The Ball Buster - III - BlackHollo's evolution.

Story by Yuvaw on SoFurry

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Horrith snarls out a brute growl as he brings a hand to his forhead, rubbing it with a sigh. "These people..." Then returns his attention to the shaken wolf. "So... Let's hear it... What are you, boy?" he questioned, tilting head a bit before bringing his hand to rest at his side again.

Epicurious looks away from Horrith as he was getting lectured, "I don't need to hear this from you" nuzzles his face against the tired yet confused children, "You don't even know what it's like to watch children when you can't even find their father" continues to nuzzle and kiss the twins softly before getting up off the bed and moving away from Horrith, setting the twins down onto the fur carpetting, "That's none of your business" he wraps up the two tightly so they keep warm and don't wander around the room, standing up he keeps his back to him, "I don't need to explain half of this to a brute like you"

Horrith watches the obviously upset actions of the other, keeping his silence before stepping up behind him. Shadow casting in a grimly comforting way over the smaller furre. "I suppose you don't... You know, it may not be very obvious here, but i'm actually trying to be nice to you. You don't have someone watching you - or their backs at all times, I gather..." Casting a half glance down to the two children. "I wonder... how kind was their father to you, to make me seem like a brute...?"

Epicurious rubs his arms as if he were cold as he keeps his head low, "He was a lot better than most people I've met before" turns around and looks at the male grimly, "And what makes you so curious anyways? What makes you want to know all the details about it, huh?" stares at him for a moment before downcasting his eyes again.

Horrith watches the other's muted actions, lifting a brow at the questions. "What makes me so interested...?" bringing his arm forward to meet the other - he pulled brushed his blunt nails swiftly across a wrist. His tainted scent lifting into the air. "You couldn't already smell it...?" His scent was echoing with the essence of BlackHollo - skewed and shadowed by another stronger scent. A steam lifting from his slightly slit wrist as it began to sew itself back together. "A long story short... The BH you knew, isn't comming back anytime soon. A surprise you knew him at all in the first place... I'm here to look after his loose ends. Like I have always been..." He said, exhailing a very tired breath - holding his firm and strong exterior.

Epicurious stares at him with wide eyes and a half opened mouth, not really finding any words, finally he lowers his head as a million thoughts race through his head at once, brushing and pushing past the other male he stares at the bed for a long time, not saying a word, finally he turns to him with worried, scared, and fearful eyes, " killed... BH?" stares at him for a while longer, not moving, not making a sound, hardly breathing from his heart pounding to loud to allow any other thoughts to pass through

Horrith doesn't turn or move his stiff frame an inch as he hears the broken sentence from the other. Finally bringing his arm back down to his side, a last drip of toxic blood falling to the ground. "You'll have to define death..." A vacant gaze reflecting from his eyes as he turned his head to face the wolf. Giving a blink - his once soft brown eyes fade to a glacier white mirroring those of the missing BH's. His skin beginning to darken and melt from it's ash grey to a taboo black over just his lower arms, legs, and forehead/neckline of hair. The scent of BH beginning to build it'self steadily stronger. Letting out a brute grunt as two-3" black horns jut from his forhead. He closed his eyes and shook his head as he swagged a bit dizzily, finally stepping back to rest on the bed with a groan.

Epicurious watches the transformation in pure shock as he backed away and finally collapsed on the floor, looking down to the ground in complete and utter shock, he began to rock back and forth in fright and shock, not being able to do anything but rock back and forth on his rump without another word to say or another thing to say, he was still recovering from the fact of what he just heard, and now he has to recover from what he just saw, "Y- W-... H- B-..." finally he couldn't think of anything to say as he kept quiet, too much in shock to say anything but just sit there, "....BH?"

Horrith casts his hazed gaze to the rocking furre, his digits sinking into the sheets as his hands formed shaken fists. Leaning back to rest on his palms, a slightly stressed sigh slipped from him as he slid his eyes to close. "...Yes and No. It started with me just recognizing my own scent from the two..." He said casting his glance to the children. "Then... broken memories... Started to peice together who the other half of me was. But only when -you- were around..." he said in almost a whisper as he turned his gaze back to the wolf. Leaning forward with a grunt. "So... Maybe you can tell me. I woke up in the middle of a maze of a forest weeks ago. No recolection of who or what I was... Do you know?"

