Dinner And A Show

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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Two rabbits are punished for mating without permission

Dinner And A Show

S.M. Wolf

Kasa, Harlan, and the story are copyrighted 2014 by S.M. Wolf. Any use of the characters or reproduction of this story, in part or whole, without prior written permission is prohibited. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

A special thanks to avatar?user=2725&character=0&clevel=2 Lone Fox for help with the artwork.

"We're going to be in big trouble if we get caught," Kasa said as she slipped off Harlan's shirt.

As he pulled off the doe's blouse, the buck rabbit replied, "No one is going to be looking for us back here."

Kasa giggled.

"Did you pick the breeding barn for a reason?" she asked as she pulled down his pants. Like all slaves, he did not wear any underwear. His pink shaft was revealed as the cloth was pulled away. She licked her lips in anticipation of having it in her soon.

"Besides the obvious?" Harlan asked as he finished removing Kasa's clothes.

Kasa just laughed. She pulled him down on top of her. The fresh hay in the corner stall of the barn was as soft as any slave's mattress. She wrapped her arms around her beloved buck and opened her legs to accept him into her.

Harlan did not hesitate. His hips lifted, and he plunged his erect shaft into Kasa's waiting pussy. His hips rose and fell rapidly while he kissed her passionately.

The pair continued to mate for some time. Their passion was such that they failed to hear the door of the barn open and close. Their eyes never saw the large anthro dragon watching them over the top of the stall door.

"We better get back to the kennels before someone misses us," Kasa told Harlan. There was a hint of weariness in her voice after over an hour of hard mating.

"Yeah," Harlan replied reluctantly, "we probably-"

The door to the stall flew open. Kasa screamed when she saw the large black dragon enter the stall. He towered fifteen feet tall, easily dwarfing the rabbit couple.

Harlan tried to roll off of Kasa, but a large foot stepped on his lower back. Razor-sharp talons wrapped around his midriff. He screamed in fear.

The talons did not cut Harlan in half as he expected, and the pressure on his back only served to pin the pair to the ground.

"Well, well, well," the dragon mused in a rumbling voice reminiscent of distant thunder. "What do we have here? It seems that two of my slaves have decided to have some fun without permission."

"Master," Harlan said, "It's all my fau-"

The dragon delivered a stinging blow to the side of the buck's head. His vision swam from the force of the impact and the tears it caused.

"Silence!" the dragon bellowed. The boards of the stall reverberated from the force of his roar. The two rabbits cringed in fear.

Unexpectedly, the dragon released the rabbits. He sat down in the corner on one of the bales. The pair could see the two large hemi-penises sticking out of his genital slit.

"Continue," the black dragon told the couple.

Kasa and Harlan looked at each other in confusion. They were uncertain what to do.

"Continue, Master?" Kasa asked in a hesitant voice.

The dragon snarled at the rabbits. "Yes, continue rutting until I tell you to stop, unless you want to grace my penises!"

The rabbits looked at the huge red shafts. They were bigger than Harlan's forearm. They looked back at each other. Tentatively, Kasa wrapped her arms around Harlan again. He started t kiss her. They lay back on the hay and began to make love again, but this time with an audience.

The dragon watched the rabbits. His paws grasped his cocks and began to stroke them. Out of the corner of their eyes, the rabbits saw the members swell to truly enormous size. Neither had ever seen a fully erect male dragon before. It was clear that he could have killed them with his huge barbed tools. They shot out large gobs of dragon jism repeatedly as the hours passed.

The couple was forced to mate for hours while the dragon watched them. Both were exhausted when the dragon finally stood and pulled a limp Harlan off a collapsed Kasa. He took both by the scruff of their necks and carried them back to the house after he had dressed.

Harlan and Kasa were moved into the main house and given simple chores. There was no beating or other overt punishments, but all the house slaves knew what had happened. The morning after they had been found in the barn, they were forced to stand naked in the main hall of the house as chastity devices were fitted onto them. They were not allowed to wear clothes, only the shiny metal devices locked around their loins.

As bad as that punishment might be, there was worse. Every so often, as the mood struck their owner, the devices would be unlocked long enough to apply various ointments. Some were cold. Some burned. All were sexual stimulants.

At night, the pair was left in the basement kennels in cages facing each other. They could see and smell each other's condition, but large phallic gags in their muzzles prevented them from doing more than staring into each other's eyes as they tried to fall asleep.

Days went by, and the sexual frustration of the rabbits mounted to an almost unbearable level. Try as they might, there seemed to be no way for them to get relief.

An important party was being thrown on Saturday for the Master and three guests. The house slaves including Kasa and Harlan were hard at work completing cleaning the house that evening when the overseer appeared with four rabbit slaves. He pointed at the pair and said, "Get them cleaned up!"

Harlan and Kasa were taken to the barn. The chastity devices were taken off and set aside. They were shocked when they saw the steaming hot water of their baths. The other slaves bathed them and then groomed them much as they would groom the prize race horses raised on the farm.

The overseer inspected them carefully. Satisfied with the results, he said, "Follow me, and keep clean!"

The rabbits were led into the dining room. The room was large enough to fit a dozen or more dragons for dinner. In the center of the room under a chandelier with a dozen large candles was the table. The center leaves had been removed for this intimate dinner party. The eight-foot by fourteen-foot table looked diminutive in the vast volume of the room.

The overseer pointed to the table and told the rabbit pair, "Up!"

A look of horror came over Kasa's and Harlan's faces.

"Oh, stop being stupid!" the overseer said. "They are not going to eat you!

