Fancy Dessert?

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#14 of Hockey Hunk Season 6

Nothing like a good meal and relaxation after work, right?






I only had the time to brush my paw through my mane once more and huff onto my palm to make sure my breath didn't stink too badly before the locks rattled and the door was opened with a symphony of scents in the form of cooking meat, deodorant and Doberman entering my nose. That was only the olfactory experience, of course, besides that there was the sight of the doggie filling the doorway with his handsome, bulky form. He was wearing a baggy T-shirt that sadly covered up most of that...interesting...body, but sat least the smile was broad, and the greeting a warm rumble.

"Hey there!"

"Hi!" I chirped.

"Come on in," he flicked an easy ear towards me, "there's food soon on the table for weary workers!"

"Oh I'm starving," I purred as I crossed the threshold into Dobie territory, my tail tucked out of the way just in time before the door was closed by the hunky male appearing by my side...brushing upon me.

"Good!" Victor grinned.

I clasped his chin into my paw and pulled him into a confident kiss which Victor gladly accepted, rumbling happily while our lips recited some meaningless words against one another and greeting in kind. His own big paw played with the little ruff on my neckline and made me purr a little, my tail flicking about happily and bouncing against Victor's assortment of coats hanging from his rack.

My maw was a little wet once we parted, and that was nice. I think I heard his tail wagging.

"It smells great," I replied while we lingered for a few moments more in our small greeting.

"Frying chicken," he said, "thought I'd do something nice for you."

"Oh?" I perked my ears playfully.

"I know you're a hound for birds," he grinned.

"I thought you're the hound," I replied, feeling almost embarrassed how sappy it must have sounded, spoken like that while I played with the elastic on his collar.

"Hmmmhhh," he rumbled, a sound that had a definite effect on me...a good one...tickling the insides of my ears pleasantly.

"I like the sound of that," I smiled.

"Oh I hope," he said, giving me a nudge with his elbow, "come on."

We wandered into the pleasantly spacious living room, the sounds of cooking meat hissing away happily in the kitchen side of things.

"Wanna beer or something?" Victor asked.

"Yeah, why not!" I replied.

"Well you crash onto the couch or something," he rumbled while heading for the kitchen, a sight that I definitely liked to observe, how he...flexed in the simple act of watching over to the fridge.

"You are too kind," I murmured as I settled onto the big armchair, a comfortable place, if anything, and sighed and rumbled extravagantly once my weary paws were finally relieved of duty. My dislocated hip felt slightly sore, but it was really nothing compared to the general soreness that radiated from the tips of my toes all the way to my ass and back. Ugh. It almost felt like after the first physiotherapy sessions in the immediate period after the accident. Guess that's what you got for a long day at the work.

"No problem!"

I heard the "click-snap-pop" of a bottlecap being removed, and soon Victor was upon me, presenting me with a fridge cool beer that was placed dirently into my paw. I smiled as I accepted it, noting that it was just a regular simple thing, nothing like Cobb's witches' brew that had made even me hung over, and I hadn't drank all that much, really, during that fateful night.

"Thanks a bunch," I said, giving him a playful toast while Victor watched me curiously.

"It's nice after a long day," he said.

"Long day for you too?" I asked.

He shrugged, scratching a small itch on his arm while he stood there, looking solid and...murr.

"Aren't they ever", he said, "lots of orders coming in, trying to keep everything flowing. It's a busy season for us."

"Oh you mentioned something about that, I think," I replied, "what's with the schools starting again and all that."

"Everyone needs pens and paper, yeah," he said ,"and staplers."

"And hole punches!" I chuckled.

"And Post-its," he smirked.

"Aaand..." I mused, rolling the beer bottle in my paws, enjoying the damp coldness it provided, "hmmm...highlighters?"

"And those too," he chuckled. "But that's not my special area."

I chuckled, too.

"I can only imagine your coffee break discussions," I smiled.

"Hehe," Victor rumbled gently while he headed back to the kitchen. I wouldn't have minded him staying close by, but I understood that the food needed tending, and my growling stomach agreed. The beer did feel like a lovely refreshment, for now, though.

"Did you have a good day?" Victor asked once he was amidst his magical pots and pans.

"Long," I grumbled, "at least it felt like it. I guess it does if I do a full day, come in at 7:30 and get out at 4..."

"As long as it pays the bills," Victor mused.

"At least it does that," I said.

I watched him sprinkle something into the pan before he stirred it lovingly with a wooden spatula. The sight made me smile.

"I see that it's not only your brother who has cooking skills in the family," I smirked.

