Life of Xey 2, Detection

Story by Xeylef on SoFurry

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#2 of Life of xey

Second chapter of my first story. OMG two years.... I am worst procrastinator.

The latex infection is discovered as it causes unpleasant complications.

Life of Xey: Detection

I awoke in the morning with a bit of a headache, the sun was streaming through the window right onto my eyes. Certainly not the best way to wake up. No one really talked about what happened the night before, just good friends doing something silly. We played a few games and eventually got ready for school. The dingos' mom gave us some breakfast and sent us off.

I felt silly having not used the bathroom before we left and ended up nearly hopping on one leg before we got to the school. I rushed to the restroom and started to piss into a urinal but quickly realized nothing was coming out leaving me with an uncomfortable pressure! Looking down I found my cock had completely changed color as well! Where once my penis was a light blue now had become a bright pink!

Needless to say I was shocked and utterly confused, but at least I wasn't holding back my bladder anymore. It was just terribly uncomfortable. The slit at the tip seemed to be missing or covered by something. This felt impossible and nothing I did helped the situation. After a while I finally gave up, putting my cock away. It was very strange walking with my bladder full and relaxed as if pissing. I was constantly worried it would break though at some point and make a mess but it was more comfortable than holding it.

It quickly occurred to me this must be one of the other effects of cumming! What else had those bastards neglected to mention!??? They must be laughing knowing this would happen to me. Though we were different species, it was possible this was just something that happened to reptiles or dragons. Still I was mad at them and stormed off through the halls in search of the twins!

Lucky them I was unsuccessful finding them before the bell rang for first class to start. Thuber was in this one but the dingos and Leiko were not. I had next class with them so they couldnft avoid me for long! Sitting through a class with a full bladder and being unable to do anything about it was absolutely maddening! All I could think about was the weird pink cum that must have solidified and coated my cock sealing it shut. Part of me was worried I would need to go to the doctor but that thought was disrupted as the bell ending first class finally rang.

Rushing as fast as I could without getting in trouble I finally caught up with one of the dingo twins outside his locker "HEY Kevan!! You butt! Why the hell didn't you explain how to fix..." I hesitated and leaned in closer to avoid embarrassment "The whole bathroom problem after fapping!" I demanded

He was confused and appeared to have no idea what the heck I was talking about. "Umm... What problem? Did it spray funny or something cause that just happens sometimes." he asked while getting a book out of his locker.

"Noooo, it's sealed shut I can't piss at all!" I groaned trying to keep quiet. To add to my distress it was harder standing than sitting.

"Really?" he asked suddenly looking at me with a snicker. "Oh thatfs rich! Must be a dragon thing! Well go wash it and pry it open with your claw or something... Bevan is going to love this!" He said closing up his locker.

"WA! No don't go spreading it around!" I practically begged!

"We won't tell anyone else promise! But you better hurry and get your stuff before class starts." He said pointing to the clock in the hall. Flailing a bit I rushed to my locker then to class barely making it there in time. Unfortunately I didn't have any chance to deal with my problem.

Once again I was forced to endure an entire class of torment. To make it worse the twins were behind me sharing a good hushed giggle whenever I squirmed in my seat. It was terrible and I missed practically everything the teacher was saying. Finally class finished and I rushed to a restroom.

Inside I discovered that washing it was useless as the coating was slick, shiny and completely waterproof. There was no end of the material to grab, it went all the way deep into my genital slit! However I finally found success with his second suggestion.

Pressing a claw against the tip where the opening should have been I managed to pierce the material, but nothing came out. So I slid it deeper and this time finally a flow of urine escaped into the toilet below me! It was like heaven and I gasped with relief. Unfortunately this didn't help at all with removing the weird pink coating. Stranger still I could almost swear my cock was smaller than usual, perhaps shorter by half an inch.

The rest of the school day went by without further trouble, though I was still worried about that strange pink coating. There were a few other dragons at the school but I was too embarrassed to ask any of them about it. I certainly didn't want to ask my mother, although asking my father wouldn't be so bad.

I avoided the twins on the way home wanting to talk to Kourvn as soon as possible, he wouldnft be home for a few hours so I didn't really need to hurry. My mother Salian was a bit more random. Some days staying home and others gone till midnight.

Salian wasn't home so I took an hour to relax and get my mind off things. However I didn't have long to settle in before I heard a knock at the door. I had hoped it was my father home early but it wasnft.

I opened the door seeing a familiar face. "Hi, sorry for just showing up without asking.. Can I come in?" Leiko asked, his short feline tail twitched in a way suggesting he was worried.

I let out a sigh and nodded "Yea sure... no one is home though, but they wouldn't mind. Whats up?" I asked leading him inside.

