One Hot Summer's Day Finale

Story by Cloudchaser Shaconage on SoFurry

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Written by Chrismukka, posted with permission


So, if you can't handle that, TOO BAD!!

Vixina Shaconage is from (and mated with) Cloudchaser Shaconage, all copyrights and such go to him, so this story is re-written with his permission. Her speech is meant to be Southern, and is NOT intended to stereotype her or any other Southerner in any way, shape or form. Finally, lyrics from Bob Seger's "Strut" were used in this story and are © to Mr.Seger.

Vixina's Sexuality


One Hot Summer's Day - Finale

"Uhh...Vixina...I think we have a visitor..." Cloudchaser replied in disbelief.

Vixina looked at Cloudchaser, and said hesitatingly: "Just what do you mean, 'Ah think we hayve a visitor?!' "

"What I mean is, I think you'd better take a look for yourself..." The red wolf clutched his mate and then pulled her up from the ground with some effort. Vixina was still attached to him and could only blurrily make out a white blob in the distance, and instantly regretted that she had left her glasses on the bathtub shelf.

She couldn't even see the white wolfess was sadly pouting when their lovemaking had stopped. Though whoever this fur was, they were certainly going to get an earful from this vixen! She growled to herself- how dare they interrupt her special time with her special man!

When Cloudchaser's cock had finally relaxed, he groaned and pulled out his knot with a subtle pop from Vixina's throbbing cunt, pawing it a little bit more. She moaned softly as her juices poured out, mixed in with her mate's own. So what, if she had given this stranger a bit of a show; deep down she enjoyed it, since it made her sex life so much more invigorating. Admittedly, she was a nympho-maniac; and yes, also an autagonistophiliac- someone who gets arousal from being on stage, being in front of a camera or in the public eye. Still, the principle remained; NEVER interrupt a vixen when she's yiffing or she'll be very, VERY cranky afterwards.

Taking a deep breath, the vixen stretched and raised her arms up in the air as her chest arched out even further. She extended her body as she groaned tiredly, and her firm breasts lifted up along with her. Vixina's white canine teeth glinted when she opened her jowls and gave out a big yawn, but she still felt as if that she had not been fully satisfied.

The vixen slowly dragged herself up from the ground, but at first, she nearly fell back down from being yiffed so hard. Silently cursing her clumsiness and at the wolfess, giggling at her predicament, Vixina's claws were flexing in and out of her paw in annoyance. If that fur didn't quit it, she was gonna hand that femme a sincere butt-whuppin'.

The vixen made it over to the tub, and she was able to at least see well enough to get her glasses back from the shelf. Slowly, her world came back into focus and she was finally able to get a good look at her tormentor. Speaking evenly, the vixen asked her unwanted visitor: "Naow...just what do yew wa...oh...MAH...GAWD!!!" Naked, the red and brown vixen could only bring her paws to her face in joyous surprise, and slightly embarrassed, really could not believe what she was seeing.

It was Snowstorm! She was her very best friend since her earliest days, since soccer camp, since the Wolf-Girl Scouts, since...well, since forever. Just as surprised to see her as the vixen was, she could only say to the vixen: "Uh...have I come at a bad time?"

The wolfess looked at her naked body, and then quickly turned away, not meaning to. It was like seeing her for the first time- even if they had known each other for so long.

"Uhm...*cough* Maybe I ought to...come back?" The white-haired wolf femme blushed fiercely, as red bloomed upon her white fuzzy cheeks.

Her feathered ear-necklace flickered nervously, and as she was about to turn away, Vixina quickly grabbed Snowstorms' shoulders and then reached around her body to give her a tremendously powerful hug from behind, her firm breasts joyously squooshing against her back.

"Hey, girlfriend!! Why didn't you tell me you were gonna come visit?! Hey, Cloudchasah- hey, come over heah, will ya?" The happy vixen waved the red wolf over, but suddenly realized he was naked as well. "...Give him a minute, would ya? Weah just havin' a little fun..." she said with a chuckle.

Snowstorm casually remarked, "Well, I see you're...looking healthy, at least. I really only wanted to surprise you by coming down, but I guess I'm the one who should be surprised!" She paused briefly, and then added, "I also wanted to know if you were still hiring at your new strip and swinger's club! Your ad in the paper didn't quite go into all of the details, but from what I've read, it sounds like fun!!"

