Identity Restored ~ Black and White

Story by AdamarieWitherwings on SoFurry

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Dedication: This is a story meant for my beloved coming mate. Sooner or later I know that love will bring us together.

Warning: This story has rated X content within. It is not meant for children under the age of 18.

It wasn't known how long she had slept, but when she woke she was sitting in a nightmare. The world around her was a hazy vision of terror and tears. There was a wolf in charge of her life, of this dragoness' life! She could hardly bear the thought of that, but it was true. The more her eyes opened the more she had realized she had not liked what she had become.

In many occasions she was sitting back in the recesses of her sanctuary and wondering just how she had gotten this way. She couldn't understand why it was that she could ever see the wolf as something to treasure of value when she was treated so poorly by him.

To him she was a common bitch, only good for breeding. Always he was mocking her, treating her like an idiot. There was no love and compassion, all it was, was use and abuse. The more time passed under his "care" the more the dragoness slipped into a mindset that she saw for herself as the only way, the only way to live.

Love and devotion was out of the question for the lupine beast. This animal had nothing, nor gave anything that was worth wile for anyone other than himself. He was a selfish animal that bought and spent only for his own personal comforts. It was no matter that she was starving or going without eating unless she was where food was provided. No, the special comforts were all he needed.

"Suck on it..." The wolf growled, dark brown eyes focused on her, the dragoness who resided before him on her knees. His shaft was popping from his sheath and she was sick with disgust for what was being forced down her throat. Her eyes were clenched shut and she was gagging roughly.

There was a moment where the wolf was snarling and lifting a paw up to pull at her hair. She hissed in pain and discomfort, not enjoying the treatment at all. He was far too rough than what was naturally acceptable. Soon enough she was being thrown across the room as the wolf shouted out," Bitch! You're not good for a damn fucking thing! On all fours now or I'll give you what you deserve!"

She didn't lift from her spot, didn't even budge. Tears were falling from her, sobs shaking over her form. The wolf prowled over and she pulled her up by the hair. He was howling out with rage as he shoved her onto all fours and pushed his paw into the middle of her back. Shoving her face into the bed and ignoring her sobs of pain.

Before she had warning his member would tear into her, forcing her to scream out in pain at how feral he was being from the beginning. He wasn't tender at all with the dragoness, no. He was done in two or three minutes, filling her up with his seed and then popping his knot free from her form. Before she could get the time process what had happened he was gone. Time and time again these events would end with her sulking in the shower. Soon enough she was cleaning herself and ridding her of his filth.

It was time for a change, time for the degradation to end. In the middle of the night she pushed him from her home. The wolf was no longer welcome. He snarled and fought, but in the end she had finally gotten rid of him. But to what end was a question she was still waking up to.

Such sorrow and despair was all she knew at this point. Tragic, but true was her depression. Her family had abandoned her on many fronts. The man she called father had abandoned her all together, emotionally and physically. To her brother she was just the roommate that he could hardly tolerate. The only father she had known was dead, a year had passed since that hurt. However, what hurt her most was, knowing that her mother lacked faith in her and questioned her at every angle and turn of her already shattered life.

There was nothing left for her there, but she was trapped. It wasn't a very hopeful thought. At this point she was on her last leg, working to pass the time and withering by the day. Her scales were faded, chipped, and in some places all together missing. Always the dragoness was weary and weak, so weak that she had even forgotten her very essence, being, and name.

Half tempted she was with the thought of slipping into slumber when the sorrow grew to great. Her heart was panging with tears and more and more she was forced to bear the burden of new scars and sorrows. It seems even after the wolf was expelled she was still determined to live a cursed life.

The dragoness was alone, and that was what she had resolved to be. Alone for all eternity it seemed. She was surrounded by many friends that she had gained through false smiles and simple white lies, but one saw through it all. The dragoness was being watched curiously by a dragon and she was growing closer and closer to him. Even then she had never really considered him more than just a friend.

"Focus..." The dragon was sitting before her on his haunches, his crimson scales also losing shine and chipped in places. A low and soft rumble falling from his maw. Gentle eyes were gazing at her as a smile had dawned upon his lips," We're going to see if we can't get you back to your full pride dragoness." Always he spoke with a tender voice to her.

The small anthro dragoness remained silent as the much larger feral dragon looked down at her. Wings folded around her back and her haunches mere legs folded one over the other. Paws were pressed to her knees and claws tapped at the scales on her legs. It was hard for her to notice that since she had met him, more care was given and scales of new shape and color were beginning to renew on her form.

"You have been trapped in a shell of who you really are. You need to get settled in your element and meditate. Search for your inner self." Was suggested by the dragon as he looked down at her with a tender nod, he was always such a great dragon to her. He was always there to keep the wind from failing beneath her wings," I strongly hope you will not give up after mere moments... Finding myself took me many, many cycles and it is not easy."

"I understand... Thank you Damean." The dragoness nodded lightly, a smile on her maw. White scales glimmered as she stood up and brushed the dirt from her legs.