"Well... You were acting pretty strange in class today, not to mention Kevan and Bevan's snickering. Those Dingos play a prank on you or something?." He asked leaning against the fridge.

"No, nothing like that. Just something embarrassing happened and I accidentally told one of them about it. But they promised not to keep it quiet" I admitted full well knowing what would come next.

He immediately let out a laugh "Oh goddess! Dude of all the people to tell, you couldnft have picked worse!" he laughed again then added "Well for what its worth they do keep their word. Still what the heck was it that happened?" he asked.

I groaned... He was one of my best friends and he would have told me if it happened to him. "My cock got stuck closed after last night and I couldn't use the restroom." I admitted trying to brush it off as something simple.

He was genuinely surprised "Woah really? Man that sucks! It's ok now though right?" he asked actually concerned.

"Well sort of, its still got this weird pink coating that I can't remove." I said.

"Mind if I take a look? A second opinion never hurts." he said sounding a little too enthusiastic.

"What... no." I replied on impulse. I took a moment to think it through, maybe he could get a better look inside than I could. "Well... its not like you didn't see it last night. And I could use the help" I admitted.

"Lets get some privacy.." I said heading for my room. He followed and I shut the door behind him then locked it. No one else was home or would be for a while but I wanted to be sure. Hesitantly I pulled down my pants revealing my slit and sat down on my bed with my legs open. The slit had opened a bit already due to the embarrassment of what I was doing.

"Dude... that really does look like a pussy!" he said as he knelled down looking at it.

"Hey! It's what all reptiles look like down there!" I exclaimed even more embarrassed than before. Still I reached in and rubbed inside till my shaft became hard and slid out. Though not nearly as far as I expected it would.

"What the... you look like youfre wearing a condom. That has nothing to do with last night.... unless one of the Dingos glued a condom over it in your sleep!" He said with a laugh!

My face went pale and I tensed with anger! "Oh those furry bastards! That makes sense! And its tightness must be why my cock looks smaller than usual!" I realized letting out a an angry grumble "Oh I am going to skin those assholes for this!". Leiko let my anger die down a bit before responding

"Still I wonder how they did it... This thing goes all the way in" he said basically rubbing his nose on my cock as he looked into my genital slit. "It still looks like a vagina.... " He couldnft help but add with a grin.

I let out groan and pulled away. "Cut that out! A vagina is much deeper, this is just a small opening with room to hide my cock!" I tried to say in defense.

"Not from what I saw! There is more than enough room for another cock in there." He said and then added "In fact, bet you a ten I could put my whole cock in there!"

I blinked a few times in surprise "What hell no! And you wouldn't even get half way!" I said but soon realized the error of what this was leading to.

"Thirty!" he stated now showing his competitive side. He was often willing to try crazy things on a bet or dare. He also knew I couldn't pass up good money like that.

"I..... fine. But you better be ready to pay up! Ugh... I can't believe I am doing this." I said and once again opened my legs up for him as he unzipped his fly freeing his sheath and pointed it at me. His cock was already poking out a ways, he gave it a few strokes till it extended out the rest of the way.

He stepped closer pointing it at my face "Care to give it a suck for good luck?" he asked teasingly.

"Don't push it. Just get this over with." I said hoping I wasn't about to lose both my dignity and my wallet. His musky scent was strong this close and it sent small shivers down my spine.

"Lie back." he commanded and I hesitantly complied leaning on my arms so I could still see my crotch. My cock had mostly pulled back into my slit now, which I hoped meant less room for him.

He leaned forward and placed his cock just below my own slowly sliding it into my tight slit. I was surprised by how hot his shaft felt, my draconic body ran a bit colder than mammals. It made me squirm a bit but he didn't notice or care and kept sliding his shaft in deeper. Every inch made me whimper begging the goddess that it would hit bottom soon. It was much tighter than he expected causing him to slow down. I had engulfed more than half his cock before he had to stop and pull back. "See told ya!" I said victoriously.

He grinned and thrust back inside making me gasp like a girl as I was stretched out. "Nah you are just really tight... it feels great!" He said with a look of pure heaven on his face. It felt so wrong, something shoved up inside me where it didn't belong! But why did it also feel.... good? My cock was being rubbed at the same time as his thrusts, but it was more than that.

Instinct took over and the bobcat began rocking his hips burying his cock deeper and deeper with each thrust. Finally I cried out as his crotch bumped into my own and I felt his sheath rest against my genital slit! "No...." I moaned and laid back all the way onto my wings. He hadn't noticed that he won or he didn't care as he kept thrusting into my tight slit. My cock somehow had gotten hard and was fully extended giving him even more room. All I could do was squirm and pant as strange pleasures overwhelmed me, I was cumming! I closed my eyes clenching at the bed as my second ever orgasm was fucked into me by my best friend.