Somewhat embarrassed, Vixina replied, "Yeah, well, Ah really only wanted to hire people who Ah knew Ah could trust, an' be comfortable with..." She looked at the wolfess, and thought to herself, this wolf-girl is no contest; but maybe she should see if she's up to it, since she didn't want to be accused of favoritism. " you know how to dance? You know, youah gonna hayve to be in front of a lot of horny furs...who want nothin' more than to get a piece..." as the vixen rolled her eyes slightly, drooling with her description of the job. The wolf femme only answered, "I'll be right back. I need to get something from the car." With that, she casually strolled out from the barn.

Vixina and Cloudchaser rushed about in her absence, and tried in vain to look more presentable for Snowstorm's 'interview'. With after all of their mutual passion with each other, however, it was easier said than done. They quickly rushed about trying to grab whatever clothing that was still strewn about the stall in abandon.

"Where's my jeans?!" The red wolf had looked all around, but couldn't remember for the life of him where they were after all of the yiff he had with Vixina.

"...I don't know! Wheah's mah shorts?!" the vixen replied in her frustration.

Out of nowhere, the barn reverberated with a Bob Seger tune:

"She's totally committed

to major independence

But she's a lady through and through..."

Snowstorm had once again stopped the still-naked furry couple dead in their tracks with her entrance- and then did one better as she swayed seductively, with a boom-box in her paws, to the music she had brought in! The vixen just stared blankly at her. Was this the same shy and demure white wolfess that she grew up with? Sure she had seen her naked before, when she was a teenager and had just turned eighteen.

"She gives them quite a battle

All that they can handle

She'll bruise some

She'll hurt some too..."

The vixen remembered it vividly; it was during a slumber party at her den and it started with a "truth or dare" game started by a tiger-skunk femme, who as it turned out, later grew up to be a famous porn starlet. Snowstorm, after downing a few tequilas, took on the femme's "dare" in removing her pajama top and showing off her budding breasts to the party. She was developing even then. It wasn't much long after that Vixina did the same and for some reason felt as if Snowstorm was enjoying every inch of the vixen's body. It made her feel slightly uncomfortable yet excited, and she didn't have any explanation for it.

Cloudchaser, on the other hand had folded his arms against his chest and was ogling the wolfess with a wide grin. The vixen jostled him with her elbow, but he was completely absorbed by the rhythm and utterly mesmerized watching the wolf femme dance. The wolfess quickly put the boom-box down in the corner of the barn to continue her routine.

"But oh they love to watch her strut

Oh they do respect her but

They love to watch her strut..."

...Was he forgetting something? It did feel a bit cooler outside- then, looking down at himself- he still had no clothes on! He rushed to put his paw over his privates and felt very awkward all of a sudden. Yet, this wolfess was somehow controlling him, enthralling him, and drawing him in closer and closer with her every move.

Snowstorm looked the red wolf over and her icy light-blue topaz eyes locked onto his. She casually browsed the rest of him, only wanting more. However, she kept her wits about her and with a smile that would melt a normal fur on the spot, gradually pulled up her tight pink belly shirt. The wolfess teased the red wolf a bit more, pulling her shirt from side to side and then finally removed it from her body to reveal her own set of cloudy, fluffy soft-white and fully plump breasts. Only the barest pink of her nipples slowly peaked out from her breast fur, which were steadily rising and becoming more and more erect from her excitement.

"Sometimes they'll want to leave her

Just give up and leave her

But they would never play that scene..."

The wolfess turned around, and playfully bent over, wagging her firm behind to her 'audience'.

When she took off her jeans, her firm thighs and legs showed a good amount of muscle tone, being a five-time Iditarod champion. Snowstorm's tail shook out from being tucked in, waving a flurry of white. Naturally, she was wearing no panties at all. Finally, she quickly bent over to pick up her jeans and in the same motion casually tossed them aside, her furry rear end glistening wet. As more pink opened from her vaginal pouch, her heat slowly rose in the summer air, smelling more like a succulent coconut than Vixina's own earthy scent.

"In spite of all her talking

Once she starts in walking

The lady will be all they ever dreamed..."

The song was just about over, but Snowstorm completely owned the moment. She felt

glorious, happy and free all at once as she removed the rest of her inhibitions for her 'audience'.

The wolfess bounced, swayed and grinded her hips against Vixina's thigh; then swung around to Cloudchaser, at first clutching his paws with hers to swerve him around and then rushed to the ground on her knees, sliding just underneath him and dangerously close to his pouch. The arctic femme looked up at him once again, and licked her lips slowly with a drooling red tongue as she swayed her head back and forth underneath him. The red wolf blushed, holding on to his crotch with all of his might and trying desperately not to get an erection from the dancer's lust.

