Paradise of Coexistence Chapter 1

Story by Elvetie on SoFurry

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OK so this is supposed to represent my migration from to Sofurry, Don't worry I will post a lemon or two between each chapter and if you don't like the story feel free to tell me what i should change or if something confuses you or whatever but if you like it then that's awesome, I am opening the request box so Pm me if you want me to write a lemon with certain pokemon.

A paradise of Coexistence chapter 1

Coexistence with more than one species was something only humans had accomplished, but Arceus had been graceful to pokemon. He gave them a spot where no humans would reach, it was named Paradise, only Pokemon could be in this land of pure peacefulness. Not only that, he embedded a magic into Pokemon allowing them to speak words to communicate with each other more efficiently, it was called 'Ruvine'. However Arceus made everything to have its flaws, the magic embedded in Pokemon came from a intangible stream below Paradise, that had run out. So several Pokemon worked together to make Ruvine and gave it out to newborn Pokemon, once Ruvine was embedded within a pokemon it would stay permanently.

But soon the amount of Ruvine needed overpowered the amount of Ruvine produced, so Pokemon added prices to it, and many didn't have the expenses to buy it. Pokemon without Ruvine are considered crippled, and treated as inferior beings, it wasn't too long before someone began making their own Ruvine. The makers of the original Ruvine had made it illegal and arrested any Pokemon that had the fake Ruvine, and found a way to remove it. However makers of the origin Ruvine never found the head maker of the fake Ruvine, only Pokemon embedded with it.

"Sir we've found more of the fake Ruvine" A sawk said standing up straight.

"Urgh where is all this fake Ruvine coming from, we can't keep hunting down every single Pokemon with this stuff" Judge Kyurem said laying back in his office chair.

Judge Kyurem was a greatly respected Pokemon, and was the creator of original Ruvine and ran the law around Paradise.

"I've contacted every pokemon that has even the slightest idea in solving crimes" the icy dragon said while he held his head in his face, he was losing hope in finding the culprit.

"Sir have you tried contacting a Pokemon named Alyssa?" Sawk said fidgeting a bit.

"Alyssa? who's that?" Judge Kyurem said as the name grabbed his curiosity.

"Apparently she's a skilled crime solver and she's helped us solve many a case and she has a reasonably good skill in combat, I'm honestly surprised you haven't heard of her" Sawk said.

"Hm.. I'm surprised myself in all honesty, bring her here, I'd like to have a chat with this 'Alyssa'" Judge Kyurem said before turning his back and looking out the window.

"Yes sir" Sawk said before exiting Kyurem's office.

"Let's see if she can find the little cretin" Kyurem said as he gazed out the night's sky.

Alyssa lived in the Bee's keep, it was a hotel, very lavish in design and it was owned by Crysolia the Vespiquen. The walls were covered with a yellow wallpaper with elaborate bee designs, and a potted plant at each corner of the first floor. There were two big couches with a golden yellow color, and a mahogany coffee table placed in the middle.

Sawk entered the Bee's keep and slowly made his way towards Crysolia's counter.

"Welcome to Bee's Keep, how may I help you?" Vespiquen said with a cheery smile.

"I'm looking for Alyssa, she resides here does she not?" Sawk said trying to be as formal as possible.

"And why would you be looking for her?" Vespiquen said as her eyes narrowed and her smile disappearing, she was very cautious not to just give away locations to some stranger.

"Ah, I'm working for Judge Kyurem here's proof" Sawk said as he handed her his ID.

Crysolia read through it very carefully, and looked really annoyed by the Sawk.

"Room 3, second floor" the Queen bee hissed as she pointed towards some stairs to the left.

"Uhm thank you Ma'am?" Sawk said as he hurriedly went upstairs, he was getting the feeling that he was not welcome here.

Slowly passing through the yellow corridor, he found Alyssa's room and knocked on the door. He could hear soft footsteps as a goodra opened the door, she looked rather surprised by the sudden visit.

"Who are you?" the Goodra said.

"I'm a worker for Judge Kyurem, and he would like to see you for the fake Ruvine case" Sawk said.

"wait...THE judge Kyurem?" Alyssa said, her eyes widened at the thought of meeting the famous Judge Kyurem.

"Yes now please follow me" Sawk said as he began to lead the way.

"Ok!" Alyssa said excitedly as she grabbed her brown leather coat.

Sawk was passed a glare from Crysolia as the two went downstairs and left the Bee's Keep.

