Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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"So what's first? Are we gonna play charades? Oh wait, what about Ghost stories? Or even better, a pillow fight!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hopped around the library.

Applejack watched as the pink pony bounced past, her head bobbing as she replied, "What about pin the tail on the pony?" then leaned against a bookshelf as she unintentionally pushed a book out from the shelf which began to fall to the ground.

Rainbow Dash quickly dived to catch the book much to Twilight's relief and placed it back in the bookshelf. "Lame! How about an athletic contest! To see who the most athletic pony is?" she suggested much to the annoyance of the farm pony as she hovered over to Twilight.

"I don't think that will do darling. How about a contest to see who is the most fashionable?" Rarity replied with a coy smirk as she walked up her sleeping bag and sat down.

"We all know you'd win that one hooves down Rarity." Twilight remarked with a knowing look at the fashionista whom simply giggled to herself.

"Um, How about a drinking game?" Fluttershy's voice asked softly which caused everypony to snap their gaze at the yellow Pegasus, each one looking a little more slack-jawed than the last.

"A drinking game? I've read about them but what do we use for it?" Twilight asked still recovering from the slightly jarring yet brave suggestion by the Pegasus.

"Oh, I got it! We each tell some of our best jokes and anypony who laughs takes a drink!" Pinkie Pie suggested as she sat down on her sleeping bag.

"You just wanna get wasted Pinkie, we all know you'd be the first to go through your bottle in no time flat! You laugh at everything." Rainbow Dash remarked with an eye-rolling gesture.

"Do not!" Pinkie pie protested.

"Do too!" Rainbow Dash retorted back.

"Doooooo nooooot!" Pinkie Pie shouted back looking as if she was getting a little upset with the cyan blue Pegasus now.

"My dear, you drink so much, you would drink Applejack in the right conditions!" Rarity quipped with a smirk.

Pinkie Pie's gaze snapped in Rarity's direction with a beat red blush on her face. "Would not!" She protested quietly.

"How bout' y'all act like mares instead of fillies who haven't even went through their first heat cycles yet." Applejack remarked with an annoyed blush at the three only for the four to begin to argue amongst each other for sometime.

"Enough! All of three of you!" Twilight's voice erupted as she rubbed her temple with a hoof and sighed. "Lets just stick with Pinkie's idea since no pony else seems to be thinking up any other ideas." she finished and sighed.

"Fine." Rainbow Dash conceded.

"Okay with me." Applejack chimed in moments after.

"Oki-doki-loki!" Pinkie Pie replied with a smirk.

"Applejack, do be a darling and pass the bottles, would you?" Rarity said finally after a few moments of silence to which the farm mare walked around the room and gave each pony a bottle of apple cider.

"Okay everypony, lets all get comfortable." Twilight said with a smirk as she sat down on her sleeping bag as the others followed suit.

"So who gets to tell the first joke?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously as the six sat in a circle looking at one another.

"Since it was Pinkie's idea. I think she should get to tell the first joke." Twilight replied after a few moments in thought.

The others looked at each other and nodded silently in agreement as the pink mare barely contained her excitement. "Okay! So these two unicorns walk into a bar and one says to the other, I don't know you but I'm feeling a little horny!" She said putting emphasis on her final word as she stiffed a snickering giggle.

"Really? That's the best you could come up with?" Rainbow Dash asked gesturing her right front hoof with a bored expression.

"Ah think we missed the point of that joke Pinkie." Applejack jeered with a smirk only to snap her gaze over to Twilight as she laughed aloud.

"Ha,ha,ha! A unicorn's horn is pointy! I get it! Haha!" Twilight exclaimed between laughs as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Uh, Twi, Ah wasn't really crackin' a joke thar." Applejack replied as she shifted on her sleeping bag.

"Joke or not, Twilight laughed so she's gotta take a drink!" Rainbow Dash chimed in with a grin as she pointed at the Alicorn whom abruptly stopped laughing at stared at the five.

Twilight used her magic to lift up the bottle, stared at it for a moment before sighing aloud"Oh horseapples." she said dismally before she popped the lid off, took a quick drink and recoiled slightly as the beverage sailed down her throat.

"Ya act like ya never had an swig of cider before Twi." Applejack jeered with a smirk as she looked at Twilight's expression slowly change from a cringe to a slight blush.

"This stuff tastes a lot stronger than the cider you usually offer during cider season Applejack. I wasn't prepared for it to taste so..." Twilight said trailing off as she struggled to think of the proper word. "Alcoholy." she finally finished though she knew it wasn't a real word, she couldn't think of anything else.