"Oh they'll love to watch her strut

Oh they'll kill to make the cut

They love to watch her strut

Yeah love to watch her strut

Watch her strut..."

The wolfess ended her dance by roughly shoving herself away from Cloudchaser, still completely stunned by the wolf- femme. She ended her routine by spinning around and then collapsed to the ground in a full split as the music faded out. She panted heavily as her breasts heaved in exhaustion, but it was worth it. The wolf-femme's vaginal pouch opened wide, and it was now fully pink, dripping wet and so willing to be yiffed. In a deliberate motion, Snowstorm drew her paw to her moistening pussy and rubbed, moaning softly. Her musk filled the open air with coconut as she trembled within her pleasure.

At first, there was nothing but astonished silence from the red wolf and his vixen.

Eventually they both looked at each other, and nodded completely in agreement. With that, they both clapped as hard as they could whistling and hollering for more! "WHEE-OO!!! ENCORE!!! ENCORE!!!" The wolfess briefly stopped her rubbing, shied her head and blushed once again. She looked so very cute and sexy doing that, but quickly looked up and replied to the happy couple, "Thanks for saying that...*pant* *pant*...I was practicing that routine for *pant* *pant* weeks!"

The wolfess slowly brought her legs together and got up from the ground, leaving a small wet spot behind. Very happy with their review, her white tail flapped back and forth as she grinned and clutched her paws together against her chest. "Does that mean I'm hired?" she asked in all sincerity, looking at them with her sad 'puppy-dog' eyes.

"Oh honey, do you even hayve to ask?" The vixen jumped out and gave her a big hug, as her breasts squooshed against the wolf-femme's own. Snowstorm, caught up with the emotion, embraced her in return- and then slightly closing her eyes, gave a passionate kiss on the vixen's mouth! Vixina's eyes quickly bulged in surprise and shoved the wolf femme away from herself, hard. She sputtered, "Wha...what's come over yew, Snowy? Don't tell me youah...ah...ah...lez-bee-in?!" she asked, raising her voice high in shock. "No, I'm bi..." the wolfess explained, wondering why this would be such a big deal to her.

"C'mon, Vixy...I don't know why you would push yourself away from me now; we've been such good friends for so long..." the wolfess pouted as she folded her arms underneath her breasts.

"Yeah, well...yew didn't tell me youah ah 'switch-hitter' Snowy." The vixen suddenly eyed her suspiciously, as if she didn't know her at all.

Snowstorm looked at her again, very upset, with tears slowly welling up in her eyes. "I can't believe you...I mean, I just *sniff* can't...I always thought you were so open-minded, and I've always known were such a free spirit *sob* or was that all just a lie?!..." Snowstorm only looked away from Vixina, trying to hold back her tears, and the vixen looked at Cloudchaser to see in his eyes what he thought.

Cloudchaser, however, had nothing to say. He just looked right back into Vixina; if she was going to do the right thing, it was up to her to make the first move.

Looking down at the ground and ashamed at herself, Vixina kicked the dirt with her foot-pad and replied: "...Oh hell, Snowy, Ah'm sorry. It's just that,'s just that ah've never been with another woman befoah!" the vixen said to the wolfess, trying to console her.

The wolfess turned to Vixina, just looking into her emerald eyes as she wiped away a tear from her own icy-blues only spoke softly and emotionally: "But Vixina, your body is so beautiful. I could cuddle your tail all night long and just sleep with it, your hair is always so smooth and shiny, and well...all I ask is that you want me as much as I want you now."

The wolfess slowly brought herself closer to the vixen's naked body, and gently caressed a paw through her flowing hair. Vixina almost shied away again, but deep down she was starting to feel excited. She really didn't know what to think, although she could tell that Cloudchaser was enjoying it from the wolfish grin that was slowly developing on his face. "An' jus' whut are yew lookin' at, lovah-wuff? Spit it out, now." the vixen demanded. The red wolf could only reply, "All I can say is, if you can yiff a full-grown horse and not get turned off by it, then I don't see why you can't try something new...and honestly, the sight of two sexy furry femmes 'getting it on' has always been a fantasy of mine!"

Wide-eyed with astonishment with her paws against her hips, the vixen exclaimed, "Why, Cloudchasah- Ah nevah!" Snowstorm finally sensed her opportunity and reached over to Vixina's lips. She kissed the sexy vixen once again with feeling, fully and passionately. Vixina blushed, only saying to her best friend, now her new lover, "Please...ahhn...what do yew want from me?! Ah just don't know what to do!"

