Gallon for Gallon, In Search of Love, Part 2

Story by edricdayne on SoFurry

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Before this chapter gets going I'd like to do a little housekeeping. First of all, if you are not over the age of 18 or legally allowed to read/view/enjoy adult materials in your area, you should press your back button, home button, or power button. Secondly, a note about "underage sex" or "sex with minors" and incest. One may be considered underage if one is under the age of 18 (considered legally an adult). This is the case in the world of humans. Anthropomorphic animals or furs are not under the same stipulations (at least in my opinion). In many countries, it's perfectly legal to be sexually active at 16 even with someone much older than you rather than only a few years. In the world of a younger Ikarus, who is 16, this is perfectly sound, but if it bothers you, again, there are three buttons that are primarily at your disposal to get off this website. On the note of incest, many people find it to be a fantasy or arousing, myself included (I'm not into my own sisters, per se, but into the idea of reactive chemistry between kindred spirits that just happen to be brother/sister, bro/bro, sis/sis, and all that). Some people do not like incest. If you are one of those people, again, buttons. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this past window into our hare and the relationship he has with his sister.

Vianca padded quietly through her parents' house in a very long t-shirt and boy shorts. The shirt was snow white and had her college's coat of arms and name on the front, and its alma mater written out on the back. The shirt went well below the shorts, giving the illusion that it was all she wore, but the black shorts were vaguely visible through it. She passed through the living room, a nearby hall and into the kitchen. It was still early in the day to her despite three years of 8am classes now. She glanced at the clock, noted the time at 10:16 and wondered if her brother, Ikarus, was still in bed.

It seemed like a typical summer day, the two of them off from school. Ikarus was a junior in high school, 16, and he was everything Vi had hoped her brother would be and more. She never had any reason not to think the highest of him, especially when talking to her friends about him. Vi was four years older than Ikarus, but the age gap never caused any problems while she was in high school. Most of her friends despised their younger brothers, but not Vi.

Ikarus was special to her. He was smart, quiet, and extremely well behaved, even in his younger years. Their parents had thought he might be mute or deaf or had some other problem since from babyhood into his early teens, because honestly, he was almost too quiet. The family doctor never thought so, just that he was kind of shy. The younger of the two hares had grown out of it a little. He was still shy with strangers, but very easy going and talkative once you got to know him. Vi smiled as she opened the fridge and perused its contents. It was easy to smile, even lopsidedly grin with joy at the thought of her brother. They had been each other's best friends and confidantes for as long as she could remember. She never felt like she had to defend herself from him in front of her friends, because they were all jealous that she had him as a brother.

Vi pulled some eggs and bacon out of the fridge and started cooking. It was then that she noticed the note hanging above the stove from their parents. They'd apparently taken a surprise two week trip in the height of summer starting very early that morning. Her eyes widened at reading the note and she flipped the bacon before it got burnt. Vi and Ikarus' parents had left plenty of money for them to get along okay as well as a couple credit cards for whatever they wanted while they had the house to themselves. She could hardly believe her luck. It was shaping up to be a good summer. Vi shook the pan and flipped the two over-easy eggs. She couldn't wait to tell Ikarus that their folks had decided to take off. She wondered what they could do in their free time. There were some good looking movies in theaters, including one that had giant robots fighting alien monsters that was getting rave reviews for the solid action, good production values and acting. There was also the local water park. The possibilities, once she got down to them, seemed endless.

Vi was startled out of her reverie by a soft knock on the doorway nearby. Ikarus smiled and tilted his head, his ears halfway drooping since he was feeling goofy. Ikarus had grown up quickly after puberty and was already a few inches north of six feet in height, not even counting his ears. He was lean as any high-metabolism teenager could be, but not without some muscle since he ran track and played tennis. He yawned softly and appraised his sister. Vi was not as tall as him, taking more after their mother. She was done growing at 5'8", and her body type was like their mother's too. She had a bit of a pear-shaped body, her main assets being her long legs and ass, while her breasts were small B cups. She had a little extra around the middle, but it looked perfectly natural on her with her body type. Her brown, glossy hair was long and fell to her mid-back and she had fern-green eyes you could stare into forever. Like her brother, she had tawny fur, but white socks, and a white furred belly. She turned from her cooking to look over at him and grinned. "We have the house to ourselves, little brother."