Epicurious nods lightly, "I do..." that's all he could choke out before the large male found himself with a small wolf body attached to him, hugging him tight enough to strangle him, he didn't say a word, just kept hugging him, not a single breath escaped him for a long time before he let out a long, low sigh, continuing to hug him and hold him in his paws tightly, whimpering out loudly as he forced himself not to break down in front of him, "Dont leave" that was the last of the words he said, after that it was pure silence from Epi as he decided not to say anything further

Horrith stays in place, blinking as the arms wrapped around his broad frame, a grunt slipping from him as the hug vice-gripped him. Giving a nod, he petted the wolf's back a bit. "I won't... go anywhere... if you stop.... hugging the life out of me!!" he grunted out between breaths as he reached one hulked arm back, wrapping it over the other's figure before pulling him around to rest at his lap, turning him to face the carpet that bedded the children. "I don't know who you were to me, or who I was to you, wolf... But I intend to stay until it all becomes clear. Sense I have a feeling you don't know who you yourself are, let alone me..."

Epicurious gasps loudly as he was swung around, staring at a familiar yet unfamiliar face, "I can't explain what really happened out there..." lowers his ears and head, "The last time I spoke to BH was a long time ago, almost two months now... I don't know what became of him after that, since I left to watch over the kids on my own" looks back up at him with confused eyes, "And I really don't know who you are... I have a bad sense of smell but your scent is familiar yet at the same time new to me... Who are you stranger? And why do I know you?" shook his head for a moment as he tried to think.

Horrith sighed as he shook his head, bringing a hand to his forhead to rub again. Growling a bit as his hand brushed across the base of a horn. The area obviously more sensitive - he lowered the hand to rest at his side on the bed again. "Who am I... A spawn from the boling pits of hell. Nothing on earth could produce whatever I am..." he muttered looked over the two resting bundles thoughtfully, a troubling spark flinting through him making his entire hulked build shudder. "The kids, they're not like... me, are they? I mean, they're normal, aren't they? They look like taurens..." he said somewhat puzzled and worried. "...Are they mine?" He asked, the grimly cold question. A spite of discust at his own ignorance crossing his face.

Epicurious looked over his shoulder to spot the kids, "Taurs, yes... They were conceived the first time I met with BH, and I think that's the main reason why he stuck so close to me" lowers his head, "Sometimes I think it's the only reason" looked back up at the male, trying to relish through recognizable features, "I know you... You remind me everything of BH, and yet... You're not him, but in ways you are him" shakes his head and sighs before looking him directly in the eyes, "Well, if what I beleive is right and somehow or another you are BH... Yes, they are yours"

Horrith shaking his head, he tilted his head back, eyes closing as he exhailed another tired sigh. "I'm not... Not BH. My phisical scent doesn't match their's in the slightest... It's something else. My blood..." he said as he rose his right hand in front of his face, a blackenned vein pulsing softly under his thick hide. "It doesn't matter... I doubt it can be changed, turned back..."

Epicurious shakes his head as he climbed out of his lap and sat next to him, looking up at him with fearful and curious eyes, "Either way, if it can't, I still like the idea that BH might still be here and be close to me..." he reaches out a timid paw and wraps it around the male's larger left arm, holding it close to his body as he nuzzled his soft head against it.

Horrith allows his arm to be dragged off to the side, his vacant gaze held out to the empty air, broad chest halted as he took not even a breath in his frozen moment. Finally inhailing the scent-washed air as he felt the gentle nuzzle at his brute hand, he turned his glance to see. Eyes squinting closed as a hazed flashback rang through his mind - his darkenned figure holding close the wolf in a room with a crib. An uncomfortable, yet fitting mood. Within a breath, the flashback was done and he took a glance about the crimson black room in which they now sat. Nodding as he brushed his thumb under the other's eye and cheak. "BH... Seems i've got alot to live up to..."