Kissing the vixen's neck softly and slowly caressing her furry breasts, the wolfess answered: "Why, it's easy...just have me like you'd want to have for yourself. Let yourself go, and enjoy the moment; I know I will..."

It was a revelation! Vixina just melted in Snowstorm's arms, letting the wolfess have her way with her. She licked some leftover spooge that had splattered on one of the vixen's nipples, and tasted her fur as her tongue circled around her aereola. Feeling friskier, the wolfess then gave a quick nip at the tip; Vixina gave out a short yelp, surprised by the bite.

The vixen growled playfully, and pushed Snowstorm back down to the ground; of course, the wolfess could just as easily overpower her at any moment. If this was Vixina's first time though, then she was just happy to know that she was slowly getting into it.

Cloudchaser, on the other hand was definitely starting to enjoy watching them play together. As he relaxed on a nearby pile of hay, he started to slowly paw himself seeing the two of them getting closer and closer with each other. He didn't think that he would be ready for a second round of yiffing, but with their kissing, fondling and groping of each other, he had to at least try.

In the meantime, Snowstorm had gradually rolled Vixina over and caressed every part of her body. Her paws followed along the crease of the vixen's fur, being careful not to rub it the wrong way. The vixen murred her approval as the wolfess slowly dragged her tongue across her thigh, and then louder as she moved in closer to lick up and down the juicy lips of her pussy. Vixina hissed and her teeth clenched. The lusty vixen fiercely waved her head from side to side when Snowstorm steadily lapped inside her, the wolfess' nostrils moving in and out of her thighs and her pink tongue rapidly slurped up her dripping nectar. The vixen's paws tore into the ground as she groaned in orgasm, her eyes rolling upward in pure ecstasy.

Snowstorm then placed her white paws against Vixina's thighs, spreading the vixen's legs even wider. The vixen's tail almost got in the way by flapping against the wolfess' breasts, but Snowstorm didn't seem to mind; in fact, she grabbed the tail in mid-flap and in a slow, sensual motion, used it to feather her breasts; then, she led the tail against her stomach down to her clitoris, tickling herself with it. By all that is holy that is so yiffing hot, the red wolf thought with a wicked grin, as his shaft slowly rose out of his pouch once more. He had to get closer to these sultry femmes as the smell of their heat drew him in like an electromagnet.

Vixina couldn't fully understand why she felt like this, even if she was writhing on the ground having orgasm after orgasm. Was she lesbian? Was she hetero? Was she something else? There were just so many questions in her mind. However, when she opened her eyes and saw the wolfess just look into her with such affection, she smiled and all of her doubts immediately vanished. All Snowstorm was doing was just expressing her love, that she had held back from Vixina for so many years. The wolfess had no regrets, other than she should have acted upon her feelings so long ago.

Pushing that thought away, Snowstorm put a dew-claw into the vixen's dripping wet pussy.

It was already loosened by all of the yiffing she had from her lover and from Corsair while her vaginal lips were spread wide, a deep shade of pink from being pounded so hard. The wolfess was as careful as she could be and lightly flickered her tongue against Vixina's clit.

Somehow, Vixina's paw even found its way to Snowstorm's own moistening cunt, slowly rubbing all over it and getting all wet and sticky at the same time. Snowstorm felt tingly all over as her breasts clung gently on top of the vixen's chest. Vixina tenderly necked Snowy as she licked her soft, downy fur on her nape. The wolfess shuddered in pleasure.

"Now roll over, Vixina, I'm wanna make you feel really good..." Snowstorm gently turned over the willing vixen and both of their tails lifted high in the air. She quickly brushed off the hay from Vixina's body and gradually caressed her all over while the vixen was on her hands and knees. Vixina started to pant heavily, and breathed harder when Snowstorm reached further down her body, kissing the small of her back while reaching up and around with her paws, softly kneading the eager vixen's heaving breasts.

Snowstorms paws arched over Vixina's ribs, feeling every breath from the vixen. Her paws went further down onto the vixen's body, lightly touching the firm rump. The wolfess brought her paws down to the vixen's thighs and legs, massaging them, finally coming to her toes. Snowstorm lifted one of Vixina's legs and grabbed a paw-pad, wiping off all of the dirt. But then, she did something that was very unusual yet pleasurable to the vixen; she put Vixina's foot close to her mouth and started to lick it eagerly.