"You get to play lewd centerpiece tonight."

With considerable trepidation, Harlan and Kasa climbed onto the table. The overseer positioned them in the center of the table on elbows and knees facing each other. He left a two foot space between them.

"Okay, listen up!" the overseer told the pair. "Your job is simple. Stay in place and do whatever you are told. Be sure to keep your tails up if you want to keep them!"

With that last threat, the overseer left, and the other rabbits continued to prepare the room around them for dinner. The slaves could not help but look at the naked couple in the table and wonder what was to happen, though. When they were done, a dozen naked does took up positions around the edge of the room and waited with their wrists crossed submissively in front of them

Kasa and Harlan stared into each other's eyes. Both were far too afraid to speak. They could only look at each other and wait.

Dusk was well along when the guests arrived. The Master was having his Father and two brothers over for dinner and to discuss the sale of horses. The rabbits could hear their rumbling voices in the parlor for some time.

It was dark outside when the four male dragons finally decided to have dinner. Kasa could see the doors to the parlor slide open to reveal the black dragon, his red dragon Father and blue and gold brothers. The other three dragons seemed shocked at the presence of the naked rabbits on the table.

"Raw rabbit tonight, Son?" the large red dragon asked.

"Not quite in the sense that you mean, Father," their Master said as he walked into the room. "I found these two in the breeding barn without permission. I plan to punish them tonight."

The Father arched his left eyebrow in question, but his son ignored him. Instead he pulled out his chair at the head of the table and sat down. After a moment, his Father took his seat at the other end of the table. The two brothers looked at each other and shrugged. The blue took the seat to the right of their Master while the gold took the seat to the left.


Kasa and Harlan were both very much aware of the gaze of the dragons upon their bodies. Both blushed at the thought of the dragons behind them staring at their genitals and tail holes, but neither dared to move a muscle.

Dinner was served. To the utter shock of the rabbits, a platter of food and two bowls of water were placed before them.

"Master says to eat and drink," one of the serving does whispered to the couple.

There were no utensils, so the rabbits had to eat the lettuce and other greens given to them like feral rabbits and lap up the water with their tongues. It was demeaning, but the food was as good as what was being served the guests, and the water was clean and cool. They both ate well.

The plates were cleared away after the fourth course and dessert presented to the dragons. The central area of the table was carefully cleaned by the house slaves.

"As I said," the rabbits' Master told the other male dragons as he picked up his fork to eat his dessert, "I found these two in the breeding barn without permission."

"What were they doing?" the gold dragon to Kasa's right asked.

"Breeding!" the black dragon replied.

All four dragons laughed heartily. The rabbits could feel a blush on their cheeks.

"So," the black dragon continued, "I thought we would have a little fun with them tonight by letting them provide a little show for us."

The dragons looked at him expectantly. He waved the fork at Harlan and commanded him, "Show them what you were doing. Put her down and rut with her."

Harlan nearly chocked. It was one thing to be forced to mate in front of their Master in a dimly lit stall. Tonight there were four dragons and a dozen doe rabbits in the brightly lit dining room.

He looked at Kasa. She was as shocked as he was.

"Well?" their Master asked angrily when neither rabbit moved.

Reluctantly, Kasa rolled over onto her back. Harlan swallowed audibly, but he opened her legs and crawled between them. His hips descended, and his partially erect penis penetrated her vagina.

The pair was so nervous at being watched by the four dragons that, despite their best efforts, little happened. Harlan's lame thrusts barely kept him erect, and Kasa was getting no enjoyment out of their mating. Around them, the dragons continued to talk about the horse business, even as they watched the rabbits copulate.

Finally, the red dragon said, "But enough about horse breeding. Let's talk rabbit breeding."

Kasa and Harlan cringed.

"This is boring," the eldest dragon stated. "You need to have them do something different. And perhaps you should punish them for such an inept and lame performance. I am sure that the buck would be more 'enthusiastic' with his thrusts if he were being caned while mating."

"What do you suggest, Father?" the rabbits' Master inquired.

The rabbits both glanced at the red dragon. A slow smile that chilled them spread across his muzzle.

"I have something that I like to use that may be particularly appropriate here tonight.

"You! Buck! Get off her."

Harlan did as commanded. His pink shaft dangled almost limply from his crotch.

"Doe, back on all fours, but face me."

Kasa got onto her paws and knees.

"Down on your elbows," the dragon commanded her. "Lift that tail, and spread your knees good and wide. If it doesn't hurt, you are not open enough!"

Kasa did as ordered. She anticipated being taken from behind by Harlan.

"Okay, Buck. Get down on all fours behind her," the dragon instructed Harlan.

Harlan did as ordered, but he was a bit perplexed. He was looking at the red dragon across Kasa's spread ass cheeks. The view of his doe was certainly enjoyable, but he suspected that the dragon was not placing them like this for that reason.

He was right.

"Now lick her tail hole," the dragon told the buck.

"What?!" both rabbits exclaimed in unison. They certainly never expected such an order.

"I said," the dragon repeated crossly, "'Lick her tail hole.' And unless you want me to order up a bullwhip, I suggest that you start doing so immediately."

The threat was perfectly clear. Harlan screwed up his face in disgust, but he dropped his head. His muzzle slid between Kasa's buttocks.

"I find this to be a particularly useful form of punishment and reward. The one forced to do the licking finds it incredibly unpleasant."

