Particle Cataclysm Pt.2: Revival

Story by masterlevan1 on SoFurry

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#10 of Literature

The second part to my Particle Cataclysm story! Just a side note, if you're reading this and haven't read the first part, stop and go read it or you won't understand this one very well, thank you! I hope you enjoy it!

Shades of gray and black flashed by Phil's face-he felt like he was flying through space. He couldn't feel or move his body at all-he could only stare into the black void of nothing. Time passed-the professor had no idea how much time had passed, only that it had been and gone-and light pinks and reds started to flicker in with the grayscale. Feeling returned to his hands and feet, and as deep blue rays flashed by he felt against his face on something soft and tickly. Finally, the full spectrum of colors returned as he opened his eyes to green grass and dirt near his face. He was face down on a grass field and was unable to move for a full minute whilst he tried to defeat the numbness running throughout his entire body.

Before long, one hand jerked a few times, then moved upwards, the other following as Phil pushed himself off the ground onto his knees, breathing heavily from the experience. After regaining control of his body and calming himself down a little bit, Phil decided to have a look at his surroundings. As he looked around, he noticed he was in a small field of grass surrounded by odd looking trees-odd looking in that each of the trees were exactly the same, with exactly the same amount of green and number of leaves in each. The only discernible sign of civilization was a huge ruined library that he could see on the top of a nearby hill.

Phil slowly got up and stretched his sore muscles, rubbing his head and cracking his knuckles.

_"Is this heaven? _

_"Because if it is, it sure isn't much..." _

He thought back to the moment when he put in the lead square and shoved it in. He hadn't felt any pain, neither burning, nor searing of muscle-only flashes of colors, and the raw, pure feeling of flying. Phil gasped as he looked behind him.

_I'm definitely not in Canada anymore... _

For in the sky, shining bright red and yellow down through the misty clouds were twin sun shaped objects, side by side, each complimenting the other's light.

"Where...the I?"

Silence was his only answer, and he took a deep breath to calm himself. Ooookay. So...Maybe there'll be someone at the library...or something...that can tell me where I am.

With this in his mind, he began walking across the cool grass fields, the patterned trees rising up on either side of him, and the two suns high in the pink spectrum sky.

As Phil approached the tattered library he noticed that-based on the tarnished white marble of the building's exterior-nobody had used or even been here in several years at least. As the two suns continued their descent it approached dusk, turning the sky into a deep pink and blue, Phil walked over the two broken oak doors that once served as the entrance to the collection of arts. Broken bookshelves, more tarnished marble and ruined ceilings populate the spacious building. Noticing many books and parchments on the ground, he picked one up and looked at it. He'd never seen a real parchment before, and tried to read it-but whatever world he was in didn't write in English. Calligraphic and Gaelic-like symbols simply appeared on the page as he tried to read, seemingly weaving and blending in between each other-as a picture might do with colors.

Phil tossed it on the ground, now moving past what looked like an old reception desk, riddled with termites and broken foundations, then into the main part of the library. Everywhere he turned; it was the same story-nothing different, aside from the same broken items and old books. As he moved his vision around the room, something caught his eye. Up ahead, in the very center of the library, there was something shining at him-much like a twinkle in the sky would at night. It seemed to be calling to him, drawing him closer-and, slowly...cautiously, he moved forwards towards it.

_What beauty could possibly be found in such a ruined place like this? _

Upon closer inspection he found, to his surprise, that the object was actually a large gleaming emerald the size of his fist, set upon a silver gem stand in the middle of the library. His eyes went wide with amazement as he looked on with adoration at the pretty gem. Being an intellectual-and of course and a nice person, he knew never to take something that wasn't his-especially when it was so obviously and painstakingly set out like this...

And, in a corner, sapphire eyes watched Phil's every move with astuteness as Phil reached up to touch the gem.


The professor examined the jewel carefully feeling the cold surface beneath his fingers as he handled the thing-not to steal it, but to feel and to fully appreciate its beauty. He smiled at the smooth touch and vast texture of the emerald, then, frowned in puzzlement as he looked around a second time for the owner.