Epicurious looks up at him and nods slowly, he stared at him for a long time before he closed his eyes, trying to picture the BH he really remembered well, he held that image so strongly he felt as if the gentle paw stroking his cheek was his, the breaths of hot air coming from him were his, it was so real he finally sat up on his haunches and pressed his muzzle against Horrith's, giving him a small kiss before pulling away slightly, he quickly lowered his head and finally opened his eyes, seeing that it wasn't exactly BH who he remembered, "...sorry"

Horrith watches as the other falls into the fleating fades of his memory. Shifting a bit as the furre leaned in, his eyes again veiling themselves - the feel of the wolf's muzzle pressed against him sent him burning back into himself. For a moment, he knew he was where he belonged. For a moment, he knew exactly who he was. And for a moment, he knew just what to do. The moment casting a ebony fade over the rest of his ashen skin - horns extending another few inches from his skull before he openned his eyes on the wolf. Speaking not a word, taking not a breath, he leaned his hulked frame in - raising one hand to close over the back of the other's neck, pulling him bluntly into another kiss. His surpressed musk beginning to lift from him. His scent clarifying itself in the air.

If not for his hellish trunk and much more heavily bulked frame, he would be the now fabled BH. Continuing to lean forward, steadily pushing the wolf onto his back.

Epicurious sighed sadly to himself, BH couldn't come back and from what he gathered from the new male, it seemed as if he wouldn't, he went to apologize to him before he felt a strong paw on his neck, he couldn't see anything as he was taken in the blaze of a kiss, his heart skipping a beat as he returned it full force, his small arms wrapping around the male's neck as he began to lean back with him, never breaking the kiss as he brushed his lupine tongue into the other's mouth, tasting him deeply for the first time, and yet not the first, it was impossible to describe what he felt, but whatever it was, he knew it was the same feeling he felt from his long lost BH.

Horrith grunted betwen broken breaths through the kiss, shifting his head as the tongue slipped into his mouth, coinciding with his tongue's invasion of the wolf's muzzle. His taboo horns steadily slipping farther from his skull, droplets of his broken blood tracing along their base. Shifting his weight to rest on his right arm, which dug into the bedding at the other's side - his other hand made it's way down from the back of the wolf's neck, gliding over his side. Brute digits caressing over the furr, a familiar grunt slipping from him as he brought his broad pelvis to rest between the other's legs. The smell, taste and feel of the wolf was like a long-missed wine. Each movement felt directed, familiar yet new. A fevered moan buzzing from his maw to the other's as the leather binding over his stuffed sheath was pulled to it's limit.

Epicurious gasps out loudly as he felt his body being weighed upon by the other male, he broke the kiss and very slowly pushed him away from his body as he looked him over, he didn't say a thing as his paws came up onto his own body, slowly undoing the buttons to his vest as he slid it open, revealing his softly furred body, he looked at the male with fear filled eyes yet still felt as if he was doing the right thing, he reached over to his new recollection of BH and began to undo his clothing as well, gulping lightly to himself as he was afraid something might be terribly and horribly wrong here now.

Horrith opens his eyes to the parted kiss, his eyes holding firm at the other's, hand lifting up a moment as the vest was undone, resting again over the furre's exposed side afterward. Blinking somewhat swayed by the grab at his unholy bulge's binding, grunting out a releived groan as his sheath immediately expelled it's shaft... soon after followed by another. Both monsterous limbs stroked up along the wolf's legs lewdly. A bitter grunt slipping from him as his thick-leathery sheath began rolling back from the fattenning shafts it incased. Shaking his head, his trunk began to shutter and morph slightly. Thickenning itself over and condensing at it's tip into a third shaft. His hulkish frame panting a bit as he was now completely undone, pelvis raising out to allow space.

Epicurious gasps loudly as he was amazed at all the limbs around him, never seeing such a thing as that before, seeing how thick and huge they were he let out a whimper of fear, hoping that he would be gentle with him to the new limbs since it's been the longest time since he's been with another, carefully he reaches down and begins to undo his pants, slipping them off very slowly before he sat up some, his already rock hard wolf cock standing parallel agianst his belly, he looked back up into the other male's eyes as he lifted up his hips slowly, grinding his wolf cock into his, brushing his tail over his engorged testicles.