Harlan somehow managed to stick his tongue out. Using every ounce of his will power, he ran the tip of his tongue over Kasa's ass hole. Fortunately, they had been very thoroughly cleaned, and there was no bad taste.

Kasa's eyes went wide. Her mouth opened, and she gave a loud startled cry.

"On the other paw, the one being licked often finds it incredibly sexually stimulating," the red dragon observed with a smile at Kasa's reaction.

Kasa had to agree with the dragon. The touch of her lover's tongue on her anus was one of the strangest yet most sexually stimulating experiences of her still young life.

"Now get licking!" the dragon roared at Harlan.

Harlan hastened to comply. He was forced to lick Kasa's pink anal rose for several minutes. As bad as it was for him, it had to be equally good for Kasa. He could tell from her cries and the volume of the nectar coming from her honey pot that she was cumming repeatedly. If she had not been, he likely would have taken his chances with the bull whip.

After a particularly loud guttural cry marked Kasa's latest climax, the dragon commanded Harlan to stop.

"Now," he told the buck rabbit, "you are to mount her from behind. You will take her in the ass, hard and fast. When you are ready to cum, you will pull out and paw yourself to climax. I want every drop of your seed on her ass and back.


Harlan was not thrilled by the command, but it certainly was a lot better than the last one from his perspective. He knelt behind Kasa. His doe's reactions had been enough to make him good and hard, even if he was not thrilled about how he was being forced to stimulate her. He placed the tip of his five inch penis against her anus. Kasa looked back over her left shoulder at him. There was a look of pleading in her eyes, but both rabbits knew that there would be bad consequences if Harlan did not do as ordered. He thrust his hips forward and shoved the knob of his dick into her bottom. Kasa cried out in pain, but Harlan found surprisingly little resistance from her anal muscles. The rim job had apparently loosened her up enough to allow him relatively easy entry.

Harlan grabbed Kasa's flanks and dug his fingers into her tender flesh. He worked hard at forcing his shaft into Kasa's behind. Without lubricant, it was sometimes difficult going. Kasa clenched her paws from the pain caused by the friction against her tender anus. She screwed up her eyes and gritted her teeth as well. She cried out several times as Harlan completely hilted his cock in her ass. Those cries were met with coarse laughter from the dragon males.

Harlan risked a glance at the red dragon sitting before him. With his eyes, he entreated the dragon to allow him to stop. The dragon frowned at Harlan. There would be no mercy from him this night.

With an internal sigh, Harlan bent his head and started to thrust his dick in and out. He picked up the rhythm as Kasa's anus loosened rapidly. He wanted to finish her as quickly as possible to grant her some relief, but it still required a couple of minutes of hard thrusting to get him off with the dragons and other slaves watching. He was very grateful when he could finally withdraw and quickly finish using his paw. The first couple of ropes of jism arched through the air and landed on Kasa's back. He continued to jerk off and managed to get a fair amount of his seed on her behind.

"Acceptable, but barely," the red dragon commented as he sipped on his wine and watched the rabbits. Both were breathing hard form their exertions.

The pair hoped that their ordeal was over now, but their hopes were quickly quashed. Their Master turned to the blue dragon to his right and asked, "What so you think our bad bunnies should do next, brother?" the black dragon asked.

The blue dragon smiled and said, "I am sure that you can guess, especially after Father did such a nice job of preparing the doe for me."

The dragons laughed, but the rabbits huddled in fear. The blue was not quite as tall or muscular as their Master, but he was much larger than any rabbit. Kasa was sure that he was going to mount her and perhaps Harlan.

The blue dragon had other plans, though.

"I think I will observe this one from the front side today," the blue dragon commented somewhat cryptically. "Doe, get on all fours facing me.

Kasa did as commanded.

"And now you," the dragon said as he pointed at Harlan, "Get beside her on her left. I want you even with her waist."

Harlan did as ordered. He was uncertain what was going to happen, but at least it did not appear that they would be killed immediately by being impaled on the dragon's twin cocks.

"Now spank her," the dragon commanded Harlan.

Harlan closed his eyes. He was upset at the thought of hurting Kasa. However, it would not be the first time he had done something like this. Rabbit slaves were often forced to punish each other for the sport and entertainment of their Masters. He had been on both the giving and receiving end several times.

Harlan raised his right paw and struck Kasa firmly in the middle of her plump derriere. His paw made a fairly loud smacking noise as it struck her soft flesh. Harlan waited a moment, hoping that the dragon would order him to stop, but he did not. He raised his paw again and struck a second time.

The spanking went on for many minutes. Kasa's bottom kept getting reader and redder beneath her light brown pelt. Harlan tried his best to minimize her pain, but each time he slacked off, the dragons would command him to strike harder. Their Master even gave him a quick smack on the ass to get him to strike harder.

The blue dragon seemed to be fascinated by Kasa's tits. Each time Harlan slapped her ass, Kasa's boobs would bounce back and forth. They continued to wiggle like a pair of small cups of jelly for a second after each blow.

Kasa closed her eyes. She was locking her paws together and squeezing to try to help alleviate some of the pain that she was experiencing, but it was doing little good. She closed her eyes as the pain mounted. Eventually, two tears leaked from her closed eyes and fell to the table.

"Ah, she is crying at last," the blue dragon said. "You may stop now."

Harlan thankfully stopped the spanking. He could feel the heat coming from Kasa's behind and knew that she had to be hurting badly. It was not surprising, given the number of times he had been forced to spank her.

There was no rest for the rabbits. The black dragon turned to the gold dragon to his left and asked, "What would you like them to do?"