"By the way, whats wrong with the Vespiquen, it looks like she hates me" Sawk said innocently, he was fairly certain he didn't do anything wrong.

"Oh, she has a big distaste for the workers of Judge Kyurem, but that's all I know, but she's a really nice person at heart!" Alyssa said defending the innkeeper.

After a few minutes they finally arrived at Kyurem's office, Alyssa was thrilled to bits to meet someone of such stature. Sawk opened the double doors, to which she marveled at the decor and organization of the room, there were tall bookcases to the left and right, it was probable that these were filled with important documents. Kyurem's bureau was made of polished mahogany, Alyssa could clearly see her own reflection on the shiny wood.

"Ah you must be the Alyssa I heard about, honestly I didn't expect a Goodra of all pokemon" Kyurem said with a warm smile.

Alyssa was a bit offended by that but tried smiling back.

"Well I'm sure you've heard about the fake Ruvine being produced in Paradise?" Kyurem said as he pointed towards a seat across from his.

"Yes I have" Alyssa said honestly, how would someone not know about it by now?

"Well you're here to investigate, I trust you can handle it?" Kyurem said.

"Huh? uhm me? solve the case?" Alyssa said confused, his words were a bit sudden.

"Don't worry I just want you to check a certain area, for any makers of fake Ruvine, take this with you" Kyurem said as he handed her a small gemstone.

"Just keep it with you, it'll start glowing brighter the closer you get to someone with a fake Ruvine, we already cleaned out the area but should you see anymore please put them down" the Judge said as he grabbed a map from his drawers.

"Oh ok what's the area?" Alyssa said as she put the gem in one of the pockets on her coat.

"This area, my officers have found quite a lot of fake Ruvine coming from this place" Kyurem said as he pointed towards the docks at the coast of Paradise.

"Very well, I'm on the case" Alyssa said, hyped to actually be hired by Kyurem himself.

"But first a good night's rest is mandatory, investigate tomorrow and also be careful" Kyurem said as he laid back in his chair.

"Yes sir" Alyssa said.

"Just call me Kyurem, good night Alyssa" Judge Kyurem said as he gave his warm smile again.

"Alright uhm.. Kyurem, good night" Alyssa said awkwardly as she left Kyurem's office.

It was really late at night, the sky was pitch black and streets were empty as Alyssa made her way towards the Bee's keep. Opening the door, she was greeted with Crysolia's welcoming smile.

"Ah welcome back Alyssa, how was the meeting with Kyurem?" Crysolia said happily as she made a cup of warm honey tea.

"It was fine, a bit awkward, he's very solemn" Alyssa said, laughing a bit as she made her way to the counter.

"Hehe well you should gets some rest, for your next case" Crysolia said laughing a bit as she handed her the mug.

"Yeah I am feeling rather tired" Alyssa said as she sighed, drinking the warm tea as she made her way upstairs.

Entering her apartment, she jumped into the showers and leisurely enjoyed the water streaming off her body. She loved showers, even though her slime production was constant, it didn't stop her from always being clean. Alyssa hated filth and cleaned her room daily, her slime never discouraged her from cleaning her room although it did get in the way. After several minutes of washing, she turned off the lights and jumped in her bed before drifting off into to sleep.

The next morning came with the sound of Pidoves, sleepily she looked at her clock with what little light protruded from the yellow curtains. Slowly she crawled out of her bed, and exited her apartment to find Crysolia sweeping up the floor. They bid each other a good morning as Alyssa grabbed her coat and helped herself to breakfast. She made her way towards the Coast of Paradise, and was astonished by the fresh ocean breeze and the new day in Paradise.

"How beautiful..." Alyssa said as she looked at the huge body of water, an occasional luvdisc jumping out the water as Pokemon happily splashed in the ocean. It had been a while since Alyssa had last seen the ocean, much less remembered how wondrous it was. However not everything was as serene as it seemed, a buizel in a hurry had accidentaly bumped against Alyssa as he fell back dropping the box he was carrying. The sound of shattering glass could be heard within the box, as she helped the Buizel back up.

"Oh no, this is bad!" the buizel said in a panic, he was apparently delivering something to someone.

"You should be more careful of where your looking" Alyssa said trying to help him, but he refused he grabbed the box and hurriedly ran away.

"Hm?" Alyssa eyes looked at the corner of the box as it leaked out a blueish light, something was off about what that Buizel was delivering.