Horrith brings his other hand to rest along the wolf's adjacent side of the bed, he arched his behemoth-like frame back, a groan sounding from him at the furre's grinding over his hungering members. Eyes lidding half-closed as his horns, with a final jut, broke into their full mast and tauren glorified size at each side of his head. Grunting as he in turn bucked his broad pelvis into the wolf's grinding, hands forming fists in the bedding below. A somewhat growled sigh slipping from him as he felt his sheath roll completely back - pressing against his lower waist. Not a moment passing before he brought his right hand to the other's hip, lifting him just far enough to draw his pulsing shafts together. The thickly foreskinned heads pressing cruelly against the twisted tailhole. Another bitter groan sounding from him as two paper-thin belts of flesh slipped from his overstretched sheath, coiling down his fat shafts before winding to the wolf's long unused hole, dipping into it bluntly before beginning to streatch it open wider. It was clear he intended to cast both thick shafts into the cramped space.

Epicurious gasps loudly at watching the male's cocks with awe, they were so much more different than anything he's ever seen and it intrigued him to watch as they formed into one giant formed cock, once he began to feel it press into his tailhole he let out a yip and dug his claws into the male's neck, letting out loud whimpers, he looked into his eyes for a moment and gulped loudly before sounding out quietly, "Please... go slow at first..." he reached over and took the male's fist balled hands and placed it onto his hips, signaling he wanted him to do this, once he did that he wrapped his legs around the male's torso, giving him much better access to his awaiting tailhole.

Horrith snarled a bit from the claw at his neck, shaking his head from it. His trunklike legs shuttering a bit underneath him as his stiff, ungodly shafts pulsed hungrily. His thick and unwavering musk working fast to dominate the air. Shifting his pelvis a bit as the wolf's legs closed over his waist - he gripped firm at his hips. The thin bands pausing once they had stretched the tailhole to a barely enter-able size. Leaning up, he rested back on his legs and spread them below himself a bit as his torso rose to a sitting-up position, a bellowed groan sounding from him as he slipped the furre's frame in toward himself, the foreskin of his twin heads wrinkling vividly back as both punched into the quickly stuffed hole. His morphed trunk hovering almost menacingly over the wolf's muzzle.

Epicurious looked down to watch him but the second he felt his tailhole penetrated and stretched into, he threw back his head and yelled out both a moan of pain and pleasure, he began to pant heavily as his tailhole was being stretched much further than what he's normally used to, whimpering some he kept letting out soft moans and shrieks, he began to bite his lips as his hips began to pump up and down slowly, literally drawing more of his giant cock into him, he moaned and screamed loud enough to wake anyone who was close by, probably drawing attention too for how much noise he was beginning to make, yet deep down he was enjoying it far more than anything

Horrith leans forward as he feels his cruelly fat cocks sheathed steadily by both the wolf's riding and his own bucking into the unknown, yet familiarly unique tunnel. Ears flicking at the shrilled yells of the male, he grunted out before giving a vivid nod of his head, thrusting the cocklike trunk into the wolf's muzzle much more forcefully. Those bands of flesh slipping away from the overstuffed tailhole, began to coil around his pushed-back foreskin, working immediately to stuff it into the harshly cramped space. The bed frame itself beginning to rock back and forth as he started pistonning and thrusting his pelvis inward, inch after coiled inch of his shafts popping lewdly into the exploited hole. His third limb already pressing it's way into the wolf's throat, his heavy musk dominating the air around them.

