Realisation - Chapter 8

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Those brutes that raped little Jake their comeuppance! I hope this satisfies Sam's anger :) Let's hope the boys can move on from this horrible episode.

DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author.




'Hello? Is anyone in there? It's the police.' There was a knock at the door before the Irish voice came from behind it.

Jake was sitting in his favourite position at the end of the bed, cross legged. His ears perked up when the police knocked on the door, he quickly looked around at the door and then over to the tiger, who was lying at the top of the bed reading a magazine. 'Th...the police? W...What do they want?' Jake asked, worried.

'It's okay baby, don't worry.' Sam said as he got up to unlock the door. The door opened with a click and 2 large police officers stepped in, one a male lion and a female fox. 'Thank you for coming, officers.' Sam said gesturing to two seats near the bed.

'It's no problem. I'm sergeant McCullen, and this is officer Jackson.' The large lion said, with his Irish brogue. The two police officers removed their hats and took a seat. 'Your Sam, aren't you? I talked to you on the phone.'

'That's right, sir' Sam said, politely.

'And you must be Jake. How are you?' The beautiful female fox extended her paw to shake the cub's, as she was closest to his sitting position at the foot of the bed. She had kind eyes and a friendly face, her fur a deep red, countered by bright white patches. Jake didn't take the paw, he just looked into her eyes. She retracted her paw, put a friendly one on his knee, looking into his tired eyes. 'You know, Jake, we are going to get these guys, I can assure you.' Jake smiled at this.

The large lion looked down on his partner, approvingly, she was young but she was an extremely good officer. 'That's right Jake, people need to know that this cannot happen.'

Jake turned to the kindly lion, who had a hint of grey on his bushy mane, and quietly said, his voice pretty much a whimper 'Th...Thank you.' Jake hadn't slept at all that night, the events of the previous day haunted him too much. Sam held him tightly in their large bed, keeping him warm, stopping him from shaking and letting him cry when he needed to, neither of them had got much sleep.

Sam jumped up and sat beside Jake, taking one of the cub's paws in his and gave it a little squeeze, showing him that he was there.

'Now, Jake, Sam filled us in on the details last night when he called us-' the lion started

Jake quickly turned to Sam at this, looking confused.

Sam turned to Jake. 'I called Sgt. McCullen when I went to go and get us some food, remember?' Jake just nodded and turned back to the lion.

'As I was saying, Sam told us what happened, all we need for you to do is to fill out a statement form, and we would like you to identify your...uhh... assailants from some photos, d'you think you can do that for us? We don't want to put you under any distress, so just tell us if you feel uncomfortable.' The lion said. Jake nodded again, with another comforting squeeze from Sam.

'Okay Jake, from Sam's description we have got 3 people that we think were the ones who attacked you. Here they are. Please, just nod if that's them.' Officer Jackson handed him 3 photographs, all had mug shots of the 3 dogs who attacked him. Jake looked at the photographs but quickly turned away, throwing the photos on the bed and pulling into Sam's nearby shoulder, sobbing at the sight. That was all the police officers needed from him.

'Thank you Jake, that's all we need from you, we will work as quickly as possible to round them up and take them in.' The lion said, before speaking into his walkie-talkie 'We have a positive on the three individuals, Trey and Ron Branch and Zak Simmonds, over.' A faint 'Roger that' was heard at the other end of the transmission. Trey and Ron were brothers, Jake would never have known.

The fox gently squeezed Jake's knee with her paw, having not removed it, comforting the traumatised pup softly sobbing into his boyfriend's shoulder. 'It's alright Jake, Sam's here to help you, and we're only a phone call away.' The officers grabbed their hats and stood up, making for the door.

Sam got up, leaving Jake on the bed, to see the lion and fox out of their bedsit. Sam opened the door and stood back, almost like a butler. The lion handed him a sheet of paper 'We'll need him to fill this out and get it back to us as soon as possible.' Sam sadly smiled up at him, showing his tiredness. The lion gave him a friendly shoulder pat and walked out of the door.

Officer Jackson walked past the tiger, turning around and bending down slightly so she was at eye level with the kit. 'You're good for him, Sam, keep strong. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.' She smiled at him and walked out, joining the lion just outside in the corridor.

Sam mutter his thanks, closed the door and went to climb back on the bed next to Jake, bringing him into another protective hug.

The police officers walked down the corridor and outside. Upon walking into the bright sun, officer Jackson sat down on a nearby bench. 'How the fuck can someone do something so despicable to such a sweet young cub?' she fumed, close to tears.