Victor chuckled as he replaced the glass lid onto the pan and then leaned onto the kitchen island on both elbows so that we could chitchat with eye contact. That posture was quite agreeable to the eye, too.

"Don't tell Cobb that or he'll challenge me into a cooking duel," he said, sounding almost serious.

I snickered.

"Now that'd be a sight..."

"He phoned today again," he said.

"Oh?" my ears perked, with curiosity mixed with trepidation.

"Yep," his own ears flicked in kind.

"Is he thriving?" I mused.

"Oh, I'd say, judging by the fact he was going 300 words per minute."

"That's a lot," I chuckled.

"That's Cobb," he said.

"Indeed," I declared.

"The usual, of course," he said, "talking about his work and trying to give you more gifts..."

Now I had a reason to chuckle.

"Does he think I hold a grudge against him?" I asked.

Victor shrugged.

"He thinks up a lot of strange stuff, as you know," Victor said.

"Those butter biscuits in that gift basket were quite nice though," I said, "and we liked that wine, didn't we?"

Victor shook is head.

"Who buys a department store luxury gift basket to make up for...well, that?" he said.

"But it could've much been worse," I said, my tail swishing along Victor's neat carpet while I recalled the details of the fateful encounter with...hmm...Cobb's open fly, "he could've barfed in the bed, not just _barged_in there."

Victor snorted at my admittedly cringeworthy wordplay.

"Well he almost barged in there alright," he added.

Now it was my time to chortle.

"Well I was wearing boxers...and it's not like he was actually doing anything," I replied, "I suspect that Cobb felt more violated by your kisses than I did by the fact that his precious happened to be close to my golden hind."

Victor made a face.

"Jesus Christ, we were all so goddamn drunk from Cobb's poisonous beer," he grumbled.

"I know, I know," I chuckled, though the memory of the morning after was certainly not a particular fond one. "But that's what you get with Cobb, I bet."

"For 31 years and counting," Victor grumbled.

"For glorious years!" I toasted with my beer.

Victor harrumphed, but got up from his perch on the kitchen island.

"Well I hope the food will pass the inspection, soon, anyway, I think it's about ready," he said.

"I can't wait!" I smiled.

"I even have ice cream for dessert," Victor smiled right back.

"You spoil me," I murmured.

"Maybe I want to," Victor rumbled innocently.


I was being a good houseguest and loading our dishes into the washer, with Victor, the efficient housemaid, handing them over to me after rinsing the worst remains of the sauce from them under the sink. The food sure had been lovely, the chicken succulent, if that was the right word, the sauce, well-thought-out, the bread, evidently from a deli...I felt flattered that Victor really had put so much effort into this. Or maybe he just was one of those guys...just loved a brief wander down the shopping lanes after work, to find a good bargain on something nice he could eat...and didn't have to on his own, now that we'd decided on this fun after-work date of, drink...

The gentle, cheerful sway of my tail was very suddenly cut short by the feeling of a slightly wet Dobie paw clasping around its base, whatever poked out from the back of my pants, so that Victor's knuckles suddenly pressed against my rear. He let out a rumble, and I tensed, listening to that deep sound...feeling his breath against my neck furs...

...he gave the smallest tug, and I almost fumbled with the wet glass I was putting onto the top shelf in the washer.

"Hmmm...." I breathed out.

"Enough housework," Victor rumbled, turning about from the sink so that he was facing me, chest to my side, putting his arm around me and pulling me onto him, still keeping that sensual, slightly tugging hold onto my tail end.

"Ohhhhh" I breathed out.

He leaned closer still and worried my nearest ear between his lips, so gently that I only felt the slightest hint of teeth and a tongue there, rolling over the little round piece of skin and fur that tried to flick away but was well captured by the...sexily...growling big man pulling me onto his broad, rumbling, lively chest. Something else could be felt against my hip, too, and if that paw across my chest would've gone any lower...he would've found a similar state appearing within my own undergarments, too, which like would not have surprised him.

"Hmmmm-hmmmmh..." he sounded like he was agreeing with me, while his tongue finally came out, sliding along the side of my neck. It almost burned...I felt marked...I wanted more, and did my best to turn around, wet paws or not, to clasp them onto his neck and put our muzzles together...bodies turning and molding into shape while I kissed him, his tongue sliding wetly over mine, while his big, strong paws kneaded my butt...

Victor didn't mind when I slipped a paw under his shirt and felt up his belly, stroking it, making more rumbles come out of his chest, which was natural to nuzzle, while his chin rubbed between my ears. He held me close, drawing his own paw along my curving spine...finding that agreeable, I hoped, just like how his undulating belly with its layers of muscle and gut felt...proving his infamous moniker many times over while he asserted his territory with graspy paws and a demeanor to match.