Epicurious opened up his muzzle to let out yet another shriek before he's gagged out, merfing loudly as he began to instinctively suckle on the given meat in his muzzle, his tailhole was being more and more stuffed before his inner muscles began to take over, it grabbed a hold of the member and pulled it and Horrith even more deeper inside of it, almost reaching the hilt, his tailhole seemed endless as all the familiar muscles began to take control again, massaging, teasing, tickling, and caressing the huge member shoved deep into Epi's tailhole, the feeling made him yell in pain but he quieted himself but sucking even harder than before

Horrith groaned hellishly out as his trunk began to plunge into Epi's throat, sucked down without hesitation, the quietted yells and muffled shrills vibrating through the sensitive shaft almost tauntingly, forcing another stressed groan of pleasure slip from him. Bringing his hands away from the wolf's hips, he brought them again to rest at each side of the furre on the bed, gripping into the bedding as he instinctively began bucking into the teasing tailhole. The throb of his girth pounding hard against the innard's muscles as his dense orbs began to swell between his thighs. Those thin bands of flesh now making a new course set for the wolf's rock hard cock, quickly wrapping themselves around it as they began to twist and wind in a stroking, suctionning dance. One winding it's way to the tiny piss slit of the member.

Epicurious let out a groan louder than before, he sucked as hard as he could while wrapping his special tongue around the invading shaft seeping it's way down his throat, feeling the pounding against his tailhole made him shriek with each new thrust, each time sucking harder as he began to form tears in his eyes from the immense pain, he jumped at the male as he felt his hard wolf cock being invaded by a strange flesh, murring and sending vibrations down the male's cock-trunk, making his body hump in rythm to Horrith's invading thrusts, his cock beginning to leak with precum as he moaned even louder, never once stopping his sucking

Horrith wave after wave of heated breaths bathed the furre below as he panted heavily, each moan coarsing up his demonic trunk, down his spine and through his tightly cramped twin cocks. Shifting his pelvis, he grunted brutely as the cocks began to thrust opposite eachother. Stroking and bending against the tailhole's muscles. The two bands of flesh speeding up as the moaning and suckling intensified, the second band's tip also meeting the first at the tiny slit before both slipped in, twisting their way down it. A fevered goran bellowing from his chissled, behemoth frame as he spread his legs - his cum-heavy globes beginning to squish between his muscular thighs. Veins beginning to press out of the stretched, tender skin of his cocks and balls. Matching those that punched out of his tensed arms and chest.

Epicurious let out a loud whail of pain that was muffled by the cock shoved down his throat, his muscles began to work much faster as they seemed to sense the other male's imminent orgasm building up, while his own cock was fondled and invaded it only made him hump all the more, soon he let out a loud shriek at feeling the dual cocks sliding in at different times, which seemed to be highly painful for Epi, too painful in fact, he began to pull his head back away from the cock and finally let it slip from his muzzle, "Please slow down!" he let out another whimper of pain but shut himself up by going back to sucking greedily on the male's cock.

Horrith paused, taking a recovering gasp of air as the wolf released his pulsing trunk-cock. Gritting his teeth a bit as he tried to halt his cock's new actions, without success. The two cruelly plump shafts continued trying to thrust opposite eachother. The short fluxes of girth pudging out the wolf's belly absurdly. Grunting a growl as he leaned his hulking frame in at the greedily gobbled suction of the wolf's muzzle on his trunk, another brute growl sounding from him as he forced it deeper. The trunk twisting and winding as it competitively made it's way toward the end of the wolf's throat. The two bands of flesh finally comming to rest in the wolf's balls for a moment, before continuing their path to his knot. Slipping smoothly in, they began to stimulate it with a hellish concoction of chemicals - forcing it to sensitise.

Epicurious lets out loud whimpers where he took out the pain and pleasure onto the male's cock, sucking it down his throat like crazy, still whimpering and yelping in pain from his newly sore tailhole, his muscles started to work faster and faster as they attempted to make him cum more quickly, slowly now, two appendiges begin to slide right into and down into the male's cock's piss slits, sliming down until they reach their destination of Horrith's already swollen testicles, spraying in chemials to make them even thicker and wider than they already were as they filled up with ten times more cum, his cock in the meantime began to throb uncontrollablly, and instinct made him reach down and grab it, quickly pawing himself off like mad.