Ikarus couldn't help but grin wider at the idea of having the place to themselves. "How long will that be for?"

"Mom and dad are taking a long anniversary road trip. Two weeks. That's the longest we've ever had the whole joint to ourselves. And they didn't even leave any real instruction or indication they would be doing this. It's like they trust us or something." She chuckled softly and plated up half the food and handed the blue ceramic dish to him with a fork.

"Big mistake." Ikarus laughed and took a bite. His eyes closed as he savored the crispy bacon. "You make a mean breakfast, sis."

"Not nearly as good as you do, but then, you've always been a better cook. Half wish I could take you to college with me and hire you to do all of the cooking and cleaning so I could focus on my studies." She finished plating up the rest of the food and leaned back against the counter to eat. Her feet slid outwards a little and she tilted her eyes up from her food to watch her brother, smirking when she saw that he was looking at her and suddenly went back to his own food. "See something you like, little brother?"

"Every day of my life I do, yeah, at least when you are not at school." The male hare chuckled and finished his food, having tucked into it with vigor. He set the plate down near the sink and moved to the doorway. "I'm going to go practice piano for a little while. Did you want to listen?" He stretched out as he walked out of the kitchen. The t-shirt he was wearing rode up a little and revealed blue and red vertically-striped boxers.

"Suuuuuure." Vi drawled softly. She whistled after he was out of earshot and thought quietly to herself how good looking her brother had become while she was in school. It was no wonder her friends kept asking her about his relationship status always being single on social media sites. She shook her head to herself, trying not to let any jealousy creep in. She wanted her brother to be happy, and if one of her friends made a move and he took it, she couldn't blame him, it was what males did. But then, her brother never seemed that typical of a male. To her, it didn't seem like his mind was on sex all the time or that he tried to be a "bro" or a "dude." On the contrary, his quiet, intelligent personality was very unlike some of the testosterone fueled guys she'd had to turn away after a few weeks of dating them. They seemed so shallow.

She moved to clean up the dishes and heard her brother warming up on the baby grand piano in the living room. The chords floated softly through the air to her long hare-ears and she closed her eyes and bathed in the sound. She felt a distinct pulse rush through her body and realized that between her thoughts already of her brother, of how he looked, acted, and his talents, she was getting a little turned on. It was a feeling she was finding harder and harder to suppress. She had a few friends who were active with members of their families, but Vi had never really been into the idea before college. Three years of school had changed that and her curiosity had only grown.

Vi hadn't seen her brother completely in the nude since he was eight years old, and even then, that was at a young age and one of his friends had pulled his swim shorts off of him at a pool party with surprisingly little embarrassment. She stretched out her imagination and tried to briefly remember what he'd looked like under there. When the image came up making him look like a girl's doll with a flat, featureless crotch, she abandoned it. Maybe she'd find out while their parents were out of town. Was it not customary to wander one's home naked, or at least without pants, when they were unsupervised at home? It was something worth building on.

Vi finished washing the dishes, not wanting the two of them to get into the habit of leaving dishes by the sink with no chance of them being scrubbed. She continued to listen to the music as the warm-up moved into a sonata and then the opening movement of a symphonic piece. She stepped across the tiled kitchen floor and into the reclaimed pine-floored living room and library where the piano was. She leaned against the doorway at first and watched her brother. His eyes were closed as his fingers danced across the keys. She licked her lips and followed the movements of those hands and wondered what it'd take to get him to play her like that. She shivered a little and moved into the room and sat in a nearby chair. Ikarus' eyes came open and he smiled at her as he played a lively medley he'd transposed from one of his favorite video games. "Am I doing alright?"

"You should play some concerts. You've gotten so good while I was at school." Vi grinned and leaned back in the chair. "Tennis, track, piano, cooking--have I missed anything, little brother? What other talents do you have? You have to be impressing all the girls at school." Vi was surprised when her brother's face flushed and he coughed. "Interesting reaction."

"I'm just now sure how to explain it without you thinking I'm gay or something." He paused. "Not that there's anything wrong with that. I guess what I'm trying to say is, well, I've had a couple encounters, but nothing lasting further than a few months at a time. It baffles mom too, since she thinks that I'm quite an eligible bachelor."

"My friends generally agree with that assessment. I've had too many requests from them since you turned 16 to try to set them up on a date. I don't want to say I'm getting close to actually acquiescing to such a request, but, I could do that for you if you wanted." She felt the jealousy rise slightly and wondered if it was wise to make such an offer.