Alyssa decided to follow the Buizel to see where he was carrying the box, he went towards a abandoned boathouse near the sandy beach. Carefully he looked around before entering the boathouse. She hid behind a corner of a building, as she made her way towards the building, it was definitely old and eerie as she came closer. As bold as it seemed she had to enter via the front door as every opening was broken down, slowly the metal door creaked as she entered. The boathouse was filled to the brim with boxes, similar to that of a warehouse, she was walking in a corridor as an occasional ratata passed by her feet. The floor was a cold stone and the walls were rusted metal, she could see light from an open room and heard faint voices arguing about something.

She began eavesdropping on the conversation, the voices were both a male and female and Alyssa instantly recognized the male one to be the Buizel's voice.

"I'm sorry Foxy, I was in a hurry so I broke the delivery of fake Ruvine!" the buizel pleaded.

"Its fine darling, as long as you didn't bump into a cop or somethin" the female voice said, Alyssa saw that the female voice belonged to the Floatzel which was named Foxy.

"Wait a minute...someone's here" Foxy said as she made her way towards the door, the fins on her hand glowing with a blue light as it shaped into a blade.

Getting ready to attack she looked around outside the door, but she didn't see anyone.

"Hm..must be my imagination" Foxy said as she giggled to herself, but then quickly sent out a blade of water in the darkness. Alyssa had just barely dodged it, as the Buizel turned on the lights.

"You can't hide from me darling" Foxy said smiling as she readied her blades for another strike.

"I should have noticed your sense of smell would rat me out" Alyssa said sighing as the gem in her pocket glowed, Foxy was wearing the Fake Ruvine.

"Hm? you're working for Judge Kyurem? that's dumb" Foxy said, her face clrealy showing dissappointment.

"Huh?! what's wrong with working for such a great person!" Alyssa shouted, as she got ready for a fight.

"He's not a great person darling" Foxy said before moving towards Alyssa with great speed, slicing the air leaving small droplets of water in it's wake. Alyssa dodged it as she summoned green whips that tore through the stoney ground and caught Foxy's feet.

"Waaa!" Foxy shouted before falling on her back, and Alyssa swiftly holding her down.

"Grr! you won't stop me so easily!" Foxy said as she escaped Alyssa's grasp with a flurry of blue slashes leaving behind several scratches on Alyssa's arm.

"Oww.." Alyssa said holding her arm as small droplets of blood dripped from the cuts.

The Floatzel stood proud but Alyssa moved towards her and fired a suprise dragon pulse at her, causing an explosion in the boathouse. Alyssa moved towards Foxy who was unconscious as the smoke dissipated, and tied her up with a power whip.

"Ughhh... that hurt..." Foxy whined, as Alyssa sat down waiting for Judge Kyurem or his officers to come to the boathouse after noticing the explosion. Alyssa's arms still burned from the attack Foxy had used, it was a while since she had last fought with another pokemon. She figured this might be a good time for questioning, so she turned her attention to Foxy.

"Hey, do you mind giving me some answers to what you're doing?" Alyssa said, she was not in a mood to cooperate.

"Sure, I'll be more than happy to explain how things work" the Floatzel said giving a evil smile, as if she was taunting Alyssa to question her.

"You see, our boss hates Judge Kyurem, he's simply unfair darling!" Foxy said, her face had a hint of sadness.

"That's why our boss made fake Ruvine, so he could give it to those who can't afford real Ruvine! I respect my boss and I hope he'll always make fake Ruvine for the poor souls" Foxy said looking down at the ground. Alyssa listened to Foxy and was a bit moved by her loyalty but that doesn't matter, fake Ruvine is illegal and has to stay illegal.

"Your boss is the guy who made all the fake Ruvine in Paradise?" Alyssa asked.

"Yes he is darling! and I'm not the only commander of fake Ruvine production, one of them is very close to you" Foxy said grinning, she spoke the last words with a deep voice.

"Who is your boss!" Alyssa shouted, she was becoming impatient with the floatzel.

"I'm not telling you and removing my fake Ruvine won't help you either darling, find the second commander and she'll tell you" Foxy said as she gave a wicked smile. Just then the same metal door was kicked open as several guard pokemon came in the building.

"Miss Alyssa!" A familiar voice called out, it was Judge Kyurem and he arrived with several other pokemon that were his officers. Alyssa was rather relieved to see Kyurem as he assured her that he'll handle the rest. She gave a final look at Foxy who was now being taken a way to Kyurem's prison, she simply sighed like she didn't even care. While she was dragged passed Alyssa she whispered a last few words, "He'll break me free" Foxy whispered as she smiled at Alyssa once more before being taken away to the prison.

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