up her spine. Smiling to himself, Terry shifted his muzzle, and delved his tongue deep into Jenny's sex.

Jenny cried out, claws digging into the skunk's shoulders as her entire body trembled violently. "Oh God," she whimpered, watching her lover's black and white face from between her legs. She squeezed her muscles around the invading tongue, moaning loudly as it probed against her inner-walls slowly.

Terry teased a finger down the cleft of her ass as he teased his tongue over her g-spot, eliciting a whimper of pleasure. Once his finger reached the pucker of her ass, he started rubbing against it slowly, causing her to buck against the invading digit. He would have giggled if he could have, but instead he pushed his muzzle against her groin even more, wiggling his tongue as he moved his other paw to tease a finger over her clit, making her yelp and shudder hard.

Her breath grew heavier as she felt the orgasm start to build, a massive thunderhead of pleasure spreading outward from her groin to envelope her body. Terry moaned from the pain of her claws digging deeper into his shoulders, and started rubbing his tongue harder against her g-spot as he brushed his thumb over her clit lightly.

Jenny threw her head back with a scream as her orgasm hit hard, her tail slashing the air behind her as she ground her sex against her lover's muzzle. Terry moaned in pleasure as he felt her muscles grip at his tongue, and was rewarded with her hot nectar splashing against his face. He moaned in pleasure as he opened his mouth, drinking down what he could as he continued flicking his tongue against her inner-walls, savoring the musky taste of the juices that dripped down his neck and chest. Jenny started trembling as the orgasm rolled through her like a slow avalanche, and he quickly braced his paws against her knees to keep her from falling.

Jenny panted heavily as she slowly opened her eyes, seeing her lover's grinning, come-soaked face. "Enjoy that darling?" He asked innocently.

"Je-Jesus... That was... incredible..." she gasped as she slowly stood up on shaky legs. Terry chuckled as he stood also, one paw slowly stroking his maleness. Jenny's gaze slid down and she smiled slowly.

"Mmm," she murmured, "looks like you have something for me..."

Terry pulled her close and kissed her. Jenny moaned happily as she tasted her juices, reaching down to tease a finger up the underside of the skunk's shaft, getting a soft growl of pleasure in return. They pulled away and smiled at each other.


He smiled. "Yes babe?"

"When's the pizza due?"

He laughed as he groped her ass. "Don't worry, we have time for some hiding in the raccoon's den." He grinned as she laughed.

He spun her around gently and moved her backwards until her legs hit the couch. Jenny yelped and giggled as they fell together, then moaned softly as Terry pinched her nipple gently.

"Mmm... please love," she whispered, "I need you in me."

Terry smiled softly and nodded as he shifted his body. His raccoon love squirmed under him as he traced his cock down her stomach and around her dripping sex. "Are you ready?"

She nodded, panting in anticipation.

Terry reached down and kissed her hard as he guided his cock into her hot, tight passage. They groaned into each other as Jenny's muscles gripped his shaft, sending pleasure burning through their bodies. With a small thrust, he hilted against her, his hips pressing against hers.

Jenny broke the kiss, her body shuddering from the intense pleasure. "Oh god Terry... I can't... get enough of you..." She panted as she stroked his cheek lovingly, reveling at the feel of his thick shaft buried in her. "Fill me babe. Show me how much you love me."

Terry smiled softly as he started to pull out, feeling her velvet folds grip his shaft tightly, as if refusing to let go. He pulled out to his tip, and then thrust back in, earning a yelp of pleasure from the raccoon. "I love you Jenny, more than I could ever show." He whispered. He started thrusting slow but hard, pulling out until the tip of his cock teased her lips before thrusting in. Jenny yelped with each thrust, relaxing as he thrust in, and squeezing his cock hard as he pulled out.

She reached down and teased her clit between her nimble fingers, arching up from the intense pleasure ripping through her body. "Ohgod..." she panted, watching Terry through glazing eyes. "Faster... fuckmefaster!"

Terry growled softly as he doubled his speed, his mating instincts taking control as he gripped her waist. His sac slapped heavily against her ass with each thrust, and Jenny's fingers moved faster over her clit as they both approached orgasm together.

Jenny gasped as her body locked up. "OH... GoooOOOOOOOD!" She screamed as her second orgasm hit like a nuclear shockwave, sending her body bucking against Terry's as her claws gouged the couch. Fiery hot nectar flooded over the skunk's cock as her inner-muscles clamped down like a silken vice around his cock, sending him over the edge.

"OHGODJENNYYYYY!" He howled as he slammed his cock deep into his lover, thick, hot ropes of seed erupting deep into her belly as they climaxed together. He let himself collapse on top of her and held her close, burying his face against her shoulder as his orgasm washed away the last, tattered remains of a stressful day.

"Oh god," he whispered softly. He propped himself on his elbows and smiled down at Jenny, who was watching him with dazed eyes. "Hey love, still with me?" he teased gently, tail brushing over their entwined legs.

Her eyes cleared and she smiled, stroking a come-slicked finger across his cheek lovingly. "I think you fried my brain, babe."

Terry giggled. "Only fair, you fried my balls."

Jenny snorted, then moaned and squirmed as he pulled his softening cock from her over-sensitive sex. Their fur was matted and sticky with her juices and his semen. Terry licked his lips as he moved down her body, stroking his fingers down her sides lovingly. He licked just above the patch of pubic hair, then groaned as the doorbell rang.


Jenny laughed as they both stood up. A quick glance through the curtain showed a car with the Big Jim's logo idling at the sidewalk, and a burly tiger holding a heating bag looking around the porch. Terry grinned.

"Oh Jenny love, I think you should answer the door and tip the delivery guy."

She stuck her tongue out at him with a grin before sauntering towards the foyer, her swishing tail offering tantalizing glimpses of her sandy-brown rear. Terry stretched out on the couch, sighing happily. He grinned as he listened to the delivery guy stutter out the total, followed by Jenny's giggling and telling him to keep the change. The door slammed, and as Jenny walked in carrying two large pizza boxes, they both heard the squeal of tires pulling away.

The skunk grinned. "How much you tip him?"

She shrugged as she set them on the coffee table. "It was twenty-six something, I just gave him the forty and told him to keep the change."

Terry snickered. "Somehow, I think his mind is on a different 'tip'."

Jenny stuck her tongue out a him again before heading into the kitchen to grab paper plates and drinks. They both settled together on the couch and started the episodes of Hercules as they enjoyed their pizza and sodas.

Midway through episode five, Terry felt a soft thud on his chest and looked down. Jenny was asleep, snoring softly as she nuzzled against his chest-fur. He chuckled softly as he turned the TV off and pulled a blanket that was lying on the back of the couch over them.

"Goodnight sweetie." He whispered into her ear, making it flick. "I love you. Always and forever." He snuggled in, and closed his eyes. No matter how bad my day is, you always make it better, was his last thought before sleep tugged him gently into the land of dreams.