"You taste like ice cream," he told me, eyes twinkling, after we parted for a moment of mutual panting.

"Well.....your tongue was pretty deep in my maw..." I replied, "you probably tasted some left - "

He muffled me with another smooch, and squeezed my entire left butt cheek into his palm.

"How about we have some...proper dessert?" Victor husked.

Rory Jr. practically exploded with agreement, but I managed a smirk I hoped would be as confident as Victor's own, and I nodded a little.

"I think I could have a...second helping," I flashed my teeth at him.

His paws tightened, gently, kneading into my posterior with firm but gentle care, and desire.

"Mind if I have a go?"

I chuckled softly, feeling a gentle roll of tension in my belly, which soon passed.

"Well that's to the point," I mused.

"Only if you're keen," Victor murmured. "You know you're going back there either way...I wouldn't miss out on that..."

Just one of those moods, then, I gathered as much, with the same gentle excitement and a brief edge of nerves, like always, when it came to that.

"Sure," I replied, with a smile, "perhaps I should catch a shower first, know...long day...I'm sweaty and..."

And there were things gay men knew about, but we didn't need to talk about that.

"Fine," Victor smecked my chin, letting it tickle there, "but I'm joining in."

"You don't smell any funky at all," I winked.

"I want back-washing privileges," Victor spoke, his paw finding my tail once again and massaging into its sinewy muscle. I purred, and pressed back a little.

"What do I get to wash?" I asked.

"I'm sure you can find a few body parts you like."

"Flirt," I accused sweetly.

"So are you," he whispered.


Somehow we managed to get each other's clothes off...jumping into that shower, with the warm water spraying on us, our bodies came together again...I'm sure we spent more time making out and grinding onto one another rather than actually washing...though Victor had me moaning rather intently with my paws pressed onto the wall, his own lathering soap all over my back and my...well...ass...service I returned as eagerly, myself. Our paws moved on slick fur...feeling sore, tense muscles that warmed and relaxed under such expert manipulation...

"You're gorgeous," Victor grumbled close to my ear while his soapy fingers stroked under my tail, his other rubbing my wet stomach while the water fell over us both...

I purred quite helplessly, and gently pressed back onto his touch, knowing what his confident fingers were doing, feeling it intently, everywhere...the tension in my body coming in gentle, familiar waves.

"You don't need to flatter me anymore to get my favors," I chuckled, my chuffs sending sprays of water onto the walls of the shower.

"I know something better," Victor spoke, his feet making sliding sounds as he smoothly dropped onto the floor behind me...his breath suddenly getting very close and intimate with my back there.

I almost made clawmarks onto the wall.


Somehow we managed to get out of that shower, eventually, dry ourselves a little, and stagger onto the bedroom, all squeaky clean and...rearing to go, judging by the intent throbbing in the region of Rory Junior and everything that had been going on under my tail. The Dobie's smooth tongue and his burrowing fingertips had done enough work that I was about ready to land on my face on that bed and spread attempt to do so was interrupted by Victor's paw on my arm.

"Not there," he rumbled.

"Hmmmm?" I questioned, my heart already racing with arousal, my body ready to go...the sudden...command, giving me a pause.

Victor sauntered over to the bed, giving me an eyeful of his swinging tail stub and the body that was practically shining after the shower. He pulled open a familiar drawer on the bedside table and grabbed a pawful of necessities, which he showed to me as he walked back over, his proud doggiehood giving direction and pointing at me good as the rump I'd witnessed only seconds before.

"Come on," he said.

Victor headed out of the bedroom with me obediently in tow, feeling horny and curious. It's not like we hadn't done it before in various places in the apartment, but that had been more of a spontaneous thing, in the sense of me pushing Victor bent over on the back of the couch and...good times.

"Why do I think that you planned this all up," I mused as I followed him curiously.

"Uh huh?" Victor replied, glancing a look at me over his shoulder while he dropped the nozzle-tipped bottle of lube and the condoms onto the dining table.

"Well...somehow I get a feeling..."I replied, my eyes hungrily admiring his body while my tail swept behind me, somewhat anxiously again as I waited to be close to him again. It felt like he was deliberately keeping me back for the moment...adding to the need that was growing. Our earlier play in the shower had me stoked up...whatever we were going to do, I wanted skin on skin action with Victor.

Victor turned about, walked over to me and gathered me in his arms again, engaging me in a tongue-heavy, wonderful kiss that left our paws gripping one another, strongly, our hard lengths rubbing together, smearing pre-cum between our bellies...the musk that rose from us filling my nose with its potent promise.