_I wonder why someone would leave this here? _


The creature's eyes quickly turned from anger to interest, as it watched the small human feel the pretty gem-its' property. From the shadows, it allowed itself a smile at the human-not only on account of its' cuteness, but also with regards to its intoxicating scent. With barely a sound, the creature stealthily moved from its place in the shadows to just behind Phil, as he continued to examine the gemstone. The creature sniffed the human more closely and smiled, its' eyes glazing over in longing and hunger...

As he was looking at the gem, Phil noticed something odd-the air blowing behind him and ruffling his hair was significantly warmer than the cool breezes touching his face. His eyes widened greatly at his realization that he was not alone-and ever so casually, he began to circle the gem. The attempt to see whatever was behind him failed-the creature simply followed with Phil, making sure that it was always behind him, as the professor moved carefully around the gem.

Nervousness making him breathe a little harder now, Phil reached the opposite side of the stand and saw nothing in front of him-but the same musky air hit him from behind.

_Maybe I can see a reflection in the gem? _He checked the gem-nothing, but a black reflection in the gem's glossy surface. He took one deep breath and prepared to run.


The creature saw Phil's legs tense up, noticed an anxiousness around him-probably because the human had discovered its presence and was about to run.

_Let him will be good hunting. He will not escape, of course... _

The creature simply hid its' tail by the gem stand, and waited patiently to see what the human would do.

_____________________________________________ _Now! _

Phil bolted off to the left of the stand towards the door he came in, careful not to trip over the splintered beams or ancient, broken books overlapping on the floor. He got about ten feet-before black, snake-like coils wrapped around his middle and lifted him up to face the huge, black muzzle of a dragon with deep sapphire eyes-and worse yet, a toothy grin with some very sharp looking teeth. Phil was rendered speechless as the creature stared at him-this was one of his greatest dreams, yet worst nightmares. The thing growled softly, and he instantly knew that he was going to die if he couldn't get out of this creature's grasp-but he was paralyzed by awe and fear. All Phil could do is stare at the shimmering, black dragon-even as the creature started licking him fervently on his face and chest, as it skillfully removed Phil's shoes and socks with its tail. It was not until the cold air hit his feet that Phil snapped out of his silence, gasping in sudden realization, yelping as he was then given several warm licks to the face by the creature's giant tongue.

"P....please, m...mighty dragon don't kill me....I, please, I d...don't want to..." With a jolt, Phil realized what might be about to happen, and he instantly lost his voice, his face a show of shock and horror.

The dragon's tasting and sniffing...It made him feel like an entrée.

_Oh...oh no... _

The dragon stopped for a minute, then shook its' head-as if to say 'no'-then continued licking.

" what?"

Phil was pondering at the dragon's meaning-but then he saw the creature open its' maw wide above him, revealing a deep red mouth with glistening saliva, shining white fangs, and a giant tongue, as it continued to lick him. Phil almost screamed as the creature started to lick with more feeling now, the strokes getting faster.

"No, P-please, d-don't eat me! Any-anything but that-I beg you, please-", Phil's eyes filled with tears, as he tried to struggle and kick his way out of the coils binding him.

And the creature saw the thing crying and screaming in absolute fear and almost...felt for the little human. It didn't want hurt it, after all.

_But so, so hungry... _

Phil was lifted straight above the hungry maw, and he looked down-a big mistake. As soon as he saw the pulsing throat and beckoning tongue, shivers of terror went right through his body, and he screamed and cried some more.

_Is this...The end? _

The tail releases its tight grip and Phil's small body descended rapidly through the air, landing on the wet tongue as the maw closed tightly, sealing his fate. Phil grabbed the tongue in pure anger, and started beating it, then began trying to kick his way out, crying heavily the whole time,

"I didn't do a-anything to you! Why are you doing this?!?"

The dragon's eyes started dripping, even as it tasted and savored the human's flavor-it was feeling very sad for doing this to the nice creature.

Phil's adrenaline quickly drained, and his stamina was siphoned away by the heat of the maw, the tongue's almost loving rubs as it wrapped around every part of him and licked him everywhere. He squealed a little as the tongue slid across some more sensitive regions, going under his shirt to slide across his chest. The professor could almost swear the dragon was cooing, almost as if it was trying to calm him down...but why?

If it were just an evil creature, why would it want to do that?

