[Karma's Fate] - New Beginning (Chpt. 4) (Special-ish)

Story by Disturbia on SoFurry

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Well that's the end of chapter 4! End of story, hooray! Just kidding, there's still a lot more. Will they're love be able to withstand what comes towards them? I know Mark's story seems a little weird, but it'll make sense soon enough! I hope you guys enjoyed this one chapter ,I made it special since they both confessed their feelings and Mark's past! I decided to tell who Mark really was and how the boys express their love for one another. I hope you guys stay for the next chapter! I guess you could say this chapter is pretty special(-ish).

Things will start to make sense soon! By the way, I made this story at 12am at night. So don't judge me, I worked hard on it at night. I'll have more time tomorrow.

Hope you all enjoyed! Next chapter coming real soon!


~At The Hospital~

"Aughh" I said groaning, slowly waking up. "Hmm" I said to myself. I was in a bed. I could see to my left a monitor beeping and a table. I noticed I was in a hospital bed.

"What Happen?" I said. I was pretty confused about what happened. I tried getting up, but I felt a sharp pain surge through my chest. I quickly let out a cry and fell back down on my bed. Well, it was pretty useless trying to get up. I was still pretty confused. What happen? Where's Mark? Did something bad happen? Questions ran through my mind, but a few moments later I saw Mark come in.

"Cody!" He said in a loud relief. He quickly came over to my side and gave me a big hug. I wanted to hug him back, but he was so big. He squeezed me so hard, but I loved it anyway. My crush was hugging me, I wanted this to last forever. I could die at that moment and have no regrets. My face quickly got red. Mark noticed my face got red and he quickly let go.

"So sorry!" He said. "You feelin' alright?"

"Yeah, a bit." I said groaning. "What happen anyway?"

"Oh nothing. You seemed to have a heart attack, well, that's what the doctors say. They said you were extremely stressed which triggered a heart attack, which means why you had a chest pain and lost conscious." He said. "But the good thing is you're okay!" He said smiling.

'He sure was sweet. He actually did care about me, but as a friend.' I thought. But how is that possible? How can I have a heart attack if I wasn't even stressed at all?

"Oh, a heart attack that was?" I said confused. "Weird.. Well, at least I feel better now. Thought it was something else."

"Yeah, thankfully." He said in a weird tone. I could hear his tone, it almost sounded like he was lying. I wanted to know the truth, but it was better to keep things as it is.

"Oh by that way, your mother called." He told me while he was sipping some water.

I sat up surprised. "Really? I said.

"Yeah, I told her you were in the hospital and she panicked. I told her you couldn't talk because you were resting, so she said she'd call back later.

"That's a relief." I said. "Surprised my mother actually cared.."

"Yeah, she called you to ask about how college was going and everything new that had happened." He said looking through the window.

"Oh really? Cool. I should call back soon."

"Yeah, she sounded worried."

I then got up a bit and stretched. My chest was still in pain, but it wasn't that bad. I wanted to know about Mark. I wanted to know who he really was. I'm sure Mark knows a little bit about me, but I don't know him..

"Hey Mark," I said reluctantly.

"Hmm?" He said.

"What about your parents, did they call you yet?"

Mark was silent. A few seconds past, and he still didn't answer. I was about to say something, but he interrupted me.

"I don't have a family. I lost my parents when I was 5 years old." He said looking down.

"Oh.." I said feeling bad. Why did I ask that? I'm so stupid. I probably made him feel bad. "I'm sorry for asking that, I shouldn't have."

"Oh no it's fine." He replied. "No one has ever known I've been an orphan. I ran away and lived a new life.. You're the first to know."

I was shocked. "Really? How did you live through life with out any help or support?" I was pretty amazed how he managed to get this far without parents, but i felt bad for him. Living with no love, poor dog probably never experienced it.

"Let's say I was pretty different from everyone else. I was _really _different. But I had a few tricks up my sleeves and managed to survive and get this far. I just want to enjoy life, Y'know? I've had so many troubles, but I over come them. I just want to live a regular life..."

I knew his pain, but the pain he has endured was far worse than mine. I wanted to hug him, I wanted to hold him, i wanted to show him love. I then felt weak again. He has endured so much, yet he cared for others. He's been strong for too long, yet I always show my emotions. He really is strong.. While I'm over here, weak.

Silence then swept the room quickly. Mark looked at me. I could see his beautiful, soft blue eyes stare into my soft, scarlet red eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you your eyes look cute?" He said smirking. "I've never met anyone with red eyes. They look beautiful."

I blushed. "Oh, thanks. My parents have green, jade eyes. I'm the only one with scarlet, red eyes. I guess I'm special." I said chuckling.

