Red and Blake Ch. 9

Story by SweetKitten on SoFurry

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#5 of Red and Blake(Wolfie Steel)

As always rate,comment, and fave! Pop over to Wokfie Steel's to check out the rest if the story and show some love! Enjoy!!!

Chapter 1:

Previous Chapter 8:

Next Chapter 9:

Rolling over on my bed I groaned as I dreamed of sipping on a cream soda together with the fine hunk of Doberman who was my teacher drinking it with me. It was like a scene from Grease seeing that male decked out in ripped jeans, wife beater, and a nice black leather jacket. It was such a wet dream as I imagined him leaning in to give me a kiss but fate just didn't seem to like me right now...

"Now is the is the hour to take back my take back my power ohh-"

Rubbing my eyes groggily I turned off the alarm on my phone as I mumbled turning over in my bed to try and get another five minutes of sleep in. Luckily it didn't take much for me to return to my dream and just as I was about to brush my lips against that bad dog's own...

_"Gooooood morning everyone! This is Smash and Bash here to rock you out of your beds and get ready for another fine day!" _

"Not too fine Bash cause today's beautiful sunny weather won't last too long as there will be some rolling thunder and sheets of rain coming in later tonight, so be sure to keep a umbrella on pa-"

Turning off the annoyance my still cloudy eyes glared at the device, "I hate you so much right now." As you may have noticed I'm not a morning person having the need to use two alarms to awaken me out of my comfortable slumber. Never have I been a morning person and there is a tiny nearly impossible chance that I ever will be the older I get. Maybe if I had a lover to wake up to things would be different but so far morning were not my most favorite things. Yawning I shake my red fur as I toss off my blood red and black covers from my body to stand up from my bed hearing a few pops. Looking at my window I decide to draw back my curtains and low and behold I am blinded by the sun making me hiss and step back rubbing my eyes. I didn't care for sunny weather but today it felt pretty okay with me cause of only one reason. Remembering that I should check my phone I proceeded to do so picking it up from the ihome dock I noticed that I did have a message, moving my thumb across the screen I opened it up and almost dropped the device onto the floor reading the screen.

With my maw hanging open like an idiot I stare at the screen rereading the message as my cheeks heated up seeing the text:

"Hi Red, sorry I haven't replied to you before now but my phone died and needed new charger, I would love to come to dinner with you and you're folks, I know of the restaurant and I will put on my Sunday finest and meet you there at 6pm <3 Blake"

Sitting down on my bed my legs was shaking as I couldn't help but to notice the little heart being next to his name. Wait his name was Blake? It suited him perfectly. Typical. Flopping back onto the bed I couldn't help but to feel a smile grow on my muzzle as my heart was racing feeling like I was on cloud nine. Was it just a gesture of being polite or was this the green light I've been looking for? I don't care he hearted me back!

I don't know how long I spent sighing like a hopeless romantic but when I checked the clock it was going on 11 am. Checking the date I shot up from my bed like a rocket realizing today was Sunday!? Crap crap crap crap crap!? Looking at my reflection in my dresser mirror I noticed my fur was messy and sniffing I reek of night sweat and...yeah that explains why my shorts are still a bit sticky against my crotch. I decided to spend my day grooming every inch of my body from the tips of my ears to the very tips of my foot claws. Swiping Blake's contact profile I quickly type him a message back not wanting to be rude:

'Glad you got the message Sensei and I like your name it really suits you. Really looking forward to seeing you tonight! I'll be waiting for you in the lobby so no need to bug a hostess. See you tonight.<3Red~'

Rereading the message I no longer worried about looking stupid for putting the little heart beside my name. It felt nice. Pressing send I picked up my catbug earbuds and headed into my bathroom for a post workout wash off, usually under any other circumstances I'd put my short shorts on and wife beater and simply walk out the door like that but I didn't feel like getting any weirder looks than usually on my morning run.

Clipping my last claw and filing the edge down I took note of my clean dried fur that smelled of lavender and vanilla honey as it took on an even brighter red color. I had used my special occasion conditioner to really make it shine. After working out for two hours I spent my time trimming and cleaning my fur, claws, and even my tail had been nicely groomed. Sitting up I see my dad in the doorway with a teasing know it all grin on his face making me snort at him. "What? You're the one who always say first impressions are important."

Raising his hands up in surrender the large fox chuckled, "Yeah but clipping your foot claws? You are going to be wearing shoes right?" Teasing his son the male was already half dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a simple dark gray button up shirt that really showed off his arm and torso muscles. "Just kidding Red it's just cute how you're acting I've never seen you like this before."

Blushing I couldn't help but to rub the back of my neck lightly chuckling feeling incredibly embarrassed as my dad did have a point. I was totally into this guy and wanted it to work out if I was lucky. I was just totally smitten with the Dobby.

"I hope he's as good looking and nice as you say he is cause if someone ever hurts you..." The fox bared his sharp teeth as that was all he ever needed to do to get his point across.

"Don't worry dad he's great." Smiling softly I waved goodbye to him and checking the time I decided to get dressed having spent at least an hour going through my closet till I felt like I picked the perfect ensemble. I decided to keep things simple as I picked out my best non-faded black skinny jeans that made my butt and thighs more perfect than a super model's then to pair it off a black and white pinstripe short sleeved button up shirt. Keeping the first two buttons undone I felt that was all that the outfit needed besides my combat boots of course.

Sitting down in the lobby I kept my arms folded over my chest and my legs crossed waiting for the Doberman to pop up. I had pleaded and begged my dad to not say anything embarrassing at dinner and with a bit of bargaining we came to a deal. Looking at my watch I sighed feeling so excited and anxious wishing time would move faster as I of course notified him of our arrival and now all I had to do was wait. I could only hope tonight would be worth having the next two weeks spent cooking breakfast and dinner instead of dad. I love to cook, don't get me wrong but sometimes with two well built foxes in the house the amount of food Intake just for one meal can be a little overwhelming.

Checking my watch once more I smelt a familiar scent in the air as I was instantly on my feet brushing down my clothes and looking to pinpoint the canine's exact location as my tail wagged in excitement.