The Adventures of Stevo - Chapter 16: Ouran Academy, 2006

Story by Steven Dalma on SoFurry

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'Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are those who are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school of Ouran Academy."

-Tamaki Suoh, President of the Host Club & Son of the Dean of Ouran Academy


The sound of flying water broke the silence of the quiet environment around him, yet only the calm wind and the clear blue skies were left alone as they should be. Floating on the water with his face looking towards the sun, Stevo woke up and noticed that he was completely soaked in water.

"Ugh..." he pushed his hands forward towards the bottom of the water's surface and pushed himself up, but the suitcase that he used for support slipped, making him hit his head on the edge of a statue harshly, making him more injured and limited him from going any higher temporarily. He quickly covered his hairy cap and rubbed it, trying to make the pain stop. As the ache went away slowly, he leaned his head upward and saw a flock of birds hovering above him. Suddenly a loud ringing of a bell went off through the area. He looked towards the location of the low-toned chime and with only the long hedge of roses covering the bottom detail he saw a tall, Smithsonian-like clock tower in the distance, pink on the column and purple on the roof, with both hands pointing at nine.

'What is this place, some fairy tale land?' Stevo thought as he attempted to get up again, this time succeeding. As he leaned over to pick up his suitcase, a short, stalky, brown-haired boy walked up behind him while being outside of the fountain.

"What are you in the fountain?" the boy asked, which startled Stevo and made him turn around to see a short, brown-haired boy with feminine eyes. He looked to see himself wet still.

"Oh, um... must've slipped on accident, hehe." Stevo said, getting up and draining the water from his clothes. The clock tower rang again.

"I gotta run, see ya!" the boy said, then took off towards & through the garden.

"Hey, wait up!" Stevo yelled as he tried to get out of the fountain along with his suitcase, yet once again, he fell forward. "Ugh..." He lifted his head up to see a note lying in front of him.

Once inside, wearing a purple suit with the school emblem reading "OR" sown on the left breast and black pants and leather shoes, he began walking up through the front lobby and up the scarlet-colored steps with golden railings. Once at the second floor, he looked back to see the clock tower, reading 10:30 AM, behind the tall, decorated windows, and with the lights from the giant chandelier beaming against the marble floor below. He turned back around to see a long hallway with a few tables with vases full of roses perfectly aligned on each wall and a painting of a middle-aged man in a tuxedo at the opposite wall. He walked down it, seeing the room numbers hanging from golden posts above the doorways. He stopped at one particular room; Music Room 3. He looked at the note and read it again, then looked at the door.

'This must be the place, I'd reckon.' He thought to himself. He grabbed the handle, pressed his thumb down on the locking lever, and pushed the door open. Once open, a bright white light beamed with rose pedals flying in a majestic manner, and then the light quickly dimmed to darkness, revealing a group of guys wearing vampire costimes, all except three.

"Welcome!" they greeted in union. He looked side to side and then saw a blonde-headed boy in a red & black cape standing in front of him. The boy bent over and looked at his face.

"And whom may you be, my bag of blood?" he said to him. Stevo covered his nose, protecting it from his odd breath.

"How about Mr. Mint?" the boy's jaw dropped and eyes widened, and swished to a corner, growing mushrooms. "My breath... is it really that bad?" he whimpery murmured to himself. The others, mainly the identical redheaded twins, looked at Stevo, then at the boy.

"Kyoya, what's up with Boss?" said the twins in union.

"Either he's scared by one of our clients or he's received a hickey." Kyoya answered. They all looked back at Stevo, studying his appearance. Then the twins slowly walked away towards and stopped at his position, putting their arms on top of his head and getting a closer look.

"And who may this be?" said the twins in union. Stevo made an uncomfortable and annoyed look.

"Maybe he knows Haru-chan." Said a short, blonde-headed boy.

"You guys do know I can hear you, right?" Stevo said, then shooed the twins' arms off his head.

"Woah, someone's in a grumpy mood." Said one of the twins. "Hadn't we seen you before?"

"He's new here, actually." Kyoya interrupted. "Stephen Lambert, grade 10; his grandparents own one of the largest farming businesses in the United States." Even though the fact about him Kyoya told wasn't entirely true, Stevo pretended that it was so, just to look good.

"You've got quite a database in your head, don't you?" Stevo responded. Then he noticed the Halloween-themed room around him again. "What's with the creepy decorations?"

"Don't you remember, tomorrow's Halloween!" said a guy in a black cloak, standing out from the cracked door on the opposite side of the room. Everyone turned silent by his presence.

"Yes, Halloween, a time for ghouls and goblins and other creatures of the dark to come out and haunt the be-jeepers out of innocent souls like you. Hahahahaaa!" Suddenly, the tall blonde boy from earlier grabbed the dark fellow and shook him violently.

"YOU LEAVE HARUHI ALONE, UMEHITO!" He said, then pushed him away from himself. Stevo began to have the name echo in his head, then turned around to see the boy from outside the fountain earlier standing between the twins. He pointed out.

"Hey, you're that boy that ran away from me when I fell in the fountain earlier!" he exclaimed.

"Haruhi?" The twins said, then looked at Haruhi beside them. "Have you been naughty lately?" Said one of the twins. "Santa's not gonna like that, you know." Said the other.

"I only happened to find him that way..." Said Haruhi, wearing an annoyed face. Suddenly, he bell from the grandfather clock rang, it read 12:00 PM.

"Well, it's about time that lunch has arrived. We're off, Boss." Said one of the twins, then they and Haruhi went out the door towards the cafeteria. Then the rest began to head down there a few minutes later; everyone except for Stevo, who sat down in a chair near the piano, still confused on what was going on. The tall blonde was about to head out when he noticed him sitting quiet as a mouse. He walked over and put his hand on Stevo's shoulder.

"Are you going to come and eat, Stephen? We've got an extra seat if you'd like to sit with us." The boy said, still seeing that Stevo was silent.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I shouldn't've drank that much raspberry tea in the first place." He said, yet again Stevo's silent grew bigger. He began walking towards the door and step out.

"Well, um, I'll be going to the cafeteria if you need me. Just shut the door behind you when you leave." He said, and just as he was about to close the door behind him, Stevo stopped him from shutting it.