Foxy and Kitty- Episode 7

Story by Sanura Mosi on SoFurry

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#8 of Foxy and Kitty

Foxy opened his eyes slowly as he yawned, a smile on his muzzle. He stretched luxuriously, and then grasped a paw beside him, expecting to come in contact with Kitten. When he met with empty space, he looked over and found her place vacant on the bed next to him, but the blankets turned back and her spot still vaguely warm.

He sat up and perked his ears, listening for some sound to tell him where Kitten was. He finally heard the glass door shut slowly and smiled. She's gone down to swim, he thought, _I

thought cats weren't supposed to like the water._

Foxy chuckled, and then rubbed his chest furr thoughtfully. "What to wear?" He muttered aloud. "Why wear anything at all?" He laughed a little to himself as he imagined the look on Kitten's face. With that in mind, he stood out of bed in all his furry glory and padded softly to the fountain splashing a bit of water of his face. He smiled fondly at the embracing fox and cat that playfully spouted water, and then padded through the French doors and outside.

As he stepped off the wooden slats and onto the warm sand, Foxy paused to savor the simple pleasure of the sand under his paws and the sun on his furr. The breeze ruffled the tuft of furr over his eyes as he started off, following the worn path through the sand dunes. He tilted his head curiously when he found the place where Kitten had left the path, the paw prints a little skewed as they became farther apart.

Adrian grinned and looked up to see Kitten's head pop out of the water a short distance from where the gently moving waves kissed the sand. Her head was turned to look at the sky and as he watched, falling slowly to sit on the sand, she relaxed onto her back and watched the sky. Looking up, he found only clouds to meet his wondering gaze.

Getting up to a crouch after a few minutes of watching Kitty, he crept closely to the edge of the water and sprawled onto his back with a suppressed sigh. He smiled at himself as he purposefully posed spread eagle on the sand and waited for Kitten to finish her private reverie and look in his direction.

He didn't have to wait long, for a few minutes later he heard a very loud "Mrow!" and some frantic splashing. Using all his self-control not to laugh his head off like he wanted to so badly, he stayed still. He heard the splashing come very close to him then his eyes widened and he yiffed quite loudly when Kitty came flying onto him in a totally unexpected pounce. He immediately started to belatedly protect himself before he spied Kitten's face looming above his. On her face was the brightest, most triumphant smile he's ever seen.

"Gotcha." She winked at him and shifted so that she was sitting on his abdomen, paws and legs drawn up on either side of him and front paws braced on his chest.

She giggled. "Didn't really think I'd give up such a grand invitation didja?"

Foxy grinned, not looking very bothered at all by his position. "Now that sounds promising. Very worth all my efforts."

Kitten chuckled deeply, her eyes twinkling. "Greedy." She accused, laughing as she rolled off him and sat cat style next to him.

"With you? Always." Foxy replied as he tilted his head, observing her noted lack of clothing. "Had the same idea?" He asked with a smile.

Kitten colored a bit and gestured a few feet away and Foxy frowned curiously until he saw a filmy wrap and a bathing suit in a messy pile. He laughed softly and looked at her with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile. "Ready to admit I'm right?" He asked, kissing the tip of her nose.

"About what?" She asked nonchalantly, suddenly very fascinated with the furr of her tail.

Adrian laughed outright at her attempt at innocence. "Yeah and I'm God." He said.

Kitten wrinkled her nose and looked put out. "Can't blame me for trying." She muttered, and then turned serious and thoughtful. "I'm not sure yet." She finally told a quiet, attentive Foxy. "I know I'm a lot better than I used to be. Besides." She grinned, "I didn't have to be gorgeous to like being nude."

Foxy half smiled. "Very true. So, what shall we do today?"

Kitten tilted her head thoughtfully. "I wanna go see a movie. Have some popcorn with extra butter. Yummy." She grinned.

Foxy grinned, agreeing readily since it'd been some time since they had gone to the movies together. "What do you want to go see?"

Kitten lounged on the sand and contemplated the clouds. "Something funny and adventurous at the same time."

Foxy smiled. "I suppose we'll see what's playing when we get there." He reached over and poked her stomach. "Gunna wear that?"

Kitten giggled and looked at him with twinkling eyes. "No silly! Much too dangerous, we'd have Furrs falling left and right."

Foxy laughed with her. "Yeah." He hopped up and grabbed her bathing suit and wrap, and then deigned to run off with it.

Kitten hopped up in alarm. "Hey! Get BACK here with that!" She ran after him, an arm over her breasts so that they wouldn't bounce up and down and cause her pain.

She was concentrated on getting to Foxy so she hadn't noticed a figure on their deck above the French doors watching them. His legs were braced apart and his arms folded, an amused expression on his white face with its black tiger stripes. Foxy- his mischievousness up- noticed the figure and ran directly up the stairs and zoomed past Kain with a grin and a salute then into the French doors to the living room.

A laughing Kitten sped directly up the stairs after him... then skidded to a stop as she almost ran into Kain leaned against the first French door. She let out a loud "Eep!" and immediately turned and would have zoomed back down the stairs if Kain hadn't caught her tail with a chuckle and a grin.