Vixina was starting to squirm all over. "Hey...ha heh heh hee...hey no fair, you know

ah'm...hee! Heh he he ha HA!!...Ah'm...HAA hah HA HA heh hee!!...downraght ticklish theah!!!"

The wolfess grinned, since she loved nothing more than to tease a lover like this, especially if it meant getting a very nice orgasm in return.

The lusty vixen was now completely in ecstasy, as her breathing was becoming more and more labored. Vixina could only give a glazed look to Snowstorm and moaned softly, "Mmnhh...Oooh, Snowy...please, just...just a little more...Aaahhn...I'm...I'm soooo close now..." The wolfess smiled and tenderly embraced Vixina, kissing her and reaching into her as the vixen did the same. "Sshhhh..." Snowstorm replied, not wanting anything else to spoil the moment.

Once more, the wolfess went back into licking the vixen's dripping wet cunt, as her rough tongue lapped against Vixina's pussy lips in a steady rhythm. Snowstorm draped her paw over her own sticky thighs and reached into her vaginal pouch. Her other paw held onto Vixina's rear for balance, but she also feverishly pawed herself getting more and more into it. Snowstorm was ready to explode herself and was nearly lost in all of the ecstasy. Very soon, they would both collide.

Finally it was all too much. Vixina shuddered violently as if she were having a seizure, and screamed to the wolfess, "NNnnYEEEAGGH!!! AHHHNNN!!! OHH, SNOWY!!! GAWD MMrrAGHH I'M CUMMINNNNNGG!!!" as her pussy kept clenching against Snowstorm's paw, still thrusting deep inside her throbbing womb. Snowstorm panted heavily, heaving her chest as her own orgasm struck her full force. Caught up in the heat of the moment, the wolfess screamed back to the vixen as her paw lit off Snowstorm's g-spot, "HuUrrrnh!!! UuhNNnnyeah!!! Ahhnn VIIIXXY!!! YESSS GAWD YESSS I'M CUMMING TOO!!! AGGhhhnnn!!! YESSS!!! Ahhhn MAKER...I...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH VIXY!!!" With that admission finally free and out in the open, the wolfess couldn't take it back. Snowstorm could only hope that the vixen felt the same as both of their orgasms collided head-on.

Vixina knew this as a tear welled up in her eye and stopped what she was doing right away. The vixen rolled her back onto the ground and slowly embraced the wolfess, passionately mouthing Snowstorm's lips and rubbed her paws tenderly against the white fur of her back. The cloudy-white breasts of the wolf femme happily squished against the vixen's furry russet-brown chest and they both rubbed together in delight. Vixina spoke to Snowstorm in a low, tender voice: "Ohh, Snowy...Shhh...

I know that now. *pant* *pant* Huhhrmm...Mynnahh...*pant* *pant* you too, baby. I love you too."

Cloudchaser's primal instincts took over. He slowly dropped to the floor and crawled even nearer to them, his head and body low. He was stalking his prey and his mouth opened slightly, drooling as his fangs were bared, his sharp incisors ready to tear into his hapless victims. His paws clutched into the dirt and hay, inching closer and closer to the femmes; their naked, furry bodies and their moans of delight making each and every step feel miles apart. His tail was also dragging on the ground so that he wouldn't give himself away. His hard, stiff cock was fully upright within his legs as his knot bulged wetly in anticipation.

The red wolf's paw stepped on a twig- snap!- and dropped his head rapidly in embarrassment. Chagrined, he knew he had unintentionally given himself away. The wolfess proved his hunch by quickly raising her dripping wet mouth from Vixina's thighs, and playfully wiggled her firm behind to his face. "Aww...your mate looks so cute when he's stalking his prey! You think I should let him 'catch' me Vixy?"

The vixen smiled back, but stopped herself from saying anything more; suddenly, a very wicked idea pinged in the back of her mind, and she KNEW she had to let her best friend in on it. "Actually...Ah've got a better ideah. Would you mind steppin' outside Cloudchasah, so that we can hayve ah bit of 'girl talk' foah ah minute?" The red wolf gave her an incredulous look and then pointed to his raging erection as if to say, "What, like this?! You have GOT to be kidding me!!"

Cloudchaser was this close to exploding his load, but noticed the look that Vixina had on her face. She wasn't going to hear any excuses from him. He growled in frustration, "Oh...all right already! I'm going, I'm going!!" The red wolf peered outside to see if anyone else was around, and looked for a nearby brush to lift his leg on. Which, of course, is impossible when you still have a throbbing hard-on. He winced his face in pain, and headed outside hoping desperately that Vixina would be very brief.

