Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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The sun began to set on a day just like any other but this day was different. Today Twilight would have her second ever sleepover with not just one best friend but all five! Pinkie Pie had come up with the idea and even Twilight had to admit despite her earlier protests that it was a good idea for the six to spend some quality time with each other.

After all, with Twilight's new princessly duties taking up a lot of her time, the six have scarcely had a picnic in three months time. The Alicorn lifted a list in front of her face along with a quill. "Sleeping Bags..." She remarked as she looked over her checklist to see six neatly placed sleeping bags, each colored to match each mares fur color along with their cutiemarks brazened on the top of each one.

"Check!" She confirmed as she made a swift check-mark on her list and moved to the second item in her list. "Spike sent to Canterlot for the night... Check!" She exclaimed though with a slight ping of guilt in her voice as she marked this item off her list. While she enjoyed the company of her number one assistant, she also knew that Pinkie Pie has defined this event as a "Mare's only event." and having a male in the house, even a baby dragon, might ruin the atmosphere that only a mare exclusive sleepover can bring.

"Refreshments..." The Alicorn remarked as she hovered a few bowls of popcorn and apple juice onto a small desk with a content smile. "Check!"

"Sleepover book..." She remarked as she hovered a book brazened with two pillows on it over to her and placed it on the floor. "Check!"

Twilight's eyes now fell upon the last item in her list that she couldn't check off just yet. "All five friends accounted for..." She said and rolled up the scroll with her magic before placing it on the table. "Can't check that off for another two hours at least." She remarked with a proud smirk.

With plenty of time on her hooves until her sleepover, the Alicorn levitated the latest Daring Do book in front of her, opened it up at the bookmark she had placed, and began to read it until the others arrived.

Pinkie Pie was the first to arrive with no shock to Twilight as the hyperactive pink mare hopped in through her front door with a chipper grin on her face. "No pony is here yet?" She remarked with a slight frown as she looked around.

"Sorry, not yet Pinkie. You got here ten minutes early after all." Twilight replied with a warm smile before burrying her nose back into her book.

"Oh! You're right! Silly me!" She quipped with a giggle. "Whatcha reading?" She asked curiously as she peaked over the Alicorn's shoulder.

"The latest Daring Do book. I'm especially interested to see how A.K. Yearling will write us into this one as we played a hoof in helping her defeat Ahuizotl." The lavender Alicorn replied though her eyes never left the pages of the book as she spoke.

"Yours truly helps her save the day!" A familiar voice said at which point the annoyed mare looked up to see Rainbow Dash hovering just above her. "No spoilers please!" She snapped with a glare at the cyan blue Pegasus.

"Oh come on, Twilight! We all know how it ends! We were there remember?" Rainbow Dash replied with a smirk.

"Yes but-" Twilight began to protest as she looked away from her book only to suddenly realize that Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity had arrived already as well. "Oh well, I guess I'll read this another day." She remarked reluctantly as she placed her bookmark in the book, closed it, and set it neatly into the bookshelf.

"Did I interrupt your reading time? I'm sorry." Fluttershy's soft voice remarked in an apologetic manner.

"It's quite alright, Fluttershy. It is time for our sleepover after all and I can't spend the entire time reading a book now can I?" Twilight replied as she walked over to Fluttershy and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

"Says the mare who plans to use be usin this again." Applejack quipped with a coy smirk as she held Twilight's sleepover guidebook.

"That's different Applejack, it's a guide not a- wait a second, is that Apple Cider?" The Alicorn began to defend herself only to cut herself off as she noticed the small keg of bottles laying next to the farm pony.

"You bet it is! Ah figured it could liven things up a tad. Course Ah can easily get rid of the stuff if yer not up to drinkin. Can't expect everypony to enjoy the stuff." The farm mare replied as she tipped her hat to the lavender mare in a respectful manner.

Twilight hesitated a moment in thought, she wasn't against the idea but she worried that it might affect her perfectly planned sleepover. She finally decided to leave it up to a majority vote. "Is everypony okay with this?"

"I got no problem with that. This sleepover is supposed to be fun after all!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Drunk Sleepover! Woo!" Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly as she ran over the keg to grab a bottle only for Applejack to swat her hoof away.

"I don't see a problem with it darling. Social drinking isn't a crime after all." Rarity remarked as she flicked her mane up in a nonchalant manner with a hoof.

Everypony now looked to Fluttershy whom hadn't said a word yet. "I, um, don't mind..." She said softly before hiding behind her mane.

"Ya sure bout that surgarcube? This here is a mutual agreement and if one of us ain't okay with it, then none of us are. Isn't that right everypony?" Applejack replied to which everypony make vocal responses of agreement to this as they looked at the shy mare.

"No, I mean yes, I mean, [size=0.5em]it's okay[/size]..." she replied her voice hushing to a mere whisper by the end of her sentence.

"If you're sure." Applejack replied and then looked at Twilight. "Well since we have that out-of-the-way, let's get started! What's first Twilight?" Applejack asked as she looked at the Alicorn.

"Well first thing, first." Twilight replied with a smirk as she lifted the scroll she had held up earlier. "All my friends present and accounted for... Check!" She exclaimed with a wide smile before she rolled the scroll back up and placed it down.

Chapter 1 Hire for higher goes fire to retire.txt

This Fic was a Commission by [kchishol1970](%5C) on i certainly hope he likes it. this is my first time doing a commission and there are still two more slots open for anyone who wants to request a commission.^^ TAIL SPIN Love troubles...

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