The gold dragon gave a toothy smile.

"I cannot help but notice that our buck has not been paying proper attention to the doe's breasts," he commented. "I think we need to rectify that situation.

"Now how to place you? Decisions, decisions, decisions..."

The gold dragon placed Kasa on her knees in the center of the table facing their Master. Her paws were on top of her head with her fingers interlaced. Her ears were folded down along the back of her head with the tips touching her shoulder blades. Harlan was behind her, also kneeling. His ears were up, but he still felt considerable trepidation.

"Now, reach around and start to play with her breasts gently. Do it like a lover would," the dragon commanded.

Harlan certainly had no problem with this order. He loved playing with her teats and nipples. He reached around Kasa and took her breasts in his paws. He cupped them. They were just barely more than a handful, just about perfectly sized in his estimation. She murred softly at his gentle touch. He stroked her thinly furred orbs. She shifted a bit at his touch. Her nipples hardened and appeared above her fur.

The dragon smiled. The sight chilled both rabbits.

"Very good!" the gold dragon commended Harlan. "Continue."

The dragon leaned in until his muzzle was only a foot or so from the rabbits. He still had the grin, and the rabbits could not help but think that there was more to come.

After a few more minutes of Harlan playing with Kasa's breasts, the doe was rather excited. The smell of her renewed arousal was clearly evident to the dragon as well as Harlan. In Harlan's case, the fun he was having and Kasa's musky scent had gotten hard again.

"Now that she is properly prepared, we can have some fun," the dragon said in a sly tone.

"Squeeze her breasts! Hard!" the gold dragon commanded in an authoritative tone.

Harlan stopped dead. He did not want to hurt Kasa.

"Do it," the dragon said in a threatening tone as he raised a taloned paw, "or I will!"

Harlan looked at the dragon's large, sharp talons. They would cut deep into Kasa's tender flesh just like five knives. As much as he hated to do it, he knew that he had to.

Harlan squeezed Kasa's breasts. His fingers dug deep into her soft flesh. She actually screamed from the sudden pain. Grimly, Harlan continued.

"Now bite her on the scruff of her neck and hold onto her," the gold dragon ordered Harlan.

Harlan was uncertain why the dragon wanted this, but he did not want him hurting Kasa with his talons. Harlan grabbed a large fold of Kasa's scruff between his teeth and held on as gently as he dared. Kasa went quiet as she felt his teeth grab her scruff.

"Very good! You are an obedient buck rabbit slave, aren't you?" the gold dragon cooed. "I am almost sorry. I would have enjoyed disciplining you both for failing to follow my orders. Still, the night is young.

"Now pinch her nipples as hard as you can."

Harlan closed his eyes. He did not want to do this, but he still obeyed the order. He took Kasa's nipples between his thumb and index fingers and squeezed. She screamed in pain again.

"Now pull on them!" the dragon ordered.

Harlan did as ordered. Kasa tried to lean forward to relieve the pain as he pulled her tits straight out, but he held her by the scruff of her neck and prevented her from relieving the pain. The dragon watched the tears fall from both rabbits' eyes and grinned.

"Let go of her left hooter," the gold dragon ordered.

Harlan was very happy to oblige the dragon. Half of Kasa's pain vanished, though the return of blood flow to her left nipple brought its own discomfort.

"Now reach down and give her a nice paw job. When you get her off - Let's see, four times should be a nice number... - four times, you can stop. Until then, you will continue pulling on her tits. After each time she climaxes, you are to change your paws so that both of her breasts receive proper attention. The second time around, you will squeeze and twist them instead of pull on them.

"Begin," the dragon finished.

Harlan went to work on Kasa's clitty. Fortunately, she had always been a receptive doe, and it was not hard to get her off quickly, even in the present situation that they were in. Her breasts had to be hurting, but ten minutes later she gave a fourth cry and wet Harlan's right paw with her nectar. Her cries of pain turned to simple whimpers as he released her from his grasp and let go of her neck.

The gold dragon pouted and said, "I should have set a higher number. That was much too fast."

The rabbits' Master said, "Don't worry, brother. You'll have more opportunities with them tonight."

The gold dragon perked back up as he leaned back in his chair and took a drink of his wine. The smile on his face boded ill for the rabbits.

"Clear the table," the black dragon ordered the waiting rabbit servants. They sprang into action and quickly and efficiently cleaned the table. Kasa and Harlan were given a brief respite to catch their breaths. They knew it would be short-lived.

The black dragon tapped the table in front of him.

"Doe, I think I will have you here, facing away from me," he said to Kasa.

Kasa moved into position.

"Down on all fours again," the dragon commanded her, and she obeyed. He reached out and spread her shins wider. She could feel the cool breeze coming through the open door behind her blow over her nether regions.

"Buck, are you right or left pawed?" the dragon asked.

"Right pawed, Master," Harlan replied in a respectful tone. He was afraid that he was going to have to spank Kasa again.

"On her left, here," the dragon said as he pointed to a spot well back from Kasa's butt.

Harlan took up his position. At least it appeared that he was not going to be paddling Kasa again. He was too far away to do so well.

The black dragon pointed to one of the naked doe slaves standing on the far edge of the room.

"Bring us the platter," he ordered her.

Kasa and Harlan watched as she grabbed a covered medium-sized silver serving platter and brought it to the table. They could not tell what was on it, but they suspected it was for them and would not be pleasant

"Place it here," their Master told the fearful doe as he indicated a spot between Kasa's shins. The doe quickly put the platter on the table where ordered and nearly ran back to her position. She rubbed her paws together in a mixture of fear and anxiety, but the dragons ignored her now that her job was done.