She looked back and frowned, tugging on her tail. "That'd be mine thank-you-very-much."

"But I don't want you to just leave. Don't you know it's very rude to run out on a guest?" He grinned unabashedly at her.

She pursed her lips, blushing slightly (she found it strange, but she wasn't as embarrassed as she usually was- maybe it was having been around Foxy). "It's probably also rude to appear naked before that same guest, besides its rude to keep someone's tail like that." She looked at his paw on her tail pointedly, only to find he started to stroke it, running it through his paws hand over hand. She couldn't help herself and she relaxed, purring at this favor.

"I'm sorry." Kain replied with a grin as he stopped, letting her tail go (he was very confident she wasn't going to go anywhere now). "You were saying?"

Kitten blinked her eyes, which were a bit droopy from feeling the pleasure of having her tail paid attention to. "Hrm?" What he'd said sunk in finally. "Oh... I was..." She finally realized what he'd done and she set her paws on her hips, glaring at him mildly in irritation. "Kain! You're not supposed to distract me like that when I'm scolding you!" He didn't seem bothered by her expression; rather he moved away from the door and leaned against the rail of the deck, smiling warmly at her.

"Beautiful day isn't it." He actually seemed rather cheerful, and for some reason that irritated her some more.

"Hmph!" She said, opening the French door and padding inside, she didn't realize 'til she was padding down the stairs and spotted him closing the door behind him that he'd followed her inside. She decided to ignore him and continued down the stairs. Since Kain had taken his boots off at the door, the only indication he still followed her was a slight creak of a couple of the stairs.

She finally noticed as she slipped on a skimpy robe that Foxy had bought her that Foxy was gone. She listened and heard his car rumble down the driveway. That's when she put her paws on her hips and just laughed. "Little scamp." She muttered fondly, and then turned to Kain.

She scanned him with an amused expression, trying to ignore the way her nether regions reacted to the sight of his bare chest and well muscled arms. "So why exactly did you come here?"

Kain smiled, his eyes twinkling a bit. "Had nothing better to do so I decided to visit a friend of mine."

She raised her eyebrows at him and dimpled. "I have a date with you tomorrow, I hardly count us as just friends at this point."

"Really..." He padded forward to stand in front of her, and now she couldn't ignore his appeal if her life depended on it, but she wasn't about to give that away to him if she could help it.

"Yep." She grinned up at him. "More of a potential ex-boyfriend."

He chuckled in response, his eyes dancing. "Ahhhh. So you're dropping your optimism just for me?"

She half smiled and tartly replied. "That was me being optimistic."

"Oh." He replied, and absently reached out to run the back of his finger down her cheek and across her lips. "Don't let me keep you from whatever it was you're going to do."

She stood there transfixed by his eyes, and absently wondered at how gentle such a strong tiger would be with her. She knew somehow that he'd be as gentle as a...kitten.

She finally tore herself away and padded over to the bed- whose silky black sheets and various fake furrs were tousled and some were even on the floor- and preceded to straighten it, she studiously ignored the fact that images were popping into her mind involving her and Kain in this bed. She was aware of him padding up to the bed to watch her, propping a foot on the chest at the foot of the bed and resting an arm on his thigh.

She was done with the side she was on, and she padded around the end of the bed where Kain was stationed, trying to ignore him and failing terribly. She paused beside him, maybe she could shoo him off so that she could get her composure back- and her blood to cool.

"There's some lemonade in the fridge and plenty of food if you want anything, just go on upstairs and help yourself." She absently moved a candle so that it wasn't so close to the edge of the table.

"Anything I want, I can help myself?" Kain asked, his face not giving away his thoughts.

Kitten smiled and nodded, too relieved to see anything in the request. "Yep."

She was just about to move on and finish making the bed as she felt his large paw gently cup her face and she looked up at him at he stepped close, realization dawning that he'd meant he wanted her as he dipped his head and kissed her deeply.

For a few moments she warred with herself. At first her insecurities were afraid that he wouldn't like what he saw, then she realized he'd seen just about everything, and she realized she was fighting him for no reason she could remember.

She slipped her arms around him neck and kissed him back, letting her body rest against his, and she purred softly as she felt his paws circle her waist, then they applied slight pressure to push her further into him as they traveled up her back and to her head as he let some of his control go and held her head as he passionately kissed her, aroused as anything he could remember by her honest passionate response to him.

In a part of his mind he was afraid she'd pull back from him intimidated by how much he wanted her, but she returned his kiss as if she was getting something she'd needed long before she'd met him.

He let his paws go where they'd wanted to since he'd first seen her in that bikini, and he reached down to the bottom of the short robe, slipping his hand easily under the gap her tail created in the back to cup her cheeks in his hand and use his hold to push her gently closer to his arousal. He massaged her rear as he broke the kiss and nuzzled her neck, kissing and licking his way to the top of her robe.

Her paws were restless also and she let them slip down his chest, where she admired the muscles contained just under his thick furr. They came to a stop at the top of his leather pants and here she let her paws rest as he nuzzled her robe open, pausing as he caught his breath at the sight of her breasts, he looked up into her liquid eyes and felt his heart move and contract, I love her. He paused for a few moments, looking into her warm soft eyes, and knew without a doubt it was true.