McCullen sat down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. 'I know, it ain't pretty, but that's what we're in the business for, so we can take punks like this down. You're a damn fine cop, Jackson. Come on, we've got some rottweilers to take down.'

Jackson smiled up at him, he'd been like a father to her since she'd joined the force. 'Thank you, Sir.'


Jake sniffed and looked up at Sam, who had just returned to their bed, having seen the police officers out. 'I love you, Sam.'

Sam said nothing, just held the cub close, he was not going to let anyone hurt him ever again. After a few moments like this, Sam started to feel rummaging on the outside of his baggy shorts. He looked down to see Jake's paw groping and squeezing the growing bulge in his groin. Sam looked down at Jake, slightly confused. Jake just looked up at him, smiling a sweet smile, not cheeky or suggestive, just... kind. 'Jake. You don't have to... after all you've been thr-'

'Shh. I want to.' Jake interrupted, firm but calm. Jake unzipped Sam's shorts and slid them down slightly, giving him access to his groin. Just his luck that Sam had decided to go commando this morning... He continued to massage the tiger's thickening sheath, seeing the tip slowly start to poke out. Jake's paw moved down to Sam's furry balls and gently rubbed them, playing with them through his fingers, eliciting moans of pleasure from the cat, whose head was pushed back, eyes closed, and his arms behind him, keeping him upright. All the time Jack kept his head on Sam's shoulder, his other paw across his chest and holding his other shoulder.

Jake's fondling paw moved back up to Sam's erection, which was, after the service Jake had given his scrotum, fully out of its sheath and starting to drip precum onto Jake's paw. Jake grabbed Sam's familiar girth, his cubbish paw only just reaching around it, and started stroking up and down, giving the base slight squeezes, so when he drew it up to the tip, more and more precum spilled onto his paw, lubricating the descent back to the base. Sam huffed and puffed in pleasure, his toes curling and his paws scrunching up the bed sheets.

Jake could feel the cat's penis start to throb slightly harder, so he lowered his head of his boyfriends shoulder and took the whole length in his mouth, savouring the taste of the viscous precum. He gripped the base of Sam's cock and squeezed slightly, this, along with the warmth of his cub's mouth around his length, and the small tongue licking the tip, was too much for the tiger. Sam let out a loud moan as he felt his cock jump and twitch inside the moist mouth and spray his seed, some of the first powerful shots going straight down Jake's throat, and the rest painting the walls of his mouth. The tiger panted loudly and uncurled his toes as the intense pleasure faded away. Jake continued to suckle and milk Sam's softening penis, making sure to clean everything up, not letting any of his boyfriend's sweet cum go to waste.

Sam lifted his head and opened his eyes, placing his paw on the back of Jake's head that was still cleaning his cock, and scratched behind his adorable fluffy ears. He'd needed that.

Jack removed his head from the warm groin, licking his lips and swallowing every last bit of semen. He looked up into his boyfriend's beautiful green eyes, his hand still on the back of his head, Sam pulled Jake closer and gave him a loving kiss, their tongues dancing around passionately, Sam could still taste some of own semen on Jake's tongue. They pulled apart and just stared into each other's eyes.

'Thank you baby, I needed that.' Sam said.

Jake just blushed and kept staring up at the tiger. He sometimes wondered how he'd managed to bag someone so gorgeous and so kind. They were interrupted by their phone ringing.

Sam got up and got the phone. 'Hello? Oh hello s- yes, we're here. Umm... are you sure? I assume you've heard about what hap- yes. Oh right. Okay, well we'll get ready and come in, we'll see you in about an hour. Okay, bye then.' Sam put the phone down and look at Jake. 'That was principal Staniforth. He wants us to go in right away.'

'What did he want?' Jake asked.

'He didn't say, just wanted us to go in. Come on, we best get changed and go in.'



Sam and Jake sat on hard plastic chairs outside the principal's office, waiting for the secretary to tell them they could go in and talk to him. They'd both dressed in their school uniforms; black trousers, white shirts and blue striped ties, the two boys' ties had different colour stripes as they were in different school years, Jake's was blue with darker, shinier blue and Sam's was blue with white stripes. They sat close together and nervous about what was to follow.

A small voice was heard from and intercom on the secretary's desk. 'Send the boys in, please.' The secretary looked at the cubs, 'You can go in now' She smiled at them.

They jumped off their chairs and Sam twisted the door handle to enter the large office, Jake following closely behind him. Sam strode in, confident, then stopped dead in his tracks, making Jake bump in to his back. Jake looked over Sam's shoulders to see what was going on and immediately buried his head in Sam's back, hiding himself.