"I hope that you are a very hungry doe," the black dragon told Kasa. She looked back at her Master through her thighs. Her face revealed her confusion at his cryptic words.

The black dragon removed the serving platter cover. Underneath were twelve good sized carrots with their tops still on. They had been carefully cleaned and prepared for tonight.

"You will be eating these," he told her.

Kasa's face took on a worried expression. She knew that there had to be more to it than just simply eating the carrots. She was, of course, right.

The black dragon picked up two carrots. The first was the shortest and fattest of the twelve and looked more like a beet in shape. The second was an extra-large carrot that dwarfed the others. He set them aside on the table.

"Of course," the rabbits' owner continued, "carrots are rather plain. They need a sauce or, in this case, rabbit honey, to enhance their flavor."

It took the rabbits several seconds to understand the large grin on their Master's face. Eventually, it dawned on them where the carrots were going before Kasa would eat them.

The black dragon picked up one of the carrots and handed it to Harlan.

"All the way into her pussy. All I want to see is the green top sticking out of her slit when you are done,' he told Harlan.

Harlan bit his lower lip to stop from complaining. At least the carrot was only about the size of his dick. It was a bit longer and more pointed, but its girth did not quite match his tool. Kasa should be able to handle it going into her pussy easily.

Harlan started to insert the carrot by simply pushing it into Kasa's cunt. His Master said, "Play with her. Use the carrot like you would your cock. Bring her off as you insert it."

Harlan was surprised by the command, but he was happy to obey. At least Kasa would get some pleasure from this demeaning act. He worked the carrot into her slowly with many short thrusts. By the time it was fully in her cunt, she was moaning and had climaxed at least once.

"Good," their Master told Harlan. "Now remove it and feed it to her."

Harlan was not thrilled with this part, but he did as ordered. When he pulled out the carrot, it glistened in the candlelight from Kasa's juices. He placed the tip against her lips. She sniffed once and made a face, but after a moment, she opened her muzzle and began to eat.

When Kasa reached the green top, Harlan started to pull the carrot away, but his Master sharply commanded him, "All of it!"

Kasa had to eat the top of the carrot as well as the body. Both rabbits enjoyed the greens as well as the carrots, but there were a lot of leaves for her to eat.

Harlan looked at his Master. The black dragon pointed at the plate of carrots. With a very faint sigh, Harlan picked up the next carrot. He worked it into Kasa's pussy like before. When only the green top was visible, he paused for a moment.

"This time," the black dragon said before Harlan could pull out the long vegetable sticking in Kasa's cunny, "I want you to put two carrots in her."

Harlan looked at the dragon without comprehension. The dragon growled a bit and handed Harlan a second carrot.

"Shove it into her cunt!" the black dragon ordered the buck.

Harlan swallowed. One carrot was probably nice for Kasa Two...?

"Well? Get going, or am I going to have to haul you out to the whipping posts and bear both of you bloody before you'll do it?" the black dragon asked caustically.

Harlan grabbed the carrot. He was able to slip the second carrot tip between the first and Kasa's clitty. As he worked it into her pussy, the carrot and his paw would frequently touch her sensitive nub. She was soon gritting her teeth and clenching her paws. Harlan thought it was from pain until she let out a near feral scream and orgasmed. He was shocked that she seemed to actually enjoy the pair of long, hard carrots filling her vagina.

After the second carrot was inserted fully, Harlan was ordered to remove both and feed them to Kasa. She was obviously not thrilled, but she did eat them.

There were still seven carrots on the platter, but the black dragon stopped the action temporarily. He ordered one of the serving does to water Kasa. She was allowed to drink deeply from a bowl. Harlan licked his lips. He would have liked some water as well, but none was offered to him.

The bowl was removed, and the black dragon said nonchalantly, "Three."

Harlan closed his eyes. He was not sure if Kasa could take three of the carrots in her pussy. He was not sure he wanted to try.

The black dragon struck Harlan hard on the butt.

"Get to work now!" he commanded the buck gruffly.

The threat was clear. Harlan picked up the first carrot and slowly worked it into Kasa's vagina. At least the first two times plus mating with him had stretched her inner walls some. He muscles seemed to relax, and the carrot went in easily. The second met with some more resistance, but he was able to get it into her.

Circumspectively, Harlan rubbed Kasa's clit. The pressure against her inner walls and the rubbing brought her to climax, and she let out a long, low groan of pure pleasure. The dragons laughed and made comments about how easy she was, but the buck did not care. Her climax brought more lubrication to her pussy and loosened her vaginal walls some more. He hoped that it would be enough to allow him to get the third carrot into her.

Harlan worked the third carrot into Kasa. It took considerable effort to bury it into her pussy, but he finally managed to get all of it into her. She panted as she felt her vagina forced open wider and wider by the orange intruder. By the time the buck managed to get the third carrot in, Kasa's labia were forced open wider than Harlan had ever seen a doe's pussy lips opened before. The only time he thought that she might be opened further was during birth.

The three carrots joined their compatriots in Kasa's stomach. He was not sure if she was getting full or not, but at least she appeared to have no problem eating them other than the apparent taste. It could also just be aversion to such a debasing act. He was sure that swift, painful punishment awaited them if either refused to do as ordered.

There were six carrots left, including the two that the dragon had set aside. Harlan looked at the dragon. He smiled back and said in a smooth voice, "Four."