"Ah let this batch mature a little more than the others so Ah guess it's gonna have more of a kick than mah usual cider. Sorry for not givin' ya a warnin' ahead of time." Applejack replied as she scratched the back of her with a slightly guilty expression.

"Ohh! I can't wait to try this stuff then!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she popped the lid off and attempted to take a swig only for Applejack to place a hoof over the lid with a disapproving look.

"Don't be takin a swig until ya laugh. Those are the rules." Applejack said as she lowered the bottle to the floor.

As if in reply to this, the pink mare laughed loudly for no apparent reason, took a swig from the bottle, and gave a dreamy expression as she shuddered slightly at the taste. "What? I laughed." She quipped at the sight of the farm mare's annoyed expression with a grin to which Applejack's hoof collided with her forehead along with an annoyed groan.

"Okay, who's next?" Applejack asked as she rested the hoof that had previously impacted with her forehead to the sleeping bag.

"Well since I laughed, I guess I should go next." Twilight replied and placed a hoof on her chin in thought.

"This should be good." Rainbow Dash remarked sarcastically with a smirk and a wink as her head rolled over the length of her shoulders until it faced Applejack whom snickered softly in response.

After a short time, Twilight's eyes lit up with a sense of mischief about them along with a grin. "Okay so the other day, I sent Princess Celestia a huge pile of snow. I sent her a letter a few days later asking, Did you get my drift?'' She finished with a wide grin.

Rainbow Dash was the mare to crack up laughing this time around. "Oh wow, I didn't expect you to come up with gold like that Twilight! Good one!" she remarked only to realize she now had to take a drink. "Oh well, bottoms up!" she said and took a drink of her bottle of cider. Unlike the other two, she didn't recoil or shudder in the slightest.

"Eh, it could be twenty percent stronger." She remarked with a cheesy grin as she looked at Applejack.

"So funny Ah forgot laugh R-D. By the way, it's your turn. Try to make me laugh, Ah dare ya." Applejack replied as she gave the cyan blue Pegasus a swat on the rump.

"Watch the merchandise A-J!" The cyan blue Pegasus retorted with a slight blush before she turned to face the others. "Okay, so here goes... A foal-hole is like the weather, when it gets wet, it's time to go in!" She shouted enthusiastically.

Instead of laughing however, everypony blushed beat red at the Pegasus. "Is that even a joke?" Rarity asked with a slightly annoyed sporting a redder blush than usual.

"You can't tell me you don't get the joke? I mean we're all mares here for pony's sake." Rainbow dash replied defensively.

"No, we get it but it's not funny." Twilight remarked her blush still prominent as she shuffled uncomfortably on her sleeping bag.

"Good try thar surgarcube but your punchline fell short of a knockout." Applejack jeered with a cheesy grin as she tipped her hat to the Pegasus.

"Okay lady puns-a-alot! Lets hear one of your whoppers then!" Rainbow Dash retorted as she playfully knocked Applejack's hat off her head.

"Ah'd be happy to oblige that request." The farm mare replied and cleared her throat. "So Apple Fritter's foal was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the little filly was up to, he politely asked: What are you up to there? And she replied: My goldfish died and I've just buried him." Her neighbor was concerned as to why the hole was so big so he asked her why the hole was as big as it was and she replied: That's because he's inside your buckin' cat." Applejack finished with a big grin.

It took a few moments for the joke to set in but once it had, everypony in the room except for Rarity burst out laughing.

"That was a terrible joke Applejack." Rarity replied with a slight glare at the farm pony.

"Oh, lighten up Rarity, you just didn't find it funny because you have a cat!" Rainbow Dash jeered between laughs.


"Okay, I think that's enough of(hic!)that game." Twilight replied as she placed her bottle of cider down which was nearly empty now.

The only pony's bottle which still had about three-fourths still remaining was... Ironically, Pinkie Pie's.

"You five laugh too easily!" Pinkie Pie jeered with a smirk at the five.

"Oh stick a(hic!)bottle in it." Applejack retorted as she rolled her eyes at the pink mare.

"So what's next Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously despite the fact her bottle was empty, the cyan blue Pegasus seemed to be able to handle herself quite well despite the fact her face clearly showed a drunken blush.

Twilight clumsily levitated the book over to her nearly hitting Fluttershy and Rarity upside the head with the book as the book approached her. "Um, wow, I can barely read this!" Twilight remarked as she squinted her eyes at the page.