"Now that mah lovah is outside, Ah want to talk to you right quick now, Snowy..." she lovingly cooed to her best friend. Snowstorm raised a furry white eyebrow, and wanted to know what Vixina had in mind. The vixen replied, "Well, yew seem to hayve a hankerin' foah mah Cloudchasah- an' Ah don't blame yew, Ah'm always like that myself..." she pointed out, as she got even closer to the wolfess. "So what ah was thinkin', was..." She directly and rapidly whispered into her girlfriend's ear, and Snowstorm's eyes widened immediately; she nodded in total understanding with Vixina, grinning at the idea herself. She was feeling the same and the smell of their heat in the air made it impossible to refuse.

"Now ah think ah hear mah wolf-mahn comin' on back, an' ah think he'll get a really nice surprise from the both of us, now won't he?" Vixina took a quick look out the barn door, and saw her red wolf slowly sauntering back to the barn- licking her lips hungrily; oh, what she wouldn't give to pounce right on him as he got to the door, but knew that her other idea was MUCH better.

When Cloudchaser had walked out from the barn, he had to cool off from his frustration. He walked around the back of the barn for a bit, pacing back and forth. Now wait just a minute! Didn't he treat Vixina just yesterday to all of the Fourth of July festivities? Didn't she love him as much as he loved her? Didn't he have any say at all? He knew he wanted to get yiffed, and he knew that his vixen wanted to as well; so what was up with all of these secrets all of a sudden? Fuming, he turned around and stomped back to the door. He was going to have a long talk with his mate even if his cock was still rigid from all of the stimulation.

Vixina saw the red wolf slowly tromping back in, and knew he was ready for her surprise. She motioned to Snowstorm to get to the other side of the barn door, and they both stood on each side just waiting to pounce all over him. The wolfess had clutched her pink shirt still hanging from her paw, at the ready to turn it into a blindfold for the 'hapless victim'.

" you just stand still, ah think he'll like' on three..."

"One..." They both silently counted, just waiting for him to come into the door, with the red wolf not having a clue as to what was going on...

"Two..." The vixen drooled, ogling her mate's throbbing erection, and she loved it when he was angry and horny at the same time. It only meant that she was going to be 'punished' again later, and her pussy dripped out its fluids gradually in her excitement.

"THREE!!!" In a flash, they had both gleefully pounced on Cloudchaser. Taken aback by the sudden rush, the red wolf was helpless as the two naked femmes grabbed hold of his body.

"Hey! Wha...What the heck is..." Cloud could only sputter as the two femmes playfully pulled him down to the ground. "Ah got his arms!" the lusty vixen cried. "And I'll do this!" the wolfess replied, wrapping her pink shirt over Cloud's eyes, making it impossible to see what they were doing to him.

"Vixina!! Just what are you up to?!" the red wolf protested.

While on her knees and still holding Cloud's arms tightly behind his back, the vixen leaned up close against the red wolf, as her breasts clung warmly to his fur. Bringing her scarlet lips to Cloud's tufted ears, she cooed softly: "Oh, Cloudchasah...Now ah think you've been a little naughty, now haven't yew?!" The vixen grinned widely, her sharp canine teeth sparkling from her drooling wet mouth.

"...And such a naughty wolf deserves to be punished, wouldn't you say Vixy?" Snowstorm answered with a smile in return, immediately making the red wolf snap his head towards the wolfess' voice. Grr! That vixen! Cloudchaser thought to himself, she must have told that other femme everything!

"When I get out of this...I'll...I'll teach you such a lesson, Vixina!" the red wolf declared. " that a promise?" the vixen coyly asked as the wolfess put her paw directly onto his furry chest, slowly making a trail down to his pouch.

"Now...Ah want yew to hold still now, an' if yew don't, youah not gonna get youah treat. You think you can handle that, babe?!" the vixen said in a more sterner tone. Vixina was going to have her way with Cloudchaser, and from the sound of her voice she meant every word.

Snowstorm had her paws all over Cloudchasers' pouch, and roughly licked him up and down with her velvet tongue, tasting every fold. "Mmmnnh...he tastes soooo good, Vixy..." The red wolf squirmed; he wasn't used to having another femme- other than his Vixina- give him such pleasure.