Chuckling Damean nodded," What are friends for? I just hope you find what you are looking for." He dipped his head in a bow, which was eye level with her," Remember that music is best for these troublesome trials. It sooths does us inside. More that we sometime wish it to." He chuckled again as she smiled, she always did seem to do that around her and that made him happy to see.

Taking his advice she made her way from the site of his form and towards her simple home. It was a den fit for her small stature, but there was always room for her to grow if she ever could. In the very back of the maze of the cave was a waterfall, pouring into a small pool, her shower.

Music was playing on the edge of the pool as her nude form slid into the warm water. A sigh left her lips and she couldn't help to turn her head down and gaze at her full breasts. She lifted a hand to pluck at the full globe of the nipple, she gasped at her touch. How long had it been since she had felt tender passion and touch? Never. Again she plucked at her nipple and gave a moan.

Her mind raced as she squeezed and gripped at her breast, it was so full that even she had problems holding it in her hand. Was this what Damean meant by meditation? Damean... The dragon was a handsome, strong, and powerful male one she wondered why never found his mate in life. His firm form and body was enticing and suddenly so attractive.

A paw slid lowered as her mind raced on many thoughts of the dragon. The heat of her folds caught at her finger tips. They were swollen and throbbing as she grinded up into her hands. A moan left her lips again as a single finger slid within. She could imagine that dragon having his way with her, in her true form, but that was a blur.

Frustration mounted as her finger began to pump furiously within her swollen cunt. That wasn't working as her mind imagined his thick, full, and pulsing member buried within her taught form. She gave a light roar of pleasure and grinded against her finger. Two were soon working within her taught sex, massaging at the smooth walls.

Water and sweat was dripping over her body as her hips bucked. She could hear the roars of pleasure in her mind, her legs were wide as a pumping member buried and buried over and over again within a small feral dragoness' sex. Again, she roared out, her sex dripping with thick amounts of pre. The music was getting louder in her mind.

Soon Damean was turning his head to bite around her neck; he was making her his mate! She roared in surprise as she hit her peek. Thick coating juices spewed out over her hand and into the pool. Her mind raced until suddenly there her feral form was in all its beauty. A small dragoness, with blue white scales roared out to the heavens, nearly a half the size of Damean. If anything she was a third his size.

Eyes of blue shot open and she quaked," OH GOD!" It was only then that she had realized what had happened. The breasts were gone, her body was rolled onto her back with her paw stroking at her pumping sex. She was laying in her feral form, the pool almost a puddle to her. Panting roughly she glanced about and as if on cue the Damean in her mind roared out,' Oh Chance!'

She blinked and responded on cue, Chance... THAT WAS IT! Her name was Chance. Rolling onto all fours she looked towards the entrance of her cave. She had to tell him! Not taking the time to wash off her dripping sex she squirmed through her den and out its mouth. Paws where scraping over the rocks as she made her way towards where she had left the dragon.

A roar left her maw and Damean nearly shook from a light nap he was taking. He rolled to his paws and tilted his head in curiosity. Why was this dragoness charging him..? With quick motions he moved to greet her. When he was close enough he got nostrils full of her heated scent.

"Damean! It's Chance! I found it!" She cried out as she stopped before him. Her imagination was right. He still towered over her!

Straining to keep hold of his composure Damean was gazing at the dragoness a bit baffled. But eventually through the fog of her scent he understood what he had heard," Already? But you were merely gone an hour!" A moment after he spoke was taken to keep himself from giving in to that inviting scent. He had to remember that this was his friend, not his mate.

Chance couldn't rightly tell him that she was masturbating at the thoughts of him claiming her when the change happened. So, she just nodded and beamed to him softly," I did as you told me." She giggled, unaware of what kind of affect she was having on the male before her.

If it was at all possible he was losing a battle. Sure there were times when he had wanted to take Chance, but it simply was not possible. Not in her previous form that was. Now... Now she was a vision of scales ripe for taking. Yet, he had to question if taking her was what he wanted. She was a fine female, but did he care enough about her to do what he was thinking.

To take her the way he wanted would mean that he wanted her as a mate. The more he thought about it he had to question if that was what he wanted. Looking in those blue eyes a sigh came from him. He needed to know how she felt first, but he would not press the question now unless she brought it up. Still, that scent! It was inviting him into such ach that he was worried he would lose his mind.

Chance nuzzled his chest and purred happily. If it wasn't for him, she would have never been able to do what she had done. The dragoness whispered to him lightly," Thank you so much Damean. If it wasn't for you... I don't think I'd ever be like this." Biting her lip she started to blush. How was it possible that she could feel this way," I feel so strange Damean..."

Could she tell him? No, not yet. She was afraid to. Chance knew that during this time Damean was still troubled by his past, he had mates after mates, but none ever stayed. He was wounded and she wouldn't press the issue. Something stirred inside her. Heart ache. How could he ever even consider such a tiny thing like her a mate?

Damean had no idea the thoughts racing through her mind. He could only chuckle and pat at her head,

"You'll get used to your true form in no time Chance... In no time."

[So the journey begins. Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment!]