"In all honesty, I'm not sure I want any kind of relationship or flings right now. I'm trying to focus on schoolwork and trying to stay at the top of the class. I want to be valedictorian like you, sis." Ikarus smiled shyly at her and went back to playing. Vi's heart melted. Did he really look up to her so? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try anything like seducing him after all. But they'd been close for years, even physically, just not sexually. Her right ear flicked, a sign that she was deep in thought as she considered all of the lines of play that she could take here, including just letting the little brother be.

"Uh, oh, I know that look. The steam is starting to come out of your ears now that the gears are grinding, sis." Ikarus laughed delightedly at the look on her face and brought his last piece to a close. He swiveled on the oak stool and landed his feet on the floor with a thump which brought her out of her second reverie of the day. "Are you alright? Breakfast not settling with you?" The older hare shook her head and smiled at her favorite hare in the world.

"No, nothing is wrong. Breakfast was as good as I could make it, it's not settling wrong. I was just thinking about things. You really are quite the catch, little brother. One day, you'll see." She smiled wider and showed her white teeth. She climbed out of the deep chair she was sitting in and walked over to him. Her fingers found their way to his shoulder and she stroked it softly, dug her thumb into the shoulder blade a little. Ikarus' eyes closed and he made a soft sound. "I can't remember the last massage you gave me," he whispered as her hand got more into it, "that feels terrific." She stopped a few moments later and chuckled at him, "You were getting quite into that. I almost didn't want to stop. I like making you happy, Ikky."

"You are literally the only person I let call me Ikky, you know that?" He smiled up at her and watched her eyes. "Thanks for that. I'll return the favor some time. For now, I'm going to go get showered and dressed. " Vi waved at Ikarus as he headed up the stairs. She waited a moment or two while he headed into the shower. She gyrated her hips ever so slightly in a test and smiled when things felt a little slick. She slowly dipped a hand beneath the waistband of the shorts she was wearing and tested out the edge of her cunny's lips and moaned softly. She was soaked and would need to take care of this or she'd jump her damned brother without another thought. Vi withdrew her hand and walked upstairs. She stopped outside of the slightly ajar bathroom door and tried to peek in at her brother a little. She was slightly disappointed and saw that he was in the shower and behind the glazed glass doors with his back to her. She took a slow, deep breath and waited for him to turn around, but he didn't after a couple minutes, clearly just enjoying the hot water. She shook her head and went into her room a moment later. Vi closed the door with her foot as she started to slide the shorts off of herself, pulling them teasingly down the curve of her ass. She let her hand trail over the soft cottony tail that crowned the top of her rear and chuckled gently. It was time to get to work.

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Not long after Vi had left the cracked bathroom door, her little brother turned around. He was smiling and had his eyes closed, enjoying the waterfall like shower and let the water flow easily down his back and pool at his feet. His long fingers were wrapped snugly around his teenage six inches and he gave his bunny cock long, sensual strokes. It was times like these that he wished he could have even more often. He laughed softly to himself at how upset his parents would be at him being in the shower this long. He had been going on close to half an hour now, but only working himself for the last ten minutes. The cock had risen to attention, filled out and hardened up with relative ease once his thoughts had jumped from a long sonata he'd been running through his head to his sister's body.

He'd always adored his sister, but even more so when he'd turned ten and had gone through the changes that all younger furs went through. His sister appeared to him in a completely new light once the chemical rush of hormones changed his body and brain chemistry. He'd never let go of the images he'd seen of her when he was ten either, having not seen her truly naked since then. Ikarus' imagination didn't need very much help, though, as he'd always been able to see her in his mind's eye ever since that moment. He remembered vividly being that tender, chemically changing age and had gone upstairs after a rousing game of basketball with his sister and two of her friends from school. He'd headed upstairs and into his room to get changed and considered taking a shower.

Ikarus then heard his sister coming up the stairs, telling her friends that she was going to shower first. Ikarus knew that Vi was going to make good on her word and though they had quite a good relationship as brother and sister, they had been competitive as well. She would race him to the bathroom and close and lock the door in these games. Her friends were downstairs talking Vi and Ikarus' parents, so they'd be out of the way. It was then that he'd made his decision. He wanted to see Vianca naked, and he didn't quite know why. It was a thought that struck him, and when it did he was surprised at how sensual it was, and vicious in its suddenness. His even younger cock at the time had filled out and reached around four inches, and he knew what that meant, having discovered masturbation much earlier than even age ten.