Principal Staniforth sat behind his desk, his large German shepherd paws held together on top of some paperwork, a serious look on his greying muzzle. Standing on the other side of the desk were the police officers that Jake and Sam had seen about 2 hours earlier, standing straight with their arms held behind their back. In front of the 2 officers were 3 chairs, and in those chairs sat the rottweilers Trey, Zak and Ron. Jake's rapists. They all had their paws behind their chairs, and were restrained with hand cuffs. It was seeing the dogs that had stopped Sam in his tracks, and Jake to hide behind his rock.

'Please, sit down boys.' Staniforth said, gesturing to 2 seats about 3 metres away from the rottweilers. Neither boy moved.

As Jake held on to his tiger, he could feel a shaking within Sam's body... No. More of a rumbling, and Jake realised he was omitting a deep growl, one that made his whole body shake. Jake noticed that the Tiger's stance had taken on a protective one, his arms straight by his sides, paws clenched in fists of rage. Jake let go of Sam, feeling afraid of his boyfriend, not comforted.

Sam's head lowered and he looked out of the top of his eyes, his sharp tiger teeth showing and his claws starting to extend. He stared into the back of the middle rottweiler's head, the one that had threatened him the day he and Jake had met. The dog turned his head and saw the two cubs, but in particular he looked at Sam, his eyes dead and a large toothy smile spread across his face. This was more than the tiger could take.

In a flash of white teeth and claws, Sam leapt off the ground at immense speed, he flew across the room, his fists extended, claws facing forward, letting out a loud hiss as he collided with Trey, whose head was still turned in Sam's direction, unable to move it in time. Sam smashed into the large rottweiler, sending him flying forward, the chair with him. When he fell to the ground Sam scratched at the dog's face, hissing and growling, slicing through the tightly muscled flesh, feeling the blood start to soak his fur. Sam was in a trance, his eyes wide, the usually beautiful green was cold and pained. The wild cat would not let up, he just kept tearing at anything he could get his hands on, not realising that he had tears streaming down his face and was shouting 'YOU FUCKER! YOU'LL NEVER TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND AGAIN! I'LL KILL YOU!'

The officers reacted quickly, McCullen, the lion, lunging forward and tearing Sam off the rottweiler. Sam struggled against the strong paws underneath his armpits, but could do nothing. The lion pinned Sam to the floor, the tiger still struggling. If it were up to him, he'd let Sam finish the job, but he did not want to have to arrest him as well. The fox, Jackson, went over and knelt down in front of the cowering wolf cub in the corner, blocking his view of his manic boyfriend, speaking softly and comforting him.

At last Sam calmed down and just lay under the strong officer's grip, not moving. The principal had gotten up and walked to the dog on the floor, still trapped inside his chair, he pulled him up and examined his bloody face. 'You're scratched up, but otherwise, you're fine.' He said, emotionless. The other 2 dogs just sat there, stunned to silence, not sure whether to laugh or cry.

'Now, are we gonna have a problem, Sam?' McCullen said, in his calming Irish accent.

'No.' Sam spat. The lion released him and Sam squirmed to his feet, looking at his paws, they were covered in the rottweiler's blood. He looked over to Jake, he was still cowering in the corner, despite officer Jackson's best attempts to calm him, staring at Sam, tears in his eyes. Sam wiped his own wet eyes and walked over to Jake. The wolf's eyes started darting from side to side, looking for somewhere to escape to, Scared of the one he had come to love so much. 'Jake, it's okay, it's me. Sam. Your tiger.' Sam said, seeing the distress in his boyfriend's eyes, in his most calming tone. Jake stopped quivering, but looked over to the rottweilers. He plunged forward into the kind fox's arms, crying at the sight of them. Sam couldn't help but feel a little jealous that it was her and not him that Jake had run to.

The cub in her arms, Jackson turned to look at McCullen, who had assessed the rottweiler's injuries himself, to make sure they weren't serious, and just nodded. 'Right you three, you're coming down town. Get up, and move.' The three dogs did as they were told, not wanting to mess with the lion police officer. 'Jackson, you finish up here and meet me in the cruiser. Don't be long.' He gave one last look at Sam, to make sure he wouldn't do anything reckless. Satisfied Sam was okay, he marched the 3 rottweilers outside to the police car.

'Sam. I think you need to talk to Jake. You really frightened him. I need to go now, but please, sort it out, he needs you.' Jackson let go of Jake and walked out the door, after shaking the principal's hand.

'J... Jake. I...I'm so sorry. I cannot say how sorry I am. I have no idea what came over me, I... I think it was too much for me, seeing you hurt as badly as you were yesterday, and then seeing those animals today... well It must have triggered something deep inside me, I think it reminded me of my father and I... I just snapped. I hope you can forgive me.' Sam said all this very quietly, looking at Jake the whole time, who in turn was just staring at the floor.