Our lips separated with a pop, and his paws were on my hips, turning me around so that my back pressed onto his chest, Victor stepping closer, pressing onto me so that his shaft pressed against my butt cheek, his rumbling torso making mine shake alongside as I felt our desire grow onto a new, more heated level.


His tone was...strong, but sensual, rather than anything I'd consider dangerous. It only made the furs on the back of my neck spike with a pleasant tingling sensation, nothing that would be unagreeable.

His knees bumped onto the backs of my thighs across the few steps that took us over to the dining table...and gentle, insistent paws took mine...placing them onto the smooth tabletop, while a knee nudged against the insides of my a fairly clear message.

I spread them and arched my back, pushing my butt back so that I knew that it was rubbing against his groin, and by this time, it was a decisively, knowingly wanton gesture, as Victor took control of me, confidently, erotically, and with a pleasurable insistence that had me...surrender, in a way that I did not often find myself...well...doing. It took a level of comfort that was not easy to find, and Victor managed to get under my skin in that way, to the limit that...well, he was going to get under my tail.

He held me for a long time, simply nuzzling and stroking me, over my belly, even holding me in his fingers and stroking me, teasing me a little more while I rumbled and purred...his lips suckling over my tail draping to the side, and over his own beefy hip.

"I've been thinking about this all day," he growled into my ear.

"Let's do it," I replied, softly.

The lubricant was applied...a funny sensation, when he squirted some inside me and then spread it thoroughly where it was needed...fingers applied, to spread it further along my tender walls...well...I liked to think so...

The slither of the condom slipping onto him told me that it would happen soon...the nudge of his bluntness under my tail, and his paws gripping onto my hips speaking as much...his muzzle pressing warmly against the arch of my neck.

"I'll be gentle," he said.

"Thank you," I whispered.

He pushed...I pushed...bent over on the dining table, that meant using my paws for leverage, which probably made me look...rather thoroughly subservient there...if there was anything to provide such a fly on the wall perspective onto this...I'd never thought it particularly sexy an idea to see myself...perform, and besides a stint with a mirror once, with Peter, I hadn't really had such an opportunity...but going by the physical feelings alone, I was sure that surely looked sexy...Victor, big, powerful, strong Victor, taking the lion's delicate back there...

There was a twinge of discomfort, but then there was a hot huff of air from Victor, his body tense, then relaxing, his shaft stretching me open and twitching as he became enclosed in my heat...slowly sliding further...another twinge...push...break...his paws slowly relaxing on my hip and beginning to explore my body while we continued the little back and

Then we started going at it, Victor, his body flexing and rolling, mine, knees bumping against the edges of the table while Victor slowly slid in and out of me. Little pulses of pleasure grew within my groin, and my member swung back and forth, slapping against my belly and almost reaching the tabletop, while the impact of his body on me reached a further tempo.

He hunched onto me, my body tense, back arching while he licked my neck, wetting the skin and fur with his muzzle while he gnawed on the folds of skin he could find. He tugged on them a few times with his teeth, each time bringing out a yowl...all the while the intense, mobile pressure coursed through me, making my insides coil on him.

We worked slowly, there was no hurry while we mated, though the heat intensified, slowly...his throbbing shaft sliding deep...deep enough that the intimidating, large knot touched my opening whenever he bottomed in...then body seemingly resisting the movement...then he was in again, pushing me open...

At some point, his paw clasped on me and began to stroke, while his hips, bucking onto me, bumped onto my rump with each, slowly hastening thrust...his breaths lowering into deep pants.

"A bit...ahh...reach..around...."

I didn't know anymore where to buck my hips...back or forth...both bringing throbbing pleasure, whether of the kind that involved his firm grip around my shaft or the constant pressure of him inside me...moving deep now...poking...yes...

"NHhgghhh..." I bit my teeth, not wanting to alert the neighbors to just what was happening to Mr Holden's leonine guest.

A few more deep thrusts was all it took, and a squeeze from him, and pearly streaks appeared on the table, my head thrown up, Victor's teeth gently tugging on my shoulder while the pleasure made my body rigid, almost standing on my tiptoes while gravity pulled my body onto him...Victor, too, growling intently, hissing when his own orgasm intently struck him...sealing our bodies together in a joining of flashing heat and with his big, warm knot snuggly throbbing against my hole while he spilled himself in an equal burst of fire to my own heated sensations.

Sometimes it was simply good to forget the world and just.... be.


Thank you for reading my story, with or without the COBB invasion at the beginning, heh :P *chuckle* I do look forward to reading your comments, and look forward to your feedback. Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

See you on Friday with the next chapter!


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