Horrith's eyes blink wide open as the two apendages slip into his already painfully swowlen orbs, instinct and broken memory making him try to thrust himself out for a split moment before his sex drive and cum was doubled over 10 fold. Spreading his legs farther, he yarked out a demonic groan, echoing against the walls of the building as his overfilled orbs blimped to bursting point, resting against the bed which was nearly 4 feet below his waist, pressing up against the wolf's stuffed ass. A fevered moan straining from him as each of his bulged muscles tensed again, a heaved passion of a breath exhailing from him as he began to buck into the overstuffed tunnel. Eyes hazed over as it was clear he was lost to his own beastialic instinct. The thin bands slipping quickly out of the furre's member, work being done.

Epicurious lets out a growl of pain and passion as he began to thrust even harder into his already sore opening, he tried to muffle something through screams, but with his muzzle stuffed like it was he couldn't say it, now tears began to roll down his face as he sucked as hard as he could manage, trying to drown out the pain as best as he could, but it was already too late, he let out a yip and slightly bit onto the male's invading cock, his tailhole had ripped open more wider, blood started to flow slightly but that didn't make his muscles stop working, if anything they worked even harder to get the pounding male flesh off

Horrith eyes closed tight as his mouth hung lustfully open at the feel of the tailhole's muscles working more accurately and hurried to get his hard meat off. The blood allowing easier means to slip more smoothly in and out of the broken tunnel. His cum-filled globes beginning to tremble unstably with each relentless thrust. Growling viciously at the bite on his third limb, he pressed his head in directly in front of the wolf's, forcing his fat trunk completely into the furre's throat. It's head pressing against the twin cocks which bucked opposite into it. Yet with each thriving stroke of pleasure, not a drop of precum would slip from him. A stressed, painfull wail bellowed from him as he tried harder and harder, bucked stronger and stronger to give himself that sweet release.

Epicurious let out a strange gurgling noise as his muzzle was stuffed beyond beleif, he stopped pleasuring himself as he tried to push the male away, gagging onto his thick cock while his tailhole was being abused and stuffed beyond comparison, he whined, yipped, and barked in pain but it was all muffled out by his inability to close his muzzle, he cried harder and harder as he felt his tailhole being stretched and probed at relentlessly, spurring on both his ideals to push away and his reactions to want to take it all, still he pumped his hips with the thrusting cocks into his tailhole as he tried to get him off, hoping he'd stop soon enough as he continued to try and push away the invading cock that was choking him.

Horrith's broad chest was spreading up and down heavily with stressed pants, each exhail carrying out another growl - groan - moan into the air. Making a syphony of stretching squishes, and lustfully painfull yells. His eyes jutted wide open as his trunk began to blimp and swell inside the other's muzzle and throat - Stopping his raping invasion of the dominated tailhole to buck his hips outward a bit, his bursting globes trembling wildly between his legs before giving a last blimp of cum, and in a skip of a heartbeat - glob after glob of thick cum began to pump out of him. His trunk beginning to wriggle and bend, twisting in the furre's gagged mouth in it's own dry orgasm. His whole behemoth figure shivering and tensing as gallon before gallon of cum was pumped into the wolf.

Epicurious lets out a sobbing cry of joy and pain as he finally felt the torrent of cum fill up his tailhole, his tailhole took reaction and began to milk the two large beasts of cocks, pulling out every available drop into it's hungry orrifice, meanwhile Epi continued to choke even more as the cock down his throat spread and widened and twisted, making his throat sore and his lungs unable to function right without a space to breathe out of, he began to whimper as he grabbed the base of the cock in his mouth and began to pull it out, letting his sore anus continue to pump into itself more and more of the juicy wet cum

Horrith holds his trunk and body in it's position for a moment, having emptied half of his load, he took a freeing gasp of breath as he tossed his head back, trunk pulling itself out into the air as a pleasured groan slipped from him. Instinctively, he continued bucking into the spent tailhole, reaching his right hand down to grasp at his slowly shrinking globes, giving them a squeeze to force out thicker globs of cum. Not a drop escaping the overly plugged hole. The two paper-thin appendages slipping back into his stretched sheath as it began to roll back with the un-swelling of his monsterous cocks.

Epicurious lets out a giant gasp and choke of air, breathing in quickly as his fur was already becoming to take on a light blue pigment from no air being delivered to his lungs, able to breathe he went to tell him something before he let out a scream of pain, the cum was beginning to seep into the tear wound in his tailhole and burning it badly, making Epi writhe and yelp underneath the larger male, whimpering loudly, "Ow ow! Please stop it! You're really hurting me badly!!!"