And then it was all over-the dragon began swallowing hungrily, sending Phil's frail body into the energetic and warm throat. Phil's head and chest were sucked into the creature's gullet swiftly and began to be massaged and pressed downward towards his doom. He cried with a fury as he descended lower and lower-as the dragon was planning on digesting him alive, a slow and painful death indeed.

Fleshy and wet forms pushed and stroked the human's frail and weak body, miraculously not crushing the thing as Phil descended lower into the dragon, quickly becoming only a knot in its throat to be watched insultingly, as he slowly mad his way to the cavity of pain and death. Through what felt like hours of slowly being pushed down the gullet of muscle, Phil thought only of his lost friends Jim and Mark; realizing that now, he really would never see them again as he went to face his fate.

And outside, the dragon purred and growled affectionately as the human slid softly into the wet chamber of muscle and saliva. With a yawn, the creature proceeded to go to the sublevels of the library to rest and enjoy its meal...

Phil simply sighed as he fell into the stomach-no longer yelling, screaming, or crying. He'd lost all hope, given up now-he touched the soft muscle, feeling the tingling of the assorted liquids around his body.

And as he starts to lose consciousness from the heat he stared into the warm, wet darkness and lets out one final more tear.

_And so my dream became real and reality became the nightmare... _

And then his eyes closed, and his body slumped against the chamber of acid and saliva.

As if he'd been living déjà vu, specks of black and gray again, permeated his vision, as he began to awaken from his slumber. His hands and face were on something soft and he could feel something leathery on his bare back. He realized that his shirt was off and that he was laying on something rough but warming. He tried to get up but could only sit up a little. He looked behind him and gasped with amazement as he noticed that he was wrapped up in soft, leathery wings and had been resting on a 'scaly chest'. Phil looked up quickly and saw the same dragon that'd eaten him smiling at him lovingly-and then it licked his lips playfully.

Phil sat down on the dragon's warm belly, not sure what to make of this-and suddenly, a soft, lilting voice resonated in his head.

_Are you okay human? _

Phil looked around but didn't see anyone or any other person...And yet, the voice continued to speak in his mind:

_I am truly sorry for causing you so much fear and pain-that was not my intention, dear one. _Phil felt more and more confused-the dragon simply continued to look at him, but it did not move.

_Who is talking to me...and why is it apologizing? _Phil wondered, as he continued to survey his surroundings.

_I can see your confusion Phil-but please don't be scared, for I would never, ever bring harm to you. Again, I'm sorry or eating you, I....I was just so hungry and tired, and you seemed so nice and tasted so good..." _Something clicked the-Phil stopped and gasped, turning back to face the dragon, who just smiled down at him and started purring.

"Is t-that you t-talking mister dragon?"

_Yes it is, little one. I cannot speak verbally, but you can hear me in your mind. I'm truly sorry we met the way we did, but I will make it up to you-you are quite welcome to stay with me. You seem to be very, very lost and alone... _

Phil started crying again and got up, literally running to the dragon's head and hugging its' neck. "T-thank you f-for not killing me. Thank you so much...I-I thought you were going to digest me slowly, I thought you were an evil dragon, I'm so very alone and lost and sad..." Phil murmured, continuing to cry and hug the neck of the scaly creature. The dragon released a few tears too and putting a claw gently around Phil, and hugged him back.

Well, I am here Phil, you are safe and I will never hurt you. You won't be alone anymore little one-the voice was accompanied by a passionate nuzzle.

"T-thank you...Um, if I may ask sir, w-what should I call you?"

_You can call me Sev dear one...I do hope that you'll forgive me for my rash actions. _

The characteristic smile flashed across Phil's features. "I forgive you Sev...I mean, you were just hungry and didn't really hurt me...And it did feel kind of good even if it also felt weird, being licked in some spots..." Sev growled loudly and wrapped his wings around Phil, cuddling him close.

Sleep now little one, we'll talk in the morning...Thank you for understanding-I promise I won't do it again....without permission, that is, Sev 'said', his voice full of joy now that he had been forgiven. Phil giggled loudly and lay on the warm tummy, rubbing it to the tune of a happy purr.

_What's so funny, Phil? _

"Oh nothing-You just remind me of a very dear friend I once knew..." Phil murmured as he drifted off happily to sleep...


Hope you enjoyed it. I hope that these two parts together made a really enjoyable story, if not well, dang it ha but, thanks for your continued support of my work!

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