Night's Children Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#2 of MLP

Luna wakes up to find what her legacy has done in the past 1000 years.

The response Luna got was not what she expected as Nightshadow put a hoof to hir muzzle trying to prevent something coming out but failed and Nightshadow fell down laughing and hugging her sides. "You the Princess of the Night, that's rich. WOW what a statement!" Luna lost her temper and got up.

" Tiss TRUE! You Ungrateful Whelp!"She stomper her hoff then felt very weak and collapsed back onto the cot. Nightshadow stopped laughing and went to her.

"Easy now, you are darn lucky to be alive. Now get some rest you'll need your strength."Luna did feel tired and did as asked and quickly fell asleep. Nightshadow did one last check on the strange mare before going on to her other duties in the hospital. After checking on some of the patients she ran into Night's Touch the head doctor for the Children.

"So how is are guest?"

"She's resting right now and i have treated her wounds but I think she took a blow to the head. She goes by the name Luna and claims to be the Princess of the Night."

"You sure she's one of us?"

"Pretty sure. She has the crest of the Princess and hir color and cutie mark are in our style. But she is of a type of pony i have never seen before. She has pegasus wings and a unicorn horn. I didn't think it was possible for a pony to have both?"

"I haven't heard of it either. Well she is your responiblity now so keep an eye on her till we know for sure."Nightshadow nodded and with the injured and sick taken care of she went to her remaining duties.

Luna awoke sometime later feeling the aches and pains of her wounds and she took stock of herself. She had scratches, bruises and bandages all over her body and one wrapping her left wing. She was still disturbed by the fact she was in her original form. This was going to cause Celestia to worry. When she assumed Luna's role after banighing her to the moon it took her a couple days to have full control over it. But it helped that even banish on the moon Nightmare moon still had a bond with it even if she couln't control it anymore. But when she returned it took MONTHS to get her powers and bond back. Looks like Clestia has to do both roles for the time being again. What a way to start a quest. Celestia might even send out Twilight Sparkle and her friends. While they would no doubt help and be an asset they deserve some time off after the whole Tirek incident. And she was the Princess of the Night for pony's sake. She should be able to handle this. She looked back at herself and noticed two of her hoof covers gone and she didn't feel the small weight of her crown on her head. Well she was still alive. She can handle the rest. And first up was the call of nature. Finding a nearby chamber pot she took care of that and began the long process and bonding to the moon again. She does this for shi doesn't know how long when she hears. "How are you feeling Luna?"

"Stiff and sore and hungry."

"Well just stay therre I'll get you something to eat." Nightshaow left and return a few minutes later with a tray of food. Luna couldn't hold back as she chowed down. After a couple minutes she slows down and says.

"I haven't had food this good since Sweet Apple Acres."

"Well our farmers try their hardest to provide food for us all." Luna sensed some weight in that.

"You know i am curious how your branch of the Children got started. Regale me with your history."

"Okay I can do that. We once lived in Equestria with all the otehr ponies and lived under the tryanny of the Choatic one till two brave sisters appeared and defeated him. The two sister then ruled Equestria for centuries onward but the rebuilding and maintain of the land took it's toll. The Princess of the Night was weary of her daily struggles and wanted to take those like her who loved the night to form our own colony. But the Elder Sister refused fearing to would forever divide the kingdom. We don;t know exactly why but the Princess of the Day attack the Night and won. We her children fled Equestria fearing the Days wrath. Eventually we found fetile land beyond the known boarders of Equestria and decided to settle there. We found ruins here and best we could tell this was the original pony homeland abandoned so long ago. We considered it an omen that we were meant to be here and we grew strong and happy under the moon. Till a few years ago, we were attacked but not from Equestria as we always assumed but from the opposite direction by beings that walk of two feet and batlike wings and all dark and mist with green eyes. We fought hard but with our defenses geared for the opposite direction we were vunerable. About a year ago we ell back to this place. Originally our military's command and control for our first line's defenses against Equestria it now houses all that's left of us Children of the night or so we thought till you showed up. With Equestria at our backs and this horde closing in we are not in good shape but we have held here for now." Luna frowned, so much wrong there but she was proud of them. They had survived all this time on their own and a unneeded fear keeps them from seeking help or escape.