Vixina scowled, and then grasped onto his arms with her sharp claws even tighter. The red wolf grimaced slightly; relenting somewhat, the vixen licked his face and then gave him a passionate kiss. She pulled back, only saying: " moved, now didn't you, mah lovin' wolfy? Now what ahm ah supposed to do about that, ah wonder?"

"I think I have an idea, Vixy..." Snowstorm replied with a grin, as her open and willing mouth was still dripping. With that, the bitch in heat went back down on Cloudchaser's pouch again, licking more forcefully and with enthusiasm. The red wolf's throbbing red shaft delightfully sprang out from its pouch, knot and all. Snowstorm replied with a wide grin: "Oh are such a lucky vixen! Thanks for sharing him with me, you foxy girl!"

Vixina looked down at Snowstorm, noticing that the wolfess was enjoying his wolf-hood. Opening her thighs, the vixen brought herself closer to Cloudchaser's body, holding him in a locked position and slowly grinded her hips into his rear, moaning softly into his tufted ear. Snowstorm kept going with her licking, stopping only to bring her chest forward and placing her soft downy breasts onto his cock. She gently stroked his throbbing shaft with them and the sensation was incredible; it almost felt as if he was being yiffed by two large fluffy pillows.

Kneeling on the ground, Snowstorm leaned forward to increase her pace, pulling Cloud's cock into her mouth. With a firm paw-hold, she stroked him in a steady rhythm and the red wolf only leaned his head back, groaning in obvious pleasure. His toes twitched and curled slightly, and his breathing became more labored. He could barely contain himself, and his testicles ached for release; unfortunately for him, Snowstorm's special hold locked onto his cock tightly and refused to let go.

"Time for your 'punishment', Cloudchaser; make sure you take it like a man, now!" Stroking his cock with one paw, the wolfess first put her other paw into her moistening pussy, pawing herself to get herself ready for his cock. She quietly oohed another small orgasm from that, but pulled out her paw and waved it in front of Cloudchaser's nose. Tightly being held in place by Vixina, the smells of honeysuckle and coconut joining together were driving him crazy.

Yet, somehow not being able to see what they were doing felt very good. Struggling madly, he bobbed his head back and forth as he tried vainly to lick the wolfess' paw, lolling his tongue out, trying to catch even the faintest drop of her nectar.

Snowstorm only cruelly teased the poor red wolf with her paw, bringing it up just enough to where he could smell it, and then just as quickly pulled back when he reached in to take a taste. She licked it herself instead, and with her soft voice teasing him and goading him further, said to him: "Mmm...I'll bet you want some, huh, my poor little puppy? Aww...that's too bad...all gone!"

The red wolf whined in protest, but Vixina gently put her arms and paws around his chest, stroking his fur and rubbing his belly. His left leg jogged up and down as she rubbed him, and he panted even faster with his tail thumping happily against the ground. Snowstorm relented in 'punishing' him by bringing her paw up to his mouth again. Hesitating at first, Cloudchaser leaned forward and then reached towards the intoxicating aroma. Finally finding her paw with his tongue, he licked and licked at it hungrily. "Haah!" the wolfess cried, "that tickles!"

"Oh, by the maker...please...I've gotta cum..." Cloud begged softly to the arctic canine. Vixina reached around him from the side of his body and then gently let go of his arms. The red wolf did not move them at all, as if he was still bound by an invisible rope. Vixina spoke softly to Snowstorm in a loving voice: "Okay, girlfriend, lemme just get alongside you so's ah can have another taste."

Snowstorm nodded, and Vixina crawled around to be right next to her, mouthing the pointed tip of Cloud's cock as Snowstorm licked the bottom half, holding onto him with an iron grip. The red wolf cried out as both of their tongues glided back and forth onto him, the rough velvet driving him to the brink- "NYAAAGH!! I'VE GOTTA...UNGHHH!!!" as their mouths lovingly joined together at the tip of his cock, their tongues gradually twisting and turning around his pulsating shaft.

Each took turns in their licking; Vixina mouthed his shaft, licking it up and down, and then stopped. Snowstorm followed it up with the same motion, and fondled the red wolf's testicles at the same time. Then Vixina; Then Snowstorm. Then Vixina; Then Snowstorm. Both of them were lovingly licking his throbbing member and then pulling back, over and over and over again. But in the end, it was Vixina who would surprise Cloudchaser the most by what she did next.