Ikarus quickly moved through the house towards the bathroom, intent on hiding in the towel closet. His intuition told him that she'd be unlikely to get a fresh towel out of there or have any reason to enter the closet, and it was right. He managed to get just as she started ascending the stairs. Ikarus continued to let this train of thought, of this childhood moment, continue as he pulled and stroked on his teenage manhood. He remembered vividly his sister entering the bathroom, shouting with triumph that she'd made it. Little did she know that he was very carefully hiding in the closet and watching her through the crack. She locked the door and smiled to herself as she preened in front of the mirror for a few moments. Soon, he though, Vianca would strip her sweaty clothes off and be naked. His patience was rewarded after she'd combed out her hair and she slid her shorts and panties down.

Here was the moment. His fourteen year old sister had bent over right in front of him and in her exercised state she was also aroused. He could smell the musk that she was already producing, sweet, but still pungent. He breathed it in, slowly, but steadily and felt the arousal fill him too. His sister had no pants on, he couldn't believe it. She then pulled her shirt off and unbuckled her bra in a few more moves, then spun in front of the mirror and admired herself. He tugged fervently at his cock both in this hot shower fever dream and in real life. His sister turned towards the closet again and he wondered if she'd seen him. She stared for a moment then stretched out and ran her hands down her front, then gently worked her sex with her fingers, admiring again, her own form and sexuality even at 14. She then moved into the shower and turned her back to him. Ikarus knew now was the time to escape from the bathroom just in case she did get into the closet and he did so.

He looked both ways then quickly got to his room, shut the door and locked it. What happened next, Ikarus still wasn't sure was real, until he'd done it again, and again, and again, with even more effect. Ikarus leaned against the door of his bed room and stroked his young cock as hard as he could. He felt electricity rise from his toes and all the way through him as he'd done countless times before when he'd initially discovered self-pleasuring. But what happened then had never happened before. He felt as if a great force built up in his testicles and craved release, and then he started peeing. But that's not what it was. It jetted out in a great blast, splattering all over a full standing mirror and covering it in egg-white slime. He panted heavily as the orgasm was short, but insanely sweet and studied the thick spunk as it slowly dribbled down the mirror. That was ten year old, Ikarus.

Ikarus came out of his reverie as his sixteen year old true-self started to come. He stepped out of the shower's force and aimed his cock at the door of the shower and exploded. He'd held it in as long as possible and was rewarded by almost fifteen powerful blasts of cum. He thought it might clog the drain if he hadn't had such hot water running. He watched as each shot, one after another, paralleled then crossed over themselves, which resulted in an incredible Pollock-like painting of potent rabbit cum. He breathed deeply of his own sexual musk and enjoyed as this happened. He leaned back against the shower and admired his work, then let the hot water wash it down the drain, only for him to again do this as he always had since about age 12 and he'd grown tired of cleaning his messes, only growing larger as he aged, up. The still young hare had also discovered that each orgasm seemed unique to every other and its volume depended on how often he'd gotten off, how much he'd drank during a given few hours before, and how truly turned on he was. He was sure that if he'd approached these thoughts of his sister well-hydrated and a day or two overdue for a jerk, he'd have cum close to twice as much. As it was, though, he still stood satisfied and wondered what his sister was up to. Ikarus got out of the shower and moved to get dried and dressed. It was going to be an interesting two weeks.

Gallon for Gallon, In Search of Love, Part 1

Disclaimer: If you are underage/unauthorized to view adult and sexual content, this is not a story for you. Please press the back button or close your browser. If you are in fact, legal, please enjoy this tale of a special hare with a whole lot of love...

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From Another World, Part 2: The Creamy Handjob

Krysta's claw paused in mid-air as she stared at the disembodied wolf phallus and its associated goods. She repeated "impossible" out loud again as she watched the cock and balls. It was as if the penis rose up from the scrotum here, whereas on a male,...

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From Another World, Part 1: Mystery Egg

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 or this is illegal to read in your area, just don't, yeah? Contains some solo female action, a copious amount of cum, and a fair amount of character development. "Oh yes...yes...just like that...always you big...

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