"Among my duties is to watch Equestria Nightshadow. There is no reason to fear them anymore. They will help, they have changed. Please for the sake of all consider it."

"That's not my call to make."

"Then tell it to someone who is. The future of the Children of the Night depend on it."

"I will I promised just don't get riled up okay?" Luna nodded and relaxed a bit. Before they could continue they both heard young cheers and Luna saw dark blue unicorn filly with purple mane and tail and the pegasus filly with black fur and white mane and tail run over and around Nightshadow. Both were without their cutie mark and like Nightshadow they wore an artical of clothing with her mark on it. Eclipse, Twilight Moon come here!" The two young fillies came over and nightshadow gave them a stern look. "Now what did i tell you about coming in here? This cave is full of sick and injured ponies."

"But we missed you." Luna saw a sad smile on the unicorn's muzzle. She put a foreleg around the two and said queitly. "I want to spend more time with you but many ponies need my help and we need food on the table." Nightshadow looked up at a clock. "Now it's past your bedtime and you should be in bed."

"But the moon isn't even close to setting." Nightshadow frowned but replied. "It's still your bed time. Now just let me finish with Luna here and I'll tuck you in." The two fillies looked at Luna and the pegasus spoke first.

"Cool another pegasus!"

"No she's not, she's got a horn." The Unicorn filly replied. Luna smiled at them and interjected.

"I am an alicorn. A combonation of all three tribes." Both of the fillies looked at her in awe as Nightshadow looked confused.

"Well say goodbye to Luna and I'll be over in a few minutes." The two said goodbye and trotted of with Nightshadow smiling at them.

"You make a good mother." Luna commented. Nightshadow looked at her with a sad smile.

"I am one now am I. They both lost their parents a year ago during the final retreat. I've been doing my best to take care of them since no one else stepped up."

"Life doesn't always give you tested you are prepared for. I know that first hand." Luna then yawned and Nightshadow smirked at her.

"YOU get some sleep." Luna had to nod and laid down and was instantly asleep. Nightshadow took one last look over the injured mare and satified with the healing she left for her alcove. She passed Night's Touch and the elder Unicorn asked how Luna was doing.

"Still healing but i have to ask. You ever heard of an alicorn?"

"Can't say I have."

"Well Luna is claiming to be one and since I have never encountered a winged unicorn before it seems to make sense. Where do you think she comes from?"

"No clue Nightshadow. I have Lunar light check the old records for any mention of Alicorns. But you get to the kids and rest okay?" Nightshadow nodded and continued on. When she got into her alcove she saw Twilight Moon trying to lift a cookie out of a jar with her horn magic when Nightshadow took it. Shakeing her head at the unicorn foal.

"Too late for that Twilight." Nightshadow replaced the cookie for some milk and a carrot. "Here you go little sis." There was a slight frown but the fillies was too hungry to care. Nightshadow had a snack herself as she watch the two play a little before tiring out. She helped them to bed and just watch them sleep. From tbhe door she saw a streak of light. The sun had come up finally. While the Children of the Night love and revere the moon they understand the need for the sun. But it was concerning that this took as long as it did. The children assumed that the Princess of the Sun took both roles and gave time equally to sun and moon. The last such occourance was four years ago when the night lasted but longer. Many of the Children thought their mother had returned but nothing more happened with that. With a yawn Nightshaow decided to join the fills in the land of dreams.

It took a week for Luna to have the strentgh to walk and the first thing she demanded was to see her guard's graves. Nightshadow directed her to a pair of graves just outside the main wall. They were mounds with a stick with her mark. She cried hard then. These two were among her few friends and now they were gone. Nightshaow stood respectively away as Luna mourned. "Their names were Quick Arrow and Silver Sword."

"I'll see that their names are added." Luna nodded and as she turned from their graves she saw the others a few rows of graves with her mark above them with a cutie mark name and dates on them.

"How many Nightshadow? How many have died?" Nightshadow look to the graves with a sad look and replied.

"Here? About a hundred and about half of us since this all started." 'BY THE MOON!' Luna thought, she hadn't heard of devestation that bad since Discord's reign. She had to regain her bond to the moon quickly. Nightshadow gave her a quick tour of the compound. The bulk of the place was built into a mountain rrange and she saw several holes in the side facing away from Equestria. Some where firing holes, some where windows, and some where balaconies for pegasi to land on. A stone wall protected the ground enterance with a couple of buildings. While by the graves she saw fields and orchards for food. Their water source mush be underground. Begining to tire again Nightshadow lead them back to the hospital area. But as they grew close night's Touch stopped them.