"If yew insist..." the vixen said, and with that, gently licked her dew-claw and slowly inserted it right into Cloudchaser's tail-hole. She knew that much like her own g-spot, Cloudchaser was going to explode when she put her finger in there. Cloudchaser only barked out an "URK!" as his eyes violently bulged even wider within of the belly shirt. Snowstorm felt his cock tremble vigorously, and with a lustful gleam in her eyes suddenly released her grip.

"RAHHHAGGH!! MAKER I'M CUMMING!!!" Cloudchaser roared as his paws rushed to bring both of the femmes into him and shuddering, his spooge burst out of his cock like a geyser. Spurting and gushing out, the both of them were splattered with his warm milky sperm all over their bodies as it also drenched their gaping mouths, wide open taking in every drop.

The while wolfess playfully licked some of the spooge that had coated Vixina's copper-brown breasts, and dared the vixen, "Hey, Vixy- I bet I can make him do that again...let's see you try this!" Cloudchaser was still sitting on the ground and he had thrown the belly shirt off from his face. He was trying desperately to recuperate, but the wolfess wasn't going to let him just yet. Turning around and sitting directly on his lap, at first Snowstorm slapped his still-rigid penis against her sticky pussy flaps. However, she quickly rose up and aimed his cock directly into her tail hole, and eagerly pushed it deep inside her ass.


Snowstorm willingly milked Cloud's member with her anal muscles as she rose up and down, taking in his wolf-hood right up her tail-hole. Vixina, not shocked at all by this from the wolfess, sat nearby and watched them yiff each other. The lusty vixen pawed herself slowly and gently, with a dew-claw inside her tail-hole as well. If her Cloud could recover from all of this yiffing, it would be a miracle, but if not she would at least be able to get herself off again.

The red wolf's paws clutched against Snowstorm's waist as they briefly lifted higher and caressed against her lusciously plump white furry breasts. You could almost see her nipples glinting as droplets of milk formed when Cloudchaser squeezed and squished the wolfess' teats. The wolfess moaned and lifted her head high as she howled softly; a beautiful, low, melodious howl that made Cloudchaser's fur stand up on end.

That was more than enough. The red wolf somehow found his second wind and the stamina he needed to flood his juice in Snowstorm's scorching tight ass. It felt SO GOOD! and he would have to try this with Vixina the next time, though he was just about ready to collapse. But if he was going to do that anyway, he was going out in style. With his last amount of energy he grabbed his paws against Snowstorm's fuzzy thighs and pulled her in deep, shoving his cock and his knot all the way into her tail-hole with abandon and shouting to the wolfess, "NNNNYYYYEEEARGHHH!! AHHH YEEEAHHH TAKE IT, SNOWY!!! YOU WANT MY CUM HUNH?! YOU WANT IT?! HUURRUNNNH HERE IT CUMS SNOWY ARRRRGGGHHHRRAHHNN!!!" The red wolf twitched and shuddered violently, having no control over himself any more as he suddenly stopped, his testicles releasing its last amount of splooge right inside the wolfess' taut hole.

Snowstorm felt the splooge reach into her and give her such a warm feeling inside her body.

The wolfess moaned a gentle orgasm and pawed her throbbing pussy lips as they foamed from her ejaculate, which dripped onto Cloudchaser's knot and then flowed over his pouch. Vixina was continuously pawing herself, loving every moment and even felt as though she had been yiffed like that as well. Grr! She thought to herself. Why does she always have to show off like that? However, she pushed that thought aside; they all loved each other and enjoyed each other's sex, so who cared? Next time, time...

The wolfess relaxed her tail-hole and gently pulled out from Cloudchaser, collapsing to the ground and heavily panting. She certainly enjoyed that yiff as her hole throbbed warmly, a little sore from all of the pounding. But Cloudchaser, Vixina and Snowstorm all hugged one another happily; while they didn't know what the future would bring, they still had each other and would always share their love together freely and openly from now on.


One Hot Summer's Day Continued

Written by Chrismukka, posted with permission WARNING! STRONG ADULT CONTENT and DESCRIPTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTS and DESCRIPTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTS, ESPECIALLY A FEMALE FURRY WITH ANIMALS! So, if you can't handle that, TOO BAD!! Vixina Chaconage is...

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One Hot summer's Day

Written by Chrismukkah, posted with permission WARNING! STRONG ADULT CONTENT and DESCRIPTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTS, ESPECIALLY A FEMALE FURRY WITH ANIMALS! So, if you can't handle that, TOO BAD! Vixina Shaconage is from (and mated with) Cloudchaser...

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