Harlan gasped. He opened his mouth and would have said something, but the dragon snarled at him. His lips curled back, and twin rows of razor-sharp teeth were revealed. He had been known to use them in the past on rabbits who defied him.

Harlan looked down at Kasa. She was panting softly. Her eyes were partially glazed over, and she seemed almost oblivious to the world about her. She was no help. He would have to make the choice.

With incredible reluctance, Harlan picked up a carrot and inserted it into Kasa's cunny. He was surprised at how loose she was now. It slid in with virtually no resistance. He was so afraid that it would slip out again that he held it in place while he grabbed the next carrot.

The second carrot also went in easily. Kasa whimpered a few times as he inserted it. The two were held loosely in place by the walls of Kasa's vagina.

The buck felt bad for the doe as he picked up the third carrot. He worked it into her pussy. It was easier this time, as she had been loosened, but he still brought her off repeatedly with his free paw to help take her mind off the pain and loosen her up since their Master had not stopped him last time. By the time that the third carrot was buried in Kasa's cunt, her nectar was dripping onto the table and forming a growing pool.

The three carrots created an inverted triangle in Kasa's pussy. With her labia stretched so wide, the buck and dragon could easily see the orange tops of the carrots.

Harlan hesitated to add the fourth carrot, but their Master told him in a deadly serious voice, "Do it, or I will."

Harlan picked up the fourth carrot. He looked at Kasa's wide-open cunt lips and tried to decide where to put the fourth vegetable dildo. After a moment's consideration, he started to work it in at the top of the trio of carrots. Kasa arched her back and cried out as he forced it into her vagina. He did his best to ignore her cries and grimly forced the carrot in. He had to use short thrusts as she was way too tight to insert it all at once. He rubbed her clitty furiously again to try to help her cope with the pain. It must have helped at least some, because she did not pass out from the considerable pain that she had to be experiencing from the four carrots in her cunt.

The black dragon sat back and smiled at the lewd sight before him. It had been enjoyable to watch the buck fight with himself to carry out the commands and even better to watch the ten carrots disappear into the doe's cunt. Her crotch looked like it had a green bush growing out of it now.

When Harlan reached down to start to removed the carrots and relieve the pressure on Kasa's interior, his Master said, "Stop."

Harlan looked at the black dragon in surprise and confusion.

The dragon made a circular motion in the air with his right index finger.

"Turn her completely around and let everyone see what she looks like," he ordered Harlan. With a smile, he added, "I am sure that the rabbit does will like seeing what may await them, if they are caught mating without permission."

There was a fearful murmur from the edge of the room. The serving does understood all too well that the threat was not an idle one. They did not want to suffer Kasa's fate.

Somehow, Kasa managed to slowly swing her body around. Each dragon had her stop with her ass high in the air and pointed at them. They had Harlan move the green tops aside so that they could enjoy the view of the carrots opening her pussy lips extraordinarily wide.

It took almost ten minutes before Kasa was back in position. Throughout it all, she repeatedly moaned and whimpered. There was also a steady stream of nectar falling from her cunt to the table. She seemed oblivious to what was happening. Harlan felt awful at what he had done to her.

Their Master stood and pushed aside his chair. The other dragons looked at him questioning. He pointed to the nearest serving rabbit and told her, come here! I want you to get a nice, close look at this."

The terrified doe walked over to the table and looked back and forth between the doe on the table and their Master. The dragon growled under his breath and grabbed her head. He forced her face almost into Kasa's crotch.

"Take a good look!" he ordered the doe as he held her close. "I want to hear you sniffing her as well!"

Harlan would have felt bad for the doe, but he was more concerned about Kasa's condition right now.

"Now take a nibble of some of those greens," the dragon said as he released the doe's head.

Timidly, the doe ate a leaf of one of the green carrot tops.

"Enough," the black dragon said with some exasperation. "You can go back to your position."

The doe sprinted back to her spot on the wall behind the gold dragon. She wanted nothing more to do with what was happening on the table.

The other three dragons laughed at her antics. They had their wine glasses filled and joined the black dragon standing behind Kasa to get a better view of the spectacle while enjoying their after-dinner drinks.

Their Master pointed to the next doe on the edge of the room and said, "Next!"

One by one, each of the serving does was forced to look at Kasa's stretched pussy, smell her arousal, and eat a bit of the carrot tops. Harlan noted that most were fearful, but three came willingly, smiled while performing their required task, and even lingered a bit. He wondered about them. One even received a slap on her rump to get her moving. Even the dragons commented upon her "enthusiasm", and Harlan could tell that their Master was mentally marking her for some future purpose.

When the final doe was done, Harlan's Master waved a negligent paw and said, "Feed her the carrots."

The carrots were drenched when Harlan pulled them out. Their removal seemed to bring Kasa back to reality some. She had to be coaxed to eat the first carrot, but she readily consumed the other three. She was looking around and silently engaged with Harlan by the time that she finished the fourth and final carrot. Her pussy was still wide open, but at least it was slowly closing. Harlan was glad that she had been given water, because an awful lot of her sweet juices were puddled beneath her, and more were flowing out of her distended orifice.

The dragons took their chairs again. The three visitors looked at their host expectantly.

The black dragon picked up the almost round carrot. He grinned evilly at Harlan.

"This one has a different use," he said in a silky smooth voice. "Would you care to guess what it is, buck?"