I started to relax coming down from the high of orgasm when Leiko let out a feral growl, his cock throbbed and begin pulsing inside me! My eyes went wide open and my tail ridged as I felt boiling hot cum filling my slit! The warmth spread outward like drinking a hot cup of tea. He stayed deep inside me for several seconds till he was finished then looked down. "Oh... Looks like I win." he said with a blush pulling his soaked cock from my leaking hole. I couldn't help but breath in deeply from the sensitivity as he pulled free.

"Fuck... dude you just came inside me!" I exclaimed staring at the mess leaking from my slit onto the bed.

"Yea. Sorry... It's not like you didn't enjoy it." he replied.

"What? Like hell I did!" I said angrily, but it didn't sound very sincere. It was then I noticed something wasn't right. Leiko didn't have any cum on his shirt. "Your shirt is clean... Didn't I cum on you?" I asked realizing my mistake nearly the moment I said it.

"I think your condom must have held it in, lucky me! Oh wait you came too?So you did enjoy it! This is so much better than that fapping!" he said wiping his cock off on my blanket and zipping himself back up. I sighed not wanting to think about how I might have enjoyed that.

"Ugh... I can't believe it fit... This is the worst day ever..." I said despairingly.

"Don't feel too bad. Maybe you can get thirty dollars from Thuber seeing if he will fit!" he said jokingly. I could only shudder thinking about Thuber's horse cock getting shoved between my legs. "If it makes you feel better I will just take ten dollars."

I rolled over and grabbed a ten from my bedside table not wanting to give him a chance to go back on that offer. "You have a deal."

"Consider twenty as payment." he said taking the money and giving a sneaky grin. The deal suddenly didn't seem as good, now I was a prostitute. . "You can make back the ten next time." he added making it obvious.

"There isn't going to be a 'next time'!" I growled and tried to get my pants back on forgetting that I was still dripping my best friends cum.

"Alright you can kiss this ten goodbye then, unless you kiss something else." he said with a laugh dodging the nearest object I could find to throw at him.

The banter between us continued on for a while until finally we settled down. We did some other things and chatted before he left to head back to his house. I sure wasn't going to offer him to sleep the night after what just happened. He left on a good note though so there were no hard feelings either way. I also threw my blanket into the wash hoping it wouldn't smell of bobcat for the rest of it's life.

Every step I took reminded me of the gooey sensation of his cum still deep inside me, my slit rubbing against itself with slickness. Just as I was about to head into the shower something landed on the porch making a familiar thud through the house. I smacked my head realizing that I should have taken a shower sooner, my father usually took one immediately after coming home.

Kourvn opened the door "Finally home! So glad to be done for the day!" Stretching as he walked in.

"Oh... hey there... I need...." I started to say but then realized I couldnft ask him about the condom thing with Leiko's cum dripping from my slit! "Errr I mean how was your day out there?" I asked trying to save myself in mid sentence.

"Stupid day. Had some machines break down at the site... All I want to do is get some sleep." He said resting his flight harness for work on the hook by the door. "But bath first" he said and sniffed at himself ungracefully "I smell like a freaking cat in a sweatshop..." He said displeased. Of course my eyes went wide open and I took a step back.

"OH yuck... dad didn't need to know that... I have homework to do anyway...." I half lied and headed back to my room quickly. I did have some I could do of course.

"Good luck with it! Oh and your mother is already on her way home!" he yelled back before I shut my door.

I reached a hand into my pants feeling the cum clinging to my slit with despair. I figured mom would be back before he finished in the bathroom and if anyone would recognize the smell for what it was it would be her!

I waited for the sound of the water to start before I got something to eat in the kitchen and took it back to my room. I would just wait for them to go to bed... but then the shower would wake them up. I would just have to wait for mom and dad to leave for work in the morning then take my shower and head to school. My logic may have been a bit poor and misplaced but it made sense at the time.

I sat down at my desk cringing from the feeling of Leiko's cum squishing around in my slit as I started my homework. Part of me sort of liked the slick feeling it gave, but a much larger part of me was just pure embarrassed and humiliated.

Mom came home and I yelled out hello to her and let her know I was just going to keep working on my homework. She didn't question it and left me alone for the evening. Soon after dad headed to sleep early because of his hard day. I finished my homework plus some of the next days work then grabbed an extra blanket from my closet and headed to sleep.

Meanwhile the nanites were more than pleased with this new supply of cum to work with. They had already begun stealing it from the source and processing it just as fast as my testes could produce it. They swelled slightly trying harder to keep up with the extra demand.

Much of my slit was being reprocessed, skin slowly being replaced by latex. My own balls producing a constant supply of cum for the nanites to convert into latex and more nanites. Every second my slit was becoming more and more like that of a sex doll.