What's wrong with me? Calling myself special in front of Mark? I just wanted to die already..

"Indeed you are" he said flashing a muzzling smile. "Well, you should get some rest. The doctor said you can leave tomorrow."

"Yeah, you're right. I am pretty tired." I said yawning.

"I'll be here tomorrow morning to come pick you up and take you back to the apartments, okay?"

"Okay, thanks for everything Mark." I said.

"No problem. It isn't your fault, It's my fault you got into this."

"What do you mean?" I said looking confused.

I knew he was hiding something, and now he's going to tell me. I just stayed silent and allowed Mark to explain himself.

~Mark P.O.V~

"Oh Cody." I said. "Why didn't I leave the first time I met you?" I knew something was going to happen... I should have left before I dragged you into this. I should have told you my secret, the secret I've lived all my life. The secret that has made me different from everyone else. I know how you feel Cody, honestly I do. But.. there's a secret I've kept from everyone all these years... You were the last person I wanted to drag into...

~Mark's Past~

It all started 15 years ago. I was only 5 years old and I was playing outside my front yard. My mother decided to clean the house that day, and my father was outside mowing the lawn. It was pretty peaceful, until _it _happened. I was there on the grass, playing with my mini action figures when a couple of men; they looked like raccoons, came toward our house. They all looked like scary, tough looking men, the kind you'd see in a gang. The men approached our house, but my mother and father didn't notice. I was still young, and I thought they were my parents' friend. So I decided to ignore them. I soon regretted that decision... A few minutes later, I heard my mother scream from inside. My father quickly turned off the lawn mower and went inside to check. A few seconds later, my father later screamed. I was scared. I quickly stood up, and ran into the house. The moment I stepped into the house, was the day my life changed.

I looked across the hall way. It was a horrible sight. I saw as my mother and father, both on top of each other, blood every where. I saw their lifeless bodies, being kicked and beaten with no mercy. I couldn't bear the sight, I wanted to throw up. My eyes, full of fear and astonishment. I tried getting away, but one of the gang members stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going brat?" He said to me holding me by my shirt.

"What do we do with this one boss?" He asked nudging me.

"Kill him. We can't have any witnesses" When I heard those words come out of the leaders mouth, I was shaking in fear. I'm going to die. I thought, I'm going to die... I wanted to kill the gang, I wanted to avenge my parents. But what could a little boy like me do? All I could do was wait for my death sentence. When one of the gang members held a gun point to my head, I knew it was over. When he pulled the trigger, I shut my eyes tightly.

A few seconds later, I was still alive. I soon opened my eyes and saw all of the gang members, were dead. I was in shock. Wha-What happened? A few seconds ago, I was about to die, but my killers, are now dead. What in the world is going on? My fur was full of blood, I stood there as I saw a gang of raccoons murdered at my feet and my parents lifeless bodies on the floor. I turned around and saw a large figure stand in front of me. It looked liked a female tiger, she was around her mid-30's and her eyes were glowing in red. Her eyes, they were different, there was a symbol in it. What ever that was, she saved me. But how? How could a women kill an entire gang in a matter of seconds? Before I could move, she spoke up.

"Hello Mark Kane, I have been expecting you for a long time."

"Wha-Wha do you mean?" I said shakily.

"I am Zena. I am not like you, I have a power. A power I've been burdened with for a long time. I've watched you ever since the day you were born, you were always special. I've seen how you always been alone, how you isolated yourself from others. I wanted to tell you after you got a bit older, but it seems I need to tell you know. I have a special power called Karma's Fate. The power has a variety of uses. I can use hypnotism, and a power to hurt people instantly. I've had this power since I've been young, and I am able to use it many times and control it. You just noticed how the gang of men died in a few seconds, that was my power. I want you to have my power. You were deemed special since the day you were born. Have you noticed the small star symbol; or 'birth mark' on your back?"

I nodded.

"I gave you that mark. It would activate when you were in danger or you had a feeling of revenge. Both activated and I appeared right before you and protected you. Do you want to protect those you love and never have this happen again?"

I nodded again.

"Then will you take my power, to hold and use it wisefully to protect those you love?"

I stood there silently. "What do I do? I've just witnessed my parents die and a woman that has a power to kill people and hypnotize. I didn't know what to do."

"I'll do it." What happen to me thinking? All those thoughts just faded away, I knew my only goal was to protect those I loved.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This means your entire life will be different."

"I thought you told me I was destined and special, which is why you chose me."

She smiled at me. "Indeed. I made the right decision."

She placed her paw on my forehead and I could feel the energy surge through my body.

"Thank you.." She said, which were her last words. After that, she disappeared from my life, forever.