Jake looked up to see tears forming in Sam's normally powerful eyes, which had taken on a defeated look. He slowly walked forward and placed his paws around Sam's waist, resting his head on the tiger's chest and softly whispered 'I forgive you, my love.' Sam smiled and pulled Jake in tighter. They pulled apart upon hearing the principal clear his throat, obviously trying to get their attention.

'Ahem. Please take a seat boys.' The German shepherd said again, as calmly as the first time. The boys climbed into 2 chairs by the Principal's large desk. 'Now boys. It is not possible for me to understand what you two have been through, you've both had extremely difficult times recently, and Jake, there is no words to describe the horrific way in which you were violated yesterday.' Jake lowered his head, looking at the floor, Sam took Jake's paw in his own, gently squeezing it 'I want to make it clear that you are both still welcome here, and you always will be, but if you feel that it would be too painful for you to continue at this school then I understand fully. If you do choose to continue, you can of course take as much time as is needed for you to recover from this... incident and come back to school when you both feel ready.' The German shepherd spoke with a comforting sincerity which added to his authoritative yet kindly demeanour.

Sam met the dog's eyes 'Well... I think it would be best if we took some time off-'

'No! I...I want to continue as normal. I want to come back to school. I want to play football and forget all of this.' Jake interrupted, his words stumbling over each other as if he couldn't get them out quick enough. Sam squeezed his paw a bit tighter.

'Are you sure baby? We can take some time to recover...'

'NO! I want to...' Jake shouted, before correcting himself.

Sam looked from the cub up to the principal 'Well... he says he wants to... so I guess that means we'll be in tomorrow morning...'

'As you wish.' The German shepherd smiled and stood up, walking towards the door. The cubs got up too and followed the dog. 'If there is anything you need, or feel you need time off, do not hesitate to ask, we are here to help.'

'Thank you, sir.' Sam said as they walked through the door into the secretary's office.


Jake and Sam walked out of the Secretary's office to be faced by 13 boys from various years, and of varying species. It was the school football team. The puma and team captain, Robbie stood in the middle of the crowd, holding a medal. He stepped forward and cleared his throat when the boys left the office.

'Uhh... Jake, umm the team wanted to give you this.' He spoke nervously. He stepped forward up to Jake and placed the medal around his neck. 'This is the Man of the Match medal. The way you played yesterday we thought you deserved it. You did score the winning goal after all.' Robbie stepped back into line with the rest of the guys. They all clapped and cheered his name.

Sam just beamed down at the wolf, who had the biggest smile on his face he had seen in a long time. Sam put his paw around Jake's shoulders and drew him in to the embrace.

'And, uhh, Jake...' The team's Goalkeeper, John, a large otter, stepped slightly forward. 'Every year in May the team go on tour to play some schools in another part of the country, it's great fun and a chance to play lots of footie.' The normally boisterous otter smiled nervously. 'We thought... after everything that has happened...' Robbie kicked him in the back of the leg, making the otter turn round, confused. Robbie just prompted him to carry on, making it clear not to mention yesterday's events. 'We thought... you'd like to come with us? We don't normally offer it to first years, but you're a great football player and well... we'd love to have you along.' The otter smiled, having finally got across what he wanted to say.

Jake's little cub face lit up again, his tail started wagging. 'I'd love to! Yes! Thank you so much! Oh Sam!' Jake pulled Sam in for a big hug, so happy, trying to hide the tears of joy that had started streaming down his face. Principal Staniforth had been standing in the door way behind Sam and Jake, leaning against the frame, he smiled and nodded his approval to Robbie and John, who had looked up at him. He closed the door and went back inside. 'This means so much to me guys, thank you so much!' Jake said after pulling away from Sam, wiping his eyes and sniffling.

'And Jake, one more thing.' Robbie stepped forward again, after the principal had gone back into his office. 'We would all like to say how sorry we are for what happened to yesterday. We realise that it could have been avoided if only we'd gone and showered as well...'

Jake put his paw up to silence him. 'Stop. This was not your fault and I do not blame you in the slightest. What happened was no one's fault. Please, don't say that again.' Jake's voice had become sincere, but he smiled when he'd finished. 'Come on... let's go and get some milkshakes.'

'Good idea!' Robbie smiled and the team walked off.

Sam and Jake walked arm in arm all the way to Great Shakes. Happy that the ugliness that had enveloped them the past months was behind them. For now, anyway...

To Be Continued...