He decided wasting time by pondering this wasn't smart on his part, and he dipped his head to convey his feelings in a passionate kiss. She felt the difference and returned his kiss, she wasn't sure what this passion built up inside her was, but it was powerful and she didn't want to fight it, it felt so good riding along on it.

She knew this was a large part of her other side, that side of her who'd sang in that strip club with all the passion and wanting she felt right now, and she wasn't shy right now, she wasn't unsure as she untied her robe and let it slip to the floor.

Kain ended the kissed and saw her nude form in front of him. He let out a short growl of arousal, giving her a short intense kiss before he ducked and picked her up in his arms, going to the side of the bed not yet made and laying her down on it.

His mouth immediately went to her nipple and he sucked on it, purring with a deep rumble as Kitten arched her back with a light mew, conveying how good it felt to her. He set his knee on the bed and let his left paw cup her other breast, squeezing it gently as he raked his teeth ever so lightly on her nipple and the sensitive furr surrounding the tiny mound. He suddenly had to pause as Kitten paws found the slit in his leather pants for his tail and stroked his tail there, rubbing the base. He closed his eyes at the sensations it caused, and growled softly.

She tugged at his waistband and he opened his eyes to find her hot blue/green ones looking at him

with an obvious request in mind.

He had to smile a bit as he stood and slipped out of the tight pants. He heard Kitten's intake of breath as his arousal stood out hard and proud, complete with barbs. He knew it was thicker than normal, much as he was it was about as long as normal but thicker and hard as a rock.

He put his left knee on the bed beside Kitten's legs and nudged the second between her softly furred thighs. He let his arms support him for a moment as he took in her spotted, beautiful body, and then he leaned down to kiss her, supporting himself on an elbow as his paw slipped down and replaced his knee between her thighs, running a few fingers along her furred crotch before he slipped them between her folds to find her slick and warm. He moved to lie on the bed beside her and watched her face as he ran a finger along her lips; her response was to arch her hips. "Please" escaped her muzzle as she moved along with the passion he was building in the both of them.

He licked his muzzle, wanting to taste her, and he moved down the bed, nudging her thighs apart and took in her scent, his nostrils flaring as he did so.

She gasped and arched her hips into his face as she felt his tongue softly touch her lips. He suddenly dove it inside of her, surprised at how wet she was, his erection crying out to be buried in the heaven his tongue was enjoying as Kitten mewed and moved her hips restlessly. He kissed her lips and dove his finger into inside her moving rhythmically as her jagged breathing and mews told him she was going to cum at any moment. She did just as he inserted a second finger and continued, she cried out and arched her hips, flooding the sheet beneath her with her cum.

Kain moved up and kissed her, surprised as she deepened the kiss, pulling him closer as he let his fingers slip out of her. He couldn't stand it any longer and he slipped between her thighs, his erection kissing her soaked lips and he eased into her, gasping and growling deeply at the tight feeling, he slowly moved out a bit then back in, easing deeper and deeper each time, Kitten quivered underneath him, her legs gripping him and entwining with his as her hips moved with his, at some point she gasped and stilled but as he continued to move deeper until he was buried to the hilt she moved with him panting and gasping. He felt the feelings inside him building to an unbearable height as they moved together, each aroused further by the others passion.

Kitten finally came with a loud cry and a few long mews as the passion exploded inside her. He felt her come and he came as he felt her grip him tightly. He let out a loud cat cry as everything seemed to explode inside of him.

Kain barely prevented himself from collapsing on top of her, and he rolled to lie beside her, gathering her to him as they both purred in the aftermath.

Much later, Kitten finally spoke; her head tucked under Kain's, his cheek against her hair. "What happens now?" She asked softly, frowning a bit as she realized she'd just given her virginity to someone she just met... and didn't know as well as she should.

Kain shifted a bit and put a finger under her chin so that he could see her face. "Whatever you want to happen." He answered softly.

She bit her lip as her eyes teared up a bit, nodding quietly.

He frowned in concern, wiping her eyes gently. "What's wrong?"

Kitten looked down as she answered. "Nothing's wrong really, I'm just... I don't have any idea what I want right now."

Kain was quiet for a few minutes, and Kitten finally looked up at him, afraid she'd hurt him.

Kain smiled at her. "Take all the time you need to figure it out, love. Do you want me to go?"

Kitten blushed a bit. "No, but I suppose in order to think about it you should probably not be within arms reach."

Kain chuckled and kissed her nose, slipping out of bed and picking up his leathers. Kitten grinned as she watched him put them back on, loving the dangerous look he had that contrasted to how sweet he really was.

She sat up and slipped her legs over the side of the bed, not getting up quite yet because she didn't trust her legs to hold her. "I want to keep that date we have tomorrow."

Kain looked at her in surprise, having just thought in regret that she wouldn't want to keep their date. "Alright." He padded forward and leaned down to rub his muzzle against hers affectionately. She responded in kind, smiling.

"I'll see you tomorrow at 7." Kain smiled and kissed her nose before turning and leaving her to contemplate how one cleans blood and cum out of sheets.