"Whoa nelly y'all, Twilight's worst nightmare's comin' to life!" Applejack jeered which caused everypony in the room to laugh hysterically at this despite the fact it wasn't all that funny.

"Shove an apple up your(hic!)foal-hole A-J, I can still make out the(hic!)bucking words." Twilight snapped at the farm pony which caused everypony to stare at Twilight in shock at the vulgar language that up till now didn't think the Alicorn was capable of.

"No need to get rude now." Applejack replied as she crossed her hooves in front of her face on the sleeping bag and rested her head on her left front leg with an annoyed expression.

Twilight's eyes soon fell upon a set of bold letters she could make out. "Truth or Dare." She said finally to which the other five looked up at her in curiosity.

"Oh yeah! Time to make you ponies spill your guts or do some embarrassing stuff!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she jumped off her sleeping bag, did a mid-air loop, and landed back on her sleeping bag.

"Booorrring!" Pinkie Pie's voice erupted much to the cyan blue Pegasus's annoyance.

"I'm afraid I'll have agree with Pinkie, Truth or dare is dreadfully boring. You never know if the pony is actually telling the truth." Rarity remarked with a slight hiccup of her own only to place a hoof over her mouth with an embarrassed blush.

"Then maybe I should make things more interesting." Twilight said with a devious smirk at the five as her horn glowed for a few moments and a purple mist sprayed over all six mares.

"Uh, Twi, what did ya just do?" Applejack asked curiously with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"A truth spell. When anypony asks a question, the other will be forced to tell the truth no matter what as long as the game continues." Twilight replied quickly only to go slightly wide-eyed. "Oh wow, I meant to keep it a secret. Looks like the spell affected me too. I could have sworn I had focused it only on you five." she finished as her eyes darted upward with an annoyed glare at her horn.

"How do we know if it's worn off?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"The spell is designed to go away when(hic!)all six of us agree to end the game." The Alicorn replied simply.

"Well, this does make things interesting. Who goes first?" Rarity asked as she looked about the room at the other five.

"Me! Let me go first!" Rainbow Dash eagerly shouted.

"Fine. Rainbow Dash you go first." Twilight replied simply.

"Okay, Truth or Dare Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash as she turned to look at the pink mare.

"Hmm, Dare!" Pinkie Pie replied enthusiastically.

"Okay, I dare you, to not drink anymore of your cider until somepony else dares you to!" Rainbow Dash replied with a grin to which Pinkie Pie made an overly exaggerated shocked gasp complete with the jaw dropping gesture until she narrowed her eyes at Rainbow Dash.

"Oki... Doki... Loki..." She replied slowly though her voice sounded mildly hostile as she spoke.

"Your turn Pinkie." Twilight said after a few moments more of Pinkie Pie's narrowed glare at the cyan blue Pegasus at which point she snapped her head at Twilight with her usual grin.

"Hmm...." She said as she pondered who she could ask until her eyes lit up with a mischievous grin. "Truth or Dare, Fluttershy?" she asked the yellow Pegasus whose eyes snapped wide fearfully for a moment due to being put on the spot suddenly.

"Okay um... Truth?" She replied hoping to avoid being forced to do anything she didn't want to.

"Oh wow, I was sure you would choose dare, I gotta think about this one." Pinkie Pie replied and once again sat in place deep in thought. "I got it! What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?" she asked at which point Fluttershy's eyes snapped wide in shock and her mouth opened without her telling it to.

"I slept with Discord in hopes that it would reform him." She replied only to slap her hooves over her mouth with a tearful expression.


All five mares exclaimed nearly simultaneously.

"When and how did you do this?!" Rainbow Dash asked without thinking only to regret asking the question moments later as she recalled that the truth spell was still active. "Wait, don't answer that!" She added moments later however she was too late and much to Fluttershy's embarrassment and horror she began to recite the events that lead up to the deed...


**SOME SECRETS ARE BETTER LEFT UNTOLD...** The sun began to set on a day just like any other but this day was different. Today Twilight would have her second ever sleepover with not just one best friend but all five! Pinkie Pie had come up with the...

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Chapter 1 Hire for higher goes fire to retire.txt

This Fic was a Commission by [kchishol1970](%5C) on i certainly hope he likes it. this is my first time doing a commission and there are still two more slots open for anyone who wants to request a commission.^^ TAIL SPIN Love troubles...

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The Unnatural lady

THE UNNATURAL LADY Based on a true story.... Chapter 1: THE OUTCAST AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story I am writing is the a life story of a dear friend of mine. Though names and identities have been changed to protect the people involved with...

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