Harlan shook his head no. He had no clue, and he did not want to get into a guessing game with this dragon. The last rabbit who had done so had lost. The cost to him had been a daily paddling each morning for a month while the other rabbit slaves watched his nude buttocks receive ten strokes from various implements as the buck was securely tied to the paddling bench. The buck was so sore by the end of the ordeal that he would scream in pain for weeks if forced to sit,

"Pity," the dragon said with a small sniff.

"This one goes into her ass hole," the black dragon informed the rabbit buck.

The dragon handed the carrot to Harlan and added, "You may lubricate it, if you desire, but you may not use the doe to do so."

Harlan looked around. There seemed to be nothing else to use to lubricate this carrot. As he knelt there thinking desperately, Harlan noticed his Master staring at his cock. It was fully erect and almost hurting. Despite the pain that he had caused her, playing with Kasa using the carrots had been incredibly sexually stimulating on a purely physical level, and his body reflected it. He was ready to cum again.

Harlan's ear fell, but he placed the carrot in front of his crotch. He bit his lower lip and ignored the crude comments of the dragons as he started to paw his shaft. He felt unbelievably humiliated, but he had to do it for Kasa. At least he did not last long. A few hard strokes of his paw sent large gobs of white jism spurting from his knob. He quickly gathered it and coated the carrot in a gooey white mess.

Harlan grabbed the base of Kasa's tail. His seed was already starting to dry, so he had little time. He pressed the tip of the carrot against her pink anal rose. He pushed with a steady pressure. She gasped as her anal sphincter was forced open, but at least he was able to make steady, quick progress. It only took ten seconds or so to get to the thickest part of the carrot, and then it popped right into her rectum. She wriggled her ass several times to settle the hard intruder in her bottom and then was still.

"Nice! Very nice!" the black dragon murred softly.

"I think that our doe has performed very well, don't you?" the black dragon asked. The other dragons gave a murmur of assent.

"And I like how compliant our buck is<" he continued.

"However, I cannot help but think that he should enjoy this experience as well, since he has been doing all these terrible things to the doe tonight."

His Master looked Harlan in the eyes and said sweetly, "Switch places."

A minute later, Harlan was on all fours with his ass in the air and his balls and cock hanging beneath his belly. Kasa was on her knees above him. Harlan's expression and rapid breathing revealed his fear of what was about to happen. He could not help but think that the large carrot being forced into his tail hole was going to be excruciatingly painful.

The black dragon handed Kasa the last carrot. It was by far the largest.

"Since the buck does not have a nice little cunt like you, I guess there is just one place to put this," Kasa's Master told her. "You may lubricate it, if you desire."

Harlan's ears folded back. After all the terrible things he had just done to Kasa, she might very well decide to shove that monster vegetable up his ass hole dry.

Harlan was shocked when Kasa promptly pushed the carrot into her snatch and began to masturbate furiously.

"Ka- Kasa?!" he asked in surprise.

"No sense not enjoying the fun, if we can't get out of this," she replied around several grunts of pleasure.

"Quiet!" their Master yelled. "I did not give you permission to speak!"

He delivered several sharp smacks to their asses to show his displeasure. Kasa seemed to barely notice the whacks, but Harlan certainly felt them. The buck's eyes watered a bit from the pain. He blinked them away and watched Kasa thrust the entire carrot into her pussy repeatedly. She must have orgasmed a couple more times from the amount of nectar that was dripping from her snatch. Even in their current predicament, Harlan had to admit it was a rather lascivious show.

"Stop stalling," the black dragon growled.

Kasa gave a last little bark. A small bit of her honey spurted from her cunny as she pulled out the carrot. It was sopping wet and glistened in the candlelight.

Harlan gulped. Now that the penetration of his tail hole was imminent, the thing looked twice as large. Kasa just grinned at him and give him a wink

"Take it like a buck!" she told him cheerfully. She seemed almost oblivious to the five quick slaps on her butt she received for talking without permission again. To Harlan, it seemed to be part of the fun she was having.

Harlan watched as Kasa lowered the carrot. He felt the end slide between his spread ass cheeks. The tip pressed gently against the dimple of his anus. He pleaded with Kasa with his eyes, but he got no sympathy. It slowly dawned on him that she actually wanted to do this.

Kasa slowly pressed the carrot harder and harder against Harlan's tail hole. At first nothing happened, but as the pressure mounted he felt his anus forced open. The tip of the carrot entered his rectum.

At first, it was not too bad. The tip of the carrot was not too large, and the entire surface was very well lubricated, thanks to Kasa. However, the carrot steadily grew in diameter. As Kasa kept pushing more and more of it into his bottom, he felt his tail hole stretched more than he thought possible. He gritted his teeth and screwed up his eyes from the pain. He cried out in pain several times as the vegetable burrowed into his rectum.

And still the carrot continued to penetrate deeper and deeper into his behind.

"Stop," the black dragon told Kasa.

For just a moment, Harlan had the hope that his Master had seen the impossibility of getting the vegetable into his ass and was taking pity upon him. His next words dashed those hopes.

"Use the carrot like a cock. Fuck him in the ass with it, doe," the dragon commanded Kasa.

Harlan looked up at Kasa. She was actually smiling more. She turned her attention back to the buck and began to vigorously thrust the carrot in and out of his tail hole. He screamed from the pain.

As Kasa continued to work the carrot in and out of his ass hole, Harlan became slowly aware of a new, strange sensation. As she thrust the carrot into him, it pressed against the front of his rectum. The pressure stimulated his prostate gland in previously unimagined ways. He found his body responding with a huge hard-on.