Horrith snarls fiercly at the wolf's cries, bringing his hands around his hips, jerking them down against his throbbing cocks. Sweat dripping off the tips of his hair, glistenning over his bulked frame as he haunched forward - continuing to buck cruelly instictively into the abused hole. He wouldn't release until his exploited orbs were completely drained dispite how much the yells of pain from the eerily familiar wolf were. His trunk giving a blunt whip at the air as it turned back to normal.

Epicurious screams in pain as he tries to pry the paws off of his hips, clawing, biting, and pulling as hard as he could, he couldn't take that much cock as it was, and now he's stuffing it even deeper inside of him, the cocks were now literally damaging his insides, he now had bruised internal muscles would could cause very painful movement for the next few days, he tried frantically to get the cocks out of him, reaching down with his tongue he grabs a hold of it's base and pulls while trying to get his paws off of him

Horrith growls hellishly at the wolf's attempts to pull himself away. The struggle disturbing his expell of cum, he watched the tongue wrap over and pull at the base of his twin invaders. Grunting brutishly, he brought his trunk down and coiled it over the tongue, battling just enough to ensure he held himself firmly inside of the wolf's beaten inards. Each tug the wolf made to get away only causing him to grip harder - dispite the damage the wolf did to his hands - jerking him down the excess length more vividly.

Epicurious lets out one final scream before he felt his tailhole rip farther and farther open, the extra space allowed Horrith to slip in even more but made hugely large quantities of blood and cum rush out, there was ten times more blood than there was cum and it was soaking up the entire area around Epi and the brute, he stared at him for a dull moment before slowly laying back down, the pain was getting to him too much, his breathing became irratic as he fully went into shock

Horrith gives a last few bucks into the delightfully openned hole, his dense orbs finally pumping the last of their load down his beastly limbs. his trunk releasing the tongue, lifting slightly into the tainted air. He took in the scent of the wolf's blood, glancing down as he began to slide himself out of the broken hole, eyes widdenning at the gruesome sight of his hellish lust. Quickly jerking his pulsing shafts out, he lined his ever-stiff heads up with the spent tailhole - eyes hazing over into a scarlet red as his dense orbs began to swell again. Spasming a bit before bursting out an extremely thick pump of binding agent. The chemicals and fluid working almost as though having a mind of it's own to return the hole and damaged inards to their normal state.

Epicurious lets out a sort of a wheezing gasp as his tailhole was repaired, he began to sit up before he fell over again, curled into a fetal position as the burning sensation from the checmical sealed up the wound, he began to sob uncontrollably into the bed covers, shaking wildlyl in immense pain as the wounds were painfully closing back up, feeling as if it's being torn open all over again, "G-get away from m-me!" he screamed frantically, trying to crawl away but not finding the strength, "Y-you... monster!"

Horrith watches the furre try and scoot away, blinking as his tilted his head, ears flicking at the stabbing statements. Sitting back and away for a moment before his glacier eyes narrowed into glares, grunting as he reached his right hand forward, thrusting it into the sealing hole - forming a fist inside of the still exposed orifice. "..." mouth open to speak, he shook his head as if comming out of a black dream - slipping his hand out again with a jerk of his hulked arm, he allowed the tailhole to finnish mending itself as he turned around, resting feet off the edge of the bed and rubbing his temples. His thick shafts slowly shrinking back to "normal" size.

Epicurious lets out a scream of horrific pain at the painful bulge in his tailhole afterwards, as his fist jerked out he rolled off the bed in a heap on the floor, shaking violently in pain as he slowly looked up at the demon who painfully hurt him so much, "D-d... do ya take pleasure... in mah p-pain? H-huh?" continues to shake as he tries to get up into a slightly sitting up position, "I know n-now... I know now that y-you're not m-my BH..." shakes his head as he began to sink back onto the floor, "N-no... you're a m-monster... BH... he'd never do that to me..." with that he fell over and lay limp.