"I'm sorry Luna, I know you are still healing but we need that cot for more injured ponies. The elders have brough another cot into Nightshadow's place for you and here is some herbs to help your healing further."

"It is alright Night's Touch. Thank you for everything." They then head over to Nightshadow's alcove and they saw the cot and Luna laid down with her legs relieved of her weight and sighed at the feeling.

"Oh they brought these over to." Nightshadow said and brought a bag over. Luna used her magic to opened and saw her guards armor. She smiled sadly at them and stroked a helmet.

"At least I have something to give their families. They were good ponies."

"Where do you live?" Nightshadow asked. Luna smuiled a bit.

"A ways from here. I was sent by my older sister to check out strange activity here and I found out the hard way." Before Nightshadow could reply they both her shouting. Nightshadow opened the door and both she and luna looked out. Outside their alcove they saw a mare the same age as nightshadow arguing with an elder unicorn.

"I told you before Darkmoon the old ruins are too dangerous to explore at this point."

"But elder we can not continue like this. Our backs are against the wall here. We have no where left to run with Equestria at our backs. I am working on a spell that could save us all but there are things i need from the old ruins."

"We have lost too many good ponies Darkmoon and it has been sujested that we could try Equestria."

"WHAT!? Are you insane? They would kill us if they knew about us."

"Maybe a thousand years ago yes. But among our flaws is that we haven't had anyone of us see the views of the Equestrians since we fled. Yes we look for approaching armies but we haven't spied on them and how they view us. They may have even forgotten us. Yes we our on the rails which means we have to take drastic measures and I rather risk our brothers and sisters to Equestria then to to a plan they may never work. I'm sorry Darkmoon, I can not allow that but i appreciate your work. We are sending our scouts out tomorrow night." The younger unicron just shook her head and stomped off.

"Who was that?" Luna asked.

"That was Darkmoon, one of our fiercest unicorn fighters and a mage at that. We be worst off without her but she has occasionally bang heads with the elders on things." Luna nodded and then looked at Nightshadow.

"Nightshadow if you are sending a scout team to Equestria i like them to deliver a message to an agent in Ponyville named Applejack. She can let my people know I'm still alive and in good hands."

"I can try no gurantees." Again Luna nodded and the both head back inside.

About a week earlier

Celestia looked out her window as for the second time she had to raise the moon. "What has happened my dear sister. Whatever it is please be alright. I did not wait a thousand years to lose you again so soon." She walks back to her throne and with a sigh sits. She doesn't sit long when a scroll magically appears. It read.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have noticed the issues with the moon lately and can only conclude that something has happened to Princess Lluna. Please let me know if there's anyway i can help.

Princess Twilight Sparkle.

That letter caused Celestia to smile. Her former student is on the ball as always. She wrote back.

My Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I sent Luna on a mission a few days ago to the northern boarder. We felt that you and your friends deserved a break after the Tirek issue and while we trust you and your friends to do anything we ask she shouldn't always rely on you. We are after all the Royal Sisters. But i admit i haven't her back from her in a couple days and the Moon not setting did concern me and I have taken Luna's Moon duities for the time being. I am giving my sister a little more time before i send help. But when I do send help it will be you and your friends so be ready.

You former teacher,

Princess Celestia

She rolled it up and sent it to Ponyville and hoped she made the right choice.

Night's Children Chapter 3 Darkmoon

Luna awoke to the sound and cheerful fillies. She looked over and saw them at the table eating their breakfast. Nightshadow saw her and smiled. "Good evening Luna, hungry?" "Yes I am." She got up and didn't feel any aches. A good sign." She walked...

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Project VENGENCE Chapter 2

In minutes Seashadow signed the appropriate forms and took the newly named Glowlight to her PTV and they drove through the city. Neal observed the scenery, getting the lay of the land for hir eventual escape. After twenty minutes they arrived and a...

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Night's Children

Night's Children by Admiral Q inspired by Children of the Night My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro There was darkness around her looking like mist. She was normally not afraid of darkness, it was her element after all but this was different....

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