Kasa observed Harlan's dick growing and smiled. Without being commanded to do so, she reached beneath him and began to paw his shaft as she worked the carrot in and out of his behind. It only took a few strokes to set him off. Even after all the times he had cum already, he let loose with a large load that sprayed the table with his jism.

The dragons laughed at Harlan's expression of dismay. They enjoyed seeing the buck on the receiving end, not because they were gay, but because they wanted to see him dominated and humiliated.

Thoughts of embarrassment were the farthest thing from Harlan's mind, though. His anal muscles had relaxed enough that the carrot made a surprisingly pleasant friction as it slid in and out. The tip pressing against his prostate kept him rock hard. Kasa's left paw jerking him off caused him to cum repeatedly. Despite the terrible circumstances, Harlan found himself closing his eyes and enjoying the very sexual physical stimulation he was receiving that left him moaning like a doe in heat.

Several minutes passed before the black dragon commanded Kasa. "Enough fun! Shove it all the way in."

Kasa did as ordered. Strangely, Harlan was almost sorry.

"Back in your original positions," their Master commanded the rabbits.

With some difficulty, Harlan complied. His bowels were strangely full from the carrot in his ass. He had no real experience to which to compare it. On the one paw, it was almost painful to be so full, but on the other paw the pressure stimulated his prostate gland and brought him back to a full erection just from crawling back to where he started the evening. It was all he could do not to spurt.

For Kasa, the trip was even more enjoyable. She had a smaller carrot in her rectum, but it served to stimulate her quite well. She grinned as she got back down on her paws and knees and waited for what was to happen next.

"Water them," the black dragon commanded the serving rabbits.

Two bowls were produced by the fearful does. Harlan and Kasa gratefully drained them. Both were in desperate need of fluids. They ignored the rude comments of the dragons about the sight of the carrot tops sticking out their asses. Even the degrading need to lap up every drop of water was meaningless to them in their current state.

The talk of the dragons returned to horse breeding. They seemed to ignore the rabbits on the table. As the minutes passed and they were not required to do anything more, the rabbits began to hope that the worst was over and that they would not be required to do anything more tonight.

It was not to be.

The black dragon turned his attention back to the rabbits. He asked his guests, "Shall we have some more fun with our 'centerpieces'?"

The other three dragons responded heartily in the affirmative.

The dragon paused in thought for a moment.

Their Master looked at the rabbits and told them, "We will go around the table again and continue until we choose to stop. You will turn to face each of us in turn. We will tell you one of three things - oral, anal or vaginal. If it is oral, we will tell you if the buck is giving or receiving. If it is anal, we will tell you whether the doe or buck is removing and re-inserting the carrot.

Turn around and begin."

For the next several hours, Harlan and Kasa were kept constantly mating. They started off with Kasa being on all fours and Harlan behind her, but they soon expanded the game to have her on her back and in other positions. It was so strange for Harlan to be pushing his cock into Kasa's ass while belly to belly and being forced to watch her face as he penetrated her. Doing it on their sides was pleasant. The best new position for him was having Kasa on her side and lifting one of her legs high in the air while he knelt over her other leg and penetrated her.

It was still degrading and debasing to be forced to rut like this, but on a purely physical level, Harlan and Kasa were enjoying the commands by the end of the evening.

It was well past midnight when the red dragon rose to leave. He had business in the morning that prevent4ed him from staying any later. His two sons joined him for the trip back to their homes. As they went to the door, the rabbits overheard snippets of the four dragons' conversation.

"Great idea! I'll have to try it at my next dinner party!"

"I really liked the sex, but the buck needs to be on the receiving end more."

"Can I bring some whips and chains next time? I'd like to see their asses nice and red underneath that fur."

The black dragon returned to the dining room and looked over the rabbits and the table. Bodily fluids were everywhere, and the rabbits were a mess with matted fur and worse. They were still panting hard from all of their sexual exertions.

"Take these two to the barn and bathe them again. When they are clean, toss them into their kennels. Let them sleep as late as they desire, and give them a large breakfast when they wake - if the doe wants one! They are to be given tomorrow off."

The black dragon grinned down at the rabbits and added, "Tomorrow morning, we will start with the chastity play again. I want to build you up for a bigger party that I plan in two weeks. By then, you should be the talk of the county with everyone, male and female, looking forward to you performing.

The dragon's tone turned deeply menacing.

"I expect you to perform at least as well as you did tonight, or fried rabbit will be on the menu for the following night!"

Kasa and Harlan were bathed and watered again. The hot water not only removed the messes on their fur but helped relax their now aching bodies. They could have spent a week in the fields and felt better than they did now.

The gags went back in, but at least for tonight the chastity belts were left off their loins. As they lay in their kennels, unable to talk, they stared into each others' eyes. Harlan could not help but wonder what Kasa was thinking.

Kasa's right paw slid between her thighs and found her cunny. She slowly stroked her outer lips several times before inserting he middle finger. She made a fist with the other fingers and thrust her middle finger deep into her cunt. It looked just like a male mounting her. Harlan looked at her face, and Kasa smiled at him. Even around the gag, he could hear her cry of pleasure.

Kasa saw Harlan's left paw wrap around his now partially erect cock. He stroked himself to full hardness slowly. As he performed for her, he brought himself off. His jism spurted halfway across the aisle separating them. His obvious appreciation of his doe brought a larger smile to her muzzle.

Neither had the slightest clue what was going to happen to them, but despite all the terrible things that they had faces this night, they still had enjoyed mating with each other and still loved each other. Neither was looking forward to putting the chastity devices back on tomorrow, though!