"Life didn't change much after that. I ran away from home and lived a new life. I went to school regularly and trained everyday to improve my power and strength. I met a lot of good friends and found my self living a happy normal life. After a few years, I managed to master my hypnosis power. I was able to hypnotize people into giving me supplies, food, whatever I needed. I know it's selfish and wrong, but I had to. I then started working on my ability to hurt people. It took me 2 years, but I managed to master it successfully. "

"Like I said, life was great. I had a lot of good friends, I even met a cute otter named Dustin. Dustin was just adorable. He had light, soft brown fur and a creamy white chest. I always hung out with him and we would always go swimming. I wasn't the best at swimming since I was a dog, and Dustin would always win since he an otter and otter did make excellent swimmers. We would always laugh and go out for icecream. Life was perfect..."

"One day, the FBI came looking for me. Apparently, they found out about my powers I've kept secret for years. I knew they would question I came into contact with, and I had to do something I never wanted to do. I used my powers to hypnotize everyone. I told them they never knew who I was and never would. The most painful thing is that I had to do it with Dustin. I was going to mess laying my head on his soft, brown fur. I wanted to do continue my life, but I knew I had to protect the ones I loved. Even at the cost of my love. After that, I left the town and moved some where else. I stuck with the alias 'Jacob Fur' for 2 years and when I got to college; here, I decided to go with my name 'Mark Huntley.' I wanted to live a normal life, but I knew i couldn't. When I met you, I thought you were beautiful. I was a dick to you when we first met, and I wished I could have changed that. I wanted to use my powers to forget you came into contact with me, but i couldn't. Your beautiful face and eyes made my inner conscious tell not to do it. And now you're here in the hospital, because of me. The FBI are after me again, and I didn't want to lose you."

"I don't want to erase your memories or hypnotize you of our time together." I said crying. "I wanted to be with you, I promised myself to protect you at all costs. I just don't want to lose anyone!" I was thinking of hypnotizing you, but I don't have the courage to. I then sat down and stared at the window.. "I know you're not gay, but I want to protect you at all costs. Even if it meant my life.. I just wanted to experience real love!"

~Back To Cody~

I was in a state of shock after hearing all of that. I knew it had to be true, I knew a heart attack didn't cause this. He probably used his powers on me to forget and make me pass out. The FBI probably found out he was with me and he decided to protect me at all counts. I grabbed the sheets of my bed and stuck my claws into them. I could see his pain, how much he's been through. He witnessed the death of his mother and father, he was forced to live alone time after time. After comparing that to me, I had nothing toward me.. I then looked up and saw the wolf crying. I was still weak, but I made myself get up. It was painful, but I forced myself to. I went over to him and fell on him. He looked at me in shock.

"Cody! Please stay in bed! I've caused you enough pain, and I probably messed up our relationship because of this..." He was sobbing.

"Don't be foolish." I said. He looked at me in surprise. I then used all my strength I had, I grabbed him by the shoulders, and gave him a deep kiss.

I then parted and spoke again. "I feel the same way toward you. When we met, I felt weak. I had hard times, but yet you helped me. I felt weak and felt like I was a bother. I loved you from the very beginning and i wanted to be with you forever." I said hugging him. "I believe you, and I don't care. I want to be with you forever." We sat there, I was in his lap hugging him. I wanted to be here forever. After hearing him say he cared and loved me, I started crying.

"Why are you crying Cody?" He asked me, he was sniffling.

I gave him another kiss and told him.

"Because. I found someone who actually cared for me. And now that I see someone I love in pain, I want to protect them as well."

I hugged him even tighter and gave him one last kiss. Our tongues explored each others muzzles.

"I never want to leave you.." I said

We just stayed there, hugging each other. It almost felt like eternity. An eternity I wished that would never end.

"I guess this is how love feels like..." I said.

If that's the case, I never want this feeling to end....

[Karma's Fate] - New Beginning (Chpt. 5)

Mark and I just stayed there for a while until the nurse told him visiting hours were over. He picked me up and put me in the hospital bed. He told me he'd promise to pick me up tomorrow early and we'd get breakfast. I gave him one last kiss good-bye...

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[Karma's Fate] - New Beginning (Chpt. 3)

Karma's Fate New Beginning, Chpt. 3 Continued, **MORNING** **Cody's P.O.V** I heard an alarm ring and I immediately woke up. I turned to see Mark wasn't in bed anymore. It was pretty disappointing, but at least I got to sleep with him. I was...

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The Cold Winter Rain [Loss Love Poem]

_ **I sat outside, in the cold winter rain** _ _**Hoping he would come, to take me again. (a-GAIN)**_ _ **I looked at my paws, to see white, cream snow. ** _ _ **I felt my large muscles tense, but it was probably for the best. ** _ _ **I saw...

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